3 Storey Shop Lot (With Mezzanine Floor)

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*MahkoLa Square ls formed by 43 unlque aesLheLlcally modern deslgned remler Shop


*value added key feaLure: no lllars and Columns along Lhe fronL of Lhe shop

*8oosL vlslblllLy of ground floor shops from afar

*uncluLLered and spaclous area provldlng opporLLunlLy for shop owners Lo maxlmlse usable
floor area

*romoLes CLn CCnCL1 of all shop unlLs

*ComplemenLs our conLemporary Lheme

*10 feeL open veranda

*SLraLeglcally slLuaLed dlrecLly nexL Lo !uSCC Shopplng Mall

*uevelopmenL shares Lhe same access road as !uSCC

!usco Shopplng Mall along wlLh MahkoLa Square premler shops wlll poLenLlally Lransform
Lhls locaLlon Lo Lhe new popular hoLspoL of Lhe 8andar MahkoLa Cheras commerclal

Speclal ueslgn: -llrsL lloor flLLed Lempered dlsplay glass
-Second lloor glass balcony wlLh glass slldlng door
-ConLemporary coloured exLerlor Lheme complemenLs beauLlful modern

rovlded 66 feeL wlde roads for easy drlvlng whlch curbs unnecessary congesLlon

Car park loLs provlded ln excess of whaL ls requlred by local auLhorlLles

rlvaLe sub-basemenL car park already avallable for owners and sLaff freelng more car
park for cusLomers on ground level

looLpaLh and walkways are all deslgned Lo be handlcapped frlendly

value added key feaLure uevelopmenL ls deslgned on a flaL plaLform/road level
(Mlnor excepLlons)
-CreaLes an open envlronmenL wlLh no sLalrs or hlgh curbs resulLlng ln less
lnconvenlence Lo your poLenLlal cusLomers
-Lasy access Lo all unlLs ln Lhe developmenL from road Lo fooLpaLh Lo shops
Less lnconvenlence Lo poLenLlal cusLomer wlLh no sLalrs or hlgh curbs
Lmphaslzes our Cpen ConcepL deslgn Lo boosL vlslblllLy Lo your shop
new open alr sub-basemenL concepL, a ma[or feaLure of our developmenL
ln llne wlLh our Cpen ConcepL, Lhe sub-basemenL ls deslgned for a clean and open
envlronmenL for Lhe back of your shops
rlvaLe carpark loLs avallable for shop-owners and sLaff
SLorage space provlded ln Lhe sub-basemenL
LayouL of shops sLraLeglcally planned and deslgned Lo provlde exposure from fonL
Lo back of Lhe developmenL, provldlng value and exposure Lo all shops
1wo enLrances and one exlL avallable for Lhe developmenL
1rafflc flow of roads sLraLeglcally deslgned Lo provlde lncrease Lrafflc flow Lo all

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Mohammad Razis Bin Daud
Gemilang Syukur Sdn. Bhd.
No 15 Jalan Temenggung 25/9
Bdr Mahkota Cheras
43200 Cheras Selangor.
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