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And I said, Here am I. Send me!

Isaiah 6:8

Central African Republic (CAR),
has been a war-torn country for
many years.

Last year, Wycliffe Associates had
to evacuate our staff members
living there due to fighting and
insecure living conditions. In fact, the
National Director of the Center had
bullets shot at him because he would
not allow the rebels to come into the
Center and take what they wanted.

These National Bible Translators
have tried to carry on the work
themselves. It has been very
difficult, as you can imagine.

CAR still has over 40 languages
translation. The task is great under
ideal circumstances, but in this
environment, it can seem

Thats where WA comes in we
partner alongside National Bible
Translation Organizations (NBTOs)
to help them accomplish the task of
translating the Bible into the Mother
Tongue of all language groups in
their countries.

The founding director of The
Jesus Film project sums it up best:
No one should have to learn
another language to find out how
to spend eternity with God.

This following picture is of the
current Center. It is in a state of
disrepair. I was sent there, along

with another WA staff member, Peter
Oh, an architect, to assess the
situation and figure out what it would
cost to make the necessary

Currently, they are using the
Center to a certain degree, but there
are a lot of electrical and plumbing
malfunctions, and the roof is severely
leaking and needs to be replaced.

Below is a picture of me walking
the parapet wall taking
measurements and assessing the
roof damage.

While we were in Bangui, the
capital of CAR, we heard gunfire
every night. The day we left, there
was a shootout at the airport, and
during a separate attack in the city,
17 people were left dead and many
others wounded.

Needless to say, this country
desperately needs Gods Word.
We are grateful to be part of an
organization that comes alongside

these Bible translators to do
whatever we can to help them with
this monumental task.

THANK YOU for partnering
with us in your prayers and giving
so that we can be Gods hands
and feet extended here in Africa in
practical and tangible ways.

We hope to see many of you
this summer when we are in the
states July 24August 20. We
have partnership meetings
scheduled in Stow (7/26) and
Canton (8/9), Ohio, and then in
Nebraska (8/1-3) and Virginia
(8/16). Please look for more details
coming in our next update.

I leave for South Sudan today,
June 9
, and would appreciate
prayers as I go help a Pioneer
Bible Translator with a building
project. Jennifer will stay here in
Nairobi and continue her work with
Bible Translation and Literacy.

Thank you again for your
Gregg and Jennifer
T To o g gi iv ve e s se ec cu ur re el ly y o on nl li in ne e: :

J Ju un ne e 2 20 01 14 4

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