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Points of view
1. Look at this list of activities and say which of the can !e ho!!ies" which can !e
#o!s o$ !oth. E%&$ess yo'$ o&inions" followin( the e%a&le.
star gazing bungee jumping shopping chatting on the
visiting a listening to travelling internet
museum music writing
singing fishing watching TV riding a horse
Eg.: Star gazing sounds like fun. I think its very relaxing. Nothing comares to a
clear sky on a summer night somewere in the mountains. !ut as far as Im concerned"
Id never turn that ho##y into a $o#. %hat a#out you&
'sking for oinion
What a!o't yo')
What do yo' think)
What*s yo'$ o&inion)
How do yo' feel a!o't +.)
,. -atch the two col'ns" then $ead the dialo('e.
1. (# I* ve$y e%cited / a. Of co'$se I have. And I also
!o'(ht soe new s'e$ clothes
They a$e not e%&ensive at all
,. I*ve ade &lans fo$ the holiday. !. I can see that. 0't why )
1e%t onth I a (oin( to t$avel to
3. Have yo' !ooked tickets ) c. That so'nds e%citin(. I* s'$e
yo'*ll see lots of inte$estin(
&laces. Yo' sho'ld definitely send
e soe &ict'$es.
4. As soon as I $eceive this
onth*s &ay check d. Yo'*$e welcoe /
5. Ho&ef'lly" I*ll have eno'(h e. That*s ($eat / When a$e yo' leavin( )
oney to !'y a new cae$a. -ine
is !$oken. f. In case yo' don*t" #'st tell e.
6. That will !e ($eat. Thanks/ I*ll lend yo' ine.
3. Look a(ain at the dialo('e and fiind ad#ective fo$ed with the s'ffi% ive
4. 7o$ no'ns 8'sin( these s'ffi%es ship and al) o$ ad#ectives 8'sin( these siffi%es
9:: ive" - ly and - less. f$o these wo$ds ;
Relation s'$vive
Ho&e live
E%&ense a$$ive
Love e%&$ess
E(.; friend- friendship, friendly, friendless
5. Read the te%t and say wethe$ the stateent !elow a$e t$'e o$ false;
In a villa(e in En(land the$e lived a fa$e$. His nae was 2ack. His villa(e was fa$
f$o the seasho$e and he neve$ saw the sea. He wanted to look at the sea !'t eve$y day he
wo$ked ha$d on his aste$*s fa$ and had no tie to (ot o the seasho$e. One winte$ day
when the weathe$ was ve$y !ad" his aste$ said to hi;
<2ack" yo' can have a holiday now and yo' can (ot o the seasho$e.=
2ack went away. On the seasho$e it was fo((y and ve$y cold.
<Oh" it ast !e dan(e$o's to !e a sailo$" i tis 'ch !ette$ to !e a fa$e$= Then he et a
sailo$ and they !e(an to talk.
<How can yo' love that sea )= asked 2ack. < I tis so fo((y and cold he$e .=
>ailo$ answe$ed ;= >oeties i tis !$i(ht and !ea'tif'l. 0't I love it in any whethe$.=
<I sit dan(e$o's to !e a sailo$)= asked 2ack.
<When a an loves his wo$k he does not think of dan(e$. Eve$y an in o'$ faily
loved the sea"= said the sailo$.
<And whe$e is yo'$ fathe$ now)=
<He died at the sea.=
<And yo'$ ($andfathe$)=
<?ied in the Atlantic Ocean.=
<And yo'$ !$othe$)=
<A c$ocodile ate hi when he was swiin( in a $ive$ in India.=
<Then if I we$e yo' I sho'ld neve$ (ot o sea.=
<Will yo' tell e whe$e yo'$ fathe$ died)=
<Oh/ He died in his !ed"=said 2ack.
<And yo'$ ($andfathe$ )=
<In his !ed too.=
<Then if I we$e yo' I will neve$ (ot o !ed.=
1.. The sailo$*s nae was 2ack.
,. The ain cha$acte$ lived in a villa(e fa$ f$o the seasho$e
3. 2ack was ve$y !'sy with his fa$ and had no tie to (ot o the seasho$e.
4. He s&ent his winte$ holiday at the seasho$e.
5. The winte$ was fine.
6. The fa$e$ and the sailo$ et at the seasho$e.
@. 2ack said the sailo$ he loved the sea.
A. The sailo$ didn*t liked his wo$k !eca'se it was dan(e$o's.
B.. The sailo$ asked 2ack a!o't his faily.
1C. The sailo$*s answe$ was a (ood lesson fo$ 2ack.

6. Read the te%t !elow and decide which answe$ A"0"D o$ D !est fits each s&ace;
)atooing* an ancient tradition
Tatooin( is an old a$t. In ancient E$eece" &eo&le who had tatoos we$e+.1 as e!e$s
of the ,+classes. On the othe$ hand" tatooin( was !laed in E'$o&e !y ea$ly Dh$istians" +
3tho'(ht that it was a sinf'l thi( to+4.
It was not+5 the late 1Ath cent'$y" when Da&tain Dook saw >o'th >ea Islande$s
deco$atin( thei$ !odies with tattoos" that attit'de !e(an to+6. >ailo$s cae !ack f$o these
islands with &ict'$es of ch$ist on thei$ !ackand f$o then on" tattooin( (ained in &o&'la$ity.
A s'$vey !y the 7$ench a$y in 1AA1+@ that aon( the 3@A en in('i$ed the$e we$e 1"333
1owadays" not+A finds tatoos ecce&ta!le. >oe &eo&le think they i(ht+B. !lood
disease f$o 'nste$ilised needles. Even fo$ those who want a tattoo " the+1C of (ettin( one is
not &ainlessF !'t the final $es'lt" in thei$ eyes" is wo$th the &ain.
1. s'&&osed" $ealised" $e(a$ded" held
,. ($eate$" '&&e$" hi(h" e%t$ee
3. whose" that" they" who
4. !e" c$eate" ake" do
5. !y" 'ntil" fo$" since
6. va$y" conve$t" chan(e" ove
@. decla$ed" said" e%&lained" showed
A. eve$y!ody" eve$y" each" no!ody
B. (ain" catch" have" infect
1C. &$o($ess" syste" &ace" &$ocess.

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