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A comparison between an Indian company and a MNC in

In telecom sector.
Submitted for the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award
Ne*a &pad*yay
(idis*a (*attac*arya

This is to certify that the work presented in the thesis entitled RETENTION
STRATEGIES IN PRIVATE SECTOR in partial f!lfil"ent of the re#!ire"ent for the
award of $e%ree of POST GRA$&ATION $IP'O(A IN (ANAGE(ENT fro" IIP(
NE) $E'*I is an a!thentic work carried o!t !nder "y s!per+ision and %!idance,
To the -est of "y knowled%e. the content of this thesis does not for" a -asis for the
award of any pre+io!s $e%ree to any one else,
Si%nat!re of %!ide
I a" +ery %ratef!l to "y instit!te for %i+in% "e the opport!nity of workin% in this pro0ect
and for %i+in% "e !sef!l instr!ction,
I e1tend "y re%ards and sincere thanks to 2idisha 2hattacharya with who" s!pport 3
effort. I ha+e co"pleted "y pro0ect,
Also I a" thankf!l to the "ana%e"ent and e"ployees of CO(VIVA and &NINOR for
allowin% "e to "ake this pro0ect and takin% o!t their +al!a-le ti"e to fill !p the
#!estionnaires and ena-lin% "e to co"plete this pro0ect.
Neha &padhyay
is here-y appro+ed as a credita-le st!dy of research topic and has -een presented in
satisfactory "anner to warrant its acceptance as pre4re#!isite to the de%ree for which it
has -een s!-"itted,
It is !nderstood that -y this appro+al. the !ndersi%ned do not necessarily endorse any
concl!sion drawn or opinion e1pressed therein. -!t appro+e the thesis for the p!rpose
for which it is s!-"itted,
(Internal Examiner) (External Examiner)
(Head ! De"artment)
P"#os$ %&' i&t$&t
Po'"*ts %&' s$+i*$s.
U&i&o i& so*i$t!
Po'"*ts %&' s$+i*$s
E(#.o!$$ $t$&tio&
C,%&/i&/ '$(o/%#,!
N$$' o0 t,$ st"'!
E(#.o!$s %&' t,$i 1$! 'i+$s to $t%i& t%.$&t
T!#$ o0 $&+io&($&t $(#.o!$$s &$$' i& % *o(#%&!
Pri+ate sector or%ani5ations are ac!tely aware of the need to attract and retain co""itted staff
and "!ch has -een done to pro+ide fra"eworks with which or%ani5ations can operate with
consistency and confidence,
Or%ani5ations can6t force. -e%. or -!y the type of workforce needed to s!cceed today, As
-!siness leaders str!%%le to -oost the ret!rn on their h!"an capital and flawlessly e1ec!te their
latest -!siness strate%ies. it6s no wonderin% that e"ployee retention a top priority,
This Pro0ect is all a-o!t the strate%ies which pri+ate co"panies !se to retain their -est talent in
the co"pany and how effecti+e these strate%ies are,
I ha+e considered two co"panies fro" teleco" sector, The first one is an Indian co"pany that
is CO(VIVA and the other one is an (NC &NINOR, A co"parison is done -etween -oth the
co"panies re%ardin% how they s!cceed in retainin% e"ployees,
A s!r+ey has -een done of 78 respondents each fro" each co"pany "akin% a total of 988
respondents !sin% a #!estionnaire and on the -asis of their responses analyses thro!%h pie
charts and -ar dia%ra"s ha+e -een done,
Vario!s factors ha+e -een considered like trainin% and de+elop"ent. co"pensation. rewards.
work life -alance. ad+ance"ent opport!nities. senior "ana%e"ent s!pport. e"ployee
participation etc which leads to satisfaction a"on% e"ployees and hence helps to retain the",
Also the stip!lated ti"e for the pro0ect is ins!fficient to !nder%o an e1ha!sti+e st!dy a-o!t the
topic assi%ned and "oreo+er the scope of the topic :Retention strate%ies; is wide eno!%h. so it
is diffic!lt to co+er the entire topic within the stip!lated ti"e
Employee retention is a process in w*ic* t*e employees are enco.ra/ed to remain wit* t*e
or/ani0ation %or t*e ma1im.m period o% time or .ntil t*e completion o% t*e pro2ect. Employee
retention is bene%icial %or t*e or/ani0ation as well as t*e employee. Employees today are
di%%erent. T*ey are not t*e ones w*o don3t *a4e /ood opport.nities in *and. As soon as t*ey %eel
dissatis%ied wit* t*e c.rrent employer or t*e 2ob5 t*ey switc* o4er to t*e ne1t 2ob. It is t*e
responsibility o% t*e employer to retain t*eir best employees. I% t*ey don3t5 t*ey wo.ld be le%t
wit* no /ood employees. A /ood employer s*o.ld 6now *ow to attract and retain its employees.
Most employees %eel t*at t*ey are wort* more t*an t*ey are paid. T*ere is a nat.ral
disparity between w*at people t*in6 t*ey s*o.ld be paid and w*at
Or/ani0ations spend in compensation. 7*en t*e di%%erence becomes too /reat and anot*er
opport.nity occ.rs5 t.rno4er can Pay is de%ined as t*e wa/es5 salary5 or compensation
/i4en to an employee in e1c*an/e %or ser4ices t*e employee per%orms %or t*e or/ani0ation. Pay
is more t*an 8dollars and cents98 it also ac6nowled/es t*e wort* and 4al.e o% t*e *.man
contrib.tion. 7*at people are paid *as been s*own to *a4e a clear5 reliable impact on t.rno4er in
n.mero.s st.dies.
Employees comprise t*e most 4ital assets o% t*e company. In a wor6 place w*ere employees are
not able to .se t*eir %.ll potential and not *eard and 4al.ed5 t*ey are li6ely to lea4e o%
stress and %r.stration. In a transparent en4ironment w*ile employees /et a sense o% ac*ie4ement
and belon/in/ness %rom a *ealt*y wor6 en4ironment5 t*e company is bene%ited wit* a stron/er5
reliable wor6:%orce *arbo.rin/ bri/*t new ideas %or its /rowt* (lo/ Online And Earn Money.
To identi%y t*e strate/ies .sed by pri4ate companies to retain <.ality sta%%.
To ma6e a comparison between t*e strate/ies .sed by an Indian company
and an MNC.
To analy0e t*e e%%ecti4eness o% t*e strate/ies .sed to retain <.ality sta%%.
To /i4e some s.//estions so as to impro4e t*e present system o% employee

I&'i%& *o(#%&!
Com4i4a adds 4al.e to t*e mobile ser4ice pro4ider3s b.siness and operational en4ironment5
creatin/ s.bscriber stic6iness 4ia inno4ati4e prod.cts5 applications and ser4ice o%%erin/s t*at
cater to e4ery aspect o% t*e s.bscriber wis* list5 w*ilst addressin/ critical operational
con%rontin/ t*e mobile ser4ice pro4ider today.
7it* an e1tensi4e port%olio o% sol.tions t*at dri4es content5 commerce and comm.nity:%oc.sed
ser4ices and %or operators5 Com4i4a enables mobile .sers to interact and access
in%otainment easily.
Operator /oals o% impro4in/ per%ormance and en*ancin/ t*e .ser ser4ice e1perience are
s.pported wit* sol.tions t*at enable rapid and pro%itable ser4ice e1tension to new and e1istin/
s.bscriber se/ments5 w*ilst enablin/ end:to:end ser4ice and c.stomer li%ecycle mana/ement.
A /lobal leader5 Com4i4a3s sol.tions power 4al.e added ser4ices %or operator c.stomers in o4er
=" co.ntries worldwide.
Co#o%t$ ,isto!.
-ormed in #>>>5 Com4i4a *as /rown rapidly to become a reco/ni0ed leader in t*e pro4ision o%
inte/rated VAS sol.tions to t*e mobile world.
Initially5 Com4i4a %oc.sed closely on ser4in/ t*e needs o% operators in its *ome mar6et o% India5
be%ore ta6in/ sol.tions to rapidly /rowin/ mar6ets o4erseas.
(y meetin/ t*e di4erse demands o% operators in a o% locations5 Com4i4a rapidly
/ained local mar6et e1pertise and 6now:*ow5 w*ic* it now e1ploits to pro4ide a di%%erentiated
port%olio o% o%%erin/s across t*e /lobe.
Com4i4a *as /rown <.ic6ly in t*e decade since its %ormation5 bot* or/anically and
inor/anically. In !""!5 Com4i4a mer/ed wit* CellClo.d Tec*nolo/ies.
In !""?5 Com4i4a attracted ma2or in4estment %rom leadin/ b.siness * and
capitalists5 namely t*e (*arti /ro.p5 Se<.oia Capital and Cisco Systems5 %or t*e p.rpose o%
e1peditin/ /rowt*.
In late !""@5 Com4i4a ac<.ired Aataay. So%tware 'imited5 a leadin/ player in t*e mobile Internet
T*e company3s name was c*an/ed to Com4i4a Tec*nolo/ies 'imited5 %rom (*arti T$.$so0t
Li(it$'; i& A#i. 2887.
P"#os$ %&' i&t$&t.
Com4i4a3s core p.rpose dri4es t*e company3s strate/y5 pro4ides a %oc.s %or prod.ct and ser4ice
de4elopment and /.ides its approac* to deli4ery and c.stomer ser4ice.
Core P.rpose
To enric* t*e li4es o% o4er a billion people wit* 4al.e added telecom sol.tions t*at en*ance t*eir
li4eli*ood and li%estyle.
Com4i4a *as %orm.lated ambitio.s /oals %or t*e comin/ B years5 re%lected in t*e company3s
To be n.mber one in its c*osen mar6ets5 ac*ie4ed based on a %o.ndation o% e1cellence5
inno4ation and partners*ips.
Com4i4a *as artic.lated t*at will s.pport t*e company in reali0in/ its core p.rpose and
intent. T*ese are;
E1cellence C C.stomer Centricity C Responsi4eness C Inte/rity C People -oc.s.
Com4i4a *as deployed prod.cts and sol.tions in o4er =" co.ntries wit* its deployments enablin/
4al.e added ser4ices %or o4er ?"" million s.bscribers worldwide.
'atin America
Middle east
Asia paci%ic
7inner o% t*e Golden Peacoc6 Award %or Mobile Internet Gateway
7inner o% t*e A%rica COM Awards
7inner o% t*e Golden Peacoc6 Award %or SIM
7inner o% t*e Golden Peacoc6 Award %or ,.b Tec*nolo/y and Sol.tions
GSMA3s Mobile Money %or t*e &nban6ed
GSMA Global Mobile Awards
eloitte Tec*nolo/y !""=.
Golden Peacoc6 Award %or Inno4ation !""=
GSMA Mobile Asia Con/ress Awards
A%rica COM Awards C s*ort listed %or C*ar/in/ Pro1y enterprise sol.tion
Golden Peacoc6 Award %or Inno4ation !""@

eloitte Tec*nolo/y !""D
SIMa/ine Award E-eb !""?
Red ,errin/ Award EA./.st !""?F
eloitte Tec*nolo/y Eec !""?F
I&'"st! %sso*i%tio&.
GSM Association.
IAMAI. T*e Internet G Mobile Association o% India.
MMA. Mobile mar6etin/ association.
MP-I. Mobile payment %or.m o% India.
I&t$/%t$' Mo9i.$ VAS So."tio&s
As a /lobal leader in t*e pro4ision o% inte/rated VAS5 Com4i4a creates inno4ati4e5 timely5 and
compellin/ sol.tions t*at enable ser4ice pro4iders to .nleas* t*e %.ll power o% mobile
comm.nications C w*ilst deli/*tin/ c.stomers5 dri4in/ re4en.es5 and deli4erin/ bottom:line
T*e bea.ty o% t*e Com4i4a port%olio lies in its inte/rated approac* to sol.tion b.ildin/. Prod.cts
are standards based5 enablin/ easy inte/ration into t*e operator3s networ6 en4ironment. T*e
port%olio is broad5 pro4idin/ operators wit* an end:to:end ser4ice deli4ery partner. Com4i4a3s
Mana/ed Ser4ices o%%erin/ %.rt*er rein%orces t*is capability by pro4idin/ end:to:end
mana/ement o% t*e operator3s port%olio o% 4al.e added sol.tions
1. Voi*$ A##.i*%tio&s
A''i&/ V%."$ to Voi*$
Voice based ser4ices are 6ey to dri4in/ VAS .pta6e in emer/in/ mar6ets5 w*ere many
s.bscriber se/ments %ace t*e c*allen/e o% low literacy le4els. Com4i4a o%%ers a s.ite o% 4oice
applications t*at enco.ra/e 4al.e added ser4ice e1ploration and .sa/e by a /rowin/ n.mber o%
s.bscribers w*o pre%er 4oice:based interactions.
A//$/%t$' Voi*$ A##.i*%tio&s N$t)o1 <AVAN=
AVAN enables deli4ery o% an .nlimited port%olio o% 4oice:acti4ated ric* applications5 wit*o.t
.p%ront in4estment5 creatin/ a s.stainable competiti4e ad4anta/e in rapidly /rowin/ mar6ets
Pro4ides intelli/ent 4oice C and te1t : searc* on all a4ailable store%ronts5 enablin/ %aster location
o% desired content
A li4elier5 more personal alternati4e to Internet c*at t*at .nites people and creates lastin/
s.scriber loyalty
As simple as SMS5 b.t wit* t*e added ad4anta/es o% addin/ real emotion to a messa/e
Vit"%. SIM
Enables operators to e1tend a%%ordable mobile comm.nication ser4ices to new se/ments <.ic6ly
and cost:e%%ecti4e.
2. Mo9i.$ M"si*
M.sic applications trans%orm t*e mobile e1perience5 enablin/ .sers to en2oy m.sic
independently and collaborati4ely C and pro4idin/ a constantly c*an/in/ so.rce o% entertainment
%or .sers and a s.stainable re4en.e stream %or operators. Com4i4a contin.o.sly inno4ates to
deploy new mobile m.sic ser4ices t*at t*e ima/ination o% t*e entire s.bscriber base.
Co.o Ri&/ B%*1 To&$
Bi/,t$&i&/ t,$ C%..$ E>#$i$&*$
Com4i4a3s Color Rin/ (ac6 Tone ECR(TF5 w*ic* replaces t*e traditional Hdrin/ drin/3 wit* a
personally c*osen t.ne5 ser4es o4er #B million s.bscribers worldwide5 and *as dramatically
impro4ed t*e re4en.e streams o% many operators across t*e /lobe.
7it* interestin/ t.nes to listen to5 callers are *appy to wait %or t*e called party to answer t*e
p*one5 meanin/ en*anced call completion. To entertain t*eir callers5 s.bscribers ent*.siastically
select appropriate t.nes5 c*an/in/ t*ese on a re/.lar basis5 w*ic* translates into increased
c.stomer satis%action and %or t*e operator.
E&,%&*$'; S"st%i&%9.$ R$+$&"$ St$%(
CR(T is constantly e4ol4in/5 o%%erin/ new ser4ice propositions5 s.c* as Ads R(T and Greetin/
T.nes5 creatin/ a s.stainable re4en.e stream %or operators and c.stomer deli/*t %or s.bscribers
P$so&%.i?%tio& *$%t$s Lo!%.t!
(y o%%erin/ /reat capacity to personali0e rin/ bac6 tones5 CR(T taps into .ser creati4ity and
/enerates s.bscriber stic6iness by pro2ectin/ t*e .ser3s indi4id.ality
A+%i.%9.$ to A..
,andset and SIM independent5 CR(T is a4ailable to all s.bscribers5 w*et*er prepaid5 postpaid5
%i1ed or wireless
4$$ti&/ T"&$s
T"&$s 0o F$sti+$ O**%sio&s
Greetin/ T.nes b.ilds on t*e s.ccess o% Com4i4a3s Color Rin/ (ac6 Tone ECR(TF5 o%%erin/
operators t*e opport.nity to attract new s.bscribers wit* a %esti4e approac* to m.sical rin/ bac6
S.bscribers simply c*oose a %esti4e to a special occasion5 s.c* as t*e New )ear5 and
t*e operator plays t*e /reetin/ %or a speci%ic period.
E&,%&*$s C"sto($ 3$.i/,t
Greetin/ T.nes o%%ers a new way %or s.bscribers to entertain t*eir callers and con4ey t*e mood
o% a special occasion or %esti4al
A''itio&%. CRBT R$+$&"$ St$%(
Greetin/ T.nes o%%ers operators a new re4en.e stream C and w*en attractin/ new s.bscribers5 t*e
opport.nity to con4ert t*ese to t*e %.ll CR(T ser4ice
No A''itio&%. I&+$st($&t
Operators wit* t*e CR(T plat%orm need ma6e no additional in4estment to o%%er Greetin/ T.nes
P$so&%.i?$' Mo9i.$ M%1$ti&/
A constant companion5 t*e mobile is a per%ect medi.m %or tar/eted mar6etin/ campai/ns.
Com4i4a3s Ads R(T allows s.bscribers to rent o.t t*eir rin/ bac6 tone %or promotional
p.rposes. It en/a/es cons.mers in a *i/*ly personali0ed manner5 e1ploitin/ ad4anced pro%ilin/
tec*ni<.es to more acc.rately deli4er rele4ant promotional messa/es C impro4in/ t*e li6eli*ood
o% brand recall.
-or ad4ertisers5 Ads R(T is a *i/*ly e%%ecti4e promotional tool as t*e caller pays .ndi4ided
attention to t*e mar6etin/ messa/e : and wit* a s.bscriber recei4in/ many calls %rom a wide peer
/ro.p5 t*e reac* and impact o% a promotional comm.nication is e1tended amon/ t*e tar/et
-or operators5 Ads R(T pro4ides t*e opport.nity to create new ser4ice pac6a/es to attract
s.bscribers and maintain loyalty.
N$) R$+$&"$ St$%(
Ads R(T o%%ers operators a new re4en.e stream and o%%ers an entry le4el strate/y %or %.rt*er
mobile mar6etin/
I&&o+%ti+$ S$+i*$ B"&'.$s
Operators can o%%er s.bscribers rewards5 s.c* as a limited n.mber o% %ree call min.tes or %ree
SMS5 or %ree CR(T downloads
Vi%. M%1$ti&/
T*e personali0ed o% Ads R(T ens.res callers ad campai/ns and t*e new ser4ice
amon/ t*eir peers5 e1tendin/ awareness and *elpin/ b.ild brand loyalty
T,$ Mo9i.$ %s % P$so&%. M"si* St%tio&
Mobile and online m.sic sales are now ri4alin/ t*e sales o% p*ysical m.sic worldwide and
mobile m.sic is %orecast to /row to &SI!@ billion in t*e ne1t ! years. In many emer/in/
mar6ets5 w*ere t*e mobile replicates as a PC5 mobile m.sic represents a ma2or re4en.e
opport.nity %or operators. To satis%y s.bscribers3 demands5 operators need to pro4ide simple and
<.ic6 access to a wide ran/e o% m.sic o%%erin/s.
Com4i4a3s M.sica enables operators to e1ploit t*e new mobile m.sic opport.nity by
di%%erentiatin/ t*eir m.sic port%olio5 b.ildin/ a loyal m.sic:lo4in/ s.bscriber base and dri4in/
data ARP& le4els.
3i+$s 'o)&.o%'s
Operators are able to impro4e data ARP&s %ollowin/ t*e introd.ction o% mobile m.sic o%%erin/s
B"i.'s t,$ s"9s*i9$ 9%s$
7it* a broad port%olio o% m.sic a4ailable5 and a simple to na4i/ate men.5 M.sica s.pports
operators in t*eir bid to attract new s.bscribers and satis%y t*e c*an/in/ m.sical tastes o%
e1istin/ s.bscribers
A+%i.%9.$ to A..
M.sica is networ6 and de4ice independent5 ens.rin/ a4ailability o% t*e ser4ice to all s.bscribers.
3. Mo9i.$ Vi'$o
N$>t /$&$%tio& so."tio&s
7it* t*e rollo.t o% ne1t /eneration networ6s in rapidly /rowin/ mar6ets /lobally5 operators need
to introd.ce a s.ite o% m.ltimedia applications t*at appeal to a cross:section o% t*e .ser base by
combinin/ %.n wit* %.nctionality.
Com4i4a *as de4eloped its M.ltimedia Sol.tion %or t*e Ne1t Generation to capitali0e on t*e
/rowin/ demand %or 4ideo and m.ltimedia applications %rom a 4ersatile plat%orm.
M".ti($'i% So."tio& 0o t,$ N$>t 4$&$%tio&
MSNG b.ilds s.bscriber stic6iness by enablin/ deli4ery o% a wealt* o% m.ltimedia applications
o4er BG networ6s.
4. M$ss%/i&/
F%st; $.i%9.$ ($ss%/i&/ %&' i&t$%*ti+it! s$+i*$s
Com4i4a3s*5 mod.lari0ed messa/in/ plat%orms t*e smoot* deli4ery o% te1t and
m.ltimedia based messa/es5 w*et*er P!P or A!P5 4ia mobile or %i1ed:line networ6s5 w*ilst
optimi0in/ mana/ement o% application ric*5 *i/* messa/es.
Com4i4a interacti4ity sol.tions enable an impro4ed .ser e1perience 4ia sel%:care applications
and dri4e VAS ser4ice .pta6e.
Enables swi%t SMS and MMS messa/e deli4ery w*ilst cost:e%%ecti4ely *andlin/ increased tra%%ic
Applications to enco.ra/e ser4ice disco4ery and s.bscriber sel%:care5 a4ailable 4ia a simple5
browser:based inter%ace5 and deli4ered o4er a *i/*:speed5 plat%orm
I&st%&t M$ss%/i&/ %&' P$s$&*$ S$+i*$s <IMPS=
e4elopin/ %rom a social networ6in/ to a social media medi.m
M$ss%/i&/ S$+i*$ 3$.i+$! P.%t0o( <MS3P=
Mana/es 4aried content %rom m.ltiple pro4iders5 *andlin/ billions o% m.ltimedia messa/es
M$ss%/$ M%&%/$($&t So."tio&s
Com4i4aJs messa/e mana/ement sol.tions empower .sers wit* /reater control o4er t*e
comm.nication en4ironment
Ro%(i&/ So."tio&s
Com4i4a o%%ers a broad s.ite o% roamin/ ser4ices %rom a sin/le plat%orm5 red.cin/ in4estment
re<.irements and simpli%yin/ ser4ice e1pansion and mana/ement
-. Mo9i.$ Mo&$! %&' R$*,%/$.
Com4i4a3s mobile money and rec*ar/e sol.tions enable operators to pro4ide a complete s.ite o%
%inance related ser4ices to mobile .sers C %rom electronic rec*ar/e to a mobile wallet to mobile
(o9i@"it!A Mo9i.$ Mo&$! So."tio&s
Com4i4a3s award:winnin/ mobi<.ityK sol.tions e1tend mobile money and ban6in/ ser4ices to
t*e .nban6ed and pro4ide added con4enience to ban6ed s.bscribers
P$TUPSA P$#%i' R$*,%/$
Com4i4a3s PreT&PSK3s prepaid rec*ar/e sol.tion radically red.ces t*e cost and impro4es
speed to mar6et o% prepaid distrib.tion and mana/ement5 w*ilst its micro:rec*ar/e proposition
e1tends access to mobile comm.nications
2. Mo9i.$ I&t$&$t
T*e Internet is a /lobal p*enomenon t*at is all per4asi4e in lar/e parts o% t*e world C rat*er li6e
mobile comm.nications. -or many people5 mobile Internet will be t*eir only e1perience o% t*e
Internet. Com4i4a3s s.ite o% mobile Internet sol.tions *elps t*e e1perience is positi4e and
Mo9i.$ I&t$&$t 4%t$)%!
(rin/s a ric*er and %aster 7eb e1perience to mobile .sers /lobally
WAP 4%t$)%!
A mar6et:pro4en sol.tion5 deli4erin/ Internet content to mobile .sers %or close to a decade.
5. Mo9i.$ A'+$tisi&/
E&%9.i&/ t,$ Mo9i.$ A'+$tisi&/ E*os!st$(
Com4i4a ta6es a *olistic 4iew o% t*e ad4ertisin/ space and aims to enable m.ltiple ecosystem
players to en/a/e s.bscribers wit* *i/*ly personali0ed promotional messa/es and campai/ns.
Com4i4a *elps t*e ad4ertisin/ ind.stry to reac* o.t to tar/et se/ments5 by le4era/in/ t*e
operators3 cons.mer pro%ile in%ormation and reac*.
Operators can create inno4ati4e ser4ice b.ndles5 incorporatin/ ad4ertisin/ messa/es t*at
s.bsidi0e t*e cost o% ser4ice .sa/e : brin/in/ 4al.e to s.bscribers and t*e ad4ertisin/ ind.stry.
T*ey can also cross promote content and ser4ices.
Content pro4iders5 ad4ertisin/ space promoters and ot*er players are able to collaborate wit*in
t*e ecosystem to de4elop t*e potential o% t*e mobile as a new promotional medi.m C
e1perimentin/ wit* interacti4e contests5 disco.nt co.pons5 or inte/ratin/ promotional messa/es
in rin/ bac6 tones and te1t:based messa/es.
E1istin/ applications;
Personali0ed mar6etin/ messa/es t*at create a new re4en.e stream %or operators and a new
promotional c*annel %or ad4ertisers
I&t$%*ti+$ M%1$ti&/
(y insertin/ t*eir own5 or t*ird party promotions into .n.sed &SS te1t space5 operators can
deli4er conte1t sensiti4e promotional messa/es5 s.r4eys5 or competitions5 ens.rin/ a *i/*er H*it3
and Hcon4ersion3 rate
M%ss M%1$ti&/ C%(#%i/&s
Com4i4a *as e1tensi4e e1perience o% deli4erin/ mass mar6et SMS dri4en promotional
campai/ns. In t*e past year Com4i4a deli4ered close to D" billion AppSMSC messa/es %or one
operator c.stomer5 raisin/ awareness amon/ t*e tar/et a.dience o% operator and t*ird party
mar6etin/ messa/es and promotions.
6. M%&%/$' S$+i*$s
As a leader in t*e pro4ision o% 4al.e added ser4ices to ma2or operators /lobally5 Com4i4a %.lly
.nderstands t*e comple1ities o% de4elopin/5 deployin/ and mana/in/ a broad port%olio o%
ser4ices and e1ploits t*is domain 6nowled/e in deli4erin/ its Mana/ed Ser4ices o%%erin/.
M%&%/$' S$+i*$s to rollo.t new ser4ices rapidly5 impro4e %inancial per%ormance and maintain ser4ice
.ptime le4els can pro4e a c*allen/e on operators3 reso.rces. 7it* Com4i4a3s Mana/ed Ser4ices5
operators simply trans%er owners*ip o% ser4ice deployment and per%ormance le4els and direct
precio.s reso.rce to mana/in/ t*eir core asset5 t*e end s.bscriber.
H"9 So."tio&s
Com4i4a o%%ers sol.tions in a *osted en4ironment5 deployin/ *.b:based sol.tions t*at .nite
operators on a sin/le plat%orm5 enablin/ en*anced time to mar6et5 red.cin/ in4estment and
operational costs and deli4erin/ a seamless ser4ice e1perience.
7. C"sto($ Li0$*!*.$ M%&%/$($&t
So."tio&s to 'i+$ i(#o+$' s$+i*$ $>#$i$&*$
7it* mar6et dynamics constantly c*an/in/5 many operators are mo4in/ away %rom s*ort:term
tactical mar6etin/ initiati4es5 to lon/:term relations*ip de4elopment strate/ies in order to
/rowt* by deli4erin/ consistently s.perior ser4ice t*ro./*o.t t*e s.bscriber li%ecycle.
Com4i4a3s C.stomer 'i%ecycle Mana/ement Sol.tions enable ser4ice pro4iders to impro4e
e%%iciencies wit*in t*eir or/ani0ations and ac*ie4e an en*anced ser4ice e1perience.
Ada/i.mK &ni%ied (.siness S.pport Sol.tions s.pport t*e operator t*ro./*o.t t*e prepaid and
postpaid s.bscriber li%ecycle5 pro4idin/ one .ni%ied 4iew o% operations and enablin/ en*anced
mar6etin/ initiati4es
Bi..i&/ So."tio&s
d(I'' and E.lo/y billin/ sol.tions s.pport pre: and post:paid billin/ re<.irements and address
VAS and ne1t /eneration c*ar/in/ re<.irements
S"9s*i#tio& E&/i&$
S.bscription En/ine ens.res timely deli4ery o% *i/* 4ol.mes o% content %rom 4ario.s so.rces5
creatin/ c.stomer loyalty w*ilst streamlinin/ operations
18. Mo9i.$ 3$+i*$ So."tio&s
A& E&,%&*$' Mo9i.$ E>#$i$&*$ 0o t,$ N$>t 4$&$%tio&
T*e award:winnin/ Com4i4a Mobile e4ice Sol.tions s.ite comprises messa/in/ and browsin/
sol.tions t*at are standards:dri4en5 pre:inte/rated on a wide ran/e o% plat%orms and tested %or
operability wit* m.ltiple mar6et leadin/ operators worldwide.
Com4i4aJs Mobile e4ice Sol.tions team is noted %or its ric* e1perience in portin/5 inte/ration
and c.stomi0ation as well as its ability to pro4ide mobile de4ice sol.tions t*at bene%it c.stomers
d.e to t*eir cost:e%%iciency and speed to mar6et.
T*e sol.tions3 mod.lar desi/n allows c.stomers to pic6 and mi1 %eat.res to optimi0e memory
%ootprints t*at are re<.ired by t*e ran/e o% mobile de4ices5 wit* some mod.les able to be .sed as
components wit* t*ird:party applications.
(.ilt on t*e pro4en AC- %ramewor65 Com4i4a Mobile e4ice Sol.tions cater to t*e entire mobile
de4ice mar6et incl.din/ &'Cs5 p*ones5 smart p*ones and Internet de4ices : and can be
implemented to ac*ie4e a completely *omo/eno.s loo6 and %eel wit* all applications on t*e
Com4i4a Mobile e4ice Sol.tions o%%er 4ersatile mobile browsin/ applications %or t*e widest
ran/e o% mobile de4ices
A complete s.ite o% mobile messa/in/ sol.tions en/ineered to meet t*e re<.irements o% .ni%ied

T*ey are a new mobile operator5 wit* a locali0ed approac* to t*e Indian mar6et. T*ey combine
t*e %orce o% India3s second lar/est real estate company5 &nitec* 'td and Norway:based Telenor5
t*e Dt* lar/est mobile comm.nications /ro.p in t*e world. Now t*ey3re brin/in/ t*eir ser4ices
and inno4ation in comm.nications to all o% India
,olds a pan:India &AS license to o%%er mobile telep*ony ser4ices in eac* o% India3s !!
,as also recei4ed spectr.m to roll o.t t*ese ser4ices in !# o% t*e !! circles
A/reement to raise Telenor owners*ip to D@.!?L
T*e Telenor Gro.p *as pro4en itsel% to millions o% c.stomers aro.nd t*e world o4er a lon/
period o% time. 7it* o4er #?" years o% telecom e1perience5 t*e /ro.p is now present in #B
co.ntries worldwide wit* o4er #D= million mobile s.bscriptions as o% M! !""> and $"5"""
employees across t*e /lobe. A dominant position in mar6ets most similar to India means t*e
/ro.p brin/s e1istin/ competencies in distrib.tion5 tar/eted o%%erin/s5 and c.stomer li%ecycle
mana/ement and or/ani0ation to o.r operations in India.
As India3s second lar/est di4ersi%ied real estate ma2or wit* o4er B" years o% presence across
locations nationwide5 t*e &nitec* Gro.p comes into t*is 2oint as a partner wit* decades
o% cons.mer %acin/ e1perience in t*e Indian mar6et. &nitec* is t*e only Indian partner Eamon/
t*e new operatorsF to be listed on t*e Indian Stoc6 E1c*an/es5 and pro4ides in:dept* insi/*ts
into b.siness: as well as cons.mer mar6etin/ in t*e di4erse Indian mar6et. T*is .ni<.e
partners*ip /i4es .s t*e ad4anta/e o% t*e most e1tensi4e and t*e most rele4ant e1perience to
rollo.t ser4ices in India.
At &ninor5 t*ey belie4e in sa%e/.ardin/ *.man wort*. A non:discriminatory and respect%.l towards c.stomers5 collea/.es and wider society will be t*e *allmar6 o% o.r approac*.
And t*ey will wor6 to be at t*e %ore%ront in matters o% *ealt*5 sa%ety5 sec.rity and t*e
en4ironment. T*eir primary responsibility is to *elp people comm.nicate w*ere4er t*ey are.
T*ey will le4era/e on t*eir combination o% local *erita/e and /lobal telecom e1perience to
de4elop prod.cts and ser4ices t*at positi4ely a%%ect people3s li4es. ri4en by t*eir 4al.es5 t*ey
will wor6 to;
Ma1imi0e t*e enablin/ e%%ect o% mobile telecomm.nications
Promote sa%er prod.cts and ser4ices
Ma6e responsible b.siness practices part o% e4eryt*in/ we do.
B%&*,$s i& I&'i%.
And*ra Prades*
Tamil Nad.
&p east
&p west
7est (en/al
T*eir 4ision is simple5 yet power%.l. T*ey e1ist to *elp yo. /et t*e %.ll bene%it o%
comm.nications ser4ices in yo.r daily li4es.
T*is means pro4idin/ ser4ices t*at brin/ sol.tions to yo.r e4eryday endea4ors and needs5
enablin/ yo.r aspirations to come e4en closer.
T*ey are dri4en by t*is promise to yo..
: A promise to 6eep t*in/s simple. A promise to listen and respond. A promise to constantly
inno4ate5 moti4ate and s.pport9 so yo. see c*an/e.
C*an/e t*at ta6es yo. w*ere yo. want to /o.
T*ese are embedded in o.r t*o./*ts and enli4ened in o.r actions. It is o.r t*at
s*ape o.r personality and brin/ t*e brand &ninor ali4e. T*ey re%lect in t*e way we be*a4e and
also in t*e prod.cts and ser4ices we o%%er.
T*ey say t*at we are *ere to;
M%1$ it $%s!
7e 6eep t*in/s simple. 7e ma6e prod.cts and processes easy to .nderstand5 easy to .se and
easy to c*oose. No waste. No 2ar/on. No complications. 7e ma6e t*in/s *appen <.ic6ly5 simply
and openly so t*at yo. .nderstand .s better.
B$ i&s#ii&/
7e are creati4e and inno4ati4e. 7e brin/ ener/y and %res* ideas to e4eryt*in/ we do. 7e b.ild
moti4ated teams5 enco.ra/in/ e4eryone C sta%% and c.stomers C to do more5 to try more5 and to
be more.
B$$# #o(is$s.
7eJre *onest and strai/*t%orward. 7e3re reliable and responsible. 7e do w*at we say. 7e ta6e
owners*ip. 7e3re abo.t actions5 not words. 7e3re abo.t deli4ery5 not o4er :promisin/. 7e
deli4er on time and to t*e 4ery best <.ality. And in t*e .nli6ely e4ent t*at t*in/s do /o wron/
yo. can rely on .s to ta6e responsibility and sort it o.t <.ic6ly and transparently.
)o. can rely on .s.
B$ $s#$*t0"..
7e care abo.t c.stomers5 comm.nities and collea/.es. 7e stri4e to 6now o.r c.stomers and to
.nderstand t*eir needs. 7e are t*o./*t%.l and considerate. 7e listen and respond we
6now loyalty *as to be earned. 7e3ll listen to yo.r needs and we will do o.r 4ery best to answer
t*em. )o.r opinions and yo.r %eedbac6 are always 4al.ed C t*ey *elp .s to create a better
7*at ma6es an or/ani0ation competiti4e todayO Most retail stores5 ban6s5 ins.rance companies
and many ot*er or/ani0ations *a4e t*e same types o% prod.cts and ser4ices. 7*at distin/.is*es
one or/ani0ation %rom anot*erO 7*at /i4es one or/ani0ation t*e competiti4e ad4anta/eO It is
their people.
An or/ani0ation does not want to spend t*e time5 reso.rces and money to retain all o% t*eir
employees. A *i/*:per%ormin/ or/ani0ation wants to %oc.s on t*e retention o% t*eir most talented
employees5 o%ten re%erred to as *i/* potentials.
T.rno4er is costly5 partic.larly w*en or/ani0ations *a4e spent time and money on identi%yin/5
de4elopin/5 and promotin/ indi4id.als w*o are 4iewed to be t*e leaders o% t*e
PRetainin/ 6ey employees is most cr.cial corporate problem. A sol.tion means more pro%itable
companies5 *appier5 more prod.cti4e employees5 and more satis%ied c.stomers. Once a company
*as talented people5 t*e ret.rn:on:in4estment re<.ires closin/ t*e bac6 door to pre4ent
t*em %rom wal6in/ o.tQ. Or/ani0ations t*at .nderstand employee retention and its ca.ses5 and
act .pon it5 .ltimately *a4e a competiti4e ad4anta/e.
E(#.o!$$ R$t$&tio&
Employee retention means somet*in/ di%%erent based on w*o yo. as6. -or some it can mean
retainin/ t*e most talented employees5 or pre4entin/ people %rom lea4in/ t*e or/ani0ation5 or t*e
way employees are compensated5 or t*e e1tra bene%its t*at employees are /i4en s.c* as stoc6
options5 day care5 and %le1ible wor6 * Employee retention is somet*in/ t*at is speci%ic to
eac* or/ani0ation.
PT*e term employee retention be/an to be .sed in t*e b.siness en4ironment in t*e #>@"s and
early H="s. Prior to t*at5 t*e ma2ority o% employees wor6ed %or t*e same or/ani0ation %or t*e
len/t* o% t*eir careerQ. T*ere *as been s.bstantial increase in 2ob mobility in last decade or two o% t*e a4ailability o% 2obs in 4ario.s or/ani0ations comin/ .p in di%%erent sectors. 7it*
t*is5 t*e notion o% wor6in/ %or one or/ani0ation be/an to deteriorate and employees be/an to
ma6e 4ol.ntary 2ob c*an/es. Employers %o.nd t*emsel4es dealin/ wit* a new iss.e C retention
o% employees.
PRetention is abo.t de4elopin/ strate/ies t*at red.ce t*e n.mber o% people w*o lea4e t*e
or/ani0ation %or a4oidable reasons. Or/ani0ations need to retain employees wit* t*e re<.ired
balance o% s6ills and e1perience to t*at t*e b.siness can be maintainedQ.
PToday3s b.sinesses are more dependent t*an e4er be%ore on t*eir top per%ormers to inno4ate and
pro4ide ser4ices t*at di%%erentiate a company %rom its %ierce competitors. In ot*er words5
corporations are reliant .pon t*eir *.man assets to s.r4i4e and t*ri4e.Q

In #>>@5 McNinsey G Company coined t*e term t*e Cwar for talent9 and soon reali0ed t*ey *ad
named a p*enomenon t*at many people *ad been e1periencin/ b.t *ad not %.lly artic.lated. T*e
war %or talent be/an in t*e late #>="3s wit* t*e birt* o% t*e In%ormation A/e9 wit* it5 t*e
importance o% *ard assets:mac*ines5 %actories5 and capital:declined relati4e to t*e importance o%
intan/ible assets s.c* as proprietary networ6s5 brands5 capital5 and talent. Company3s
reliance on talent *as increased dramatically o4er t*e last two decades.
T*e talent wars are /rowin/ o.t o% a %.ndamental paradi/m s*i%t in t*e employer:employee
relations*ip; %rom t*e old slow:mo4in/ ri/id5*e:ladder model5 to t*e
new %ast:mo4in/ increasin/ly e%%icient %ree mar6et %or talent. T*is is t*e essence o% t*e talent
wars. In t*e new economy5 e4ery term o% t*e employment : sc*ed.les5 location5 assi/nments5 co:
wor6ers5 pay5 and more : will be open to ne/otiations5 w*et*er Eor/ani0ationsF li6e it or not. T*e
most talent will *a4e t*e most ne/otiatin/ power. In t*e new economy5 t*e best people
are t*e most li6ely to lea4e. I% an employer *as any *ope o% retainin/ t*e best people %or t*e lon/
term in t*e new economy5 t*is retention will *a4e to *appen one person at a time5 one day at a
time5 on t*e basis o% an on/oin/ ne/otiation.
Histo! o0 R$t$&tio&
PToday3s wor6place is not t*e wor6place o% a /eneration a/o. -i%ty years a/o5 most wor6ers %it
into a similar mo.ld; male5 %.ll:time5 ei/*t to %i4e5 bl.e collar5 *o.rly wa/e wor6ers w*o *ad
learned most o% t*e s6ills on t*e 2ob. T*en5 %or t*ose l.c6y eno./* to %ind a nic*e in a lar/e
company5 t*e e1pectation o% contin.ed employment and steady ad4ancement made a
*omo/eneo.s pattern o% wor6 an ideal arran/ementQ
r.c6er E#>>!F says5 PAll or/ani0ations now say ro.tinely5 HPeople are o.r /reatest asset.3 )et
%ew practice w*at t*ey preac*5 let alone belie4e it. Most still belie4e5 t*o./* per*aps not
conscio.sly5 w*at nineteent*:cent.ry employers belie4ed; people need .s more t*an we need
.rin/ t*e past two decades5 b.sinesses *a4e *ad to adopt t*e new realities o% t*e In%ormation
A/e:w*ile bein/ e1pected to %ollow old Hr.les o% t*e b.siness /ame3 set in t*e lon/:/one
Ind.strial A/e. T*e Ind.strial A/e 4al.ed people as p*ysical assets C bo./*t and sold as
e1tensions o% mac*ines. Only or/ani0ations t*at transcend t*at approac* *a4e become leaders in
t*e In%ormation A/e. Or/ani0ations ill:e<.ipped to mana/e c*an/e *a4e *ad a time
in transitionin/ %rom one a/e to t*e ne1t.
In t*e #>="3s and early #>>"3s5 people still tal6ed abo.t Hli%etime employment3 and a career
wit*in a company. Startin/ in t*e late >"3s *owe4er5 t*e pend.l.m started swin/in/. T*e
.nspo6en employer+employee contract was bro6en5 as companies across ind.stries
operations and red.ced *ead co.nt. People t*en started tal6in/ abo.t Hownin/ t*eir own careers3
collectin/ e1periences and s6ills in 4ario.s 2obs at 4ario.s companies to en*ance t*eir on/oin/
Accordin/ to Ninnie5 ,.tc*inson G P.rcell E#>>@F5 Pownsi0in/ and its associated e.p*emism
Hri/*tsi0in/3 became part o% t*e mana/erial le1icon in t*e #>="3s and early
#>>"3sR(y t*e mid #>>"3s9 *owe4er5 do.bts were emer/in/ abo.t w*et*er downsi0in/ was t*e
ro.te to s.ccess t*at it was %irst t*o./*tQ. PT*e downsi0in/ en4ironment in t*e #>="3s and early
#>>"3s %.rt*er disco.ra/ed some companies %rom in4estin/ in S.ccession mana/ement. As a
res.lt5 many companies de4eloped se4ere benc* stren/t* problems and are now %acin/ a s*orta/e
in top mana/ement s.ccessionsQ.
T*e demand %or *i/*:caliber mana/erial talent is /rowin/. T*e late #>>"3s t*ro./* t*e year !"""
was a period o% e1traordinary economic /rowt* as a/ainst a bac6drop o% s.stained economic
/rowt*5 new economy companies proli%erated creatin/ millions o% new 2obs5 and rewritin/ t*e
r.les o% recr.itin/ and retention. New competitors 4ied daily wit* traditional companies %or 6ey
s6ills:not only tec*nolo/ical sa44y b.t also more traditional mar6etin/5 %inance5 and partners*ip
b.ildin/ e1pertise. E1acerbatin/ t*is e1plosion in demand was a pro2ected ti/*tenin/ o% s.pply
in 6ey se/ments o% t*e labor pool. T*e; an employment mar6et w*ere demand %ar
o.twei/*ed s.pply and w*ere employers no lon/er H*eld all t*e cards.3
.e to a /rowin/ imbalance between an e1pandin/ demand %or talent and t*e limited s.pply5 we
reac*ed t*e ot*er e1treme in t*e swin/. Employees becameH-ree a/ents3 more
concerned5 some wo.ld ar/.e5 wit* t*eir own employability and personal /ain t*an wit* lon/:
term 2ob sec.rity : or t*eir employer3s s.ccessQ.
To .nderstand t*e importance o% retention in today3s world o% t*e twenty:%irst cent.ry5 it *elps to
loo6 at t*e %actors t*ro./*o.t t*e se4eral decades t*at *a4e led to t*e iss.e o% retainin/
employees. T*is will *elp to e1plain *ow t*e problem e4ol4ed and t*e importance o% retainin/
top talent %or or/ani0ations.
As economic times impro4ed by t*e late #>>"s and as s.r4i4or3s syndrome employees reco4ered
%rom t*eir condition5 some e1tremely interestin/ dynamics too6 place in t*e wor6place. As t*e
old Ps.pply and demandQ tenet 6ic6ed in5 s6illed and talented employees slowly be/an to
reco/ni0e t*eir 4al.e and wort*. S.ddenly5 wor6in/ %or t*e same company and bein/ loyal to
one employer %or #" or !"+ years didn3t matter as m.c*. A%ter all5 t*e employer *adn3t been
loyal to t*em5 t*eir %amilies5 and+or t*eir si/ni%icant ot*ers w*en times were bad. T*e s.pply was
s*ort w*ile t*eir s6ills and talents were tall and in demand. &n%ort.nately5 o% a stron/
economy5 employers are *a4in/ a more time *oldin/ onto talent5 w*o are
not patient eno./* %or a company to H/et its act to/et*er and bac6 on its %eet.3
Retention cannot be sol4ed in t*e sense. T*ere can be no sil4er b.llet pro/ram or set o%
pro/rams t*at will bind employees to t*e or/ani0ation in t*e presence o% attracti4e opport.nities
elsew*ere. Employers can and s*o.ld wor6 *ard to eliminate problems in t*e wor6place t*at
mi/*t dri4e t*eir 4al.ed employees into t*e arms o% competitors. (.t5 as noted earlier5 most
people w*o <.it do so to ta6e 2obs elsew*ere5 and dissatis%action wit* c.rrent 2obs dri4es
t.rno4er only w*en ot*er positions are a4ailable. T*e Pp.llQ o% alternati4es is t*e ma2or dri4er o%
t.rno4er5 not as t*e Pp.s*Q o% problems in t*e c.rrent wor6place. T*e /rowin/ need to %ind
talent in t*e o.tside mar6et will become t*e main dri4er o% t*e retention problem5 alt*o./*
employers e1acerbate t*e problem by %oc.sin/ employee attention on t*e labo.r mar6et and
/i4in/ t*em more in%ormation on ot*er 2obs5 increasin/ t*e li6eli*ood t*at t*ey will lea4e.
Or/ani0ations need employees wit* *i/*er le4els o% s6ills. T*ey need /ood comm.nication
s6ills5 be /reat team players as well as *a4e t*e needed tec*nical s6ills. T*e problem is t*at t*ere
are not eno./* potential employees w*o possess t*ose s6ills. T*ere are %ewer people to %.l%il
more demandin/ 2obs.
C,%&/i&/ 3$(o/%#,i*s
PT*e mar6etplace %or talent is increasin/ly /lobal and company wor6%orces are t*ere%ore di4erse
in comple15 new ways. Companies can no lon/er rely solely on local5 re/ional or e4en national
wor6%orces to meet t*eir b.siness needs C d.e in part to t*e /lobali0ation o% company operations
and labo.r s.pply iss.es5 and in part to company e%%orts to attract employees %rom di%%erent
bac6/ro.nds w*o more closely re%lect t*e di4ersity o% t*eir c.stomer baseQ.
Retainin/ top talent was less o% an iss.e in t*e past5 b.t t*e s*i%tin/ tides o% t*e .nspo6en
employee+employer contract *a4e created new c.rrents in t*e wor6place.
E1pectations and desires abo.t t*e employment relations*ip Et*e dealF are also becomin/ more
comple1. Employees now de%ine t*emsel4es and t*eir e1pectations in terms t*at /o beyond
traditional /ender5 a/e5 and et*nic cate/ories C and t*ese de%initions can c*an/e o4er time. Some
pre%er an employment relations*ip t*at allows t*em to try a n.mber o% di%%erent 2obs as a way to
/ain e1perience and de4elop a broad s6ill set. Ot*ers want balance between wor6 and
commitments beyond wor6. Still ot*ers are loo6in/ %or a %ast trac6 t*at o%%ers c*allen/in/ wor65
<.ic6 ad4ancement and *i/* rewards.
T*e new access:oriented employment en4ironment will necessitate c*an/es in t*e 4al.e
proposition o%%ered to employees. -or t*ose s6ills t*at are m.c* in demand5 t*e terms o%
employment are li6ely to be dri4en more and more by t*e employee5 based on w*at
*e+s*e demands and is moti4ated to o%%er. T*e is li6ely to be a series o% m.c* more
tailored 4al.e propositions t*at balance t*e needs and e1pectations o% t*e company wit* t*ose o% employees. 7*ile not e4eryone will command a personali0ed arran/ement wit*
t*eir employer5 we anticipate a m.c* more c.stomi0ed approac* to recr.itin/ and retainin/ 6ey
Era o% li%etime employment in one or/ani0ation is o4er and people e1pect to wor6 %or m.ltiple
employers d.rin/ t*eir careers. In s*ort5 t*ey no lon/er *a4e a stron/ sense o% loyalty to t*eir
employers5 and as a conse<.ence5 t*ey3re prepared to mo4e on w*en t*e time is ri/*t:%or t*em.
A len/t*y stay wit* one employer once was a si/n o% c*aracter or stability9 not anymore.
Employee3s attit.de5 across all /enerations5 *as c*an/ed re/ardin/ t*e appropriate amo.nt o%
time to stay wit* one or/ani0ation.
Employee t.rno4er is one o% t*e lar/est t*o./* widely .n6nown costs an
Or/ani0ation %aces. 7*ile companies ro.tinely 6eep trac6 o% 4ario.s costs s.c* as s.pplies and
payroll5 %ew ta6e into consideration *ow m.c* employee t.rno4er will cost t*em; Ernst G )o.n/
estimates it costs appro1imately I#!"5""" to replace #" pro%essionals. Accordin/ to researc*
done by Sibson G Company5 to reco.p t*e cost o% losin/ one employee a %ast %ood resta.rant sell @5D#B combo meals at I!.?" eac*. Employee t.rno4er costs companies B" to ?"L o%
t*e salary o% entry:le4el employees5 #?"L o% middle:le4el employees5 and .p to $""L %or
.pper le4el5 speciali0ed employees. Now t*at so m.c* is bein/ done by or/ani0ations to retain its
W,! is $t$&tio& so i(#ot%&tD Is it E"st to $'"*$ t,$ t"& o+$ *ostsD
7ell5 t*e answer is a de%inite no. It3s not only t*e cost inc.rred by a company t*at emp*asi0es
t*e need o% retainin/ employees b.t also t*e need to retain talented employees %rom /ettin/
R$t$&tio& st%t$/i$sFN$$' o0 t,$ st"'!.
People do not leave an organization, they leave their bosses. This is one of the many factors
floating around for employees to make the switch
Sal4a/in/ t*e talent pool is a to./* tas6 %or companies and ,R departments ali6e. ,owe4er5 t*is
is an incon4enient tr.t* in t*e star6 reality o% attrition 4ers.s t*e desperate e%%orts o% retention.
Any or/ani0ation s.%%ers w*en t*e most e%%icient and employee decides to part waysS
be it t*e top notc* or lower down t*e ran6s5 t*ey create a 4ac..mSeit*er %or t*e company in
lar/e or in t*eir immediate %rame o% s.rro.ndin/s. Employees are said to be a companyJs /reatest
asset. Attractin/5 sa%e/.ardin/5 n.rt.rin/ and preser4in/ t*em are a mission in itsel%5 w*ic* ta6es
total commitment and endorsement. 7*ile t*e middle mana/ement *as a career c*art well in
place to ta6e on t*e ne1t position5 t*e top *ierarc*y *as a contin/ency plan laid %irm. It is t*e
/ro.p w*ic* is lower down t*e ran6s %or w*om t*ere is no s.ccession plannin/ strate/y in place5
and w*o comprise t*e 4olatile lot. T*ey are easy tar/ets o% poac*in/ in t*e competiti4e talent
R$%so&s to $si/&
In a /lobalised mar6etplace and !$+@ 2ob %.nction5 it is imperati4e to stress on connectin/ on a
personal le4el wit* employees. 7*ile on t*e 2ob5 lac6 o% comm.nication5 lac6 o% timely
reco/nition and compensation5 con%lict wit* team members or boss5 ins.%%icient per6s5 promotion
and pay pac6a/e5 in cond.ci4e en4ironment5 incompatibility wit* t*e wor6 et*ics5
in%le1ibility in t*e wor6 timin/5 insensiti4ity wit* *ealt* problems5 etc5 may act as
some o% t*e reasons w*ic* %orce t*e best players to searc* %or better options. T*e main iss.e is to
identi%y w*y employees lea4eSis it wit* respect to a partic.lar team or department5 a speci%ic
2ob %.nction w*ic* is *i/* press.red5 a reportin/ mana/er or are t*ere /eneric w*ic* need
to be addressed. -or employees to stay moti4ated and dedicated5 and per%orm to t*e best o% t*eir
ability5 en/a/in/ in %air and transparent dealin/s5 an e%%ecti4e comm.nication c*annel5 2ob
rotation5 ens.rin/ a c*allen/in/ role5 an open:door policy5 a de%ined career pat*5 proper trainin/
and s6ills .p /radation5 addressin/ /rie4ances5 incl.si4e decision ma6in/5 employee
empowerment5 e%%ecti4e per%ormance mana/ement and appraisal5 are mandatory. (.t5 t*ese are a
/i4en .nder any circ.mstance and stand as t*e basic re<.isites. It re%lects t*e o% t*e
company5 its brand identity and t*e <.ality o% its wor6%orce. T*ey *a4e to mo4e o.t %rom
bein/ a p.blicity mec*anism or a policy on paper to more dili/ent implementation %or t*e o4erall
betterment o% t*e or/ani0ation and its wor6%orce. 7*at employees need and demand5 and
companies are increasin/ly tryin/ to adopt are inno4ati4e ways to not only ma6e employee li%e
easier b.t also to en*ance it .Since t*ere are increasin/ *ealt* concerns e4en %rom a 4ery yo.n/
a/e5 medical bene%its are o% .tmost importance. Similarly5 in an a/e w*ere comm.tin/ eats .p a
considerable amo.nt o% a personJs time5 any arran/ement to red.ce t*e tra4elin/ woes act as a
ma2or attraction. Pro4ision o% concier/e ser4ices red.ces t*e tension o% employee to a /reat
e1tent as additional responsibilities are ta6en care o% by t*e company wit*in its premises.
Employees Stoc6 Owners*ip Plans EESOPsF *elp b.ild .p an indi4id.alJs %inancial ban6.
Ed.cational *elp employees .p/rade t*eir s6ill:sets and t*ereby /i4e t*em a better
c*ance in t*e o.tside 2ob mar6et and impro4e t*eir career scope. -le1i time policies and
telecomm.tin/ pri4ile/es are also some o% t*e .pcomin/ ideas t*at are bein/ tried and tested by
companies. Also5 in t*is stress:ridden a/e and lac6 o% wor6:li%e e<.ilibri.m5 companies en/a/e
t*eir employees in career and personal co.nselin/ sessions by in4itin/ pro%essionals on a
periodic basis. It is o%ten t*e small t*in/s t*at ma6e a lar/e di%%erence. More t*an w*at is
%.rnis*ed to employees5 it is t*e o% t*e or/ani0ation and mana/ement5 and t*e ass.rance
t*at it and cares %or t*e wor6%orce w*ic* ma6es a *./e di%%erence to t*e employee
R$t$&tio& i&+o.+$s 0i+$ (%Eo t,i&/s;
Compensation constit.tes t*e lar/est part o% t*e employee retention process. T*e employees
always *a4e *i/* e1pectations re/ardin/ t*eir compensation pac6a/es.
Compensation pac6a/es 4ary %rom ind.stry to ind.stry. So an attracti4e compensation pac6a/e
plays a critical role in retainin/ t*e employees. Compensation incl.des salary and wa/es5
bon.ses5 bene%its5 prere<.isites5 stoc6 options5 bon.ses5 4acations5 etc. 7*ile settin/ .p t*e
pac6a/es5 t*e %ollowin/ components s*o.ld be 6ept in mind;
S%.%! %&' (o&t,.! )%/$; It is t*e bi//est component o% t*e compensation pac6a/e. It
is also t*e most common %actor o% comparison amon/ employees. It incl.des
(asic wa/e
, rent allowance
earness allowance
City compensatory allowance
Salary and wa/es represent t*e le4el o% s6ill and e1perience an *as. Time to time
increase in t*e salaries and wa/es o% employees s*o.ld be done. And t*is increase s*o.ld be
based on t*e employee3s per%ormance and *is contrib.tion to t*e or/ani0ation. (on.s; (
are /i4en to t*e employees at t*e end o% t*e year or on a %esti4al. Economic bene%its; It
incl.des paid *olidays5 lea4e tra4el concession5 etc. 'on/:term incenti4es; 'on/ term incenti4es stoc6 options or stoc6 /rants. T*ese incenti4es *elp retain employees in t*e
or/ani0ationJs start .p sta/e.
H$%.t, i&s"%&*$; ,ealt* ins.rance is a /reat bene%it to t*e employees. It sa4es
employees money as well as /i4es t*em a peace o% mind t*at t*ey *a4e somebody to ta6e
care o% t*em in bad times. It also s*ows t*e employee t*at t*e or/ani0ation cares abo.t
t*e employee and its %amily.
A0t$ $ti$($&t; It incl.des payments t*at an Employee /ets a%ter *e retires li6e EP-
EEmployee Pro4ident -.ndF etc.
Mis*$..%&$o"s *o(#$&s%tio&; It may employee assistance pro/rams Eli6e
psyc*olo/ical co.nsellin/5 le/al assistance etcF5 disco.nts on company prod.cts5 .se o% a
company cars5 etc.
E(#.o!$s A&' T,$i B$! 3i+$s To Att%*t A&' R$t%i& T%.$&t
Po*t$ %&' 4%(9.$ I&'i%
Early responsibilities in career
-le1ible and transparent or/ani0ational
Global opport.nities t*ro./* a 4ariety o% and di4erse e1periences
Per%ormance Reco/nition
A($i*%& E>#$ss <I&'i%=
Stron/ /lobal brand
Val.e:based en4ironment
Pioneer in many people practices
'earnin/ and /rowt* opport.nities
Competiti4e rewards
Opport.nity to /row5 learn and implement
Stron/ social sec.rity and employee wel%are per%ormance: oriented
Jo,&so& H Jo,&so&
Stron/ o% tr.st5 carin/ %airness5 and respect wit*in t*e or/ani0ation
-reedom to operate at wor6
Early responsibility in career
Trainin/ and learnin/ opport.nities
Visible5 transparent and accessible leaders
Competiti4e rewards
Inno4ati4e ,R pro/rams and practices
4.%>o S(it, B.i&$ Co&s"($ H$%.t,*%$
Per%ormance:dri4en Rewards
Its belie% in PGrowin/ o.r own timberQ
Compre*ensi4e de4elopment and learnin/ pro/rams
-lat or/ani0ation5 w*ere per%ormance co.ld lead to 4ery <.ic6 pro/ression
C*allen/in/ wor6 conte1t
Competiti4e rewards
E1*a.sti4e ind.ction and orientation pro/ram
T%t% St$$.
Or/ani0ation p*ilosop*y and
Aob stability
-reedom to wor6 and inno4ate
Col/ate Palmoli4e India
Company brand
Open 5 transparent5 and carin/ or/ani0ation
Mana/ement accordin/ to t*e mana/in/ wit* respect to /.idin/ principles
Trainin/ ad de4elopment pro/rams career plannin/ process
Global career opport.nities
Company3s brand as an employer
Early opport.nities %or /rowt*
,i/* de/ree o% a.tonomy
Val.e compatibility
Inno4ati4e people pro/ram
I&'i%& Oi. Co#o%tio&
Company brand ima/e
7or6 et*ics
'earnin/ and /rowt* opport.nities
C*allen/in/ wor6 assi/nments
Growin/ or/ani0ation
T*e /ro.p brand e<.ity
Stron/ corporate /o4ernance and citi0ens*ip
Commitment to learnin/ and de4elopment
(est in people practices
C*allen/in/ assi/nments
Opport.nity to wor6 wit* ?"" clients
Or/ani0ation En4ironment
It is not abo.t mana/in/ retention. It is abo.t mana/in/ people. I% an or/ani0ation mana/es
people well5 employee retention will ta6e care o% itsel%. Or/ani0ations s*o.ld %oc.s on mana/in/
t*e wor6 en4ironment to ma6e better .se o% t*e a4ailable *.man assets. People want to wor6 %or
an or/ani0ation w*ic* pro4ides
Appreciation %or t*e wor6 done
Ample opport.nities to /row
A %riendly and cooperati4e en4ironment
A %eelin/ t*at t*e or/ani0ation is second *ome to t*e employee
Or/ani0ation en4ironment incl.des
Company rep.tation
M.ality o% people in t*e or/ani0ation
Employee de4elopment and career /rowt*
Ris6 ta6in/
'eadin/ tec*nolo/ies
Types o% en4ironment t*e employee needs in an or/ani0ation
L$%&i&/ $&+io&($&t; It incl.des contin.o.s learnin/ and impro4ement o% t*e
indi4id.al5 certi%ications and pro4ision %or *i/*er st.dies5 etc.
S"##ot $&+io&($&t; Or/ani0ation can pro4ide s.pport in t*e %orm o% wor6:li%e
balance. 7or6 li%e balance incl.des;
-le1ible *
ependent care
Alternate wor6 sc*ed.les
Wo1 $&+io&($&t; It incl.des e%%icient mana/ers5 s.pporti4e co:wor6ers5 c*allen/in/
wor65 in4ol4ement in decision:ma6in/5 clarity o% wor6 and responsibilities5 and
reco/nition. 'ac6 or absence o% s.c* en4ironment p.s*es employees to loo6 %or new
opport.nities. T*e en4ironment s*o.ld be s.c* t*at t*e employee %eels connected to t*e
or/ani0ation in e4ery respect.
Growt* and Career Growt* and de4elopment are t*e inte/ral part o% e4ery indi4id.al3s
career. I% an employee can not %oresee *is pat* o% career de4elopment in *is c.rrent
or/ani0ation5 t*ere are c*ances t*at *e3ll lea4e t*e or/ani0ation as soon as *e /ets an
opport.nity. T*e important %actors in employee /rowt* t*at an employee loo6s
%or *imsel% are;
Wo1 #o0i.$; T*e wor6 pro%ile on w*ic* t*e employee is wor6in/
s*o.ld be in sync wit* *is capabilities. T*e pro%ile s*o.ld not be too low or too *i/*.
P$so&%. /o)t, %&' '$%(s; Employees responsibilities in t*e or/ani0ation s*o.ld
*elp *im ac*ie4e *is personal /oals also. Or/ani0ations can not 6eep aside t*e
/oals o% employees and %oster or/ani0ations /oals. Employees3 priority is to wor6 %or
t*emsel4es and later on comes t*e or/ani0ation. I% *e3s not satis%ied wit* *is /rowt*5 *e3ll
not be able to contrib.te in or/ani0ation /rowt*.
T%i&i&/ %&' '$+$.o#($&t; Employees s*o.ld be trained and /i4en c*ance to impro4e
and en*ance t*eir s6ills. Many employers %ear t*at i% t*e employees are well rained5
t*ey3ll lea4e t*e or/ani0ation %or better 2obs. Or/ani0ation s*o.ld not limit t*e reso.rces
on w*ic* or/ani0ation3s s.ccess depends. T*ese trainin/s can be /i4en to impro4e many
s6ills li6e;
Comm.nications s6ills
Tec*nical s6ills
In:* processes and proced.res impro4ement related s6ills or c.stomer satis%action
related s6ills
Special pro2ect related s6ills
Need %or s.c* trainin/s can be reco/ni0ed %rom per%ormance re4iews5
meetin/s5 employee satis%action s.r4eys and by bein/ in constant to.c* wit* t*e employees.
I(#ot%&*$ o0 R$.%tio&s,i# i& E(#.o!$$ R$t$&tio& Po/%(
Sometimes t*e relations*ip wit* t*e mana/ement and t*e peers becomes t*e
reason %or an employee to lea4e t*e or/ani0ation. T*e mana/ement is sometimes not able to
pro4ide an employee a s.pporti4e wor6 and en4ironment in terms o% personal or
pro%essional relations*ips. T*ere are times w*en an employee starts %eelin/ bitterness towards
t*e mana/ement or peers.
T*is bitterness co.ld be d.e to many reasons. T*is decreases employee3s interest and *e
becomes demoti4ated. It leads to less satis%action and attrition. A s.pporti4e wor6 *elps /row employee pro%essionally and boosts employee satis%action. To en*ance /ood
pro%essional relations*ips at wor65 t*e mana/ement s*o.ld 6eep t*e %ollowin/ points in mind.
Respect %or t*e; Respect %or t*e is t*e in t*e or/ani0ation.
R$.%tio&s,i# )it, t,$ i(($'i%t$ (%&%/$G A man/er plays t*e role o% a mentor and a
coac*. ,e desi/ns and plans wor6 %or eac* employee. It is *is d.ty to in4ol4e t*e
employee in t*e processes o% t*e or/ani0ation. So an or/ani0ation s*o.ld *ire mana/ers
w*o can ma6e and maintain /ood relations wit* t*eir s.bordinates.
R$.%tio&s,i# )it, *o..$%/"$s; Promote team wor65 not only amon/ teams b.t in
di%%erent departments as well. T*is will ind.ce competition as well as impro4e t*e
Relations*ip amon/ collea/.es.
R$*"it ),o.$ ,$%t$'.!; An employee s*o.ld be recr.ited i% t*ere is a proper place and
d.ties %or *im to per%orm. Ot*erwise *e3ll %eel .seless and will be dissatis%ied.
Employees s*o.ld 6now w*at t*e or/ani0ation e1pects %rom t*em and w*at t*eir e1pectation
%rom t*e or/ani0ation is. eli4er w*at is promised. Promote an
employee based; T*e employee s*o.ld 6now t*at t*e or/ani0ation is t*ere to s.pport *im
at t*e time o% need. S*ow t*em t*at t*e or/ani0ation cares and *e3ll s*ow t*e same %or t*e
or/ani0ation. An employee based may decision ma6in/ a.t*ority5 a4ailability o%
reso.rces5 open door policy5 etc.
I&'i+i'"%. '$+$.o#($&t; Ta6in/ proper care o% employees incl.des ac6nowled/ement
to t*e employee3s dreams and personal /oals. Create opport.nities %or t*eir career /rowt*
by pro4idin/ mentors*ip pro/rams5 certi%ications5 ed.cational co.rses5 etc.
I&'"*$ .o!%.t!; Or/ani0ations s*o.ld be loyal as well as t*ey s*o.ld promote loyalty in
t*e employees too. Try to ma6e t*e c.rrent employees stay instead o% recr.itin/ new
S.pport 'ac6 o% s.pport %rom mana/ement can sometimes ser4e as a reason %or employee
retention. S.per4isor s*o.ld s.pport *is s.bordinates in a way so t*at eac* one o% t*em is a
s.ccess. Mana/ement s*o.ld try to %oc.s on its employees and s.pport t*em not only in t*eir times at wor6 b.t also t*ro./* t*e times o% personal crisis. Mana/ement can s.pport
employees by pro4idin/ t*em reco/nition and appreciation. Employers can also pro4ide
%eedbac6 to employees and ma6e t*em %eel 4al.ed to t*e or/ani0ation.
T*e %eedbac6 %rom s.per4isor *elps t*e employee to %eel more responsible5
con%ident and empowered. Top mana/ement can also s.pport its employees in t*eir personal
crisis by pro4idin/ personal loans d.rin/ emer/encies5 c*ildcare ser4ices5 employee assistance
Pro/rams5 consolin/ ser4ices5 etc
Employers can also s.pport t*eir employees by creatin/ an en4ironment o%
and inc.lcatin/ t*e or/ani0ational into employees. T*.s employers can
s.pport t*eir employees in a n.mber o% ways as %ollows;
(y pro4idin/ %eedbac6
(y /i4in/ reco/nition and rewards
(y co.nsellin/ t*em
(y pro4idin/ emotional s.pport
R$s$%*, 3$si/& ;
T*e researc* desi/n indicates t*e type o% researc* met*odolo/y .nder ta6en to collect t*e
in%ormation %or t*e st.dy. T*e researc*er .sed bot* descripti4e and analytical type o% researc*
desi/n %or *is researc* st.dy. T*e main ob2ecti4e o% .sin/ descripti4e researc* is to describe t*e
state o% a%%airs as it e1its at present. It mainly in4ol4es s.r4eys and %act %indin/ en<.iries o%
di%%erent 6inds. T*e researc*er also .sed analytical researc* desi/n to analy0e t*e e1istin/ %acts
%rom t*e data collected %rom t*e c.stomer.
A$% o0 st"'! ;
T*e area o% st.dy is con%ined to employees o% COMVIVA and &NINOR5 G.r/aon operations.
R$s$%*, i&st"($&tG
T*e <.estionnaire is .sed as t*e researc* instr.ment %or t*e st.dy.
:"$stio&&%i$ 3$si/&G
T*e <.estionnaire %ramed %or t*e researc* st.dy is a <.estionnaire in w*ic* all t*e
<.estions are predetermined be%ore cond.ctin/ t*e s.r4ey. T*e %orm o% <.estion is only closed
T*e <.estionnaire %or t*e researc* was %ramed in a clear manner s.c* t*at it enables t*e
respondents to .nderstand and answer t*e <.estion easily. T*e <.estionnaire was desi/ned in
s.c* a way t*at t*e <.estions are s*ort and simple and is arran/ed in a lo/ical manner.
S%(#.i&/ '$si/&;
A Sample desi/n is a de%inite plan %or obtainin/ a sample %rom a /i4en pop.lation. It is t*e .sed by t*e researc*er in selectin/ items %or t*e sample.
S%(#.$ si?$;
Sample si0eT#"" samples t*at is ?" employees %rom COMVIVA and ?" employees %rom
S%(#.i&/ T$*,&i@"$;
Con4enient samplin/ *as been .sed %or selectin/ t*e samples.
Pi(%! '%t%G
Primary data is t*e new or %res* data collected %rom t*e respondents t*ro./*
sc*ed.led <.estionnaire.
S$*o&'%! '%t%G
T*e secondary data are collected t*ro./* t*e companies3 websites5 articles on net5 boo6s and
ot*er websites.
HI %ind meanin/ and %.l%ilment in my wor6 H.
so"ewhat tr!e
not at all tr!e
so"ewhat tr!e
not at all tr!e
T*e t*in/s t*at ma6e t*e companies /reat places to wor6 C responses concentrated not on t*e %inancial
rewards5 b.t t*e people oriented aspects s.c* as consistency o% mana/ement5 opport.nities %or wor6in/
on e1citin/ pro2ects5 commitment to people5 a listenin/ en4ironment5 %eelin/ 4al.ed. T*e t*in/s
companies wo.ld do to ma6e t*eir company an e4en better place to wor6.
At COMVIVA o.t o% ?" respondents ma1im.m D= LE B$+?"F employees %eel t*at t*ey %ind meanin/ and
%.l%ilment in t*eir wor6 and 4ery m.c* satis%ied wit* t*e <.ality o% wor6 in t*eir company.
At &NINOR also ma1im.m n.mber o% respondents t*at is @! L o% employees are satis%ied wit* t*e
<.ality o% wor6 in t*e company.
T*ere is a 4ery less di%%erence in t*e responses o% t*e employees o% bot* t*e companies.
T,is s,o)s t,%t 9ot, t,$ *o(#%&i$s #o+i'$ @"! )o1 to t,$i $(#.o!$$s to i&*$%s$ t,$i
$&/%/$($&t i& t,$ )o1 %&' $t%i& t,$(.

HMy talents are reco/ni0ed and I am enco.ra/ed to .se t*em.

At COMVIVA B# o.t o% ?" ED!LF respondents %eel t*at t*ey are always enco.ra/ed to .se t*eir talents as
m.c* as possible. B=L o% respondents are not t*at *appy wit* potential ma1imi0in/ practices o% t*eir
or/ani0ation. T*ey %eel t*ere are certain t*in/s employers can do to *elp promote a more stim.latin/ and
c*allen/in/ en4ironment %or almost e4eryone.
At &NINOR $! o.t o% ?" respondents t*at is =$ L employees %eel t*at t*eir talents are always reco/ni0ed
and t*ey are always enco.ra/ed to .se t*em in t*e company. ,ere t*e n.mbers o% respondents w*o are
not %.lly satis%ied are 4ery less t*at is #D L E=F.
T,is s,o)s t,%t UNINOR is *o(#%%ti+$.! 9$tt$ %t $*o/&i?i&/ t%.$&ts o0 t,$i $(#.o!$$s %&'
"ti.i?i&/ t,$( to 0".. $>t$&t to)%'s t,$ o/%&i?%tio&%. o9E$*ti+$ ),i*, i& t"& s%tis0i$s t,$
$(#.o!$$s .$%'i&/ to)%'s t,$i .o!%.t! to)%'s t,$ *o(#%&!
HI *a4e a.t*ority and reso.rces to accomplis* my tar/ets.3
so"ewhat tr!e
not at all tr!e
so"ewhat tr!e
not at all tr!e
It is a %eelin/ o% 2ob owners*ip and commitment bro./*t abo.t t*ro./* t*e ability to ma6e
decisions5 be responsible5 be by res.lts5 and be reco/ni0ed as a t*o./*t%.l5 contrib.tin/
*.man bein/ rat*er t*an a pair o% *ands doin/ w*at ot*ers say. It implies *a4in/ t*e a.t*ority to
ma6e decisions5 %ollow t*ro./*5 and /et t*in/s done.
People are m.c* more willin/ to accept increased ris6 i% t*ey percei4e t*ey also *a4e control o4er
decisions relatin/ to t*at ris6 C as well as rele4ant in%ormation and reso.rces to bac6 t*eir decisions
At COMVIVA $!L t*at !# o.t o% ?" employees %eel t*at t*ey are empowered to ta6e decisions and are
pro4ided eno./* reso.rces to ac*ie4e t*eir tar/ets. (.t ?=L respondents are not %.lly satis%ied by t*e
empowerment style o% t*e company.
At &NINOR most o% t*e employees t*at is D$L t*at is B! %eel t*at t*ey *a4e desired a.t*ority and
reso.rces to ta6e decisions and accomplis* tar/ets.
T,is s,o)s t,%t UNINOR #o+i'$s (o$ %"t,oit! %&' $so"*$s to its $(#.o!$$s %&' /i+$s t,$( %
0$$.i&/ o0 $(#o)$($&t *o(#%%ti+$.! to COMVIVA. T,is i(#o+$s t,$ $(#.o!$$Is *o((it($&t
to)%'s t,$ o/%&i?%tio&.
HIn my company employees *a4e eno./* opport.nities %or ad4ancement3.
so"ewhat tr!e
not at all tr!e
so"ewhat tr!e
not at all tr!e
Re%er to 4ario.s prospects and openin/s %or t*e employees to /o .p t*e ladder wit*in t*e or/ani0ational Not only5 *as it re%erred to a./mentin/ o% stat.s b.t also increasin/ o% 2ob responsibilities and
/reater a.tonomy b.t also empowerment in m.ltiple dimensions
Employees are committed to t*eir wor6 and in to./* times5 t*ey will stay t*e co.rse wit* a company S
i% %or no ot*er reason t*an t*ey *a4e to. (.t i% t*ey don3t see t*e potential %or ad4ancement and
opport.nity S partic.larly in t*e treatment o% t*e best and bri/*test wit*in t*eir companies t*ey start
t*in6in/ in mar6ed contrast.
At COMVIVA @$L respondents are 4ery m.c* satis%ied wit* t*e career + ad4ancement opport.nities in t*e
At &NINOR =!L respondents %eel t*at t*e company pro4ides /ood ad4ancement opport.nities.
Comparin/ between t*e two5 &NINOR *ere also *as a /reater n.mber t*at is =!L b.t t*ere is not a m.c*
di%%erence between t*e two percenta/es.

I& t,is *%t$/o! 9ot, t,$ *o(#%&i$s #o+i'$ /oo' %'+%&*$($&t o##ot"&iti$s to its $(#.o!$$s
),i*, (%1$s t,$ $(#.o!$$s i&t$$st$' i& t,$i )o1 %& i& t"& i& t,$ *o(#%&! 9"t sti.. UNINOR
,%s % s.i/,t.! "##$ ,%&' i& t,is *%t$/o!.
HI /et proper s.pport %rom my mana/ement and also reco/nition o% my e%%orts p.t3.
TR&E Not at all
So"ewhat tr!e
Not at all tr!e
TR&E Not at all
So"ewhat tr!e
Not at all tr!e
Care and concern %or employees *as emer/ed as one o% t*e most important %actors in%l.encin/ employee
commitment to t*eir employers. T*e lac6 o% employee appreciation plays a critical role in employee3s
decisions to lea4e t*eir or/ani0ations9 analo/o.sly Employees w*o %eel t*ey are listened to5 s.pported5 and
reco/ni0ed %or t*eir contrib.tions are li6ely to be more en/a/ed. People li6e to be reco/ni0ed %or t*eir .ni<.e
At COMVIVA @"L o% t*e respondents t*at is B? o.t ?" employees %eel t*at t*e mana/ement s.pports t*em
and t*eir e%%orts are reco/ni0ed and appreciated. !DL respondents are not totally satis%ied and $L respondents
do not at all a/ree t*at t*eir e%%orts are reco/ni0ed.
At &NINOR =!L respondents t*at are $# o.t o% t*e ?" employees %eel t*at t*ey /et reco/nition %or t*eir
contrib.tion and mana/ement s.pports t*em in e4ery aspect related to wor6. #DL employees do not %.lly
a/ree and only !L employees not at all a/ree.
T,$ '%t% s,o)s t,%t UNINOR s"##ot %&' $*o/&itio& st!.$ is (o$ s%tis0%*to! t,%& COMVIVA %&'
t,"s (o$ &"(9$ o0 $(#.o!$$s %$ s%tis0i$' 9! t,$ *o(#%&i$sI (%&%/$($&t.
HI am enco.ra/ed to participate in trainin/ and de4elopment pro/rams to impro4e my s6ills and 6nowled/e3
So"what tr!e
Not at all tr!e
So"what tr!e
Not at all tr!e
Trainin/ and de4elopment pro/ram are important %or employees as it *elps t*em learn t*e wor6 more properly5 new
met*ods o% doin/ wor65 impro4in/ .pon t*e e1istin/ s6ills and learnin/ new ones. T*is *elps t*e employee to ta6e
more interest in t*eir wor6 as a increases t*eir loyalty towards t*e or/ani0ation and t*eir 2ob.
@$L respondents t*at are B@ o.t o% ?" employees at COMVIVA %eel t*at trainin/ and de4elopment opport.nities
are pro4ided to t*em and are ade<.ate.
At &NINOR =DL respondents t*at is $B o.t o% ?" %eel t*at t*ey are enco.ra/es participatin/ in trainin/ and
de4elopment pro/rams to impro4e t*eir s6ills.
Bot, t,$ *o(#%&i$s #o+i'$ %'$@"%t$ t%i&i&/ %&' '$+$.o#($&t #o/%( to its $(#.o!$$s 9"t t,$$ %$
s.i/,t.! (o$ &"(9$ o0 $(#.o!$$s i& UNINOR ),o %$ s%tis0i$' )it, t,$ #o/%(s %&' 0$$. t,$! /$t #o#$
o##ot"&iti$s to #%ti*i#%t$ i& t,$(. T,is ,$.#s t,$( to #"t t,$i 0".. %&' 9$st $00ots i& t,$i Eo9 %&' t,$!
$(%i& i&t$$st$' i& t,$i Eo9
HMy company pro4ides attracti4e rewards and opport.nities periodically to retain talent and e1pertise3
Opport.nities moti4ate employees to wor6 wit* t*eir %.ll e%%orts and rewardin/ per%ormance ass.res t*eir
e1cellent per%ormance. T*is process *elps employees to /et interest in t*eir wor6 and ass.res t*eir retention.
At COMVIVA ?$L respondents t*at are !@ o.t ?" are positi4e abo.t t*e reward system o% t*e company. And ?DL
are discontented in 4aried de/rees wit* t*e companies reward system.
At &NINOR most o% t*e employees t*at is @!L are positi4e re/ardin/ t*e reward system o% t*e company. Only
B=L are not t*at m.c* satis%ied by t*e same.
T,is *.$%.! i&'i*%t$s t,%t UNINOR 9$.i$+$s (o$ i& #o+i'i&/ 9$&$0i*i%. o##ot"&iti$s to its $(#.o!$$s %&'
$)%'i&/ t,$i #$0o(%&*$ i& o'$ to /$t t,$ 9$st $s".ts %&' (%i&t%i& t,$i i&t$$st i& t,$ Eo9 %s )$.. %s
t,$ *o(#%&!.
$o not a%ree
$o not a%ree
An improper balance between wor6 and personal li%e is a/ain an important %actor w*ic* leads to %r.stration
amon/ employees and becomes t*e reason %or t*eir lea4in/ a 2ob. A company s*o.ld *elp its employees to maintain
a wor6 li%e balance so t*at employees stic6 to or/ani0ation %or a lon/er period.
At COMVIVA most o% t*e employees t*at are ==L %eel t*at wor6 li%e balance is s.pported by t*e company. T*at is
t*e company /i4es t*em e<.al time %or t*eir personal li%e as well. Only #!L are discontented.
At &NINOR @$ L o% t*e employees %eel t*at company s.pports wor6 li%e balance. ,ere !DL employees do not %eel
Co(#%%ti+$.! COMVIVA is 9$tt$ %t $&%9.i&/ t,$ $(#.o!$$s (%i&t%i& t,$i )o1 .i0$ 9%.%&*$ 9! (%1i&/
t,$( )o1 o&.! 0o s#$*i0i$' ti(i&/s %&' 9! &ot (%1i&/ t,$( i/&o$ t,$i #$so&%. .i0$ 9$*%"s$ o0 )o1.
T,is (%1$s t,$ $(#.o!$$s ,%##! %&' '$'i*%t$' i& t,$ )o1 %&' t,$! 'o t,$ )o1 )it, 0".. i&t$$st %&'
$(%i& *o((itt$' to)%'s t,$ *o(#%&!.
HIn my company senior mana/ement is sympat*etic and always willin/ to loo6 into t*e
/rie4ances and complaints o% employees3
Its part o% t*e en4ironment o% tr.st5 acco.ntability and responsibility t*at3s important in en/a/in/
people and winnin/ discretionary e%%ort.
At COMVIVA most o% t*e employees t*at are D$L partially a/ree. Only !! L %.lly a/ree and #$L
employees do not a/ree at all t*at senior mana/ement is interested in t*eir well bein/.
At &NINOR $=L and $DL employees a/ree %.lly and partially respecti4ely t*at senior mana/ement is
sympat*etic and always willin/ to loo6 into t*e /rie4ances and complaints o% employees. And only DL do
not a/ree at all.
T,is s,o)s t,%t %t UNINOR t,$$ is % #o#$ $&+io&($&t o0 ("t"%. t"st %&' %**o"&! %&'
t,$! 9$.i$+$ i& %& i&0o(%. %&' ,$%.t,! s$&io J s"9o'i&%t$ $.%tio&s,i# ),i*, %/%i& .$%'s to t,$
$(#.o!$$ s%tis0%*tio& %&' *o((it($&t to)%'s t,$ *o(#%&!.
H. Salaries5 compensation5 bene%its5 allowances and per<.isites pro4ided by my company are <.ite
attracti4e and are based on t*e 2ob responsibilities.3
So"ewhat tr!e
Not at all tr!e
<> ?>
So"ewhat tr!e
Not at all tr!e
Companies 6now t*at t*ey *a4e to rem.nerate t*eir employees well eno./*9 o% t*e iss.e o%
ris6 o% loosin/ talent and 4irt.osity. As t*e labor mar6et eases5 bein/ a4era/e won3t be /ood eno./*
%or employers S partic.larly in recr.itin/ or retainin/ t*e in demand talent w*o always *a4e t*e
eno./* 2ob options and5 *ence5 bar/ainin/ power.
At COMVIVA lar/e n.mber o% employees t*at is @!L are 4ery m.c* satis%ied by t*e compensation and
bene%its pro4ided by t*e company. #DL employees are somew*at satis%ied and #! L are not at all
At &NINOR lar/er percenta/e o% employees are satis%ied by t*e compensation and bene%its pro4ided by
t*e company t*at is >!L. Only DL are somew*at satis%ied and t*ere are only !L employees w*o are not
at all satis%ied.
T,is s,o)s t,%t $(#.o!$$s %t UNINOR %$ ("*, (o$ *o&t$&t$' %&' s%tis0i$' 9! t,$ s%.%!;
%..o)%&*$s %&' ot,$ 9$&$0its #o+i'$' 9! t,$ *o(#%&! %&' 0$$. t,%t t,$s$ %$ 9%s$' o& t,$i Eo9
HMy or/ani0ation is open and recepti4e to new and inno4ati4e ideas %rom t*e Employees.3
So"ewhat tr!e
Not at all tr!e
So"ewhat tr!e
Not at all tr!e
Employees w*o %eel t*ey are listened to5 s.pported5 and reco/ni0ed %or t*eir contrib.tions are li6ely to be
more en/a/ed. People li6e to be reco/ni0ed %or t*eir .ni<.e contrib.tions. Gi4in/ people a c*ance to
pro4ide inp.t pro4idin/ a %or.m %or opinions is not only a part o% b.ildin/ more c*allen/e and
stim.lation into wor6 en4ironment5 b.t also a part o% in4ol4in/ people to en*ance en/a/ement and a
sense o% acco.ntability. S.pport and reco/nition in an en/a/in/ en4ironment b.ilds employee sel%:esteem
and creates stron/ partners*ips.
T*ere is not a 4ery m.c* di%%erence in bot* t*e companies re/ardin/ employee participation and
en/a/ement. In COMVIVA ?DL employees %eel t*at t*ey are listened to and ac6nowled/ed5 !=L a/ree
partially and #DL do not a/ree. 7*ereas in &NINOR D$L employees a/ree %.lly5 B!L partially a/ree
and only $ L do not a/ree.
T,is s,o)s t,%t 9ot, t,$ *o(#%&i$s 'o $&*o"%/$ $(#.o!$$ #%ti*i#%tio& 9"t &ot to % +$! .%/$
$>t$&t %&' UNINOR is %/%i& s.i/,t.! ,i/, i& t,is *%t$/o!.

T*is is a %actor t*at a/ain leads to a satis%action or dissatis%action o% employees. Sometimes o% e1cess
o% wor6load employees %eel %r.strated and tend to lea4e t*e company. T*e wor6 load on an employee s*o.ld depend
on *is capacity and capabilities.
At COMVIVA $!L respondents t*at are !# o.t o% ?" employees %eel t*at t*e wor6 load /i4en to t*em is *i/* and
?=L employees %eel t*at t*e wor6load is eit*er a4era/e or low b.t not *i/*.
At &NINOR D!L employees t*at are B# o.t o% ?" %eel t*at wor6 load is 4ery *i/* in t*e company and only B=L
%eel t*at it is eit*er low or a4era/e.
So COMVIVA 9$.i$+$s (o$ i& #o+i'i&/ )o1 .o%' to t,$ $(#.o!$$ ),i*, ,$ *%& $%si.! (%&/$ %&' i& ),i*,
,$ *%& #"t ,is 9$st $00ots to *o&ti9"t$ to t,$ *o(#%&!Is o9E$*ti+$.
At COMVIVA most o% t*e employees t*at is D!L are not abo.t t*eir career in t*e
company. Only B$L employees are t*at t*ey want to contin.e in t*e same or/ani0ation and only $L
don3t want to contin.e.
At &NINOR most o% t*e employees t*at is @DL want to contin.e in t*e same company . Only !! L
employees are not and !L do not want to contin.e.
T,is t,%t t,$$ %$ (o$ &"(9$ o0 $(#.o!$$s %t UNINOR ),o %$ 0"..! s%tis0i$' 9! t,$ *o(#%&!
%&' )%&t to *o&ti&"$ t,$i 0"t,$ *%$$ )it, *o(#%&!.
1. T%i&i&/ %&' 3$+$.o#($&t.
It is important %or a company3s mana/ement to be acti4ely in4ol4ed in t*e de4elopment and
implementation o% t*eir employee3s initial and trainin/ pro/rams5 t*e identi%ication o% trainin/
needs5 and t*e re4iew and appro4al o% trainin/ materials so t*at all t*e employees %eel enco.ra/ed to
participate in t*em and t*ere%ore %eel satis%ied and be retained
2. E(#o)$($&t
7or6in/ .pon pro4idin/ employees more empowerment to its employees enables t*em to ta6e
independent decisions in t*e interest o% t*e company. T*is wo.ld /i4e t*em a %eelin/ o% responsibility.
T*ey will be more committed towards t*e wor6 and *ence be loyal to t*e or/ani0ation.
It3s also a %.nction o% stron/ per%ormance mana/ement pro/rams t*at *elp people set clear /oals assess
pro/ress a/ainst t*ose /oals5 .nderstand /aps in s6ills and *ow to close t*em5 and w*at t*eir lon/er:term
opport.nities mi/*t be.
A n.mber o% companies *a4e b.ilt rep.tations %or bein/ bot* /reat employers and /reat ser4ice
or/ani0ations by empowerin/ employees to ma6e t*eir own5 on:t*e:spot decisions abo.t *ow
best to address c.stomer needs.
Alon/ wit* pro4idin/ o% decision:ma6in/ a.t*ority to t*e employees on part o% or/ani0ation5 t*ere is a
need %or clear comm.nication and ed.cation as well as decision:ma6in/ tools and s.pport. In addition5
pro4idin/ o% responsibility and a.tonomy *as to be seen as core and consistent part o% t*e en4ironment.
3. A'+%&*$($&t o##ot"&iti$s
-or career ad4ancement5 t*ere3s no <.estion9 it3s more today5 w*en so many companies *a4e
%latter or/ani0ational str.ct.res. In part5 companies can rede%ine ad4ancement5 %oc.sin/ less on traditional
spans o% control and reportin/ relations*ips t*an on elements li6e s6ill mastery5 team leaders*ip5 and
special assi/nments and so on. T*e 7eb can also be .sed as an important tool to do sel%:assessments
abo.t s6ills and career %oc.s5 and t*e trainin/ necessary %or career ad4ancement. Also a special
selection+trainin/ pro/ram can be de4ised t*at mo4es non:pro%essional employees to pro%essional
positions based on trainin/ and e1perience rat*er t*an t*e positi4e ed.cation re<.irement ot*erwise
needed to <.ali%y %or t*e position to deal wit* t*e decisions concernin/ e1ternal 4ers.s internal
4. R$)%' %&' R$*o/&itio&.
Or/ani0ations s*o.ld also de4elop new and inno4ati4e approac*es t*at demonstrate t*e lin6
between t*e type o% rewards and reco/nition bein/ .sed and t*e o% t*e or/ani0ation Eor
t*e to be ac*ie4edF.
T*ere is need to b.ild s.%%icient %le1ibility into t*e employment cycle and e1perience to emp*asi0e
di%%erent rewards and elements at di%%erent sta/es in t*e process.
Employers cannot 4iew attraction5 retention and en/a/ement t*ro./* a sin/le lens5 or pro4ide a
one:si0e:%its:all pro/ram t*at will ser4e t*ese t*ree distinct needs wit* e<.al s.ccess. It can .se
approac*es li6e total rewards optimization9 a tool5 to test di%%erent reward port%olios and
determine precisely *ow %ar t*ey can /o in c.ttin/ bac6 or redesi/nin/ plans wit*o.t ne/ati4ely
a%%ectin/ employee en/a/ement and prod.cti4ity. It acts as a critical %irst step in allocatin/
%inancial and ot*er reso.rces %or ma1im.m 4al.e.
-.Wo1 .i0$ 9%.%&*$
Or/ani0ations s*o.ld %.rnis* wor6+*ome balance pro/rams w*ic* pro4ide employees wit*
t*e %le1ibility to mana/e bot* wor6 and *ome commitments. T*is may time o%% in
lie. arran/ements5 2ob s*arin/5 part time wor65 %amily rooms9 wor6 based c*ildcare %acilities5
*ome:based wor65 pro4ision o% career3s lea4e and *ealt* pro/rams.
7*en employees %eel t*eir employer cares abo.t t*em5 t*ey are more willin/ to s.pport c*an/e5
stay late i% needed5 wor6 an e1tra day5 and be more %le1ible. T*ey are also more loyal and more
li6ely to stay wit* t*e or/ani0ation. -amily:%riendly policies and bene%its /ain employee
commitment and loyalty better t*an any ot*er pro/ram.
2. C".t"$ o0 t"st
At a minim.m5 an or/ani0ation3s*e way we do t*in/s * promote core and et*ical standards. (.t a 4ibrant wor6place can do m.c* more5 %or/in/ a stron/
lin6 between people and per%ormance. T*is *appens w*en comes ali4e in t*e
relations*ips t*at bind employees wit* eac* ot*er5 wit* t*eir mana/ers and wit* c.stomers. A
positi4e ener/i0es employees to e1cel in t*eir 2obs and s.pports t*em to meet t*eir
personal needs and /oals. 7it* a talent* .pon .s5 t*e <.ality o% t*e an or/ani0ation
b.ilds will eit*er be a competiti4e ad4anta/e or disad4anta/e. is t*e bedroc6 o% a positi4e or/ani0ational A *i/* de%ines /reat
wor6places5 re/ardless o% an or/ani0ation3s si0e5 sector or co.ntry. Employees mana/ers
w*o are concerned abo.t t*eir well:bein/5 listen and respond to t*eir inp.t5 are open and *onest
abo.t c*an/e5 and consistently act t*e or/ani0ation3s Tr.stwort*y mana/ers can also *elp
instill in employees a sense o% pride in t*eir wor6 and a tr.e sense o% camaraderie.
5. R$("&$%tio& %&' Co(#$&s%tio&
Companies need to rem.nerate t*eir employees well eno./* at least at par wit* compensation
and rem.neration le4el e1istin/ in ind.stry9 o% t*e iss.e o% ris6 o% loosin/ talent and
. -le1ible competiti4e and e%%icient classi%ication and compensation systems are critical to t*e e%%orts o%
t*e or/ani0ation. Alternati4e classi%ication and compensation systems pro4ide t*e e1empt or/ani0ations
%le1ibility to meet competiti4e needs and to mo4e %rom seniority:based pay systems to per%ormance based
alternati4es. Or/ani0ations need to b.ild and implement a per%ormance mana/ement system t*at incl.des
pay %or per%ormance. T*ey s*o.ld create a system t*at enables *i/* potentials to be able to in%l.ence
directly t*e meas.res .pon w*ic* t*ey are bein/ rewarded. Pro4ide t*em reco/nition t*at is in terms o%
t*eir 4al.e and contrib.tion o4er a4era/e per%ormers wit*in t*e or/ani0ation. T*is may *i/*er
compensation5 stoc6 options5 or per%ormance
6. :"! o0 Wo1
Employees indicated t*at c*allen/in/ wor6 and .tili0in/ t*eir stren/t*s and talents were most important
in retainin/ t*em. T*e or/ani0ation needs to e1amine t*e b.siness to identi%y t*e areas o% /rowt* t*at
/enerate income and are 6ey to its s.ccess. Also t*ey need to identi%y t*e s6ills5 talents5 and competencies
needed to ma6e t*ose areas s.ccess%.l. T*en potential indi4id.als wit* t*ose matc*in/ s6ills5 talents5 and
competencies s*o.ld be placed into t*ose critical positions. I% possible5 or/ani0ation can redesi/n 2obs
and %it t*e indi4id.als to t*e wor65 not t*e 2ob. More emp*asis can be placed on .sin/ t*e talents and
competencies o% employees5 rat*er t*an 2ob descriptions and d.ties.
7. E(#.o!$$ #%ti*i#%tio& %&' %*1&o).$'/$($&t
T*is is also important in order to retain employees. Or/ani0ations s*o.ld enco.ra/e employees to
participate in decision ma6in/ and ac6nowled/e t*eir ideas to ma6e t*em %eel a part o% t*e w*ole process
and t*e company .T*is moti4ates t*em to ta6e interest in t*eir wor6 and t*ey stay in t*e or/ani0ation
lon/er as t*ey are satis%ied. .
T*e scope o% t*e st.dy in terms o% co4era/e is limited to t*e G.r/aon operations o% COMVIVA
as well as &NINOR.
T*ere is a lot o% *ea4y bias attac*ed wit* t*e responses o% personnel e1perience
Rel.ctance on t*e part o% t*e employees to disclose t*eir in%ormation in t*e <.estionnaire.
7*ile distrib.tin/ t*e <.estionnaire5 people were not ready to accept one e1tra b.rden o% wor65
w*ic* was not a part o% t*eir o%%ice 2ob.
Not e4erybody was willin/ to /i4e time and t*ey were rel.ctant to certain internal matters
to t*e o.tsiders.
T*e %indin/s o% t*e st.dy are solely based on t*e in%ormation pro4ided by t*e
-indin/s o% t*e researc* may c*an/e d.e to area5 demo/rap*y5 a/e condition
o% economy etc

Employee Retention in4ol4es ta6in/ meas.res to enco.ra/e employees to remain in t*e
or/ani0ation %or t*e ma1im.m period o% time. Corporate is %acin/ a lot o% problems in employee
retention t*ese days. ,irin/ 6nowled/eable people %or t*e 2ob is essential %or an employer. (.t
retention is e4en more important t*an *irin/. T*ere is no deart* o% opport.nities %or a talented
person. T*ere are many or/ani0ations w*ic* are loo6in/ %or s.c* employees. I% a person is not
satis%ied by t*e 2ob *e3s doin/5 *e may switc* o4er to some ot*er more s.itable 2ob. In today3s
en4ironment it becomes 4ery important %or or/ani0ations to retain t*eir employees.
T*e top or/ani0ations are on t*e top t*ey 4al.e t*eir employees and t*ey 6now *ow to
6eep t*em /l.ed to t*e or/ani0ation. Employees stay and lea4e or/ani0ations %or some reasons.
T*e reason may be personal or pro%essional. T*ese reasons s*o.ld be .nderstood by t*e
employer and s*o.ld be ta6en care o%. T*e or/ani0ations are becomin/ aware o% t*ese reasons
and adoptin/ many strate/ies %or employee retention.
(ot* t*e companies COMVIVA and &NINOR employee n.mber o% strate/ies to retain t*e best
talent in t*e company li6e pro4idin/ trainin/ and de4elopment pro/rammes 5 *elpin/ employees
to properly balance t*eir wor6 li%e and personal li%e 5 pro4idin/ rewards and opport.nities to
/row5 maintainin/ an en4ironment o% 5 /ood compensation and bene%its etc. And
t*ese strate/ies are 4ery e%%ecti4e as most o% t*e employees are satis%ied in most o% t*e
cate/ories. (.t &NINOR is better in most o% t*e retention strate/ies li6e trainin/ and
de4elopment5 compensation5 rewards and reco/nition etc. And COMVIVA is better at
maintainin/ wor6 li%e balance. Also most o% t*e employees are abo.t t*eir career
in &NINOR and most o% t*e employees at COMVIVA are not w*et*er t*ey will stay in t*e
company or not %or a lon/ time.
O4erall employees at &NINOR w*ic* is an MNC are more satis%ied in most o% t*e cate/ories o%
retainin/ employees and t*.s it is better t*an COMVIVA in employee retention.
Robins5 E #>>=F ; ,&MAN RESO&RCE MANAGEMENT. Prentice ,all5 New )or6 .
Israni5 R ,ars*a. E!""#F Mana/ement e4elopment Instit.te5 En/a/e Employees and (oost
Retention5 !""#
C.(.Memoria ; ,.man reso.rce mana/ement

,.man reso.rce mana/ement
People mana/ement
#. I %ind personal meanin/ and %.l%illment in my wor6.

aF Tr.e bF Somew*at tr.e cF Not at all tr.e.
!. T*e mana/ement reco/ni0es my talents and enco.ra/es me to .se t*em as m.c* as
aF Always bF &
B. My company /i4es me a.t*ority and reso.rces to accomplis* my tar/ets.

aF Tr.e bF Somew*at tr.e cF Not at all tr.e
$. In my company employees *a4e eno./* opport.nities %or ad4ancement.

aF Tr.e bF Somew*at tr.e cF Not at all tr.e.
?. I /et proper s.pport o% my seniors and reco/nition o% wor6 done.
aF Tr.e bF Somew*at tr.e cF Not at all tr.e.
D. I am enco.ra/ed to participate in trainin/ and de4elopment pro/rams to impro4e my
S6ills and 6nowled/e.
aF Tr.e bF Somew*at tr.e cF Not at all tr.e
@. My company pro4ides attracti4e rewards and opport.nities to retain talent and e1pertise.
aF Always. bF Sometimes. cF Ne4er.
=. 7or6:li%e balance is s.pported by t*is or/ani0ation.
aF A/ree bF o not a/ree

>. In my company top mana/ement is sympat*etic and always willin/ to loo6 into t*e
/rie4ances and complaints o% employees.
aF Tr.e bF Somew*at tr.e cF Not at all tr.e.
#". Salaries5 compensation5 bene%its5 allowances and per<.isites pro4ided by my
company are <.ite attracti4e and are based on t*e 2ob responsibilities.

aF Tr.e bF Somew*at tr.e cF Not at all tr.e.
##. My or/ani0ation is open and recepti4e to new and inno4ati4e ideas %rom t*e
aF Tr.e bF Somew*at tr.e cF Not at all tr.e.
#!. 7*at is yo.r opinion re/ardin/ t*e wor6 load %rom t*e companyO

aF ,i/* bF A4era/e cF 'ow
#B 7o.ld yo. li6e to plan yo.r %.rt*er career in t*is or/ani0ationO
aF )es bF Not cF No
T,ANN )O&.

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