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Running head: WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT 1

Week 2 Assignment
Gloria Elmore
HS!"#: S$iritualit%& Health& and Healing
Instru'tor: (enni)er *ro+n
A$ril 2,& 2-1!
Week 2 Assignment
What should I do i) $atients or their )amil% ask me to $ra% +ith them.
/irst a s$iritual assessment must 0e in $la'e )or the $atient1 20tain a 'om$lete s$iritual histor%1
Su$$ort the 0elie)s o) the $atient& and res$e't that these 0elie)s ser3e a $ur$ose and a))e't the
$atient4s a0ilit% to 'o$e 56oung 7 Koo$sen& 2-11& $1 ",81 9ra% +ith the $atient i) the $atient
+ishes and re:uest it1 9ro3ide s$iritual 'are in a gentle& lo3ing sensiti3e& 'om$assionate manner1
Re)er to s$iritual 'are $ro3iders +hen ne'essar%1 Re)rain )rom 'om$eting +ith other s$iritual
'are $ro3iders& su'h as 'ha$lains& to $ro3ide 'are )or the $atient 56oung 7 Koo$sen& 2-11& $1
",81 M% de'ision to $ra% +ith the $atient 0e'ause o) ethi'al issues +ouldn4t get in the +a%
unless it in3ol3ed 'oer'ion1 9ra%er is an im$ortant $art o) the healing $ro'ess1 I +ould set aside
an% $ersonal 'on)li'ts that I had and hel$ the $atient sear'h )or their o+n meaning during times
o) su))ering& )rustration& and 3ulnera0ilit% 5/ren'h 7 Nara%anasam%& 2-1181
Ho+ 'an I gi3e s$iritual 'are +ithout undul% in)luen'ing the $atient or the )amil%.
lini'al 9astoral Edu'ation 59E8 +ill edu'ate a health'are $ro3ider ho+ to minister $atients )or
the s$iritual healing o) di))erent )aiths other than %our o+n 5/ren'h 7 Nara%anasam%& 2-1181
The% 'all this ;one )aith edu'ation<1 It is im$ortant to 0e sensiti3e to the $atient4s 0elie)s and not
to $ush %our o+n 0elie)s on them1 It is im$ortant to $ra%er )or a $atient in an a$$ro$riate
manner1 The ethi'al $rin'i$le o) autonom% is used so the $atient must 0ear the 'onse:uen'es o)
their de'ision making 5Morse& 2-1-& (ul%81 It is the $atient4s )reedom o) 'hoi'e to ha3e s$iritual
'are1 I) the health'are $ro3ider trul% 0elie3es in his or her o+n s$iritualit% 0elie)s then the% 'an
hel$ ser3e the $atient4s s$iritual 'are +ithout in)luen'ing their 0elie)s into the 'are1
an I gi3e s$iritual 'are i) the $atient or the )amil% is o) a di))erent )aith.
A''ording to our te=t& ;The health'are $ro3ider4s o+n s$iritualit% has a $o+er)ul im$a't on his
or her a0ilit% to $ro3ide s$iritual 'are& as do a num0er o) other 0arriers that 'an arise +hen tr%ing
to deli3er s$iritual 'are< 56oung 7 Koo$sen& 2-11& $1 ",81 I) a health'are $ro3ider has
kno+ledge on 3arious 'ultural 0elie)s& and are strong in their o+n s$iritual 0elie)s& +ill 0e o$en
minded to other4s 0elie)s and set aside their o+n1 The onl% ethi'al issue +ould 0e i) it +as
0reaking the la+ or something against m% 0elie)s1 Some $eo$le 'an 0e o))ended 0% $ra%er 0eing
o))ered to them& it needs to 0e a$$roa'hed gentl%1 Health'are $ro3iders need to 0e tolerant and
edu'ated in multi>)aiths1
Should I initiate $ra%er )or a $atient or )amil%.
The health'are $ro3ider should +ait )or the $atient or the )amil% to initiate $ra%er unless the%
ha3e $ermission to do so1 Initiating $ra%er should onl% take $la'e i) the health'are $ro3ider
kno+s +ithout a dou0t that the $atient +ould +el'ome it 5Morse& 2-1-& (ul%81 9ra%er should
ne3er 0e $ushed on $atients 0e'ause it is disres$e't)ul and ma% 'ause distress1 It 'ould harm the
healing $ro'ess and o))end them1
Is it unethi'al to $ra% )or a $atient +ithout his or her 'onsent.
9ra%er is like an% other treatment& it is disres$e't)ul to $ra%er +ithout 'onsent o) the $atient1 It
+ould 3iolate the $atient4s $ersonal rights& and disregards the autonom% o) the $atient 5Winslo+
7 Winslo+& 2--"81 Sometimes it is im$ossi0le to get the $atients 'onsent& su'h as i) the% +ere
un'ons'ious& the nurse must look )or the 0est interest o) the $atient1 Health'are $ro3iders +ho
ha3e good intentions 5'om$assion& 'aring& and lo3e8 under these 'ir'umstan'es are 'onsidered
$ra%ing ethi'all%1 A''ording to *artlett 52--,8 ;The Mental a$a'it% A't 52--#8 states that& in
this situation& the nurse must ?a't to $ro3ide 'are or treatment in the 0est interests o) the $atient&
and the a't +ill 0e treated as though the $atient had 'onsented to it< 5as 'ited in Winslo+ 7
Winslo+& 2--"81 Ethi'al issues +ould 0e i) the $atient did not ha3e a s$iritual assessment and
$ra%er +as against the $atient4s 0elie)s1 onsent +ould need to 0e esta0lished ahead o) time1
/ren'h& 1& 7 Nara%anasam%& A1 52-1181 To $ra% or not to $ra%: a :uestion o) ethi's1 British
Journal of Nursing& 2051,8& 11@,>12-!1
Morse& A1 R1 52-1-& (ul%81 E3iden'e )or S$iritual Healing>21 Journal of Spirituality &
Paranormal Studies1 $$1 121>1221
6oung& 1 7 Koo$sen1 1 52-1181 S$iritualit%& Health and Healing: An Integrati3e A$$roa'h
52nd ed181 Sud0ur%& MA: (ones and *artlett1 IS*N: @B,-BC"BB@!2@1
Winslo+& G1 R1 9hA 7 Winslo+& *1 W1 9hA& RN 52--"& (ul%DAugust81 E=amining the Ethi's o)
9ra%ing +ith 9atients1 Holistic Nursing Practice. 175!8 $1 1B->1BB1

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