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Business Victoria

Marketing Plan Template

One of the most important, yet often overlooked areas for the small business owner
is the development of a marketing plan. An effective marketing plan will act as a
reference document to help you to execute your marketing strategy. It will also help
you to develop a methodical approach to creating services and products that satisfy
your customers needs.
!hen writing a marketing plan you need to be clear about your marketing
ob"ectives and how youre going to achieve them. A good marketing plan sets
realistic and measurable ob"ectives# includes budgets and action plans, and
allocates responsibilities.
$our marketing plan will include the following elements%
A summary of your marketing plan
Background analysis of your business and market
&arketing ob"ectives and strategy of your business
$our marketing mix
Action plans and budgets
Organisational implications and contingencies
'valuation and monitoring strategies
(upporting documentation
)eep it up to date
*lanning your marketing should be an ongoing business activity. As the market
conditions and your business change, you will need to revisit many of the ideas and
strategies outlined in your marketing plan. By referring to your plan regularly, you
will ensure that your business keeps heading in the right direction.
Business Victoria
&arketing *lan
How to use this template
*rior to completing this marketing plan template, consider the following%
1. Gather together your key business documents. Before you begin,
gather together your key business documents. +his includes business plans,
budgets, resumes, forecasts and registration documents. ,aving the right
information on hand will mean you can be more accurate in your forecasts
and analysis as you move through the marketing plan template.
2. Take your time and consider your specific needs. !ork through the
template at your own pace. (tart by deciding which sections are relevant for
your business and set aside the sections that dont apply. $ou can always go
back to the other sections at a later date.
3. ecide on your audience. Its also important to consider your audience
when writing your marketing plan. !ill the plan be used internally- Or will
you be sharing it with others- .eciding on the purpose of the plan can help
you target your answers appropriately.
!. "se the #italicised text$. +he italicised text is there to help guide you by
providing some more detailed /uestions you may like to answer when
preparing your responses. Of course, if a /uestion does not apply to your
circumstances it can be ignored.
%. &sk for some assistance. If you arent confident in completing the
marketing plan template yourself, you can enlist the help of a professional
0i.e. business adviser or accountant1 to look through your plan and provide
you with advice.
'. (rite the Marketing Plan )ummary last. +he key with this section is to
be succinct. $ou want to get to the point but not ignore important facts. +he
summary is a great opportunity to sell yourself and your business. $ou want
anyone who reads you plan find it engaging, credible and easy to follow.
*. +e,iew your work. Avoid mistakes by asking a number of impartial people
to proofread your final plan. +his way your marketing plan will make a great
impression and be an inspiration for you when times are tough.
-. Print. +he #italicised text$ is instructional and will disappear on 2preview
print3 or 2print3. +o print a copy, select the *rinter icon on the toolbar, or
select 4ile then *rint on the main menu. 4O5&A++I67 !I88 6''. +O B'
*age :
**&I &arketing *lan ;:<=>?=@A
*akistan *lanning B
&anagement Institute 0**&I1
&arketing *lan
Prepared. ;Date preparedA
*age =
**&I &arketing *lan ;:<=>?=@A
+able of 9ontents
$our Business...............................................................................>
&arket Overview...........................................................................>
&arketing Ob"ectives......................................................................>
&arketing (trategy........................................................................>
Action (teps.................................................................................@
Background Analysis......................................................................C
Business overview.........................................................................C
*roducts% ;!hat products andDor services do you sell-A
(.!.O.+. analysis..........................................................................=
(.!.O.+. activity sheet...................................................................:
The Market /,er,iew.............................................................3
&arket research and environmentalDindustry analysis% ;!hat research
have you completed to help analyse your market- .id you utilise a
surveyD/uestionnaire- If so, you may like to attach a copy of your
surveyD/uestionnaire and findings to the back of this plan. In this
section, detail the results of the market research you have performed.
9onsider /uestions such as%............................................................F
0our Marketing......................................................................'
&arketing (trategy% ;Gse this section to detail the overall strategy you
will use to position yourself within the market to meet your customers
needs. !hatever your strategy, you goal should be to differentiate
yourself from your competitors to encourage customers to choose your
business first. +he specific elements that make up your marketing
strategy are typically referred to as the marketing mix. 'ach element
can be varied to broaden the appeal of products and services, and will
therefore have a direct impact on sales. ..........................................E
=.$our *5O.G9+ 0or ('5VI9'1........................................................H
:.+he *5I9I67 of your product or service.........................................I
F.$our *O(I+IO6 0*lace1 in the marketplace....................................=<
>.+he *5O&O+IO6 of your product or service..................................==
@.+he *'O*8' in your business 0salespeople, staff etc.1....................=:
C.+he *5O9'(( represents the buying experience............................=F
;*rocess represents the buying experience that the customer
experiences when they buy your product or service. 4or example, the
way that a fine bottle of wine is presented and served in a restaurant,
the reaction of a business to a complaint or the speed of delivery in a
fast food outlet............................................................................=F
A poor process, on the other hand, can undermine the other elements of
the marketing mix. Budget airlines, for example, may offer very
competitive headline prices, but if the final price is inflated by additional
charges such as baggage charges and administrative fees, customers
may begin to feel that they have been taken advantage of even if the
final price is lower than other carriers.A...........................................=F
E.+he *,$(I9A8 '6VI5O6&'6+ where the goodDservices are presented
H.*5O.G9+IVI+$ is an essential part of meeting a customers needs. .=@
&arketing Activity........................................................................=C
0our 1inances......................................................................1*
*age :
**&I &arketing *lan ;:<=>?=@A
Marketing 2udget #03&+$....................................................1*
*age F
**&I &arketing *lan ;:<=>?=@A
Marketing Plan )ummary
#Please complete this page last$
;The marketing plan summary is a snapshot of your more detailed answers from
your marketing plan. It should be easy to read and simple to follow. A
$our Business
2usiness name. ;Whats your business registered business name? If you
havent registered a business name, add your proposed business name here.]
2usiness structure. ;Whats the formal struture of your business? !re you a
sole trader, in a partnership, a trust or ompany?]
&24. ;Whats your registered !ustralian "usiness #umber.]
&54. ;Whats your registered !ustralian $ompany #umber, if appliable.A
2usiness location. ;Where does your business operate from?A
ate established. ;When did you begin trading?]
2usiness owner6s7. ;Who are the owners of the business?A
/wner8s e9perience. ;$reate a brief summary of your %and other owners&
e'periene in the industry and any ma(or ahievements)awards.A
Products or )er,ices. ;What produts and)or servies do you sell?A
&arket Overview
Target market.
;In one or two sentenes, summarise the key statistis for your target market.
This may inlude the si*e and growth potential of your market, as well as key
demographis suh as age, gender, inome level et.]
5ustomer profile.
;Whats the profile of an ideal ustomer for your business? In one or two
sentenes, learly define your ideal ustomer + their needs, buying patterns and
motivations for buying.]
5ompetitor profile.
;Whats the profile of a typial ompetitor for your business? What marketing
mi' do they use? ,ave you identified any gaps in their marketing strategy?A
&arketing Ob"ectives
;In one or two sentenes, summarise the key marketing ob(etives for your
business. -our ob(etives may be finanial, with a goal to inrease sales, or
marketing foused to build awareness of your produt or servie.A
&arketing (trategy
0our strategy and marketing mi9.
;.se this setion to summarise the overall strategy and marketing mi' %The /
0s& you will use to position yourself within the market to meet your ustomers
*age >
**&I &arketing *lan ;:<=>?=@A
needs. Whatever your strategy, you goal should be to differentiate yourself from
your ompetitors to enourage ustomers to hoose your business first.A
Action (teps
Top 1; &ction )teps.
;$reate a list of the Top 12 ation steps that will bring your theoretial
ob(etives %your marketing strategy and ob(etives& to life. 3.g. 4inish 5.W.6.T.
!tivity 5heet, omplete marketing budgetA
*age @
**&I &arketing *lan ;:<=>?=@A
Background Analysis
+he background analysis should give a snapshot of where you are right now,
where you have been and where you want to go. Gndertaking this process will
help you to define your businessJs capabilities and find opportunities within your
particular market. 4inally, defining your core business elements will ensure that
your marketing plan and overall business strategy work together seamlessly.
Business overview
;The overview should over the nuts and bolts of your business inluding7
The name, struture and date of establishment
Details about the owners %their names, roles and levels of e'periene et.&
What your business is about %your business mission, vision and values&
The key business ob(etives you would like to ahieve
!n outline of the main produts and servies sold
! finanial analysis of your business inluding sales and profitability
! 5.W.6.T. analysis of your business to set a line in the sandA
2usiness name. ;Whats your business registered business name? If you
havent registered a business name, add your proposed business name here.]
2usiness structure. ;Whats the formal struture of your business? !re you a
sole trader, in a partnership, a trust or ompany?]
&24. ;Whats your registered !ustralian "usiness #umber.]
&54. ;Whats your registered !ustralian $ompany #umber, if appliable.A
2usiness location. ;Where does your business operate from?A
ate established. ;When did you begin trading?]
2usiness owner6s7. ;Who are the owners of the business?A
/wner8s e9perience. ;$reate a brief summary of your %and other owners&
e'periene in the industry and any ma(or ahievements)awards.A
<ision statement. ;! 8ision statement should desribe W,393 you want your
business to be in the future. It should ommuniate both the 0.90653 and
8!:.35 of your business and answer the ;uestion, <Why are we here?=A
Mission statement. ;A &ission statement should outline ,O! you will get to
where you want your business to be in the future %-our 8ision&. It should define
the 0.90653 and 09I>!9- 6"?3$TI835 of your business and answer the
;uestion, <What do we do?=A
2usiness ob:ecti,es. ;What are your short and long term goals for your
(hort +erm% ;What are three primary short+term goals for your business %@
Goal8/b:ecti,e escription 2y when
;"rief goal)ob(etive desriptionA ;Date of
*age C
**&I &arketing *lan ;:<=>?=@A
8ong +erm% ;What are three primary long+term goals for your business %1+B
Goal8/b:ecti,e escription 2y when
;"rief goal)ob(etive desriptionA ;Date of
Products. ;What produts and)or servies do you sell?A
Product8)er,ice escription Price
;"rief produt)servie desriptionA ;.nit prie
inluding A5TA
1inancial &nalysis. ;In this setion provide a high level analysis of your
urrent finanial situation, speifially addressing sales and profitability.A
*art = K (ales Analysis
Gse this section to summarise the current sales data for your industry 0if
available1 and your business. +he areas that you can analyse include%
L (ales for your overall market
L (ales for your business
L (ales for your competitors
If you wish to dig deeper, you can expand the analysis to (ales by *roduct
9ategories, (ales By .istribution 9hannels and (ales By 7eography.
*art : K *rofitability Analysis
Gse the sales numbers above to identify realised revenues rather than "ust
pro"ections and then breakdown marketing expenses in terms of direct
0expenses directly tied to products1 and indirect or proportional 0general
administrative or broad marketing expenses1.
*age E
**&I &arketing *lan ;:<=>?=@A
(.!.O.+. analysis
;Gse the table below to list eah of your businesses 5trengths, Weaknesses, 6pportunities or Threats %5.W.6.T.&.A
)trengths (eaknesses
/pportunities Threats
*age =
**&I &arketing *lan ;:<=>?=@A
(.!.O.+. activity sheet
;6utline how and when you plan to address eah of the weaknesses)threats from your 5.W.6.T. analysis above.]
).(./.T weakness8 threat &cti,ity to address weakness8threat 5ompletion date
*age :
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
The Market /,er,iew
7athering information and identifying the key characteristics of your target market will help you
to find the most effective way to reach your target customers. +he &arket Overview should
provide an analysis of the market in which your business operates, including your customers,
competitors and the market as a whole. 5evisit this process regularly to ensure that your
strategy remains relevant and targeted.
0our Market
Target market. C5ummarise the key statistis for your target market. This may inlude the
si*e and growth potential of your market, as well as key demographis suh as age, gender,
inome level et.]
Market research and en,ironmental8industry analysis. ;What researh have you
ompleted to help analyse your market? Did you utilise a survey);uestionnaire? If so, you may
like to attah a opy of your survey);uestionnaire and findings to the bak of this plan. In this
setion, detail the results of the market researh you have performed. $onsider ;uestions suh
Is the area e'periening population growth or deline?
Does the region where you operate have a stable eonomy?
!re there any seasonal variations that might affet sales?
What is the si*e of the market?
What reent trends have emerged in the market?
Is there potential for growth in the market? ,ow will you be able to apitalise on any
,ow will your entrane affet the market)ustomers?
What e'ternal fators will affet your ustomers?
9lick here for more information on .I$ &arket 5esearch
*age F
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
0our 5ustomers
Target customers. ;Who are your target ustomers and how do they behave? Inlude speifi demographis suh as age, soial status,
eduation and gender. What are your ustomers lifestyles, ativities, values, needs, interests or opinions? Where are they loated? 0lease
ad(ust the olumn headings as re;uired.]
5ustomer &ge Gender 3thnicity 3ducation =ocation =ifestyle <alues >nterests
ustomer D
hoose a
5ustomer profile. ;Whats the profile of an ideal ustomer for your business? In a paragraph or two, learly define your ideal ustomer + their
needs, buying patterns and motivations for buying. This proess will help you to develop a mental image of your ideal ustomer %often referred
to as a ustomer avatar&.]
*age >
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
0our 5ompetitors
5ompetitor analysis. ;.se the table below to analyse at least E ompetitors.A
5ompetitor 3stablished
)i?e Market
share 6@7
<alue offered to
)trengths (eaknesses
;When was
their business
;#umber of
staff and)or
of market
;.ni;ue value to
ustomers, e.g.
;uality, prie or
ustomer servie?A
;What are your
ompetitorFs main
;What are your
ompetitorFs main
5ompetitor profile. ;Whats the profile of a typial ompetitor for your business? In a paragraph or two, learly define a typial ompetitor +
their si*e, market share, uni;ue value proposition, strengths and weaknesses. This proess will help you to develop a mental image of your
typial ompetitor.]
*age @
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
0our Marketing
Marketing /b:ecti,es. ;5ummarise the key marketing ob(etives for your business. -our ob(etives may be finanial, with a goal to inrease
sales, or marketing foused, to build awareness of your produt or servie. !n effetive %and aountable& way to define your marketing
ob(etives is to follow the G5>!9T aronym %5peifi, >easurable, !hievable, 9ealisti and Timely&
3'amples of 5>!9T marketing ob(etives
To ahieve a H2I return on apital employed by !pril H21J %0rofitability 6b(etive&
To gain 1EI of the market for sports soks by #ovember H21/ %>arket 5hare 6b(etive&
To make K brand of (uie the preferred brand of H1+HL year old females in !ustralia by !ugust H21L %"randing 6b(etive&
Detail your 5>!9T marketing ob(etives in the table below7A
/b:ecti,e )pecific Measurable &chie,able +ealistic Timely
;-our speifi marketing
;Is your ob(etive
;$an your
ob(etive be
;Is your ob(etive
;Is your ob(etive
;,ave you set a
speifi date for
your ob(etive to
be ahieved?A
1 Doran, G. T. (1981). There's a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management's goals an o!"e#ti$es. Management Re$iew, %ol&me '(, )ss&e 11(AMA *+R,M), --. ./0.1.
*age C
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
Marketing )trategy. ;.se this setion to detail the overall strategy you will use to position yourself within the market to meet your ustomers
needs. Whatever your strategy, you goal should be to differentiate yourself from your ompetitors to enourage ustomers to hoose your
business first. The speifi elements that make up your marketing strategy are typially referred to as the marketing mi'. 3ah element an be
varied to broaden the appeal of produts and servies, and will therefore have a diret impat on sales.
The / 0Fs of marketing
1 -our 096D.$T %or 5398I$3&
2 The 09I$I#A of your produt or servie
. -our 065ITI6# %plae& in the marketplae
3 The 096>6TI6# of your produt of servie
/ The 0360:3 in your business %salespeople, staff et.& Clink]
1 The 096$355 represents the buying e'periene Clink]
' The 0,-5I$!: environment where the good)servies are presented Clink]
8 096D.$TI8IT- and Muality is an essential part of meeting ustomer needs Clink]
$lik any of the links above to find out more about a speifi element and how it an be applied.A
*age E
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
1. 0our P+/"5T 6or )3+<>537
;,ere you should desribe your long+term produt strategy in detail. If you are providing a servie then you should onsider your servie%s& as
your produt%s&.
-ou will need to onsider7
What features and benefits do you offer?
The uni;ue selling position + what makes your produt)servie different from your ompetitors?
0otential spin+off produts or servies? A
Product or )er,ice 1eatures 2enefits "niAue )elling
)upport )pin /ffs
;What is your produt or
;What are the
features of your
produt or servie?
;What are the
ustomer benefits
of your produt or
;What makes your
produt or servie
;What additional
support do you
offer? 3.g.
warranty, money
bak et.A
;!re there any
potential spin+off
produts or
servies you an
*age H
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
2. The P+>5>4G of your product or ser,ice
;0rie is a ritial omponent of your marketing mi'. Why? "eause hoosing the right prie for your produts or servies will help you to
ma'imise profits and also build strong relationships with your ustomers. "y priing effetively you will also avoid the serious finanial
onse;uenes that an our if you prie too low %not enough profit& or too high %not enough sales&.
5etting pries for your produts and servies might seem like a daunting task, however, it doesnt need to be N (ust remember7
you are in business to make a profit %and thats okO&
most business owners underprie the value that they deliver
your sales and marketing strategy should defend your pries
-our overall priing strategy will depend on your marketing, business and lifestyle ob(etives. 5o, before you start the researh proess spend
some time defining your inome %and net profit& aspirations. !lso take a look at the small business e'peted inome benhmarks on the !T6
Product or )er,ice Price 5osts 4et Profit 5omp. Price <alue
;What is your
produt or servie?A
;What is the prie of
your produt or
;What is the total
ost of selling your
produt or servie?A
;What #et 0rofit is
made from selling
your produt or
;What is your
ompetitors priing
for this produt or
;What uni;ue value
does your produt or
servie offer)deliver?A
*age I
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
3. 0our P/)>T>/4 6Place7 in the marketplace
;0lae refers to the hannels and loations for distributing your produt, related information, and support servies. This is how you will position
your produt or servie in the marketplae.
This inludes7
the plae where the produt)servie an be boughtP
the distribution hannelP
0lae represents the loation where a produt an be purhased. It is often referred to as the distribution hannel. This may inlude any
physial store %supermarket, departmental stores& as well as virtual stores %e+markets and e+malls& on the Internet. This is ruial as this
provides the plae utility to the onsumer, whih often beomes a deiding fator for the purhase of many produts aross multiple produt
)ales and distribution channels
5hannel type Products8ser,ices Percentage of
sales 6@7
istribution strategy
;e.g. 5hopfront,
internet, diret mail,
e'port or wholesale.A
C:ist all the
produts)servies sold
via this hannelA
;What perentage
of overall sales do
you e'pet to sell
via this hannel?A
;Why have you deided to use this hannel type? ,ow and when
will you use it? What is the strategy behind using this hannel type
for this partiular produt)servie?A
*age =<
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
!. The P+/M/T>/4 of your product or ser,ice
;5tate how you urrently promote and market your business now %or intend to&. $ompare %where appliable& what your ompetitors do for
promotion, noting what does and doesnt work for them as well as yourself. 9egardless of how good your business is, if you dont promote it
and tell people you e'ist, its unlikely you will make many sales.
0romotion is more than selling and advertising your business. Its about attrating the right people to use and reuse your business. There are a
number of tehni;ues to use and they an be ombined in various ways to reate the most ost effetive strategy for your needs.
Detail your promotion tehni;ues into si' ategories7
publi relations
pakaging or personal selling
diret marketing is often added to the marketing mi' despite being part of advertising rather than marketing. A
Product or )er,ice /nline Public
&d,ertising Promotion Packaging 2randing
;What is your produt or
;What online
strategies are
you using?A
;What 09
strategies are
you using?
strategies are
you using?A
;What promotion
strategies are
you using?A
;What pakaging
strategies are
you using?A
;What branding
strategies are
you using?A
*age ==
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
%. The P3/P=3 in your business 6salespeopleB staff etc.7
;3very employee in your business %if you have them& an influene the marketing of your produts and servies. Qnowledgeable and friendly
staff an ontribute to reating satisfied ustomers, and an provide the uni;ue selling e'periene that an organisation is often seeking. If an
outstanding team provides a ompetitive advantage, then the ;uality of reruitment and training beomes essential to ahieving your
marketing ob(etives.
5ome ;uestions to onsider when assessing your team members7
!re they prepared to talk with lients in detail about your produts and servies?
Do you have training in plae to drive onstant improvement?
Do your team understand the proess for handling lient interations?
!re staff members empowered to make deisions %and at& on the businesss behalf?
Do they have the ommuniation skills to be effetive?
Do staff members Glive your brand when they are at work?A
4ame Cob Title epartment +esponsibilities
;>r $hris "rantleyA ;e.g. >arketing) 5ales >anagerA ;e.g. 5alesA ;What are the main responsibilities of
this position?A
*age =:
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
'. The P+/53)) represents the buying e9perience
;0roess represents the buying e'periene that the ustomer e'perienes when they buy your produt or servie. 4or e'ample, the way that a
fine bottle of wine is presented and served in a restaurant, the reation of a business to a omplaint or the speed of delivery in a fast food
! poor proess, on the other hand, an undermine the other elements of the marketing mi'. "udget airlines, for e'ample, may offer very
ompetitive headline pries, but if the final prie is inflated by additional harges suh as baggage harges and administrative fees, ustomers
may begin to feel that they have been taken advantage of even if the final prie is lower than other arriers.A
Product or )er,ice The Process Dey 2enefits >mpro,ements
;What is your produt
or servie?A
;6utline the 0roess in point formA ;What are the key benefits for the
;What hanges an you make to
improve the 0roess?A
*age =F
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
*. The PH0)>5&= 34<>+/4M34T where the good8ser,ices are presented
;The physial environment where your produts or servies are sold and delivered an have a signifiant impat upon how your ustomers
e'periene your business. The physial environment represents the tangible aspets of selling your produts and servies, suh as the ;uality
of the furnishings in your onsulting rooms or the design of your reeption area. $reating a positive physial environment doesnt have to be
ostly D a vase full of fresh flowers an make a big differene.
.se the table below to outline the physial environments that your ustomers e'periene when they buy your produts or servies and any
improvements you might be able to make.]
4ame )elling 3n,ironment eli,ery 3n,ironment >mpro,ements
;What is your produt
or servie?A
;Where is the produt or servie
;Where is the produt or servie
;What hanges an you make to
improve the 0hysial 3nvironment?A
*age =>
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
-. P+/"5T><>T0 is an essential part of meeting a customerEs needs
;Improving produtivity is an important fator in ost managementP however, it also plays a key role in satisfying ustomer needs. The more
effetive and effiient your marketing efforts are the more satisfied ustomers your business will reate at a lower ost.
,ere are some e'amples of strategies that ould improve your marketing produtivity7
Improved >arketing !ounting D take time to understand where resoures are being spent, ustomer value being reated and where
money is being made or lost.
>arketing !llianes D share resoures, ideas and opportunities with other organisations that servie the same ustomers.
3nourage $ustomer Involvement D inrease ustomer satisfation and lower osts by adding ustomers to the value hain e.g. ask
them to write guest posts for your blog.]
4ame Cob Title epartment +esponsibilities
;>r $hris "rantleyA ;e.g. >arketing) 5ales >anagerA ;e.g. 5alesA ;What are the main responsibilities of
this position?A
*age =@
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
&arketing Activity
;6ne you have defined your marketing mi', the ne't step is to detail the speifi ativities that you will undertake to ahieve your marketing
ob(etives. !s you reate these ativities, keep referring bak to your marketing mi' D it will help you to assess whih ativities are worth the
time and effort to implement.
What steps or ativities will you undertake to ahieve your marketing ob(etives?A
Marketing acti,ity8milestone Person
ate of e9pected
5ost 6F7 )uccess indicator
C0rint advertising, online advertising, mail+out,
giveaway, media release, event, website,
blog)soial media, publi relations, branding and
artwork, or publiations and atalogues.]
CWho is
responsible for
ompleting this
CWhen do you
e'pet to
omplete the
ost of
CWhat indiator) measurement
result will need to be met before
this ativity is onsidered a

*age =C
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
0our 1inances
&arketing Budget ;$'A5A
;To omplete this marketing budget, you should rely heavily on your finanial statements and pro(etions. Double+lik the table below to enter
your details or attah your own budget at the bak of this marketing plan.A
*age =E
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
I t em Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Market ing/ promot ion
&arketing agency
5adio advertising
+elevision advertising
*rint advertising
Online advertising
(ocial media
!eb search optimisation
Branding B artwork
Market ing/ pr omot ion t ot al N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<<
Ot her
Ot her t ot al N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<<
Tot al N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<< N<.<<
*age =H
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
Organisational Implications
;6rganisational impliations are often overlooked when business owners takle a marketing
plan. 4or e'ample, if your goal is to inrease your ustomer base by 1EI and therefore your
staff by 12I + will you be able to house them in your urrent offies? $ould you outsoure
some tasks? Its important to onsider and doument these deisions in your plan.
.se the spae below to outline any organisational impliations, whih you feel may affet the
implementation of your marketing plan.A
*age =I
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
;!ll plans in business should remain fle'ible %and ad(ustable& as you are often working with
assumptions. The more planning you do, the better you will beome at prediting. ,owever,
as you are learning the needs of your market + it is fair to say that some of your assumptions
are going to fall short of e'petation.
.se the spae below to outline any ontingenies %alternative options& whih may assist if
things dont go as planned.A
*age :<
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
&onitoringDmeasurement activities
;9eviewing the impat of your marketing should be a periodi ativity. :ist the details of eah review in the table below.A
Marketing acti,ity ate of
Monitoring methods +e,iew outcomes
C0rint advertising, online
advertising, mail+outs,
giveaways, media
releases, events,
website, blog)soial
media, publi relations,
branding and artwork,
or publiations and
;What tools did you use to
measure)monitor the impat
of your marketing ativities?A
Ce.g. What were the results for the promotional period? What
were your sales)profit figures? ,ow many new)repeat
ustomers did you reeive? ,ow many ustomers visited your
website? 3t.A
*age :=
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
)upporting documentation
;!ttah any supporting doumentation in relation to this marketing plan.
:ist all of your attahments here. These may inlude resumes, ustomer survey);uestionnaire and)or finanial douments.A
*age ::
;"usiness #ameA &arketing *lan ;-3!9A
&ustralian 2usiness 4umber 6&247 K a single identifying number used when dealing with other businesses and the Australian +ax Office.
&ustralian 5ompany 4umber 6&547 K the number allocated by the Australian (ecurities and Investments 9ommission 0A(I91 when you
register a company under the 9orporations 8aw.
2log Kis a shortened word for !eblog 0see !eblog1.
5hannel K a way of delivering something to its destination, whether it is a message to be communicated or a physical product to be delivered.
5ontract K a legally enforceable agreement made between two or more parties. A contract may be a verbal contract or a written contract 0or
may be partly verbal and partly written1.
emographics K the characteristics of a population or segment of the population, commonly examined demographics include age, gender,
ethnicity, knowledge of languages, employment status, mobility and geographic location.
omain name K an identification string 0name1 that identifies an organisationJs address on the internet, either a website address or an email
address. .omain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the .omain 6ame (ystem 0.6(1. 9lick here for more information
Goods and )er,ices Ta9 6G)T7 K a broad?based tax of =< per cent on the sale of most goods and services in Australia.
HighGend H usually refers to expensive or high /uality productsDservices.
Market position K refers to the position an organisation, product or service has in the market, usually in relation to its competition.
Milestone K a goal or ob"ective with a target date.
Mission statement H is a statement 0usually internally facing1 which outlines how a business 0organisation1 intends to achieve its Vision. It
should define the *G5*O(' and *5I&A5$ OBO'9+IV'( of the business and answer the /uestion, 2!hat do we do-3
)ocial media K a group of technology including Blogs, online networks 0e.g. +witter, 4acebook, &y(pace, 8inkedIn1 and online collaboration
tools often used to expand your networkDmarket reach or collaborate on a large scale.
"niAue selling position K a characteristic of a business or a productDservice that sets it apart from the competition.
<ision statement K is a statement 0usually public facing1 which outlines where a business 0organisation1 wants to be in the future. It should
communicate both the *G5*O(' and VA8G'( of the business and answer the /uestion, 2!hy are we here-3.
(eblog K 0also known as a Blog1 an individualJs or organisationJs online website displaying a reverse?chronological list of entries 0known as
posts1. *osts typically include thoughts, observations, promotions, links, images or videos. A !eblog is publically available and allows readers
to comment on posts.
*age :F

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