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Instructional Implementation Plan

(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)

Session 1
Education Unit : Senior High School
Study Field : English
ClassSemester : !"
#ime $location : % & %' minutes
Competence Standard
Listening: "( )emahami makna dalam *ercaka*an transaksional dan
inter*ersonal dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari(
Base Competence
1.1. Merespon makna yang terda*at dalam *ercaka*an transaksional (to
get things done) dan inter*ersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi
yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana secara akurat, lancar
dan berterima dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari dan melibatkan tindak
tutur: berkenalan, bertemuber*isah, menyetujui ajakanta-aran
undangan, menerima janji, dan membatalkan janji (
Students res*ond to e&*ressions o. greeting introducing, and *arting
Students res*ond to recount te&ts
1. Objective:
Students are able to res*ond to e&*ressions o. greeting introducing,
and *arting
Students are able to res*ond to recount te&ts
2. Main Material:
Cha*ter ": Its Nice to See You
Today is the first day at school for Dian. She meets Rian. Then, they
introduce each other.
/ian : Good morning. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Dian(
Rian : Good morning. My name is Rian. Nice to meet you(
/ian : Nice to meet you too( 0e are in the same class, right1 2 sa- your
name in the students3 list o. my class(
Rian : 4eah, right( 5y the -ay, -hat book is that1
/ian : #his is a book about cooking, Mari Memasa Sendiri.
Rian : 6h, so you like cooking1 2 like cooking too(
/ian : Really1 7ood, so 2 ha8e a .riend to share -ith( $ny-ay, I must go
now( 5ye(
Rian : !ye. Tae care.
3. Instructional Approach Method and !echni"ue:
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
9iteracy based a**roach( 9earning e&*eriences by considering the
as*ects o. inter*retation, con8ention, collaboration, cultural kno-ledge,
*roblem sol8ing, re.lection and language use(
)ethod: /irect instruction, coo*erati8e learning, *roblem based
learning, think+talk+-rite (##0), think+*air+share (#PS), and simulation(
#echni:ues: 2ntegrating .our skills (listening+s*eaking+reading+-riting)
#. !eachin$ %rocedures:
Activity 1: Students look at the *icture and ans-er the :uestions
Activity 2: Students listen to the ta*e, then re*eat the -ords and
Activity 3: Students listen to the ta*e and com*lete the dialogue, then
*aying attention to the res*onses o. greeting, introducing and *arting
Activity 4: Students listen to the ta*e care.ully and choose the correct
res*onses to the e&*ression they heard(
Activity 5: Students listen to another dialogue and ans-er the
:uestions -hile they are listening(
Activity 6: Students -ork in *airs and make a dialogue based on the
situations( #hey use the e&*ressions and res*onses they ha8e learned(
Activity 7: Students ans-er these :uestions( #hey can add any
in.ormation related to the :uestions(
Activity : Students listen care.ully to the dialogue and study it( #hen
*ractice it -ith their .riend(
Activity !: Students listen to these *ast tense 8erbs taken .rom the
dialogue and re*eat a.ter their teacher(
Activity 1": Students listen to the ta*e care.ully( Correcting the -ords
in the bracket based on -hat they heard(
Activity 11: Students listen to the ta*e and .ill in the .orm based on the
te&t they heard(
&. Source'Material'Media:
$chmad /oddy( /e8elo*ing English Com*etencies .or 7rade !( ;<<=(
Page ; + >
CassetteC/ and #a*eC/ *layer

(. )valuation:
Per.ormance based assessment
Criterion re.erenced assessment
?no-ing: 5andung, @uly =
Princi*al, #eacher,
_________________________ ________________________
NIP. NIP. 196204251993031002
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
Instructional Implementation Plan
(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)
Session 2
Education Unit : Senior High School
Study Field : English
ClassSemester : !"
#ime $location : % & %' minutes
Competence Standard
Speaking: A( )engungka*kan makna dalam *ercaka*an transaksional
dan inter*ersonal dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari(
Base Competence
3.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam *ercaka*an transaksional (to get
things done) dan inter*ersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi yang
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan
berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana dalam
konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: berkenalan,
bertemuber*isah, menyetujui ajakanta-aran undangan, menerima janji,
dan membatalkan janji
Students introduce yoursel. and othersB
Students say greetings and *artingsB
Students *er.orm a monologue o. recount te&ts(
1. Objective:
Students are able to introduce yoursel. and othersB
Students are able to say greetings and *artingsB
Students are able to *er.orm a monologue o. recount te&ts(
2. Main Material:
#ialo$ue 1
Today is the commemoration of National "ducation Day. "#ery $ro#ince in
Indonesia sends their re$resentati#es to attend outstanding students
gathering in %aarta.
$se* : Hello, let me introduce mysel.( )y name is $li( 2 study at S)$C "=
/enias : Hi, 23m /enias, 23m .rom Pa*ua( Cice to meet you(
$se* : Cice to meet you too( 9et3s go to the cro-d(
Denias and Ase$ go to the crowd and they meet a girl.
Sri : Hi, $se*( Ho- are you1
$se* : 23m .ine( Ho- about you1
Sri : 23m .ine too( #hank you(
$se* : El8i, this is /enias, my ne- .riend(
/enias : Hi( Ho- do you do1 Pleased to meet you(
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
Sri : Ho- do you do1 Pleased to meet you too(
/enias : 5y the -ay, -hat is your hobby1
Sri : 2 like cooking 8ery much( 2 can s*end my -hole day .or cooking
/enias : 0o-, great( )y hobby is cooking too( 0ill you tell me ho- to
cook s*ecial .oods .rom your *ro8ince1 23d like to kno- them(
$se* : $lright my .riends, let3s talk about cooking later( 0e should go to the
*alace to meet the President o. 2ndonesia(
/enias and Sri : 9et3s go( 0e can talk about cooking later(
#ialo$ue 2
&i$to waiting for Andi and 'ani, his new colleague at the air$ort.
$ndi : E&cuse me( $re you Henri1
Ci*to : 4es( 23m Ci*to Susanto(
$ndi : Ho- do you do, Ci*to1 23m $ndi .rom Uni8ersity o. @akarta(
Ci*to : Ho- do you do, Ci*to( Cice to see you(
$ndi : Cice to meet you, too( /id you ha8e a good journey1
Ci*to : 4es( 2t -as .ine, thanks(
$ndi : 9et me hel* you to bring your suitcase(
Ci*to : #hat3s 8ery kind o. you(
$ndi : Cot at all( 9et me introduce you to my .riend 4ani this is Ci*to( Ci*to
this is 4ani(
4ani : Hello, Ci*to( Cice to meet you(
Ci*to : Pleased to meet you, too( Ho-3s the tri*1
4ani : 0ell, 2t3s nice and e&citing(
Ci*to : 7reat, then( 4ou must be tired( 23ll take you to the Hotel .irst(
$ndi : 6?( #hanks, Ci*to
3. Instructional Approach Method and !echni"ue:
9iteracy based a**roach( 9earning e&*eriences by considering the
as*ects o. inter*retation, con8ention, collaboration, cultural kno-ledge,
*roblem sol8ing, re.lection and language use(
)ethod: /irect instruction, coo*erati8e learning, *roblem based
learning, think+talk+-rite (##0), think+*air+share (#PS), and simulation(
#echni:ues: 2ntegrating .our skills (listening+s*eaking+reading+-riting)
4. !eachin$ %rocedures:
Activity 1: Students ans-er the :uestions orally(
Activity 2: Students study the dialogues( #hen act them out -ith their
Activity 3: Students read the dialogues once again( #hen identi.y the
e&*ressions o. greetings, introducing, meeting and *arting(
Activity 4: Students -ork in *airs and com*lete the dialogue( #hen
*ractice it -ith their *artner(
Activity 5: Students -ork in grou*s and *er.orm a dialogue based on
the situations(
Activity 6: Students ask their *artner and say -hat they did last
Activity 7: Students ask other students about their -eekend and their
s*ecial e&*eriences( #hen com*lete the table -ith di..erent names(
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
Activity : Students read the te&t( $nd *ay attention to their
*ronunciation and intonation( #hen study the e8ents(
Activity !: Students ans-er the :uestions based on the te&t in acti8ity
Activity 1": Students -ork in *airs and match the time line -ith its
Activity 11: Students, a.ter setting the timeline into a good order in
acti8ity "<, in grou*s make their oral recount by re.erring to the acti8ity
in each time(
Activity 12: Students make their o-n timeline on last their last
-eekend and *resent it to the class(
&. Source'Material'Media:
$chmad /oddy( /e8elo*ing English Com*etencies .or 7rade !( ;<<=(
Cha*ter "( Page E + ";
CassetteC/ and #a*eC/ *layer

(. )valuation:
Per.ormance based assessment
Criterion re.erenced assessment
?no-ing: 5andung, @uly =
Princi*al, #eacher,
_____________________. ______________________
NIP. NIP. 196204251993031002
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
Instructional Implementation Plan
(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)
Session 3
Education Unit : Senior High School
Study Field : English
ClassSemester : !"
#ime $location : % & %' minutes
Competence Standard
Reading: '( )emahami makna teks tulis .ungsional *endek dan esei
sederhana berbentuk recount, narrati#e dan $rocedure dalam konteks
kehidu*an sehari+hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu *engetahuan
Base Competence
5.1. Merespon makna dalam teks tulis .ungsional *endek (misalnya
*engumuman, iklan, undangan dll() resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari dan untuk
mengakses ilmu *engetahuan
Students are able to identi.y the structure o. recount te&tsB
Students are able to read and understand recount te&ts(
1. Objective
Students identi.y the structure o. recount te&tsB
Students read and understand recount te&ts(
2. Main Material:
%e&t 1
'eetin$ a Star
6n Saturday morning at =:A<, 2 -as
-alking do-n Sunda Street, looking
.or a record store( $ man sto**ed me
and asked me the -ay to the Hyatt
Hotel( 2 -asn3t sure e&actly -here it
-as, but 2 -alked -ith him to the end
o. Sunda Street( He -as 8ery .riendly,
and his .ace looked so .amiliar( #hen
remembered -here the Hyatt -as
told him ho- to get there( He thanked
me and tried to gi8e me something(
2 thought it -as money( 2 said 3no3 at
.irst, but he really -anted me to ha8e
it, so 2 took it(
2 .ound the record store and listened
to a .e- records( /3 )asi8e had a
record that -as number t-o in the to*
t-enty( 2 decided to buy it( 2 looked
in my bag .or my -allet and .ound a
*iece o. *a*er the man ga8e me( 2t
a *hoto( 2 -as so sur*risedF He -as a
singer in /3 )asi8eF
A(apte( )rom New (ori)ons in "nglish *, ;<<;
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
%e&t 2
'y #ay
2 had a terrible day yesterday( First,
2 -oke u* an hour late because my
alarm clock didn3t go o..( #hen, 2 -as
in such a hurry that 2 burned my hand
-hen 2 -as making break.ast( $.ter
break.ast, 2 got dressed so :uickly
2 .orgot to -ear socks(
Ce&t, 2 ran out o. the house trying
to get the =:A< bus, but o. course 2
missed it( 2 -anted to take a ta&i, but 2
didn3t ha8e enough money(
Finally, 2 -alked the three miles to
my school only to disco8er that it -as
SundayF 2 ho*e 2 ne8er ha8e a day as
the one 2 had yesterday(
%a*en )rom Ready to +rite, ;<<A
3. Instructional Approach Method and !echni"ue:
9iteracy based a**roach( 9earning e&*eriences by considering the
as*ects o. inter*retation, con8ention, collaboration, cultural kno-ledge,
*roblem sol8ing, re.lection and language use(
)ethod: /irect instruction, coo*erati8e learning, *roblem based
learning, think+talk+-rite (##0), think+*air+share (#PS), and simulation(
#echni:ues: 2ntegrating .our skills (listening+s*eaking+reading+-riting)
#. !eachin$ %rocedures:
Activity 1: Students ans-er the :uestions(
Activity 2: Students read the te&t about someoneGs e&*erience(
Activity 3: Students ans-er the :uestions based on the te&t in acti8ity
Activity 4: Students read the te&t and choose the correct ans-er to the
Activity 5: Students read the -ords taken .rom the te&t and .ind their
Activity 6: Students read and study the te&t structure o. recount te&t in
acti8ity %(
Activity 7: Students read the te&t and identi.y its te&t structure( 0ork in
Activity : Students com*lete the sentences -ith the correct
Activity !: Students read the te&t and identi.y the *re*ositions o. time
in the te&t(
&. Source'Material'Media:
$chmad /oddy( /e8elo*ing English Com*etencies .or 7rade !( ;<<=(
Page "A + "E
CassetteC/ and #a*eC/ *layer
(. )valuation:
Per.ormance based assessment
Criterion re.erenced assessment
?no-ing: 5andung, @uly =
Princi*al, #eacher,
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
___________________ _____________________.
NIP. NIP. 196204251993031002
Instructional Implementation Plan
(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)
Session 4
Education Unit : Senior High School
Study Field : English
ClassSemester : !"
#ime $location : % & %' minutes
Competence Standard
Writing: >( )engungka*kan makna dalam teks tulis .ungsional *endek
dan esei sederhana berbentuk recount, narrati8e, dan *rocedure dalam
konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari(
Base Competence
6.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis .ungsional *endek
(misalnya *engumuman, iklan, undangan dll() resmi dan tak resmi dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari(
Students are able to arrange recount te&ts
Students are able to -rite recount te&ts
1. Objective:
Students arrange recount te&ts
Students -rite recount te&ts
2. Main Material:
/eri sa8ed his money and s*ent t-o months tra8elling around the -orld( He
-rote his journey in his diary(
HHHHHHHH2 s*ent a -eek in Ce- 4ork and then .le- to
9ondon and enjoyed se8eral -eeks in Euro*e(
HHHHHHHH0hen 2 had seen the sights in Euro*e, 2 took a train
to 2stanbul and 8isited many *laces in $sia(
HHHHHHHHFirst, 2 .le- .rom his home in )e&ico City to Ce-
4ork City(
HHHHHHHH$.ter through $sia, 2 -ent to south $merica and
.inally back home to 2ndonesia(
Tuesday 08.30-9.00 greet new students
9.00-10.30 give test to new students
10.30-11.30 order new tet !oo"s
11.30-12.00 #a"e $%one &a''s
12.00-1.00 %ave 'un&% wit% tea&%ers
1.00-3.00 o!serve &'asses
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
3. Instructional Approach Method and !echni"ue:
9iteracy based a**roach( 9earning e&*eriences by considering the
as*ects o. inter*retation, con8ention, collaboration, cultural kno-ledge,
*roblem sol8ing, re.lection and language use(
)ethod: /irect instruction, coo*erati8e learning, *roblem based
learning, think+talk+-rite (##0), think+*air+share (#PS), and simulation(
#echni:ues: 2ntegrating .our skills (listening+s*eaking+reading+-riting)
4. !eachin$ %rocedures:
Activity 1: Students ans-er the :uestions
Activity 2: Students *ay attention to the diary( $ns-er the :uestion that
Activity 3: Students arrange the sentences into the correct order(
$rrange them so that they .ollo- a logical time order( #hen use all the
sentences to -rite the *aragra*h(
Activity 4: Students study the schedule( 0rite a *aragra*h that telling
*ast e8ents based on the schedule( Remember to begin -ith to*ic
Activity 5: Students *unctuate and ca*italiIe the te&t( Re-rite it using
their o-n -ords(
Activity 6: Students read the story( $s they read the te&t, decide the
conclusion at each stage( 0rite it in their -orkbook(
Activity 7: Students look at the *ictures and arrange the sentences in
the correct order to .orm a meaning.ul *aragra*h based on the *ictures(
Activity : Students remember to begin -ith a to*ic sentence and use
signal -ords(
Activity !: Students -ork in grou*s o. .our and e8eryone should share
hisher un.orgettable e&*erience( /ecide one that the grou* think is the
most un.orgettable( #hen -rite a diary and tell it in .ront o. the class(
Activity 1": Students think o. their most memorable e&*erience and
-rite it like a diary entry( Consider the .ollo-ing :uestions(
&. Source'Material'Media:
$chmad /oddy( /e8elo*ing English Com*etencies .or 7rade !( ;<<=(
Page "D + ;%
CassetteC/ and #a*eC/ *layer

(. )valuation:
Per.ormance based assessment
Criterion re.erenced assessment
?no-ing: 5andung, @uly =
Princi*al, #eacher,
__________________ _____________________
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
NIP. NIP. 196204251993031002
Instructional Implementation Plan
(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)
Session 5
Education Unit : Senior High School
Study Field : English
ClassSemester : !"
#ime $location : % & %' minutes
Competence Standard
Listening. "( )emahami makna dalam *ercaka*an transaksional dan
inter*ersonal dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari(
Listening. ;( )emahami makna teks .ungsional *endek dan teks
monolog sederhana berbentuk recount, narrati8e dan *rocedure dalam
konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari(
Base Competence
1.2. Merespon makna yang terda*at dalam *ercaka*an transaksional (to
get things done) dan inter*ersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi
yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana secara akurat, lancar
dan berterima dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari dan melibatkan tindak
tutur: mengungka*kan *erasaan bahagia, menunjukkan *erhatian,
menunjukkan sim*ati, dan memberi instruksi (
2.2 Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang menggunakan
ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam berbagai
konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari dalam teks: recount, narrati8e, dan
*rocedure (
Students are able to res*ond to e&*ressions o. ha**iness
Students are able to res*ond to e&*ressions o. sym*athy and sho-ing
Students are able to res*ond to narrati8e te&ts
1. Objective:
Students res*ond to e&*ressions o. ha**iness
Students res*ond to e&*ressions o. sym*athy and sho-ing a..ection
Students res*ond to narrati8e te&ts
2. Main Material:
Dialogue 1
Hani gets a gift from her mother. She is very happy.
Mother : My dear daughter, your father said that he would take you to the
departe!t store"
#a!i : #ooray$ %hat&s 1'''''''''' " (he! do we go there, Mo)
Mother : *erhaps after di!!er" +ather will ,uy a !ew pair of shoes for you" +ra!kly
we ,oth are so 2'''''''''' for your perfora!-e at s-hool"
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
#a!i : %ha!ks for your praise, Mo" / a also 3'''''''''' to ha0e pare!ts like you
Mother : 1ou are a wo!derful daughter for us" /& so 4''''''' to ,e your Mo"
#a!i : %ha!ks Mo"
Dialogue 2
Deni tells Andi bad news. Rudi, his friend, has just got an accident.
2e!i : #i, 3!di" 1'''''''''' that 4udi fell off whe! he was ridi!g his otor-y-les)
3!di : 5h really) 2'''''''''' $ (hat happe!ed)
2e!i : #e was ridi!g i! a ,ig stor" #e ust ha0e skidded i! the rai!"
3!di : 5h 3'''''''''' " (as he ,adly i!6ured)
2e!i : 7ure, he was su-h i! pai!"
3!di : #e was!&t, was he)
2e!i : #e was" #e -ould!&t 4'''''''''' " #e ,roke his legs"
3!di : 5'''''''''' " (here is he !ow) /s he i! the hospital)
2e!i : #e is still i! the 8erge!-y 9!it of Sumber Waras #ospital"
3!di : /&ll 6'''''''''' i! the hospital right away
The Little Girl and the Wolf
ames !hurber
5!e after!oo!, a ,ig wolf 1''''''''''
i! the dark forest for a little girl to
-oe alo!g -arryi!g 2 ''''''''''to her
gra!dother" +i!ally, the little girl
-ae alo!g a!d she was -arryi!g a
,asket of food" :3re you -arryi!g
that ,asket to your gra!dother):
3'''''''''' the wolf" %he little girl said
yes she was" 7o the wolf asked her
where her gra!dother li0ed a!d the
little girl told hi a!d he 4'''''''''' i!to
the woods"
(he! the little girl 5 ''''''''''the
door of her gra!d other&s house, she
saw there was soe,ody i! ,ed with
a !ight-ap a!d 6'''''''''' " 7he had
approa-hed !o !earer tha! twe!ty;fi0e
feet fro the ,ed whe! she 7'''''''''' it
was !ot her gra!dother ,ut the wolf,
for e0e! i! a !ight-ap a wolf does!&t
look a!yore like your gra!dother
tha! 8 ''''''''''lio! looks like <al0i!
<oolidge" 7o the little girl took a!
autoati- out of her ,asket a!d shot
the wolf dead"
Taken from Readings to Remember, 2..4
3. Instructional Approach Method and !echni"ue:
9iteracy based a**roach( 9earning e&*eriences by considering the
as*ects o. inter*retation, con8ention, collaboration, cultural kno-ledge,
*roblem sol8ing, re.lection and language use(
)ethod: /irect instruction, coo*erati8e learning, *roblem based
learning, think+talk+-rite (##0), think+*air+share (#PS), and simulation(
#echni:ues: 2ntegrating .our skills (listening+s*eaking+reading+-riting)
4. !eachin$ %rocedures:
Activity 1: Students study the situations and answer the questions
Activity 2: Students listen to the tape carefully. Then, repeat the words
and expressions
Activity 3: Students listen to the tape and choose the best response from
the expressions they hear.
Activity 4: Students listen to the tape and complete the dialogues.They
pay attention to the expressions for showing happiness, sympathy and
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
Activity 5: Students listen and study these expressions. Then make the
best response for each expression
Activity 6: Students listen to the dialogue and answer these questions
based on what they heard
Activity 7: Students listen to the statements and complete the table.
Number one has been done for them.
Activity : Students listen to the tape and complete the story
Activity !: Students study the explanation. Then, they listen to their
teacher reading another story and complete the table
&. Source'Material'Media:
$chmad /oddy( /e8elo*ing English Com*etencies .or 7rade !( ;<<=(
Page ;' + A<
CassetteC/ and #a*eC/ *layer

(. )valuation:
Per.ormance based assessment
Criterion re.erenced assessment
?no-ing: 5andung, @uly =
Princi*al, #eacher,
__________________ _____________________
NIP. NIP. 196204251993031002
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
Instructional Implementation Plan
(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)
Session 6
Education Unit : Senior High School
Study Field : English
ClassSemester : !"
#ime $location : % & %' minutes
Competence Standard
Speaking: A( )engungka*kan makna dalam *ercaka*an transaksional
dan inter*ersonal dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari(
Speaking: %( )engungka*kan makna dalam teks .ungsional *endek dan
monolog berbentuk recount, narrati8e dan *rocedure sederhana dalam
konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari
Base Competence
3.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam *ercaka*an transaksional (to get
things done) dan inter*ersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan
sederhana dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari dan melibatkan tindak
tutur: mengungka*kan *erasaan bahagia, menunjukkan *erhatian,
menunjukkan sim*ati, dan memberi instruksi (
4.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog sederhana dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
dalam berbagai konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari dalam teks berbentuk:
recount, narrati8e, dan *rocedure (
Students are able to use e&*ressions o. ha**iness
Students are able to use e&*ressions o. sym*athy and sho-ing a..ection
Students are able to *er.orm a monologue o. a narrati8e te&t
1. Objective:
Students use e&*ressions o. ha**iness
Students use e&*ressions o. sym*athy and sho-ing a..ection
Students use *er.orm a monologue o. a narrati8e te&t
2. Main Material:
Dialogue 1
Retno gets a good news about her job application. She is very happy.
4et!o : 2ad, where is o)
+ather : 7he is ,a-k there"
4et!o : Moy, Moy="
Mother: /& right here" (hat&s up)
4et!o : Mo, you k!ow, / se!t a 6o, appli-atio! to a ,ig i!ter!atio!al -opa!y !ear the
dow!tow! a -ouple of days ago a!d 6ust !ow / got a pho!e -all fro the -opa!y
that / get a--epted" / a goi!g to work" /t&s lo0ely"
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
Mother: 1es, that&s wo!derful" <oe o!" >o tell your daddy"
4et!o : 1es, / will" /& so happy right !ow"
Dialogue 2
"asri shows his sympathy to his friend, Ali.
?asri : #i, /0a!" 1ou do!&t look 0ery happy" /s e0erythi!g alright)
3li : (ell, this week has ,ee! so terri,le for e"
?asri : 4eally) /& sorry to hear that" (hat a-tually happe!ed)
3li : My gra!dother passed away o! %uesday"
?asri : (as she ill or soethi!g ,efore she died)
3li : @o, !o" 7he was ,adly hurt ,e-ause of a -ar a--ide!t"
?asri : 5h really) (hat happe!ed)
3li : 7he was dri0i!g a -ar a!d sudde!ly a speedy tru-k ,uped i!to her -ar i! fro!t"
7o her death was really a sho-k for e a!d y faily" / -a!&t still ,elie0e that she&s
?asri : 5f -ourse" /t&s always hard to lose soeo!e you lo0e" #owe0er, /& pretty sure
!eAt week will ,e ,etter for you"
3li : %ha!ks" / hope so"
Blind Listening
3 stupid a! was se!t ,y his
father to sell salt" #e first we!t to a
i!i!g area ,ut !o,ody there wa!ted
his salt" (he! he retur!ed hoe, his
father told hi that if he had helped
the i!ers to dig, they would ha0e
,ought his salt"
%he a! !eAt we!t to a house
where a weddi!g was taki!g pla-e"
%here he dug a huge hole" %his ade
the people a!gry a!d they -hased hi
away" (he! he retur!ed hoe, his
father told hi that if he had ,eate! a
dru a!d da!-ed i!stead, the people
there would ha0e ,ought salt fro
%he!, he we!t to a 0illage where
there happe!ed to ,e a fire" 4ushi!g
to the pla-e, he started drui!g a!d
da!-i!g, o!ly to ,e throw! out ,y the
people" #is father told hi that he
should ha0e poured water o! the fire
i!stead, if he wa!ted to sell salt there"
/! the !eAt pla-e he we!t to, a
-ouple were fighti!g with ea-h other"
%he foolish a! poured a ,u-ketful
of water o! the, agai! to ,e -hased
away" #is father later told hi that he
should ha0e tried to settle the Buarrel,
i! whi-h -ase they would ha0e ,ought
salt fro hi"
/! the fi!al e0e!t, the a! saw
two ,ulls fighti!g with ea-h other" #e
stepped i! to stop the fight a!d was
gored to death ,y a!gry ,ulls"
Taken from #nglish "estseller $%, 2..1
3. Instructional Approach Method and !echni"ue:
9iteracy based a**roach( 9earning e&*eriences by considering the
as*ects o. inter*retation, con8ention, collaboration, cultural kno-ledge,
*roblem sol8ing, re.lection and language use(
)ethod: /irect instruction, coo*erati8e learning, *roblem based
learning, think+talk+-rite (##0), think+*air+share (#PS), and simulation(
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
#echni:ues: 2ntegrating .our skills (listening+s*eaking+reading+-riting)
4. !eachin$ %rocedures:
Activity 1: Students study the situations and answer the questions.
Activity 2: Students listen to the tape carefully. Then, repeat the words
and expressions
Activity 3: Students listen to the tape and choose the best response from
the expressions they hear.
Activity 4: Students listen to the tape and complete the dialogues. They
pay attention to the expressions for showing happiness, sympathy and
Activity 5: Students listen and study these expressions. Then make the
best response for each expression.
Activity 6: Students listen to the dialogue and answer these questions
based on what they heard.
Activity 7: Students listen to the statements and complete the table.
Activity : Students listen to the tape and complete the story.
Activity !: Students study the explanation. Then, listen to their teacher
reading another story and complete the table.
&. Source'Material'Media:
$chmad /oddy( /e8elo*ing English Com*etencies .or 7rade !( ;<<=(
Page A" + A>
CassetteC/ and #a*eC/ *layer

(. )valuation:
Per.ormance based assessment
Criterion re.erenced assessment
?no-ing: 5andung, @uly =
Princi*al, #eacher,
__________________ _____________________
NIP. NIP. 196204251993031002
Instructional Implementation Plan
(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)
Session 7
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
Education Unit : Senior High School
Study Field : English
ClassSemester : !"
#ime $location : % & %' minutes
Competence Standard
Reading: '( )emahami makna teks tulis .ungsional *endek dan esei
sederhana berbentuk recount, narrati#e dan $rocedure dalam konteks
kehidu*an sehari+hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu *engetahuan(
+ase ,ompetence
5.1. Merespon makna dalam teks tulis .ungsional *endek (misalnya
*engumuman, iklan, undangan dll() resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari dan untuk
mengakses ilmu *engetahuan(
5.2. Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari dan untuk
mengakses ilmu *engetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrati8e,
dan *rocedure (
Students are able to identi.y meanings and in.ormation in a narrati8e te&t(
Students are able to read narrati8e te&ts(
1. Objective:
Students identi.y meanings and in.ormation in a narrati8e te&t(
Students read narrati8e te&ts(
2. Main Material:
Simple Past Tense
Cook at the followi!g se!te!-es"
1" 4osaura ate her eal Bui-kly"
2" #er father loo&ed away i! disappoi!te!t"
(e -a! -ha!ge the se!te!-es i!to !egati0e a!d Buestio! for"
1" 4osaura did not eat her eal Bui-kly"
2" #er father did not loo& away i! disappoi!te!t"
1" Did 4osaura eat her eal Bui-kly)
2" Did her father loo& away i! disappoi!te!t)
/! affirati0e se!te!-e we use 0er, i! past for whereas i! !egati0e a!d Buestio!
se!te!-es we use i!fi!iti0e" %his te!se is -oo!ly used i! story telli!g a!d whe!
we tell others a,out past e0e!ts"
The Fortune Teller
/! the great -ity of %aipei, there li0ed a a! -alled Ci! a!d his
wife" %hey had !o -hildre!" ?e-ause of this, they were 0ery u!happy" 5!e
day, they fou!d a ,a,y ,oy outside their door" #e was wrapped i! a
,la!ket a!d -ryi!g" %hey took the ,a,y i!to their house a!d -alled hi 7au
Ci!g" %hey lo0ed hi 0ery u-h"
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
(he! 7au Ci!g was a you!g a!, a fortu!e;teller -ae to the
house" :1ou ust se!d your so! away,: he said" :5!e day he will ,e-oe
a thief a!d -ause you a lot of trou,le":
Mr a!d Mrs Ci! were 0ery sad to hear this" %hey ,elie0ed what the
fortu!e;teller said" %hey ga0e 7au Ci!g soe -lothes a!d o!ey a!d se!t
hi away"
7e0eral years later, 7au Ci!g was ha0i!g a eal i! a! i!! se0eral
iles fro %aipei" #e put his ,ag o! the floor !ear his ta,le" 3fter
fi!ishi!g his eal, he pi-ked up his ,ag" :%hat&s stra!ge$: he thought, :/t
feels so hea0y": #e looked i!side" /t was full of sall gold ,ars" %he! he
realised that soeo!e had take! his ,ag ,y istake a!d left a!other ,ag, i!
its pla-e"
%hat e0e!i!g, a you!g a! -ae to the i!!, :#as a!yo!e see! y
,ag): he asked" 7au Ci!g was 0ery ho!est" #e retur!ed the ,ag to hi"
%he you!g a! tha!ked hi" 1ou are really 0ery ho!est,: he said, :/ shall
ask y father to gi0e you a 6o,": %he you!g a!&s father was a ri-h
er-ha!t" #e ga0e 7au Ci!g a good 6o," :?ut go hoe first,: he said, :a!d
take a holiday": 7au Ci!g retur!ed to %aipei" Mr a!d Mrs Ci! were
delighted to see hi agai!" %he fortu!e;teller was also prese!t" 7au Ci!g
told the what had happe!ed" %he fortu!e;teller did !ot k!ow what to say"
#e left the house without sayi!g a word" Mr a!d Mrs Ci! !e0er ,elie0ed i!
fortu!e;teller after that" 7au Ci!g took the to li0e with hi a!d they were
0ery happy a!d -o!te!ted u!til the e!d of their li0es"
Taken from )avourite Stories from !aiwan, 2...
3. Instructional Approach Method and !echni"ue:
9iteracy based a**roach( 9earning e&*eriences by considering the
as*ects o. inter*retation, con8ention, collaboration, cultural kno-ledge,
*roblem sol8ing, re.lection and language use(
)ethod: /irect instruction, coo*erati8e learning, *roblem based
learning, think+talk+-rite (##0), think+*air+share (#PS), and simulation(
#echni:ues: 2ntegrating .our skills (listening+s*eaking+reading+-riting)
4. !eachin$ %rocedures:
Activity 1: Students answer these questions.
Activity 2: Students study the chart and answer the questions that
Activity 3: Students read aloud the text. And pay attention to their
intonation and pronunciation in reading the story.
Activity 4: Students discuss the questions with their friends based on
text in Activity 3.
Activity 5: Students read the text and study its text structure.
Activity 6: Students read the words taken from the text. Then find their
Activity 7: Students read this text carefully. They identify the structure
the story based on the example in Activity .
Activity : Students answer these questions based on the story in
Activity !: Stu(ents change the tenses of the following sentences into
simple past tense form.
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
Activity 1": Students complete the paragraphs using the verbs in
parentheses. "se simple past tense form.
&. Source'Material'Media:
Ac-ma( #o((y. #evelopin$ /n$lis- ,ompetencies )or 0ra(e 1.
Pa$e 37 2 45
,assetteC/ and #a*eC/ *layer

(. )valuation:
Per)ormance 3ase( assessment
,riterion re.erenced assessment
?no-ing: 5andung, @uly =
Princi*al, #eacher,
__________________ _____________________
NIP. NIP. 196204251993031002
Instructional Implementation Plan
(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)
Session 8
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
Education Unit : Senior High School
Study Field : English
ClassSemester : !"
#ime $location : % & %' minutes
Competence Standard
Writing: >( )engungka*kan makna dalam teks tulis .ungsional *endek dan
esei sederhana berbentuk recount, narrati8e, dan *rocedure dalam konteks
kehidu*an sehari+hari
Base Competence
6.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis .ungsional *endek
(misalnya *engumuman, iklan, undangan dll() resmi dan tak resmi dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari(
6.2. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah+langkah retorika secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam
konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrati8e,
dan *rocedure (
Students are able to de8elo* a *aragra*h o. narrati8e te&ts
Students are able to -rite narrati8e te&ts
1. Objective:
Students de8elo*e a *aragra*h o. narrati8e te&ts
Students -rite narrati8e te&ts
2. Main Material:
Shadow Puet Show! Durna"s Tra
%he story started with 2ur!a who was
tea-hi!g the art of ar-hery to the -hildre! of
#asti!a Di!gdo at the pala-e&s yard" +ro
far away, a you!g a! wat-hed the
pra-ti-e" #e was 8kalaya, the -row! pri!-e
of *ara!g >elu!g Di!gdo"
8kalaya wa!ted to study with 2ur!a ut
was re6e-ted, si!-e the a! proised o!ly
to tea-h -hildre! of *a!dawa a!d Durawa"
7till 8kalaya was !either a!gry !or
re0e!geful" #is stro!g will to study fro
2ur!a i!flue!-ed hi go to the forest a!d
-reate a statue of 2ur!a as a sy,ol of
2ur!a&s prese!-e" (ith this statue as is
ia gi!ati0e tea-her, 8kalaya lear!ed how
to shoot arrows ,y hiself" %he result was
asto!ishi!gE 8kalaya tur!ed 0ery skillfull i!
shooti!g arrows 6ust ike 3r6u!a, 2ur!a&s
fa0ourite stude!t"
8kalaya fi!ally e!-ou!tered 3r6u!a,
who was hu!ti!g i! the forest" 3r6u!a was
surprised to fi!d that a! arrow stru-k the
a!ial he was hu!ti!g" /t tur!ed out the
arrow ,elo!ged to 8kalaya" /!!o-e!tly,
8kalaya said he was 2ur!a&s stude!t"
2ur!a was surprised whe! 3r6u!a told
hi a,out 8kalaya" (he! he et 8kalaya,
2ur!a trapped hi sayi!g he would adit
8kalaya as his stude!t if he -ut off the
thu, of his right ha!d as e0ide!-e of his
loyalty to his aster"
8kalaya followed the reBuest ,ut the! rea
lised he had ,ee! -heated" 3!gry a!d
disappoi! ted, he k!ew 2ur!a did !ot wa!t
a!y,ody to ri0al 3r6u!a" 8kalaya ,e-ae
a!grier whe! he was told ,y his wife that
3r6u!a was i! lo0e with her a!d -halle!ged
3r6u!a to a duel"
#dated from
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
$rrange the .ictures based on the story(
"( ;( A(
%( '( >(
E( D( =(
3. Instructional Approach Method and !echni"ue:
9iteracy based a**roach( 9earning e&*eriences by considering the
as*ects o. inter*retation, con8ention, collaboration, cultural kno-ledge,
*roblem sol8ing, re.lection and language use(
)ethod: /irect instruction, coo*erati8e learning, *roblem based
learning, think+talk+-rite (##0), think+*air+share (#PS), and simulation(
#echni:ues: 2ntegrating .our skills (listening+s*eaking+reading+-riting)
4. !eachin$ %rocedures:
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
Activity 1: Students answer the questions orally.
Activity 2: Students arrange the pictures based on the story.
Activity 3: Students study the explanation. #t will guide them in writing
Activity 4: Students study the stories.
Activity 5: Students compare the stories in Activity $. They rewrite the
Story A so that the sentences are in the right order. Then%
decide its main idea and supporting ideas.
Activity 6: Students develop a paragraph from the outline.
&. Source'Material'Media:
$chmad /oddy( /e8elo*ing English Com*etencies .or 7rade !( ;<<=(
Page AE + '<
CassetteC/ and #a*eC/ *layer

(. )valuation:
Per.ormance based assessment
Criterion re.erenced assessment
?no-ing: 5andung, @uly =
Princi*al, #eacher,
__________________ _____________________
NIP. NIP. 196204251993031002
Instructional Implementation Plan
(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)
Session 9
Education Unit : Senior High School
Study Field : English
ClassSemester : !"
#ime $location : % & %' minutes
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
Competence Standard
Listening: "( )emahami makna dalam *ercaka*an transaksional dan
inter*ersonal dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari(
Listening: ;( )emahami makna teks .ungsional *endek dan teks
monolog sederhana berbentuk recount, narrati#e dan $rocedure dalam
konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari(
Base Competence
1.1. Merespon makna yang terda*at dalam *ercaka*an transaksional (to
get things done) dan inter*ersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi
yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana secara akurat, lancar
dan berterima dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari dan melibatkan tindak
tutur: berkenalan, bertemuber*isah, menyetujui ajakanta-aran
undangan, menerima janji, dan membatalkan janji (
2.2. Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
dalam berbagai konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari dalam teks: recount,
narrati8e, dan *rocedure (
Students are able to res*ond to e&*ressions o. making, acce*ting and
declining an in8itation(
Students are able to res*ond to e&*ressions o. making and cancelling an
Students are able to res*ond to instructions(
1. Objective:
Students res*ond to e&*ressions o. making, acce*ting and declining an
Students res*ond to e&*ressions o. making and cancelling an
Students res*ond to instructions(
2. Main Material:
Dialogue 1
Arief and Rita are fond of literature. !hey enjoy reading stories, novels, and watching
drama. *n the way home, Arief and Rita have a chat.
3rief : 2o you ha0e a pla! for toorrow&s holiday)
4ita : %oo ,ad" / ha0e !othi!g to do"
3rief : /&0e got a pla! for toorrow" 1'''''''''' )
4ita : 4eally) %ell e, please" %he!, /&ll de-ide to -oe or !ot"
3rief : /&0e got a !ew i!teresti!g !o0el a!d F<2 of a draa perfora!-e"
4ita : (ow, great" (hat are they a,out) 3re they i!teresti!g)
3rief : /f / tell you !ow, it wo!&t surprise you" @ow, de-ide" 2'''''''''' )
4ita : 3'''''''''' " /&ll ,e at your house at 8".. i! the or!i!g"
Dialogue 2
Dr. +rwan )au,i was a well-&nown doctor. He had a friend, .r Andre /osuma, who
always sees him for general chec& up. *ne day, his friend calls him"
Mr *osua : #ello, +auGi" %his is 3!dre"
2r +auGi : #i 3!dre" <a! / help you)
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
Mr *osua : /&d like to ha0e a ge!eral -he-k up" /t has ,ee! two o!ths si!-e
y last 0isit to you"
2r +auGi : 5D" /& free o! %uesday after!oo!" 4'''''''''' "
Mr *osua : 5'''''''''' " ?ye"
2r +auGi : ?ye"
!en minutes later, .r Andre /osuma is informed by her secretary that there will be a
meeting on !uesday afternoon, !hen, he calls .r +wan )au,i to cancel his appointment"
Mr *osua : #ello, +auGi" /t&s e, 3!drea" %hus is a,out our appoi!te!t"
2r +auGi : (hat&s wro!g)
Mr *osua : #, a-tually, / will atte!d a eeti!g" 6'''''''''' "
2r +auGi : (ell 7'''''''''' " (e -a! eet !eAt tie"
Mr *osua : 3lright" 7ee you"
2r +auGi : 7ee you"
3. Instructional Approach Method and !echni"ue:
9iteracy based a**roach( 9earning e&*eriences by considering the
as*ects o. inter*retation, con8ention, collaboration, cultural kno-ledge,
*roblem sol8ing, re.lection and language use(
)ethod: /irect instruction, coo*erati8e learning, *roblem based
learning, think+talk+-rite (##0), think+*air+share (#PS), and simulation(
#echni:ues: 2ntegrating .our skills (listening+s*eaking+reading+-riting)
4. !eachin$ %rocedures:
Activity 1: Students look at the picture and study it. Then, answer the
Activity 2: Students listen to the short dialog and answer the questions.
Activity 3: Students will hear these expressions. Then find any possible
responses to each expression.
Activity 4: Students listen to the tape and complete the dialogue based on
what they heard.
Activity 5: Students complete the dialogues with the expressions of
invitation and appointment. Work in pairs
Activity 6: Students create dialogues based on the situations. ake
appointment and invitation then accept each of them.
Activity 7: Students listen to the dialogue and fill in the blank spaces.
They compare their answers to her!his friends".
Activity : Students will hear some steps of making something. atch the
titles with the correct steps.
Activity !: Students *rovide the materials. They follow the teacher"s
instructions to make a pinwheel.
Activity 1": Students will hear the teacher giving instructions for making
coffee. #fter listening, they answer the questions.
Activity 11: Students listen to the teacher"s instructions and do the tasks.
&. Source'Material'Media:
$chmad /oddy( /e8elo*ing English Com*etencies .or 7rade !( ;<<=(
Page '; + 'D
CassetteC/ and #a*eC/ *layer

(. )valuation:
Per.ormance based assessment
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
Criterion re.erenced assessment
?no-ing: 5andung, @uly =
Princi*al, #eacher,
__________________ _____________________
NIP. NIP. 196204251993031002
Instructional Implementation Plan
(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)
Session 10
Education Unit : Senior High School
Study Field : English
ClassSemester : !"
#ime $location : % & %' minutes
Competence Standard
Speaking: A( )engungka*kan makna dalam *ercaka*an transaksional
dan inter*ersonal dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari(
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
Speaking: %( )engungka*kan makna dalam teks .ungsional *endek dan
monolog berbentuk recount, narrati8e dan *rocedure sederhana dalam
konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari(
Base Competence
3.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam *ercaka*an transaksional (to get
things done) dan inter*ersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan
sederhana dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari dan melibatkan tindak
tutur: berkenalan, bertemuber*isah, menyetujui ajakanta-aran
undangan, menerima janji, dan membatalkan janji (
4.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog sederhana dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
dalam berbagai konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari dalam teks berbentuk:
recount, narrati8e, dan *rocedure
Students are able to use e&*ressions o. making, acce*ting and declining
an in8itation(
Students are able to use e&*ressions o. making and cancelling an
Students are able to *er.orm a monologue o. a *rocedure te&t(
1. Objective:
Students use e&*ressions o. making, acce*ting and declining an
Students use e&*ressions o. making and cancelling an a**ointment(
Students *er.orm a monologue o. a *rocedure te&t(
2. Main Material:
&ormal Situation
H (ould you like to """"
H /&d 0ery u-h like you to """"
H (e should ,e
pleasedIdelighted if you -ould """"
H (ould you -are to """"
H 1ou will """ wo!&t you)
Accepting an #nvitation
H %hat&s 0ery ki!d of you"
H (e&d 0ery u-h like to """"
H (hat a delightful idea"
H (ith the greatest pleasure"
H %ha!k you 0ery u-h for
i!0iti!g e"
'eclining an #nvitation
H /& 0ery sorry, / do!&t thi!k / -a!"
H /&d like to, ,ut """"
H / & afraid /&0e already
proised """"
H %ha!k you for aski!g e, ,ut """"
H 9!fortu!ately, / -a!&t """"
#nformal Situation
H(hy do!&t you -oe to """"
H Cike to -oe to """"
H <oe a!d """"
H 7hall we -oe to """"
H 1ou ust -oe to """"
Accepting an #nvitation
H / wouldIwill """"
H %hat would ,e 0ery !i-e"
H 5D$
H /&d like to lo0e to -oe"
H 3ll right Jthe!K"
'eclining an #nvitation
H 7orry, / -a!&t"
H /&d lo0e to, ,ut """"
H / do!&t thi!k / -a!"
H / wish / -ould, ,ut """"
(aking an Appointment
H #ow a,out toorrow or!i!g)
H Cet&s eet at """ o&-lo-k"
Accepting an Appointment
H /&ll -oe / proise"
H /&ll ,e there"
)ancelling an Appointment
H 7orry, / do!&t thi!k / -a! ake it"
H /& so sorry / -a!&t ake it"
Work in pairs and complete the dialogue using the expressions of making ppointment
and invitation. Then act it out in front of the class.
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
4e!dy : #i, (e!dy, '''''''''')
(e!dy : (ell, / do!&t ha0e a!y pla!s at this oe!t"
4e!dy : 5h, good" ?y the way, this weeke!d is y spe-ial day"''''''''''
(e!dy : 5h really)''''''''''
4e!dy : %ha!k you (e!dy" ''''''''''for a little party at y house this weeke!d"
(e!dy : 5D" /&ll proise /&ll ,e there"'''''''''' "
4e!dy : '''''''''')
(e!dy : 7ure, /&ll help you"
4e!dy : %ha!k you 0ery u-h (e!dy" 7ee you the!"
(e!dy : 1ou&re wel-oe" 7ee you" ?ye"
3. Instructional Approach Method and !echni"ue:
9iteracy based a**roach( 9earning e&*eriences by considering the
as*ects o. inter*retation, con8ention, collaboration, cultural kno-ledge,
*roblem sol8ing, re.lection and language use(
)ethod: /irect instruction, coo*erati8e learning, *roblem based
learning, think+talk+-rite (##0), think+*air+share (#PS), and simulation(
#echni:ues: 2ntegrating .our skills (listening+s*eaking+reading+-riting)
4. !eachin$ %rocedures:
Activity 1: Students read and study the expressions and answer the
Activity 2: Students look at the sentences below and decide if the person
is making an invitation or $ust being friendly.
Activity 3: Students read and study these dialogues. Then act them out
with their friends.
Activity 4: Students read and practise another dialogue. Then identify the
expressions of making an appointment.
Activity 5: Students -ork in pairs and complete the dialogue using the
expressions of making appointment and invitation. Then act it out in front of
the class.
Activity 6: Students make their own dialogue and act out these situations
using the expressions they have learned.
Activity 7: Students answer the questions orally.
Activity : Students read the reci*es( #hen *ay attention to their
e&*ressions in gi8ing instructions(
Activity !: Students -ork in *airs and read the instructions in $cti8ity D(
#hen make a dialog to tell their .riends ho- to cook the dishes( #hey
use the model(
Activity 1": Students study the dialogue( #hen, make a dialogue about
ho- to make tomato sou* and to make egg and lemon sou* just like the
Activity 1": Students choose their favourite food. Then tell the class about
&. Source'Material'Media:
$chmad /oddy( /e8elo*ing English Com*etencies .or 7rade !( ;<<=(
Page 'D + >%
CassetteC/ and #a*eC/ *layer

Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
(. )valuation:
Per.ormance based assessment
Criterion re.erenced assessment
?no-ing: 5andung, @uly =
Princi*al, #eacher,
__________________ _____________________
NIP. NIP. 196204251993031002
Instructional Implementation Plan
(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)
Session 11
Education Unit : Senior High School
Study Field : English
ClassSemester : !"
#ime $location : % & %' minutes
Competence Standard
Reading: '( )emahami makna teks tulis .ungsional *endek dan esei
sederhana berbentuk recount, narrati#e dan $rocedure dalam konteks
kehidu*an sehari+hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu *engetahuan(
+ase ,ompetence
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
5.1. Merespon makna dalam teks tulis .ungsional *endek (misalnya
*engumuman, iklan, undangan dll() resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari dan untuk
mengakses ilmu *engetahuan(
5.2. Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari dan untuk
mengakses ilmu *engetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrati8e,
dan *rocedure (
Students are able to identi.y the structure o. a *rocedure te&t(
Students are able to read *rocedure te&ts(
1. Objective:
Students identi.y the structure o. a *rocedure te&t(
Students read *rocedure te&ts(
2. Main Material:
$ow to oerate a fan
1" *lug the power -ord i!to a wall outlet" J3< 12.
Folts 6. #LK
2" %o ake the fa! o0e sideways, push the pi! o!
top of the otor"
3" %o o0e the fa! up or dow!, first pull up the
os-illa ti!g pi!, the! press the tilt
ad6uste!t k!o,"
4" %o -ha!ge the speed of the fa!, press o!e of the
swit-hes at the ,otto"
1" (hat do we do first to operate a fa!)
2" #ow -a! we -ha!ge the speed of the fa!)
3" (hat do we do to ake it o0e sideways)
4" #ow do we ake it go up a!d dow!)
%he stru-ture of pro-edure teAts ge!erally -o!sists of
three parts, !aely goal, aterials !eeded a!d ethods
or steps" %his stru-ture is appropriately applied i! a
re-ipe" /! a howMtoMteAt, the aterials !eeded part
soeties is !ot appli-a,le"
3. Instructional Approach Method and !echni"ue:
9iteracy based a**roach( 9earning e&*eriences by considering the
as*ects o. inter*retation, con8ention, collaboration, cultural kno-ledge,
*roblem sol8ing, re.lection and language use(
)ethod: /irect instruction, coo*erati8e learning, *roblem based
learning, think+talk+-rite (##0), think+*air+share (#PS), and simulation(
#echni:ues: 2ntegrating .our skills (listening+s*eaking+reading+-riting)
4. !eachin$ %rocedures:
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
Method of
Activity 1: Students answer the questions orally.
Activity 2: Students study the bar graph and answer the questions that
Activity 3: Students read the instructions and answer the questions. They
pay attention to the structure of the text.
Activity 4: Students read another text and identify the structure of the
Activity 5: Students *ronounce the words and find their meaning. They
pay attention to their pronunciation.
Activity 6: Students read the text and choose the correct answer to the
questions that follow.
Activity 7: Students make imperative sentences based on the situations
Activity : Students make imperative sentences using the verbs related to
Activity !: Students .ind a recipe or manual instruction from a newspaper,
maga%ine or in the internet. Then identify the imperative sentences on it.
They eport it to the class.
&. Source'Material'Media:
$chmad /oddy( /e8elo*ing English Com*etencies .or 7rade !( ;<<=(
Page >' + E<
CassetteC/ and #a*eC/ *layer

(. )valuation:
Per.ormance based assessment
Criterion re.erenced assessment
?no-ing: 5andung, @uly =
Princi*al, #eacher,
__________________ _____________________
NIP. NIP. 196204251993031002
Instructional Implementation Plan
(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)
Session 12
Education Unit : Senior High School
Study Field : English
ClassSemester : !"
#ime $location : % & %' minutes
Competence Standard
Writing: >( )engungka*kan makna dalam teks tulis .ungsional *endek dan
esei sederhana berbentuk recount, narrati8e, dan *rocedure dalam konteks
kehidu*an sehari+hari
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
Base Competence
6.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis .ungsional *endek
(misalnya *engumuman, iklan, undangan dll() resmi dan tak resmi dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
dalam konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari(
6.2. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah+langkah retorika secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam
konteks kehidu*an sehari+hari dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrati8e,
dan *rocedure (
Students are able to -rite short instructions(
Students are able to -rite *rocedure te&ts(
1. Objective:
Students -rite short instructions(
Students -rite *rocedure te&ts(
2. Main Material:
&earrange this $umbled text. The pictures will help you to arrange it. 'o it in pairs.
"( ;( A(
%( '( >(
$ow to Preare Fried %i&e
H (he! the ri-e is -ooked, add it to the eat a!d the 0egeta,les"
H @ow, you -a! ,reak i! two or three eggs"
H %he ,est 0egeta,les to use are o!io!s, garli-, toatoes a!d -u-u,er"
H 3t the sae tie, -ook the ri-e i! a!other pa!"
H 7tir the iAture a!d add salt, pepper a!d other spi-es"
H +i!ally, -ut up a -u-u,er i!to thi! sli-es a!d pla-e the sli-es o! top of the ri-e"
H %o ake fried ri-e, you will !eed soe ri-e, 0egeta,les, eat a!d eggs"
H %he!, -ut up the o!io!s a!d garli- a!d fry the"
H 7er0e the fried ri-e with hot sau-e, if you like"
H +irst, -ut up the eat i!to 0ery sall pie-es a!d fry it i! a pa!"
3. Instructional Approach Method and !echni"ue:
9iteracy based a**roach( 9earning e&*eriences by considering the
as*ects o. inter*retation, con8ention, collaboration, cultural kno-ledge,
*roblem sol8ing, re.lection and language use(
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
)ethod: /irect instruction, coo*erati8e learning, *roblem based
learning, think+talk+-rite (##0), think+*air+share (#PS), and simulation(
#echni:ues: 2ntegrating .our skills (listening+s*eaking+reading+-riting)
4. !eachin$ %rocedures:
Activity 1: Students answer these questions orally.
Activity 2: Students classify these words into their categories in the table.
Activity 3: Students rearrange the $umbled text. The pictures will help
them to arrange it.
Activity 4: Students study the paragraph. (t contains nine mistakes. They
find the errors and correct them. They rewrite the corrected paragraph.
Activity 5: Students -ork in groups and arrange the text into appropriate
order. They rewrite it using their own words.
Activity 6: Students write one of the instructions based on the procedures.
They work ndividually.
&. Source'Material'Media:
$chmad /oddy( /e8elo*ing English Com*etencies .or 7rade !( ;<<=(
Page ;' +
CassetteC/ and #a*eC/ *layer

(. )valuation:
Per.ormance based assessment
Criterion re.erenced assessment
?no-ing: 5andung, @uly =
Princi*al, #eacher,
__________________ _____________________
NIP. NIP. 196204251993031002
*eview +
A. ,istening
,isten carefully to answer the
'ou are going to hear se(eral short dialogues.
Then) &hoose the *est answer.
1" a" >ood after!oo!"
," >ood or!i!g"
-" >ood e0e!i!g"
d" >ood !ight"
2" a" /& fi!e, tha!k you"
," @i-e to eet you"
-" #ow !i-e to see you"
d" #ow do you do"
3" a" #ere it is" -" /t is here"
," #ere is it" d" #ere they are"
4" a" / wo!&t say !o"
," 7orry / -a!&t"
-" %ha!ks a!yway"
d" /&d lo0e to"
5" a" gratitude -" offeri!g
," i!0itatio! d" gi0i!g help
+uestions ,-1. are *ased on the listening
te/t 0ou are going to hear.
6" (here does the story take pla-e)
a" ?a!k a!ager&s offi-e"
," 4estaura!t a!ager&s offi-e"
-" #otel a!ager&s offi-e"
d" #otel lo,,y"
7" #ow u-h o!ey that the -hara-ter
:/: lost)
a" N15" -" N5"
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
," N5." d" N15."
8" (hat -ould the a!ager do)
a" %he a!ager -ould do !othi!g"
," %he a!ager -ould help the a!
who lost his o!ey"
-" %he a!ager -ould gi0e ,a-k the
d" %he a!ager -ould -all the
9" (here did the girl fi!d the o!ey)
a" /!side the ge!tlea!&s roo"
," 5utside the ge!tlea!&s roo"
-" /!side the a!ager&s roo"
d" /!side the waitress& roo"
1." (ho said that there was still soe
ho!esty i! the world)
a" %he hotel ow!er"
," %he girl"
-" %he a!ager"
d" %he a! losi!g his o!ey"
+uestions 11112 are *ased on the
listening te/t 0ou are going to hear.
11" #ow a!y steps are !eeded to ake
ti!;-a! stilts)
a" %wo steps" -" +our steps"
," %hree steps" d" +i0e steps"
12" #ow a!y -a!s are !eeded to ake
ti!;-a! stilts)
a" %wo ti!s" -" +our ti!s"
," %hree ti!s" d" +i0e ti!s"
+uestions 12-13 are *ased on the
listening te/t 0ou are going to hear.
13" (here was the la!dow!er fro)
a" ?ei6i!g" -" 7eoul"
," <ou!tryside" d" %okyo"
14" (ho was shouti!g)
a" %he la!dow!er"
," %he farer&s oldest so!"
-" %he la!dow!er&s you!gest so!"
d" %he farer&s you!gest so!"
15" #ow did the la!dow!er tell the
farer that he had e!ough food)
a" 4udely" -" #arshly"
," *olitely" d" 3!grily"
16" (hy did the ,oy shout :%here it is$
#e&s eati!g the dead -hi-ke!":
a" ?e-ause he did!&t wa!t to eat the
,oiled -hi-ke!"
," ?e-ause he did!&t wa!t the la!dow!er
to stop eati!g the ,oiled
-" ?e-ause he wa!ted to eat li0e
d" ?e-ause he wa!ted to eat the
,oiled -hi-ke!"
17" (hy did the la!dow!er ask the
ser0a!t to -lear the ta,le)
a" ?e-ause he thought he had ,ee!
ser0ed a lo!g;dead -hi-ke!"
," #e was !ot hu!gry"
-" #is stoa-h -ould!&t take a!y
ore food"
d" #e wa!ted the ta,le to ,e
-. *eading
)hoose the best answer to the
following questions.
+uestions 14124 are *ased on this te/t.
5aking an 6melette
%his is the way a! oelette should
,e ade" /t is iporta!t that the fryi!gpa!
should ,e propor tio!ate to the
!u,er of eggsE i! other words, to
the siGe of the oelette" %he fryi!gpa!
ust ,e ade of iro!, !ot of
alui!iu, ti! or e!ael" 3!d here
/ feel / ust stress a poi!t esse!tial to
what ight ,e -alled the ,a-kgrou!d
of oelette;aki!g, !aely that the
fryi!g;pa! ust !e0er ,e washed with
water ,ut ru,,ed, whe! hot, with salt
a!d tissueMpaper, as this is the o!ly
way to pre0e!t sti-ki!g"
+or three portio!s, we take siA eggs,
,reak the i!to a ,owl, seaso! the with
salt a!d freshly grou!d pepper, a!d add
a good teaspoo!ful of water" (e ,eat this
lightly with a fork or the wireM,roo, !ot
the whisk, u!til large ,u,,les for o!
the top" %his takes half a i!uteE it is fatal
to ,eat too lo!g" Mea!while, our fryi!gpa!
is getti!g hot, !ot too hot, a!d we
drop i! a! ou!-e a!d a half of ,utter, or
,utter a!d ,est lard, o0er a Bui-k flae
for a i!ute or two, u!til it gi0es !o
ore froth a!d has tur!ed light golde!"
(e gi0e our egg;iAture a!other stir
a!d pour it i!to the fa!, letti!g it spread
e0e!ly o0er the fryi!gMpa!"
3ll this is a swift ,usi!ess, a!d we
ay well feel a few eAtra heartM,eats
a!d a little ,reath less!ess at that
oe!t" %he flae is !ow tur!ed dow!
a little" (ith a fork or palette;k!ife Ja
fork sees to work parti-ularly wellK
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
we loose! the edges of the oelette
all rou!d a!d, o!-e or twi-e, i! the
iddle, letti!g the liBuid flow i!to the
epty spa-es, taki!g -are always to
o0e towards the iddle"
%his takes a,out two i!utes"
%he!, keepi!g as -al as we possi,ly
-a!, we fold it" %his is easy if we fold
o0er a!d pi! dow! with two or three
fork;pri-ks a,out a! i!-h a!d;a;half
&eview ) 77
of the oelette alo!g o!e side" %he!,
it is Buite easy to roll it i!to shape"
5ur oelette should ,e golde! ,row!
outside a!d wet i!side: baveuse, as the
-lassi-al +re!-h ter says" /t is the! slid
o! to a hot plate a!d its surfa-e ade
shi!y with a little ,utter" %his last tou-h
akes all the differe!-e"
Taken from
18" (hat is iporta!t a,out the fryi!g pa!)
a" /t should ,e the sae siGe as the
," /t should !e0er ,e a sall o!e"
-" /t should !e0er ,e too sall to
hold the eggs"
d" /t should !e0er ,e a 0ery flat
19" (hi-h of the followi!g fryi!gMpa!
is ao!g those e!tio!ed ,y the writer)
a" 5!e ade of alui!iu"
," 5!e ade of alui!iu a!d
-" 5!e ade of iro!"
d" 5!e ade of ti!
2." (hat is the o!ly way to pre0e!t sti-ki!g)
a" 4u,,i!g with hot salt a!d tissueM
," 4u,,i!g with hot water"
-" 4u,,i!g with salt a!d paper"
d" (ashi!g with salt a!d paper"
21" /s it a good thi!g to ,eat the oelette too
a" 1es"
," @o"
-" /t does!&t atter"
d" /t is ,etter tha! ,eati!g it for too
short a tie"
22" (he! should we pour i! the egg iAture)
a" (he! the flae gi0es !o ore froth"
," (he! the ,utter is a differe!t
-" 3 soo! as the flae is light
d" (he! the fryi!g;pa! is getti!g
23" (e ay well feel a few eAtra heartM
,eats ,e-ause "
a" we feel tired
," we feel ipatie!t
-" we feel relaAed
d" we&re i! a rush
24" (hat does the word baveuse ea!)
a" %he states of a! oelette"
," %he shape of a! oelette"
-" %he siGe of a! oelette"
d" 3! oelette ade i! +ra!-e"
25" Cia : 2o you ha0e a !ew agaGi!e)
3!i : 1es, " /t&s 0ery i!teresti!g"
a" here it is
," here they are
-" here is it
d" here are they
26" 8ka ! to y frie!d, 2edy"
2edy ! #ow do you do)
4e!i ! #ow do you do)
a" /&ll i!trodu-e
," 1ou are i!trodu-ed
-" (o!&t you i!trodu-e
d" Cet e i!trodu-e you
27" #eldy ! #ow do you do) My !ae
is #eldy"
+erry ! / a +erry"
a" >ood or!i!g"
," #ow are you)
-" #ow do you do)
d" Cet e i!trodu-e yself"
28" 80i ! (ill you -oe with e to the
3di ! "
80i ! 3lright" /&ll fet-h you at 8 p""
a" %hat&s 0ery ki!d of you, ,ut /&
0ery ,usy"
," %ha!ks a lot, ,ut soe other
tie, ay,e"
-" 1es, that would ,e 0ery !i-e"
d" /&d ,e u!happy to a--ept it"
29" %ea-her ! %ha!ks for your help,
7tude!t ! "
a" 2o!&t worry a,out it"
," 7orry, it did!&t work out"
-" 7ure" %oo ,ad it did!&t work"
d" 1ou are e!tirely wel-oe"
3." Oa!e ! (here did you go last !ight)
+ra!k ! " (hy)
a" / go to the -i!ea
," / we!t to the -i!ea
Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !
-" / ha0e go!e to the -i!ea
d" / was goi!g to the -i!ea
31" / her a ,u!-h of roses this or!i!g"
a" ga0e -" gi0e!
," gi0e d" gi0i!g
32" 2udi does his hoework ,y
a" hiself -" hi
," hisself d" he
33" (ho are )
a" thesel0es
," the
-" their
d" they
34" %he tea-her asks a stude!t to -oe
to s-hool o! tie"
a" 2id -oe o! tie"
," 2o -oe o! tie"
-" 2o you -oe o! tie)
d" 1ou did -oe o! tie"
35" 4a!dy : (hat&s wro!g with you) 1ou look
u!happy today"
7a!ia : / los t y pur s e thi s or!i!g"
4a!dy : 5h, how awful$ /& so sorry"
%he u!derli!ed se!te!-e eApresses
a" happi!ess" -" sypathy"
," gratitude" d" -oplie!t"
). .riting
'o the following tasks based on
the instruction.
7omlete the following senten&es
using a, an, or the.
Cook out of 36'''''''''' wi!dow of
37 ''''''''''house you are i! !ow you see
su-h 38 '''''''''',eautiful 0iew"
8se su*stitution form to fill in the
*lank sa&es.
39" 3 : 2o you thi!k our tea-her will
? : 1es, / thi!k "
4." 3 : (ill you -oe alo!g with e)
? : 1es, / "
7omlete the following senten&es using the &orre&t form of (er*.
41" 7he J,uyK a!y ,ooks fro /!do!esia! ?ook +air two o!ths ago"
42" 1esterday, she JreadK the ,ooks all day alo!g"
43" JputK the ,ooks i! their pre0ious pla-e"
44" / did !ot Jsha0eK this r!i!g,e-ause / was i! a hurry"
45" %hey JkillK the 0illagers a!d Jru! awayK to the 6u!gle"
Answer /ey
*eview +
A. ,istening
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Abidin | 2nstructional 2m*lementation Plan o. English, 7rade !

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