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Major Biomes

1. Pramo
Temperature: fluctuates daily, can go from below freezing to 30C. As you go to higher altitudes,
the temperature decreases
Moisture: continuous moisture due to rain, clouds, and fog. May receive over 2000mm of rain per
Characteristics of vegetation: There are 3 major types of vegetation distributed throughout three
zones: superpramo, grass pramo and subpramo. Tussock and bunch grasses can be found in all
three zones. The superpramo is home to a number of endemic species, one of them from the
carrot family and a few others from flowering plant families such as daisies and peas. The
subpramo features shrubs and woody vegetation, and even small forests. This area, however, is
the most disrupted by humans and therefore has a lot of introduced species and deforestation.
2. Cloud forest
Temperature: average temperatures range between 8 to 20C
Moisture: Very high moisture, from 500 to 10000mm of rainfall per year
Characteristics of vegetation: Short, heavy-stemmed trees. Leaves are small, thick and hard,
becoming more so in higher altitudes. High moisture allows for plants such as orchids and
3. Tropical rainforest
Temperature: Hot year-round temperatures, can range from 25 to 30C.
Moisture: Very high precipitation rates, reaching 250mm per year. High humidity values, around
Characteristics of vegetation: Tall evergreen trees with straight trunks and smooth barks. The
forest floor features plants adapted to low light.
4. Boreal forest
Temperature: Usually cold, temperatures vary from -5C to 5C.
Moisture: relatively low precipitation during the year, features some rain during the summer, but
an also have fog and snow. Because precipitation exceeds evaporation, this biome tends to be wet.
Characteristics of vegetation: Coniferous trees, densely packed. Also mosses and lichens can be
5. Desert (hot and dry)
Temperature: Daily extremes, with average temperature ranges from 20 to 25 C. Extreme
maximum temperatures range from 43-49 C. Minimum temperatures sometimes go below -15 C.
Moisture: Very low rainfall, usually comes in concentrated short bursts. Evaporation usually
exceeds precipitation, hence the dry denomination. Rainfall is usually less than 30cm per year,
with some years being completely rainless.
Characteristics of vegetation: Ground shrubs and short woody trees. Leaves tend to be thick and
small. Cacti are prevalent.
6. Grassland
Temperature: Average annual temperatures range from -5C to 20C. Some grasslands are warmer
(tropical grasslands or savannas) or colder (temperate grasslands).
Moisture: annual precipitation can range between 600mm and 1500mm
Characteristics of vegetation: Mainly grasses, some woody plants, shrubs or trees. Also some
flowering plants in warmer regions.

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