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May 25 - 31, 2014 Vol. XXII No.

Offcial Publication of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, Jaro, Iloilo City Tel. Nos. 320-9505 & 329-1625 website:
6th Sunday of Easter
Msgr. Alejandro P. Esperancilla
6th Sunday of Easter
he year 1965 was an extraordinary
year for all Filipinos, especially
for us in the Visayas. It was a
year of jubilees: Nineteen hundred and
sixty five was the fourth centennial
of the formal evangelization of the
Philippines with the re-discovery of our
islands by Miguel Legaspi, Fray Andres
Urdaneta and Fray Martin de Rada (the
first evangelist of Panay) on February
13, 1565. It also recalled the beginning
of our devotion to the Sto. Nio when
the statue purport edl y
given by Magellan to
the wife of Humabon
was found in a burned
hut in Cebu on
April 27, 1565 by the
soldiers of Legaspi.
Also on this year of jubilees (1965),
the Archdiocese of Jaro celebrated
its centennial as a Diocese. It was
established as a Diocese by the Decree
of Pope Pius IX on May 27, 1865,
separating it from the Diocese of Cebu,
with Mariano Cuartero as its First
Bishop. Also in the year 1965, the
then Archbishop of Jaro, Jose Maria
Cuenco, the first Filipino Archbishop
of our Diocese was celebrating his 50

anniversary as a priest.
These jubilees however were
unlike any other jubilees. It was not
just a joyful looking back at what
happened, four hundred, one hundred
or fifty years ago. More than these
they were celebrations hopefully
looking forward to the future which
included a very painful break
with the past. Why?
ato page 3
Everyone is invited to join in the celebration of the Anniversary of the
Dedication of Jaro Cathedral through the Holy Mass on May 26, 2014 at
7:30 a.m. with Most Rev. Angel N. Lagdameo, D.D. as presider.
Dedication of theCathedral of J aro
Because on that same year Pope Paul
VI closed the Second Vatican Council
and promulgated its decrees decrees
which were hoped to send a breeze
of fresh air and to usher in a new
springtime in the Church.
Dedication of the Jaro Cathedral
To mark a happy memory and at
the same time a new beginning, on
May 26, 1965, the Cathedral and its
new altar were dedicated. It was a free
standing altar made of white marble
with the inscription A Deo in Honorem
Sanctae Elizabeth To God in honor
of St. Elizabeth. She is the patroness
of the Archdiocese and the cathedral
church. It was the first altar of its kind
to be dedicated in the Archdiocese
immediately after the Reform when
it became permissible and
CANDLE LIGHT (May 25- 31, 2014) CANDLE LIGHT (May 25- 31, 2014)
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Jerald Hallador Flores
Community of Young Servants
Deal with Change
Fr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon
Rt. Rev. Higinio C. Velarde
The Pastor Speaks...
he key to success is unity, and the key
to unity is love!
Last May 17, the Jaro Parish Youth
Ministry (JPYM) Officers, together with Jaro
Parish Ministry of Altar and Services (JPMAS)
and Himig Katedral Choir (HKC) Officers
gathered as one for this activity. We went to
Maria Paz Mountain Resort at Alimodian,
Iloilo to hold a leadership training.
Our purpose is to strengthen our
relationship as a community of young
servants in our parish.
Despite the warm temperature, our
activities went on successfully. We had
so much fun and we enjoyed very well
the team building activities. We played,
s we prepare ourselves for the
retrofitting and renovation project of
our parish convent, one of the things
that our parish staff and personnel need to do
is to pack our belongings like the documents,
books, kitchen utensils, linens and the like.
We are transfering offices and storing things
which are not frequently used.
Mind you, this is a lot of work! I have just
transferred my things to my new room and
arranging them again requires a lot of time
and efforts. Fr. Francis and Fr. Ciloy are also
transferring to St. John Mary Vianney Center
which is commonly called Home Sweet
Home where our aged and sick priests stay.
But this does not mean that Fr. Francis and
Fr. Ciloy are old and sick. They will only stay
there for the meantime, while the retrofitting
and renovation is being done. Moreover, Fr.
Ronald, Fr. Joenick and Msgr. Gene will also
umdoma ang Adlaw nga Inugpahuway
kag pakabalaana ini (Ex. 20:8; Dt.
5:12). Ini nga mga dinalan sa Santos nga
Kasulatan ginabalay para sa mga Kristiano
sa sini nga mga tinaga: Dumdoma kag
pakasantoson mo ang Adlawsang Ginoo.
Amo ini ang Ikatlo nga Sugo sang Dios
kag ini nagamando sa aton nga pakasantoson
ang adlaw nga gintalana para sa pagsimba
sa Dios kag para sa pagpahuway. Ini nga
sugo nasandig sa duha ka ginhalinan: ang
isa nagatuhoy sa aton relasyon sa Dios kag
ang isa nasentro sa iya sini tawohanon kag
makahililway nga mga bunga.
Ang nahauna, nasandig sa adlaw sang
pagpahuway, nga ginasaysay sa aton sang
Libro sang Genesis sang pagtuga sang Dios sa
kalibutan. Kay sa sulod sang anum ka adlaw,
gintuga ni Yahweh ang langit kag duta kag
ang dagat kag ang tanan nga ara dira, apang
nagpahuway Sia sa ikapito ka adlaw (Ex.
20:11). Gani, ang una nga rason nga ginahatag
para sa pagtuman sang Ikatlo nga Sugo amo
nga ang Dios nagpahuway sa ikapito ka adlaw.
Ini nga pahuway indi isa ka pag-untat sang
trabaho, kundi nga gintuga sang Dios ang isa
pa gid ka butang nga wala dira sang una kag
ina nga butang amo ang PAHUWAY. Diri ang
pahuway nagakahulogan indi lamang sang
pagkahilway sa obra, sa pagpatigayon sang
bisan ano nga sahi sang aktibidad, kundi nga
nagakahulogan ini sang kalinong, katawhay,
paghidait kag pagpahuway.
Ang ikaduha nga rason nga ginahatag
para sa Adlaw nga Inugpahuway amo ang
labing daku nga pagkahilway gikan sa pagka-
ulipon sa Ehipto. Dumdoma nga nangin
ulipon ka man sang una sa duta sang Ehipto
kag halin didto ginpagwa ka ni Yahweh nga
move before the project starts.
If there is one thing I realize from this
experience, I learned that everything is
transitory. We are all pilgrims. We move from
one place to another. Nothing is permanent!
Sometimes, we are being taken out from our
comfort zones so that change may happen. As
they say, the only permanent thing in this life
is change.
With this reality of change, what
must we do?
First, I believe that we must set our hearts
on what is spiritual, eternal and lasting. Our
relationship with God through prayer and
with one another as brothers and sisters must
be our priority. While we have physical and
material needs, may we not lose sight of what
is truly essential in our life.
Second, we must learn to empower
people by teaching them lifes skills. In this
laughed and learned together. We realized
the importance of communication.
Conflicts and problems in the organizations
especially in leader-member relationship
are results of miscommunication.
After the training, my fellow youth made
use of their remaining time swimming. I,
on the other hand, enjoyed the quality time.
given by our Director, Rev. Fr. Nathaniel G.
Gentizon. He sat with us, talked with each
one of us, kamustahanay and chika-chika.
We exchanged jokes and laughed together.
He ate with us too. Indeed, we are like one
big happy family!
We would like to thank the BS
Accountancy students of St. Paul University
Iloilo, namelyAl MarieBustamante, DollyMae
Pinuela, Chessa Memoracion, Jessa Opinion
and Danica Bithao who facilitated the whole
training. They inspired us with their talk and
help in our teambuilding activities.
We would also like to extend our
gratitude to our parish, especially to all the
priests, who are always there to support us.
They made this leadership training possible
for our good and for the good of the parish.
Through this leadership training, we
hope that our ministries, the JPYM, JPMAS
and HKC, will be a united community
founded in strong relationship with Jesus
and with one another, having the conviction
to pursue their mission!
way, people will learn to be independent, self-
reliant and life-giving to others even without
our presence. Our constant formation
and trainings here in our parish aims to
develop our human resources so that amidst
these changes due to transfer of pastoral
assignments and other circumstances, people
will get to continue the pastoral program
because they are equipped and empowered.
And third, we must be open to change.
Our hearts and minds must have that sense
of openness to the present realities and its
challenges. We are open when we are humble
enough to dialogue with other people in
order to reach win-win solutions. Change is
inevitable. Our lack of openness may give so
much stress and problem in our lives. Dont
resist, be open!
Let us deal with change graciously.
Nothing is permanent except God and His love!
DEDICATION... from page 1...
even necessary to offer the Sacrifice of
the Mass facing the people so that the
decree of the Council, that the devout
and active participation of the faithful
may be easily achieved.
(It is saidthat Msgr. Cuenco was so used
celebrating the Mass with his back towards
the people, he forgot he was already facing
the people when he used the altar in the
cathedral for the first time. So when the
time for blessing the people came, when in
the old rite the celebrant faces the people
to bless them, he automatically turned back
and blessed, to everyones surprise not
the people but the statue of our Lady of
Candles behind him).
The dedication coincided with the
three day celebration of the centennial
May 25-27, 1965. It began in the afternoon
of May 25 with a solemn procession of
the relics of St. Elizabeth of Hungary from
the St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary to the
Cathedral grounds, where it was placed
for the veneration of the faithful. Then in
the morning of the 26
at five oclock in the
morning Bishop Juan Nilmar, the parish
priest of Jaro began the solemn rite of
dedication at the door of the Cathedral.
Dedication means taking possession
of a place solely for God and for worship.
And so it began with the purification of
the cathedral walls and the altar, with the
bishop blessing it with holy water mixed
with salt, ashes and wine, while seven
penitential hymns were sung. Then the
invocation to the Holy Spirit to come and
make His dwelling in the cathedral was
sung while the translation of the holy
relics of St. Elizabeth of Hungary from the
cathedral grounds to the church began.
The people following the lead of the bishop
entered the cathedral and took possession
of it. The bishop then placed the relics on
a small niche carved out from altar where
it was securely placed. Then the bishop
anointed the new altar pouring it with the
oil of Holy Chrism, while a brazier, placed
on the altar, burned sweet smelling incense.
The bishop then anointed the walls of the
cathedral marked by 12 brass crosses (which
remains to this day) and lighted with candles.
Then the altar was adorned, clothed in white,
with lighted candles surrounding it and the
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass facing the people
The dedication of the Church is the feast
of all the people of God who will be called
to gather each Sunday for the celebration of
the Eucharist. The altar is anointed with oil
since it will come to symbolize Christ, the
Anointed, Who remains the priest, the altar
and the lamb offered as a worthy sacrifice
to the Father for the redemption of all. The
altar is the rock from which Moses caused
water to flow, and the Rock was Christ (1
Cor 10:14), and it is the cornerstone of the
spiritual edifice which is the holy people of
Christ, the Church, redeemed by His blood.
It is the rock from which the sacrifice of all
ages was offered to the One God and Father
of all, even fromthe time of Abel to Abraham
and fromthe time of Moses and Aaron to the
priests of the temple in the time of Jesus.
In Christian times the relics of the
martyrs and the saints were placed on a
niche on the altar to make it clear that the
sacrifice of the members has its source in the
sacrifice of the Head. It also provides the
connection between the sacrifice of Christ
and the sacrifice of our lives which is an
essential part of true worship.
Celebrating the Anniversary
Today as we celebrate the 49

anniversary of the dedication of our
Cathedral Church let us imbibe the
symbolic value which the altar and
the cathedral walls communicate
to us today. We are the Church
made of living stones and
Christ is the Cornerstone
the altar from which
flows the living waters of grace. This church
building which was dedicated solely for God,
symbolizes the dedication and consecration
to God of every Christian born in the
community throughout the ages. She was, is
and will be a mother to us all.
As we look on that new era in the
Church in 1965, when the old and the new
converged, let us thankGod for the marvelous
gift of grace the grace of His presence and
guidance which He promised us even till
the end of time. In those confusing times
of transition our Archdiocese and parish
started it by dedicating anew their church,
their altar and themselves to the One Lord.
As I researched this data, I could not help
but wonder in awe at the reality presented
before me. We are a product of our history
a product of dedicated and selfless men
and women who served faithfully from the
rigidity of its beginning to the confusion of
the transition that followed Vatican II. Our
parish-community that this church building
symbolizes is like a river flowing gracefully
through the ages. It is the same river but
new water flows through it every day
nourishing perpetually the trees planted
on its banks.
Faithfulness this is what
we celebrate today in t h i s
anniversary, and as we do, may we
imitate the dedication of t h o s e
who brought us from o n e
era to another. God made
it happen and we a r e
deeply thankful.
imo Dios paagi sa gamhanan nga kamot
kag pagbayaw sang butkon. Gani, si
Yahweh nagasugo sa imo sa pagbantay
sang Adlaw nga Inugpahuway. (Dt. 5:15)
Ini nga rason nagahatag sing pagtamod sa
kahulogan sang Adlaw nga Inugpahuway
bilang, 1) pagdumdom sa adlaw sang
kahilwayan, kag 2) ang iya sini kahulogan para
sa bug-os nga katilingban, ilabi na gid sa mga
katapo sini nga nabudlayan kag napigado-
mga kabataan, mga ulipon, mga kasapatan,
kag mga dumoluong (cf. Dt. 5:14).
Halin sang una, ining duha ka mga
rason sang pagpakabalaan sa Adlaw nga
Inugpahuway, ginapasumpong sa isa ka isa.
Kon hatagan sing importansya ang pagsimba
lamang, ini nga Adlaw mahimo nga Adlaw
nga, para sa mga Pariseo, isa ka kasugoan
nga dapat tumanon agod mapakita ang
pagkamadebosyonon sang tawo. Sa pihak nga
bahin, kon hatagan sing importansya ang iya
sini pangkatilingban nga kahulogan, ini nga
Adlaw mangin simple lamang nga adlaw sang
pagpahuway kag paglingaw sa lawas, nga
wala na nagadumdom sang iya sini relihiyoso
nga kahulogan.
Pero ini nga sahi sang paghangup
wala nagasantu sa Santos nga Kasulatan:
ang pagsimba nagakadapat gid nga ihatag
sa Dios nga amo ang Tagtuga tungod kay
gikan sa Iya nagagikan ang paghigugma sa
mga kabataan, mga ulipon, mga kasapatan
kag mga dumoluong samtang nga ang
makahililway kag tawohanon nga pahuway
sang Exodus ginhimo ni Yahweh, Sia nga amo
ang Labing Balaan sa tanan. Gani, sa lugar
nga magsumponganay ining duha ka rason,
dapat nga nagakompleto kag nagabug-os sila
sa isa ka isa. Ang Pagkasantos sang Adlaw
nga Inugpahuway dapat himuon paagi sa
pagsimba kag sa pagpahuway. Paagi sini
nga pagpakasantos, ginabukas naton ang
aton kaugalingon sa Dios kag sa isa kag isa.
Kag ang aton selebrasyon kag pahuway sa
sini nga Adlaw mangin isa ka pauna nga
pagpasiplat sa langit.
Sang nagligad nga Mierkoles, nagsinapol
liwat ang mga kaparian upod sa aton Engineer
agud mahambalan ang nahanungod sa
pagplastar sang mga lainlain nga mga kwarto
sa idalumkag ikaduha nga panalgan sang aton
kombento. Sa sini nga sinapol, ginkaisahannga
ang ikaduha nga panalgan pagapahamtangan
sang lima ka mga kwarto para sa mga kaparian,
wala labot sa kusina, hulot-kalan-an kag sala.
Ini nagakahulogan nga mas mahapos kag
madali para sa mga kaparian ang magkitaay
kag magtingob tungod kay nagahilapitay
lamang ang ila mga kwarto. Samtang sa pihak
nga bahin, ginasugoran na ang pag-aman
sang isa ka bahin sang Pius XII Institute nga
pagasaylohan sang mga opisina sang parokya.
Ang una nga ginakaayo amo ang kasilyas nga
pagagamiton sang mga empleyado samtang
ara sila sa ila ulobrahan. Sa tapos sini, ang
nanuhaytuhay naman nga mga opisina
amo ang pagahatagan sang igtalupangod.
Kinahanglan man nga papintahan ang ini nga
bahin sang building sang Pius XII Institute
agod nga mangin matinlo kag mahipid man
ini tan-awon. Ginapaabot nga sa pagsugod
sang bulan sang Junio, magaumpisa na ang
pagpakaayo sang kombento.
Kabay pa nga magmaalwan kamo sa
inyo bulig agod nga mangin madali ang
pagpahuman sang sini nga proyekto.

CANDLE LIGHT (May 25- 31, 2014) CANDLE LIGHT (May 25- 31, 2014)
(Let us pray for each other)

Associate Editor
News Editor
Feature Editor
Layout Artist
Msgr. Alejandro P. Esperancilla
Fr. Mickey Cardenas.
Alma D. Blanca
Eufemia Tadifa
Fe Marina Siacon
Sem. Jigger Caonero
Sem. John Gio Jastia
Joy H. Gefes
The Candle Light is a non-proft
weekly publication.
Parish Priest
Senior Parochial Vicar
Parochial Vicar
Special Assistant for Temporal Affairs
Special Assistant for Liturgical Affairs
Resident Priests
4 5
Quote of the Week
Blessing come to
you when you are
obedient to Gods
Jim George
:: Gospel Refection
Ang Pulong Nangin Tawo
Readings for
the WEEK
25 Fr. Abelardo Sobredo
26 Fr. Roy Ronald Bretaa
28 Fr. Pope Ybaez
30 Fr. Ryan Fernando Teves
29 Msgr. Manuel Vacante, P.C.
31 Dennis Cardinal Dougherty
Ika-anom nga Domingo sang Paskwa sang Pagkabanhaw, Mayo 25, 2014
Jn 14:15-21
MAY 2014
That the media may be
instruments in the service of
truth and peace.
Marys Guidance.
That Mary, Star of
Evangelization, may guide
the Church in proclaiming
Christ to all nations.
Sunday of Easter
Acts 8:5-8, 14-17 Ps 66:1-3,
4-7, 16-20
1Pt 3:15-18
Jn 14:15-21
Monday, May 26
Acts 16:11-15 Ps 149:1-6, 9
Jn 15:26--16:4
St. PhilipNeri, Priest
Tuesday, May 27
Acts 16:22-34 Ps 138:1-3, 7-8
Jn 16:5-11
St. Augustine of Canterbury,
Wednesday, May 28
Acts 17:15, 22--18:1 Ps 148:1-2,
Jn 16:12-15
Thursday, May 29
Acts 18:1-8 Ps 98:1-4
Jn 16:16-20
Friday, May 30
Acts 18:9-18 Ps 47:2-7
Jn 16:20-23
Saturday, May 31
Zep 3:14-18 Is 12:2-6
Lk 1:39-56
Feast of the Visitationof the
Kon ginahigugma ninyo
ako, tumanon ninyo ang akon
mga sugo.
Pangayuon ko sa
Amay, kag hatagan niya kamo
sang isa ka Mananabang, ang
Espiritu sang kamatuoran,
nga magapabilin upod sa inyo
sa walay katapusan.
kalibutan indi makabaton sa
iya, kay ang kalibutan indi
makakita ukon makakilala
sa iya. Pero kilala ninyo sia,
kay sia nagapabilin upod sa
inyo, kag nagakabuhi sa inyo.
Indi ko kamo pagbayaan
nga mga ilo, kay magabalik
ako sa inyo.
Sa indi na lang
madugay, ang kalibutan indi na
makakita sa akon, pero kamo
makakita sa akon, kag tungod
kay ako nagakabuhi, kamo
man magakabuhi.
Sa sina nga
ientras tanto nga
nagakabuhi kita diri
sa kalibutan, sa pihak
sang aton nadangatan sa
pangabuhi indi gid malikawan
nga magabalik sa aton
panumduman ang aton mga
Pito ka tuig ako sadto
sang maglubha ang balatian
ni Nanay. Napatay sia Pebrero
1 kag daku gid ang pagkalisud
ni Tatay. Sa pihak sining iya
pagbakho ginhanda niya ang
tanan para sa akon. Ginbilin
niya ako kay Lola kag sa akon
Tiyo kag subong man sa akon
pakaisa nga sadto isa na
hamtang nga dalaga. Sila ang
magasirbe nga mga ginikanan
ko. Pag-abot sang Abril 19 sa
amo man nga tuig, napatay si
Tatay. Nabilin ako nga ilo.
Sa grasya sang Mahal nga
Dios, nangin madinalag-on
ako kag ina tungod wala ako
ginbayaan ni Tatay nga lubos
nga ilo kay iya ako ginbilin sa
mga tao nga mapinalanggaon.
Nagdaku ako nga puno sing
pagsalig. Wala ko mabatyagi
ang pag-isahanon, ang kakulba,
kag ang kabalaka. May
nagaubay kag nagapalangga sa
Amo man ini ang ginhimo
ni Ginoong Jesus. Iya ginpasalig
ang Iya mga apostoles nga indi
adlaw, inyo mahibaluan nga yara ako sa akon Amay kag kamo yari
sa akon, kag ako yara sa inyo.
Ang nagabaton kag nagatuman sang akon mga sugo amo ina sia
ang nagahigugma sa akon. Ang akon Amay magahigugma sa iya
nga nagahigugma sa akon, kag ako man magahigugma sa iya kag
magapahayag sang akon kaugalingon sa iya.

ore than a hundred
participants from
the Jaro Parish Youth
Ministry (JPYM) coming
from Jaro Parish Ministry of
Altar Servers (JPMAS), Himig
Katedral Choir (HKC), Schola
Candelaria and some parents
joined the Sundays Vocation
Afternoon held at La Isabelita
Hall from 2:00 to 5:00 in the
afternoon of May 18, 2014. The
event started with an animation
followed by the talk of Msgr.
Alejandro P. Esperancilla,
Archdiocesan Commission on
Vocations Director.
He introduced and defined the
meaning of Vocation. According to
him vocation is ones purpose in
life and he encouraged everyone
to find their purpose. The youth
were encouraged to find the good
that they can bring to others.
After Msgr. Andys talk, everybody
was filled with inspiration with
the sharing of vocation stories
by Rev. Fr. Nathaniel Gentizon,
Sem. Reynard Tubid, Sr. Amy
Dalumpines of the Religious of
Mary Immaculate. Mrs. Lourdes
Alquisada, the mother of Rev. Fr.
Ron Michael Alquisada, was also
present. She talked about how she
Vocation Afternoon in Jaro Parish
Parish Commission on Vocations Meeting
MKK Formation
Ginsaad ang Espiritu Santo
o promote more vocations
especially for the priesthood
in the Archdiocese of Jaro,
the Commission on Vocations of
the National Shrine and Parish of
Our Lady of Candles had ameeting
last May 17, 2014, 2:00 p.m. at the
La Isabelita Hall. All the parents
of seminarians and priests were
encouraged to attend the said
meeting to meet its objective
which is to create a small core-
group as small beginning for
more vocation promoters in the
future in the Archdiocese of Jaro.
Many attended the meeting
which started with an opening
prayer led by Michael Reeve Sogo-
ang nagligad nga Sabado,
Mayo 17, 2014 ginpatigayon
naman ang isa ka Formation
para sa mga Magagmay nga
Kristyanong Katilingban (MKK)
Cell Leaders kag Barangay
Apostolic Coordinator (BAC)
Worship, Education, Service,
Temporalities, Finance & Youth
(WESTFY) diri sa aton parokya.
Ang topiko amo ang
Christology nga ginpatpat ni
Sem. Mark Joseph Dellomes
Hormigoso. Ginpaathag niya ang
4 Sources of Christology nga amo
ang mga masunod: 1) Historical
an followed by the self-introduction
of each participant. The meeting
was headed by Sem. Mark Joseph
Hormigoso. He discussed about
Commission on Vocation and the
important role of the parents in
the growth of the seed of vocation
especially to the priesthood.
In the middle of the discussion,
was able to manage and help in
the cultivation of the vocation
of her son who is now a priest.
The activity ended with
a closing message from the
parish priest, Rev. Msgr.
Higinio C. Velarde, Jr. who
also campaigned to the young
participants to join the religious
way and invited and challenged
them to be the nurturers of
vocation in the parish of Jaro.
Sem. John Gio L. Jastia
Jesus, 2) Biblical Jesus, 3) Jesus
fromTradition, and 4) Magisterium.
Sa sini nga mga talamdan ginapa-
athag kon sin-o si Jesus sa apat ka
perspektibo. Ginapresentar diraang
nagakalain-lain nga pagpresentar
kon sin-o si Jesukristo.
Ginpaathag ni Sem. Mark
Hormigoso ang mga katuyuan sang
pagkari ni Jesus sa kalibutan. Iya
man ginpatpat ang apat ka labing
importante nga mga katuyuan ni
Jesus nga amo ang masunod: 1)
Jesus elected to be baptized by John,
2) Jesus elected to serve the poor,
sinners, sick and the lost house of
Israel, 3) Healing and forgiveness,
kag 4) Jesus relied on the strength
of faith.
Pagkatapos iya man gin-
angot ang ginatudlo ni Jesus
nahanungod sa nagakalain-lain
nga estado sang pagpangabuhi
bilang praktikal nga implikasyon
sang Christology. Katulad abi
sang: Jesus and poverty, power,
governance, politics, Overseas
Filipino Workers (OFW), youth,
kag iban pa.
Ini nga hilikuton nag-umpisa
sa alas 9:00 sa aga kag natapos alas
12:00 sa udto. Eufemia Tadifa
Ms. Emma Victoria, a benefactor
of seminarians and priests in the
Archdiocese of Jaro, shared her
experiences being a member of
the Commission on Vocation.
Before the adjournment of
the meeting, snacks were served.
Then, there was the picture taking
followed by a closing prayer.
Sem. Jigger Caonero
Niya sila pagbayaan nga mga ilo.
Iya ipadala ang Espiritu Santo
nga maga-ubay sa ila agud nga
mangin kasubong lang nga ara
Sia nga naga-upod.
Kita man nga mga
binunyagan nakabaton sini
nga regalo, ang Espiritu Santo.
Nagikan ini kay Ginoong
Jesus tungod sa wala pa Sia
makasaka sa Langit, ginplastar
gid Niya ang tanan nga mga
kinahanglanon espirituwal
sang Iya mga katauhan. Pito ka
palaagyan sang grasya ang Iya
gintukod, kag amo ina ang Pito
ka mga Sakramento. Ini tanan
agud aton mabatyagan ang Iya
Presensya paagi sa sini nga mga
Sakramento nga ara man ang
Espiritu Santo.
Paano naton mapadayon
ang aton kaangtanan sa
Espiritu? Paagi sa paghigugma
kay Ginoong Jesus nga
naghigugma sing lubos sa
aton. Kag ina nga paghigugma
indi lang pagpatungod sa Iya
tungod lang sa sentimiento
ukon balatyagon, kundi
sa pagkabuhi sini paagi sa
pagtuman sang Iya mga sugo
kag sa pagpangabuhi suno sa
pagbuot sang Dios. Kon aton
matuman sing mahigugmaan
ang Iya mga ginpangpulong
magapabilin kag magatubo
pa gid ang Espiritu Santo sa
aton. Isa ka importante gid
nga bagay nga aton dapat
pagahimuon ang pagkabuhi
suno sa binubuot sang Espiritu
Santo! Kay ang Espiritu Santo
amo ang Presensya sang Dios
sa aton. Sia ang kamot sang
Dios nga padayon nagadihon
sa aton, nagahatag iwag sa
dalan sang aton pagbag-o indi
lang sa aton kaugalingon kundi
mismo sa bug-os nga katauhan.
Agud ining kalibutan nga
aton ginaluntaran mangin Iya
Sa sini nga punto aton
nabatyagan nga ang Espiritu
Santo amo man si Jesus nga
padayon naga-upod sa aton,
ano pa ang aton kahadlukan?
Magsalig kag itugyan ang tanan
kay Ginoong Jesus kay indi gid
Niya kita pag-ibilin nga mga ilo!
1. Sa aton pagpanglakaton
bilang Magagmay nga
Kristiyanong Katilingban
nabatyagan man bala naton
ang Presensya sang Dios
paagi sa Espiritu Santo?
2. Sa aton pagtuo nga ang
Espiritu Santo ara sa aton,
paano bala mapahayag
ang ini nga kamatuoran
sa aton personal kag
pangkatilingbanon nga
Fe Marina S. Siacon

CANDLE LIGHT (May 25 - 31, 2014) CANDLE LIGHT (May 25 - 31, 2014)
6 7

The Adult Faith Formation Class will resume on May
30, 31. The topic is on Churchs Laws on Sacraments
by Fr. Joenick S. Territorio, J.C.D. This will be held at La
Isabelita Hall, Jaro Metropolitan Cathedral Compound,
6:00 p.m.
a. Cantors Practice will be on May 27-28, 2014 at
6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Parish Pastoral Secretariat of fice.
b Readers Formation will be on June 14-15, 2014
at La Isabelita Hall, Jaro Metropolitan Cathedral
There will be a formation for the members of
the Ministry of Ushers (1st Batch) on June 21, 2014
8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. at La Isabelita Hall, Jaro
Metropolitan Cathedral Compound.
Misa Propopulo Sponsors/Offerers
(8 am, Sunday Mass)
June 02 Democracia
June 09 Tabuc Suba-Proper
June 16 Simon Ledesma
June 23 San Roque
June 30 Ma. Cristina
First Saturday of the Month Dawn Rosary
(5 a.m. around Jaro Plaza)
June 7 Democracia
July 5 Ma. Cristina
August 2 Simon Ledesma
Oras sang Parokya
(5:30 p.m., Wednesday Mass)
May 28 San Vicente
June 04 Bakhaw
June 11 San Roque
June 18 Benedicto
June 25 San Vicente
Barangay Sponsors
Beginning Deficit (May 17, 2014) P (4,137.80)
Add: Collection (May 18, 2014) P 16,484.50
Donation P 1,300.00
Less: Expenses P (13,254.00)
Balance (May 24, 2014) P 392.70
Thank you very much for your support. May Our Lady
of Candles inspire us to be more generous.
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Kinder School is
now accepting enrollees for Nursery, Kinder
1&2 and Prep for SY 2014-2015. Please visit
the Kinder School office from 8:00-11:30am
and 1:30 to 5:00pm (Monday-Friday) and 8:00
to 11:30 am on Saturday.
The Couples for Christ invites single Men & Women
21years old and those 42 and above to join the Christian
Life Program (CLP) for Singles for Christ and Servants
of the Lord & Handmaids of the Lord, Jaro Chapter, at
the Jaro Metropolitan Cathedral on May 18, 2014, 2:00
p.m. and every Sunday of the Month until August, 2014
ay 21, 2014 - Favorable weather
means Pope Francis spends more
time greeting pilgrims gathered
at St. Peters Square. This week, the
Pope signed a boys arm cast, and even
stopped several times to kiss people with
disabilities, who were visibly excited.
During his catechesis, he talked
about science. He said, this gift from the
Holy Spirit allows people to see nature a
gift fromGod.
If God sees Creation as a good and
beautiful thing, we must also adopt this
Popes Audience: If We Destroy Nature,
Nature will Destroy Us
attitude, to see Creation as good and beautiful.
The Pope has frequently expressed his concern
over the environment, and its widely expected
to be the topic of his next encyclical. During the
audience, he issued another warning.
This must be our attitude towards Creation:
we must protect it. Because if we destroy Creation,
Creation will destroy us. Lets not forget that.
Near the end, the Pope asked the roughly
50,000 pilgrims present to pray for his upcoming
trip to the Holy Land, as well as the World Day of
Prayer for the Church in China, which takes place
on Saturday.
Thousands Brave Rains, Heat to Venerate Relics of
St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II source:
St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II.
The Media Mindset Club based in
Tawili University Center, in cooperation
with other student organizations, set up
the exhibit, consisting of panels wherein
images of the various episodes of the
lives of St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II
are featured.
According to Prof. Maria Rosario
Victoria E. de Guzman, Coordinator of the
Media Mindset Club, they set up the exhibit
because of the inspiration of St. John Paul
II, who reached out to all sectors of society,
especially the youth, and of St. John XXIII
who brought the Church to dialogue with
Vatican Council.
The two new Saints were great
communicators who can serve as models
and intercessors especially in the age
of the New Evangelization. Prof. de
Guzman said.
The Media Mindset Club set up the
exhibit in San Agustin University for the
devotees who came to venerate the relics
of St. John Paul II and St. John XXIII.
After this, observing that many
other people could benefit fromknowing
the new Saints, the Media Mindset Club
has made the exhibit available to other
schools and organizations as well.
Fr. Mickey Cardenas
Blessed Ivan Merz.
Devotees coming as far as the provinces outside
Iloilo testified in interviews over local radio that they
could not help but feel the presence and holiness of the
newsaints when they prayed before their sacred relics.
Campus Ministry Director Mhark Dominic
Macaranas related that many devotees came to
venerate the relics to give thanks. Some religious
sisters have told me that they came here repeatedly
out of gratitude for the many favors that they had
received through the intercession the new saints.
Macaranas said.
According to Jeremiah Verdeleon, University
of San Agustin Student Council President, the relics
custodians told him that, of all the places in the
Philippines where they have brought the Saints
relics so far, they have never seen a multitude that
was very recollected and so prayerful.
The custodians noticed that the people came
not only to look but also to touch, pause and pray
before the Saints relics. It was also observed that
the majority of the pilgrims participated in the Holy
Mass and many of themwent to Confession.
The visit of the relics of St. John XXIII and St.
John Paul II in Iloilo ended today, May 22, after a
despedida Mass celebrated by Fr. JoenickTerritorio,
Director of the Jaro Archdiocesan Commission on
the Laity, with other priest concelebrants.
St. John Paul II and St. John XXIII Exhibit
In a related development, a group of young
professionals and university students, inspired by the
lives of the new Saints, recently launched an exhibit of
s a literal response to the Year of
the Laitys challenge Choose to
be Brave! thousands of Catholic
faithful from Iloilo and neighboring
provinces braved strong rains and
sweltering heat to stand in line for an
opportunity to venerate the relics of St.
John XXIII and St. John Paul II.
The relics of St. John Paul II and of
St. John XXIII arrived in Iloilo Airport in
the morning of May 20 and were brought
by motorcade to the University of San
Agustin with two brief stopovers in the
Jaro Metropolitan Cathedral -as an act of
homage to Our Lady of Candles whose
image Pope John Paul II canonically
crowned in his visit here in 1981- and in
St. Pauls University.
Upon arrival of the Saints relics in
San Agustin University Jaro Archbishop
Angel N. Lagdameo celebrated the
welcome Mass at 11 a.m.
In the homily, the Archbishop
underlined the message that everyone is
called to be a canonizable saint. He even
jokingly told the people that they ought
to lead holy lives because the process of
canonization can be very expensive.
Devotees waited in lines that
extended from the chapel to the parking
area for an opportunity to venerate the
relics of the newly canonized Popes and of

May 31, 2014 is the day of culminating activities for
Flores de Mayo 2014. The following is the schedule of
7:15 a.m. - Procession around the Plaza
7:45 a.m. - Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Coronation
of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Jaro
Metropolitan Cathedral
9:00 a.m. - Program at the St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Kinder School compound.

The Senior Citizens Day will be on June 7, 2014.
There will be a Mass at 8:00 a.m. to be followed by
a fellowship at the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes at
Saint Elizabeth of Hungry Kinder School Grounds, Jaro
Metropolitan Cathedral Compound.
CANDLE LIGHT (May 25 - 31, 2014) CANDLE LIGHT (May 25 - 31, 2014)
Pureza D. Lacuesta
Realizations in My Summer Pastoral Work
Ministry of Readers Regular Meeting: A Fruitful One
hile I was still in the Seminary,
I was very excited anticipating
my assignment for summer
pastoral work. Excited for this is my
first experience to spend life in a parish
unknown to me. Excited because this
would be a different life experience.
I would be mingling with people of
different personalities and the parish
environment would be different from the
seminary life I am presently enjoying.
I was so excited before the
announcement of our assignment. I couldnt
explain my feelings. But when our pastoral
assignment was announced, unfortunately,
I was absent due to headache that made
me absent too during the first day of my
pastoral work. I was so thankful that the
parish accepted me even though I reported
on the second day.
My pastoral assignment was here in the
Parish of Our Lady of Candles. I was hesitant
because this parish is big and I anticipated
that there would be more work to do.
In my first few days in the parish
together with my partner, Sem. John
Gio, I felt uneasy since I was new to the
environment. But as time and days passed
n its regular monthly meeting held last
May 18, some sixty members of the
Ministry of Readers including the twenty
new readers met with Msgr. Alejandro P.
Esperancilla, MOR Spiritual Adviser, to plan
the upcoming Basic Formation and Renewal
Seminar to be held on June 14 and 15, 2014.
This Formation and Renewal Seminar
aims to deepen the Spiritual formation
and understanding of the Word of God and
improve the members skills in proclaiming
Him. The seminar is mandatory for the
commissioning and re-commissioning of
the new and old readers respectively. This
will be conducted by the Archdiocesan
Commission on Liturgy and supplemented
by, little by little, we were able to adjust to the
parish and its regular schedule and with the
people around us. We felt comfortable and at
home withour brother seminarians andother
personnel in the parish and with the priest
whomwe had gained good relationship.
After a week our three brothers
from St. Joseph Regional Seminary
joined us here in Jaro Cathedral because
of their special assignment. Since they
stayed with us, they added meaning to
our pastoral work. We had different
objectives but we joined together in some
activities of the parish.
This is my first pastoral experience but
I can sense the relationship between the
parish life and the seminary life, particularly,
our CASA (Community, Academic, Spiritual
and Apostolic) formation.
First, in the Community life, good
relationship with one another is lived.
When I was here in Jaro Cathedral, we
really spent time bonding with one another
because I see that the priests are close to
each other and to the people. This, I find
amusing and inspiring.
Second, in our Academic life we are
trained to develop good study habits
to sharpen our brain and enhance our
intellectual capacity. Here in the cathedral,
I realize the need to answer intelligently
the queries of the people especially
questions about the Church.
Third, in the Spiritual life, we balance
our time for daily chores and prayer.
Here in the Cathedral, to pray is really a
challenge because of the busy-ness of life.
Fourth is the Apostolic life. Here we
are trained to be of service. Our summer
pastoral work is a preparation for the
priesthood where we are being exposed to
the life of the parish. As of now, I am not
yet ready to embrace priesthood because I
need to prepare a lot more.
Although I committed some mistakes
during my exposure the most important
thing is that I learned many things and I
learned from my mistakes. I am happy to
be with the people at the Jaro Cathedral.
There will always be so many roads to cross
but there is always the guiding Light. My
experience here in the parish is only the
beginning. What I am taking right now are
small steps but I am sure, this will lead me
towards becoming what God wants me to
be - with Jesus as my Light and Inspiration!
Sem. Jigger Canonero
by the Parish Priest.
Other matters discussed during the
meeting were the following:
1. Starting in the month of June there
will be a cantor to lead and guide the
churchgoers in the 6:30 a.m. and 5:30
p.m. daily Masses. This will help in the
solemnity of the Mass especially if the
cantor has a beautiful and prayerful
voice. Music draws everyone to sing
and sets the mood for the entire Mass.
The cantors were identified from the
Ministry of Readers by Ms. Evelyn
Jimena and will be trained by Fr. Noel
Gomez, Head of the Parish Music
Ministry on May 20, 21, 27 and 28,
6:00-8:00 p.m.
2. Starting in June, the 5:30 p.m. Masses
will be celebrated in English
3. The Novena for the Mes de Junio will
be prayed after the 6:30 a.m. Mass.
This will be done daily except on
Sundays. Readers have been assigned
to do this for the whole month of June.
4. Msgr. Esperancilla reminded everyone
to be aware of the proper use of the
microphone. The reader must be
sensitive of the correct distance of the
microphone from his/her mouth. He/
She shouldbe aware that his / her voice
is clear and audible. Constant practice
is recommended. Alma D. Blanca
hen we think of the rules,
commandments or guidelines, we
always become resistant thinking
that we have to give up a lot of things or do
some adjustments. Rules make us take a step
backward to assess things if these are more
benefcial to us or not. We fnd it diffcult to
follow rules since at the back of our mind, we
already hesitate to follow, thinking that we
will be deprived or be controlled and we will
be restricted with a lot of things that we want
to do.
Jesus gave us commandments to follow
to: Love God and our neighbors. We are taught
to love God with all our heart, to have faith
and to be obedient to His Commandments, the
Ten Commandments. We are also told to love
our neighbors as we love ourselves.
At the onset, we find difficult following
the commandments. Inside us, we have
doubts on the things that lie ahead. We
always reason out that we are just humans
and the Commandments are difficult to
follow because of the temptations and
challenges of everyday life.
We are told, Love your enemies,
we would reason out, why would I love
someone who caused me so much pain and who
offended me? It is difficult to even to forgive
those who caused us a lot of misfortune,
especially those who really get into our
nerves kailinit gid kanami tampa-on...
baw a! Would it be easy to keep cool? Its a
little difficult, isnt it? But as part of Gods
commandment, we have to be calm and love
them in spite of what they have done to us,
and we need to lengthen our patience.
Christ assured us that if we follow Him,
He would not leave us orphans. He promised
to provide us with another defender or
advocate who will always be around to help or
guide us. This advocate is the Spirit of Truth
wherein Jesus points us to The Pentecost and
the Gifts of the Spirit. We are never alone. We
are called to value the well-being of others,
even in the midst of survival, even before our
comfort. We are taught that before we judge
others, we should try to understand their
situation and their predicament.
It will be a challenge for us to follow
the Commandments but with the Spirit, we
will be able to rise to the challenge. We will
be able to overcome our trials. That in spite
our personal trials we will be able to reach
out to those marginalized, the suffering, and
those others in need. Even if we have our own
pains in life, we can still be agents to healing
and reconciliation in this divided and broken
world. Loving our enemies can also come in
the form of standing up to those in need, to
protect and give support and this we can do
with the help of the Spirit. From our learning
in our challenges in life, we can share our
pains and strive to overcome our trials. In
sharing we give ideas to others on how to
overcome their own life challenges. Added
to this, in times of trials God sends us help,
sometimes in the form of people who can give
us advices, counsel and comfort. I believe that
what is written in the poem, Footprints in the
Sand is true when the Lord said the times
when you have seen only on set of footprints, it is
when I carried you. I believe God never gives
us trails we cannot overcome. He never gives
us temptations we cannot surpass if only we
follow His Ten Commandments. Let the Ten
Commandments be our guiding post, though
it maybe be diffcult to follow sometimes,
close your eyes, let go of earthly pleasures and
follow the Commandments. It will always lead
you back to the right road. You may try it if
you wan.
In 1985, arriving in an alien place with
new friends, new environment, new school
and faced with High School life, it was a
diffcult period of adjustment for me, but I was
able to cope up because I was blessed with
my manongs who guided, adviced and
loved me as a younger sister. It was these
men, who today have become ordained
priests, who made me strong and overcome
my challenges. Believe me, even up to now,
I still run to them for guidance. They are
my God-given Spirits. In the brighter side
of life God gives us challenges for us to
overcome. Dont let these trials put us down.
At frst it would be hard to tackle patawhayi
paminsara ang maayo ubrahon ngayo ka
advice binagbinaga ang kaayuhan nga mahimo
kag ang kalainan nga madulot . pangadi-I
siguradoha nga wala ka ga lihis sa Iya nga Sugo
kag wala man may matapakan nga tawo para sa
kadalag-an sang himuon mo himo ka desisyon.
You need to make instant decision? Pray and
let your conscience guide you (Align your
decision with Gods Commandment).
Each challenge we overcome makes
us better persons. When making decisions,
pray and ask for Gods guidance and seek
Him with a sincere heart. Let us remain
obedient to His Commandments.
God never leaves us. He is always beside
us to guide and love us until the end.
Respond! Rebuild! Resurrect!
What Is Peace?
eace does not mean the absence of
problems, or the quietness of our
surroundings, but, it means the presence
of God in everything we do, which gives us
that calmness of spirit which we need.
Today, we complain about disturbances
which give us much unrest and worries. We
blame people. We blame the modern gadgets.
We blame the media. We blame almost
everything, except ourselves.
Every day we hear about hair-raising
reports of the loss of human lives, we see
curdling incidents on television, we watch
with alarm as we notice that those incidents
take place anywhere. Modern devices like
cellphones, bring these fearful incidents right
into our midst.
We are now locked in a cell of self-
destruction, as Philippine skies grow darker
with the threatening clouds of vices and
immorality. They are visible everywhere,
We Are Not Forsaken
Joy H. Gefes
from homes, to schools, to offices, to public
places, they simply surface any time without
This is the time to ward off our non-
care attitude, to leave the comfort of
irresponsibility, and use our knowledge to
cure the Philippines of her ills. Each of us is
given by God the ingredients to make a recipe
for good relationship. Let us use it now.
Arise! Together let us break the chain
of slavery to vices, false pride, and selfish
ambitions. Let us join hands, join our hearts,
bounded with Gods graces, and remove
our country from the pit of vices and moral
destruction. Let us lift her high to the skies
of world recognition, as a nation filled with
people who love freedom, freedom from the
chains of moral slavery, and who understand
that peace is not entirely freedom from
problems, but where the problems are solved
with the presence of God.
Hail! Brilliant Pearl of the Orient Seas!
Hail! Fellow Christians! Open your heart to
God! Accept and repent of your lack of self-
confidence! Pray for strength! For courage!
For faith! Remove the stains of false and
pretentious brotherhood! Rise! Do not look
back! Do not fall into the abyss of selfishness!
Give love. Spread faith. Share your
blessing with joy. Remember God is beside
us to give us strength if we weaken, to give us
courage, to give us His support, His grace.
What was done cannot be undone, but, it
can be repaired.
Peace starts within us. Let us release it.
Smile in the face of troubles. Love when you
are discarded.
Remember, God never fails! God never
leaves even if we are sometimes disobedient.
Turn to God! Trust in Him! Do you see
that smile on His Face?
Engr. Alberto H. Yanga
Parish Secretary
RAMIE M. MOLINA, 36 yrs. old, resident of 77-B Sitio Matawhay, Tabuc
Suba, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Merdiano, Sr. C. Molina & Nenita D. Malayan
and SARSI JOY B. CHAVEZ, 22 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Libongcogon,
Zarraga, Iloilo, daughter of Cesar C. Chavez & Araceli O. Basal.
JOSE BRENDO A. DUARTE, 45 yrs. old, resident of Lopez Subdivision,
Dulonan, Arevalo, Iloilo City, son of Antonio F. Duarte & Herminigilda
P. Ariola and AILEEN A. DOMOPOY, 38 yrs. old, resident of Cabugao
Norte, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo, daughter of Placido D. Domopoy & Violeta E.
RENE B. FUERZA, 39 yrs. old, resident of Nagba, Tubungan, Iloilo, son
of Felipe M. Fuerza & Editha O. Bugtong and ARLENE T. TABANGCURA,
39 yrs. old, resident of Nagba, Tubungan, Iloilo, daughter of Andres T.
Tabangcura & Jovita C. Tabuga.
DANILO S. SIGAYA, 36 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Canipayan, Sta.
Barbara, Iloilo, son of Anecito Sigaya & Caridad Silgera and NOVIE JOY M.
MAURICIO, 30 yrs. old, resident of Cuartero St., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter
of Victor Mauricio & Julieta Majarocon.
VICTOR A. YU, 36 yrs. old, resident of Washington St., Jaro, Iloilo City,
son of Vicente M. Yu & Salome T. Arevalo and RUBY J. DEMAFILES, 34
yrs. old, resident of Maravilla St., Zarraga, Iloilo, daughter of Rodolfo D.
Demafiles & Azucena P. Jorba.
CRISPIN, II D. CONANAN, 30 yrs. old, resident of Ibajay, Aklan,
son of Crispin, I C. Conanan & Portia S. Diaz and MA. EDINA GRACIA P.
ABANGAN, 30 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Sto. Nio Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City,
daughter of Edgardo A. Abangan & Gavina P. Padernal.
MARCIAL D. SEVILLANO, 46 yrs. old, resident of B21 L48 Easthomes
2, Estefania Bacolod City, son of Ludovico E. Sevillano & Helen B. Dumali
and JOSEPHINE D. MACALI, 41 yrs. old, resident of B26 L14 Westwoods
Subd., Dungon C, Madurriao, Iloilo City, daughter of Artemio G. Macali &
Brenda D. Distajo.
JOHNNY JR. P. NATABIO, 25 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. San Pedro,
Molo, Iloilo City, son of Johnny, Sr. I. Natabio & LynieD. Penuela and MARY
GRACE L. UCAG, 21 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Benedicto, Jaro, Iloilo City,
daughter of Jose Nenito E. Ucag & Flordeliza A. Leonor.
Te couples below wish to contract marriage with each other. For any
impediment or serious defects that will prohibit marriage,
please inform the Parish Secretary or call 329-16-25.
MAY 17, 2014
MAY 18, 2014
MAY 25, 2014 SUNDAY
05:00 a.m. +Natividad H. Jumilla by Leonila J. Jamboy & Family
06:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of DMI & Knights of Columbus
08:00 a.m. MISA PRO POPULO
09:30 a.m. +Leon & Ney Tajanlangit, Serafin & Victoria Mallare,
Alfredo & Corazon Hugo, Encarnacion & Maria
Clara Gonzaga, Eduardo Nuguit, Augustus
Bacabac & Luz Tajanlangit byAlice T. Mallare
12:00 n.n. +Mario Adel Closa, Jr. by Mary Anne Jordan
03:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Edna Mae T. Nuguit
04:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Rogelio Florete, Sr.
& Family, Alberto Yanga & Hollero Family, Randy
Lumbaning, Eva Corsino & Family, Fe Marina
Siacon & Children, Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Garrido
& Family, Ninfa Baylen & Family, Ma. Grace
Evangelista & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Felicito Cabrera
Jr. & Children, Michelle Ann Cordero & Family,
Alma Blanca & Children, Ma.Fe Gelano, Braulia
Cababasay & Family, Joylyn Yap & Family,
Felipe Penecilla & Cezrry Maria Angela Geluz,
Amelita & Analou Enriquez Lazarraga, Minda
Patrimonio, Elsie Sandhu, Freya Loren
Arquion, Emilio Lozada, Aneline Servando, Sheena
Cerujano, Arjay Bayona, Mr. & Mrs. Alex Bayona,
Angelina Satojeto, Algenio Family,
Villanueva & Goboc Families, Jonet Alcain
and Family and Special Intention of
Jean Juntado, Lorevic Siomo, Cristina
Odsinada, Katherine Joy Decolongon,
Joanne Careah Cabalfin, Ann Ross
Erebaren, Karizza Zoette Ann Alcarde,
Khrysta Hernandez & Criscel Jan Pelaez
06:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Immanuel & Ma. Theresa J.
Bartolo, Ma. Zhar Lenna J. Armishaw & Feliciano
07:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Apostolate of OFW Families
MAY 26, 2014 MONDAY
05:30 a.m. Mass Intention for Nursing Licensure Exam of Mark
Jester H. Aposaga & Mary Kaye S. Chavez
06:00 a.m. +Ma. Magdalena Jardeleza by Mae L. Chua
06:30 a.m. MISA REQUIEM
12:15 p.m. Mass Intention for All Souls in Purgatory by Lizada
05:30 p.m. Mass Intention for Nursing Licensure Exam of
Katherine Joy Decolongon, Joanne Careah
Cabalfin, Ann Ross Erebaren, Karizza Zoette Ann
Alcarde & Khrysta Hernandez
MAY 27, 2014 TUESDAY
05:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Michelle Ann Cordero
06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass for Sheila May Tabares & Mary
Grace Baylon by Imballa & Tabares Families
06:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass for Nikhils Kingsly for Passing
the School Exam by Gervy Campo
12:15 p.m. +Rafael Abad by Emma Victoria & Children
05:30 p.m. +Pedro Destao, Sr. by Gina Morrisson
05:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Michelle Ann Cordero
06:00 a.m. +Natividad, Simeon, Generosa, Herminio Sr.,
Leopoldo, Soledad, Federico, Dolores & Paula by
Mrs. Concepcion Advincula
06:30 a.m. Death Anniversary of Sister Gloria Ines by
Guadarrama Family
12:15 p.m. Special Intention of Bessie Bito-on & Mark Joshua
05:30 p.m. +Lucita Sobredilla, Josefina Sumagaysay, Glenda
Deocampo, Lilia, Senen, Victor & Marietta by Aletha
05:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Michelle Ann Cordero
06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Freya Loren Arquion
06:30 a.m. +Amado Piamonte, Sr. by Piamonte Family
12:15 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Nemelyn Medianero
05:30 p.m. Death Anniversary of Billy Juan Beringa by Paul
Vincent Beringa
MAY 30, 2014 FRIDAY
05:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Mary Ann A. Poli & Family
06:00 a.m. +Alfredo Sr & Carmen Dubongco by Menchie Melliza
06:30 a.m. +Ahmira Iris J. Carino by Warlita B. Salmorin
12:15 p.m. +Romy Reyes by Mr. & Mrs. Rogelio Florete, Sr. &
05:30 p.m. +Magdalena Manzo by Victoria Manzo
05:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Rosalind Sapalo, Michael
Steven Sapalo & Kyle Bas
06:00 a.m. +Deanna Chua Eata by Val Eata & Daughters
06:30 a.m. Death Anniversary of Cecilio Sibag by Milagros
Sibag & Children
05:30 p.m. +Ernesto B. Ordona, Sr. by Ordona Family

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