Delivery Models

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Delivery Models

Global delivery model

VASSs approach is all about helping organizations make the right choices for themselves so we
provide a full range of options for you to choose from. For example, we understand that offshoring
will not always be the right answer for everybody, so our model also includes the capacity for us to
serve you at your premises, within your national market or from a nearby country.
And with centres strategically sited across the globe, we can shape solutions that return maximum
value and help you survive and thrive.
People, technology and values
Quality service delivery is transparent and is of the same excellence regardless of where you or our
teams are located. This is because we implement standardized tools and processes right across the
world that ensure consistent service provision, irrespective of market or location. This is the true
strength in action of our globalized approach to service provision. Its all down to our empowered
and committed teams having access to best in class tools that support standardized processes and
ensure valued service provision to our clients
With the support of our network of industry-leading service partners VASS offers a complete
package to give you maximum flexibility and help you meet your IT challenges. This is how so many
of our clients have successfully transformed their IT and changed how they deliver their services.
In essence, we have given them the freedom and confidence to concentrate on our core business.

o What We Do
Knowledge Matrixs customer-focused approach means the services delivered are determined
entirely by each customers unique needs. While we have a breadth of capabilities that enable us to
address nearly any IT requirement, our services typically fall into below categories:
o Custom software solutions
o Mobile Application Development
o ERP software for small and medium business
o Application re-engineering
o Web application and site design
o Database construction and implementation
o IT staffing services
Having a global presence affords Knowledge Matrix the flexibility to execute projects through a
variety of delivery methods: onsite, offsite, overseas or (most often) a combination of the three.
Knowledge Matrixs hybrid model of global delivery creates the advantages of cost-efficiency and
around-the-clock execution for the client.

MachroTech is a global Information
Technology (IT) consultant and services
provider with a worldwide network and
development centers in the United States
and India. We help businesses succeed
and gain competitive advantage through
effective use of information technology.
"Companies outsourcing IT
requirements outperform the S&P and
NASDAQ during recessions"
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, Feb

Why Outsource to MachroTech?
Offshore Outsourcing with MachroTech accomplishes more than just cost savings. Offshore Outsourcing
can help your organization meet strategic business objectives bringing about a fundamental positive shift in
the business process.
Our Global Software Delivery Model helps to step up cost savings and deal with the ever-increasing demand
for your business to advance the speed and proficiency of your IT services, with the following benefits:
Considerable Cost Advantage - Our Offshore Software Development cuts your operational
cost up to 50% compared to the cost for the same or similar service in your geographical area.
Faster Lead Times - MachroTech clients can utilize our state-of-the-art infrastructure at our
offshore development center to instantly mobilize the man-power to start any new project. Offshore
teams can be swiftly assigned tasks, shortening the lead time for the project start-up.
World Class Quality Service Offerings- The quality of MachroTech services are second to none.
We develop long-term mutually beneficial relationships with our clients in the field of Offshore IT
Outsourcing and maintain those relationships forever.
Enhance Company Focus - MachroTech appreciates a company's need to focus on their core
objectives. By utilizing MachroTech's Offshore Outsourcing Services, companies can more effectively
and efficiently free themselves from non-core or less critical business functions. This means that
instead of assigning resources to areas, which are not in your proficiency, you can concentrate your
resources on meeting your customers needs.
Generate Revenues with New Service Offerings - MachroTech offers you the flexibility of
reselling our capabilities in addition to concentrating on your core competence. With our
specialization in eCommerce solutions, we enable you to offer complete business solutions,
bringing in additional revenues and ultimately strengthening your competitive market position.
Access to State-Of-The-Art Support Facilities - Harness our 24-hour service model based on
different time zones in different parts of the world! We ensure quality investments in offshore
technology and various offshore methodologies to serve you better. Our specialization and expertise
gives you a competitive advantage, avoiding the cost of chasing technology and training.
Faster Time to Market - By supplementing your organization with discriminatory talent in remote
locations, technology solutions are executed faster. You realize your payback faster.
Risk Mitigation - MachroTech's Global Software Delivery Model is a structure for risk diminution in
an offshore environment. We use distinct, agreed-upon and assessable performance metrics. Every
Offshore Outsourcing relationship has issues and experiments based on changing requirements. We
can respond to the possible changes and at times address them in early stages to make our
relationship more valuable.
Leverage Our Expertise - Personnel is typically an organization's largest expense. Replacing your
investment in personnel with Offshore Outsourcing Services is a major cost effective strategy. Our
Global Software Delivery Model allows you to dramatically cut your IT costs without any decrement
in quality or service levels.
Quality Assurance

MachroTech uses cutting edge quality procedures and models to ensure the excellence of its applications at
all stages of development. Click here to learn more about our Quality Assurance Approach and
Global Delivery Model
Damcos Global Delivery Model (GDM) ensures exceptional quality, risk management and visibility in order to determine the
success of complex enterprise projects. It leverages Damcos unparalleled Local Management Global Delivery that
enhances transparent communication, better visibility and risk mitigation through robust and uniquely customi zed
onsite/offshore methodology supported with the infrastructure, quality orientation and a diverse culture of Client
The key components of GDM are:
Engagement Models
Fixed Cost
Time and Material
Resource Based
Knowledge Transfer
Deploy knowledge base across resource, document, technology & process
Project Management
Agile Scrum, XP
Risk Management & Business Continuity
Data Backup and Storage
24x7 Business Continuity
Disaster Recovery Strategy
Infrastructure, Compliance & Security
State-of-the-art communication Facilities with complete Data Security and Internet Links
Cisco ASA Appliances coupled with Intrusion Detections Systems and Alarms
Client specific security implementation
Quality Process
ISO 9001 and
CMMi standards
Human Resource
Continuous Capability Development
High Retention Rate
How the model works
Damcos onsite-offshore GDM with its exclusive 3D (Design-Develop-Deploy) strategy is flexible enough to suit each and
every project and its inherent objectives based on which our consultants recommend bespoke delivery methodology that
can effectively use our geographical spread across the globe.
Damcos 3D (Design-Develop-Deploy) model typically follows these steps:

o Requirement Gathering and Analysis
o High Level Design
o User Interface Design

o Acceptance Testing
o Integration Testing
o Implementation
o Testing

o Cost Estimation

o Review & Sign-off

o Project Management
o Detail Design
o Coding
o Testing
o QA
o Documentation

o Warranty Support
o Maintenance
Each & every component of the project is uniquely distributed among clients location and Damco Development Centers so
that the clients get the optimum advantage of both the provision in terms of cost, service coverage, efficiency, skills
availability and the quality of deliverables.
Benefits of GDM
Clients can experience the following benefits from this model:

Global Delivery Model
Engagement Models

Engagement Models
Based on the volatile scenario of todays market, enterprise software projects are gaining more complexities day by day.
Business users are demanding transparent approach towards the project status with a shorter delivery cycle at a regular
Damcos engagement models are uniquely combined with the necessities required to craft all kind of projects. Clients can
choose from various Engagement Models below or a mix of these models:

Based on a specification prepared mentioning the cost to ensure the budget for the total project and deliverables and timelines to
ensure all needs are met within stipulated timeline.
Based on the cost incurred by the resource utilization in a particular time period
Based on the need for a dedicated pool of IT resources as per the requirement, preference and expectation.

Well Defined and specified solutions with relatively lower to medium levels of complexities Projects with clearly identified risks
and assumptions Projects with a little scope for changes and enhancements during execution Actively participating clients with a
very strong decision making capabilities while providing a strong and regular feedback
Projects with variable scopes due to which accurate cost estimation is a complex task Projects with evolving specifications that
leads to longer implementation phase Large scale and complex projects are best executed using this approach.
Scarcity of good resources Inadequate IT skills and rare skill resources Hiring & training issues High employee attrition rate High
Employee Cost and inflation Improper utilization of resources

Based on the specifications received from Clients, we will prepare a proposal that will cover visual aspects, documentation,
application design, testing, warranty period, change management, communication protocols, milestones, timelines and
commercial details. Our analysts will discusses the project in detail and prepare a low level specification documents mentioning
the various elements of the project.
This model can be adopted at any phase of the project such as, post-specification, pre-specification, post-architectural design,
etc. and can involve problem definition, solution definition, research, business analysis, specifications, visual mapping,
architectural design, documentation, coding, change management, testing, roll out and maintenance & support. Our analysts
work in close collaboration with clients in order to define a realistic ticketing system based on projects complexity, proposed
timelines, planned budget.
The model initiates with the identification of Clients requirements in terms of project volume, complexity, technology and
infrastructure which is followed by SLA (Service Level Agreements) in order to define team composition as well as working
methodology. The resource skills and roles matrix defines the costing.

o Risk mitigation
o Delivery within stipulated time-frame
o Calculated cost with desired quality

o Adequate modification scope during execution
o Regular update on process and progress based on which clients can plan forward to squeeze or expand the project
o Optimized cost and timelines

o Access to a highly competent resource pool having expertise across a range of technologies and industry verticals
o Allows clients to access experienced IT services at a predicable cost in predictable environments while focusing
internal resources on strategic priorities
o Optimized cost and timelines

Engagement Models
Based on the volatile scenario of todays market, enterprise software projects are gaining more complexities day by day.
Business users are demanding transparent approach towards the project status with a shorter delivery cycle at a regular
Damcos engagement models are uniquely combined with the necessities required to craft all kind of projects. Clients can
choose from various Engagement Models below or a mix of these models:

Based on a specification prepared mentioning the cost to ensure the budget for the total project and deliverables and timelines to
ensure all needs are met within stipulated timeline.
Based on the cost incurred by the resource utilization in a particular time period
Based on the need for a dedicated pool of IT resources as per the requirement, preference and expectation.

Well Defined and specified solutions with relatively lower to medium levels of complexities Projects with clearly identified risks
and assumptions Projects with a little scope for changes and enhancements during execution Actively participating clients with a
very strong decision making capabilities while providing a strong and regular feedback
Projects with variable scopes due to which accurate cost estimation is a complex task Projects with evolving specifications that
leads to longer implementation phase Large scale and complex projects are best executed using this approach.
Scarcity of good resources Inadequate IT skills and rare skill resources Hiring & training issues High employee attrition rate High
Employee Cost and inflation Improper utilization of resources

Based on the specifications received from Clients, we will prepare a proposal that will cover visual aspects, documentation,
application design, testing, warranty period, change management, communication protocols, milestones, timelines and
commercial details. Our analysts will discusses the project in detail and prepare a low level specification documents mentioning
the various elements of the project.
This model can be adopted at any phase of the project such as, post-specification, pre-specification, post-architectural design,
etc. and can involve problem definition, solution definition, research, business analysis, specifications, visual mapping,
architectural design, documentation, coding, change management, testing, roll out and maintenance & support. Our analysts
work in close collaboration with clients in order to define a realistic ticketing system based on projects complexity, proposed
timelines, planned budget.
The model initiates with the identification of Clients requirements in terms of project volume, complexity, technology and
infrastructure which is followed by SLA (Service Level Agreements) in order to define team composition as well as working
methodology. The resource skills and roles matrix defines the costing.

o Risk mitigation
o Delivery within stipulated time-frame
o Calculated cost with desired quality

o Adequate modification scope during execution
o Regular update on process and progress based on which clients can plan forward to squeeze or expand the project
o Optimized cost and timelines

o Access to a highly competent resource pool having expertise across a range of technologies and industry verticals
o Allows clients to access experienced IT services at a predicable cost in predictable environments while focusing
internal resources on strategic priorities
o Optimized cost and timelines

In an unpredictable economy, businesses need to counteract market changes with flexible innovative
business strategies. The right partners will be the ones who stand by you in executing the response to these
market changes. MachroTech offers you the following business models to ensure your competitive
advantage in a changing marketplace. You have the option to combine one or more available models as part
of your business strategy.

1) Time & Materials

Through the Time & Material Business Model, MachroTech offers its clients the flexibility to alter
specifications based on upcoming market trends. This model is suitable for projects, which, are in their initial
stage of development where specifications have not yet been clearly defined. The client pays an hourly
development fee; which is a fee agreed mutually at the time of contract signing. Hence, the cost is
determined by the amount of time and resources expended. The client may revise the size of the
MachroTech team, and at the same time, optimize the cost and duration of the project.

2) Fixed Price

MachroTech follows a Fixed Price Business Model for projects that are specifically defined in terms of their
requirements, schedules and project path. Under this business model, we work with our clients to define
their expected deliverable outcomes to determine a mutually agreed fixed price. We leverage this model in
areas where we have domain expertise and accurately defined evaluation processes to set up the resource
devotion. MachroTech's focus is to deliver consistency and excellence in executing projects in a timely and,
cost efficient fashion.

3) Offshore Development Center (ODC) Model

MachroTech has a state-of-the-art development center in India, which enables its clients to leverage the
technical expertise of India and the business agility of the U.S. Through this model we serve our clients with
highly experienced professionals with varied skill sets, resources, flexibility and time-to-market advantages
allowing them to enjoy the long term gains of offshore outsourcing. In other words, our offshore
development center operates as an extension to clients' existing software engineering business. We strictly
adhere to clients' business critical objectives while mutually considering the ideas, design validations,
development processes, test plans and schedules for implementing the project under consideration.

4) ODC - Transfer model

Along with the Offshore Development Center Model, MachroTech offers its clients the flexibility of assigning
dedicated personnel to the client, if required and proposed. On proposal and equally affordable terms,
concerned personnel can be transferred to the client site for a specified project's duration.
5) Intellectual Property Licensing

At MachroTech, Intellectual Property is viewed as a profit center, which involves legal, technical as well as
business considerations. Working as the clients' software developer and supplier, MachroTech does not own
the intellectual property of the work done for its clients. The client owns the intellectual property, until
unless specified and agreed mutually. However, MachroTech also develops software products and
components completely at its own cost, which are clearly identifiable in a project assigned to and developed
by MachroTech. MachroTech can provide these products and components at incremental costs to its clients,
when required and proposed by the client.

MachroTech is committed to delivering quality software products and services that fulfill all the needs and
expectations of our customers.
MachroTech is an offshore programming company that:
Strives for excellence in all areas of its business
Guarantees the quality of its software products at all stages of development
Builds in the highest quality in all its applications
Quality is no longer an oral guarantee given over a handshake, but a well-defined set of criteria applied to
the entire development process. At MachroTech, we guarantee the utmost level of quality in our operations
by rigorously applying the following methodologies:
Implementing the ETVX model developed by IBM Corporation
Holding periodic Quality Training programs to enhance the performance of all employees
Organizing International training exchange between our development centers in U.S. and India
Inspecting the quality of the applications at all levels of development
Implementing Extensive Testing methodologies by our in-house Testing team
Developing effective internal testing mechanisms
Our experienced project managers utilize high-quality techniques and procedures to assure quality at all
stages of software development such as:
Transition Management
Issues Management
Approach & Methodology:
QA Testing Methodology is precisely defined at MachroTech. Project Management, Maintenance of
Time Schedules, Quality Assurance, and Software Engineering are some of the key areas we focus on in
the Software Development Life Cycle process. Our exhaustive Methodology ensures thorough and
effective QA Testing of the software products and applications.
1. Data Integrity Testing
Data integrity testing, a key component of QA testing, has to do with verifying the reliability of
data procurement and storage methods in order to ensure that the data obtained is in the
required format, and that it is reliable and consistent with the data expected to be present in
the database. Data Integrity Testing also ensures that all relevant information is stored in a
timely manner, thus avoiding data loss, which has the potential to prove catastrophic to a
business. Parameters can also be customized as per client requirements for the data integrity
testing during the setup phase.
2. Functionality Testing / Defect Analysis
A thorough review of a client's application needs and of their existing systems helps us develop
the Functionality tests. These tests are performed by MachroTech on the basis of our systematic
methodology for Internal Documentation, Reporting, and Resolution of defects and bugs
detected during the various testing processes. The analysis of these defects and bugs are
carefully documented to provide our clients with:
A Complete description of the bug/defect and the process of reproducing it
A clear assessment of the usability of the product and its relation to the business
Critical data and information needed by the developers involved in debugging. This
involves a cost/benefit tradeoff.
3. Performance Testing
Performance testing involves testing the product on the basis of the following criteria and other
Custom criteria as required by the Client:
Stress Testing
In Stress Testing, the parameters typically tested are: Storage, Computing Time,
Communication Capacity, and Database Recovery Time. This process drives the system
to the very limits of its endurance in order to determine what features in the application
design can fail during implementation. The features that do fail can turn out to be
defects capable of causing disastrous failure.
Availability Testing
Availability testing involves testing the reliability of the network, database processor,
memory, etc. This involves testing the capability to have the support for critical data
required by the applications to be up and running in minimum standard conditions. All
the architectural components that need to be available are also made sure to be
present and functional.
Response / Throughput Testing
Response / Throughput testing is used to test the load-bearing capacity of the system
and to measure the response time and throughput of the various components of the
4. Compatibility Testing
Compatibility testing addresses concerns regarding a products capability to interface with other
software and hardware. MachroTech is equipped to test Client products across a varied range of
software and hardware platforms to evaluate the related issues involved in Compatibility
5. Usability Testing
Usability testing is concerned with evaluating a systems ease of use and the level of
convenience it provides to non-technical people to enable them to utilize the various tools and
functionalities offered by the system. This helps users derive the maximum benefit from the
system. Usability Testing further entails detailed analysis of the navigation system, the user
interfaces, etc. General Usability testing also involves the following:

GUI forms and selections such as:
Text Boxes
Radio Buttons
Check Boxes
Drop Down List Boxes
Combo Boxes
Screen Validations / Validation Conditions
Navigation Conditions
Usability Conditions
Other Generic requirements
Preferred QA Testing Model:
Onshore / Offshore QA and Testing
MachroTechs Global Delivery Model combines the advantage of offshore software development with
direct control over the project onshore. In this model our onshore business staff liaise with our clients,
while the development staff are based offshore. Clients benefit by this model in the following ways:
Onshore test/plan/design team in direct communication with client development team.
Effective communication between client and offshore team ensured.
Time efficiency.
Offshore team can work for more than one shift if required.

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