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pg 7
pg 10 & 11
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pg 8

VOL 8 NO.611
MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2014

These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of
the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The
rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials
banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Source: Research, Policy and Planning Department, Central Bank Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia
THURSDAY, MAY29, 2014 L$86.00/US$1 L$87.00/US$1
L$87.00/US$1 L$88.00/US$1
L$88.50/US$1 L$87.50/US$1

In series of communications, a Liberian complained to the EPA that Letronah Construction
Company was constructing a fuel storage tank near private residence where wells and other
sources of water are located and called on the EPA to intervene but instead the EPA insisted that
the company was not in violation of environmental law but failed to produce Environmental
Impact Assessment conducted that vindicated the company from wrongdoing.
LAW & ORDER County News
Liberia Files Complaints Against
Melvin Johnson to Georgia Bar
Court Set to Charge Matilda Parker
for Contempt if..

Page 2 |
Monday, June 9, 2014
with Weah but Janjay Baikpeh, a senior member of the CDC
primary committee in region one, Grand Bassa County told
FrontPageAfrica in Buchanan that Weah subjected himself to a
transparent primary and won, stating that there was no sign that a
contender against Weah would have been cheated.
Ambassador Weah subjected himself to the primary process and
won, the party will announce the offcial results of successful
candidates from all the 15 counties soon, said Baikpeh.
NEC Magistrate for Grand Bassa when quizzed by FPA said the
NEC was aware of primary and observed the process, describing
it as free, fair and Transparent.
David Logan confrmed to FrontPage Africa in Grand Bassa
on Saturday that the National Elections Commission offcially
observed the CDC political primary held on Friday night.
Mr. Logan said there has been no complaint from the party and
that the NEC sees the primary as in line with the rules of the body.
Despite rumor of attempted foul-play during the Grand Bassa
primary, the Grand Bassa County Magistrate clarifed that nothing
of such was reported to his offce.
Weahs election at the CDC primary means the dust is now settled
and rumor surrounding the political ambition of the CDC standard
bearer is now known. He is no doubt popular in Montserrado
County and with him the CDC has a good chance of maintaining
the seat it now occupies.
Nathaniel McGill, Gbarpolu County
CDC Secretary General McGill was elected for Gbarpolu County
and should by now be preparing to faceoff with incumbent
Theodore Momo, former Senator Daniel Naatehn and others.
McGill is a new comer in legislative politics but he will be
counting on CDC youthful followers for success.
McGill told FrontPageAfrica that he is excited by the opportunity
to represent the people of Gbarpolu through the CDC
I am Very excited that partisans of CDC from Gbarpolu
County have elected me, I am very committed to changing the
living conditions of the people. I see it as a challenge and a
responsibility, he said
According to him, incumbent Theodore Momo has not done
anything suffcient to change the condition of the people
describing life in Gbarpolu as deplorable, education system poor,
road conditions bad.
Our people do not want money from the Senator; our people only
want the little money coming to the county to be used wisely, he
I blame the legislators, they have the county development council
and have people on the council that do not represent people, and
we will change that, because part of CDC platform is to change
the living conditions of the people, the grass root people.
The senatorial aspirant said there is a need to address the specifc
needs of the people including ensuring that there is good health
system for the people to be able to make farms, which is their
main source of living.
The people depend on farming and as such, they need good
health, places like Bocomu (sp) there is no road, how do you
expect the people to move around, he wondered.
McGill dispelled the widespread notion that the CDC is a
Monrovia based political party with more support in Capital.
CDC is popular across the length and breadth of this country,
Sirleaf won according to the Elections Commission, we accepted
results but that does not means the CDC is not popular around the
country. Infact, our campaign has gained a lot of momentum in
the county.
The CDC Secretary General promised to unite the people of
Gbarpolu County.
Foday Kromah, Grand Cape Mount County
Apparently eying the CDC ticket for Grand Cape Mount County,
Kromah joined the CDC in April and that paid off as he elected to
represent the party in the ensuing senatorial election.
Kromah will take the CDC against the ruling Unity Party
Chairman, Cllr. Varney Sherman and other candidates in October.
ctober 2014 senatorial midterm election in Liberia
is inching closer as political parties lineup to show
strength at the polls in what is dubbed a possible
indicator to who becomes president in 2017, replacing
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf who is constitutionally ineligible
to contest a third term of offce.
There has been political maneuvering, moving and shaking over
the last few months with individuals crossing carpet from one
political party to another in a bid to grab a party slot in preparation
to contest the election.
From indications, the main opposition CDC has seen the larger
number of newcomers, followed by the Liberty party while 15
other parties have hit the rock in their preparations as a consequence
of a ruling by the civil law court in infavor of a petition flled by
the National Elections Commission revoking the licenses of these
political parties for failure to comply with elections laws.
The 15 deregistered political parties are the National Vision Party
of Liberia, the National Union for Democratic Progress, Citizens
Unifcation Party, Freedom Alliance Party, Original Congress
Party, Liberia Empowerment Party, Progressive Democratic
Party, Liberia Destiny Party, National Reformation Party,
National Democratic Party of Liberia, Liberia Reconstruction
Party, National Social Democratic Party of Liberia, Liberia Equal
Rights Party, Majority Party of Liberia and Progressive Peoples
The court handed down the ruling after the NEC on February
10, 2014, fled a petition before the Civil Law Court seeking the
revocation of the registration and accreditation of 20 registered
political parties.
NEC argued in the Petition that the political parties violated
Articles 83(d) and 79 (c)(i) of the 1986 Constitution of Liberia
as well as Part II, Chapter IV of the Guidelines Relating to the
Registration of Political Parties and Independent Candidates.
Article 83(d) of the Constitution of Liberia makes it mandatory
that every political party in Liberia shall on September 1, of each
year, publish and submit to the NEC detailed statements of assets
and liabilities. These shall include the enumeration of sources of
funds and other assets, plus a list of expenditures. Article 79(c)
(i) in relevant part, mandates that no association shall function
as a political party, unless the headquarters of the association is
situated in the Republics Capital.
Part II, Chapter IV of the Guidelines Relating to the Registration
of Political Parties and Independent Candidates mandates that
each political party shall maintain an updated bank account
with a balance not less than 10,000 United States Dollars or its
equivalence in Liberian Dollars.
With 15 political parties now off the mark, the ruling Unity Party,
the Congress for Democratic Change, the Liberty Party and a few
other political parties now have the edge to pick their candidates
for the October senatorial election.
CDC leads in primary
The opposition CDC has taken the lead in picking its candidates
to contest the senatorial election with 13 candidates now set to
contest while another two are yet to be determined.
The primary started off in the Port City of Buchanan on Friday
with fve candidates emerging victorious followed by another
fve in Gbarnga, Bong County and concluded Harper, Maryland
In Buchanan there was no much surprise besides the new face
in person of Atty. Teplah Reeves whose election seems disputed
with CDC offcials providing conficting information but the other
candidates, George Weah, Nathaniel McGill, Foday Kromah were
all considered done deal ahead of the primary.
The frst batch of 13 torchbearers for the CDC are now known and
with the party popular some locations, the CDC and its candidates
now have a huge task in fghting to achieve the partys pronounced
feat of winning at least right out of ffteen seats.
George Weah, Montserrado County
Weah who previously contested as President in 2005 before
playing a second role in 2011 serving as Vice Standard bearer to
Cllr. Winston Tubman has long been rumored to be a candidate for
the Montserrado senatorial race.
Later news surfaced that Weah is contemplating trading his
support to Mr. Robert Sirleaf until the Vice Chairman of the CDC
Mulbah Morlu, pronounced that Weah decided to be a candidate
in the senatorial race.
Even before the Buchanan primary, there was no doubt that Weah
would have won as no partisan could brave the storm to contest
against him.
Incumbent Montserrado Senator Joyce M. Sumo has been crying
foul that the CDC was pushing Weah against her political interest,
yet without going through a primary process but Senator Sumo
offcially resigned from the CDC about a week to the event.
Before the start of the Buchanan primary, Weah told partisans of
the CDC that it was time for the party to put aside wrangling and
move ahead.
Its time for us to cease the opportunity, 2014 is our year and
2017 is also ours, so lets have a peaceful primary, Weah declared
in a brief statement.
There was no known CDC partisan willing to put up a fght
Monday, June 9, 2014 Page 3
Dr. Kromah told FrontPageAfrica that he has done a lot in Grand
Cape Mount County and does not fear any other candidate.
I am Happy to have been elected, that is the frst step, the
next step is to go out there in cape mount, continue the work
of construction of markets, schools, those basic things that will
improve the wellbeing of our people, said Dr. Kromah
He said he has done a lot for the county in line with the vision of
the CDC.
I have done a lot of work in the county, true to the vision and
mission of the CDC, improving the wellbeing of our people.
On his potential contender, Dr. Kromah said Cllr. Sherman has
lost touch with the people of Grand Cape Mount since the 2005
Cllr. Sherman has lost the feeling of the people in Grand Cape
Cape mount, he has lost all touch with the people, going from
village to village, dividing one thousand Liberian dollars here and
there. So I dont think the people will judge us by that, they will
judge us by what we have done, and I have done more for the
people in the county than all the other candidates.
He described the belief that Cllr. Sherman is a strong contender as
a Monrovia noise. He said: The noise is just in Monrovia, but
the reality on the grounds is different. He does not have anything
over people in the county.
Teplah Reeves, Rivercess County

In the most contested county at the primary, Cllr. Teplah Reeves
defeated two other contenders, Rosina Shaack and Emmanuel Toe
for the River Cess County seat. She served as former President
Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL) 2011 to 2013.
Solomon Murray, Grand Bassa County
Murray was the CDC man for Grand Bassa after Liberty Party
lawmaker Gabriel Smith attempted to hijack the ticket.
Murray appeared to be quite a surprised choice according to
some CDCians of Grand Bassa County but he insists that hes
a consistent and founding member of the CDC who has been
upholding the principals of the opposition political party in Grand
Bassa County while other politicians objective is to use the party
for selfsh gains.
Weve (CDC) always been open but the phenomenal of
politicians in Grand Bassa County as it relates to CDC is that they
always want to use CDC just to fsh during the election but they
dont want to identify with the party, Murray told FPA.
Murray has been rated by some Grand Bassa based partisans of the
CDC as a weak-candidate but he insists that he will be formidable
considering the partys popularity amongst the Liberian people
and called on his critics to wait for the election before making
CDC has a very large home base in Grand Bassa County; its
undisputed because weve proven that in many elections, although
we have not won any seat in Bassa, yet we know there are places
in Grand Bassa County that we remain strong and we remain a
phenomenal to contend with, said Murray.
Murray who claimed to be a teacher says he has worked to mode
the minds of countless students in Grand Bassa County and also
says hes a developer and a youth leader who have impact on the
lives of many Bassonians (people of Bassa).
Despite the optimism of CDCs choice for Grand Bassa County,
it clearly remains an uphill task for him and the party to lure
signifcant votes or supporters to the party on October 14, 2014.
CDC Secretary General in Grand Bassa admits that the task ahead
of Murray and the party is huge.
Our primary was organized, the competition was high and I am
happy we did not have any quarrel, everything went well and
the only thing is that we have a lot to do to sell our candidate in
this county where it is Liberty Party stronghold, said J. Bismark
Said Karbiah Politically, every political party has their terrain,
so when you see Montserrado, Grand Gedeh counties are our
stronghold but here, it is all Liberty Party so did not have more
candidates from Grand Bassa for CDC because the Liberty Party
sentiment is high.
In Gbarnga, Bong County, another fve candidates were elected to
take the party to the election.
Galakpai Kortimai, Lofa County

Kortimai, dismissed from his position as Deputy Director-General
for Administration of the General Services Agency (GSA) the
very day he declared his membership with the CDC was won the
CDC ticket for Lofa County.
Kortimai served as former superintendent of Lofa could rely on
his past work in the county to get votes.
Jefferson Koijee said it is wrong for the president to dismiss
people for choosing their political affliation.
According to Koijee the presidents action raises fear that when
the United Nations Mission in Liberia leaves, the life of the
Liberian people will be at risk because she is not tolerance.
Ansu Sonii, Margibi County

Sonii is contesting for the third time having contested as
Representative candidate in 2005 and senatorial candidate in
2011. He contested the 2005 election on the ticket of the coalition
for the transformation of Liberia (COTOL) in electoral District #1
where he obtained 3,912 votes out of total valid votes of 17, 617
representing 24.2%, coming second to Emmanuel Nuquay who
received 5,794 votes representing 35.9%.
In 2011 Sonii contested the senatorial seat winning 18,715 votes
out of total valid votes of 79,778 representing 23.5%, coming
second to eventual winner Oscar Cooper. Experience therefore
seems to be on his side, both in government, administration and
politics. His constituency of Kakata is replete with evidence of
constituency and other projects with his imprint scattered all over
the place. His constituents also bear testimony to his empowerment
programs within the area and even beyond.
Getting the CDC ticket in Margibi is big boost to Sonii quest for
the senate but he will have to fght for it against incumbent Clarice
Jah and others.
Augustus Flomo, Bong County

Flomo won unopposed in Bong County and he now has a huge
task ahead come October election. The primary for Bomi County
according to our correspondent ended up and confusion and has
now been postponed to take place in Monrovia.
Dr. Bhofal Chambers, Maryland County
Chambers has won two successive elections as Representative
of Pleebo Sodoken District in Maryland County. In 2005 he
contested on the ticket of the Unity Party and in 2011 he moved
unto the CDC.
His district is the most populous in the county and that could help
him oust incumbent John Ballout.
Other candidates elected in the south counties are-Marshall
Dennis, Grand Gedeh County; Alex Yeaher, River Gee County
and Richmond Toby, Sinoe County. The primary for Grand Kru
was accordingly postponed.
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Monday, June 9, 2014
n the face of a tight and unbearable economic situation,
Liberian workers are suffering to get jobs simply due to two
public offcials whose unnecessary rivalry continues to hurt
our nation: Central Bank Governor Mills Jones and Finance
Minister Amara Konnehs continuous misunderstanding is more
than worrisome and could not be ignored by the President in her
State of the Nations Economy Address recently.
. in the absence of full cooperation between the Ministry
of Finance and the Central Bank of Liberia, have created stress
in the banking system and the depreciation in the exchange rate,
the President noted in lying out some of the main reasons for the
countrys current poor economic situation.
For the past fve to six months now, the Liberian Government
lacks funding to honor its obligations to contractors, ofcourse with
emphasis on those who are responsible to fx or repair our roads.
This makes one to wonder about the survival of these Liberian
workers just as the rainy season gets into full gear.
When the Public Works Minister Antoinette Weeks during her
recent appearance on Capitol Hill told the Liberian Senate about
the indebtedness of the Liberian Government to contractors in
the tone of over US$84 million, it makes one to project the kind
of hardship Liberian workers who fnd themselves in this sector
will continue to endure based on Governor Jones and Minister
Konnehs hardened rivalry.
But just a minute: where are all the taxes or revenues generated
by the Finance Ministry with no return to beneft Liberian
But you may also wonder where is Governor Jones professed
nationalism (of dashing out unregulated loans) when he is refusing
to prioritize the interests of those who just merely surviving to
get their wages through these companies that are either already
shutting down or have ceased to operate due to the lack of funds
to pay workers and vendors?
For Minister Konneh who always preaches austerity but practices
wastes and abuse, he must know that he needs to cut-off such non-
compliance posture with the Bank Governor so payments can be
made to those companies for his compatriots to get some money
in their pockets.
Just so you know, 90% of these companies have already closed
down or ceased operations because they are being owed too long
and Liberians earning their living through these companies are the
only victims.
If the primary reason for non-payment to contractors is the
song Lack of Funds In The Budget, then why cant a reported
US$10,000 monthly allowance to the Finance Minister be curbed
considerably to help address these issues? As a matter of fact, how
is he justifying that amount in the frst place? Now possible in
that when Governor Jones continues to parade Monrovia and the
entire country in his very expansive and luxurious bullet-proof
Just for the record, when former Minister Augustine K. Ngafuan
(now Foreign Minister) was at Finance, it is a known secret that
there were fewer taxpayers and businesses and every contractor
and vendor were getting paid at least three times in a single Fiscal
Year. Unlike, now where taxpayers and businesses have increased,
the situation is just the ironical reality. What sense does that make?
Where are the reserves at the CBL? Aint they supposed to be used
to intervene in such an economical time as this? (Or is the focus
only on the civil servants salaries and allowances, some with
very fabulous ones eventhough these Liberians in the contraction
sector who depend only on their respective monthly pays are also
Liberians and deserve same treatment under the law?)
Where are accrued funds or revenues from the Foreign Direct
Investments that yielded over US$16 billion? Yes, we know that
some of these investments have been spread over time (some up to
25 years) but they and most of the others are all spread over phases
which means phase-payments for the past almost nine years.
Which is more important: getting the hydro up in order to have
suffcient power supply for our citizens who, however, wont
afford to buy a single cup of rice, least to mention access to
adequate medical services due to the prevailing situations of
Liberians being cut off from jobs?
Which is more important: giving out political loans at the
expense of the Liberians state resources for the Governors
political motives or ordinary Liberians empowerment to keep
food on their families tables by paying contractors through which
they too will get paid? Which is better: the Finance Ministers
lobbied Finance Minister of The Year Award or lifting Liberians
out of poverty by making sure the companies with which they
daily bread is tied remain functional?
Which is more important: satisfying the individual political
motives of these politics-drunk public offcials or preventing rural
(and urban) Liberians from potential disasters of terrible roads in
the midst of heavy rains that would leave some homeless?
What about the CBLs responsibility to regularize institutional
failures in order to make corrective measures like contacting the
World Bank (and probably other donors) to lend Liberia some
funds to meet its budgetary obligations?
As we speak, Public Works workers and contractors are striking
not because there is no electricity, but not a single pot-hole in
Monrovia has been repaired since over six months now. So, that
predicts the story of rural dwellers who expect to get basic social
services including medical supplies and others. They too are
Liberians who will be expecting to transport and also food to and
fro but how possible in the absence of maintained and repaired
roads now that the rains have begun coming?
Those Liberians in rural parts are threatened with hunger and
serious medical situations if Governor Jones and Minister Konneh
cannot afford to collaborate in the interest of the country. Infact,
it would be best for the President to request their respective
resignations, if you ask me for the best solution. These two men
are holding an entire nation hostage and Liberia, in its current
recovery drive cant afford to be held hostage by its two greedy
and selfsh fscal and monetary bosses. Please for once, Madam
President, take action and take it now!
Where are we heading, I wonder? So when will the President take
against these two fscal and monetary offcials whose behaviors
continue to undermine her Government? When she hinted in her
recent address that she will make sure of her direct leadership in
effective changes and prosecuting offenders, I think that time is
now when she would put the right people at the right places in
such a time in the history of our countrys economy.
If both men truly love their country, this is the time to show it.
Politics aside, they will truly be hailed in return
THE ENVIRONMENTAL Protection Agency of Liberia has
requested the Ministry of Justice to provide its inspectors with
police protection in a bid to remove the generator that supplies
FrontPageAfrica with power to operate its offce in Congotown.
THE EPAS DECISION stems from a complaint fled by Dr.
Martha Sendolo Belleh, a former Minister of Health and Social
Welfare in the Samuel K. Doe government.
FOR THE RECORD, FrontPageAfrica has been operating in the
vicinity in question since 2008, long before Ms. Belleh commenced
construction of her building. Nevertheless, following a meeting
with Ms. Belleh, FrontPageAfrica and Ms. Belleh agreed that we
would carry out a number of facelift to prevent the emission from
entering Ms.Bellehs building.
For the past three month, since FPA was informed by Ms. Belleh,
we have not used the generator in question because we came to the
conclusion that we would complete the tune-ups which included
raising the fence adjacent to Ms. Bellehs building and raising the
pipe above her building so that the emission from the generator
will no longer enter her premises.
THAT WORK is nearly completed.
IN THE MEANTIME, our staff has been working off the premises,
unless in cases where the Liberia Electricity Corporation decides
to give power to the area and that has not been the case for some
time now.
WE DID ALL THIS just to satisfy the wishes of Ms. Belleh and
avoid confrontation with her, or any breach of the EPA regulations.
TO OUR SURPRISE, while the construction was taking place,
the EPA continued to send us communications regarding the
complaint when in fact we were doing everything in our power to
ensure that this matter was resolve.
the efforts we were making to rectify the issue with Ms. Belleh,
the director agreed that we should continue with the retooling of
the building to keep the emission from Ms. Bellehs yard.
TO OUR SURPRISE, Ms. Vohiris deputy, Stephen Neufville
took it upon himself to write the following letter seeking police
protection from the Ministry of Justice to remove the generator
from our offce.
IN A LETTER dated May 28, 2014 sent to Cllr.Wheatonia Dixon
Barnes, Acting Attorney General and Minister of Justice, the EPA
Dear Minister Barnes,
I wish to present you my compliments and to inform you of
EPAs decision to remove a generator located in the vicinity of
Congotown and owned by Mr. Rodney Sieh of the FrontPageAfrica
Newspaper. This decision is the result of the intervention of a
complaint brought to the EPA by Madam Martha Sendolo-Belleh,
a resident of Congotown against Mr. Rodney Sieh for the emission
of generator smoke into her house by means of the exhaust pipe
built through her fence.
Upon receipt of said complaint, Mr. Sieh was invited for inquiry
and at the end of our inquiry, it was decided that the generator
be removed within seven (7)working days as of the date of the
decision which was on Thursday, May 1, 2014. But the removal is
yet to take place.
In view of the above and in keeping with Section 69 of the
Environmental Protection and Management Law of Liberia 2003
entitled Prohibition of Pollution by Emission which prohibits
pollution by Emission, we are therefore requesting that the
Ministry of Justice provides police protection to our inspectors in
the exercise of removing the generator. This exercise is scheduled
to take place on Tuesday, June 3, 2014 at 10: 00am.
Please accept the sentiment of my highest esteem as we strive for
save and clean environment for Liberians.
Kind Regards
Stephen Y. Neufville
Acting Executive Director
FOR THE RECORD, no representative of FrontPageAfrica
was part of any inquiry as claimed by Mr. Neufville. Secondly,
FrontPageAfrica is only a tenant in the building and its publisher
Rodney Sieh is not the owner of the generator. The generator is
Philomena Wreh,, Contributing Writer
owned by FrontPage Corporation.
WE ARE UNSURE what the motive is behind Mrs. Belleh and
the EPAs attempt to shut down our operations within the vicinity
when right next door to Mrs. Bellehs building is the Lonestar
Communication Corporations which has an even bigger generator
which spreads more smoke into the environment and her building.
The company equipment and operations are much larger than
LONESTAR CELL operates two 500KVA generators which run
more hours than FrontPageAfrica which has an 80KVA generator
that operates less than fve hours daily and used only for printing
purposes at night.
ADDITIONALLY, the community is host to several companies
including Putu Range, Bea Mountain and others all with bigger
generators than FPA. This is why we are puzzled and do not see the
rationale for targeting FrontPageAfrica.
EPA HAS NEVER inspected the environment to know the volume
of smoke sent into the air by Lonestar Cell Communications and
other companies but is singling out FrontPageAfrica for reasons
best known to the EPA and Mrs. Belleh. More importantly, no other
company within the vicinity has taken the steps FPA has taken to
ease the concerns of Mrs. Belleh.
IT IS SAD that Mr. Neufville chose to use his power and infuence
to try and sabotage our operations by taking the generator away
from our premises.
IN A POST-WAR nation still struggling to restore electricity to
millions of its citizens, generator is the only source of power for
many homes and businesses.
THROUGHOUT Monrovia, the buzzing sounds of generators
can be heard daily and nightly. It is sad that the EPA has chosen
FrontPageAfrica as the only violators of its Section 69 EPA
Prohibition of Pollution by Emission policy.
WERE PRETTY sure that if this policy is implemented throughout
the length and breadth of Liberia, the EPA would need a lot of
police escorts to push a lot of businesses and homes into darkness.
Monday, June 9, 2014 Page 5
Send your letters and comments to:
The comments expressed here are those of our online readers and
bloggers and do no represent the views of FrontPageAfrica
Rodney D. Sieh, Managing Editor, 0886-738-666;
Wade C. L. Williams, News Desk Chief, wade.; 0880664793
Sports Editor, Danesius Marteh, danesius.marteh@, 0886236528
Henry Karmo, henry.karmo@frontpageafricaonline.
Al-varney Rogers
com, 0886-304498
Sports Reporter, A. Macaulay Sombai,macaulay., 077217428
Grand Bassa, Alpha Daffae Senkpeni, 0777432042
Bong County, Selma Lomax, selma.lomax@, 0886-484666
Sinoe County, Leroy N.S Kanmoh, leroy.kanmoh@
Kadi Coleman Porte, 0886-304-178/ 0777832753, advertise@
The Reader's Page
In their 2013 book on campaign reporting and political science
entitled THE GAMBLE: Choice and Chance in the 2012 Presidential
Election, John Sides and Lynn Vavreck devoted a section to the three
stages of media coverage many candidates go through during primaries
on the road to the American presidency; they are as follows: discovery,
scrutiny and decline.
As a result of his charisma, and the adulation of a rising population of
soccer crazy youths and young adults, our legend, Ambassador George
Weah, didnt have to go through the stage of discovery. And apart
from the issue of education which he overcame, the popular candidate
hasnt yet undergone a serious scrutiny by the press on his integrity,
except now.
Despite his defense, would these emails be the smoking gun to trigger
a decline, and an end to his thrilling trek to the presidency? if Weahs
meteoric rise from rags to riches through determination, hard work and
competitive advantage is any guide, it would take more than emails to
slow down his ambition. Time will tell, we thank FPA for breaking the
The revelation of George Weah is sickening. It seem everyone is a
fatherly fgure to confused Weah. First Sapp Blatter and now Bin
Hammam. It was Sapp Blatter who appointed Weah to the Pretigious
FIFA Committee which also includes Members like Roger Milla and
Pele. Blatter even Weah continue to used his fame for corruptible
practices in order to maximize wealth-from the back door dealing
in Liberia politics to the international footballing stage. He should
be ashamed of himself! Unfortunately, the Brother have no Ethical
principles or Standards. Accepting mere 30 British pound for so-called
school fees is sad. I believe it's God revealing the true color of Weah and
criminal enterprise. We beat on Ellen's led government for corruption
and malpractices and yet Weah and his compatriots are catched with
their pant down and folks want to justifed Weah dealing in the FIFA
Scandal. Let called Spade a Spade. Sometime, I wondered if We
Liberian are Cursed People or just Wicked and Selfsh People.
Football made Weah and helped to propel him to the national political
scene. I hope football does not help to destroy his political career.
The elections in 2017 will be completely different from 2005 or any
presidential elections Liberia has ever seen. There will be rigorous
scrutiny of candidates like never before. In the past it was easy for
anyone to claim that "America or the UN sent me" and people would
buy it. After Ellen's performance that propaganda will not easily
work. Similarly, after the performance of the legislature and cabinet
ministers, just being a "country" man or woman will not earn anyone
automatic acceptance. Too many people have died and the Liberian
people have a responsibility to ensure that those hundreds of thousands
of innocent people who were killed did not die in vain. Liberians have a
responsibility to ensure that they elect people, from the lowest position
to the presidency, who will seek the interest of the country. I have
always maintained that academic excellence and international contacts
are good but they do not guarantee patriotism and good governance.
Liberians must search for competent and incorruptible people to move
the country forward. The state of Liberia is shameful and leaders who
are prepared to sacrifce for the country to make the great leap must be
identifed and given the opportunity to lead. As this story has shown,
there are people with money in the world who are prepared to buy
anything. If Liberia has not already been sold, Liberians have a duty
to ensure that the integrity of the country is retained and maintained!
World best player turned BM? this is unfortunate. for sure, the rumor
that lone star sold her chance of going to worldcup in 2002 seem to
be real. if weah of all personalities who played for millions of dollars
can come so low as to take $50,000.00 to infuence vote in liberia, just
shows how unserious this guy who want to lead Liberia is. all of his
predecessors(renown world class footballers) are linked to positivities
not criminality; from King pele, Abdi Pele, Platini, kanu, abu trikha,
etc. why should it be our Weah?it is time for Amb. Weah to step out
of public domain and clear his name at the FIFA saga. it is time for
the CDC to ask amb. Weah to clear his name before being considered
political leader of his party. i m sure CDC would dare ask weah to do
The Editor,
his is where the rubber meets the road, as the
expression goes. Would FPA please go back into
its fles and reprint the story,--either after "DR."
Antoinette Weeks was appointed or when she went
for her Senate confrmation hearings--to read again her resume,
degrees earned and ENGINEERING PROJECTS she claimed
that she supervised, managed and or completed. I wrote then
and asked for verifcation of those engineering projects listed on
her resume. Classroom accomplishment as in schools attended
and degrees earned is not equivalent to work experience or work
history, and verifable work references. But in the Senate did
they dare question the stated accomplishments of a DR. WEEKS,
an arrogant congua who rained insults on her native deputy as a
"country ass?"
Weeks has even shown her contempt for constituted authorities
to the Senate when she frst refused to appear to answer to the
deplorable state of the roads in Liberia. Not only that, she was a
no-show when her boss the president surprisingly showed up at
her offce recently, and not once but twice. Does Weeks cares?
No, she is a Weeks whose father and Ellen worked together and
were "b-friend-g-friend" back in the good old days at Finance
in the TWP era. So "Cousin" Ellen must look out for "Cousin/
Uncle" Weeks' children and siblings. Hence, the presence of three
WEEKS in Ellen's government
with top lucrative positions,---Dr. Antoinette Weeks, Minister
of Public Works; ANGILIQUE WEEKS, Chair of the Board,
Liberia Telecommunications Authority; and KIMMI WEEKS,
Chair of the Board of the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation--
and justifably the reason for their corrupt and arrogant behavior,
to a point where Angelique, in violation of the law engineered a
US$1 million building leasing ponzi scam and could not be fred
by the president.
So Antoinette now wants to use Kof Woods as a scapegoat for
her incompetent handling of the giant Public Works Ministry. But
Kof is not a pushover and has challenged the government to sue
him if it suspects he was a crook. All because Kof is a lawyer
who defended Rodney Sieh and Woods could harbor presidential
dreams in 2017.
But for Ellen who is an "economist" from Havard, long term
strategic planning for our roads is necessary instead of the annual
temporary band aid solution of resurfacing rather than paving
if one takes into consideration our annual six months of heavy
tropical rain. But then again, I did not go to Havard University.
But this problem of the rainfall has been around as long as
the beginning of time, and will always be with us unless some
powerful magical forces move Liberia physically to somewhere
in all yearlong hot climate region like the Middle East.
Fantasy dream.
Why trade our fertile soil and virgin rain forest for yearlong hot
weather because we lack the genius to plan? So our government
must think and plan long-term solutions.
Maybe we need to ask the United States for help with its best
engineers and the best road networks of any country in the world
to help design and build our roads. Tradeoffs would be some
natural resources: iron ore and now OIL. It would be a win-
win for both Liberia and the US which has been babysitting and
breastfeeding us since birth in 1847. Didn't the US literally stop
the war, and when President George W. Bush told Charles Taylor
its time to pack up and leave and Taylor fed into Nigeria? The US
has pumped billions of dollars into Liberia and what have we got
to show for that money? Liberians can have frst class all weather
roads if we put our ego on one side and ask the country with the
best roads and best road construction engineers in the world, the
United States of America.
Ellen, you should have made me one of your advisors. See what
I just suggested? I am awaiting a call from you President Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia. My number is: 301-789-7786. Trust
me, it will work and can be done, ONLY if we ask. It is called
technical agreement/aid. The Chinese are doing it all over Africa.
I just rather put my money on American road engineers.
Jerry Wehtee Wion
Washington, DC, USA....
The Editor,
ow many times will this goon (Rep. Acarous Gray)
get away with felony? (Re "Acarous Gray Denies
Phone Theft" Daily Observer Online)
Representative Acarous Gray has ALL the markings
of a felon!!!.. But will you ever see Gray in an orange jumpsuit??
Please. In Liberia, lawmakers are entitled to legislative immunity
for felony!
In case your short term memory has failed you, let's recap some of
Gray's felonious activities, shall we??
#1) Have you forgotten how Gray and his goons threw stones at
3 year old school children and blocked productive citizens from
going to work during their (CDC) so called "peace march" on
March 25, 2011???
#2) Have you forgotten how Gray dressed up in a military fatigue
to intimidate elections offcials and incite election violence
because a CDC candidate was correctly disqualifed from a the
by-election (Re "CDC By-Elections Disqualifcation Leads to
Another Violent Turn in Monrovia")???
3) Have you ever seen a picture of Rep. Gray on the internet
(FPA website)?? Gray is an opium smoker.. Look at his red eyes!
Red eyes are an indicator of heavy marijuana use, but our public
servants not required to take drug test, so Gray gets high and does
all kinds of crazy shit to law-abiding citizens!
Look. When you assault school children; incite election violence;
smoke pot on the job; and steal other people property-- you belong
in the jail house, not in the House of Representatives!
Where the hell is the damn House Ethics committee when you
need them?
Martin Scott
Atlanta, Georgia
Page 6 |
Monday, June 9, 2014
In series of communications, a Liberian complained to the EPA that Letronah Construction Company was constructing
a fuel storage tank near private residence where wells and other sources of water are located and called on the EPA to
intervene but instead the EPA insisted that the company was not in violation of environmental law but failed to produce
Environmental Impact Assessment conducted that vindicated the company from wrongdoing.
he Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia, an entity
established as the principal authority for managing the environment
by coordinating, monitoring and supervising and consulting with
relevant stakeholders on all activities in protection of the environment
and for sustainable use of natural resources, according to documents is instead
defending some institutions against the interest of community residents and
granting environmental permits without conducting Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA).
In the 2012-2013 national budget, the EPA claimed as its achievement that it
conducted soil and air sampling tests at company sites to ensure compliance
with environmental protection and management laws of Liberia, conducted
analyses of drinking and surface water from mineral water producers,
conducted tests on effuent discharge.
But an investigation conducted by FPA backed by communications and other
documents has established that in several communities around Monrovia fuel
storage terminals, wells and bathrooms are located close to each other without
inspecting followed by reprimand from the EPA. Even wetlands are being used
for construction of residential areas and other purposes with the EPA only
erecting billboards without further action in preventing these actions in order
to protect the environment.
Documents in the possession of FrontPageAfrica indicate that the EPA
without conducting an Environmental Impact Assessment on the impact of
the construction of a gas storage terminal in a community along the Samuel K.
Doe Boulevard has been defending Letronah Construction Company for the
construction of fuel storage tank in residential area.
In series of communications, a Liberian complained to the EPA that Letronah
Construction Company was constructing a fuel storage tank near private
residence where wells and other sources of water are located and called on
the EPA to intervene but instead the EPA insisted that the company was not
in violation of environmental law but failed to produce Environmental Impact
Assessment conducted that vindicated the company from wrongdoing.
Cllr. Charles W. Brumksine in a letter to the EPA companied that he observed
earthmoving activities and the placing of fuel storage tanks on a parcel of land
near his house, off S.K.D. Boulevard, Congo Town, where he lives with his
family and other Liberians in a neighborhood but the EPA in turn informed
Cllr. Brumksine that the company was not violation of environmental laws.
In a letter dated April 21, 2014, addressed to Mr. Lee Samuels of the Letronah
Construction Company, Cllr. Brumksine stated I have observed earthmoving
activities and the placing of fuel storage tanks on a parcel of land near my
house, off S.K.D. Boulevard, Congo Town, where my family and I live. The
well from where my family gets water for our daily use and sustenance is
about sixty yards away from where you are digging to place your underground
fuel storage tanks. The proposed location of your fuel storage tank is of grave
concern to me, because the water table in the area is very high, as it is in
proximity to a wetland (swamp) area; and any leak from your storage tanks
or other spillage of discarded fuel and lubricants from your gas/service station
would seep into the water vein and cause serious bodily injury, if not death,
to members of my family. Also, I noticed that the Ministry of Public Works
had previously marked a notice of removal on one of your storage tanks, as
placing such storage tanks within a residential area contravenes the Zoning
Law of Liberia.
Cllr. Brumksine appealed to the company to reconsider its decision in placing
the fuel storage in the area but the company through its legal counsel, the
Heritage Partners and Associates insisted that its client was not in violation of
any environmental law.
Stated the communication from Heritage Partners and Associates Kindly be
advised that prior to the acquisition of the site on which the gas station is to be
constructed, Mr. Samuels consulted relevant government agencies including
the Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Lands, Mines & Energy and the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and each of these agencies conducted
separate assessments in collaboration with his environmental consultant, Green
Consultancy, Inc. Based on the reports of the various assessments, which raised
no-environmental issues, such as those raised in your communication, he was
issued separate permits by the Ministry of Public Works and the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), granting him the permission to proceed with the
construction of the gas station along with erection of the storage tank. Further,
the report from the independent assessments conducted by the relevant
agencies made several recommendations and those recommendations are
being fully implemented to the letter.
EPA intervention sought

Cllr. Brumksine in another communicated dated April 22, 2014 addressed
to Hon. Anyaa Vohiri, Executive Director of the Environmental Protection
Agency of Liberia raised similar concerns with the company and appealed to
the EPA to intervene in preventing the construction of the fuel storage.
Stated Cllr. Brumksine to the EPA This letter comes as a follow up to my
verbal complaint of Monday, April 21, 2014, re: the construction of a gas/
service station on S.K.D. Boulevard, Congo Town, Monrovia, approximately
sixty yards from my well where my family, including my infant grandchildren,
gets water for our daily use and sustenance. I have also written Mr. Lee
Samuels of Letronah Construction Company, who I understand is the person
constructing the gas/service station. Copy of that letter is hereto attached for
your information. I have also taken the liberty of attaching relevant portions
of two reports on the contamination of underground and surface water by gas/
service stations. You will note from the report of Sierra Club that the toxic
substance, Benzene, from gasoline and other petroleum substances "Causes
cancer and adversely effects developing children and the reproductive system.
Suspected of harming the nervous (i.e. brain), cardiovascular (i.e. heart and
blood vessels) and respiratory (i.e. lungs) systems."
Matter of Life or death
The lawyer indicated that the location of the fuel was of grave concern and
requested the EPA action. The proposed location of the fuel storage tanks is
of grave concern to me, because the water table in the area is very high, as it
is in proximity to a wetland (swamp) area; and any leak from the storage tanks
or other spillage of discarded fuel and lubricants from the gas/service station
would seep into the water vein and cause serious bodily injury, some of which
are listed in the preceding paragraph, if not death, to members of my family.
According to Cllr. Brumksine the issue was of one of life or death and therefore
the EPA was highly needed to intervene.
Madam Executive Director, for my family and me, this is a matter of
life or death. I, therefore, crave your timely intervention in preventing the
construction of a gas/service station in this wetland area, so close to our well,
Cllr. Brumksine complained
EPA assures Investigation
In response to Cllr. Brumksines complaint, the Executive Director of the EPA
indicated that the agency was conducting an investigation and was going to
fully inform Cllr. Brumksine about the outcome of the investigation.
The EPA stated in a letter dated April 30, 2014 I am pleased to extend my
compliments and acknowledge receipt of your letter of complaint regarding
the construction of a petroleum Service Station on the S.K. D. Boulevard
Congo town under construction near your residence. In your letter you
expressed concern about possible water contamination of your well due to the
proximity of the petroleum station.
I wish to thank you also for your concern about the proper protection and
management of the Environment and the research done to highlight possible
negative impact of Underground Storage Tanks (UST) on the environment.
The Agency is fully aware of the serious adverse effect a leaking underground
storage tank can have on human health, and the environment is well document.
It is our responsibility to make sure that the appropriate mitigation options,
standards, and safe guards are put in place during construction.
The EPA letter continued I can assure that since your intervention, special
attention is being given to this case, as has been in other cases of this nature,
within our capacity.
I have dispatched our monitoring team to the site to assess the area. We
are pleased that the project is in its early stages so there are no threats of
contamination from spillage of any kind at this time. I can assure you that with
the appropriate safeguards and mitigation measures implemented from this
point on, you and your family's water source will continue to be safe. We will
be pleased to share with you some of the fndings of our team that can assure
you that you and your family will not suffer any adverse effects due to the
petro station near your residence.
Please accept assurances of our commitment to continued monitoring of this
site to ensure all measures are taken to protect our water sources, wetland and
environment in its entirety.
Permit without Assessment
On May 13, 2014, Cllr. Brumksine again wrote the EPA questioning the
action of the agency to grant a permit to the company to construct fuel storage
station without conducting an environmental assessment as indicated in its
communication to the lawyer.
Stated Cllr. Brumksine This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter, dated
April 30, 2014, but delivered to my offce on yesterday, May 12, 2014. Your
letter is said to be in response to my written complaint of April 22, 2014, which
was preceded by a couple of telephone calls to you personally.
At the time of my Complaint, I had assumed that the Environmental Permit
for the construction of a gas/service station in a residential neighborhood, with
established high water level, was an inadvertence. Regrettably, however, you
have confrmed that you and the EPA were fully aware of the threat that a gas/
service station being constructed in such an area poses to life and property.
Notwithstanding, without reference to our safety and the laws of Liberia,
you issued an Environmental Permit for the construction of the gas/service
station. We note that you have now promised to implement "the appropriate
safeguards and mitigation measures" to ensure that my family's "water source
will continue to be safe."
Cllr. Brumksine than requested the EPA to provide a copy of the assessment
conducted prior to granting the permit to the company.
Against that background, I request that you kindly provide me with a copy
of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which was conducted by the
EPA, as a condition for your issuance of the Environmental Permit. Giving the
voluminous nature of an EIA, I am prepared to underwrite the cost of copying
it, if need be. Also, kindly let me have a list of "the appropriate safeguards and
mitigation measures" that the EPA intends to implement to ensure the safety of
my family, my neighbors, and me, stated Cllr. Brumksine.
He described the action of the EPA as an invasion of his private use and
Lastly Madam Executive Director, it would be interesting to know how you
intend to
remedy the private nuisance_a nontrespassory invasion of my private use
and enjoyment of my propertyby granting an Environmental Permit for
the construction of a gas/service station in a residential area, contrary to the
Zoning Law of Liberia, he told the EPA.
No EPA response, Legal suit fled
Following months of wrangling over the issue, as the EPA is said to remain
mute on the issues of providing a copy of the assessment done before granting
the company a permit to store fuel in the community, Cllr. Brumksine during
the June term of Court A. D. 2014 fled an action for Declaratory Judgment
against the EPA and the Letronah Construction Company before the civil law
court, sixth judicial circuit for Montserrado County.
In the case titled Charles W. Brumksine pro se and on behalf of all those)
living within the vicinity of the proposed fuel/service) station, as a class, of
Versus ) The Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia ) By & thru
its Executive Director, Anyaa Vohiri & Lee Samuels, DBA, Juice Service
Station, & ) Letronah Construction Company ... RESPONDENTS), Cllr.
Brumksine prayed the court for declaratory judgment and revocation of the
permit granted the company by the EPA.
Petitioners prays this Honorable Court for a Declaratory Judgment, declaring
that, Constructing and operating a fuel/service station, with USTs in a wetland
area, poses grave risk to the health and lives of the Petitioners, as the water
table in the area is extremely high, and any leak from the storage tanks or other
spillage of discarded fuel and lubricants from the fuel/service station would
seep into the water vein and cause serious bodily injury, which could result
into the death of the Petitioners or members of the Petitioners' families.
The petitioner prayed the court to order the company to desist from further
construction of the fuel storage facility.
The construction of the fuel/service station should be forthwith stopped, and
Co-Respondent Lee Samuels be ordered to cease and desist from constructing
a fuel/service station within the wetland area, stated the petition.
Although the case is yet to be heard by the court but observers believe that the
level of wrangling being faced by Cllr. Brumksine indicates that the EPA could
be violating the rights of several Liberians who do not have such knowledge
and strength as Cllr. Brumskine to push forward in protecting their rights.
The case however also shows how the EPA might be granting numerous
permits to companies without conducting environmental assessments in
violation of the rights of Liberians to conducive living environments.
Petroleum products contaminates water
Research has proven that Petroleum products can contaminate water with
chemicals that are very diffcult to clean to drinking water standards. Gasoline
spills are particularly troublesome.
For example in the United States of America, a 1998 survey by the DEC found
that gasoline spills contaminated more than 800 private wells. Forty-seven
public water supply wells in New York State were contaminated with the
gasoline additive MTBE. This additive generally travels through groundwater
faster than the rest of the gasoline components and is therefore an early
indicator of contamination. The presence of MTBE at a site is estimated to
increase cleanup costs by 20%-50%.
According to study, Oil spills from leaking underground storage tanks at
homes and gas stations are the largest single threat to groundwater quality in
the United States. Study indicates an estimated 1.2 million tanks nationwide
in the US, many of which were installed prior to new regulations in 1988,
are a concern because tanks corrode quickly when buried unprotected in the
soil. Corrosion, and other factors such as improper installation, spills during
product delivery, and piping failures, have already caused more than 400,000
confrmed underground storage tank leaks nationwide
The America Environmental Protection Agency estimates that cleanup of
petroleum spilled underground could cost upwards of $32 billion. In New
York State alone, DEC reports that in fscal year 1999-2000 there were oil
spills at more than 3,500 private homes, 1,000 gasoline stations and 1,200
other businesses. The Oil Spill Fund, administered by the Offce of the State
Comptroller, pays for cleanups and relocations in New York State. Since 1995,
the Fund spent nearly twenty million dollars each year to clean up spills where
a responsible party failed to perform the necessary cleanup. DEC estimates
that these amounts represent only 5 to 10 percent of actual clean up costs for all
spills statewide, since the majority of spills are cleaned up by the responsible
parties, whose costs are not included in the total. Thus, oil spills in New York
State probably cost over $200 million per year in cleanup costs alone. No one
has tried to calculate the cost of potential human health or ecological injuries.
No money syndrome
The EPA has constantly complained that it does not have funding for the
necessary assessment gadgets and to assign trained personnel to conduct
For Liberia the EPA has not conducted and made public fndings of any
research even though it is allotted money in the national budgets yearly.
In the 2013-2014 national budget the EPA was allotted US$ 1,204,592 while in
the 2012-2013 budget the entity was allotted US$1,183,609 but despite these
allotments the entity still cries that it needs more budgetary allotment although
it is yet to prove the worth of the allotments.
Even with the little money and in the absence of research, the EPA granting of
permits to companies has come under sharp questioning as the agency could
be grating permits in the absence of assessment as indicated in the case with
Cllr. Brumksine where the agency has remained mute on providing copy of an
environmental assessment to a Liberian.

Monday, June 9, 2014 Page 7
ed fags are being
raised over the frst
casualty in President
Ellen Johnson
Sirleafs rejuvenated effort
to clean up her government.
Mr. Galakpai Kortimai who
dismissed from his position as
Deputy Director-General for
Administration of the General
Services Agency (GSA),
declared his intentions of joining
the opposition Congress for
Democratic Change.
Controversy arose just moment
before the program when
Kortimai reportedly received a
phone call from his boss, GSA
Director General Mary Brown
threatening him that he would
lose his job if he crosses carpet
to the CDC.
On Friday, Kortimai was one of
a handful of offcials affected by
changes in Sirleafs government.
The president also suspended
the Deputy Minister for
Administration, Una Kumba
Thompson; Consul-General,
Consulate of the Republic of
Liberia in New York, Williams
G. Greaves, Jr.; and Comptroller
of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, James G. Quiqui.
According to an Executive
Mansion release, the three
offcials are suspended on
reports of their involvement in
fnancial impropriety. They will
be turned over to the Liberia
Anti-Corruption Commission
(LACC) for further investigation.
The Executive Mansion gave
no reason for the dismissal of
Kortimai, a former Lofa county
superintendent exploring the
possibilities of running on the
CDC ticket for the upcoming
Senatorial elections.
A 2012 General Auditing
Commissions fndings cited
the administration of Kortimai
in Lofa for misappropriating
the value of US$105,281,11
from the CDF during the period
In his defense, Kortimai has
express dismay over the report
and condemned the allegations as
unfounded, baseless, immaterial
and far from the truth, arguing
that the report has a strong
political undertone which has
the propensity of destroying the
good and excellent work their
administration they achieved
over the past years. "With the
confdence and trust we hold in
being free from all allegations,
we frmly stand ready to disclose
all relevant information as we
did previously to fush out and
or fully clarify every doubt that
none may have against us", he

r. Christopher
Zeohn Neyor,
the former head
of the National
Oil Company of Liberia on
Saturday, received nearly two-
dozen petitions from various
citizen groups to contest for
the Montserrado County Seat
in the Liberian Senate.
Speaking at a petitioning
ceremony held in Neyor Town
in Johnsonville, Montserrado
County, the petitioners
indicated that Mr. Neyor has
over the years established
himself not only as a true
nationalist, committed and
reliable public servant but also
a person of impeccable moral
acumen and integrity.
According to the petitioners,
it is disheartening that the
governance process in Liberia
nowadays has been awash with
rampant corruption including
the siphoning of public
funds and resources, lack of
transparency, accountability
and probity, nepotism, social
injustice, authoritarianism,
favoritism, endemic poverty
and misery.
They named the signing
of bogus concessionaire
agreements nationwide
against the interest of local
residents, acute lack of basic
social services such as good
healthcare delivery system,
quality education, durable road
network, pure and safe drinking
water, electricity as well as
grafting of discriminatory
laws as some of the factors
leading to the mass suffering
of Liberians.
In an effort to address these
maladies and many more in the
countrys governance process,
the petitioners indicated that
the like of Christopher Neyor
whose love for Liberia and
its people, and excellent
public service records remain
exceptional should be elected o
the National Legislature come
the October Special Senatorial
elections. This is why we are
fully prepared and ready to
visit all parts of Montserrado
County to campaign for, and to
ensure nothing less than total
victory for Mr. Neyor, a true
song of the soil, one of the
petitions indicated.
We have no doubt that
Christopher Z. Neyor you will
help to deliver the suffering
people of Montserrdo County
in particular, and Liberians
in general, from the doldrums
of poverty and disease as
well as bad governance upon
his election to the Liberian
Senate, another petition,
read by Mr. Mulbah Kesselly,
spokesman of a consortium of
civil society organizations said.
Also speaking at the occasion,
Nimba Countys charismatic
Senator and political
kingmaker, Prince Y. Johnson,
described Mr. Neyor as a man
of integrity and professionalism
whose election to the Liberian
Senate in October 2014, will
help to drive the country
towards meaningful reforms
not only in its emerging oil and
gas sector but other sectors of
its economy.
Sandwiched by a huge crowd
of Neyor supporters and
well-wishers at the occasion,
Senator Johnson said, I
like principle-minded and
consistent people such as
Christopher Neyor. Mr. Neyor
immensely contributed, and
continues to contribute to the
development of Liberia in so
many ways. I assure Mr. Neyor
of 99 percent support from the
people of Nimba County for
his senatorial bid, Johnson
declared amidst resounding
applause from the surging
crowd which comprised of
youth and student groups, civil
so society institutions, women
advocacy organizations,
chiefs and elders from across
Montserrado County.
In response, Mr. Neyor praised
the petitioners and said, he
highly appreciates their desire
for him to be elected to the
Upper House of the National
Neyor Receives Petitions for Senate
Legislature as a Senator for
Montserrado County where
he was born, grew up and
acquired his basic childhood
education and training.
Mr. Neyor recounted the
positive roads played by his
father toward the development
of Johnsonville, and other parts
of Montserrado County years
ago, something which he said,
remain indelibly printed on the
minds of many people.
He reaffrmed his commitment
to serve the Liberian people
in any capacity including
building the educational and
professional capacities of the
Liberian youth and students
without any precondition.
The Montserrado County
senatorial aspirant, at the
occasion, described as evil
the behaviors of people whose
assistance to young people in
Liberia is based on taking
them into their bedroom and
sleep with them.
The Montserrado County
Senatorial aspirant holds
Double Bachelors degree
in Applied Physics and
Engineering from the Wright
State University in Dayton,
Ohio, USA. Currently, he
serves as President and Chief
Executive Offcer (CEO) of
Morweh Energy Group.
Mr. Neyor also holds two
Masters degrees, one in
Energy Economics and the
other in Management from
the University of Denver and
Stanford Graduate School of
Business respectively.
The petitioners included the
Township of Johnsonville,
University Students of
Montserrado County,
Operation Mass Support
(OPMASS), Slum Dwellers,
Youth United for Justice
& Advocacy, Concerned
Marketers of Montserrado
County, Women of Tomorrow
Others were Concerned
Muslims of Montserrado
County, Christopher Neyor
Scholarship Benefciaries,
Street vendors, Montserrado
for Christopher Z. Neyor,
among many others.

Page 8 |
Monday, June 9, 2014
Kennedy L. Yangian 077296781
Buchanan, Grand Bassa
County -
undreds of Grand
Bassa Countys
students over
the weekend
celebrated their post high
school festival along with
Liberty Partys hopeful,
Jonathan Lambert Kaipay in
the Port City of Buchanan,
Grand Bassa County as the
countys frst female Senator
called for the need to elect
senators who have like minds.
Mr. Kaipay who is eyeing the
Liberty Partys ticket to contest
the upcoming Senatorial
election, opted to sponsor
the program which brought
together all eleven high schools
in Grand Bassa County after
the organizers had seek support
to promote the appreciation for
ninth and twelfth graders who
successfully completed the
WAEC exams.
The Liberty Party new-
man who is enjoying much
recognition from stalwarts of
the opposition political party
especially from its political
leader, Cllr. Charles Walker
Brumksine and Senator
Nyonblee Kangar-Lawrence,
appreciated the students for
their determination to achieve
the level of education so far
and stressed the importance
for the students to further their
We believe you will pursue a
path of total independence as an
equal partner and contributor
not only in your home but also
on the national scene and we
believe that you are cautious
enough not to mortgage your
future for peanuts like the one
time plea for some politician
to pay WAEC fees but your
cautiousness will enable you to
make sound decision, Kaipay
told hundreds of students who
were seated in the auditorium
of the WPL Brumksine United
Methodist School in Buchanan.
He told the students that
together with them they can
overcome the obstacles and
make Bassa a better place. He
again lamented the numerous
problems affecting the county,
outlining the lack of adequate
health services while also
Monrovia -
ational Port Authority (NPA) Managing Director
Matilda Parker risks spending the next 30 days behind
bars at the Monrovia Central Prison if she fails to pay
within 72hrs a US$200 fne imposed by the Civil Law
Court at the Temple of Justice.
The move by the court announced by Presiding Judge Emery Page
Friday was in line with the NPA Managements failure to appear
before the court Friday to answer to a bill of information fled
against it.
The bill of information grows out of the case the petition for the
cancellation of a lease agreement fled by the Liberia Material Ltd
by and thru Mr. Stephen Imbert and Mr. Jean Claude Delafose
against the Management of the National Port Authority (NPA)
by and thru its Managing Director Parker, Cllr. Dexter Tiah, the
security apparatus of the NPA.
In the bill of information, counsel for the Liberia Materials Ltd,
Cllr. Cyril Jones argued that on May 21, 2014 the assigned Judge
of the Civil Law Court ruled against the Liberia Materials Ltd and
gave the NPA the writ of possession to oust and evict the Liberia
Materials from the premises in the lease agreement.
Associate Justice Jamesetta Wolokollie placed a writ of prohibition
on the lower court Judges ruling after the company excepted to
the ruling and announced an appeal to the Supreme Court.
The high courts ruling also gave the Liberia Material Ltd a writ
of possession to the said premises, but efforts by the company to
get possession of the property was prevented by the NPA when
its security apparatus moved to land and ordered the companys
private security guard off the property without any adherence to
the high courts order.
Based upon the NPAs refusal to possess the Liberia Material Ltd a
writ of summon was issued on the management asking it to appear
before the Civil Law Court on June 4, 2014 upon receipt of the bill
of information and its accompanying documents.
The Judges order to the NPA Management copy of which is in the
possession of FrontPageAfrica reads: Upon my receipt of these
orders, the bill of information and its surrounding documents, you
are hereby ordered to issue a writ of summon directed to the Sheriff
for Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia, commanding the
to summon the respondents/NPA to appear before the Civil Law
Court on June 2014.
Other part of the Judges order reads: Ensure that the informant/
Liberia Material Ltd herein are in status-quo of this action that
is in possession of the subject premises and not to notify the
respondent that the informant are to remain in possession of the
subject premises pending further orders from the court said the
Judges ruling.
Amazing at Fridays hearing Madam Parker neither the head of
the NPA Security was present except for Cllr. Tiah. However the
lawyer representing the NPA Cllr. Cooper Kruah told the court
that the absence of the NPA boss was not deliberate but told the
court that she was scheduled to appear at the court at 3: pm the
same day.
In his ruling the Presiding Judge Emery Page told the court that
the NPA boss should have been in court, but choose to stay away,
which according to him shows a sign of complete disrespect to the
court including the high court.
The act of the respondent warrants contempt to the court,
therefore they are to pay the amount of US$200 to the government
revenue within 72hrs or go to jail for 30 days hereby so ordered,
said Judge Paye and ordered the Sheriff of the court to ensure that
the Liberia Materials Ltd is put in possession of the land near the
Bong Mines Bridge near the Freezone.
Court Set to Charge Matilda Parker
for Contempt if..
highlighting the ongoing
stalemate over the construction
of the District Three Health
Center project between
the church and the county
administration as an example.
Reading a statistics of the
countys existing schools,
Kaipay asserted: The
condition of our existing
schools are poor; out of 289
structures as per the 2009
education census well over
40% are makeshift and there is
an absence of trained teachers
and text books for schools.
He challenged the students
to see themselves as the new
ambassadors for change and
must be students with the
tendency to stand for what is
right and just and realize that
academic corruption is the
major factor for the numerous
problems affecting the
Liberias student populace.
Mr. Kaipay who works as
the Director of the United
Methodist Church Department
for Community Services
reiterated how his leadership
with the church program has
effectively managed over
US$6 million which has
benefted more than a quarter
million lives of Liberians.
He said Grand Bassa County
is at the cross road and it is at
this point that will determine if
the county will move forward
as a people or remain one of
Liberias least developed or
underdeveloped counties.
Seek Commitment, honesty
Like Kaipay, Senator
Nyounblee Kangar-Lawrence
appreciated the students and
praised them for working
together as a team in other
to organize the program and
stressed that their example
puts a lot of pressure on the
county leaders to unit and
work together as a team in the
interest of the county.
The Liberty Party Lawmaker
told the students to exhibit
good altitude, commitment,
honesty and trust worthiness
as she dubbed these attributes
as the best career in Liberia.
We can see that this country
is draining down because it
is diffcult to fnd committed
people and it is very diffcult
to fnd honest people, so as you
graduate and strive to move
forward I want to urge you
to be very committed to what
you want to do, Sen. Kangar-
Lawrence said.
Concluding her remarks at
the program, she thanked
Mr. Kaipay who birthday
celebration coincided with
the students celebration,
for sponsoring the students
initiative and stressed the
importance of building a team
of very excellent collaboration
Because Hon. Kaipay and
Senator Lawrence have the
same vision and if you have
people with like minds its
easy to move everything you
want to do forward and thats
why we are looking for people
with like minds and Im very
glad that now I can see that I
will have a partner that will
have like minds for us to work
The post high school
celebration was held under the
auspices of the Bassa Student
Assembly for Education
(BASE), a Grand Bassa based
student organization which
intends to tackle problems
affecting students in the county.
BASE President, Patrick Sulloe
said the organization focuses
on building the capacity of
students who are struggling
with their lessons and it helps
organized tutorial classes for
these students.
Sulloe said when the post
high school program was
been organized invitation was
extended to all offcials of
the county with the motive of
preventing the event from being
politicized by the very offcials
but only few showed interest
with Mr. Kaipay volunteering
to sponsor the program.
Monday, June 9, 2014 Page 9
President Sirleaf Dedicates the NASSCORP Commercial Complex at ELWA Junction;
Says Its a Classic Example of the Process of Transforming Liberia
resident Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf has offcially
dedicated a commercial
complex owned by
the National Social Security
and Welfare Corporation
(NASSCORP), terming it as a
classic example of the process of
transforming Liberia.
She said completion of the
multipurpose building has further
demonstrated that Liberians
still have a sense of what they
want their country to be in the
future and will help government
achieve it. By the dedication
of the building, the Liberian
leader said, it would now fast
track the completion of the civil
service and pension reforms that
will enable government to fulfll
its obligations to NASSCORP
in order that they expand their
activities to other parts of
According to an Executive
Mansion release, President
Sirleaf spoke Friday, June
6, at the ELWA junction in
Paynesville when she offcially
dedicated a US$11 million
commercial complex owned by
The Liberian leader particularly
expressed delight that the project
is owned by Liberia and was
built by a Liberian company,
ECOCON Incorporated,
owned by Henry Q. Taylor
demonstrating the realization of
the Liberianization policy.
In demonstration of the
satisfactory work done by the
company, President Sirleaf
informed the company to get
ready to take over the renovation
of the Executive Mansion. The
Executive Mansion has been
under renovation since the fourth
foor was gutted by fre in July
President Sirleaf believes that
if the Executive Mansion is
renovated by a Liberian company,
one will see the demonstration of
commitment and passion to the
country through their work as
was done in the construction of
the complex.
There is no way that others can
do it for us better than ourselves
and we all must have this at
the back of our minds, the
Liberian President said, amidst
huge cheers, adding further,
There are some people who are
politically charged, misguided
and ill-informed. They will look
at this building and say this is
nothing. If this is their defnition
of nothing, then we will continue
to do nothing with these kinds of
Speaking earlier the
NASSCORP Director General
Dewitt vonBallmoos described
the structure as a long term
investment that will help
raise revenue for government
as negotiations are well
advanced for full occupation
of the commercial complex by
He expressed delight that the
US$11million used to construct
the building was exclusively
raised by the corporation without
a loan or borrowing from any
commercial bank.
Mr. Von Ballmoos, however,
thanked the commercial banks
for always servicing the benefts
of its benefciaries which he said
has further brought confdence
between benefciaries and
He encouraged those he referred
to as non-compliant employers
to see reason why they should let
their employees take advantage
of the opportunities offered by
A member of the House of
Representatives Committee
on State Enterprise, Public
Autonomous Commissions
and Agencies, Lofa County
Representative Eugene Fallah
Kpaka termed the complex
as historic and a testimony of
where Liberians want to see their
country in years to come.
He praised President Sirleaf
for creating the enabling
environment for her vision
to be turned into reality and
encouraged other public
corporations to copy the example
of NASSCORP in their corporate
social responsibility to the
people of Liberia.
The chairman of the Board of
Directors of NASSCORP Miatta
Besolow, Chief Executive Offcer
of ECOCON Incorporated Henry
Q. Taylor, and the complex
chief architect Sylvanus
OCornor, among others, who
made remarks at the program,
highlighted their respective roles
played in the construction of the
complex and expressed pleasure
at the outcome.
The dedication of this
complex is in fulfllment of a
statutory requirement that the
NASSCORP invests 25 percent
of its insurable earnings into
proftable and realistic ventures.
Accordingly, the management
in 2007 drafted an investment
policy and strategic document,
purposely to fast track its
investment activities to meet
long-term beneft commitments
and cater to the socio-economic
well-being of the larger Liberian
Construction of this US$11
million facility, which is
expected to serve as a major
commercial center and a tourist
attraction began on April 18,
2009, and is the single largest
infrastructure investment under
the investment portfolio of
the corporation. The complex
includes an international
conference center, shopping
malls, offce spaces, and banking
facilities, among others.
The dedication of the
NASSCORP commercial
complex was preceded by the
dedication of the ELWA junction
beautifcation project under the
auspices of the Paynesville City
Corporation (PCC), adjacent to
the complex.
President Sirleaf said the ELWA
junction beautifcation project
was timely as it serves as the
gateway to the nations capital
and commended the PCC for the
vision in action.
The Liberian leader then
challenged her to see the Duport
Road junction as another place
that could possibly be beautifed
and had no doubt in the ability
of acting mayor Cyvette
Gibson and her teams ability in
executing that project.

Page 10 |
Monday, June 9, 2014
see page 11

Liberia Files Complaints Against Melvin Johnson to Georgia Bar

Monrovia -
iberia has fled a
complaint against
Melvin Johnson
outlining series of
counts including, criminal
conduct, Violations of the
Rules of Professional Conduct,
alleged offenses committed in
Liberia and other activities of
Melvin while in Liberia.
In a letter dated May 28,
2014 and addressed to Paula
Frederick Esq, general Counsel,
State Bar of Georgia, Steven
M. Schneebaum, Counsel for
the Republic of Liberia and
The Liberia Airport Authority
complained that Johnson acted
unprofessional while in Liberia
and was allegedly involved in
criminal activities.
Stated the complaint Pursuant
to applicable procedures of the
Georgia State Bar Governance
Rules, the undersigned, acting
as counsel for the Liberia
Airport Authority (the
LAA) and the Republic of
Liberia (Liberia), hereby
submits the following
grievance against Melvin
Johnson, Esq., a Member of
the State Bar of Georgia. It
is our understanding that Mr.
Johnson was, until his recent
removal from the post, Chief
Municipal Court Judge for the
City of Lithonia, Georgia.
Counsel Schneebaum stated
on behalf of his clients allege
that in Melvins his dealings
with the LAA and Liberia, Mr.
Johnson violated the Georgia
Rules of Professional Conduct
(in particular Rules 8.4(a) (4),
against professional conduct
involving dishonesty, fraud,
deceit, or misrepresentation,
and 4.1, requiring truthfulness
in statements to persons
other than clients), through
engagement in acts both illegal
and refecting moral turpitude.
The LAA Legal counsel
informed the Georgia Bar that
the Bar should be aware at
the outset that, as a result of
the actions of Mr. Johnson,
a Special Grand Jury for
Montserrado County, Liberia,
returned an indictment against
Mr. Johnson on July 30,
2013, charging him with the
crimes of economic sabotage,
misapplication of entrusted
property, theft of property, and
criminal conspiracy, all within
applicable statutory law of the
Republic of Liberia and an
extradition request seeking his
return to Liberia to stand trial
on those charges was fled
in September, 2013, and is
currently pending before the
United States Department of
Counsel recounts Melvin
Counsel Schneebaum indicated
that Melvin Johnson, who
appears to have been born in
Liberia but emigrated to the
United States and acquired
U.S. citizenship, arrived in
the country in 2012 as the
companion (and social and/
or romantic partner) of one
Ellen Corkrum, where it stated
that Ms. Corkrum, also an
American citizen of Liberian
birth, was appointed Managing
Director of the Liberia Airport
Authority as of October 1,
The lawyer noted in his
complaint that Mr. Johnson
who apparently has family
in the country, and had made
several visits to Liberia
before, during the time that
Ms. Corkrum was Managing
Director of the LAA, shared
her living accommodations at
Roberts International Airport
(RIA) with Mr. Johnson, and
they were frequently in each
others company.
He argued that the Government
of Liberia contention is that Ms.
Corkrum misused her position
for her own personal pecuniary
gain and that of others, and
she was indicted by the same
Special Grand Jury that
returned a true bill against Mr.
Johnson. Corkrum is accused
of having diverted a signifcant
contract for runway renovation
at Liberias international
airport to a shell company, of
misusing public funds intended
for the purchase of computer
hardware and peripherals, and
of conspiring with Mr. Johnson
to steer funds intended to pay
for airport security to him
without any expectation that
he or his company would be
qualifed, able, or willing to
perform the work. Mr. Johnson
and Ms. Corkrum departed
from Liberia having been
informed that their conduct
described in the indictment
was under investigation in
mid-February, 2013.
The complaint accused Johnson
of flling an application for
admission to the Bar of the
Republic of Liberia, but stated
that his application was never
passed upon by the Board of
According to documents that
Mr. Johnson himself compiled
in response to the indictment,
however, it appears that he did
hold himself out as a lawyer
in Liberia, and was paid for
providing legal services, inter
aliaopining on and interpreting
Liberian legal documents,
although he was never admitted
to practice law in that country.
Moreover, Mr. Johnson seems
to have participated in all
phases of Ms. Corkrums
felonious scheme to convert
public funds, and in her
political counter-attack once
her stratagem was uncovered
the complaint continued.
Accusation of criminal
The complaint accused
Johnson of involvement in
illegal acts while in Liberia.
Stated the complaint Mr.
Johnsons illegal acts in
Liberia, unfortunately, were not
limited to the conduct charged
in the indictment. Apparently
in an effort to forestall or block
a criminal investigation, he and
Ms. Corkrum began to arrange
meetings with Government
ministers and other high
offcials of the Republic of
Liberia. The purposes of these
meetings apparently were to
enlist support for Ms. Corkrum
in preemptively defeating any
criminal charges, and eliciting
embarrassing or compromising
statements from Government
fgures that could then be used
to discredit them. Ms. Corkrum
carried with her a hidden tape-
recording device, the presence
of which she did not disclose
to her interlocutors, and made
an audiotape of each of her
meetings. Mr. Johnson was
in attendance with her, and
colluded with her in carrying out
this campaign of intimidation
intending, perhaps, to lead
to either fnancial or political
In the complaint, the LAA
Legal Counsel mentioned that
both Johnson and Corkrum
released series of tapes
portraying themselves as
Ms. Corkrum and Mr.
Johnson have released several
of the tapes for broadcast
by mass media operating in
Liberia. Some in the press
have speculated that they are
part of a political agenda of the
couple, portraying themselves
as whistleblowers and
white knight characters
perhaps available to offer
themselves as candidates for
political offce. Mr. Johnsons
voice may be heard on some
if not all of the recordings.
There is no question that he
was physically present, and
that he participated in the illicit
taping. Both Ms. Corkrum and
Mr. Johnson have appeared on
live radio talk shows broadcast
in Liberia, in which he has
held himself out as an adviser
to Ms. Corkrum in all aspects
of this illegal operation the
complaint outlined.
The LAA Counsel described
the action as criminal both
in Liberia and the State of
The Compliant furthered In
Liberia, as in many States in
the United States (including
Georgia), it is a criminal act
to record a conversation with
another person without his
or her consent. The relevant
statutory law in Liberia is
Chapter 19 of the Criminal
Code (offenses against the
right of privacy), sections
19.1(c), 19.2(b), and 19.2(c).
Exhibit E. Divulging the
contents of an illegally-
recorded conversation to others
is a separate offense, of which
both Ms. Corkrum and Mr.
Johnson are likely guilty as
Johnson violates Rules of
Professional Conduct
Counsel Schneebaum
maintained that Johnson has
violated Rule of Professional
Conduct in Georgia and other
American states.
In the respectful submission of
the undersigned and his clients,
Mr. Johnsons conduct reported
here violated at least the
following Rules of Professional
Conduct applicable to lawyers
in Georgia and in most of the
United States: Rules 8.4(a)(4),
against professional conduct
involving dishonesty, fraud,
deceit, or misrepresentation,
and 4.1, requiring truthfulness
in statements to persons other
than clients. For these reasons,
we ask that the State Bar of
Georgia initiate disciplinary
proceedings against Melvin
Johnson, Esq., in accordance
with its Rules, the complaint
The LAA counsel told the
Georgia Bar that his clients
stand ready to provide whatever
additional information or
documentation may be
required in order to facilitate
the grievance, investigation,
and adjudication processes.
Monday, June 9, 2014 Page 11
May 28, 2014
Paula Frederick, Esq.
General Counsel
State Bar of Georgia
104 Marietta St., NW, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30303
Re: Grievance against Melvin Johnson,
A Member of the State Bar of Georgia
Dear Ms. Frederick:
Pursuant to applicable procedures of the Georgia State Bar Governance Rules, the
undersigned, acting as counsel for the Liberia Airport Authority (the LAA) and the
Republic of Liberia (Liberia), hereby submits the following grievance against Melvin
Johnson, Esq., a Member of the State Bar of Georgia. It is our understanding that Mr.
Johnson was, until his recent removal from the post, Chief Municipal Court Judge for
the City of Lithonia, Georgia.
My clients allege that in his dealings with the LAA and Liberia, Mr. Johnson violated
the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct (in particular Rules 8.4(a)(4), against
professional conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation, and 4.1,
requiring truthfulness in statements to persons other than clients), through engagement
in acts both illegal and refecting moral turpitude. A brief statement of the nature of the
grievance follows, and the Exhibits referenced in this narrative are attached.
The Bar should be aware at the outset that, as a result of the actions recounted below,
a Special Grand Jury for Montserrado County, Liberia, returned an indictment against
Mr. Johnson on July 30, 2013, charging him with the crimes of economic sabotage,
misapplication of entrusted property, theft of property, and criminal conspiracy, all
within applicable statutory law of the Republic of Liberia. An extradition request
seeking his return to Liberia to stand trial on those charges was fled in September,
2013, and is currently pending before the United States Department of Justice.
I. Mr. Johnsons activities in Liberia
Melvin Johnson, who appears to have been born in Liberia but to have emigrated to
the United States and acquired U.S. citizenship, arrived in the country in 2012 as the
companion (and social and/or romantic partner) of one Ellen Corkrum. Ms. Corkrum,
also an American citizen of Liberian birth, was appointed Managing Director of the
Liberia Airport Authority as of October 1, 2012. Mr. Johnson apparently has family
in the country, and had made several visits to Liberia before. During the time that Ms.
Corkrum was Managing Director of the LAA, she shared her living accommodations at
Roberts International Airport (RIA) with Mr. Johnson, and they were frequently in each
others company.
It is the Governments contention that Ms. Corkrum misused her position for her own
personal pecuniary gain and that of others, and she was indicted by the same Special
Grand Jury that returned a true bill against Mr. Johnson. She is accused of having
diverted a signifcant contract for runway renovation at Liberias international airport
to a shell company, of misusing public funds intended for the purchase of computer
hardware and peripherals, and of conspiring with Mr. Johnson to steer funds intended to
pay for airport security to him without any expectation that he or his company would be
qualifed, able, or willing to perform the work. Mr. Johnson and Ms. Corkrum departed
from Liberia having been informed that their conduct described in the indictment was
under investigation in mid-February, 2013.
Mr. Johnson fled an application for admission to the Bar of the Republic of Liberia,
but his application was never passed upon by the Board of Examiners. According to
documents that Mr. Johnson himself compiled in response to the indictment, however,
it appears that he did hold himself out as a lawyer in Liberia, and was paid for providing
legal services, inter aliaopining on and interpreting Liberian legal documents, although
he was never admitted to practice law in that country. Moreover, Mr. Johnson seems
to have participated in all phases of Ms. Corkrums felonious scheme to convert public
funds, and in her political counter-attack once her stratagem was uncovered.
II. The indicted offenses
The facts as set out in Count Two of the indictment see Exhibit A hereto and the
documents tendered to the Grand Jury in support show that funds supposedly intended
to be used for review and upgrade of security at RIA were remitted to the IOLTA account
of Mr. Johnsons law frm, Melvin Johnson and Associates, Inc. Why and how that
arrangement was made is unknown to us, since there is no reason to believe that Mr.
Johnson had any role to play in providing security services to the LAA.
On or about November 3, 2012, Ms. Corkrum and Mr. Johnson arranged to have the
LAAs bank in Liberia First International Bank transfer to Mr. Johnsons IOLTA
account the sum of $56,750, supposedly representing payment for a security audit
contract that neither Mr. Johnson nor his company had ever been awarded. There is no
evidence that Mr. Johnson or any enterprise with which he is or has been associated is in
the business of providing or reviewing security systems. Yet the voucher for the funds
transfer stated that it was for LAA security systems and operation and [remainder
illegible]. See Exhibit B. Moreover, the transfer from the bank in Monrovia was
procured by Ms. Corkrum and Mr. Johnson illegally, without the requisite written
authorization of members of the Board of Directors of the LAA.
The minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors of the LAA on October 23, 2012,
approved the proposal of the [Managing Director, i.e., Ms. Corkrum] for a lawyer.
Exhibit C. But this did not constitute permission to hire Mr. Johnson in any capacity, and
he was not thereafter entitled to disbursement of LAA funds, for at least three reasons.
First, it would make no sense for the LAA a Government-controlled entity operating
in Liberia under a statutory mandate to retain a lawyer not licensed to practice law in
that country, and it did not in fact do so. Second, there is no evidence that Ms. Corkrum
or anyone else purporting to act on behalf of the LAA followed proper procedures to
record the fact that Mr. Johnsons legal services had been engaged: no legal services
agreement was ever presented to or approved by the Board. And fnally, the payment
at issue was by its own terms not for legal services at all, but for something to do with
airport security, a feld in which neither Mr. Johnson nor Melvin Johnson & Associates,
Inc., has the slightest degree of expertise or experience.
In the view of the LAA, and according to the indictment, the transfer of funds to Mr.
Johnson was part of a scheme to defraud the Government, which was concocted and
carried out jointly by Ms. Corkrum and Mr. Johnson. The Government of Liberia is
confdent that it can prove the guilt of the defendants at trial beyond a reasonable doubt.
III. Other criminal conduct
Mr. Johnsons illegal acts in Liberia, unfortunately, were not limited to the conduct
charged in the indictment. Apparently in an effort to forestall or block a criminal
investigation, he and Ms. Corkrum began to arrange meetings with Government
ministers and other high offcials of the Republic of Liberia. The purposes of these
meetings apparently were to enlist support for Ms. Corkrum in preemptively defeating
any criminal charges, and eliciting embarrassing or compromising statements from
Government fgures that could then be used to discredit them. Ms. Corkrum carried
with her a hidden tape-recording device, the presence of which she did not disclose to
her interlocutors, and made an audiotape of each of her meetings. Mr. Johnson was in
attendance with her, and colluded with her in carrying out this campaign of intimidation
intending, perhaps, to lead to either fnancial or political blackmail.
Ms. Corkrum and Mr. Johnson have released several of the tapes for broadcast by mass
media operating in Liberia. Some in the press have speculated that they are part of a
political agenda of the couple, portraying themselves as whistleblowers and white
knight characters perhaps available to offer themselves as candidates for political
offce. Mr. Johnsons voice may be heard on some if not all of the recordings. There is
no question that he was physically present, and that he participated in the illicit taping.
Both Ms. Corkrum and Mr. Johnson have appeared on live radio talk shows broadcast
in Liberia, in which he has held himself out as an adviser to Ms. Corkrum in all aspects
of this illegal operation.
In Liberia, as in many States in the United States (including Georgia), it is a criminal act
to record a conversation with another person without his or her consent. The relevant
statutory law in Liberia is Chapter 19 of the Criminal Code (offenses against the right
of privacy), sections 19.1(c), 19.2(b), and 19.2(c). Exhibit E. Divulging the contents
of an illegally-recorded conversation to others is a separate offense, of which both Ms.
Corkrum and Mr. Johnson are likely guilty as well.

IV. Violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct
In the respectful submission of the undersigned and his clients, Mr. Johnsons conduct
reported here violated at least the following Rules of Professional Conduct applicable
to lawyers in Georgia and in most of the United States: Rules 8.4(a)(4), against
professional conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation, and 4.1,
requiring truthfulness in statements to persons other than clients. For these reasons,
we ask that the State Bar of Georgia initiate disciplinary proceedings against Melvin
Johnson, Esq., in accordance with its Rules.
The undersigned and his clients stand ready to provide whatever additional information
or documentation may be required in order to facilitate the grievance, investigation, and
adjudication processes.
Yours sincerely,
Steven M. Schneebaum
Counsel, The Republic of Liberia
and The Liberia Airport Authority
cc: Jeff Davis, Esq., Director
Georgia Judicial Qualifcations Commission
Page 12 |
Monday, June 9, 2014





Sector: Energy
Financing Agreement references: 2100155026067 (EEEOA: 0.721)
2100155026070 (EEEOA: 0.703)
2100155026073 (EEEOA: 0.781)

Project ID No.: P-Z1-F00-053

The Governments of Cte dIvoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea have received financing from
the African Development Fund (ADF) toward part funding of the cost of the Cte dIvoire
Liberia - Sierra Leone Guinea (CLSG) Interconnection Project, and intends to apply part of
the agreed Grant amount to finance the contract for the consulting services of a Resident
Environmental and Social Safeguards Expert to be based at the General Secretariat of the West
African Power Pool (WAPP/EEEOA).

The WAPP Secretariat is a Specialized Institution of the Economic Community of West African
States (ECOWAS) headquartered in Cotonou.

The WAPP Secretariat in a bid to reinforce its capacity in environmental and social safeguards has
secured funding from the African Development Fund (ADF) for the recruitment of one (01)
Resident Environmental and Social Safeguards Expert under a Technical Assistance Agreement
for a period of One (1) year renewable up to Three (3) years, if the performance of the selected
candidate is satisfactory.

The principal assignment of the Resident Environmental and Social Safeguards Expert shall be to
support the WAPP Secretariat and its member utilities in the preparation of Environmental and
Social Impact Assessment Studies for WAPP priority projects with a view to ensuring the
effective implementation of such projects without any detrimental environmental and social

REOI/ Environmental and Social Safeguard Expert

The profile and detailed description of the services required from the Resident Environmental and
Social Safeguards Expert are specified in the Terms of Reference (ToR) available on WAPPs
website at

The WAPP Secretariat now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the
services described in the TOR. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they
are experienced and qualified to perform the services (a cover letter and a detailed curriculum vitae
in accordance with the downloadable CV format available on WAPPs website at ).

Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance
with the African Development Banks Rules and Procedures for the use of Consultants (May
2008, revised in July 2012), which is available on the Banks website at

Interested consultants may obtain further information from Mr. M.A. Sylla
( at the address below during office hours (0900 to 1800 hours, GMT+1).

Expressions of interest must be delivered by email to or by post to the
address below by 30 June 2014 at 12H00 (GMT+1) and mention WAPP Resident
Environmental and Social Safeguard Expert.

Attn: The Secretary General
West African Power Pool (WAPP)
Zone des Ambassades, PK6, Akpakpa
06 BP 2907 Cotonou
Republic of Benin
Tel. +229 21374195
Fax. +229 21374197.





Sector: Energy
Financing Agreement reference: 2100155026067 (EEEOA: 0.721)
2100155026070 (EEEOA: 0.703)
2100155026073 (EEEOA: 0.781)

Project ID No.: P-Z1-F00-053

The Governments of Cte dIvoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea have received financing from
the African Development Fund (ADF) toward part funding of the cost of the Cte dIvoire
Liberia - Sierra Leone Guinea Interconnection Project, and intend to apply part of the agreed
Grant amount to finance the contract for the consulting services of a Procurement Specialist to be
based at the General Secretariat of the West African Power Pool (WAPP/EEEOA).

The WAPP Secretariat is a Specialized Institution of the Economic Community of West African
States (ECOWAS) headquartered in Cotonou.

The WAPP Secretariat in a bid to reinforce its capacity in procurement management has secured
funding from the African Development Fund (ADF) for the recruitment of one (01) Resident
Procurement Specialist under a Technical Assistance Agreement for a period of one (01) year,
renewable up to three (03) years based on the performance of the selected candidate.

As a resident expert, the Procurement Specialists main mission shall be to enforce effective
implementation of the WAPP Tender Code and ensure strict compliance with procurement
procedures and best practices. The Procurement Specialist shall ensure that WAPP procurement
processes are executed in a timely and professional manner.

Specifically, the Procurement Specialist shall support WAPP Secretariat in the review, update
and appropriate implementation of its key procurement-related strategic documents and policies.
The Procurement Specialist shall also ensure periodic formulation, update and implementation of
procurement plans, notably for WAPP priority projects. S/he shall equally review and/or establish
relevant procurement instruments (procurement and contract management procedures, standard
bidding documents or vendors consultation documents acceptable to donor agencies providing
financial backing for WAPP priority programmes/projects, etc.); put in place mechanisms for

follow-up implementation of contract awards and relevant procurement procedures/practices
required for the institutionalization of a proper procurement system (including an appropriate
classification/filing system); train staff members of the WAPP Secretariat and its Member
Utilities to be conversant with the procedures and directives of donor agencies (relating to
procurement management, selection & employment of consultants and ant-corruption practices),
and the preparation of relevant procurement documents and associated correspondence and

The profile and detailed description of the services required from the Procurement Specialist are
specified in the Terms of Reference (ToR) available on WAPPs website at

The WAPP Secretariat now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the
services described above. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are
experienced and qualified to perform the services (a cover letter and a detailed curriculum vitae in
accordance with the downloadable CV format available on WAPPs website at ).

Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance
with the African Development Banks Rules and Procedures for the use of Consultants (May
2008, revised in July 2012), which is available on the Banks website at

Interested consultants may obtain further information from Mr. M.A. Sylla
( at the address below during office hours (0900 to 1700 hours, GMT+1).

Expressions of interest must be delivered by email to or by post to the
address below no later than 30
June 2014 at 12H00 (GMT+1) and the outer envelope marked
WAPP Resident Procurement Specialist.

Attn: The Secretary General
West African Power Pool (WAPP)
Zone des Ambassades, PK6, Akpakpa
06 BP 2907 Cotonou
Republic of Benin
Tel. +229 21374195
Fax. +229 21374197.

Monday, June 9, 2014 Page 13
Commission on Higher Education Director General long Corruption tale

Terms of Reference

Recruitment of Procurement Expert

Economi c Communi t y Economi c Communi t y
Of West Af ri can St at es Of West Af ri can St at es
Communaut Economi que Communaut Economi que
Des Et at s Des Et at s d de e l l A Af ri que f ri que d de e l l O Ouest uest
General Secretariat / Secrtariat Gnral


Terms of Reference

Procurement Expert for the
West African Power Pool Secretariat

1. Background

The West African Power Pool (WAPP) Organization was established by the highest decision
making body of ECOWAS, the Authority of Heads of State and Government of Member
States, as a mechanism and institutional framework for integrating the national power
systems of ECOWAS member countries and help meet the energy needs of the ECOWAS
citizenry by providing least cost reliable and sustainable electricity supply for economic
development. The Implementation Strategy of WAPP is based on realizing complementary
and mutually reinforcing infrastructure sub-programs that encompass various regional
generation and transmission projects, which when implemented, would result in a fully
integrated grid in West Africa. The WAPP Infrastructure Program is based on the outcome
of an electricity Master Plan study that was developed in 1999, revised in 2005, and its
updated version approved for implementation by the Authority of the ECOWAS Heads of
State and Government in February 2012.

The outcomes of the approved Master Plan dictate an investment requirement of US$26.416
billion involving the development of among others about 16,000 km of transmission lines,
7,092 MW of Hydropower, and 800 MW of Renewable Energy projects for the period 2012
to 2025. The implementation of these projects shall not only result in a complete integration
of all the national power systems of ECOWAS Member States thereby promoting trade, but
shall also significantly augment the quantity, quality and access to low cost clean energy
resources, which in turn shall support poverty reduction and improve the economic well-
being of the ECOWAS citizenry.

It is therefore evident that the successful attainment of a fully functional power pool in West
Africa that would permit the trading of electricity and the efficient delivery of power from
energy-rich countries to energy-deficient countries is contingent on the timely preparation
and realization of the key projects that would interconnect the national utilities of the
Member States of ECOWAS. As such, the WAPP Secretariat has placed great emphasis on
proficient project development, management and delivery with particular prominence on the
timely preparation and implementation of projects.

An ultimate requirement for the achievement of WAPP vision is timely delivery of its
projects and programs which fundamentally dependent on the respect of the procurement
deadlines and processes.

The WAPP Secretariat therefore intends to reinforce its human capacity and has secured
funding from the African Development Bank (AfDB) to recruit a Procurement Expert as
Technical Assistant for a period of three (3) years.

2. Objective

The Objective of these Terms of Reference is to recruit a Procurement Expert to reinforce the
capacity of the WAPP Secretariat under African Development Bank funding.

3. Scope of Work

As an Expert, the Procurement Experts main mission is to support further deploy the WAPP
Tender Code and institutionalize procurement best practices. The Procurement Expert shall
ensure that WAPP procurement processes are executed a timely and professional manner.

Specifically, the Procurement Expert shall support WAPP Secretariat in the review and
updating of its essential strategic documents and policies related to the procurement, as well
as he shall ensure their appropriate implementation. The Procurement Expert shall elaborate
periodically and update procurement plans and ensure its implementation, notably for
WAPPs priority projects identified in the ECOWAS Power Generation and Transmission
Master Plan.

The Procurement Expert shall be responsible for planning, managing and implementing
procedures in the acquisition of goods, works and services of overall WAPP needs. He shall
manage the related activities in collaboration with WAPP Procurement Committee and in
conformity with the procurement provisions and guidelines of WAPP and/or Funding

The detailed scope of services of the Procurement Expert shall include but not be limited to:
Support WAPP Secretariat in the acquisition of goods, services and works
o Plan, develop and manage all procurement and contractual aspects of diverse products
and services for the WAPP Secretariat;
o Prepare a procurement plan of each WAPP priority project and program in line with
the requirements of WAPP Secretariat or funding agencies;
o Provide advice to requisitioning units and recipient entities on the full range of
procurement issues, providing support and guidance at all stage of the procurement
o Prepare or review bidding and request for proposal documents;
o Prepare/oversee preparation and distribution of invitations to tender and
manage/conduct all aspects of bid/proposal evaluations;
o Formulate strategies and design innovative solutions to resolve issues/conflicts for
complex procurement projects;
o Establish and maintain work program and schedule for ongoing contracts and newly
planned ones;
o Participate in contract negotiations in conjunction with WAPP Procurement
Committee and prepare minutes of negotiation;
o Prepare and sign procurement orders up to the authorized limit and, in cases where the
amount exceeds authorized signature authority, seek approval of authorized officials
and, if applicable, prepare submissions to the Procurement Committee for review and
subsequent approval by the authorized official,
o Conduct market research to keep abreast of market developments, research and
analyze statistical data and market reports on the world commodity situation,
production patterns and availability of goods and services,
o Prepare, maintain and regularly update a Database of WAPP suppliers and service
o Identify new technologies, and products/services, evaluate and recommend potential
supply sources and participate in the incorporation of research results into the
procurement program;
o Oversee adherence to contractual agreements, recommends amendments and
extensions of contracts, and advise concerned parties on contractual rights and
o Maintain a complete and systematic set of records of day-to-day business
o Prepare a variety of procurement-related documents, contracts, communications,
guidelines, instructions, etc.;
o Provide guidance to, and may supervise, new/junior staff;
o Keep track of orders and determine causes of any delays;
o Answer any questions or clarifications from suppliers, and resolve any problems;
o Reconcile purchase orders with the shipments, ensuring that they match;
o Notify vendors when invoices are not received, and verify that the bills concur with
purchase orders;
o Oversee inventory control system, maintaining inventory spreadsheet and placing
orders when materials on hand are insufficient;
o Handle procurement issues as procurement focal point of the WAPP with donors;
o Participate to procurement supervision and audits/review missions;
o Prepare procurement reports;
o Review Terms of Reference submitted by enquiry entities and make
o Prepare statements, meeting reports, Aide Memoires, Project Profiles and Briefs as
well as the delivery of presentations as and when required;
o Interface with the stakeholders (Member utilities, funding agencies, etc.) such as a
focal point on procurement issues and provide any required information;
o Assess any significant issues, and if required, draw on policy and best practices to
provide advice on a corrective action plan;
o Train WAPP Secretariat staff to ensure an efficient follow-up after completion of the

The Procurement Expert shall implement the assignment in accordance with internationally
recognized practices for Consultancy Services and in full conformity with the requirements of
the WAPP and African Development Bank.

4. Deliverables

The Services by the Procurement Expert shall include the preparation and submission in a
timely manner of quality reports and documents in English and French.

The implementation of the above-indicated activities under the Scope of Work shall be
considered as part of the Deliverables of the Procurement Expert under this Assignment.

Page 14 |
Monday, June 9, 2014
The Procurement Expert shall ensure that all acquisition processes are performed in full
conformity with WAPP Secretariat, Member utilities and Funding Agencies requirements.

In addition to any submissions that WAPP Stakeholders (Member utilities, funding agencies,
etc.) may require, the Procurement Expert shall also make submissions to the WAPP
Secretariat as follows:

a. Inception Report

The Procurement Expert shall present within 4 weeks from Commencement of
Services in Cotonou, an Inception Report that shall contain, inter alia, the work plan,
methodology and schedule for conducting the assignment.

b. Quarterly Reports

The Procurement Expert shall submit Quarterly Reports over the period of the
assignment that describe the major tasks which have been undertaken in the
performance of the Assignment, milestones towards the completion of the
Assignment, and percentage completion of the Assignment. Financial data will
include photocopies of invoices from the Procurement Expert as well as financial
reports detailing expenditures of all funds and the daily rates of the Procurement
Expert, their hours worked and other direct costs. The reports shall be issued in
English and French by the 10
calendar day after the end of the Quarter under review.

c. Close-out Report

At the conclusion of the Assignment, the Procurement Expert shall submit a
comprehensive report covering among others, the activities undertaken during the
period of the assignment, outcomes, deliverables, and any other inputs required by the
WAPP Secretariat and Funding Agency. Submission and approval of this report shall
be a requirement for his last payment under the Assignment.

5. Reporting Requirements

The Procurement Expert shall report to the WAPP Secretary General but shall work closely
with the WAPP Procurement Committee and all WAPP Departments. In the execution of the
assignment, the Procurement Expert shall be required to interface with WAPP Member
Utilities, Ministries in charge of Energy and Funding Agencies. The Assignment shall be
funded by the African Development Bank and as such, the relevant requirements of the
African Development Bank shall also apply.

6. Requirements


An power engineer and/or an advanced university degree (Master's) in Business
Administration, Management, Economics, Supply Chain Management, Supply,
Logistics, Procurement, Purchasing, Contract/commercial Law or a directly related
field(s) is required. A valid professional certification (CSCP; CSCM; CPSM; SCMP;
etc.) from an accredited supply management institution, in conjunction with a relevant
first-level university degree (Bachelor's), may be taken in lieu of an advanced
university degree.

A first level university degree (Bachelor's) in a relevant technical field (as identified
above), in conjunction with ten years of relevant work experience in supply, logistics,
purchasing, contracting, administration and/or other related technical fields, may be
taken in lieu of an advanced university degree (Master's).


A minimum of eight (8) years in formulating and implementing policies relating to
procurement at the national and international level. Having been involved in the
supply, logistics, procurement, purchasing, contracting, administration of goods,
services and works. Prior experience in management of power projects, monitoring
and evaluation is considered an asset.

o Demonstrated understanding of contracts and purchasing preferred.
o Familiar with International Financial Institutions procurement guidelines and
procedures (AfDB, World bank, EIB, IsDB, KfW, AFD, UN, etc.)
o Experience in an energy sector organization is considered an asset
o Must be able to work effectively in a multinational team environment with a
capacity to work with minimal supervision;
o Strong skills in the MS Office suite of applications including Excel, Word,
PowerPoint, Project, e-mail and internet programs
o Oral and written communication skills in French and English
o Critical analysis and listening skills
o Excellent ability to prepare reports and documents and comfortably defend
o Communications skills with a proven ability to convey information clearly and
o Ability to coordinate cross-departmental efforts to achieve common goals on
o Strong organizational skills with the ability to prioritize work load, handle
multiple tasks simultaneously and attend to detail
o Demonstrated integrity, objectivity, and confidentiality

Fluent in English or French and good working knowledge in the other language.

The Procurement Expert shall be based in Cotonou (Benin) but can be called upon to travel
within the sub-region. Work may require occasional weekend and/or evening work.

Terms of Reference

Recruitment of an
Expert in Environmental and Social Safeguards

(Funded by African Development Bank
Economi c Communi t y Economi c Communi t y
Of West Af ri can St at es Of West Af ri can St at es
Communaut Economi que Communaut Economi que
Des Et at s Des Et at s d de e l l A Af ri que f ri que d de e l l O Ouest uest
General Secretariat / Secrtariat Gnral


Terms of Reference

Expert in Environmental and Social Safeguards

1. Background

The West African Power Pool (WAPP) Organisation was established by the highest decision
making body of ECOWAS, the Authority of Heads of State and Government of Member
States, as a mechanism and institutional framework for integrating the national power
systems of ECOWAS member countries and help meet the energy needs of the ECOWAS
citizenry by providing least cost reliable and sustainable electricity supply for economic

The Implementation Strategy of WAPP is based on realizing complementary and mutually
reinforcing infrastructure sub-programs that encompass various regional generation and
transmission projects, which when implemented, would result in a fully integrated grid in
West Africa. The WAPP Infrastructure Programme is based on the outcome of an electricity
Master Plan study that was developed in 1999, revised in 2005, and its updated version
approved for implementation by the Authority of the ECOWAS Heads of State and
Government in February 2012.

The outcomes of the approved Master Plan dictate an investment requirement of US$26.416
billion involving the development of among others about 16,000 km of transmission lines,
7,092 MW of Hydropower, and 800 MW of Renewable Energy projects for the period 2012
to 2025. The implementation of these projects shall not only result in a complete integration
of all the national power systems of ECOWAS Member States thereby promoting trade, but
shall also significantly augment the quantity, quality and access to low cost clean energy
resources, which in turn shall support poverty reduction and improve the economic well-
being of the ECOWAS citizenry.

It is therefore evident that the successful attainment of a fully functional power pool in West
Africa that would permit the trading of electricity and the efficient delivery of power from
energy-rich countries to energy-deficient countries is contingent on the timely preparation
and realization of the key projects that would interconnect the national utilities of the
Member States of ECOWAS. As such, the WAPP Secretariat has placed great emphasis on
proficient project development, management and delivery with particular prominence on the
timely preparation and implementation of projects. A fundamental requirement for evaluating
the viability of projects is the conduct of detailed assessments to ensure that the projects do
not detrimentally influence the environment and social well-being of populations.

The WAPP Secretariat therefore intends to reinforce its capacity in environmental and social
safeguards and has secured funding from the African Development Bank to recruit a resident
expert as Technical Assistance for a period of three (3) years.

Monday, June 9, 2014 Page 15


2. Objective

The Objective of the Terms of Reference is to recruit a Consultant as Resident Expert in
Environmental and Social Safeguards to reinforce the capacity of the WAPP Secretariat in
project preparation and delivery with the support of the African Development Bank.

3. Scope of Work

The Consultant shall implement the assignment in accordance with internationally recognized
practices for Consultancy Services and in full conformity with the requirements of the WAPP
and African Development Bank.

The Consultant shall support the WAPP Secretariat in the preparation of Environmental and
Social Impact Assessments as well as the execution of Environmental and Social
Management Plans and Resettlement Action Plans for WAPP Priority Projects as defined in
the updated ECOWAS Revised Master Plan for the Generation and Transmission of
Electrical Energy or any other project as required by WAPP Secretariat. The list of Priority
Projects is indicated as Annex 1 but the Consultant shall be required to pay particular
attention to the following:

- 225 kV Guinea Mali Interconnection Project,
- 330 kV Cote dIvoire Ghana Interconnexion Re-inforcement Project,
- 330 kV Nigeria Niger Burkina Togo/Benin Interconnection Project,
- 330 kV Nigeria Benin Interconnection Reinforcement Project,
- 225 kV Ghana Burkina Mali Interconnection Project,
- 515 MW Souapiti Hydropower Project (Guinea),
- 220 MW Tiboto Hydropower Project (Cote dIvoire, Liberia),
- 30 MW WAPP Solar Power Plant in Mali,
- 450 MW WAPP Maria Gleta (Benin) Regional Generation Facility,
- 450 MW WAPP Domunli (Ghana) Regional Generation Facility,
- 150 - 450 MW WAPP Regional Generation Facility within the OMVS Zone (Senegal,
- and if necessary, the 225 kV Cote dIvoire Liberia Sierra Leone Guinea
Interconnection Project.

The sequence of projects to be developed shall be determined by WAPP Secretariat. It
should be noted though that some of the priority projects in the Master Plan are in various
stages of development, with the majority requiring pre-investment studies to be prepared to
establish their viability.

The detailed scope of services of the Resident Expert shall be primarily aimed at reinforcing
the capacity of the WAPP and its Member Utilities to conduct ESIAs on the priority projects
to ensure that their delivery do not have adverse environmental and social impacts. In
particular, the Resident Expert shall among others:


Support WAPP Secretariat in the preparation of Environmental and Social Impact
Assessments (including routing for transmission lines, ESMPs and RAPs) for WAPP
Priority Projects that shall include but not be limited to:
i. Prepare Terms of Reference (ToR) for Transmission Line Routing, Environmental
and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs), elaboration of Environmental and Social
Management Plans (ESMPs) and Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs) for thermal,
hydropower, and transmission line projects that are in line with the requirements
of Funding Agencies and concerned countries;
ii. Validate ToRs with concerned authorities in charge of environmental protection in
Project Beneficiary Countries
iii. Recruit appropriate Consultants to prepare the ESIA studies;
iv. Ensure that adequate project scoping is done by recruited Consultants in line with
the requirements of the Beneficiary countries;
v. Coordinate the public consultations on the priority projects to ensure that the
views of Stakeholders are adequately integrated in the development and designs of
the priority projects;
vi. Interface with national authorities in charge of environmental protection to ensure
that ESIA of WAPP Priority Projects including the preparation of ESMPs and
RAPs are in conformity with national requirements
vii. Conduct in-depth review of reports submitted by the recruited Consultants,
preparation of comments and participation in report-review meetings. The
comments prepared by the Resident Expert shall be regarded as part of the
Deliverables under this assignment;
viii. Monitor the implementation of ESMPs and RAPs on WAPP Priority Projects to
ensure conformity with national requirements and guidelines of involved Funding
ix. Prepare Statements, Meeting Reports, Aide Memoires, Project Profiles and Briefs
as and when required;
x. Prepare and deliver presentations to stakeholders including Funding Agencies to
mobilize funding for the projects.
xi. Monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementing entities;
xii. Assess any significant issues, and if required, draw on policy and best practices to
provide advice on a corrective action plan;
Train WAPP Secretariat staff to ensure an efficient follow-up after completion of the
Prepare Quarterly Work Programs and Activity Reports in acceptable format for
submission to WAPP Secretariat for onward transmission to the Funding Agency.


4. Deliverables

The Services by the Resident Expert include the preparation and submission in a timely
manner of quality reports and documents in English and French.

The Resident Expert shall also submit:

a. Inception Report

The Resident Expert shall present within 4 weeks from Commencement of Services in
Cotonou, an Inception Report that shall contain, inter alia, the work plan,
methodology and schedule for conducting the assignment.

b. Quarterly Reports

The Resident Expert shall submit Quarterly Reports over the period of the assignment
that describe the major tasks which have been undertaken in the performance of the
Assignment, milestones towards the completion of the Assignment, and percentage
completion of the Assignment. Financial data will include photocopies of invoices
from the Resident Expert as well as financial reports detailing expenditures of all
funds and the daily rates of the Resident Expert, their hours worked and other direct
costs. The Quarterly Reports shall also contain in Annex, all documents prepared by
the Resident Expert within the framework of the Assignment including but not limited
to presentations and annotated comments to reports. The reports shall be issued in
English and French by the 10th calendar day after the end of the Quarter under

c. Close-out Report

At the conclusion of the Assignment, the Resident Expert shall submit a
comprehensive report covering among others, the activities undertaken during the
period of the assignment, outcomes, Deliverables, and any other inputs required by
the WAPP Secretariat and Funding Agency. Submission and approval of this report
shall be a requirement for the last payment to the Resident Expert under the

In addition, the implementation of the above-indicated activities under the Scope of Work
shall be considered as part of the Deliverables of the Resident Expert under this Assignment.

5. Reporting Requirements

The Resident Expert shall report to the Secretary General of WAPP but shall work closely
with the Department of Planning, Investment Programming and Environmental Safeguards of
the WAPP Secretariat. In the execution of the assignment, the Resident Expert shall be
required to interface with among others WAPP Member Utilities, Ministries in charge of
energy, Ministries/Agencies in charge of environmental protection, and Funding Agencies.
The Assignment shall be funded by the African Development Bank and as such, the relevant
requirements of the African Development Bank shall also apply.

6. Requirements

Education: Masters Degree or graduate degree in Environmental Science or equivalent or
an electrical engineering.

Year Experience: 8-10 years of experience in formulating policies relating to environmental
and social safeguards, including Africa. Having been involved in the preparation of studies
relating to environmental and social impact assessments (including Environmental and Social
Management Plans, Resettlement Action Plans) for power projects in addition to the
implementation of Environmental and Social Management Plans and Resettlement Action
Plans in the West Africa region shall be an advantage. The Consultant shall have:

In-depth knowledge of the Guidelines, requirements and procedures of Funding
Agencies as related to environmental and social safeguards, with particular reference
to World Bank, African Development Bank, European Investment Bank, Islamic
Development Bank, KfW, Agence Francaise de Developpement, and United Nations
Basic Principles and Guidelines on Development-Based Evictions and Displacements;
Understanding of national legislation in West Africa relating to environmental and
social safeguards for power projects (thermal, hydropower, transmission);
Demonstrated experience in the preparation of Environmental and Social Impact
Assessments, Environmental and Social Management Plans, and Resettlement Action
Must be able to work effectively in a multinational team environment with a capacity
to work with minimal supervision;
Strong skills in the MS Office suite of applications including Excel, Word,
PowerPoint, Project, e-mail and internet programs
Excellent oral and written communication skills in French and English
Critical analysis and listening skills
Excellent ability to prepare reports and documents and comfortably defend them

The Consultant shall be based in Cotonou (Benin) but shall be expected to travel extensively
within the sub-region. Work may require occasional weekend and/or evening work.


Fluent in English or French and good working knowledge in the other language.

1 60 MW Felou Hydropower Facility 350 GWh OMVS
2 400 MW Aboadze/Domunli Power Generation Facility WAPP EPSSP WAPP
3 450 MW Maria Gleta Power Generation Facility WAPP EPSSP WAPP
4 240 MW Kaleta Hydropower Faclility - 946 GWh Guine
5 64 MW Mount Coffee Hydropower Facility 435 GWh WAPP
6 875 MW Sendou Coal-fired Plant Sngal
7 140 MW Gouina Hydropower Facility - 565 GWh OMVS
8 128 MW Sambangalou Hydropower Facility OMVG Energy Project - 402 GWh OMVG
9 147 MW Adjarala Hydropower Facility - 366 GWh WAPP
10 181 MW Balassa Hydropower Facility - 401 GWh OMVS
11 70 MW Badoumb Hydropower Facility - 410 GWh OMVS
12 515 MW Souapiti Hydropower Facility - 2,518 GWh WAPP
13 400 MW Bumbuna Hydropower Facility - 1, 560 GWh WAPP
14 90 MW Fomi Hydropower Facility - 374 GWh ABN
15 270 MW Soubr Hydropower Facility - 1 120 GWh Cte d'Ivoire
16 112 MW Gribo Popoli Hydropower Facility 515 GWh Cte d'Ivoire
17 156 MW Boutoubre Hydropower Facility 785 GWh Cte d'Ivoire
18 280 MW Louga Hydropower Facility 1,330 GWh Cte d'Ivoire
19 150 MW Solar Power Facility in Burkina Faso WAPP
20 281 MW Koukoutamba Hydropower Facility - 455 GWh OMVS
21 200 MW Wind Power Park in Senegal and The Gambia - 200 MW WAPP
22 135 MW Kassa B Hydropower Facility - 528 GWh WAPP
23 300 MW Amaria Hydropower Facility - 1 435 GWh WAPP
24 225 MW Tiboto Hydropower Facility - 912 GWh WAPP
25 700 MW Zungeru Hydropower Facility 3,019 GWh WAPP
26 200 MW Salkadamna Coal-fired Facility Niger
27 150 MW Solar Power Facility in Mali WAPP
28 160 MW Boureya Hydropower Facility - 455 GWh OMVS
29 93.3 MW Digan Hydropower Facility MW - 243 GWh OMVG
30 291 MW Grand Kinkon Hydropower Facility - 720 GWh WAPP
31 450 MW Combined Cycle Thermal Power Facility in Togo WAPP
32 2,600 MW Mambilla Hydropower Facility - 11 214 GWh WAPP
33 300 MW Wind Power Park in Northern Nigeria WAPP

Page 16 |
Monday, June 9, 2014
Monday, June 9, 2014 Page 17
Sisi sworn in as Egypt's president, cool reception from West

Doha (AFP) -
ive leading Afghan
militants freed from
Guantanamo Bay in
exchange for a US
soldier have pledged to honour
an agreement between the
Taliban and Qatar, which is
hosting them.
The men, offcials in the Taliban
regime driven from power by the
US-led invasion of Afghanistan
in 2001, were released on
May 31 and fown to Qatar in
exchange for US army sergeant
Bowe Bergdahl.
Their release provoked criticism
from some US politicians, who
said they could pose a threat to
Americans abroad, and anger
from Afghans opposed to the
ens of thousands of
people have attended
the burial of the emir of
Kano, one of Nigeria's
most prominent and revered
Muslim leaders.
Al-Haji Ado Bayero, on the throne
in the northern city since 1963,
died after a long illness at the age
of 83.
He was the longest-serving emir
in Kano's history and sought to
reduce tensions with Nigeria's
He was also a critic of Boko Haram
and survived an assassination
attempt last year blamed on the
Islamist group.
During the emir's 50-year-reign,
Nigeria has experienced a great
deal of turmoil with military coups
and unrest but he always stayed
out of politics.
Georgia truck driver
has been charged with
one count of death by
auto and four counts
of assault by auto in the traffc
accident that critically injured
Tracy Morgan and killed another
Morgan and three other passengers
were hospitalized in the six-
vehicle New Jersey crash that
killed 63-year-old James McNair.
Their luxury van fipped over, and
Morgan and another passenger
were helicoptered to a hospital.
iddlesex County Acting Prosecutor
Andrew C. Carey and Col. Joseph
R. Fuentes, superintendent of
the New Jersey State Police,
announced the charges against
Kevin Roper, 35, of Jonesboro, Ga.

CAIRO (Reuters) -
ormer army chief
Abdel Fattah al-
Sisi was sworn in as
president of Egypt
on Sunday in a ceremony
with low-key attendance by
Western allies concerned by
a crackdown on dissent since
he ousted Islamist leader
Mohamed Mursi last year.
Last month's election, which
offcials said Sisi won with 97
percent of the vote, followed
three years of upheaval since
a popular uprising ended 30
years of rule by former air force
commander Hosni Mubarak.
Security in Cairo was extra
tight, with armoured personnel
carriers and tanks positioned
in strategic locations as Sisi
spoke to foreign dignitaries
after a 21-gun salute at Cairo's
main presidential palace.
He called for hard work and
the development of freedom
"in a responsible framework
away from chaos" but did
not mention human rights or
"The time has come to build a
more stable future," said Sisi,
the sixth Egyptian leader with
a military background. "Let us
work to establish the values of
rightness and peace."
Near Tahrir Square, the
symbolic heart of the revolt
against Mubarak where
protesters now rarely tread,
young men sold t-shirts
with the image of Sisi in his
trademark dark sunglasses.
Commentators on state and
private media heaped praise on
him, turning a blind eye to what
human rights groups say are
widespread abuses, in the hope
that he can deliver stability and
rescue the economy.

Many Egyptians share that
hope, but they have limited
patience, staging street protests
that toppled two leaders in
the past three years, and the
election turnout of just 47
percent shows Sisi is not as
popular as when he toppled
"Sisi has to do something in
his frst 100 days, people will
watch closely and there might
be another revolution. That's
what people are like in this
country," said theology student
Israa Youssef, 21.
Western countries, who hoped
the overthrow of Mubarak in
2011 would usher in a new era
of democracy, have watched
Egypt's political transition
Members of the presidential
guard surround the motorcade
of Egypt's new President Abdel
Fattah a
Mursi was the country's frst
freely elected president,
but his year in power was
tarnished by accusations that
he usurped power, imposed the
Brotherhood's views on Islam
and mismanaged the economy,
allegations he denied.
After Sisi deposed him and
became Egypt's de facto ruler,
security forces mounted one
of the toughest crackdowns on
the Brotherhood in its 86-year
history. Hundreds were killed
in street protests and thousands
of others jailed. Secular
activists were eventually
thrown into jail too, even
those who supported Mursi's
fall, because they violated a
new law that severely restricts
Mursi's ouster was applauded
by Egypt's Gulf Arab allies,
who were alarmed by the
rise of the Brotherhood, the
international standard-bearer
of mainstream Sunni political
The movement, which won
nearly every election in Egypt
since Mubarak's fall, is seen
as a threat to Gulf dynasties.
Saudi Arabia, the United Arab
Emirates and Kuwait extended
a lifeline exceeding $12
billion in cash and petroleum
products to help Egypt stave
off economic collapse after
Sisi appeared on television
and announced that the
Brotherhood was fnished.
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
urged Egyptians this week to
back Sisi and said they should
disown "the strange chaos" of
the Arab uprisings. Kuwait's
Emir, the King of Bahrain,
the Crown Princes of Saudi
Arabia and Abu Dhabi are
attending Sisi's inauguration,
according to a list provided by
the Egyptian presidency.
SALMON Idaho (Reuters) -
he father of Bowe
Bergdahl, the Idaho
soldier released
from captivity in a
controversial prisoner swap with
the Taliban, has received emailed
death threats that authorities are
investigating, an Idaho police
chief said on Saturday.
The frst of the death threats sent
to Bob Bergdahl at his home
near Hailey, Idaho, was received
on Wednesday, the same day the
city canceled a planned rally
celebrating the release of his son,
Hailey Police Chief Jeff Gunter
"There were four specifc emails
with death threats given to the
FBI and they are looking into
it, Gunter told Reuters in an
Authorities are providing
security to Bob Bergdahl and his
wife, Jani, but Gunter declined to
elaborate on those measures.
Bergdahl's release after being
held for nearly fve years in
Afghanistan provoked an angry
backlash in Congress among
lawmakers over the Obama
administration's failure to
notify them in advance. Some
of Bergdahl's former comrades
have charged that he was
captured in 2009 after deserting
his post.
U.S. military leaders have said
the circumstances of Bergdahls
capture are unclear, with
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel
urging critics to wait for all the
facts to be known before rushing
to judgment on Bergdahl.
The threats came as Hailey,
a tourist community of some
8,000 people in the mountains
of central Idaho, was buffeted by
hundreds of vitriolic phone calls
and emails.
The celebratory spirit that
infused Hailey a week ago with
news of Bergdahls release
turned to apprehension as an
onslaught of angry messages
were directed at city offcials,
businesses and friends of the
Bergdahls over a hometown rally
to mark his freedom planned for
June 28.

Page 18 |
Monday, June 9, 2014
Colombia's preparations for Brazil suffer setback following a poor draw against
Tunisia but Monaco midfelder Rodriguez could be answer
By Juan Arango, World Cup
Nation: Colombia
gainst Tunisia, there
were major issues for
Colombia. Maybe
we can attribute the
violent 1-1 draw in March to
rustiness or a total lack of cohesion
at the time, because it was the
frst squad meetup since their last
match in November. However,
some worrying signs did come to
Then, with just 85 days left until
the World Cup, many teams began
to focus on the crucial end of the
season, and a campaign of hard
slog was starting to take a toll.
Colombia is not an exception to
that rule. Now the question mark is
will this squad be able to turn their
fortunes around in time after this
last showing.
Problems Up Top
Colombia miss Radamel Falcao.
There, I said it.
Yes, they miss their talisman for
all the tangible, technical-tactical
and intangible reasons that can
be imagined. Ok, now that I am
done with that, let me continue
by saying there were even bigger
issues that came to the forefront
in the fnal Fifa international date
prior to the World Cup.
Jackson Martnez is one of the
most lethal scorers in European
football but that has not
necessarily transferred over to the
international scene. This season
at Porto has been a major struggle
for him, albeit from an individual
3 Days to go: All the action leading up the Brazil

numbers perspective hes the
leading goalscorer in the league.
The same goes for Adrin Ramos,
who seemed lost after returning
to the national team picture after
a 28-month absence. The Hertha
Berlin man was not able to connect
and establish an association with
Teflo Gutirrez or with Carlos
Bacca up top although he missed
a golden chance to score the
game-winner towards the end of
the match. It was more apparent
that the best partner for Teflo is
Falcao; but other partnerships need
to grow and quickly.
Rodriguz, The True Key?
In the Colombian midfeld,
there was a major issue as James
Rodriguez was the man who was
crowded around and saw his
touches limited. If there is a player
that Colombia depend on just as
much or more than Falcao, its his
AS Monaco team-mate.
James is the man who pulls the
strings in the midfeld and was the
lone shining light in an encounter
that wasnt the most favourable for
Los Cafeteros. When he did get the
chances to create, he showed that
he was the only player on the pitch
that had clarity. Unfortunately for
Colombia, those opportunities
were too few and far between.
Colombias passes forward were
a near-religious experience;
especially playing the ball out
of their own end of the pitch.
There were some major issues
establishing passing options to
get to Rodrguez on a constant
basis while Tunisia fooded the
middle of the park. For every
pass forward, there were two that
By: Juan Arango, World Cup
Nation: Colombia
rom selling bus tickets in
Puerto Colombia, in the
region of Barranquilla,
to helping Sevilla reach
the semi-fnal of a European cup
for the frst time in seven years,
Carlos Bacca quickly emerged as
one of the rising stars of European
Presently it is a good time to be
a Colombian striker in Europe.
Jackson Martnez and Radamel
Falcao have dominated for a
few years now. Sporting Lisbon
forward Fredy Montero is a force
in Portugal. Adrin Ramoss form
at Hertha Berlin earned him a
four-year contract at Borussia
Yet the one that is making the
biggest splash is Sevillas Carlos
Bacca, who has scored twice in
nine internationals for Colombia.
The 27-year-old didnt arrive to
Andalusia from Club Brugge in
Belgium as ballyhooed as both
Neymar and Gareth Bale this past
summer, but his goal tally has
surpassed what those two have
done this season and at one-
tenth of the price.
Im enjoying my form as well
as the teams success, said
Bacca in an exclusive interview
with Telegraph Sport. I am also
going through a great moment
personally but still you have to
go about things with humility and
hard work; because despite all
the hard work put in the past few
months we havent won anything
and the best part [of the season] is
yet to come.
Telegraph WCN: Whats the
difference between Carlos Bacca,
the leading goalscorer in Belgium,
and Carlos Bacca at Sevilla?
Carlos Bacca: There arent many
differences because a player
always has a set of qualities
that he always uses no matter
where he plays. But maybe you
could say I am a more-complete
footballer. I have improved in my
defensive work and have been
able to adapt to the demands of
Spanish football. In Spain, like in
Belgium, I have been surrounded
by great team-mates that makes
things so much easier for you on
the pitch.
What is the player youve been
able to best associate yourself
with on the pitch?
On the pitch, I have a great
understanding on the pitch with
Ivan Rakiti. Hes a tremendous
footballer with great vision
on the pitch. We have a great
understanding. The same can be
said with Jos Antonio Reyes,
Marko Marin, Vitolo, Jairo
Samperio and Kvin Gameiro.
At Sevilla we have a great
understanding for each other as
the most important thing is the
What went through your head
when you scored the brace against
Real Madrid?
It was a great moment. Of course
there is always a great deal of
importance given to scoring
against Real Madrid. I got a lot
of calls from Colombia! Whats
most important was that those
goals helped obtain a big win for
World Cup Nation, Colombia: In an exclusive interview striker Carlos
Bacca says he is prepared to help in the absence of Radamel Falcao

the club. I came to help by scoring
goals and, for me, those goals
have the same value as the others
Ive scored this season.
You must have been fattered by
Jos Mara del Nidos plaudits
saying you could be an idol at the
club in a few seasons?
I appreciate the confdence the
people at the club have in me. I
work towards improving every
day. There have been some great
forwards here, but I am Carlos
Bacca and I want to leave my
mark at Sevilla.
When you made your move from
Atltico Junior to Belgium in
2012, what advice did you get
that helped your adaptation to be
relatively quick?
At frst it was very complicated.
I was in a new country with a
different culture, another style of
play and a lot of cold weather; but
I had the support of my family.
Thats why I kept working hard
because I had confdence in my
game and I knew an opportunity
would arrive and I should be
ready to take advantage when it
fnally came.
The best advice was that I should
remain true to myself because
that is the reason why I get here
to begin with. That chance fnally
came and I have great memories
of my time over at Club Brugge.
Were a couple of months away
from the World Cup. How do you
see yourself for that tournament
and how do you see your role with
To play in a World Cup is
something you dream of since
you are a kid. I am at the coaching
staffs disposal as they will make
the best decision in the end. In
the last few call-ups I feel as my
role with the team has increased.
I am available to do whatever
[Jos Pkerman] needs from me.
I believe Colombia can do very
well in the World Cup.
How do you see the team, inside
the pitch, reacting after Radamel
Falcaos injury?
Colombia have a very mature
squad, with players enjoying
important roles at their respective
clubs and ready to do what they
in the absence of a player as
fundamental as Falcao. Hes
doing his best to be ready.
Who helped you most to make the
transition to Sevilla?
I believe its the people at the club
as well as my team-mates. The
fans have treated me as if I was
one of them since the frst day I
arrived, thats made things a lot
easier. Ive also had the support
of my family as they adapted very
well to life in Seville. Seeing them
happy helped me enjoy the city
from the beginning.
How important has your family
been since your days in Puerto
Colombia selling bus tickets to
God and my family are the most
important things in my life.
Without them, I would not be
where I am. They always believed
in me. What I am living right now
at Sevilla is a reward for their
belief and my hard work. Ive
had some very diffcult moments
in my career, but having my
family there helped me grow as a
footballer, but with a humility.
went backwards and it hindered
the generation of their offensive
options with players like Juan
Guillermo Cuadrado being
What made Colombia so dangerous
during World Cup qualifers was
their variety of options that created
spaces all over the pitch allowing
there to be room for Rodrguez to
operate behind the forwards. This
was not occurring on a consistent
basis. What was more worrying
was the errant passing which led
at times to furious counterattacks.
Defensive Woes
My previous point extends in
to defence, as errant passes in
the midfeld found a vulnerable
defence that was completely
out of position. Luis Amaranto
Pereas sending off was the biggest
example as to what could happen
if opponents counters are handled
more skilfully.
Defensively, Colombia needs
to surely start looking at a
generational change. A central
backline pairing that averages 36.5
years of age showed why players
like der lvarez Balanta, Cristin
Zapata and eventually Pedro
Franco have to be considered.
Perea continues to always be
walking on a razors edge. Hes
either out of position or sending
out an errant pass that could leave
Colombia in quite a crux and
38-year-old Mario Yepes, at this
stage of his career, a tremendous
Tunisia did not fnish those
chances in a more lethal manner
but on several occasions where
Ospina was forced to exert
himself. Tunisias key was taking
advantage of the space behind the
defensive midfeld and the ageing
backline. There Tunisia unleashed
shots from the spaces that defence
failed to cover.
Colombias Weaknesses /
Opponents Strengths
All in all, Colombia committed
some major offences that would
truly beneft the strong suits of
their opponents. I surely bet
that Fernando Santos, Alberto
Zaccheroni and Sabri Lamouchi
must have seen that as well.
Japan saw that there is a possibility
of taking advantage of their speed
against a wrong-footed Colombian
side when they have to backtrack
and defend. Greece saw that there
is a chance in the air if they catch
David Ospina over compensating
on crosses and the defence is not
winning air battles on set pieces.
Ivory Coast in the meantime, see
that their matchups up top could
favour them as the manoeuvrability
up top with a Drogba, Gervinho,
Kalou or whoever could put both
Perea and Yepes in a situation
where they could be exposed to
some severe pressure.
Some hard work lies ahead for
Jos Pekerman as they get ready
for a group that saw them as the
prohibited favourites, but that
surely has eroded just a little
bit. Still with the way modern
football is handled, the key is
not to be strong in March; its to
be ascending in your curve come
June. That will be Colombias
biggest task before they take on
Monday, June 9, 2014 Page 19
Will the LFA national league kick-off in October?
ozy Altidore insists his
six-month scoreless
streak never bothered
No sleepless nights. No
feelings of frustration. Not
even a bit of worry it would
stretch into the World Cup.
His coach believes otherwise.
Whatever the case, Altidore
and the United States won't
have to deal with that story
line in Brazil.
Altidore scored a pair of goals
to lead the United States over
Nigeria 2-1 Saturday night
in the Americans' World Cup
send-off match.
omelu Lukaku has
acknowledged he may
have to leave Chelsea
permanently to further
his own career as the Belgium
international looks to showcase
his talents at the World Cup
fnals in a bid to drum up further
interest in his signature.
The forward, signed from
Anderlecht in the summer of
2011 for an initial 8m, has spent
the last two seasons impressing
on loan at West Bromwich Albion
and Everton. He scored 16 goals
for the Merseysiders last term as
they fnished ffth and qualifed
for the Europa League, but the
21-year-old still only boasts a
solitary start for his parent club in
the Premier League having failed
to secure regular football under
three permanent managers.
iego Costa took
another step closer
to confrming his
32million move to
Chelsea on Saturday night after
claiming 'it looks like' he is set to
join Jose Mourinho's side.
As Sportsmail revealed on
Thursday, everything is in place
for the Spain international to
move to Stamford
Bridge and Costa has spoken out
about the transfer for the frst
Speaking after Spain's 2-0
friendly win against El Salvador,
Costa told AS: 'Am I going to
Chelsea? It looks like it.'
Chelsea have already Costa's
32m buyout clause and have
become frustrated with Atletico's
attempts to delay rubber-
stamping the deal.

he Liberia Football
Association (LFA) is
yet to offcially close
the 2013/2014 season
since it ended in March.
The league closed sooner than
later because LFA president
Musa Bility and his executive
committee members (Team
Bility), who were desperately
seeking reelection, wanted
to disenfranchise vocal club
presidents like Tugbeh Chie
Tugbeh of 72nd FC and Wilmot
Smith of Georgian FC from the
elective congress.
Some clubs were made to play
league matches twice weekly
while others had three games.
Unlike in Europe, the epicenter
of football in the world, league
matches are played on weekends
excerpt for rescheduled games as
a result of clubs participating in
continental competitions.
The new schedule, which was
resisted by LISCR FC and
Monrovia Club Breweries, didnt
shake the LFA because some
club offcials have become boy
holders rather than stakeholders.
All is now done and dusted
as Barrack Young Controllers
(BYC) won the frst division
title and FC Fassell swept aside
their opponents to fnally gain
promotion to the frst division,
having been engaged in match-
fxing and manhandling of match
offcials for two seasons all in the
name of promotion.
The season will not be offcially
closed and if it will then the LFA
will have to come under immense
and consistent pressure to reward
players, coaches, teams and
journalists who exceptionally
performed during the course of
the season.
And more should be done in
organizing a closing program
beftting of a football association.
What was held to offcially draw
the curtains on the 2012/2013
season in the board room of
the FA was nothing more than
disgraceful and even despicable
that vice president Musa

Shannon, who played in Portugal
for FC Maritimo, was seated
next to Bility signing certifcates.
The selection process of some
of the nominees leaves one to
wonder why Sally Gaye of the
New Dawn newspaper (with no
disrespect to her) was certifcated
as the female reporter when
UNMIL Radios Martina Brooks
didnt enjoy similar right.
Will the FA hand a special
recognition to another female
reporter this season or next
Daily Observers Omari Jackson
was also certifcated as the
reporter of the year but not a
single article or coverage of the
league was shown by the FA.
And what criteria did the FA use
in selecting the coach, goalkeeper
and team of the season?
The stakeholders must demand
improvements from the past
or posterity will harshly judge
Team Bility and it professed
utterances of having developed
and improved football.
According to Bility, the
2014/2015 season will kick-off
in October but all of the off-
season tournaments (Who Owns
The Land and Presidents Cup),
which he said necessitated the
early closure of last season, are
yet to get underway.
This means there will be no
competitive football on the
local scene and the LFA were
foolish in heavily relying on
local players, who last trained
or played a league match in
February or March, for a serious
competition like the Africa Cup
of Nations qualifers.
No wonder why minnows
like Lesotho recorded their
frst victory in seven years
by eliminating Liberia 2-1 on
aggregate. No wonder why
Anthony Laffor has slammed
a disorganized LFA in his
resignation message.
And Shannon must have been
hallucinated in his prediction that
Liberia would have eliminated
the Crocodiles.
The LFA, in its fantasy
and romanticization of
professionalizing football, have
adopted new rules, which clubs
must adhere to before taking part
in the pending league.
It wants clubs to have bank
accounts of US$50,000 balance,
which it will have access to in
the case of arrears to players,
home grounds and feeder teams
among others.
But here is an FA, where
salary arrears are perennial
and the Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (GAAP)
is occasionally violated, asking
clubs to have that staggering
amount simply for salaries.
Have the LFA forgotten that
clubs (except for Monrovia Club
Breweries, LPRC Oilers and
NPA Anchors) are individually-
Bility, Shannon, Cassell Kuoh
and executive committee
members like Sheba Brown,
Ansu Dulleh and Rochell
Woodson, need to show us their
bank balances in order to perfect
this new scheme because a father
(or mother) who is unable to feed
his/her children cant punish
them when they go to next house
to eat.
It means the opening of the
league in October hangs in the
balance because the clubs are
unable to meet their benchmarks.
Squad including Samuel Etoo
and Alex Song remain at home
Strike had been narrowly averted
during training camp
ameroons World Cup
squad have refused to
board a plane due to
take them to Brazil for
the World Cup because of disputes
over bonuses, according to French
sports newspaper LEquipe. The
newspapers website claims that
the squad have instead remained
at their hotel in the Cameroonian
capital Yaound, while reporters
have camped outside the Cameroon
Football Federation headquarters
awaiting further information.
The players were due to fy out
from Yaound on Sunday morning,
in a plane specially chartered by
Cameroon President Paul Biya. Its
emerged that the squad have so far
refused to travel because the World
Cup bonuses they are being offered
are not as much as expected.
Its also alleged that the players
had considered calling a strike over
a fortnight ago, during the squads
World Cup training camp, but
postponed any action. Cameroon
have since played a series of
warm-up friendly matches,
drawing 2-2 with Germany and
beating Moldova 1-0 on Saturday,
after which the tensions within the
squad are said to have increased.
Cameroon, managed by German
coach Volker Finke, are due to
begin their World Cup campaign
next Friday against Mexico. Their
other fxtures in Group A are
against hosts Brazil and Croatia.
Finkes fnal 23-man squad for
the tournament includes Samuel
Etoo, Benoit Assou-Ekotto and
Barcelonas Alex Song.
This is not the frst time that
fnancial concerns have affected the
Indomitable Lionss preparations
for a World Cup. Disputes over
bonus payments were reported
in both 1994 and 2002 - the team
failed to get out of their group in
both tournaments. Cameroons last
appearance in the knockout stages
came 24 years ago, during their
memorable run at the 1990 World
Cup in Italy.
Danesius Marteh,
PRICE L$40 VOL 8 NO.611 MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2014
Battery Factory Plank Dealers Association seeking for help to fx their road
attery Factory Plank Dealers Association
in battery factory are asking government
offcials, politicians and other prominent
citizens to come to their aid to rehabilitate
the road leading to their plank feld.
A businessman and member of the Association Sheilk
Ballo told FrontPageAfrica that a lady by the name of
Massa Cousil had engaged them several times to collect
money for both spot and road rehabilitation fees.
Ballo said that for each truckload of plank that enters the
feld Cousil collected 200 Liberian dollars towards the
road fxing. He said Cousil would bring a few load of
dirt to dump on the road but it only gets worse.
Numerous contributions had been made to Ma -Massa
to get the road fxed, but nothing encouraging has been
Ballo said that on numerous occasions some leaders and
politicians have made false promises to the communities.
You cannot take wood from the bush if you dont
obtain Forestry Development Authoritys paper, and we
bring the goods, here where we sell our goods the place
is deplorable, he said.
Due to the road condition, our their customers only
stop on the road and transact business. So many at times
they only come and open without doing any business.
According to him Concil had claimed she was the head
for the feld and individual should make contribution
towards the spot and the road rehabilitation but since
then nothing has been done.
Per spot we paid 4,000 to Massa but nothing has
happened. My name even refected on the receipt given
to me by her, Ballo said
We need a conducive environment to encourage
buyers, but because of the road condition they are losing
customers, many of their customers stop on the road, or
sometimes call them on phone to transact business. We
put lot of money in this plank business so for us to come
and just sit the whole day and no business is really bad
for us.
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