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Understanding evidence.

How to write and share a good journal club.

As part of my CNS role within the Pulmonary Rehabilitation team at the
Leicester Hospitals I regularly present a journal club to my peer group. ur
aca!emic lea!s ha"e encourage! an! supporte! a wee#ly journal club for the
past $% years. All team members ta#e turns to lea! a journal of their choice.
&he "ariety of themes presente! is astonishing' mainly !ue to the !i"ersity of
the ()&.
&he objecti"e of a journal club is to portray the whole paper *often with large
amounts of comple+ information an! !ata, into a clear' easily un!erstan!able
presentation' lasting aroun! -% minutes. It is an e+cellent way of
!isseminating e"i!ence an! goo! practice. "er the ten years I ha"e been
presenting I can honestly say that the actual presentation is just as har! as it
has e"er been. Presenting to your peers can be both ner"e rac#ing an! s#ill
enhancing in e/ual measure' howe"er my s#ills in writing the journal club
ha"e "astly impro"e! o"er the years. Here are $% tips for those half thin#ing
about starting a journal club within your own CNS role.
$. Choose a subject you are intereste! in. &his is especially important
when consi!ering the impact that you hope your chosen paper to ha"e
upon your au!ience. 0or e+ample' I am currently the only nurse within
our ()& an! I try to present papers that my colleagues woul! not
otherwise be e+pose! to. 1eing familiar with a topic will also hugely
enhance your presentation with the ability to apply bac#groun!
2. nce you ha"e chosen your paper it is important to be as well
prepare! as possible before the !ay you present. 0in! out the time
allocate! an! remember to lea"e space for !iscussion an! fee!bac# at
the en!. 34nowing5 you au!ience is also helpful for gaging the correct
pitch. Are they specialist6 7ill there be stu!ents present6 Chec#ing the
computer compatibility you will be using to present on is another
consi!eration8 I ha"e been caught out when trying to embe! a "i!eo
onto my sli!es before.
9. 7hen preparing your presentation start with your opening sli!e as the
title of the stu!y. 1egin the presentation with a short snap of why you
chose the paper an! what you are hoping the au!ience to ta#e away
from the journal club.
:. &ypically sli!e format are bac#groun!' stu!y aims' metho!s' results'
!iscussion an! conclusion. 0inish your presentation with your own
reflections an! application to practice.
-. Ha"e a ma+imum of four points to each sli!e' it is much easier for your
au!ience to rea! an! retain information that way. 7hen you ha"e rea!
the chosen paper a couple of times you will be able to tal# aroun! the
points when you are presenting. &a#e notes with you if you thin# wor!
prompts may help with any ner"es you perhaps e+pect.
;. Pictures are a real asset on sli!es. Some learners' li#e myself' are "ery
"isual an! will remember pictures associate! to important points you
may wish them to remember.
<. Rehearse your presentation. I often practice in front of the mirror. If you
appear comfortable your learners will reflect this' an! are more li#ely to
=. It is important to !ress appropriately but comfortably *I ha"e been
#nown to ta#e off my shoes with my peers' but I woul! not recommen!
this., Stan! or sit straight an! project your "oice to the bac# of the
room. &ry to also maintain "arie! eye contact with members of your
au!ience to engage their interest.
>. A"oi! rea!ing your sli!es. ?our learners can !o that whilst you tal#
aroun! the main points.
$%. &ry an! smile' use "arie! tone in your "oice an! !on5t forget your
sense of humour if appropriate. Allow if possible to bring your own
personality into the presentation. It will enhance your own enjoyment.
7hen you ha"e finishe! your journal club presentation ensure your ta#e home
message is embe!!e! by as#ing for /uestions. &his will hopefully pro"o#e a
!iscussion. Remember not to be !efensi"e if they are not as passionate about
the subject as you' an! listen carefully to the fee!bac# gi"en. &his is often
when you enhance your own learning.
0inally' be prou! of your presentation an! your moti"e for sharing' an!
perhaps rewar! yourself with a strong cup of coffee.

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