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1. Script Wizard
Screenplay Formatting Software for Book Writers
Script WizardDescription: Script Wizard supports all script forms and styles
Script Wizard includes templates for 12 professional script formats, including screenplays, sitcoms,
soaps, radio-style scripts, stage plays, 2-column A/V and Story Board formats.
Script Wizard is seamlessly integrated
Scriptwriting Toolbars and menus appear only when Script Wizard files are opened, and disappear again
when they are closed. Display options are maintained separately from those which the user sets for
work in basic Word For Windows. And you can run as many other add-ons and add-ins as your
computers working memory will allow.
Script Wizard files travel well
When a script is written in Microsoft Word, it can go anywhere, anytime, via fax, modem, or hardcopy. It
can be attached to email. Anyone with any version of Word or Word Perfect can download, read and/or
print it. Any producer can import and export Script Wizard files to and from any standalone program.
Scripts can be imported and exported
Script Wizard can import script files written in Movie Master, Scriptware, DOS Word/WSA, TWCS,
Word Perfect, Script Perfection, Super Script, Final Draft, Word for Macintosh, Scriptor OUT files and
more. It can export files back to those same programs.
Tools for formatting while writing
Shortcut keys and toolbar buttons make writing and formatting scripts quick and easy. Use a single Ctrl-
key combination or click once on a toolbar button to format sluglines, action, character names, dialog,
parenthetic notes and transitions. All standard script notations are typed for you. The Character editor
stores repeatedly-used character names for writing dialogue; select a key code, a toolbar button or a
menu item to have the formatted character's name entered into your script automatically.
Tools for making page breaks
Completely automated script processing utilities prepare your scripts for printing. Script Wizard makes
intelligent page breaks for scenes and transitions, and inserts (MORE) and NAME (CONT'D) when
dialogue is split across pages. Page break options include Top/Bottom Continueds and global page
headers. Automatic and manual processing available.
Tools for numbering scenes
For features, TV movies and hour episodic: Automatic and Manual scene numbering options let you add
(and remove) scene numbers, in either the Left, Right or Both margins, using either conventional or
unique numbering schemes. Options to lock numbers, annotate "omitted" scenes and generate A-B
scenes, are included. For Sitcoms, Daytime soap, and stage plays: Automated procedures for including
Act and Scene numbers in page headers are available for all TV and stage script formats.
Tools for revisions and re-writes
A single hot key creates revised page headers and makes A pages as needed. Mark Change symbols
(revision bar) can be placed in either the left or right page margins, revised text can be set off from old
with bold, italics, underlining or double-underlining -- automatically! Scene numbers are added (A/B),
omitted or edited at the touch of a toolbar button.
Plus . . . scene lists, cast lists, and sides. Enter a name or location (or any other script reference), and
the Excerpt utility will search for and copy all paragraphs which include that text to a separate excerpt
file. Page numbers can be included after each paragraph for cross-reference. Use it to review one
character's dialogue or to generate casting 'sides'. bookmarks placed when you quit work today allow
you to come back to the exact same place in your file tomorrow. instant scenarios or act/scene
breakdowns are available simply by shifting into Outline view. page count is on screen on the status line
at all times. on-screen notepad files are automatically time stamped each time you open them. Use the
Edit Find command to quickly find every note you ever wrote on that character, that scene, etc.

2. Wizards For Word
Book Formatting Software for Book Writers
Wizards For WordDescription: WIZARDS FOR WORD automatically formats and fixes your manuscript,
generates correct headers, footers, footnotes, page layouts, plus more, and helps speed up the writing
and editing process, saving you time, money, and big headaches.
WIZARDS FOR WORD (a powerful plug-in for MS-WORD) is a complete software suite of "writing
wizards," specific modules that automate or assist in the most tedious and time-consuming tasks of the
writing process. Whether you are writing a term paper, cleaning up your 400-page novel, or penning a
nonfiction proposal, our software program, WIZARDS FOR WORD, helps you format your papers
correctly to meet today's strict style and grammar guidelines; and helps you to prepare your papers with
all of the necessary information that professors, teachers, editors, agents and publishers look for.
Fiction Writers
Fiction writers can use the Plot Wizard to outline the story. Define and differentiate the characters with
Character Wizard. Learn the dialect and sayings of a Bostonian, Aussie, and others to add spice. Let the
Ghost Reviewer highlight the grammatical style indiscretions, defined in Elements of Style by Strunk and
White, and help you make your manuscript shine. Clean up those extra spaces between sentences and
after paragraphs instantly. When you're ready, prepare a synopsis of your novel and mass mail it with
Query Letter Wizard. There is a Wizard to help you at every step of the creative writing process.
Academic Writers
Scholars can prepare the skeleton of a thesis according to the Kate Turabian guidelines with up to
fourteen preformatted sections and an automatic table of contents, or do a term paper according to
MLA, APA, or Chicago style manuals.
Non-Fiction Writers
You can prepare a nonfiction proposal or an article that will impress any editor. You can stand out from
the crowd with the professional look of your work prepared with the Wizards.

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