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a malignant epithelial cell neoplasm derived from any of the three(e) germ layers is referred to
A. sarcoma
B. carcinoma
C. teratoma
D. mixed cell tumor
E. adenoma
Answer: C

2. the study of neoplastic growths is referred to as:
A. tetralogy
B. anaplasia
C. oncology
D. neoplasia
E. dysplasia
Answer: C

3. a benign epithelial cell neoplasm derived from non-glandular surfaces is referred to as:
A. papilloma
B. sarcoma
C. adenoma
D. hamartoma
E. squamous cell carcinoma
Answer: A

4. which one of the following is not considered to be a distinctive pattern of non-neoplastic
A. regeneration
B. hypertrophy
C. hyperplasia'
D. anaplasia
E. metaplasia
Answer: D

5. each of the following is an anaplastic change except:
A. pleomorphism and hyperchromatism
B. increased mitosis and abnormal mitotic figures
C. nuclei that vary in shape and size
D. presence of undifferentiated cells
E. presence of abundant chromatin in cytoplasmic organelles
Answer: E

6. liver nodules that consist of congenital localized overgrowth of mature hepatocytes are
referred to as:
A. hepatomas
B. hamartomas
C. benign sarcomas
D. nodular hyperplasia
E. bile duct anaplasia
Answer: B

7. which of the following is least likely to be used as a means of distinguishing a benign from a
malignant neoplasm?
A. degree of cellular differentiation
B. rate of growth
C. type and amount of necrosis
D. evidence of metastasis
E. mode of spread
Answer: C

8. which one of the following neoplasms is highly invasive but seldom spread by metastisis?
A. papillomas of the skin
B. squamous cell carcinomas of the skin
C. adenocarcinomas of the lungs
D. basal cell carcinomas of the skin
E. osteogenic sarcomas of the limbs
Answer: D

9. which one of the following features is more characteristic of a benign than a malignant
A. grows by expansion and implantation occurs frequently
B. metastasizes if the brain is the site of origin
C. usually non-encapsulated and necrosis seldom occurs
D. tend to recur after surgical removal
E. usually occur singly and do not recur after surgical removal
Answer: E

10. which of the following is least likely to be the primary cause of neoplastic tranformation in
A. rna oncogenic viruses
B. radiation
C. chemical carcinogens
D. immunologic reactions mediated by ige
E. dna oncogenic viruses
Answer: D

11. which of the following is clearly contagious and can be spread by horizontal transmission?
A. rna virus induced feline leukemia and herpesvirus induced marek's disease in chicken
B. herpevirus induced burkitt's lymphoma in man and dna virus induced marek's disease in
C. polyoma virus induced leukemia in rats and simian vacuolating virus induced carcinomas in
D. rna feline leukemia virus in aged cats and herpesvirus induced malignant lymphomas in cattle
E. adenovirus induced papillomas in calves and herpesvirus induced mast cell tumors in dogs
Answer: A

12. there are at least three(3) groups of dna viruses known to have strong oncogenic potential in
animal systems. which one of the following is true for dna viruses with the capability of causing
neoplastic transformation
A. dna viruses do not replicate within host cells in which they induce neoplastic transformation
B. dna viruses are able to replicate within host cells and at the same time induce neoplastic
C. defective dna oncogenic viruses which lack the genetic information necessary for replication
are unable to cause neoplastic transformation
D. dna oncogenic viruses will cause neoplastic transformation only in cells derived from animal
species that are the normal host for the virus
E. oncogenic dna viruses possess the genetic information for the synthesis of rna-dependent dna
polymerase which is a requirement for neoplastic transformation
Answer: A

13. which one of the following is a feature of rna retroviruses
A. rna retroviruses do not replicate within host cells in which they induce neoplastic
B. rna retroviruses will cause neoplastic transformation only within non-permissive cells derived
from species that are not the normal host of the viruses
C. rna retroviruses are able to replicate within host cells and at the same time induce neoplastic
D. rna retroviruses possess the genetic information for the synthesis of reverse transcriptase
which causes neoplastic transformation when inserted into the mitochondria of susceptible cells
E. when rna retroviruses induce cellular transformation, complete virons are not produced and/or
Answer: C

14. more than 200 years ago, the london surgeon sir percival pott correctly attributed scrotal skin
cancer in chimney sweeps to chronic exposure to soot. today, many chemical agents are well-
established carcinogens. which one of the following is not true for chemical carcinogens
A. chemical carcinogens are of diverse structure and both synthetic and natural products are
capable of causing neoplastic transformation
B. there is strong evidence that carcinogenic chemicals ultimately exert their effect by binding to
dna to induce a mutation
C. chemical carcinogenesis is dosedependent and the effects are irreversible carconogenic
effect, but they augment the action of cocarcinogens
D. in chemical carcinogenesis, there is a lag period between exposure and the appearance of
E. procarcinogens are chemical agents which by themselves have no carconogenic effect, but
they augment the action of cocarcinogens
Answer: C

15. which one of the following is considered to be the hallmark of malignancy
A. anaplasia and the rate of growth of the neoplastic mass
B. metastasis and the degree of encapsulation of the neoplastic mass
C. formation of giant cells and cellular anaplasia within and around the neoplastic mass
D. presence of undifferentiated cells and evidence of metastasis
E. cellular anaplasia and growth by expansion of the neoplastic mass
Answer: D

16. in general, the incidence of neoplasms is higher in the dog than in other species. which one
of the following groups of neoplasms occur with the greatest frequency in the dog?
A. mast cell tumors, malignant lymphomas, testicular tumors, melanotic tumors
B. osteogenic sarcomas, perianal gland tumors, leiomyomas, mammary tumors.
C. sarcomas of the skin, hemangiosarcomas, basal cell tumors, rhabdomyomas.
D. mast cell tumors, testicular tumors, mammary tumors, sweat gland tumors
E. hamartoma, adenoma of skin epithelium, histocytoma, hemangiosarcoma
Answer: A

17. metastasis refers to the spread of neoplastic cells from one part of the body to another. which
one of the following is true for metastasic neoplasms in animals.
A. the lungs, heart, and brain are considered to be the most common sites for tumor emboli to
B. there is a tendency for sarcomas to metastasize by way of lymphatic, whereas connective
tissue neoplasms tend to metastasize by way of the bloodstream
C. there is a tendency for connective tissue neoplasms to metastasize by way of lymphatic,
whereas carcinomas tend to metastasize by implantation
D. it is more common for carcinomas to metastasize by way of lymphatics, whereas sarcomas
tend to metastasize by way of the bloodstream with a high degree of frequency
E. well-differentiated benign neoplasms are more likely to metastasize to remote sites in the body
than anaplastic neoplasms
Answer: D

18. which of the following is an appropriate definition of a neoplasm?
A. the term neoplasm refers to a new growth of tissue in which the growth rate is simular and is
coordinated with that of normal tissue; it serves no useful function, and persists in the same
excessive manner after cessation of the stimuli which evoked the change
B. the term neoplasm refers to a new growth of tissue in which the growth rate exceeds and is
uncoordinated with that of normal tissue; it serves no useful function, and regulatory mechanisms
of cell contact inhibition, differentiation, and mitosis are defective; it persists in the same
excessive manner after cessation of the stimuli which evoked the change.
C. the term neoplasm refers to a controlled new growth of cells in which regulatory mechanisms
of differentiation and mitosis are defective, but cell contact inhibition is normal; such a growth
abates when the inciting stimulus is removed and/or destroyed
D. the term neoplasm refers simply to a swelling of tissue; however, the term is often used
synonymously with cancer.
E. the term neoplasia refers to a new growth of cells that is welldifferentiated, is not
lifethreatening, grows rather slowly, will not metastasize, and is amendable to treatment.
Answer: B

19. the process of neoplastic cells moving through the circulatory system and becoming lodged
in a vessel causing obstruction is referred to as:
A. anaplasia
B. neoplasia
C. thrombosis
D. transplantation
E. embolism
Answer: E

20. age and sex are considered to be important factors that predispose animals to neoplasia.
which one of the following is not true for these two predisposing factors?
A. neoplasms are usually more frequent in older than in younger animals
B. sarcomas are more common in younger animals than neoplasms derived from epithelial cells
C. in general, the incidence of neoplasms in the two sexes is approximately the same; however,
the type of neoplasms vary
D. the canine transmissible veneral tumors are more common in relatively young dogs during the
years of greatest sexual activity
E. neoplasms of the perianal glands of the dog is more common in the female than in the male
suggesting a hormonal relationship
Answer: E

21. the most common method employed to diagnose neoplasis in animals is which one of the
A. exfoliative cytology
B. biopsy technique
C. radiographic techniques
D. chemical analysis
E. fluorescent antibody test
Answer: B

22. which of the following is the most common neoplasm of the eye and related structures of
A. squamous cell carcinoma
B. basal cell carcinoma
C. adenocarcinoma
D. fibrosarcoma
E. chemodectoma
Answer: A

23. a neoplasm composed of a variety of cell types representing more than one germ layer is
referred to as:
A. papilloma
B. carcinoma
C. teratoma
D. sarcoma
E. polyp
Answer: C

24. the most common neoplasm encountered in cat is:
A. mast cell tumors
B. squamous cell carcinoma
C. oral papilloma
D. malignant lymphoma
E. teratoma
Answer: D

25. the most common neoplasm encountered in the myocardium and abomasum of adult cattle
A. hemangiopericytoma
B. rhabdomyoma
C. malignant lymphoma
D. basal cell carcinoma
E. adenocarcinoma
Answer: C

26. cutaneous papillomatosis is most common in:
A. canine
B. porcine
C. equine
D. bovine
E. feline
Answer: D

27. in cattle, which one of the following neoplasms is more likely to metastasize to orbital sites
resulting in protrusion of the eyeball?
A. malignant lymphoma
B. rhabdomyoma
C. leiomyoma
D. adenocarcinoma
E. squamous cell carcinoma
Answer: A

28. the process by which glandular epithelium of the prostate is transformed into squamous
epithelium following prolonged administration of estrogens is known as:
A. neoplasia
B. dysplasia
C. hyperplasia
D. metaplasia
E. anaplasia
Answer: D

29. which one of the following neoplasms is commonly associated with femininity in male dogs?
A. pheochromocytoma
B. interstitial cell tumor
C. granulosa cell tumor
D. sertoli cell tumor
E. seminoma
Answer: D

30. the neoplasm least likely to be caused by a viral agent is:
A. malignant lymphoma of cats
B. cutaneous papillomas of cattle
C. squamous cell carcinoma
D. equine sarcoid
E. transmissible fibrosarcomas of cats
Answer: C

31. spirocerca lupi of dogs has been incriminated as a likely cause of:
A. malignant lymphomas and rhabdomyomas of the esophagus
B. osteogenic sarcomas and fibrosarcomas of the esophagus
C. mast cell tumors and histocytomas of the esophagus
D. fibrosarcomas and adenocarcinomas of the esophagus
E. squamous cell carcinomas and osteogenic sarcoma of the esophagus
Answer: B

32. which one of the following neoplasms can be transplanted from animal to animal by whole
cells in the natural state?
A. fibrosarcoma of horses
B. histocytomas of dogs
C. leiomyoma of cattle
D. pheochromatoma of cats
E. canine veneral tumor
Answer: E

33. which one of the following neoplasms is least likely to be congenital in origin?
A. embryonal nephromas of pigs
B. basal cell tumors of dogs
C. mesothelioma of cattle
D. rhabdomyoma of pigs
E. lymphosarcoma of cattle
Answer: B

34. which one of the following breeds has the highest "risk" to various kinds of neoplasms?
A. boxer dog
B. german shepherd dog
C. arabian horse
D. jersey cow
E. great dane dog
Answer: A

35. the highest incidence of ocular squamous cell carcinomas is most likely to occur in:
A. angus cattle
B. hereford cattle
C. holstein cattle
D. shorthorn cattle
E. grey horses
Answer: B

36. the highest incidence of osteogenic sarcoma is most likely to occur in:
A. boston terrier and scottish terrier
B. pekingese and chihuahua
C. great dane and st. bernard
D. poodles and pomeranian
E. hereford and holstein cattle
Answer: C

37. which one of the following is not true for neoplasms in animals?
A. overall incidence of neoplasms is greater in female dogs than in males
B. overall incidence of neoplasms is greater in male cats than in females
C. malignant lymphomas occur more commonly in male cats than in females
D. malignant lymphomas occur more commonly in female cattle than in male cattle
E. benign mixed mammary neoplasms occur more frequently in male dogs than in female dogs
Answer: E

38. the neoplasms least likely to regress spontaneously is:
A. histocytoma of dogs
B. mast cell tumor of dogs
C. canine venereal tumor of dogs
D. oral papillomas of dogs
E. cutaneous papillomas of cattle
Answer: B

39. which one of the following is least likely to act as a precancerous lesion in animals?
A. benign neoplasms
B. papillomas of the bovine eye
C. melanoblastic activity in the skin of old grey horses
D. cryptorchism in the dog and horse
E. acute inflammation in the colon of aged horses
Answer: E

40. the most common neoplasm of the equine skin is considered to be:
A. melanoma
B. malignant melanoma
C. sarcoid
D. mast cell tumor
E. squamous cell carcinoma
Answer: C

41. a neoplasm consisting of large oval cells with cyoplasmic granules that stain metachromatic
with "toluidine blue" is most likely a:
A. histocytoma
B. squamous cell carcinoma
C. hemangiopericytoma
D. mastocytoma
E. oral papilloma
Answer: D

42. each of the following has been reported in animal species other than the dog except:
A. hemangiopericytoma
B. hemangiosarcoma
C. mastocytoma
D. rhabdomyoma
E. myxosarcoma
Answer: A

43. which one of the following breeds is predisposed to the development of both mastocytomas
and histocytomas of the skin?
A. german shepherd
B. shetland sheepdog
C. border collies
D. boxer
E. st. bernard
Answer: D

44. which one of the following neoplasms of the dogs skin is most likely to be small in size (less
than 2 cm in diameter), domed-shaped, grows rapidly, consists of cells with a high miotic index,
never metastasizes, and occurs most frequently in young animals?
A. mastocytoma
B. squamous cell carcinoma
C. hemangiopericytoma
D. perianal gland tumor
E. histocytoma
Answer: E

45. the neoplasm that occurs with the highest frequency in the dog is:
A. mastocytoma
B. malignant lymphoma
C. squamous cell carcinoma
D. osteogenic sarcoma
E. histocytoma
Answer: B

46. the presence of gastric ulcers, ulcers of the duodenum, focal glomerulitis, defects in
immunologic responsiveness, and a prolonged clotting time in a dog is most likely to be
associated with:
A. histocytoma
B. pheochromocytoma
C. mastocytoma
D. squamous cell carcinoma
E. osteogenic sarcoma
Answer: C

47. which one of the following is not true for an hemangioma and/or hemangiosarcoma:
A. hemangiosarcoma is a highly malignant neoplasm and metastasis occur early since the
neoplastic cells have easy access to vascular channels
B. the spleen, right heart, and liver are common sites of origin for hemangiosarcomas, whereas
hemangiomas occur most frequently in the skin and subcutis
C. evidence suggest that hemangiosarcomas arise de novo rather than from pre-existing
D. hemangiomas have a tendency to metastasize to the lungs since the tumor cells have easy
access to the bloodstream
E. the german shepherd is the breed most commonly affected with heman giosarcomas,
whereas there is no known breed predisposition for hemangiomas
Answer: D

48. which one of the following is not true for cutaneous papilloma of cattle?
A. bovine cutaneous papilloma virus will cause fibropapillomas of the genital mucosa of cattle
B. bovine cutaneous papilloma virus may induce connective tissue neoplasms in a variety of
animal species under experimental conditions
C. cattle can be immunized against cutaneous papillomatosis so that they are resistant to
subsequent infections
D. bovine cutaneous papillomas are caused by rna viruses which belong to the papova virus
E. bovine cutaneous papillomatosis usually affect cattle under 2years of age and the head, neck,
and shoulders are the most common body sites affected
Answer: D

49. the following are features of the intracutaneous cornifying epithelioma except:
A. occurs only in the dog and it is limited to the skin
B. does not metastasize; however, multiple skin mases may develop
C. norwegian elkhound is predisposed to the neoplasm and multiple skin masses usually occur
D. oftentimes referred to as a keratoacanthoma and/or squamous papilloma
E. caused by a rna herpesvirus
Answer: E

50. which of the following neoplasms has a tendency to develop in areas of unpigmented skin:
A. squamous cell carcinoma
B. mastocytoma
C. basal cell epithelioma
D. histocytoma
E. hemangiopericytoma
Answer: A

51. a neoplasm characterized by the presence of "cancer pearls" and intercellular bridges is most
likely a:
A. basal cell epithelioma
B. pheochromocytoma
C. squamous cell carcinoma
D. histocytoma
E. perianal gland adenoma
Answer: C

52. the most common epithelial cell skin neoplasm in the dog is:
A. squamous cell carcinoma
B. sebaceous gland tumors
C. sweat gland tumors
D. trichoepitheliomas
E. basal cell epithelioma
Answer: B

53. which one of the following breeds seems to be predisposed to basal cell epitheliomas,
sebaceous cell tumors, and perianal gland adenomas
A. boxer
B. german shepherd
C. norwegian elk hound
D. cocker spaniel
E. weimaraner
Answer: D

54. neoplastic masses located adjacent to the anus of a dog in which the cut surface is tan and
lobulated is most likely a:
A. sweat gland tumor
B. squamous cell carcinoma
C. perianal gland adenoma
D. malignant melanoma
E. histocytoma
Answer: C

55. which one of the following is not true for melanocytic neoplasms in domestic animals:
A. in dogs, most oral melanocytic neoplasms are malignant, whereas most cutaneous
melanocytic neoplasms are benign
B. there is a tendency for aged grey horses to develop melanocytic neoplasms; the highest
incidence occurs in the arabian breed
C. in dogs, the highest incidence of melanocytic neoplasms occurs in breeds with greater skin
D. in swine, melanocytic neoplasms usually occur congenitally or in very young animals
E. the dopa reaction is not a reliable means of identifying melanocytes in malignant melanocytic
Answer: E

56. a neoplasm composed of interlacing bundles of fiber in which the nuclei are centrally located
in cross-sections, and "cigar-shaped" with rounded blunted ends in long longitudinal sections is
most likely a:
A. fibrosarcoma
B. leiomyoma
C. neurofibroma
D. rhabdomyoma
E. equine sarcoid
Answer: B

57. smooth muscle neoplasms are infrequently reported in animals. in large animals mos
leiomyomas occur in:
A. heart
B. intestinal tract
C. vagina and uterus
D. stomach
E. ovaries and kidneys
Answer: C

58. which one of the following is not true for neoplasms of striated muscles?
A. the diagnosis of striated muscle neoplasms depends on microscopic demonstration of cross-
striated filaments in at least one cell which is clearly part of the neoplasm
B. the great majority of benign striated muscle neoplasmas(rhabdomyomas have been reported
as occurring in the heart
C. striated muscle neoplasms are rare as naturally occurring phenomena
D. most benign striated muscle neoplasms(rhabdomyomas) are considered to be congenital in
E. malignant striated muscle neoplasms(rhabdomyosarcoma) do not arise in sites where no
striated muscle is ordinarily found
Answer: E

59. malignant neoplasms originating from bone occur primarily in:
A. cats
B. dogs
C. horses
D. swine
E. goats
Answer: B

60. which one of the following is not true for osteogenic sarcoma in dogs:
A. neoplasms occur more frequently in the front limbs than in the rear limbs
B. very high serum alkaline levels are definitive indicators of the neoplastic disease
C. neoplasms are more likely to develop on the distal end of the radius and proximal end of the
femur; the elbow joint is seldom involved
D. neoplasms of the ribs are usually located near the costochondral junction and they tend to
occur more often in young adult dogs
E. neoplasms of the skull occurs most commonly in the boxer breed
Answer: B

61. osteogenic sarcomas are least likely to occur in:
A. great danes
B. german shepherds
C. pekingese
D. irish setter
E. st. bernard
Answer: C

62. which of the following is not true for malignant lymphoma(lymphosarcoma) in cats:
A. it is the most common neoplasm of cats
B. most cats are dead within 8-weeks after the neoplasm is detected
C. the most common anatomic form is the "alimentary"
D. a leukemic blood picture is a characteristic feature of malignant lymphoid neoplasms
E. there are no good immunologic or epidemiologic data to support the idea of transfer of feline
lymphosarcoma virus from cat to man
Answer: D

63. a neoplasm in which epithelial cells and lymphoid cells are essential neoplastic components
is most likely a:
A. pheochromocytoma
B. chemodectoma
C. adamantinoma
D. thymoma
E. dysgerminoma
Answer: D

64. which one of the following is not a feature in dogs with hormone-secreting sertoli cell tumors?
A. enlargement of the mammary gland
B. squamous metaplasia of prostatic acinar epithelial cells
C. bilateral symmetrical alopecia
D. atrophy of the uninvolved testis
E. hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, and acanthosis of the skin
Answer: E

65. the following statements are true for transmissible venereal tumors of the dog except:
A. the exact cell of origin is not definitely known
B. female dogs have a higher incidence than males
C. significant and constant karyotypic differences exist between normal dog cells and cells of the
D. neoplasms are most common during the years of greatest sexual activity
E. in nature, neoplasms are induced by a herpesvirus
Answer: E

66. the majority of mammary gland neoplasms reported in the dog are:
A. benign mixed mammary tumors
B. malignant mixed mammary tumors
C. myoepitheliomas
D. adenocarcinomas
E. adenomas
Answer: A

67. which one of the following is not true for mammary gland neoplasms in the dog?
A. ovariectomy has a sparing effect on the formation of mammary neoplasms in dogs, especially
when performed prior to the first estrus cycle
B. the highest incidence of mammary neoplasms occur in the two most caudal mammary glands
of dogs
C. mixed mammary neoplasms are derived from more than a single germ layer or from more
than one derivative of a single germ layer
D. in cats, most mammary neoplasms occur in cranial two mammary glands
E. a mixed mammary neoplasm is composed of multiple tissues foreign to the part in which they
Answer: E

68. which of the following is not true for pheochromoctyomas
A. most common neoplas arising from the adrenal medulla in cattle and dogs
B. norepinephrine is the principal catecholamine extracted from the neoplasm in dogs
C. in cattle, the neoplasm elicits nymphomania behavior
D. there is a tendency for larger neoplasms to invade into the posterior vena cava
E. primary fixation of the neoplasm in potassium dichromate (zenker's etc.) give a positive
chromaffin reaction which is helpful in making a definitive diagnosis
Answer: C

69. the most common primary intraocular neoplasm encountered in animals is:
A. squamous cell carcinoma
B. malignant melanoma
C. malignant lymphoma
D. astrocytoma
E. benign melanomas
Answer: B

70. a benign neoplasm derived from glandular epithelial cells is referred to as:
A. papilloma
B. polyp
C. carcinoma
D. adenoma
E. sarcoid
Answer: D

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