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MQ-rri A RAW f

190 Chapter 5 Beams

KCS), longspan steel oists !"#-series), an$ $eep longspan steel oists !%"#-series)&
Stan$ar$ loa$ ta'les are gi(en for ea)h of these )ategories !S*+, 199,)& -he higher .o/
mo(e /p the series, the greater the a(aila'le span lengths an$ loa$-) )apa)i ties
'e)ome& At the lo0er en$, an 1K1 is a(aila'le 0ith a span length of 1 feet an$ a )apa)it.
of 550 po/n$s per foot, 0hereas a 23%"#19 )an s/pport a loa$ of ,92 po/n$s per
foot on a span of 1,, feet&
With the e4)eption of the KCS oists, all open-0e' steel oists are $esigne$ as sim-
pl. s/pporte$ tr/sses 0ith /niforml. $istri'/te$ loa$s on the top )hor$& -his loa$ing
s/'e)ts the top )hor$ to 'en$ing as 0ell as a4ial )ompression, so the top )hor$ is $e-
signe$ as a 'eam-)ol/mn !see Chapter 5)& -o ens/re sta'ilit. of the top )hor$, the floor or
roof $e)6 m/st 'e atta)he$ in s/)h a 0a. that )ontin/o/s lateral s/pport is pro(i$e$&
KCS oists are $esigne$ to s/pport 'oth )on)entrate$ loa$s an$ $istri'/te$ loa$s
!in)l/$ing non/niform $istri'/tions)& -o sele)t a KCS oist, the engineer m/st )omp/te a
ma4im/m moment an$ shear in the oist an$ enter the KCS ta'les 0ith these (al/es&
!-he KCS oists are $esigne$ to resist a /niform moment an$ a )onstant shear&) +f
)on)entrate$ loa$s m/st 'e s/pporte$ '. an "# or a %"# oist, a spe)ial anal.sis
sho/l$ 'e re7/este$ from the man/fa)t/rer&
Both top an$ 'ottom )hor$ mem'ers of K-series oists m/st 'e ma$e of steel 0ith a
.iel$ stress of 50 6si, an$ the 0e' mem'ers ma. ha(e a .iel$ stress of either 85 6si or 50
6si& All mem'ers of "#- an$ %"#-series oists )an 'e ma$e 0ith steel of an. .iel$ stress
'et0een 85 6si an$ 50 6si in)l/si(e& -he loa$ )apa)it. of K-series oists m/st 'e (erifie$
'. the man/fa)t/rer '. testing, an$ a minim/m fa)tor of safet. of 1&55 m/st 'e
$emonstrate$& 9o s/)h testing program is re7/ire$ for "#- or %"#-series oists&
*oist gir$ers are $esigne$ to s/pport open-0e' steel oists !K-, "#-, an$ %"#series)&
-he engineer $esignates a oist gir$er '. spe) its $epth& the n/m'er of oist spa)es,
an$ the loa$ in 6ips at ea)h loa$e$ top-)hor$ panel point of the oist gir$er& A 53:99
10K, for e4ample, is 53 in)hes $eep, pro(i$es for 9 e7/al oist spa)es on the top )hor$,
an$ 0ill s/pport 10 6ips at ea)h oist lo)ation& -he oist gir$er 0eight ta'les gi(e the
0eight in po/n$s per linear foot for the spe)ifie$ oist gir$er for a spe)ifi) span length&
A simple pro)e$/re for /sing the stan$ar$ loa$ ta'les in an "R;% )onte4t is
gi(en '. the S# !199,) an$ is sho0n here in slightl. mo$ifie$ form& Consi$er the
'asi) "R;% relationship, <7/ation 3&8=
<>iQi ?@ AR
+t )an 'e 0ritten for a /niforml. $istri'/te$ loa$ as
0B ?@ 00B !5&2)
0here 0B is the fa)tore$ /niform loa$ an$ 0B is the nominal /niform loa$ strength of the
oist& +f 0e /se an a(erage ratio of nominal strength to
allo0a'le strength of
1&55,C 0e )an e4press the nominal strength as
0B D 1&550,i
C9ote that this is the fa)tor of safet. for K-series oists that m/st 'e $emonstrate$ '. man/fa)t/rersE

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