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Revised 12/18/13


Capital: Athletics Equipment and PCSH and OSH Band Uniforms
(brief statement of proposed adjustment)
PEAR Reference Number: OP-03 Fiscal Year: 2014-2015
Director/Budget Manager: Astein Osei Division/Department: DLTL

1. What budgeted resources would be adjusted (FTE and budget amount)? (copy information to the
appropriate columns on the LRFP PEAR worksheet).

Request $65,000 of athletic capital.
$60,000 to replace band uniforms at OSH.

Total = $125,000

Budget: 05-200-292-000-540-000

2. Will current services be eliminated, reassigned or to what extent are other resources available to maintain
current services (grants or other funds)? Are there any productivity improvements that will offset the

The first part of the question is not applicable; capital is utilizing a zero-based budgeting method.


3. Impact of Proposal
a. What is the expected impact of this proposal on current services and/or the strategic plan?
(Copy information to the Impact of Proposal column on the LRFP PEAR worksheet).

Activities Coordinators will make the following athletic purchases:
1) OSH/MGSH/PCSH: FB helmet reconditioning ($8,000) in order to meet safety regulations.
2) OSH: FB helmets and shoulder pads ($3,500) in order to meet safety regulations
3) OSH: gymnastic spring board ($700) in order to meet safety regulations
4) OSH: wrestling mat ($10,000) for student health reasons
5) MGSH: wrestling mat ($10,000) for student health reasons
6) PCSH: 4 portable soccer goals ($1,300) for activity space reconfiguration in order to provide a
functional and efficient environment
7) PCSH: 2 scoreboards ($30,000)
8) PCSH: FB shoulder pads ($1,500) in order to meet safety regulations

Marching Band Uniforms
OSH students will receive new band uniforms in 2014-2015 to replace 12 to 14 year old uniforms. PCSH
uniforms will put in a request for replacement in 15-16. MGSH received new band uniforms in 2009-2010
at a cost of $67,500.

b. What other divisions or departments will be affected by your proposal?

Revised 12/18/13

The impact is not known at this time.

c. How have you consulted with them to determine their concerns and given them consideration?

DLTL engaged in an in-depth strategic planning process for 2014-2015. All DLTL Directors/budget
managers were involved. Steve Boulka and Wendy Barden were also involved in the initial conversation.

d. Briefly describe the feedback received from other departmental leaders and impacted stakeholders.

Capital is utilizing a zero-based budgeting method a majority of the feedback will likely occur after all
capital budgets are submitted.

4. Are any legal requirements, mandates, or School Board policies affected by this adjustment?
Yes or No If yes, please list.

No, but some of the equipment request are being made to help us continue to meet the MSHSL guidelines
for equipment and student safety.

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