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Area of Plane Shapes

Learn more about Area, or try the Area Calculator.

Area = b h
b = base
h = vertical

Area = a
a = length of side
Area = w h
w = width
h = height

Area = b h
b = base
h = vertical height
Trapeoid !"S#
Trapeium !"$#
Area = !a%b#
h = vertical

Area = ' r

&ircumference = 2 ' r
r = radius
Area = 'ab

Area = r
r = radius
) = angle in radians
*ote+ h is at right
angles to b:

Example: What is the area of this rectangle?
The formula is+
Area = w h
w = width
h = height
,e -now w = 5 and h = 3. so+
Area = / 0 = 15
Example: What is the area of this circle?
Radius = r = 0
Area = ' r
= ' 0
= ' !0 0#
= 01232/4111 4
= !"# !to 2 decimal places#
Example: What is the area of this triangle?
5eight = h = 22
6ase = b = 27
Area = b h = 27 22 = 1$

A harder e8ample+
Example: Sam c%ts grass at &$"1$ per s'%are meter
(ow m%ch does Sam earn c%tting this area:
9et:s brea- the area into two parts+
Part A is a square+
Area of A = a
= 27m 27m = 377m
Part 6 is a triangle1 ;iewed sidewa<s it has a base of 27m and a height of 23m1
Area of 6 = b h = 27m 23m = 237m
So the total area is+
Area = Area of A % Area of 6 = 377m
% 237m
= /37m
Area of a Parallelogram )nit 1 *
+esson 3
of !
The area of a pol<gon is the number of square units inside the pol<gon1 Area is 2=
dimensional li-e a carpet or an area rug1
A parallelogram is a 3=sided shape formed b< two pairs of
parallel lines1 >pposite sides are equal in length and opposite
angles are equal in measure1 To find the area of a
parallelogram. multipl< the base b< the height1 The formula is+
where is the base. is the height. and , means multipl<1
The base and height of a parallelogram must be perpendicular1 5owever. the lateral
sides of a parallelogram are not perpendicular to the base1 Thus. a dotted line is
drawn to represent the height1 9et:s loo- at some e8amples involving the area of a
(8ample 2+ ?ind the area of a parallelogram with a base of 22
centimeters and a height of / centimeters1
= !22 cm# , !/ cm#
= @7 cm

(8ample 2+ ?ind the area of a parallelogram with a base of A
inches and a height of 27 inches1
= !A in# , !27 in#
= A7 in

(8ample 0+ The area of a parallelogram is 23 square
centimeters and the base is 3 centimeters1 ?ind the
23 cm
= !3 cm# ,
23 cm
- !3 cm# =
= @ cm
Summar<+ Biven the base and height of a parallelogram. we
can find the area1 Biven the area of a
parallelogram and either the base or the height.
we can find the missing dimension1 The formula
for area of a parallelogram is+
where is the base. is the height. and , means multipl<1
Answer the following questions+
21 The area of a parallelogram is 23 square centimeters and the base is 3 centimeters1 ?ind
the height1
21 ?ind the area of a parallelogram with a base of A inches and a height of 27 inches1
01 ?ind the area of a parallelogram with a base of 22 centimeters and a height of /
31 Sam cuts the grass Php 277 for ever< square meter1 5ow much does
he earnC
/1 ,hat is the area of this triangleC
@1 ,hat is the area of this rectangleC

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