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Josh Sumpter

EDU 538
Leveraging the I-Pad in our Classrooms: A 5-Day In-Service
During this five day in-service program, teachers will have the opportunity to learn more
aout specific instructional technologies and then will have the opportunity to practice
using the specific technology! "f the session is set for # hours, there will e $ hour of
instruction and $ hour of e%ploration or practical implementation!
Day One (Teacher-Oriented:
- &'()& identify strengths for eing a tech-savvy and innovative professional!
- &'()& will collect data regarding #$
century learner practices y using the
i*ad+s Safari application!
- &'()& demonstrate a asic understanding of the i*ad+s functionality, pre-
loaded apps, and will e ale to utili,e the )pple )pp Store!
Day T!o (Teacher-Oriented:
- &'()& e%plain the flipped classroom model and successful ways that the i*ad
can e utili,ed to enhance a course wesite!
&'()& develop a classroom podcast using -arage (and and.or the Sound /loud
- &'()& demonstrate other effective applications such as camera to capture video
or still frames that can e posted to course wesite!
- &'()& use the i*ad as a teacher presentation device y understanding )pple &0
and the application called Slide Shar1 and.or *re,i!
Day Three (Student-Oriented:
- &'()& implement the i*ad for classroom research, classroom e-oo1s, and
saving notes and wor1 to the shared 2cloud3 storage!
- &'()& instruct students to access educational videos via 4ou&ue, Discovery
5earning, and other relevant sources
Day "our (Student-Oriented:
- &'()& prepare creative we #!6 oriented assignments so that students can use
the i*ad for educational purposes!
- &'()& construct a poster utili,ing the *hoster )pp!
- &'()& collect information and illustrate learning through the *re,i )pp!
- &'()& articulate several pro7ects that re8uire the use of i9ovie : still
photography to demonstrate learning!
Day "ive (Student Oriented:
- &'()& discover i*ad applications relevant to their particular su7ect and grade
level! ;<or e%ample= math, science, history .. Elementary vs! >igh School 5evel?
- &'()& give e%amples of how the i*ad can assist learners with special needs!
&he lessons in this five-day course are se8uenced y logical prere8uisite and are
concept related for the teachers! Day one egins with the most logical prere8uisite!
&eachers need to e reminded of why it is important to e a #$
century tech-savvy
teacher that can interact with #$
century learners! &his first day does not assume
previous any previous practical 1nowledge! "t egins with a philosophical understanding
of the modern teacher and finishes with a practical introduction to technology! "n a school
district with new technology, it is safe to assume that learners will e approaching this
su7ect matter from a variety of positions and e%perience! &hus, the importance of day
one to set a foundation for why the i*ad is useful for today+s learner!
Day two is focused on teachers reali,ing that they themselves can utili,e the i*ad
as an educational teaching device and it is not merely for the students or for personal
entertainment! &he aility to create online content using a moile device allows teachers
to wor1 8uic1ly and efficiently while maintaining a flipped classroom or at minimal, an
online presence for students and parents! "n today+s classroom, teachers have the aility
to present from anywhere in the classroom! &hrough )pple &0, instructors no longer
have to e strapped to the front of the classroom with a des1top computer, a pro7ector,
and many wires! &his is a follow up to day one in training teachers that they can e
innovative, tech-savvy, and prepared for #$
century learners!
Days three and four are focused on how teachers can leverage i*ad technology to
provide learning opportunities in the classroom! &he teacher will learn how to use
valuale applications and tools that are provided directly and freely on the device such as
E-reading, "nternet rowsing, and the aility to save wor1 to the i/loud, Drop(o%, or
-oogle Drive! &he teacher will also learn how to use online tools that can e uni8ue to
each student! 'ith a set of headphones, each student is capale of e%ploring online
videos related to relevant topics, as well as doing virtual field trips and providing
feedac1 to the rest of the class!
Day five is a very practical learning trac1 where a presentation will e given on a
variety of applications are availale for specific su7ects and instructors will e shown
how to find them! &here are different application needs for different grade levels, su7ect
matter, and various learning styles! &eachers will also e made aware of the ways that the
i*ad can assist students with special needs!
@verall, the learners of this course will gain a helpful philosophy of not only why
it is important to utili,e technology in the classroom, ut practical ways to use a popular
tool such as the i*ad for education! @nce again, " will egin with logical prere8uisites so
that teachers are not left ehind if they are not familiar and " will ma1e the content
concept-related so that they do not feel that " am 7umping around from topic to topic! )ll
of the content in this in-service will e relevant to the #$
century teacher and will
provide strategies to leverage technology for the #$
century learner!

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