Quiz 2 Third Cycle

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NAME:_________________________________________________________ CYCLE:____
Complete Susan's email. Use te -ing !o"m o! te #e"$s in te list.
be cook do eat go see study
Hi Chuck,
My name's Susan, and I'm a student. I like being
(1)____________. I do fou hous of home!ok e"ey e"ening. I li"e in a
house !ith my fiend #aua. $e like (%)____________ good food, but #aua
hates (&)____________. She only makes 'asta. $e often go to fast(food
estauants. It's eally unhealthy. I lo"e ())____________ home and eating my
mom's food. *n the !eekend, !e like (+)____________ fiends. $e lo"e
music and singing. $hat do you like (,)____________-
$ite soon,
Complete te senten%e &it a p"onoun !"om te list.
me mine them theis his he you yous it
./am'le0 1hat's mine2 3i"e it to me.
%. 1hat dog isn't __________. 1hey don't ha"e a dog.
&. He likes May, but he doesn't lo"e __________.
). Can you e'eat that- I don't undestand __________.
+. Can you hel' __________- I can't do this e/ecise.
,. It isn't a good book. I don't like __________.
4. 1his book's __________. #ook2 Hee's you name.
5. 6e they 7a'anese- Can you ask __________-
8. It isn't __________. He has a blue 9acket.
Coose te %o""e%t &o"'(s).
./am'le0 :o you like ___ to songs-
6) listening
;) listen
1<. I like you. :o you like ___-
6) me
;) I
11. 1hat's ___ ca.
6) mine
;) my
1%. I'm soy. I ___ 'lay tennis this e"ening.
6) can
;) can't
1&. Can you ___ chess-
6) to 'lay
;) 'lay
1). ___ come to my bithday 'aty-
6) :o you can
;) Can you
Oxford University Press 2008 Page 1
1+. I lo"e ___ to the 'ak.
6) going
;) go
Complete te p"ase &it a #e"$ !"om te list. Use ea% #e"$ onl* on%e.

tell !ait da! ta"el hel' talk 'lay

./am'le0 wait fo a bus
1,. __________ you siste !ith he home!ok
14. __________ a 'ictue
15. __________ someone a secet
18. __________ a game
%<. __________ a noise
%1. __________ by 'lane
%%. __________ to a fiend
Complete te p"ase &it te %o""e%t #e"$.
./am'le0 fly by 'lane
%&. u__________ a com'ute
%). __________ a ace
%+. '__________ socce
%,. c__________ a ta/i
%4. s__________ a song
Complete te senten%e. Coose te %o""e%t &o"'.
./am'le0 I ___ my bike in the e"ening.
6) go
;) ide
C) 'lay
%5. Can you ___ that noise-
6) find
;) take
C) hea
%8. 1his is a bad mo"ie. 1un ___ the 1=2
6) off
;) on
C) u'
&<. Can you ___ me !ith this Auestion-
6) talk
;) !ait
C) hel'
&1. I can't ___ my book.
6) find
;) !atch
C) look
&%. Can you ___ a 'hoto of me-
6) 'lay
Oxford University Press 2008 Page 2
;) call
C) take
&&. Can you ___ the tango-
6) go
;) ha"e
C) dance
&). I ___ by ca e"ey day.
6) ta"el
;) un
C) use
&+. Mak can ___ the guita.
6) do
;) take
C) 'lay
+i% is te st"esse' s*lla$le, Coose te %o""e%t ans&e".
./am'le0 $hich is the stessed syllable in restaurant-
6) estauant
;) estauant
C) estauant
&,. $hich is the stessed syllable in classical-
6) classical
;) classical
C) classical
&4. $hich is the stessed syllable in practical-
6) 'actical
;) 'actical
C) 'actical
&5. $hich is the stessed syllable in newspaper-
6) ne!s'a'e
;) ne!s'a'e
C) ne!s'a'e
&8. $hich is the stessed syllable in creative-
6) ceati"e
;) ceati"e
C) ceati"e
)<. $hich is the stessed syllable in instrument-
6) instument
;) instument
C) instument
+"ite te &o"' tat "*mes.
line ch
hits flo!e
./am'le0 its hits
)1. theis __________
)%. mine __________
Oxford University Press 2008 Page 3
)&. yous __________
)). ous __________
)+. his __________
Rea' te a"ti%le. Coose True, False, o" Doesn't say.
Ame"i%an a"tists li#in- a$"oa'
A"ti%le $* .im /no&les
Maegan Cam'bell is a &%(yea(old actess fom #os 6ngeles, but ight no!, she's li"ing in Bais. She
li"es in an a'atment that o"elooks the Seine ?i"e. Maegan's mothe is Eench, !hich means
Maegan can s'eak the language 'efectly. Maegan is "ey talented. She likes acting in mo"ies, but
she can also sing and dance !ell, and she has a leading 'at in a Eench musical ight no!. She can
also 'lay the 'iano "ey !ell. In he s'ae time, Maegan likes to ela/ at home by !atching omantic
mo"ies. She doesn't ha"e 'lans to etun to the >S.
1om Hammond is fom :allas, but he li"es in 1okyo. He's 15, and he's a music student. 1om can 'lay
the 'iano and the guita "ey !ell. He also !ites songs !ith his fiend 1oshi. 1om !ites the music and
1oshi !ites the lyics. $hen they'e ha''y !ith a ne! song, they usually 'efom it to students at thei
college. 1hey lo"e to ha"e an audience and !ould eally like to be in a band. $hen he isn't
com'osing, 1om do!nloads his fa"oite music fom the Intenet.
Hannah ;o!n is a !ite. She's fom Ce! @ok, but she li"es in Me/ico. Hannah is %+ and likes
!iting omantic no"els. He goal, of couse, is to be a 'ublished !ite, so she !ites e"ey day fo at
least fou hous. He fa"oite time to !ite is ealy in the moning, but she sometimes !ites late at
night, too. In the aftenoons, Hannah !oks as a !aitess in a cafe. She doesn't eally en9oy this 'at
of he life, but it hel's he lean S'anish.
./am'le0 Maegan is Eench.
6) 1ue
;) Ealse
C) :oesn't say
),. Maegan li"es in #os 6ngeles.
6) 1ue
;) Ealse
C) :oesn't say
)4. Maegan doesn't act in mo"ies.
6) 1ue
;) Ealse
C) :oesn't say
)5. Maegan can sing and dance !ell.
6) 1ue
;) Ealse
C) :oesn't say
)8. 1om studies in 1okyo.
6) 1ue
;) Ealse
C) :oesn't say
+<. 1om !ites songs !ith his fiend.
6) 1ue
;) Ealse
C) :oesn't say
+1. 1om can sing "ey !ell.
6) 1ue
Oxford University Press 2008 Page 4
;) Ealse
C) :oesn't say
+%. Hannah !oks in a cafe.
6) 1ue
;) Ealse
C) :oesn't say
+&. Hannah likes !iting in the aftenoon.
6) 1ue
;) Ealse
C) :oesn't say
+). Hannah ne"e !ites at night.
6) 1ue
;) Ealse
C) :oesn't say
++. Hannah is al!ays busy at !ok.
6) 1ue
;) Ealse
C) :oesn't say
Oxford University Press 2008 Page 5
Answer Key
1. 1) studying
2) eating
3) cooking
4) going
5) seeing
6) doing
2. teirs
3. er
4. you
5. !e
6. it
". yours
8. te!
#. is
10. $
11. %
12. %
13. %
14. %
15. $
16. e&'
1". dra(
18. te&&
1#. '&ay
20. ear
21. trave&
22. ta&k
23. use
24. run
25. '&ay
26. ca&& ) catc
2". sing
28. *
2#. $
30. *
31. $
32. *
33. *
34. $
35. *
36. $
3". $
38. $
3#. %
40. $
41. cairs
42. &ine
43. doors
44. f&o(ers
45. +ui,
46. %
4". %
48. $
4#. $
50. $
51. *
52. $
53. %
54. %
55. *
56. -aegan
5". .anna
58. -aegan
5#. .anna
60. /o!
61. Answers will vary.
62. *
63. $
64. %
65. %
66. $
6". *
68. 0
6#. %
"0. $
"1. 1

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