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Terry Thomas, city administrator, has failed to competently perform his duties for the
past year and a half, His tenure as city administrator has been one of turmoil. It's time to
stop blaming prrcvious administrators, city clerks, & auditors. Take ownership of the
city's problems & move forward.
l) Mr. Thomas does not clearly articulate information or keep citizens or board informed.
Mr Thomas informed the board at the May 5tr meeting abouf the cell tower proposal in
Hunter's Glen. Three board members (myself included) thought the location of the cell
tower was to be the main sewer plant.
We later found out the location was to be Hunter's
Glen. Information just
received (5-27-14) indicates the cell tower proposal was 'in the
works' in January of 2O14.
Mr Thomas failed to keep the citizens living along ZHighway informed regarding theZ
Highway sewer project.
In the case of two citizen issues that I personally know aboul Mr Thomas has not'gotten
back to' either parry.
2) Dishonesty: Mr Thomas has repeatedly lied or told half-truths. When confronted, he
says, "You must have misunderstood."
Whent.he Teamsters @ntract was peing discussed, Mr Thomas stated that tle city was
not paying for a minimum numbef of members. Totals paid to Teamsters an20l2 &2013
P-bills reflect that the city is paying for a minimum number of members.
$42,O0O has
been budgeted for Teamsters in2Ol4.It appears that provision was projected to pay for
about 130 Teamster members.
Mr Thomas 'got offon the wrong foot' from the beginning over the matter of his truck,
which was listed on a P-bill. He told several different stories & finally said he bought it.
When asked if the residents of-Hunter's Glen knew about the cell towerproposal, Mr
Thomas replied, "Yes." Spoke with a resident this morning (5-3 I - I 4) who never heard of
this project.
3) Incompetence: Failure to do
"...shall devote his efforts, expertise, & services to the City on a full time basis."
In the last 3 wks Mr Thomas has hardly been at city hall. It is reported that he has been
gone to at least one track meet & to therapy for his knee during the work day.
Mr Thomas has not gathered an inventory from each deparunent head.
According to Ordinance 115.200 #2"The City Administrator shall be the chief Budget
Officer for the city & shall be responsible for the prepararion fo the City budget for all
departrnents, the coordination for all budget requests..." Mr Thomas passed offthis duty
(making the 2014 budget) to the city clerk. The department heads had no input into the
budgets for their deparunents, nor knowledge of what their budgets are.
The board has numbers to prove the city is better off, or'in the black.'
Mr Thomas does not provide the board with monthly financial reports which he is
supposed to do, nor has he provided an annual report of the activity of each departrnent.
According to Ordinance 115.200 #9,
"The City Adminisrrator shall be the Chiif Crant
Officer of the City & shall coordinate, assist in the preparation of & actively seek out
such State & Federal aid programs
as may be desirable & beneficial to the City..."
4) Itrstftordhde to board mernbers; demonstrates tbat he is uowilling to work with new
Mr. Thomas, on Monday, May 5, during his mmments, disreryecrcd &e Board merrbers
by accusing 4 ofthem of
staemeilts he lread thy had said- His behavior uras
inappropri*e, dememing;
In Mr Thomas' file ftere should be a paper describing a previous incident, l23e1l3
wkn hepersonally chewed me out in fiont of Stephanie.
. .mforment of City reeuldions, oodes & ordinmces. . -knowledgeable & fmiliar
wift dl CityCodes & Ondinamces...,
By his oum ndmission
d fu Apr 16 botrd meedng; Mr Thomas did not lnow rhe yard
altourcd acitizento haveayard sale onfucity
hafl padting lot This ordimnce uras passed rccelrtly, in 2013, at the req&st ofAtderman
6) "... bidding processes..
Not foiloq,ed ulhm fu Tahoes wcrc
for the
bartu@t in 2013.
Scaming con0mct was ginen to acmhing fiien{ sales reryeerrtxive Clilk Willie.
7) Mr Thomas repeatedly m"t *rtil Aldqmen lvlalnrs & Menlfius, eirher in his office or
in S@hamie's ofrce (docurnentcirin
available). Why was h" k
ctrrly zaldermere
rhe loop?' Itf,r Thas abo r'aa
'pebord' rneetings in his office wie Aldermen
Ma*uq Menkfius, & &e formr city attorney, Melissa Vighi.
E) MrThmas has rcpeaealy demeaned & made fim ofcitizeo+ employeeg board
members & &e mayorby remarlsmade in ctosed meetings. (I could go hckthroughmy
Does, to provide
documentati,on ofspecific rmarks made, if needed.)
9) Mr Thoms is responsible'frrrte
police It appears &at 3 incider',ts this
yea may have been overed up.
a ldy frrom Pevely Poiue wilh a bruised frce
chase ending et knpedal Main

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