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Dhaka, Bangladesh
Faculty of Science & IT
I. Course No CSC 4220
Course Title Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD)
II. Nature Major Course or CS! CS"! CSS"! S"! CIS
Prerequisite CSC 22#0 System Analysis and Design
CSC 2$0% - Algorithms
III. Credit ours & 'ours t'eory
I(. A!ademi! Term S)ring 20$&*20$4
(. Instru!tor" Man+ur , -'an! Senior Assistant .roessor! CS / Director! OSA
Section Day 0i1e 2oo1
D (0'eory) Sunday / 0uesday 3400*54&0 4&$
(I. Course Des!ri#tion
Object oriented (OO) tec'nology is t'e 1ost 1odern 6ay o t'in7ing to i1)le1ent any
realistic inor1ation syste1. 0'is course co8ers one o t'e 1ost 6idely used and )o)ular OO
SAD tools a8ailable at t'e 1o1ent* 9M: (9niied Modeling 0ec'ni;ue) along 6it' OO
1etrics! IS .roject .lanning tools and abo8e all OO Design .attern. 9M: is a language or
8isuali+ing! s)eciying! constructing and docu1enting t'e artiacts o a sot6are*intensi8e
syste1. 0'e ot'er to)ics co8er t'e Object Oriented Sot6are "ngineering as)ects.
(II. Course O$%e!ti&e
0'e 1ain objecti8es o t'is course are as ollo6s4
$. to introduce Syste1 Analysis and Design using Object Oriented 0ec'nology!
2. to )ro8ide a sound understanding o t'e unda1ental conce)ts o t'e object 1odel!
&. to a1iliari+e 6it' t'e notation and )rocess o object*oriented analysis and design!
4. t'roug' Design .atterns students 6ill be gi8en an introduction to t'e recurring
abstraction o tools to or1ulate and i1)le1ent co1)le<! yet le<ible! e<tensible! robust and
correct syste1s!
%. enable students to reali+e t'e industrial*strengt' o t'e Object Oriented 0ec'nology!
co1ortable to use 8isual tools to design Object Oriented Syste1!
#. to a1iliari+e 6it' 8arious Object Orientated .roject 1anage1ent as)ects and 1etrics
=. introduce students 6it' t'e conce)ts o Design .atterns and its i1)le1entations using
so1e co11on design )atterns t'at are 6idely used in t'e industry.
(III To#i!s to $e Co&ered
To#i!s S#e!i'i! O$%e!ti&e(s) Time *rame Suggested A!ti&ities Tea!hing
Day +" , Please send an email to man-ur.aiu$/edu 'rom your email a!!ount0 so that I !an
!reate a grou# email list 1here I !an send im#ortant in'ormation and dire!tions/ The su$%e!t
o' the email should $e 2O$%e!t Oriented Analysis and Design 3 Se!tion A4
to Sot6are
Introducing t'e outline
o t'e u)co1ing
to)ics. Discuss t'e
necessity o or1al
1odeling tec'ni;ues
in syste1
$ class
(>ee7 $)
>'y 6e do sot6are
1odeling 6ill be
lectured in su11ari+ed
or1 along 6it'
necessary e<)lanation o
)'rases and conce)ts
:ecture notes!
"<)lanation o
;uotations! real
lie e<a1)les!
o 9M:
Introducing 8arious
9M: and its building
bloc7s 6it' t'eir
2 classes
(>ee7 2)
0'e introduction o
9M: necessary
e<)lanation o )'rases
and conce)ts.
:ecture notes!
9se Case
9nderstanding t'e
re;uire1ents 6it' t'e
static 8ie6 o a
syste1. Also.
2 Classes
(>ee7 &)
Students 6ill reali+e t'e
i1)ortance o t'e
re;uire1ent analysis as
t'e irst ste) o syste1
analysis 6it' t'e 'el) o
t'e 1ost 8isual tool 9se
Case Diagra1
:ecture notes!
real lie case
study solutions!
2eali+ing and
understanding t'e
relations'i)s bet6een
a set o classes!
interaces and
collaborations. Class
diagra1s address t'e
static design 8ie6 o a
4 Classes
(>ee7 4 * %)
0'e 1ost co11on
artiact o OO design*
classes 6ill be
introduced to t'e
students 6it' all )ossible
relations'i)s e<)lained
6it' notations and
:ecture notes!
real lie case
study solutions!
C2C Cards 0'e goal is to )ro8ide
t'e si1)lest )ossible
introduction to OO
0.% Class
(>ee7 #)
Students 6ill be s'o6n a
co1)arison o t'e class
diagra1 6it' anot'er
)o)ular tec'ni;ue o
class identiication *
C2C Cards.
:ecture notes!
real lie case
study solutions!
A se;uence diagra1 is
an interaction diagra1
t'at e1)'asi+es t'e
ti1e*ordering o
& Classes
(>ee7 #*=)
?otations o interaction
diagra1s 6ould be
introduced to t'e
students 6it' its
necessity to understand
t'e dyna1ic 8ie6 o a
syste1. @ot'! 9M: $.4
and 2.0 s)eciications
6ill be introduced.
:ecture notes!
real lie case
study solutions!
2eser8e Class or 2e8ision (>ee7 =)
>ee7 3* Mid 0er1 "<a1
0o introduce t'e static
sna)s'ots o instances
o t'e class diagra1s.
A Collaboration
diagra1 is an
interaction diagra1
t'at e1)'asi+es t'e
structural organi+ation
o t'e objects t'at send
and recei8e 1essages
0.% Class
(>ee7 5)
Students 6ill learn and
8isuali+e t'e si1ilarities
and dissi1ilarities o
se;uence and
collaboration diagra1
and 6ould be able to
understand t'e
i1)ortance o bot'.
:ecture notes!
real lie case
study solutions!
0o introduce acti8ity
diagra1 as a s)ecial
7ind o a statec'art
diagra1 t'at s'o6s t'e
lo6 ro1 acti8ity to
acti8ity 6it'in a
$.% Class
(>ee7 5)
Students 6ill learn t'e
notations o acti8ity
diagra1 along 6it'
identiying and dra6ing
t'e lo6 o t'e syste1
ro1 acti8ity to acti8ity
6it'in a syste1
:ecture notes!
real lie case
study solutions!
It is i1)ortant in
1odeling t'e be'a8ior
o an interace! class or
collaboration and
e1)'asi+e t'e e8ent*
ordered be'a8ior o an
2 Classes
(>ee7 $0)
Students 6ould be able
to understand t'e
be'a8ioral as)ects o t'e
syste1 by dra6ing states
o t'e objects using
8arious e<a1)les
:ecture notes!
real lie case
study solutions!
0o enable t'e students
understand t'e
i1)le1entation o t'e
0.% Class
(>ee7 $$)
0'roug' notations and
diagra1s used on
e<a1)les students 6ill
be able to 8isuali+e t'e
)'ysical i1)le1entation
o t'e sot6are )rior to
real i1)le1entation.
Students can see t'e
residence o 8arious
co1)onents o t'e
syste1 to 8arious
locations and t'e
de)loy1ent relations'i)s
:ecture notes!
real lie case
study solutions!
/ Aunction
0o discuss 8arious
as)ects o IS )roject
esti1ation using one
o t'e )o)ular
1et'odologies na1ed
$ Class
(>ee7 $$)
Students 6ill be
introduced 6it' t'eories
and or1ulae o
COCOMO and )ractice
t'e1 in e<ercises
:ecture notes!
board 6or7!
0o introduce t'e
Sot6are 1easuring
tec'ni;ue s)ecially or
Object Oriented
Met'odology using
8arious OO sot6are
2 Classes
(>ee7 $2)
Students 6ill study t'e
t'eories and or1ulae o
8arious OO Sot6are
1etrics and t'en a))ly
t'e1 in e<ercises
:ecture notes!
board 6or7!
0o discuss design
)atterns 6'ic' ca)ture
t'e essence o a design
solution t'at 'as been
)ro8en to be useul in
)ractice o OO
2 Classes
(>ee7 no
Students 6ill be s'o6n
t'e t'eories and
tec'ni;ue o using
8arious design )atterns
:ecture note!
e<a1)les! code
2eser8e Class or 2e8ision (>ee7 $%)
5ee6 +7- *inal Term E8am
IB. Course Requirements
$. Must a))ear at least t6o ;ui++es beore t'e 1idter1 e<a1ination and also beore t'e
inal ter1 e<a1ination.
2. Students 1ust 'a8e 30C attendance to )ass t'e course.
9/ Assignments"
:id Term Assignment"
It is a grou# assignment/ :a8imum num$er o' mem$ers o' a grou# is 9 (Three)/
Students 6ill be re;uired to design a syste1 using t'e diagra1s learnt u) to 1idter1
(i.e. 9se Case! Class and Se;uence Diagra1). 0'e syste1 1ust be an old )roject t'at
t'e students 'a8e co1)leted in a )rior course! i.e. .:*$! D@MS! AD@MS! OO.$! etc.
Last Date o' Su$mission" ;y 'irst Tuesday a'ter midterm
*orm o' su$mission"
+/ (ia "*1ail (Co1)ress all t'e iles in a single +i) ile and send as attac'1ent in an
e*1ail to or 1an+ur'7'anDg1ail.co1). Erou) 1e1ber na1es
and ID 1ust be 6ritten in t'e body o t'e e*1ail. OR
</ In a CD (Erou) 1e1ber na1es and ID 1ust be 6ritten on to) o t'e CD). NO
9/ @ring your )en dri8e 6it' t'e iles in a older. 0'ere 1ust be a te<t ile in t'e
older containing t'e na1es o t'e grou) 1e1bers and t'eir IDs.
*inal Term Assignment
It4s a grou# assignment/ :a8imum num$er o' mem$ers o' a grou# is 9 (Three)/
$. Students 6ill be re;uired to co1)lete t'e design o t'e syste1 t'ey did as t'e
1idter1 assign1ent using t'e diagra1s learnt u) to inal ter1 (i.e. Acti8ity and
2. (arious Object oriented Sot6are 1etrics 1ust be used to 1a7e co11ent on t'e
design (es)ecially on t'e Class Diagra1)
&. Student 1ust use COCOMO to esti1ate eort! ti1e and )erson re;uired or t'e
syste1 de8elo)1ent )roject
Last Date o' Su$mission" ;y 'irst Tuesday a'ter 'inal term
*orm o' su$mission"
$. (ia "*1ail (Co1)ress all t'e iles in a single +i) ile and send as attac'1ent in an
e*1ail to or 1an+ur'7'anDg1ail.co1). Erou) 1e1ber na1es
and ID 1ust be 6ritten in t'e body o t'e e*1ail. OR
2. In a CD (Erou) 1e1ber na1es and ID 1ust be 6ritten on to) o t'e CD). NO
&. @ring your )en dri8e 6it' t'e iles in a older. 0'ere 1ust be a te<t ile in t'e
older containing t'e na1es o t'e grou) 1e1bers and t'eir IDs.
B. E&aluation
:id Term E8am"
Major "<a14 40C (MCF G Diagra1 Dra6ing)
Fui++es4 40C
M0 .roject4 $0C
Attendance / .eror1ance4 $0C
*inal Term E8am"
Major "<a14 40C (MCF G Diagra1 Dra6ing)
Fui+4 40C
.roject4 $0C
Attendance! .eror1ance and .resentation4 $0C
Semester grade" 40C 1idter1 G #0C inal ter1
BI. Te8t$oo6> Re'eren!e :aterials
$. 0'e 9niied Modeling :anguage 9ser Euide
by Erady @ooc'! Ha1es 2u1baug'! I8ar Hacobson
2. 9M: >ee7end Cras' Course
by 0'o1as A .ender
&. ,ead irst design )atterns
by "ric Aree1an! "lisabet' Aree1an! -at'y Sierra! @ert @ates
4. Design .atterns* "le1ents o 2eusable Object*Oriented Sot6are
by "ric Ea11a! 2ic'ard ,el1! 2al)' Ho'nson! Ho'n (lissides
Re'eren!e :aterials"
$. An Integrated A))roac' to Sot6are "ngineering
by .an7aj Halote
2. Object Oriented Sot6are "ngineering
I8ar Hacobson! Magnus C'risterson! .atri7 Honsson! Eunnar O8ergaard
&. 0'e 9niied Modeling :anguage 2eerence Manual
by Erady @ooc'! Ha1es 2u1baug'! I8ar Hacobson
4. Object Oriented Syste1 Analysis and Design! Second Edition
by Erady @ooc'
Pre#ared ;y
S/A/:/ :an-ur / ?han
Assistant .roessor! De)art1ent o Co1)uter Science
Director! Oice o Student Aairs
Ad1inistrati8e @uilding! :e8el &
.'one4 5354225! 33$$=45 ("<t $&4)! 1an+ur'7'anDg1ail.co1
Consulting hours"
SundayI 0uesday4 5.&0 AM * $.00 .M and 2.&0 .M #.&0 .M
MondayI >ednesday4 3.00 AM $.00 .M and 2.&0 .M %.&0 .M
0'ursday4 3.00 AM $.00 .M

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