2008 English Advanced Notes

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Speaker Purpose Context Themes Structure Quotes +

Service of
- Australia
Primary purpose to
commemorate &
reflect on the selfless
sacrifice made b the
thousands of unknown
Australian soldiers
who had been killed in
!eatin" doesn#t look
to "lorif war$ but
rather "ive thanks for
the actions of these
Australian soldiers
who "allantl fou"ht
to %rotect our lands
and wa of life
&alls us to celebrate
the 'ualities of the
Unknown Soldier and
learn to endure
hardship and to stick
(rin"in" countr
to"ether in
)unitin"*- aim of
creatin" a national
identit based on
'ualities of Aus#n life
- +mateship
courage, resilience$
self belief and the
need to +stick
,-.- of
o" not written b
!eatin" but b
1on 2atson$ but
he makes it his
throu"h the wa
he delivers it-
34 ears
after 221
ceremon was to
be officiall
reco"nised as a
%oi"nant and
%owerful smbol
of All Australians
who have died in
ession with
national identit
address about
the war dead
7onour war dead
and "ive thanks
for their "reat
8eed to unif
countr and
develo% a national
Honour and
5ooked to honour
& remember those
that sacrificed
their lives in
Unknown soldier
re%resents all
Australians who
have served and
died in %ast
conflicts and
%ossible future
!eatin" calls all
Australians to
alwas remember
and "ive thanks to
the selfless
sacrifice of those
who have served
in war to %rotect
our freedom and
wa of life
maintain the
sombre mood
necessar and
allow audience
time to reflect
on what has
been said
A balance is
achieved b
!ariation in
sentence length
1- Used to
achieve ma9-
:- arouse sim%le
throu"h short
3- long
information and
Structure allows
audience time to
honour the
sacrifices made
b the war dead
o Uses short$ sim%le
o ;nclusive lan"ua"e <
we, us < unifies
o !eatin" uses
inclusive lan"ua"e
and does not
differentiate himself
seen in the 'uote$
He is all of them.
And he is one of us
which struck a
%atriotic chord$
unifin" all
Australians in
honourin" and
a%%reciatin" the
sacrifice these
Australian soldiers
made$ who fou"ht
nobl to %rotect our
countr and wa of
o =e%etition +We do
not know re%eated
to em%hasise the
anonmit of
unknown soldier to
illustrate the man
%ossibilities of who
he left behind$
where he was from
and his marital
>elevised to wide
Australian audience$ and
directl to %oliticians$
officials$ soldiers and
=eceived tremendousl
well throu"hout Aus$
"eneratin" a sense of
%ride amon"st all
Australians as it struck a
%atriotic chord
1istinct national identit
found based u%on the
courage$ resilience$
self-belief$ +mateship &
stron" bonds defined b
the Unknown Soldier-
0normous out%ourin" of
honour and %ride
>he s%eech honoured
the war dead$ unified the
countr and created a
sense of national
;n the modern rece%tion$
his s%eech is more
relevant toda than ever
due to the turbulent times
we live in such as the
ever %resent threat of
Acknowled"e wide
back"round of
>his s%eech is one of
the "reatest s%eeches
in Australia because it
commemorates the
"reat contributions of
Australians and
denounces war-
1elivered s%eech on
11$ 1993 at the Aus#n
2ar .emorial$
&anberra- 11 8ov <
remembrance da <
si"nificant as his
s%eech is based around
it - in memor of all
those who died or
suffered in all wars and
armed conflicts-
$udience < multi-
cultural Aus$ those who
fou"ht a"ainst
Aus/allies in %revious
wars < =S5 members$
broadcasted s%eech <
on >?-
0motive s%eech which
didn#t isolate an one
in societ but united
S%eech "enerates
honour associated
with servin" ones
S%eech is
memorable for the
%atriotic and
nationalistic chord
it struck with
6enerated %ride
throu"h the %o% &
found new
national identit
8ew Australian
s%irit "ravitated
around the core
values of
resilience$ self
belief and the
need to stick
together which
had been brou"ht
to life b the
unknown solider-
lan"ua"e and
memorable 'uote
of He is all of
them. And he is
one of us struck
a %atriotic chord$
unifin" all
o !eatin" re%eats the
word terrible to
remind the audience
of the futilit of war
& hi"hli"htin" that
%eace should be
%ursued more
readil than war-
o !eatin" develo%s
unit and a national
s%irit throu"h
re%etition of
Unknown oldier-
draws a connection
between the two-
o Alludes to the
A8@A& stor that
has %owerful
connotations for
most Australians
and shares his
%arado9ical ho%e
that the soldier ma
become a smbol of
o &ollo'uial
lan"ua"e- makes
s%eech more
accessible to the
%ublic and hel%s
establish a firm
connection between
the s%eaker and his
audience- stick
together$ ha!e
terrorism and war$ we are
reminded that %eace &
freedom are hi"hl
valued and we still look
to the AnAac s%irit
ca%tured b the Unknown
Soldier as a %lace of
%atriotism & national
%ride where man
Aust#ns come to"ether in
unit to remember the
war dead & the sacrifice
the made to %rotect our
wa of life- 2e value the
soldier#s sacrifice-
Paci%ist Reading
o ;n a %acifist
inter%retation$ similar to
5incoln#s s%eech$ it is
received as another
world leader#s
mani%ulation of the
masses to %romote war-
o A%%eals to the %atriotic
and democratic values
of the nation$ to sell war
as onl a means of
%rotectin" these values
and our wa of life
Australians in
honourin" and
"ivin" thanks for
the sacrifice of
fallen heroes who
had fou"ht to
%rotect our lands
& wa of life-
&ar and Peace
,raises the
sacrifice of the
Unknown Soldier$
who is a
re%resentative of
all Australian#s
who have lost
their lives in war <
seen throu"h the
techni'ue of
statistics which
em%hasise this-
7onours sacrifice$
et doesn#t
condone war -
insists that %eace
is the ideal
situation for
"he unknown
Australian soldier
is not interred
here to glorif#
war o!er peace
but instead
honours the
memor# of all
bonds of mateship
o &ontrast of binar
o%%osites between
the cit# or the
bush, married or
single$ establishes
link between soldier
and widest %ossible
%ortion of
o Uses statistics to
em%hasise how
man served & died
for Aus < one of
the %&&,&&& Ausns
o Successive
adBectives- illustrate
the futilit of the
mad, brutal awful
struggle$ %laces
"reater em%hasis on
the issue at hand
and achieve
dramatic effect <
ne"ative ima"e of
war$ audience
realises the value of
o 8e"ative
horror, terrible,
sacrifice +traged#
( denounces war
o his tomb )s a
reminder of what
we ha!e lost in war
those men and
women who laid
down their li!es
for Australia
!eatin" doesn#t
"lorif war-
%refers to
em%hasise the
brutal realities of
war bein" a
waste of human
life caused b
5eaves audience
in no doubt that
%eace is better
than war
.ain %ointC from
war we learn the
value of ordinar
%eo%le- 2e realise
the are
e9traordinar- *ut
of war came a
lesson'a lesson
about ordinar#
people ( and the
lesson was that
the# were not
.akes the %oint
that soldiers$ sailors
& nurses were the
real heroes of war <
not the "enerals &
and what we ha!e
gained- Antithesis
of loss and "ain
em%hasises the
futilit of war$
where we lost lives
but "ained a
+le"end# on which
our national identit
is based
o 1ramatic %auses$
commas and
h%hens "ave the
audience time to
consider what had
been said and reflect
on the immense loss
of life suffered b
those who fou"ht to
%rotect Aus-
o 1istinct sombre
lrical tone-
maintains a mood of
mournin" and
remembrance but
also allows audience
to feel %roud of
those that have
fallen before them <
o%timism < for
%eace to %revail-

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