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Christa Brediger

EDTECH 503 (Spring 2013)

Instructional Design Project
Submitted to: Dr. Tae Jeon

May 10, 2013

Project Title: Using Animoto for Project Based Learning

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Synthesis Reflection Paper 5

Part 1: Topic ..6
1a: Stated learning goal .... 6
1b: Description of the audience .... 6
1c: Rationale . 6

Part 2: Analysis Report 7
2a: Description of the needs .....8
2a1: Needs assessment survey ..8
2a2: Needs assessment data report 8
2b: Description of the learning context .....9
2b1: Learning context 9
2b2: Transfer context .....9
2c: Description of the learners ...9
2d: Task analysis flow chart .....11

Part 3: Planning ...11
3a: Learning objectives ...11
3b: Objectives and assessment matrix table 13
3c: ARCS Table ..15

Part 4: Instructors Guide .16
Introduction .16
Gain Attention 16
Establish Purpose 16
Activate Motivation .16
Preview Learning Activity 16
Body .17
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Recall Prior Knowledge 17
Present Information and Examples ...17
Focus Attention .17
Guide the Use of Learning Strategies ..17
Provide and Guide Practice ..17
Evaluate and Provide Feedback 17
Closure .17
Conclusion ...18
Summarize and Review 18
Transfer of Learning .18
Provide Closure 18
Assess Learning 18
Provide Feedback ..18
Part 5: Learning Content ...19
5a: Learning Materials ..19
5b: Assessment Materials .19
5c: Technology Tool Justification 20
Part 6: Formative Evaluation Plan 21
6a: Expert Review Plan .21
6b: One-to-One Evaluation Plan ...21
6c: Small Group Evaluation Plan . 21
6d: Field Trial Evaluation Plan .....22
Part 7: Formative Evaluation Report 23
7a: Evaluation Survey or Rubric ..23
7b: Report the Results of the Expert Review 24
7c: Comments on Change .25
Part 8: AECT Standards Grid ...26
Appendices 32
Appendix A: Teacher Survey 32
Appendix B: Student Survey 33
Appendix C: Word Cloud .35
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Appendix D: Notes Page ...36
Appendix E: Content/Video Outline .39
Appendix F: Student Checklist .41
Appendix G: Resources 42

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Synthesis Reflection Paper

The word design implies creative and collaborative formation. It is the
reasoning behind the way advertisements are constructed so that consumers are
influenced to buy a given product. It is the purpose behind teacher collaboration.
Instructional design is simply the design of instruction. It is a specific, systematic
approach used to get a group of learners to an end goal.
Up until this point, my experience with instructional design has been in bits and
pieces. My district is in the process of adjusting our current curriculum to match the new
Common Core State Standards (CCSS). We have collaborated both with grade level
teams in our specific building as well as with grade level teams across the district. We
have taken apart each of the standards and regrouped them into specific units. From here
we have matched pieces from our current curriculum to specific standards. As a grade
level we are responsible to create our own objectives and lessons fit to the new standards.
This whole process was just planning, in my eyes. I did not realize that I was in-
fact experiencing a form of instructional design first hand. Through the semester, it has
become more apparent that I have had experience with instructional design: directing
summer camps, training counselors, coaching, tutoring, etc.
It is difficult to see how educational technology can be successful without
considering the instructional design process. With so much technology available to us
today, we are constantly pushed to implement it in our classrooms. However, using
technology just because it is available can be just as ineffective as not using it at all.
Certainly, technology helps learning come alive, though, it should not be the reason why
we teach something. Technology should be the enhancement of our teaching.
As I move forward from this class, my ideas and point of view on lesson structure
have been greatly impacted. Even if I am teaching a lesson without technology, my
lesson should be thorough enough that I am prepared for any issue or question that may
Although it can be a monotonous process, I have learned the value of assessing
the needs of a situation before implementing any change. I think about all the time I have
wasted trying to come up with a new lesson idea, when my original plan only needed
minor tweaking. In addition to this, I have learned the importance of testing a design
before applying it, especially when it comes to integrating technology with a full size
For me, design work will not stop at the end of the semester. As I strive to
strategically and effectively integrate more technology into my daily classroom routines,
it is critical that I am confident that my methods are efficient. Currently, I serve as a
building representative on our District Technology Integration Advisory Team. Part of
this position allows me to be a technology integration mentor in my building. The skills
that I have learned from this course will be extremely helpful as I work with other
teachers to develop the use of technology within my workplace.

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Part 1: Topic

Part 1a: Stated Learning Goal

After participating in six, thirty-minute, lessons fourth grade students will be able
to create a 1-2 minute promotional video for an unusual landform in Idaho, using
Animoto video maker.

Part 1b: Description of the Audience

The learners targeted in this project are the fourth grade students at Purple Sage
Elementary School. Purple Sage is a K-5 school, located in the rural farming areas of
Middleton, Idaho.

Part 1c: Rationale

Our world has become very media-based. As there is nothing wrong with using
books to do research, our students need to be able to research using other methods such
as the Internet. Through technology, we have the ability to post, blog, and look up
information instantaneously. With this capability, textbooks are becoming obsolete.
Think about the amount of time it takes to publish a book. Now think about how
quickly information can be passed through media resources like blogs, email, Facebook,
or Twitter. I can think of a dozen instances where I have been updated on events
happening on the other side of the world just minutes after the event itself happened.
Though information put into books has been critically checked and critiqued, technology
allows us to do the same thing in a simplified amount of time.
As our district is working to update our technology integration plan, we believe
that fourth graders should be able to conduct their own research using the Internet.
Websites are constantly being updated, providing learners with current information.
Students will be able to identify a credible website and use its information to inform
The overall strategies breakdown for this project is about 40% supplantive and
60% generative. The instructor will be guiding the students through the process of the
actual video making, however, the students will be expected to conduct their own
research on the web and then develop a video relaying the information they discovered.
The instructor will demonstrate how to navigate search engines and what kinds of key
words to use, though the students will be responsible for obtaining relevant information
to their specific topic.
There are two types of learning that are engaged through this project: declarative
knowledge and cognitive strategies, specifically problem-solving. The project fits into
these categories because it requires the student to restate specific information in his/her
own words. However, the type of information the student chooses to include in his/her
video is completely preferential. The student must decide what information fits the
audience his/her video is meant to target. For this assignment, the students will all be
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designing their video for families planning summer trips. Although multiple students may
research the same landform, because their audience will be different, they way they set up
their video will vary.

Part 2: Analysis Report

2a: Description of Needs

2a1: Needs Assessment Survey
To assess the needs regarding this project, I sent out two surveys (one to teachers
and one to students) and noted personal observations of students in daily work. The
teacher survey was sent to the other fourth grade teacher and the computer teacher. This
allowed me to gather data about what is already being taught in the computer lab and
what the other teachers observe about their students computer skills. The second survey
was posted on my classroom blog and assigned to students as part of a homework
assignment. Students were able to take the survey either at school or at home. This survey
allowed me to see how the students viewed their individual computer skills and their
preferences when it comes to history lessons. In addition to these surveys, I spent one
computer class period simply observing the students in the lab.

Here are the links to both surveys:
Teacher Survey:
Student Survey:

*Both sets of survey questions are available in Appendix A and B.

2a2: Needs Assessment Data Report

Teacher Survey: Each fourth grade class receives two, forty-minute sessions of
computer instruction per week. There is a multitude of ways this time is broken
down. Students spend the first ten minutes of each period solely on keyboarding
practice. They use a program called Type to Learn. This program monitors their
typing ability and tracks their progress. The rest of the time (approximately thirty
minutes) is devoted to specific lessons. Possible lessons include: digital
citizenship and appropriate Internet behavior, navigating the PSE website, using
Microsoft Publisher to create newsletters, typing out creative writing stories from
class, saving documents to the T drive (school server), and exploring the
possibilities of PowerPoint. When working on the Internet, students are directed
to use the Internet Explorer web browser and the Bing search engine. If students
finish a lesson early, they are welcome to work on their typing score. The students
are not given significant time to do research or explore search engines during the
computer lab time, nor have they been introduced to movie making
software/programs by the computer teacher.

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Student Survey: Although the student survey was titled Student Computer Use
it did include a question about delivery of subject matter. The results from the
survey show, that most all of the students have a computer at home or some other
device with Internet access. More than half of the students felt confident in their
typing abilities, and felt the time given to practice during computer lab was
sufficient. As far as logging onto the T drive (school server) and accessing grade
level and specific classroom folders, most students felt confident and familiar
with the steps required. We discussed the difference between the class folder and
the students personal folder, and none of them had ever saved anything into their
personal folder. To close up the survey I asked students to choose how they
preferred to learn history. The majority chose viewing PowerPoint presentations
and making a personal presentations were most favorable. The least favorite
among the options was taking a test, and a close second was reading from the

Personal Observations in Computer Lab and Classroom: I took a close look at
how my students interacted with computers during one of their computer sessions.
I noticed that most were familiar with using Internet Explorer and had basic
keyboarding skills. When I asked some of them about Firefox and Google
Chrome they appeared to be less familiar with them and some gave me blank
stares. I also asked some of the students to make a folder within our class folder
on the T drive. Only one student was able to do this successfully without any
guidance from myself. Creating folders on a computer is a crucial organizational
skill. In addition to computer skills, I needed to know where my students were at
as writers. After browsing through some of their creative writing journals, it was
very evident that they struggled with grammar. A few students even struggled
with subject verb agreement. Writing will need to be put into my learning
objectives as the students will be responsible for creating a one-paragraph
summary, in writing, and then break it down into individual sentences for the
actual video.

2b: Description of the Learning Context

2b1: Learning Context
The learners will be completing this project in a variety of places, all within the
school. The school computer lab will be the primary place for instruction and video
creation. The computer lab has thirty-five computers, all in rows. This will allow each
learner to work on his/her own computer. Each computer is arranged in a way for the
teacher to easily monitor the content being viewed at all times. In addition to this, the
learners will also use the six classroom computers. There are four student computers, one
laptop, and one teacher computer. The teacher will lead the majority of instruction from
the computer lab. There is one projector in the computer lab and one the classroom. All
computers within the school have complete access to the district share drive. The learners
will be able to save any research and visuals into his/her personal share drive folder. The
classroom teacher will have a premade Animoto account, which all students will have full
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access to as well. This site has already been approved by the district and is accessible
from any computer in the building. The teacher will already have made an example for
the learners to view. This ensures that the teacher is fluent in using the Animoto program.

2b2: Transfer Context
The students will be able to immediately transfer two specific skills from this
project. 1) Creating a summary in his/her own words, 2) Using Animoto to creatively and
efficiently explain a given concept. In all content areas, students are consistently asked to
summarize and explain what they have discovered, whether through a lecture, reading,
discussion, project, etc. Middleton School District has set out a technology integration
plan so that as students advanced through school, they will begin to use more complex
video making and other multimedia programs in various content areas. Although a very
basic program, Animoto will provide experience for students in locating, saving, and
uploading pictures and information to include in presentations. They will also learn how
to organize information within their personal school server folder (something they will
use heavily in the secondary grades).

2c: Description of the Learners

The learner group will be fourth graders from Purple Sage Elementary. The fourth
graders are between the ages of nine and eleven. There are a total of 62 students between
two classrooms. There are slightly more girls (35) than boys (27). About 80% of the
students have Internet access at home, and 100% enjoy using computers, whether for
Internet, games, or classwork/homework. About 66% said that they have used the
Internet via computer, iPhone/iPad as a means of answering a specific question (research
purposes). After a class discussion, we determined that about 85-90% of the students had
never used a movie-making program. Though, most of the students had heard of
programs like iMovie, Animoto, and Windows Movie Maker.

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Male Female
Fourth Grade
Gender Breakdown
Number of
Computer Familiarity Survey
Fourth Graders
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2d: Task Analysis Flow Chart

Part 3: Planning

3a: Learning Objectives

1.0 Using prior knowledge, learner creates a folder in the school server.
1.1 Learner is able to locate and open my computer from the desktop screen.
1.2 Learner is able to locate and open the share drive (T: drive) from inside the
my computer folder.
1.3 Learner is able to locate and open the fourth grade folder within the share
1.4 Learner is able to locate and open his/her class folder within the grade level
1.5 Learner is able to create a personal folder, titled with his/her name, within the
class folder.

2.0 Given a list of multiple search engines and web browsers, learner can use at least one
(one web browser and one search engine) to locate information about his/her landform.
2.1 Learner is able to locate and open Firefox, Internet Explorer, and/or Google
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Chrome on the computer desktop.
2.2 Learner is able to conduct searches using Bing, Google, and/or Yahoo.

3.0 After conducting research and recording data about a specific landform, learner
is able to list at least ten descriptive facts regarding the location and surrounding area of
the landform.
3.1 Learner writes each fact in a complete sentence with proper grammar and

4.0 The learner will synthesize his/her own summary of the landform in 5-8
complete sentences.
4.1 Learner can rewrite his/her ten descriptive facts into a one paragraph (5-8
sentences) summary using proper grammar and punctuation.

5.0 Given a set of instructions and after a live demonstration, learner can summarize how
to create a complete Animoto account.
5.1 Given a list of steps, learner demonstrates how to create a new Animoto video

6.0 Learner will construct an outline that matches pictures and sentences to be used in
his/her video.
6.1 Learner can locate at least ten pictures featuring a specific landform using
Bing, Google, Yahoo, or the online picture finder from Animoto.
6.1.1 Learner can access and conduct the online picture finder on
6.2 Using prior knowledge, learner saves each picture to his/her personal folder
found on the T drive.
6.3 Learner writes one sentence caption to match each picture. (Learner must
use at least ten pictures).

7.0 After outlining a set of at least ten pictures and one-sentence captions, learner can
synthesize a 1-2 minute informational video using Animoto.

7.1 Using prior knowledge, learner can upload at least 10 photos to his/her
Animoto video.
7.2 Learner can write a complete sentence to match each picture.
7.3 Learner chooses a theme song to input into video.
7.4 Learner adjusts pictures to liking.
7.5 Learner assesses final video by watching preview.
7.6 Learner demonstrates how to publish Animoto video.

8.0 Learner can post his/her published Animoto video onto class blog.
8.1 Learner demonstrates how to access the class blog.
8.2 Learner can create a post on the class blog.
8.3 Learner can copy his/her Animoto video link to a post in the class blog.

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9.0 Using prior knowledge, learner will save the link to his/her presentation on the school
server inside his/her class folder.
9.1 Learner can access the class link word document found within the T drive.
9.2 Using prior knowledge, learner copies and pastes video link to the class link
word document.
9.3 Using prior knowledge, learner hyperlinks his/her video link after pasting it
into the class link word document.

3b: Objectives and Assessment Matrix Table

Format of
Description of
test form (d)
Sample items (e)
1.0 Synthesize Performance Observation Folder saved in appropriate class
section on school server.
1.1 Analysis Performance Observation Learner opens the my computer
1.2 Analysis Performance Observation Learner opens the share drive (T
Drive) folder.
1.3 Analysis Performance Observation Learner opens the fourth grade folder.
1.4 Analysis Performance Observation Learner opens the class specific folder.
1.5 Synthesis Performance Observation Learner creates a personal folder
within the class folder.
2.0 Application Performance Short answer/
Organize notes in a binder
2.1 Analysis Performance Observation Learner is able to open Firefox,
Internet Explorer, or Google Chrome.
2.2 Application Performance Observation Learner demonstrates how to use Bing,
Google, or Yahoo to search for
pertinent information.
3.0 Knowledge Paper-and-
Short answer/ Construct list of at least ten facts
regarding the landform
3.1 Synthesize Paper-and-
Short answer/
Learner uses proper grammar and
punctuation in each sentences.
4.0 Synthesize Paper-and-
Short answer Construct summary of 5-8 sentences
4.1 Synthesize Paper-and-
Short answer Learner uses proper grammar and
punctuation to formulate a complete
summary paragraph.
5.0 Comprehend Performance Short answer Orally recites required steps
5.1 Knowledge Pencil-and-
Orderings steps Learner will correctly order the steps
required to create an Animoto video.
6.0 Synthesize Paper-and- Diagram Generate an outline of the scenes
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pencil (pictures and captions) to be in the
6.1 Application Performance Observation Learner searches for appropriate
pictures using one of the suggested
search engines.
6.1.1 Application Performance Observation Learner uploads at least one picture
using the Animoto picture finder.
6.2 Application Performance Observation Learner saves pictures found on the
internet into his/her personal folder on
the T drive.
6.3 Synthesize Performance Short answer Learner writes a fact about the
landform in a complete sentence.
7.0 Synthesize Performance Observation Produce video with appropriate
pictures and matching facts
7.1 Synthesize Performance Observation Video includes ten photos uploaded
from server
7.2 Synthesize Performance Observation Each picture has one sentence caption.
7.3 Synthesize Performance Observation Theme song is added to final video.
7.4 Application Performance Observation Pictures are displayed in an orderly
manner throughout video.
7.5 Application Performance Observation Video runs smooth and is free of
spelling/grammar errors.
7.6 Application Performance Observation Video is posted to blog.
8.0 Application Performance Observation
with checklist
Post video on blog
8.1 Application Performance Observation Learner opens the class blog using
Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Google
8.2 Application Performance Observation Learner formulates a blog post titled
his/her name.
8.3 Application Performance Observation Link is active and clearly displayed in
blog post.
9.0 Application Performance Observation Project easily accessed in school
9.1 Application Performance Observation Class link document is opened.
9.2 Application Performance Observation Learner has copied the video link into
the class link word document.
9.3 Application Performance Observation Learner has properly hyperlinked the
video link and is able to open it from
the word document.

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3c: ARCS Table_________________________________________________________

A.1 Perceptual Arousal
The lesson will begin with the instructor showing these video clips:
Instructor will announce that the students (in pairs) will be making a promotional video
about a landform in Idaho.
A2. Inquiry Arousal
Learners will be asked to identify what caught their attention in the two videos viewed
and explain why.
The instructor will create a word wall as the learners share and discuss their thoughts.
A3. Variability
Learners will be asked to identify what makes an informative and persuasive promotional
Learners identify what kinds of pictures and captions were most effective in the example

R1. Goal orientation
The learner group is very intrigued with video making, though many have not had
experience in making videos. Therefore, the instructor will demonstrate how to use
Animoto as a live photo album that can be shared with people everywhere.
R2. Motive matching
Instructor discusses how learners will be transforming their research notes into captions
for specific pictures they have chosen to represent their landform.
Instructor explains that learners will be selecting a movie theme, background music, and
quality photographs that fit their topic and makes their video look professional.
R3. Familiarity
The instructor will review how to save pictures into the school share drive.
The instructor will assist learners in rewording their notes as captions.

C1. Learning requirements
Instructor will provide check points such as, loading pictures into presentation bank,
changing video theme, and uploading music. Instructor will also provide learners with a
movie outline template to help organize the pictures with appropriate captions.
C2. Success opportunities
Learners will be able to use a checklist as they work through completing their videos.
Instructor will be able to sign off at certain checkpoints so that learners are confident they
are meeting the requirements of the assignment.
C3. Personal control
Remind learners that they will be able to choose any landform in Idaho. Learners will
also be able to design the theme and layout of their presentation. Even though multiple
students will be researching the same topic, every video will have a different personality.
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S1. Natural consequences
After the learners have developed a list of information about their chosen landform they
will have a direction of what pictures to look for, for their video.
Once the learners have their pictures selected and captions written, all they have to do it
upload them into the video bank.
Remind learners that Animoto is a live photo album, so it can be used not only for future
projects in school but also for the rest of their life as they take pictures to document
important events.
S2. Positive consequences
Learners will see how their peers created unique videos for the same topic. Learners will
gain satisfaction from assessing the creativity of each other.
S3. Equity
To support the students positive attitude towards the assignment, the instructor will
encourage classmates to view each others videos and post comments on the class blog.
(The videos will be uploaded to the class blog to make this possible).

Part 4: Instructors Guide
1. To gain the learners attention:
a. After listing out all of the landforms previously discussed in class (there are
five Soda Springs, Craters of the Moon, City of Rocks, Bruneau Sand Dunes,
and Hells Canyon), the instructor will show this short video clip.
b. Next, the instructor will ask the students to describe what they found
persuasive and appealing in the short video clip. The instructor will create a
word wall with the student responses.
c. After this, the instructor will show a second short video clip featuring
d. Now, the instructor will explain that each pair of students will create their own
promotional video featuring a popular landform in Idaho.
2. To establish purpose:
a. Instructor will remind students of the notes they have taken on their chosen
landform during the previous computer lab session.
i. Remind students to use the custom Google search (created by
instructor). Write the URL for the Google search on the whiteboard.
This ensures that the students are using appropriate and relevant
b. Explain that these notes will be summarized into a short paragraph (5-8
sentences) and then be matched with pictures to be put into a promotional
* Notes page in Appendix D.
3. To activate motivation:
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a. Explain to the students that they will be exploring a program called Animoto.
Animoto is similar to a live photo album.
b. Tell the students they will be able to design the layout of their pictures and
captions, much like in a PowerPoint, and will choose a video and music theme
to make their video unique.
c. Express to the students they will be posting their video on the class blog for
their peers to view and evaluate.
4. Preview the learning activity:
a. Explain the following steps involved in completing the project:
i. Open a web browser (Google Chrome or FireFox work best) and
demonstrate how to log into
ii. Create a new video template and save it as first initial and last name.
iii. Briefly show how to locate editing tools for: video theme, background
music, picture uploads, and caption input.
iv. Publish the video by selecting the preview and publish button in the
bottom right corner of the screen.
v. Open a new tab in the same web browser and go to the class blog.
vi. Copy and paste the link to the Animoto video into the blog.
1. To help students recall relevant prior knowledge:
a. They will read through their notes previously taken and work with their
partner to create one, 5-8 sentence, paragraph that explains the history and
interesting facts about the landform they have chosen.
i. Remind students how to open Bing (using a web browser) to locate
relevant pictures to match each sentence in their paragraph.
*(If the students have written 5 sentences in their paragraph, they will need to locate
5 pictures one to match each sentence).
2. To help students to present information and examples they will make an outline using
the Scene Organizer in Appendix E to organize their pictures and sentences. They
will then transfer this outline to the editing board in Animoto and manipulate it to
their liking.
3. To help students focus their attention the teacher will display a screen shot of the
Animoto editing board layout. This layout will have each tool labeled for the students
to references back to while constructing their video.
4. To help guide the use of learning strategies the students will preview their video
several times and make adjustments to text, pictures, slide organization, etc.
5. To provide and guide practice, the students will be lead by the teacher to complete the
following steps:
a. Log into Animoto account and create a new template.
b. Select a theme for video and then save the video as first initial and last name.
c. Upload pictures to editing board.
d. Create captions for each picture.
e. Organize pictures and captions so that they flow in a summary.
f. Preview and publish video.
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g. Open classroom blog and post video link.

6. Evaluate Feedback or Provide Feedback:
a. Before publishing their video, students will be required to fill out a checklist to
insure that they have included:
i. Title or opening slide.
ii. At least 5 pictures and matching captions.
iii. All captions are written in complete sentences without spelling errors.
iv. Video includes at least 4 picture transitions.
v. Theme is set for video.
vi. Appropriate music is added to match the pictures.
b. Students will make all necessary changes to their video. Teacher will make a
final overview and then give approve to begin final steps.

7. After teacher approval of video content and layout, the students will be permitted to
publish, and copy and paste their video link onto the class blog.

1. To summarize and review the students will be given the first five and last five minutes
to compare their captions to their written summary to ensure that they have only included
relevant information in the their video. The teacher will put up the screen shot of the
Animoto editing tools as a reminder of where to access them.
2. Transfer of learning will take place each time the students upload a new picture. They
will be required to apply adding captions, and inputting picture/slide transitions to make
the overall video flow smoothly.
3. To provide closure each pair will post their video to the class blog. Here the videos
will be easily assessable and then may be viewed by peers.
4. To assess learning the class will take turns watching each others videos. Each pair will
receive a grade based upon two assessors, teacher and peers.
a. As each video is played classmates will rate and evaluate using a checklist.
When the video is finished the class will do a quick share out of 2 positives and 1
to work on. Students will focus on actual video aspects like visual/audio appeal,
and organization/flow.
b. The teacher will use a similar checklist, though more detailed. The teacher will
focus on things like content and layout.
5. To provide feedback each pair will receive a stapled packet of peer and teacher
responses. After review the notes the pair will write a short paragraph (5-8 sentences)
a. Based off feedback, what went well in your video?
b. What do you plan to change or try differently in your next video production?
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Part 5: Learning Content

5a: Learning Materials

These will be the learning materials necessary for a successful lesson:
Learning Material Purpose
Word Cloud
(Appendix C)
This template may be resized on butcher paper or scaled to fit
an entire whiteboard. It is used to help organize and collaborate
student observations of important aspects of an engaging
promotional video. Students will refer back to this word cloud
as they create their own videos.
Instructors Guide The instructor will follow this guide while presenting lesson.
(Appendix D)
This template will be given to each student in order to organize
his/her content into a video format. Students will use this
template to match content to appropriate pictures and captions.

5b: Formative/Summative Assessment Materials

Both the instructor and the students will use the following materials in project
Assessment Material Purpose
Teacher and Student
These surveys will be given at the end of the project. It will
help the designer decide what content or pedagogy needs to be
changed to make the lesson more efficient.
(formative/summative assessment)
Student Project
Each student will refer to this checklist prior to submitting
his/her final video. This is meant for the student to catch any
mistakes or left out information in the final video.
Final Project Rubric The teacher will use this rubric in order to assess the end
product created by each student. The students will view and
reference this rubric while compiling the videos.

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5c: Technology Tool Justification
The following tools will be required within the process of completing this project:
Technology Tool Justification
Technology lab with
access to student
share drive (T: drive)
Students will need complete access to the share drive to save
pictures to be used in their video productions.
PC computers with
internet access
Students will need access to the internet in order to use the
Animoto program and obtain appropriate pictures. Students
will be showcasing and evaluating their work on the class blog,
which also must be accessed through internet.
Projector Instructor will use a projector to demonstrate student tasks
required in this project. A projector will also be necessary to
show material for anticipatory set and other appropriate
examples of student work throughout the instructional process.
Animoto account The instructor will need to create an account in Animoto. The
instructor is able to create an educators account for free, which
all students are able to login to and save video work. To apply
for an educator account code go to:

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Part 6: Formative Evaluation Plan
6a: Expert Review Plan

The Subject Matter Expert (SME) to review my ID project design will be our
District Technology Integration Specialist, Paige Goodson. Paige has been working with
teachers across the District to put technology pieces into daily instruction. Students
across the District have made noticeable gains in achievement because of the use of
technology. Earlier in the year I asked Paige about (short) movie making programs
online. She suggested I try Animoto. Paige will be able to provide appropriate and critical
feedback. I plan to have the project design submitted to her by May 1st. This will give
both of us a couple of weeks to collaborate on necessary changes. After collaboration, I
will then review all of her suggestions and make the appropriate changes before
submitting my final project design.

SME Survey Link

6b: One-to-One Evaluation Plan

In my class, I have a Personal Research and Enrichment Presentation (PRE-pres)
program set up for students who finish work early or want to conduct some independent
research. I have a group of high achieving students who are frequently eligible for this
program. I chose two of them to synthesize the Animoto video using my lesson
instructions. For this situation, the students were free to choose any topic (school
appropriate) that they would like to research more about. The purpose of this evaluation
is to make sure instruction is clear and simple. After the students have completed their
video, I asked them the following questions:
1) What part of using Animoto do you like? What was difficult?
2) Were the instructions clear? If not, what could have been said differently?
3) Do you feel confident enough to teach a classmate how to use Animoto?
4) Were there any parts of the instruction/assignment that were difficult to
5) Did you feel that writing out ten sentences was enough to create an effective
6) Did using Google custom search help you locate useful information?

6c: Small Group Evaluation Plan

After making appropriate changes based off the one-to-one evaluation, I
conducted a small group evaluation using three fourth grade students, along with the
instructor (myself). Using the critiqued lesson design, I walked this small group through
the steps of creating an Animoto video. Again, the content of the project is not the focus
of this evaluation. The emphasis here is on the instructions of making an Animoto video.
Students were again free to pick any topic for the video. Once the videos were completed,
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I showed the students how to post them onto the class blog. After the lesson, I asked the
group the following questions:

1) What parts of the lesson were difficult to complete? Was this due to lack of
2) Where you able to complete the steps required to create the video efficiently?
3) If not, what background skills/knowledge did you need in order to do this?
4) How did you feel about the instruction clarity?
5) What suggestions do you have to make the instructions better?

6d: Field Trial Evaluation Plan

After the appropriate revisions were made from the small group evaluation, a field
trial was conducted on a full size class. The instructor (5
grade teacher) followed the
instructions from the instructors guide to lead the students in creating an Animoto
video. Again, the content of the videos during this trial was not important, therefore
students were able to choose which topic they made a video about. After the field trial
was completed, the instructor was asked the following questions:

1) What types of administration problems were encountered? (Animoto login?
Enough computers available? Other technology issues?)
2) Does the instructor guide present information in student-friendly way?
3) Are the time estimates for completion of instruction accurate?
4) What information, if any, was irrelevant to objective?
5) How do you and your students feel about the instruction?
6) What adaptation did you or your students have/choose to make during
instruction/project completion?
7) Are the objectives clear in the instruction?

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Part 7: Formative Evaluation Report

7a: Evaluation Survey or Rubric

Below it a copy of the survey that was given to Paige Goodson, my subject matter
expert. I have also included the link to the exact survey here: evaluation survey

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7b: Report the Results of the Expert Review

Paige took the expert review survey and also comments in the actual instructional
design document. Below is a chart that summarizes her feedback on the project.

Question Paiges Feedback
1. Are the materials and
instructions clearly written for
fourth grade students?
Yes, right on target
2. Is the instructor guide easy
to follow?
Yes, right on target
3. What parts of the instructor
guide need to be reviewed?
4. What student materials need
to be revised?
5. Does the medium for
student-to-student feedback
seem reasonable?
Yes, right on target
6. Does the overall instruction
connect to the overall goal?
Yes, right on target
7. What other suggestions or As described on your paper (and mentioned earlier)
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comments do you have
regarding this instructional
design plan?
One element that is not described his how the students
will go about verifying that their research is correct.
How are they finding reliable sources? How do we
ensure the research is not flawed? Will they be
evaluating their sources? Will they be comparing the
information they find online to what they learned in
class to verify consistencies?

If this is not one of the objectives of your assignment,
then you might consider creating a Google custom
search where you give your students certain websites to
go to that are already credible. They can search within
those sites, just like they would with a regular Google
searchits just limited to the sites you give them.
Once you create a custom search, youre given the
URL to share with others.

7c: Comments on Change

Paige spent a great deal of time looking over my instructional design plan. She
pointed out several very important things such as: 1) using a custom Google search to
help verify that students are using credible searches to gather information, and 2) to have
students upload their videos on My Big Campus, the networking platform used across the
district by both teachers and students, instead of the class blog. I would have to agree that
incorporating both of these changes into my final design plan would greatly strengthen
the lesson I have created. Below are my responses to these changes.
Response to creating a custom Google search:

Response to using My Big Campus (MBC): I would actually prefer to have the
students post their videos on MBC instead of the class blog. Unfortunately, the students
in our elementary school have not learned how to navigate MBC at this time. Teaching
the students how to use MBC would require an instructional design plan of its own. Paige
and I decided that this is a something I can work on creating over the summer, so that one
day I can merge the use of MBC with this lesson. For now, the students are very familiar
with our class blog and would be able to post their videos with little, if any, issue.

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Part 8: AECT Standards Grid

Professional Standards Addressed (AECT)
The following standards, developed by the Association for Educational Communications
and Technology (AECT), and used in the accreditation process established by the
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), are addressed to
some degree in this course. The numbers of the standards correspond to the numbers next
to the course tasks show on the list of assignments. Not all standards are addressed
explicitly through student work.

Assignments meeting standard in whole or part
Standard 1: DESIGN
1.1 Instructional Systems Design

ID Project
1.1.1 Analyzing X ID Project; ID Case Analysis
1.1.2 Designing X ID Project
1.1.3 Developing X ID Project
1.1.4 Implementing X ID Project
1.1.5 Evaluating X Selected Discussion Forums; ID Project
1.2 Message Design
1.3 Instructional Strategies X ID Project
1.4 Learner Characteristics X ID Project

2.0 (includes 2.0.1 to 2.0.8) X ID Project
2.1 Print Technologies X Reading Quiz; ID Project
2.2 Audiovisual Technologies
2.3 Computer-Based Technologies X (all assignments)
2.4 Integrated Technologies

3.0 (includes 3.0.1 & 3.0.2)
3.1 Media Utilization X (all assignments)
3.2 Diffusion of Innovations
3.3 Implementation and
X ID Project
3.4 Policies and Regulations

Standard 4: MANAGEMENT
4.0 (includes 4.0.1 & 4.0.3)
4.1 Project Management
4.2 Resource Management
4.3 Delivery System Management
4.4 Information Management

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Standard 5: EVALUATION
5.1 Problem Analysis X ID Project
5.2 Criterion-Referenced
Measurement X

ID Project
5.3 Formative and Summative
Evaluation X

ID Project
5.4 Long-Range Planning

The overall goal for the course is for each student to consider and use the systematic
process of instructional design to create an instructional product. To achieve this goal,
students will engage in activities that promote reflective practice, emphasize realistic
contexts, and employ a number of communications technologies. Following the course,
students will be able to:

1. Discuss the historical development of the practice of instructional design with
regard to factors that led to its development and the rationale for its use

2. Describe at least two reasons why instructional design models are useful

3. Identify at least six instructional design models and classify them according to
their use

4. Compare and contrast the major elements of three theories of learning as they
relate to instructional design

5. Define instructional design.

6. Define the word systematic as it relates to instructional design

7. Define learning and synthesize its definition with the practice of instructional

8. Relate the design of instruction to the term educational (or instructional)

9. Describe the major components of the instructional design process and the
functions of models in the design process

10. Provide a succinct summary of various learning contexts (declarative knowledge,
conceptual, declarative, principle, problem-solving, cognitive, attitudinal, and

11. Build an instructional design product that integrates major aspects of the
systematic process and make this available on the web.
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a. Describe the rationale for and processes associated with needs, learner,
context, goal, and task analyses

i. Create and conduct various aspects of a front-end analysis

ii. Identify methods and materials for communicating subject matter
that are contextually relevant

b. Describe the rationale for and processes associated with creating design
documents (objectives, motivation, etc.)

i. Construct clear instructional goals and objectives

ii. Develop a motivational design for a specific instructional task

iii. Develop assessments that accurately measure performance

c. Select and implement instructional strategies for selected learning tasks

i. Select appropriate media tools that support instructional design

d. Describe the rationale and processes associated with the formative
evaluation of instructional products

i. Create a plan for formative evaluation

12. Identify and use technology resources to enable and empower learners with
diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities.

13. Apply state and national content standards to the development of instructional

14. Meet selected professional standards developed by the Association for
Educational Communications and Technology

15. Use various technological tools for instructional and professional communication

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AECT STANDARDS (Applicable to EDTECH 503)

1.0 Design
1.1 Instructional Systems Design
1.1.a Utilize and implement design principles that specify optimal conditions for
1.1.b Identify a variety of instructional systems design models and apply at least
one model.
1.1.1 Analyzing
1.1.1.a Write appropriate objectives for specific content and outcome levels.
1.1.1.b Analyze instructional tasks, content, and context.
1.1.2 Designing
1.1.2.a Create a plan for a topic of a content area (e.g., a thematic unit, a text
chapter, an interdisciplinary unit) to demonstrate application of the principles of
macro-level design.
1.1.2.b Create instructional plans (micro-level design) that address the needs of all
learners, including appropriate accommodations for learners with special needs.
1.1.2.d Incorporate contemporary instructional technology processes in the
development of interactive lessons that promote student learning.
1.1.3 Developing
1.1.3.a Produce instructional materials that require the use of multiple media (e.g.,
computers, video, projection).
1.1.3.b Demonstrate personal skill development with at least one: computer
authoring application, video tool, or electronic communication application.
1.1.4 Implementing
1.1.4.a Use instructional plans and materials which they have produced in
contextualized instructional settings (e.g., practica, field experiences, training)
that address the needs of all learners, including appropriate accommodations for
learners with special needs.
1.1.5 Evaluating
1.1.5.a Utilize a variety of assessment measures to determine the adequacy of
learning and instruction.
1.1.5.b Demonstrate the use of formative and summative evaluation within
practice and contextualized field experiences.
1.1.5.c Demonstrate congruency among goals/objectives, instructional strategies,
and assessment measures.
1.3 Instructional Strategies
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1.3.a Select instructional strategies appropriate for a variety of learner
characteristics and learning situations.
1.3.b Identify at least one instructional model and demonstrate appropriate
contextualized application within practice and field experiences.
1.3.c Analyze their selection of instructional strategies and/or models as
influenced by the learning situation, nature of the specific content, and type of
learner objective.
1.3.d Select motivational strategies appropriate for the target learners, task, and
learning situation.
1.4 Learner Characteristics
1.4.a Identify a broad range of observed and hypothetical learner characteristics
for their particular area(s) of preparation.
1.4.b Describe and/or document specific learner characteristics which influence
the selection of instructional strategies.
1.4.c Describe and/or document specific learner characteristics which influence
the implementation of instructional strategies.
2.0 Development
2.0.1 Select appropriate media to produce effective learning environments using
technology resources.
2.0.2 Use appropriate analog and digital productivity tools to develop
instructional and professional products.
2.0.3 Apply instructional design principles to select appropriate technological
tools for the development of instructional and professional products.
2.0.4 Apply appropriate learning and psychological theories to the selection of
appropriate technological tools and to the development of instructional and
professional products.
2.0.5 Apply appropriate evaluation strategies and techniques for assessing
effectiveness of instructional and professional products.
2.0.6 Use the results of evaluation methods and techniques to revise and update
instructional and professional products.
2.0.7 Contribute to a professional portfolio by developing and selecting a variety
of productions for inclusion in the portfolio.
2.1 Print Technologies
2.1.3 Use presentation application software to produce presentations and
supplementary materials for instructional and professional purposes.
2.1.4 Produce instructional and professional products using various aspects of
integrated application programs.
2.3 Computer-Based Technologies
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2.3.2 Design, produce, and use digital information with computer-based
3.0 Utilization
3.1 Media Utilization
3.1.1 Identify key factors in selecting and using technologies appropriate for
learning situations specified in the instructional design process.
3.1.2 Use educational communications and instructional technology (SMETS)
resources in a variety of learning contexts.
3.3 Implementation and Institutionalization
3.3.1 Use appropriate instructional materials and strategies in various learning
3.3.2 Identify and apply techniques for integrating SMETS innovations in various
learning contexts.
3.3.3 Identify strategies to maintain use after initial adoption.
4.0 Management
(none specifically addressed in 503)
5.0 Evaluation
5.1 Problem Analysis
5.1.1 Identify and apply problem analysis skills in appropriate school media and
educational technology (SMET) contexts (e.g., conduct needs assessments,
identify and define problems, identify constraints, identify resources, define
learner characteristics, define goals and objectives in instructional systems design,
media development and utilization, program management, and evaluation).
5.2 Criterion-referenced Measurement
5.2.1 Develop and apply criterion-referenced measures in a variety of SMET
5.3 Formative and Summative Evaluation
5.3.1 Develop and apply formative and summative evaluation strategies in a
variety of SMET contexts.

SMET = School Media & Educational Technologies

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Appendix A: Teacher Survey Needs Assessment
Fourth Grade Needs Assessment
I will be redesigning the fourth grade Landforms of Idaho unit. As I go about making
changes, it would be extremely helpful if you could answer the following questions to the
best of your knowledge. Thank you so much for your time and feedback.

* Required
How often do students have keyboarding practice per week? *
More than 40 minutes
Between 20 and 40 minutes
Less than 20 minutes

Which Internet browsers do you have students use most often? *
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Mozilla FireFox

Which Internet browser do you see student voluntarily choose to use most often? *
Internet Exporer
Google Chrome
Mozilla FireFox

Which search engine do you see students use most often? *
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Mozilla FireFox

Do students, on average, know where to locate the share drive? *
How often do you ask students to open their class folder on the share drive? *
Every computer class
Once a week
Three times a month
Less than three times a month
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Appendix B: Student Survey Needs Assessment
Student Computer Use Survey
Please complete this survey so that I can see how you feel about using computers. Thank
* Required
Do you have access to a computer at home? *
Do you have access to the Internet at home? (this could be through your computer, iPad,
iPod touch, Kindle, or any other device) *
What do you use the Internet for? (select all that apply) *
Research (for restaurants, directions to places, to find other information)
Surfing the net for fun
How comfortable are you with keyboarding? *
I'm not sure where to place my hands on the keyboard
I know where to place my hands on the keyboard, but I cannot type without
looking at the keys
I know where to place my hands on the keyboard, and sometimes have to look
at the keys when I type
I know where to place my hands on the keyboard, and I hardly ever have to
look at the keys while I type
If you could practice keyboarding, how much time could you use during the week? *
10 minutes three times a week
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10 minutes two times a week
10 minutes one time a week
The time we have now is enough
Do you know how to locate the school share drive? *
Do you know how to locate our class folder on the share drive? *
Do you know how to locate your personal folder on the school share drive? *
Have you ever saved anything in your personal folder? *
Which are your favorite ways to learn history? (select all that apply) *
Reading from the textbook
Listening to the teacher present a PowerPoint
Discussing content with classmates
Watching an informative video
Creating a presentation (PowerPoint, poster, etc.)
Taking a test (multiple choice and short answer)

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Appendix C: Word Cloud
Use this tool how best fits your classroom. Use as many arrows as needed.
Created by Christa Brediger, 2013.






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Appendix D: Notes Page
Created by Christa Brediger, 2013

Student Name: ______________________
Topic: __________________________

Where in Idaho is your
landform located?

How far is your landform from

What are 5 historical facts
about your landform?

Use this page to record important research about your
landform. The more information you research, the better video
you will be able to create.
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What attractions are
available near your landform?

What will a person/family see
while visiting your landform?

When is the best time of the
year to visit your landform?

What are some interesting
facts about your landform?
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Notes Page 2

Summary: Using the information recorded on the last two pages, write a
ten (10) sentence descriptive summary of your landform. Your summary
should sound persuasive and explain why a person would want to visit.


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Notes Page 3

Appendix E: Content/Video Outline
Created by Christa Brediger, 2013.

In each slide below, write the sentence you plan to use in your Animoto
video and the name of the picture you intend on using with it. The
pictures should be saved on your Share Drive as the name you put in the
slide below.

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3
Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide6
Slide 7 Slide 8 Slide 9
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Presenter Notes:

Slide 10 Slide 11 Slide 12
Slide 15 Slide 14 Slide 13
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Appendix F: Student Checklist
Created by Christa Brediger, 2013

Directions: Before publishing and posting your video on the class blog,
make sure you have included the following:
(Place a checkmark next to each step that you have completed)

Prep Work:

___ Notes page entirely filled out

___ Content/Video Organizer completed

___ Ten-sentence summary written

Animoto Video:

___ Opening slide includes: your name, date, and name of

___ Video includes at least ten pictures

___ Each picture has one matching caption (sentence)

___ Video theme has been selected

___ Music theme has been selected

___ Slide transitions are selected

Final Touches:

___ Total video is at least one minute long

Student Checklist
Do you have it?
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___ No spelling errors *Peer must check and initial this one

___ Proper punctuation is used *Peer must initial for this one

___ Video shows good promotional characteristics as described
by the class on the word cloud

____ Teacher initials
* You may now publish and post your video to the class blog.
Appendix G: References

Blooms taxonomy verbs. (2000-2007). Pearson education.

(P. Goodson, personal communication, May 1-10, 2013.)

Smith P., Ragan T. (2005). Instructional design. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.

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