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GK May 2014 (Competitive Guru)

1. Narendra Damodardas Modi was swornin

as the 15th Prime Minister of India on 26
May 2014. Along with him 45mem!er
"o#n$il of Ministers that in$l#des 2%
Ministers with "a!inet ran& 10 Ministers of
'tate with inde(endent $harges and 12
Ministers of 'tate also too& oath of their
offi$es. )his is the first time that 25* of the
"a!inet (ost has !een allo$ated to women.
+#t of 2% "a!inet (ost 6 has !een allo$ated
to women. )he re(resentati,e from 'AA-"
nations in$l#ded
1. Prime Minister Nawa. 'harif of Pa&istan
2. Prime Minister '#shil /oirala of Ne(al
3. Prime Minister Na,in -amgoolam of
4. Prime Minister )shering )o!gay of
5. President A!d#lla 1ameen of Maldi,es
6. President 2amid / of Afghanistan
7. President Mahinda -a3a(a&sa of 'ri 4an&a
8. '(ea&er of the 0angladesh National
Parliament Dr. 'hirin 'harmin
2. 16th 4o& 'a!ha 5le$tion 2014 res#lts were
de$lared on 16 May 2014. )he ele$tions
were $ond#$ted in
543 $onstit#en$ies a$ross India. In the
5le$tions 2014 the main o((osition (arty
0haratiya 6anata Party 706P8 won the
ele$tions !y se$#ring 292 seats. +n the other
hand the in$#m!ent (arty the Indian
National "ongress 7IN"8 lost the ele$tions
!y se$#ring only 44 seats. National
Demo$rati$ Allian$e 7NDA8 led !y 06P was
s#$$essf#l at se$#ring %%4 seats whereas
:PA led !y IN" was s#$$essf#l at se$#ring
only 60 seats. )he 06P for the first time has
won the ele$tions with ma3ority sin$e
inde(enden$e and it is the only the se$ond
time that a non $ongress (arty has
s#$$eeded at se$#ring this feat.
3. ;inning (arties of the fo#r states
1. Odisha Biju Janata Dal (BJD)
emerged as the winner party.
2. Ar#na$hal Pradesh < "ongress emerged as
winner in the ele$tion
3. 'i&&im -#ling Demo$rati$ =ront 7'D=8
won the ele$tions
4. Andhra Pradesh Assem!ly el$tions were
held for two different states namely
)elangana and 'eemandra
a) In )elangana < )elangana -astra 'amithi
7)-'8 won the ele$tion
4. =ormer Intelligen$e 0#rea# "hief A3it Do,al was
a((ointed as the National 'e$#rity Ad,iser.
5. 6a(anese national 2iroshi Na&a was a((ointed as
the >i$e President and A#ditor ?eneral of ;orld
6. M#&#l -ohatgi was a((ointed as the 14th
Attorney ?eneral of India. 2e will s#$$eed
?#lam >ahan,ati.
7. Nri(endra Misra was a((ointed as the Prin$i(al
'e$retary to the Prime Minister.
8. Ahmed Maiti@ was swornin as the new Prime
Minister of 4i!iya.
9. Petro Poroshen&o won the :&rainian Presidential
10. -a3i, Math#r too& o,er as the new "hief
Information "ommissioner 7"I"8. Math#r
s#$$eeded '#shma 'ingh.
11. Anandi!en Patel was swornin as the first woman
"hief Minister of ?#3arat.
12. Narendra /#mar >erma was sele$ted as Managing
Dire$tor of +N?" >idesh 4td 7+>48.
13. Prana! M#&her3ee a((ointed Narendra Modi as
the 15th Prime Minister of India.
14. 0i3# 6anata Dal 706D8 President Na,een Patnai&
was swornin as the "hief Minister of +disha for
fo#rth $onse$#ti,e term.
15. Pawan "hamling was swornin as the "hief
Minister of 'i&&im for a re$ord fifth $onse$#ti,e
16. 6itan -am Man3hi was swornin as the new "hief
Minister of 0ihar. 2e s#$$eeded 6anata Dal <
:nited 76D:8 leader Nitish /#mar who resigned
after the de!a$le of the (arty in the 16th 4o&
'a!ha ele$tion.
17. Na!am )#&i was swornin as the eighth 7se,enth
as (erson8 "hief Minister of Ar#na$hal Pradesh.
18. 6#sti$e 0' "ha#han was a((ointed as the
"hairman of the "a#,ery ;ater Dis(#tes )ri!#nal
19. Ma3or ?eneral /ristin 4#nd of Norway !e$ame
the firste,er woman to head a :N Pea$e&ee(ing
=or$e in its entire history.
20. Monte& 'ingh Ahl#walia the De(#ty "hairman of
Planning "ommission of India resigned.
21. Prime MinisterAs 5$onomi$ Ad,isory "o#n$il
7PM5A"8 "hairman "ha&ra,arthi -angara3an
22. Nitish /#mar the "hief Minister of 0ihar
23. Prime Minister of 'lo,enia Alen&a 0rat#se&
24. :N 5n,oy on 'yria 4a&hdar 0rahimi s#!mitted
his resignation to :N 'e$retary?eneral 0an /i
moon in New 1or&. 2e was also the 4eag#e of
Ara! 'tates '(e$ial -e(resentati,e on the 'yrian
25. 6amil Mah#ad the former President of 5$#ador
was senten$ed for 12 years in 3ail for
em!e..lement !y a $o#rt of 5$#ador.
26. '#shma 'wara3 !e$ame the first woman 5Bternal
Affairs Minister of India.
27. 'hah -#&h /han on 1% May 2014 !e$ame the first
Indian to feat#re on the $o,er (age of the !#siness
maga.ine =or!es Middle 5ast.
28. :' 'enate $onfirmed the name of Indian <
Ameri$an Indira )alwani as the federal 3#dge in
29. )he )el A,i, Distri$t "o#rt of Israel senten$ed
former Prime Minister 5h#d +lmert to siB years in
(rison for $orr#(t (ra$ti$es in real estate (ro3e$ts.
30. '#nday )imes '#(er-i$h 4ist released on 11 May
2014 ran&ed 4ondon!ased 2ind#3a 0rothers as
the ri$hest in :/. )he two !rothers 'ri$hand and
?o(i$hand 2ind#3a to((ed the list ha,ing a
fort#ne of 11.C !illion (o#nds.
31. IndianAmeri$an Manish 'hah was $onfirmed as a
federal 3#dge in Illinois !y :' senate.
32. :N se$retary ?eneral 0an /imoon awarded the
(restigio#s Dag 2ammars&3old medal to the eight
Indian soldiers who lost their li,es in
(ea$e&ee(ing o(erations in 201%.
33. >ishwanath )ri(athi eminent 2indi writer was
awarded with the (restigio#s >yas 'amman for the
year 201%. 2e re$ei,ed the award for his wor&
>yom&esh Dar,esh.
5le$troni$s and Information )e$hnology 7Deit18 won se$ond ran& in the 2014 :nited Nations P#!li$ 'er,i$e Award.
34. =ormer President AP6 A!d#l /alam was awarded
with honorary degree !y 5din!#rgh :ni,ersity in
35. Prana! M#&her3ee the President of India
$onferred National =loren$e Nighangle Awards
2014 on %5 n#rsing (ersonnel from a$ross the
$o#ntry for their meritorio#s ser,i$es.
36. )wo IndianAmeri$ans Man3#sha P. /#l&arni and
-an3ana Paintal were sele$ted for "ham(ions of
"hange !y the ;hite 2o#se. )he award was
anno#n$ed in re$ognition of their wor& to ed#$ate
Asian Ameri$ans and Pa$ifi$ Islanders 7AAPI8
a!o#t President 0ara$& +!amaAs signat#re
health$are A$t.
37. Indian A,iation A$ademy was awarded with the
International Ar$h of 5#ro(e Award for @#ality
and te$hnology in ?old "ategory.
38. )#r&ish in,estigati,e 3o#rnalist Ahmet 'i& won
2014 :N5'"+ ?#illermo "ano ;orld Press
=reedom Pri.e.
39. Indian Air =or$e air$raft MI?21 $rashed at
Marhama 'angam on National 2ighway in
0i3!ehara of Anantnag distri$t in 'o#th /ashmir.
40. )he ;orld 2ealth +rganisation de$lared o#t!rea&
of (olio as a ;orld 2ealth 5mergen$y after
dete$ting new $ases of (olio a$ross !orders from
$o#ntries li&e 'yria and Pa&istan. As (er the
;2+ the ,ir#s is $onsidered endemi$ in only
three $o#ntriesD Afghanistan Nigeria and Pa&istan.
41. Im(ro,ing the 0#siness 5n,ironment in India
re(ort was released !y De(artment of Ind#strial
Poli$y and Promotion. ?#3arat model of land
a$@#isition was termed as the !est in the $o#ntry.
/arnata&a < integrated and $om(rehensi,e system
for >A). Maharashtra < 4a!o#r Management
sol#tion and setting #( Maharashtra Ind#stry
)rade and In,estment =a$ilitation "ell. -a3asthan
and P#n3a! < single window $learan$e system.
42. :nited Nations International )ele$omm#ni$ations
:nion 2014 released the new statisti$s Information
and "omm#ni$ations )e$hnology. )he statisti$s
$laimed that !y the end of 2014 the world will
a!o#t % !illion internet #sers < twothirds of them
will !e from the de,elo(ing world < with mo!ile
!road!and (enetration a((roa$hing %2 (er$ent.
)he % !illion (eo(le a$$o#nts for a!o#t 40 (er$ent
of worldAs (o(#lation.
44. Mala,ath Poorna a 1%years and 11month old girl
of Andhra Pradesh !e$ame the yo#ngest woman to
$lim! the Mo#nt 5,erest the highest (ea& in the
45. Indian Na,y and -e(#!li$ of 'inga(ore Na,y
7-'N8 $ond#$ted ann#al !ilateral na,al eBer$ises
named 'IM05E 2014 in Andaman 'ea.
46. ?ora&hdham 5B(ress going from Delhi to
?ora&h(#r rammed into a stationary goods train
near /halila!ad in :ttar Pradesh.
47. A $oal (it in 'oma of western )#r&ey $olla(sed
after an eB(losion. )he $olla(se &illed at least 2F4
48. =ilm ;inter 'lee( was hono#red with Palme dA+r
Award at the 6Fth "annes =ilm =esti,al held in
"annes from 16 May to 25 May 2014. )he film
has !een dire$ted !y )#r&ish dire$tor N#ri 0ilge
"eylan. )he ?rand PriB Award )he ;onders
dire$ted !y Italian dire$tor Ali$e -ohrwa$her.
0est a$tress Award Ma(s to the 'tars stared !y
6#lianne Moore. 0est A$tor Award )imothy '(all
stared !y the Mr )#rner. 0est dire$tor Award
=oB$at$her dire$ted !y 0ennett Miller.
49. '(ain s#s(ended the 12th !#ll fight festi,al 7$alled
'an Isidro festi,al in '(ain8 after matadors got
in3#red !y !#lls.
50. )o (ay tri!#te to the 100 years of Indian $inema released two (ostage stam(s designed !y an
Indian gra(hi$ designer.
51. A do$#mentary film 'ilent '$reams < IndiaAs
=ight Against -a(e dire$ted !y Pria 'omiah won
three awards at the 2014 New 1or& =esti,als
International )> and =ilm Awards. )he three
awards in$l#des ?old ;orld Medal for G0est
In,estigati,e -e(ortG )wo 0ron.e ?old Medals
ea$h in the "#rrent Affairs and 2#man "on$erns
se$tions res(e$ti,ely.
'#(ersoni$ A&ash air defen$e missiles s#$$essf#lly inter$e(ted the targets 4a&shya 7(ilotless target air$raft8. )he three A&ash missiles were la#n$hed from the Integrated )est -ange 7I)-8 0alasore off the $oast of +disha.
52. :nion ?o,ernment a((ointed 4ie#tenant ?eneral
Dal!ir 'ingh '#hag as the 29th "hief of Army
'taff 7"+A'8. 2e will ass#me the $harge on %1
6#ly 2014 the date on whi$h ?eneral 0i&ram
'ingh retires.
53. =irst indigeno#sly de,elo(ed airtoair missile
Astra 7-ange < 60 /m8 s#$$essf#lly test fired
from a '#&hoi%0M/I fighter 3et o,er the Ara!ian
'ea off ?oa. Astra is IndiaGs first 0eyond >is#al
-ange 70>-8 AirtoAir missile.
54. )he 0oo& entitled Anti$i(ating India )he 0est of
National Interest written !y 'he&har ?#(ta the
editorin$hief of )he Indian 5B(ress was
55. Ar#nendra /#mar the "hairman of -ailway
0oard released a !oo& entitled India 6#n$tion < A
;indow to the Nation.
56. A !oo& My 1ears with -a3i, and 'onia written !y
-.D.Pradhan released. -.D.Pradhan has (enned
his wor& eB(erien$es with -a3i, ?andhi and 'onia
?andhi in his !oo&.
57. A !oo& entitled A 'tam( is 0orn a#thored !y ". -.
Pa&rashi was released !y >i$e President of India
M 2amid Ansari.
58. Ar$ti$ '#mmer written !y No,elist Damon ?alg#t
was released.
59. )he $andidate was written !y Indian 6o#rnalist
Anir#dh 0hatta$harya.
60. PM Narendra Modi $reated a new Ministry of
'&ill de,elo(ment and 5ntre(rene#rshi(. It was
$reated re$ the im(ortan$e of s&ill
de,elo(ment in India.
61. Dh#!ri $onstit#en$y in Assam registered a highest
,oter t#rno#t of 99.22 (er$ent whereas 'rinagar
registered a lowest ,oter t#rno#t of 25.96 (er$ent.
62. )he :nion 2ome Ministry eBtended the !an
im(osed on the 4i!eration )igers of )amil 5elam
74))58 in India for fi,e more years.
63. )he '#(reme "o#rt held that "andidates fighting
ele$tions $an !e dis@#alified if they fail to dis$lose
information a!o#t assets and lia!ilities of e,en
their s(o#se and de(endent $hildren.
65. President of India ga,e his assent to the
;histle!lowers Prote$tion 0ill 2011. )he 0ill
$arries (ro,isions for setting #( reg#lar
me$hanism to en$o#rage (ersons to dis$lose
information on $orr#(tion or willf#l mis#se of
(ower !y (#!li$ ser,ants whi$h in$l#des
Ministers. )he 0ill also demands ade@#ate
(rote$tion to (ersons who re(orts $orr#(tion.
66. )he "onstit#tion 0en$h of '#(reme "o#rt of India
#(held the "onstit#tional ,alidity of the -ight to
5d#$ation 7-)58 A$t. )he a(eB $o#rt said that the
A$t is not a((lied to #naided minority instit#tions.
67. )he 5le$tion H#e#e Management 'ystem a first
of its &ind initiati,e was introd#$ed in 0#rdwan
distri$t ;est 0engal d#ring 4o& 'a!ha ele$tion.
)he 5le$tion @#e#e management system hel(ed
,oters to find o#t the le,el of $rowd in the (olling
!ooths in 0#rdwan distri$t.
68. )he '#(reme "o#rt r#led that statement of ra(e
,i$tims sho#ld !e dire$tly re$orded !y a 3#di$ial
magistrate within 24 ho#rs instead of (oli$e
69. Indian en,ironment a$ti,ist -amesh Agrawal has
won the (restigio#s ?oldman 5n,ironmental
Pri.e also &nown as the ?reen No!el.
70. )he :ni,ersity ?rants "ommission wants to hold
a fresh ins(e$tion of 41 deemed #ni,ersities whi$h
were so#ght to !e dere$ognised on the !asis of the
)andon "ommittee re(ort.
71. President 0ara$& +!ama said he had no desire to
$ontain or $o#nter "hina des(ite $lin$hing a
defen$e (a$t with the Phili((ines whi$h will in3e$t
:.'. for$es $lose to the ,olatile 'o#th "hina 'ea.
72. )he 29mem!er 5#ro(ean :nion has tem(orarily
!anned the im(ort of Al(honso mangoes and fo#r
,egeta!les from India from May 1.
73. )he "entre dis$losed in the '#(reme "o#rt the
names of 19 indi,id#als who had stashed !la$&
money in 4?) !an& in 4ie$htenstein as (er the
information f#rnished !y the ?erman go,ernment
to India in 200C.
74. )he )ele$om Dis(#tes 'ettlement and A((ellate
)ri!#nal 7)D'A)8 allowed three to( mo!ile
o(erators I 0harti Airtel >odafone India and
Idea "ell#lar I to $ontin#e with their %? intra
roaming 7I"-8 (a$t and (ro,ide roaming ser,i$es
to their $#stomers. It @#ashed $#m#lati,e (enalty
worth -s.1200 $rore im(osed on the three
o(erators !y the De(artment of
)ele$omm#ni$ations for ,iolating li$en$e
75. A first information re(ort 7=I-8 was registered
against the 06PAs (rime ministerial $andidate
Narendra Modi on 5le$tion "ommission orders
for allegedly ,iolating ele$toral laws !y dis(laying
the (artyAs lot#s sym!ol after ,oting in
76. )he +!ama administration has retained India on
the JPriority ;at$h 4istA of nations in the :.'.
)rade -e(resentati,eAs J'(e$ial %01Aann#al re(ort
on glo!al intelle$t#al (ro(erty rights 7IP-8
regimes on the !asis that there were Kgrowing
$on$erns with res(e$t to the en,ironment for IP-
(rote$tion and enfor$ement in India.L
77. )he s#ltan of oilri$h 0r#nei anno#n$ed that to#gh
Islami$ $riminal (#nishments wo#ld !e
78. A news(a(erinitiated in,estigation that $laims to
(ro,e the #se of $hlorine and ammonia !om!s on
$i,ilian targets !y the go,ernment of President
0ashar alAssad regime of 'yria has led to the
formation of a fa$tfinding team of wea(ons
ins(e$tors !y +rganisation for the Prohi!ition of
"hemi$al ;ea(ons 7+P";8.
79. )he International Monetary =#nd said that -#ssia
was already in re$ession and slashed its growth
fore$ast for 2014 $iting the effe$t of the :&raine
$risis on in,estment.
80. 5B(ortIm(ort 0an& of India 75Bim 0an&8 (lans to
set #( a (ro3e$t de,elo(ment $om(any 7PD"8 in
Afri$a with the (arti$i(ation of 'tate 0an& of
India 7'0I8 I4M=' and Afri$an De,elo(ment
81. )he )amil Nad# go,ernment re3e$ted the "entreAs
offer to order a National In,estigation Agen$y
7NIA8 (ro!e into the twin !lasts in the 0angalore
?#wahati 5B(ress at the "hennai "entral station.
82. D#t$h (oli$e arrested aro#nd %0 ?reen(ea$e
a$ti,ists in$l#ding the $a(tain of the gro#(As
flagshi( -ain!ow ;arrior as they tried to sto( a
-#ssian tan&er deli,ering Ar$ti$ oil from do$&ing.
83. Mano3 >aish Managing Dire$tor and "hief
5Be$#ti,e +ffi$er of M#lti "ommodity 5B$hange
7M"E8 has resigned.
84. )he loss on sale of diesel has $lim!ed to -s. 6.90
e,en as stateowned oil $om(anies s&i((ed for the
se$ond time the monthly (ri$e in$rease on
go,ernment di&tat.
85. India has a$$#sed 'wit.erland of K(ro,iding
(rote$tion to taB(ayers fo#nd to ha,e e,aded
Indian taBesL and serio#sly #ndermining IndiaAs
efforts at ta$&ling offshore taB e,asion and
stashing away #na$$o#nted in$ome a!road.L
86. )he Defen$e -esear$h De,elo(ment +rganisation
finally has its own flying (latform a light air$raft
for testing a new set of air!orne radars. )he 3#st
a$@#ired J Na!hratna A 7or 3ewel in the s&y8 a
$#stom!#ilt Dornier229 air$raft will s(eed #(
the de,elo(ment $y$le of s(e$ial radars that the
D-D+ is wor&ing on Dire$tor?eneral A,inash
"hander said.
87. At least 250 (eo(le were missing after a landsli(
!#ried ,illages in northern Afghanistan.
is a remote (ro,in$e in northeast Afghanistan
!ordering )a3i&istan "hina and Pa&istan.
88. 'a#di $iti.ens $an now (etition C0yearold /ing
A!d#llah dire$tly and lodge $om(laints thro#gh
an Internet site set #( at the initiati,e of the
monar$h himself.
89. )wo s#!way trains $ollided in 'eo#l.
90. )he wilf#l !an& loan defa#lt !y 400 $#stomers to
,ario#s (#!li$ se$tor !an&s ha,e $rossed the
-s.F0000$rore mar&. 2a,ing released the names
of to( 50 wilf#l defa#lters in De$em!er 201% the
All India 0an& 5m(loyeesA Asso$iation 7AI05A8
will (#!lish the se$ond list of remaining %50
91. :nion =inan$e Minister P. "hidam!aram #rged
the Asian De,elo(ment 0an& to in$rease its
ann#al lending $a(a$ity to N20 !illion in the neBt
ten years. 2e was s(ea&ing at the 4Fth Ann#al
Meeting of AD0 0oard of ?o,ernors in Astana
92. IndiaAs first air$raft $arrier IN' >i&rant whi$h
was headed for the s$ra( yard got another
!reather from the '#(reme "o#rt as it !lo$&ed the
,esselAs 3o#rney to ignominy. )he shi( was d#e at
the s$ra( yard on May 1F after it was sold for
-s.60 $rore thro#gh an ea#$tion to the M#m!ai
!ased I0 "ommer$ials P,t 4td.
93. )he '#(reme "o#rt held that im(osition of the
mother tong#e as the medi#m of instr#$tion in
(rimary $lasses in go,ernmentre$ognised aided
or #naided (ri,ate s$hools was #n$onstit#tional.
94. ;ee&s after India signed the agreement for
!#ilding #nits % and 4 of the /#dan&#lam N#$lear
Power Plant New Delhi at a meeting in "olom!o
so#ght to allay fears in 'ri 4an&a o,er the safety
of the (ro3e$t.
95. Minors a!o,e 10 $an now o(en and o(erate
sa,ings !an& a$$o#nts inde(endently. Another
de$ision was to allow minors of any age to o(en
sa,ings fiBed or re$#rring de(osit a$$o#nts
thro#gh nat#ral or legally a((ointed g#ardians.
5arlier minors were allowed to o(en fiBed and
sa,ings de(osit a$$o#nts with the mother as
96. )he go,ernment has introd#$ed a draft notifi$ation
that !ans India from im(orting animaltested
97. )he +!ama administration said that it had signed a
20year lease on its military !ase in D3i!o#ti in the
2orn of Afri$a.
98. )he -eser,e 0an& of India told !an&s that they
were not (ermitted to le,y (enal $harges for non
maintenan$e of minim#m !alan$es in any
ino(erati,e a$$o#nt.
99. 0harti 5nter(rises =o#nder and "hairman '#nil
0harti Mittal will $o$hair the threeday ;orld
5$onomi$ =or#m on Afri$a !eing held in A!#3a
7Nigeria8 from May F.
100. '#(reme "o#rt !anned J3alli&att#A 7!#ll
fighting8 and !#llo$& $art ra$ing in )amil Nad#.
)he $o#rt also !anned !#llo$& $art ra$ing in
101. IndiaAs first ,oter 'hyam 'aran Negi $ast his
,ote at a (olling !ooth at his nati,e (la$e in
2ima$hal Pradesh. Mr. 'hyam 'aran Negi !e$ame
the first ,oter of the $o#ntry when ele$tions were
held for the first time in the $o#ntry on +$to!er
25 1C51 in /inna#r.
102. D-D+ s#$$essf#lly flighttested an
#nderwater la#n$hed missile $alled /4 with a
range of a!o#t %000 &m. )he la#n$h too& (la$e
from a (ontoon s#!merged more than %0 metres
dee( in the sea off the >isa&ha(atnam $oast. )he
so#r$es des$ri!ed /4 as Kthe (ro#d s#$$essorL of
the /15 with -ange of F00&m. )he /15 is now
#nder (rod#$tion and ready for integration into
IndiaAs n#$lear(owered s#!marine Arihant .
103. =resh data released !y the :nited Nations
shows a 45 (er $ent de$rease in maternal deaths
sin$e 1CC0. An estimated 2.9C la&h women died in
201% from $om(li$ations in (regnan$y and
$hild!irth as against 5.2% la&h maternal deaths in
104. "hief of the Na,al 'taff Admiral -o!in
/#mar Dhowan anno#n$ed that the newly
ind#$ted air$raft $arrier IN' >i&ramaditya is now
o(erationally de(loyed and its integral Mi?2C/
fighters ha,e !een f#lly integrated with the $arrier.
105. -0I said that !an&s wo#ld not !e (ermitted to
$harge fore$los#re $harges or (re(ayment
(enalties on all floating rate term loans 7home
and a#to loans8 san$tioned to Kindi,id#al
!orrowersL with immediate effe$t.
106. 1o# $an now wat$h the 5arth li,e I as
,iewed from s(a$e. Nasa is li,estreaming ,iews
of 5arth from s(a$e $a(t#red !y fo#r $ommer$ial
high definition ,ideo $ameras that were installed
on the eBterior of the International '(a$e 'tation
last month.
107. )he 5le$tion "ommission ga,e "ongress
,i$e (resident -ah#l ?andhi a $lean $hit
a!sol,ing him of the $harge that he had ,iolated
the (oll $ode !y entering a !ooth in Amethi when
,oting was in (rogress.
108. A $easefire !etween 'o#th '#danAs
go,ernment and re!els $ame into effe$t following
a deal to end a !r#tal fi,emonth war that has
(#shed the $o#ntry to the !rin& of geno$ide and
109. Iran and Pa&istan agreed to go ahead with the
gas (i(eline (ro3e$t whi$h was dis$#ssed in a
meeting !etween Prime Minister Nawa. 'harif
and Iranian President 2assan -o#hani in )ehran.
110. )he worldAs first air(lane $om(letely (owered
!y ele$tri$ity has s#$$essf#lly ta&en to the s&ies
for its maiden flight and $o#ld !ring down air
tra,el $ost !y more than a third its de,elo(er
Air!#s said. )he small eB(erimental air$raft $alled
J5=anA too& off from an air(ort near 0ordea#B in
so#thwestern =ran$e.
111. )ata 2o#sing anno#n$ed its foray into 'ri
4an&a with an in,estment of o,er N400 million
7a!o#t -s.2400 $rore8 to de,elo( a townshi(
(ro3e$t at "olom!o.
112. A wee& after the ;orld 2ealth +rganisation
re(ort d#!!ed Delhi as the most (oll#ted $ity in
the world 4ie#tenant?o,ernor Na3ee! 6#ng
$onstit#ted a high(owered $ommittee to loo& into
(oll#tion le,els in the $ity.
113. )ransgenders a((eared $loser to getting
reser,ation in em(loyment and ed#$ation in the
(#!li$ se$tor with the National "ommission for
0a$&ward "lasses 7N"0"8 re$ommending their
in$l#sion in the "entral list of the +0"s.
114. )he go,ernment sho#ld $#t its holding in
(#!li$ se$tor !an&s to #nder 50 (er $ent a -0I
(anel re(ort said $riti$ising the way in whi$h the
are now !eing go,erned. )he (anel headed !y eB
"hairman of ABis 0an& P. 6. Naya& said
go,ernan$e at the 26 (#!li$ se$tor !an&s s#ffered
d#e to se,eral JeBternally im(osed $onstraintsA li&e
d#al reg#lation !y the -0I and the =inan$e
Ministry and eBternal ,igilan$e !y agen$ies s#$h
as the ">" and "A? among others.
115. )he "om(etition "ommission of India has
ordered a fresh (ro!e against ?oogle for alleged
a!#se of its dominant (osition in the online sear$h
ad,ertising s(a$e.
116. "hina said it wo#ld sla( (ro,isional anti
d#m(ing meas#res on singlemode o(ti$al fi!res
im(orted from India alleging that Indian
$om(anies were d#m(ing them in the "hinese
117. :nited 'tates 'e$retary of 'tate 6ohn /erry
des$ri!ed "hinaAs mo,es to de(loy an oil rig in
waters dis(#ted !y >ietnam as K(ro,o$ati,eL
(rom(ting an angry re!#ttal from 0ei3ing. )he
"hinese go,ernment a$$#sed the :.'. of ma&ing
Kerroneo#sL remar&s that had Kem!oldened some
$o#ntriesA (ro,o$ations.L In re$ent days "hinese
and >ietnamese ,essels ha,e !een in a tense stand
off s(ar&ed !y "hinaAs de(loyment of an oil rig in
the waters of the 'o#th "hina 'ea off the Para$el
Islands whi$h are $laimed !y 0ei3ing.
118. Pa&istan $onfirmed that it had agreed to (lay
siB f#ll series of $ri$&et against India with offi$ial
!a$&ing the first sin$e the 2009 M#m!ai terrorist
atta$&s s#s(ended (lay !etween the teams.
119. 6#sti$e 0.'. "ha#han 6#dge of the '#(reme
"o#rt has !een a((ointed "hairman of the
"a#,ery ;ater Dis(#tes )ri!#nal.
120. Mi$ro finan$e instit#tion 7M=I8 0andhan
=inan$ial 'er,i$es 4td. has a((ointed Deloitte to
(re(are its roadma( for la#n$hing !an&ing
121. )he -eser,e 0an& of India is holding its
"entral 0oard meeting in 'himla.
122. )he 16th 4o& 'a!ha will ha,e the highest
n#m!er of MPs with $riminal $ases against them.
+,er a third or %4 (er $ent of the new MPs fa$e
$riminal $harges says data from the Asso$iation
for Demo$rati$ -eforms 7AD-8 whi$h analysed
the ele$tion affida,its filed !efore the 5le$tion
123. )otal foodgrain o#t(#t for 201%14 is
estimated to rea$h a re$ord le,el of 264.%9 million
tonnes as against 25F.1% million tonnes a$hie,ed
the (re,io#s year.
124. Afri$an leaders at a s#mmit in Paris ha,e
agreed on a regional (lan of a$tion to $om!at
0o&o 2aram the Islamist gro#( that has a!d#$ted
more than 200 girls and threatened to sell them
into sla,ery. In a rare show of #nity the leaders of
Nigeria "ameroon Niger "had and 0enin
(ledged $oo(eration in$l#ding 3oint !order (atrols
and sharing intelligen$e to find the girls snat$hed
from Nigeria more than a month ago.
129. President Prana! M#&her3ee has re3e$ted the
mer$y (etition of 1a&#! A!d#l -a.a& Memon
!rother of f#giti,e J)igerA Memon whose death
senten$e was #(held !y the '#(reme "o#rt in the
1CC% $ase of M#m!ai serial !lasts.
130. 'hah -#&h /han is the lone Indian $ele!rity to
ha,e made it to the to(ten wealthiest a$tors
!eating )om "r#ise and 6ohnny De((. 2e has an
estimated fort#ne of N600 million. 2e is se$ond on
the list (#t o#t !y ;ealthE. "omedian 6erry
'einfeld to(s the list with a net worth of N920
131. "hina and -#ssia signed a landmar& gas deal
ending more than de$adelong negotiations with
the agreement for the ann#al s#((ly of %9 !illion
$#!i$ metres of nat#ral gas.
132. An 5gy(tian $o#rt senten$ed de(osed
(resident 2osni M#!ara& to three years in (rison
on $orr#(tion $harges.
133. -eser,e 0an& of India for the !enefit of
(ersons with disa!ilities has made it mandatory
for !an&s to install tal&ing A)Ms with 0raille
&ey(ads from 6#ly 1 2014 as tal&ing A)Ms with
0raille &ey(ads.
;ashington $harged fi,e K"hinese military
)he 16th 4o& 'a!ha will see the highest n#m!er
ha$&ersL with $y!er
es(ionage alleging that
!etween 2006 and 2014
they !ro&e into the
$om(#ter networ&s of siB
:.'. $or(orations and
made away with a
Ksignifi$antL tro,e of
intelle$t#al (ro(erty and
trade se$rets relating to
the n#$lear (ower metals
and solar (rod#$ts
126. "hina set #( a 10
!illion 1#an 7N1.6
!illion8 f#nd to ta&e
forward its am!itio#s
Kmaritime sil& road
(lanL to !#ild (orts
and !oost maritime
$onne$ti,ity with
'o#theast Asian and
Indian +$ean littoral
127. India $ontin#es to
ran& lowest in the
;orld 0an&As ran&ing
on the ease of JDoing
0#sinessA for 2014.
India is now ran&ed at
1%4 against 1%1 in
201%. It is now (la$ed
lower than
-#ssia "hina and
'o#th Afri$a.
128. )he -eser,e
0an& of India allowed
star trading ho#ses
and (remier trading
ho#ses to im(ort gold
#nder the 20D90
s$heme. :nder this
s$heme Im(orters $an
!#y gold (ro,ided a
fifth of the im(orted
@#ant#m is eB(orted
as finished (rod#$ts
li&e 3ewellery.
of firsttime MPs in
o,er %0 years. Data
shows that %15 of the
54% ele$ted MPs I
or 59 (er $ent I are
135. )he )hailand
Army $hief sei.ed
(ower in a military
$o#(. ?eneral Pray#t
"han+"ha made
the anno#n$ement in
a tele,ised address to
the nation saying the
(owerf#l armed
for$es had to a$t to
restore sta!ility in the
'o#theast Asian
136. =li(&art
anno#n$ed that it has
a$@#ired ri,al and
leading fashion e
tailer Myntra.$om.
137. )he !oard of
0'5 the largest
sta&eholder in the
:nited 'to$&
5B$hange 7:'58 has
de$ided to merge the
str#ggling $#rren$y
!o#rse with itself a
mo,e that will !oost
its own stressed
$#rren$y trading
!#siness that is
dominated !y ri,al
138. 2ea,ilyarmed
terrorists atta$&ed the
Indian $ons#late in
2erat and were
re(#lsed !y the Indo
)i!etan 0order Poli$e
g#ards stationed at the
di(lomati$ o#t(ost in
western Afghanistan.
139. Iran has for the
first time in siB years
addressed $on$erns
a!o#t the so$alled
K(ossi!le military
dimensionsL of its n#$lear (rogramme a new
IA5A re(ort showed.
another retired '#(reme "o#rt 3#dge 6#sti$e Ari3it
Pasayat wo#ld !e its ,i$e$hairman.
140. ID0I 0an& signed an agreement with the
147. An Indian Air =or$e Mi?21 fighter
3et $rashed in
=ederation of Indian
"ham!ers of
"ommer$e and
Ind#stry 7=I""I8
#nder whi$h it will
offer loans to mi$ro
small and medi#m
enter(rises 7M'M58
at one (er$entage
(oint lower interest
than the mar&et rates
and also $harge low
(ro$essing fee.
141. =oreign eB$hange
reser,es rose !y
N1.0C% !illion to
N%14.C2 !illion in the
wee& ended May 16.
an o(en field at
Marhama near
0i3!ehara in Anantnag
distri$t of so#th
148. Aam Aadmi Party
$on,ener Ar,ind
/e3riwal !a$&ed
down from his stand
and f#rnished a
(ersonal !ail !ond
fa$ilitating his release
from the )ihar 6ail in
the defamation $ase
filed against him !y
06P leader Nitin
142. )wo (rominent mem!ers of the Aam
Aadmi 149. :.'. for$es will $om(lete
their withdrawal from
Party I 'ha.ia Ilmi
and ?.-. ?o(inath I
@#it the (arty $iting
differen$es o,er
Ar,ind /e3riwalAs
K3ail (oliti$sL and
Kla$& of internal
demo$ra$yL in the
Afghanistan !y the
end of 2016.
150. AirAsia India
anno#n$ed that its
maiden flight on 6#ne
12 will ta&e off from
0angalore to ?oa at
an introd#$tory fare
of -s CC0 7all taBes
143. In a goodwill gest#re ahead of ,isits !y
the 151. )he fis$al defi$it in 201%14
stood at 4.5* of
Pa&istan Prime
Minister and 'ri
4an&an President to
Delhi for the
swearingin of
Narendra Modi
Islama!ad and
"olom!o ha,e
ordered the release
of #( to 161 Indian
fishermen in
$#stody. ;hile
Pa&istan Prime
Minister Nawa.
'harif ordered the
release of 151
Indian fishermen
and 5F !oats 'ri
4an&an President
Mahinda -a3a(a&sa
ordered the release
of fi,e Indian
fishermen in
$#stody in
144. Anti$orr#(tion
a$ti,ist Anna
2a.are is (lanning
to la#n$h a non
(oliti$al so$ial
mo,ement $alled
Asli A.adi A!hiyan
7tr#e freedom
mo,ement8 in
M#m!ai on A#g#st
C $oin$iding with
the anni,ersary of
the H#it India
mo,ement. )he
?andhian (lans to
lead a mar$h from
/ashmir to
/anya&#mari later
this year to ta&e the
$am(aign to the
145. NeBt '#mmitD
Afri$a 0-I"'
s#mmit in 0rasilia
in 6#ly. )he :nited
Nations ?eneral
Assem!ly in New
1or& in 'e(tem!er
Asso$iation of
'o#th 5ast Asian
Nations s#mmit in
Nay Pyi )aw in
+$to!er. Meeting of
the ? 20 gro#( of
ma3or e$onomies in
0ris!ane A#stralia.
146. )he :nion
anno#n$ed the
setting #( of a high
le,el '(e$ial
In,estigation )eam
to hel( #nearth
!la$& money
stashed away
a!road at the first
meeting of the
"a!inet (resided
o,er !y Prime
Minister Narendra
Modi. 'I) wo#ld !e
headed !y former
'#(reme "o#rt
3#dge 6#sti$e M. 0.
'hah and
?DP lower than
4.6* (ro3e$ted in
the re,ised
estimate mainly on
a$$o#nt of $#r!s on
152. 2ighlighting
the (riorities of his
ministry :nion
Minister for :r!an
2o#sing and
Po,erty Alle,iation
>en&aiah Naid#
said he wants to
moti,ate (ri,ate
se$tor to go for
ho#sing for their
staff as (art of their
so$ial res(onsi!ility
!e$a#se Oho#sing
for all !y 2022 is
the motto of this
153. 'inga(ore has
re(la$ed Ma#riti#s
as the to( so#r$e of
foreign dire$t
in,estment into
India a$$o#nting
for a!o#t 25 (er
$ent of =DI inflows
in 201%14.
154. )he Indian
e$onomy will grow
5 (er $ent in 2014
and re$ord a
slightly higher
eB(ansion of 5.5 (er
$ent neBt year on
$ons#m(tion and
in,estment a :N
re(ort said.
155. )he monsoon
may arri,e in the
$o#ntry at the
so#thern /erala
$oast aro#nd 6#ne 5
the India
De(artment 7IMD8
156. India will
o,erta&e 6a(an to
!e$ome the worldGs
third largest oil
$ons#mer !ehind
the :' and "hina
!y 2025 :' 5nergy
75IA8 said.
157. ;ith
im(ro,ement in
indi$ators and
im(lementation of
(oli$y reforms the
Indian e$onomy is
li&ely to $ross the
N5trillion mar& !y
2025 a Morgan
'tanley re(ort said.
Diesel (ri$es were hi&ed !y -s 1.0C a litre 162. -0I will !ring o#t g#idelines on differentiated
eB$l#ding state le,ies.
159. Delhi is the most (oll#ted $ity in the world
a$$ording to a ;orld 2ealth +rgani.ation st#dy
160. In another ste( towards shedding !an&ing
se$re$y (ra$ti$es 4F nations in$l#ding
'wit.erland and India ha,e agreed #(on
a#tomati$ eB$hange of information on taB matters.
)he endorsement of the GDe$laration on A#tomati$
5B$hange of Information in )aB MattersG !y 4F
$o#ntries #nder the aegis of +rganisation for
5$onomi$ "oo(eration and De,elo(ment will
$ome as a !oost for India whi$h is ste((ing #(
(ress#re on 'wit.erland to share details on alleged
!la$& money stashed away !y Indians there.
161. Marred !y domesti$ and eBternal (ro!lems
the Indian e$onomyGs ann#al a,erage growth rate
may not eB$eed 6 (er $ent d#ring the 12th =i,e
1ear Plan 720121F8 $om(ared with the target of
9 (er $ent.
!an&s and Konta(L !an& li$en$es in the neBt fo#r
months and then start in,iting a((li$ations for the
163. )he -eser,e 0an& has dire$ted !an&s to
$on,ert $redit !alan$es in any ino(erati,e foreign
$#rren$y denominated de(osit into Indian r#(ee if
the former remains not in #se for a (eriod of three
years from date of mat#rity of de(osit.
164. )he -0I has dire$ted non!an&ing finan$ial
$om(anies 7N0="s8 to ro#nd off all transa$tions
to the nearest r#(ee so as to a,oid #nne$essary
dis$omfort to (#!li$.
165. )he digital (ayments ind#stry in India is
eB(e$ted to grow !y 40 (er $ent to rea$h -s 1.2
la&h $rore !y the end of 2014 as the n#m!er of
(eo(le #sing $reditPde!it $ards online transa$tions
and $ash $ards s#rges a st#dy said.
166. In,estors (#m(ed in more than -s 1.12 la&h
$rore in ,ario#s m#t#al f#nd s$hemes in A(ril
ma&ing it the highest amo#nt in three years.
167. Master"ard said that it has entered into an
agreement with +(#s 'oftware 'ol#tions P,t. 4td.
to a$@#ire its s#!sidiary 5le$tra"ard 'er,i$es
Pri,ate 4imited a glo!al (ro,ider of software
sol#tions and (ro$essing ser,i$es for ele$troni$
(ayment and $ard systems.
168. President Prana! M#&her3ee la#n$hed its own
(ayment gateway G-#PayG e@#i,alent of >isa and
Master$ard whi$h will wor& on A)Ms and
me$hant o#tlets and hel( in red#$ing $ash

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