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Theo Economos

Mrs. Belmonte
AP English

What is Virtue?

Virtue is a diminishing part of society. What once was a great trait in which even teens
upheld, has become a rare astonishing one where only a few possess in our society today.
Today, society does not focus on attaining honorable traits and behaviors such as respect and
integrity, but rather on leisure and their own being. Our current society centers more on things
that benefit themselves rather than others; only a small portion put themselves out in the
environment to help the well-being of others. People in our world need to let go of all the self-
centered ideal thoughts they comprise of, such as trying to be the most famous individual in the
world, and focus more on helping the world around them, whether it be a interest or not.
When I see how our society is laid out today, I cannot help but realize how pathetic and
self-seeking our world is. Most of us do not bother to help if it does not give us a reward or help
us in any way. I find virtue very important because not only is it important for our society today,
it is the only thing that will help us get back to the respectful era we once had. Let go of the
economy and the political realm for just a moment. The only thing we really lack is virtue. If we
do not reverse our overall nature into one with virtue and dignity, we will soon see a major
downfall: not in the economic world, but the social world.
I target even those who believe they have a sense of virtue. Certain individuals believe
they hold virtue simply by the fact that they completed an act-in which they believe is virtuous-
that is socially seen as conscientious. I refute this belief. You are only considered virtuous after
an extent of completed honorable acts. Take for example, charity. Whether it is to a beggar or
to a relief organization, you give because you feel it is morally right. However, just because you
give to a good cause does not automatically behold you as virtuous. Now, if you were to
continue giving for an extended period of time, you may start to be considered as a man of
virtue. Why? Simple. Devotion and care. When you continue to give to a specific cause, you are
devoted and along with that, it shows that you care. A mere one-time giving or commitment
does not enrich you with the trait of virtue; a lasting one does.
The last reason I write this is to show that virtue depicts the trustful and noble man in
society, and develops character in ones body. As scarce as this dying trait is, it is the most vital.
Individuals with virtue stand out of the conforming unsophisticated crowd and act as a
backbone to influence the ones under them. If we were to construct a hierarchy such as the
ones we use for social class or wealth but instead, rank it by social honor, we would see that the
ones with virtue are at the top while the ones without it stumble at the feet of the virtuous. But
why do those with virtue want to help the ones that dont? Some might say that they simply
want to boast and present the fact they are mentally higher than those around them. But it is
quite the opposite. They want to help because they care for the welfare of others and they care
for the world around them as a whole. They go out of their way to help others because that
persons essence is more crucial and significant than their own. It is not for the glory and
affection for themselves. If anything, it is for the ones they strive to help. This is what builds
their character. The fact that someone would stick a hand out to others in a world that is slowly
becoming less and less moral is the reason this trait is one of the greatest aspects to find in a
In the end, I will stick to my personal definition of virtue, which is, righteousness that
defines character and displays the honorable man in society, yet it is a trait that is built only
through an extent of completed noble and respected fulfilled acts, rather than the one
Merriam-Webster portrays which is simply morally good behavior or character, because
virtue is not only distinguished through simple morally good behavior, It is distinguished
through care and solicitude.

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