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FCB1010 SysEx file organization

The MIDI Memory Dump sent by the FCB1010 is in a particular format

that first needs to be decoded before being used (editor). A challenge is
presented by the fact that the internal memory format is in 8-bit width
(1 byte), yet it has to be transmitted via MIDI in 7-bit width. Which byte in
the SysEx File carries what information is explained below:

1. First byte 0xF0 SysEx Start

2. Three bytes Behringer ID (0x00,0x20,0x32)
3. One byte global channel
4. One byte device ID (0x0C for FCB1010)
5. One byte as a function byte 0x0F
6. Data packages with 8 bytes each in packed form
The MSBits in the transmitted bytes are always zero (MIDI).
Therefore, the MSBits of the first 7 bytes are collected and are
transmitted in the 8th byte.

Byte 0

Byte 1

Byte 2

Byte 3

Byte 4

Byte 5

Byte 6

Byte 7

MSB Byte 0

MSB Byte 1

MSB Byte 2

MSB Byte 3
MSB Byte 4
MSB Byte 5
MSB Byte 6

The MSBits from byte 7 have to be entered into the corresponding

positions of the bytes 0 through 6, and then linearly stored. A
complete image of the FCB1010 memory emerges, whereby the
addresses 0x000 through 0x640 are filled with preset data.

7. Last byte 0xF7 SysEx End

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FCB1010 SysEx file organization

The data is stored in the memory in the following manner:

Preset 0 (Bank 0, Button 1)

Address 0x000 program change 1 note
Address 0x001 program change 2
Address 0x002 program change 3
Address 0x003 program change 4
Address 0x004 program change 5
Address 0x005 control change 1
Address 0x006 control change 1 value /MSB relay 1*)
Address 0x007 control change 2
Address 0x008 control change 2 value /MSB relay 2*)
Address 0x009 pedal A control change
Address 0x00a pedal A control change lower value
Address 0x00b pedal A control change upper value
Address 0x00c pedal B control change
Address 0x00d pedal B control change lower value
Address 0x00e pedal B control change upper value
Address 0x00f note

*) The MSBits in Control Change Value 1 and 2 contain the

programming for the relays 1 and 2.

Preset 1 (Bank 0, Button 2)

Address 0x010 program change 1
Address 0x011 program change 2
Address 0x012 program change 3
Address 0x013 program change 4
Address 0x014 program change 5
Address 0x015 control change 1
Address 0x016 control change 1 value /MSB relay 1*)
Address 0x017 control change 2
Address 0x018 control change 2 value /MSB relay 2*)
Address 0x019 pedal A control change
Address 0x01a pedal A control change lower value
Address 0x01b pedal A control change upper value
Address 0x01c pedal B control change
Address 0x01d pedal B control change lower value
Address 0x01e pedal B control change upper value
Address 0x01f note


If the MSBit of a status byte is set, then this MIDI function in the preset is not used! Valid for
addresses ending with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, c, f

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FCB1010 SysEx file organization

Preset 2
Address 0x020 program change 1
Address 0x021 program change 2
Address 0x022 program change 3
Address 0x023 program change 4
Address 0x024 program change 5
Address 0x025 control change 1
Address 0x026 control change 1 value /MSB relay 1*)
Address 0x027 control change 2
Address 0x028 control change 2 value /MSB relay 2*)
Address 0x029 pedal A control change
Address 0x02a pedal A control change lower value
Address 0x02b pedal A control change upper value
Address 0x02c pedal B control change
Address 0x02d pedal B control change lower value
Address 0x02e pedal B control change upper value
Address 0x02f note

Preset 3

Proceed analogously with the remaining presets, all the way to

preset 99 (Bank 9, Button 10)

The MIDI channels for individual MIDI functions are globally stored
at addresses 0x7e0 through 0x7e9.

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