THAI M1L2 Inst Feb03Final

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Module 1 Lesson 2
Greetings and Introductions
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Objectives Module 1 Lesson 2
At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to accomplish greetings and
introductions. Under this Terminal Learning Objectie the students will be able to!
1. Greet others. This tas" will include!
#ow to use appropriate greetings both in formal and informal situations,
obsering the rules of politeness.
Greet superiors and guests
2. Introduce yourself. This tas" will include!
$ronounce common names
As" and tell names
3. Introduce others. This tas" will include!
As" and answer %uestions about other people
. !"change social courtesies. This tas" will include!
Tell where &ou are from
As" another person where he'she is from
Tal" about courtes& isits to Thailand
#. !"tend invitations. This tas" will include!
()tend and accept initations
As" and answer %uestions of other*s well+being.
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 2
Greeting $ Leave%ta&ing
Tip of the Day
Thais use much less fre%uentl& than .esterners use /hello0 or /good
The passing+on+the+street greeting is more often just a smile for casual
In an informal spo"en Thai it is often abbreiated to . The e)pression is also
used when sa&ing goodb&e.

1#ow are &ou23
A! (#ello. #ow are &ou23
4! (I5m fine. Than" &ou.3
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 2
!"ercise 1
The class will ta"e turns proiding the formal greetings to the instructor and classmates
using the correct form. .ait for their responses. 16ame signs should be displa&ed on
students5 des"s until the& "now each other5s name.3
Greeting between friends we often ma"e remar"s li"e!
1,3 A! hae &ou been23
4! 17oing personal business3
183 A! hae &ou been all this time23
4! 14us& latel&, how about &ou23
193 A! 1Are &ou all right23
1.hat5s up23
4! 1so so, or o"3
The aboe %uestions do not necessaril& demand a truthful or factual answer. Things to
remember are that or is just a standardi:ed formula+ not an attempt to
brea" the indiidual5s priac&.
!"ercise 2 '(air )or&*
Students will ta"e turns in greeting one another informall&. Afterwards, pairs will switch
with one another until all hae had the chance to e)change greetings.
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 2
1! r
!"ercise 3
Greet &our classmates informall& b& using different forms of greetings according to the
patterns aboe. .ait for their responses. ;hange roles and let &our partner do the
()ample ,.
()ample 8.
! r
!"ercise '(air )or&*
The situation is that &ou are in an office and &ou meet ;olonel Suthee who is of a senior
status. <ou hae not seen him for a while. ()change greetings using the appropriate
forms of greetings. Afterwards, reerse roles so that both students can assume the senior
and junior status.
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 2
<ou! u u
1#ello Sir, I haen5t seen &ou for %uite a while. #ow are &ou23
;olonel! u n 1
1I am fine but bus& latel&. I often go on T7<.3
Infor+ally, Thai goodb&es do not re%uire e)cuses. The person who is leaing simpl&
states that he'she is leaing b& such e)pressions li"e!
n n 1 I 3 hae to go now.
These ma& or ma& not be followed b& . The other person might repl&!
u(1)n See &ou later.
!"ercise # '(air )or&*
The situation is that &ou run into a friend at the $=. <ou don5t hae time to tal" but &ou
can sa& hello and goodb&e. >eerse roles afterwards. $airs of students will e)change
one partner so that multiple combinations are possible. Use as man& forms as possible.
In for+al situations, if the people are not close friends, especiall& when the person
leaing is junior to the host and he has to leae earl&, the& ma& use e)pression li"e!
u n
?a& I e)cuse m&self. 1accompanied b& a 3
The other person ma& repl&!
r g 1$lease do3
!"ercise ,
<ou are inited to a promotion part& of &our Thai liaison officer. <ou hae to leae earl&
before the part& ends. Sa& goodb&e to the host.
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 2
It is not common for the Thai people to self+introduce or to in%uire about one5s name in
his'her presence. 6ormall& this should be done b& the third person. #oweer,
introduction pla&s a rather small part in Thai culture. There is no compelling need for
people in the same room or een the same group to be formall& introduced.
Introduction is necessar& when &ou especiall& want two people to get to "now each other,
or to pa& respect 1such as to &our parents, &our boss, the host, etc3. In doing so the lower+
status person is addressed first.
! u
1Ahun 7aeng, this is m& father.3
Then the person will with or without sa&ing ' , and the second person
will return the , but if the first person is er& junior 1li"e a child or subordinate3 a nod
or a smile is sufficient.
As" somebod&5s name and sa& &our own
1.hat5s &our name23
! L ur r
r ! ur r
As" somebod&5s last name and sa& &our own
1.hat5s &our last name23
u ! n
nL! un u
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 2
!"ercise - '(air )or&*
The situation is that &ou are meeting a new classmate for the first time. After the
appropriate greeting, as" &our classmate his'her name and tell him'her &our name, too.
Afterwards, the pairs will brea" up and reform with different members to reinforce the
1 ! L ur 1 r

! ur
1 ! n
! n
!"ercise . '(air )or&*
As" &our classmate the name of someone else in the room. After &ou hear the name, as"
him'her to write it on a piece of paper. Ta"e turns until &ou coer all of the students.
Let5s see how well those names can be written in ThaiC
Introduce Others
1 ! n 1u 3 u
! 1n
!"ercise /
Introduce &our wife or &our friend to &our Thai friend at a part&.
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 2
!"change Social 0ourtesies
As" somebod&5s birthplace and state &our own
(.hat is &our nationalit&23
7ang! (r)
7aid! u n
1n are &ou from23
7ang! 1n
7aid! u1n

1.hat are &ou doing here in Thailand23
7aid! uu nn
!"ercise 11 '(air )or&*
(ach pair will spend about fie minutes together before changing into a new pairing.
After appropriate introductions, tell &our partner where &ou are from and as" him'her
where he'she is from. ;hange pairs so that eer&one gets the chance to interiew each
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 2
!"ercise 11 '(air )or&*
(ach student chooses a name of a countr& from the world map below and writes his'her
name and the name of the countr& 1in Thai3 he'she selected on a card. 7ispla& the card in
front of him'her so that eer&bod& can see. Students pair up and one student as"s his'her
partner where one of the classmates is from. The partner answers and as"s the same
%uestion about another classmate.

!"ercise 12
As" &our partner where someone on the map on the ne)t page is from. <our partner will
A! r1n
4! 1n
A! 1n
4! 1nr
;hange roles and let &our partner do the as"ing.
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 2
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 2
!"ercise 13
<ou 1a Thai3 and &our partner 1an American3 as" each other where &ou are from and tal"
about a courtes& isit to Thailand. ;hange roles.
Thai! 1n
American! u1nu n _
American! uu nn
2cce3t45ecline Invitations
()ample ,.
g! n u
un1 1 nu
1 :
()ample 8.
g! n
1 : L1 un
g: n
!"ercise 1
A3 Somsa" inites Hames to a dinner at his place after wor". Hames accepts the
43 Hames inites Somsa" to a Thai bo)ing after wor". Somsa" ma"es a polite decline.
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 2
!"ercise 1# '(air )or&*
The situation is that &ou are meeting &our point of contact 1$O;3 for the first time. <ou
want to get to "now &our partner better. After appropriate greetings'introductions, inite
him'her for a meal and &our partner will respond to &our initation. >eerse roles so that
both students can inite and respond.
!"ercise 1, 'Grou3 )or&*
The class will wor" together as a group while the instructor facilitates the actiit&. The
situation is that it has been a difficult wee" in the Thai class, but highl& successful. <ou
hae decided that a part& at &our house is the correct wa& to end the wee". Stand up, go
around the class, and inite each one of &our classmates to &our house. <our classmates
will respond to &our initation.
!"ercise 1- 'Grou3 )or&*
The situation is that &ou hae been inited to &our co+wor"er5s home. #e is a Sergeant
who wor"s with &ou at the office. Introduce &ourself to &our co+wor"er5s wife and greet
her. Sa& who &ou are and where &ou are from. <our partner will pla& the role of the
host. ()change roles.
Sergeant! nu
<ou! 1 n
Sergeant5s wife!
<ou! ur 1
Sergeant5s wife! 1 n 1 1n
<ou! u1nu _1 1
Sergeant5s wife! 1
<ou! u1 1n
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Introduction Module 1 Lesson 2
!"ercise 1. 'Grou3 )or&*
After dinner, &ou pa& a complement to the Sergeant5s wife for the delicious meal. Since
it is late at night and &ou hae a $T test coming up tomorrow morning, sa& goodb&e to
the host.
<ou! n
Sergeant5s wife!
<ou! u n
Sergeant5s wife! n rg
Sergeant! un u
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Gra++ar 7otes Module 1 Lesson 2
6ormal word order in Thai is subject I erb I object.
()ample! I n I
Thai people I eat I rice.
The negatie is formed b& adding the word J 5 in front of the main erb or
()ample! + r +
#e I doesn5t li"e I Thai food.
To conert a statement into a %uestion simpl& add a %uestion word at the end!
()ample ,! u I5m fine.

#ow are &ou2
()ample 8! 1 ?s. Suda will come.
1 Is ?s. Suda coming2
A common wa& of rendering /<es0 or /6o0 in answering a %uestion is merel&
to repeat the erb on its own for the affirmatie or the erb preceded b& the
negatie word! / 0 for the negatie!
Kuestion! Is ?s. Suda in2
Affirmatie! <es, she5s in.
6egatie! 6o, she5s not in.
8uestion )ords
4 is generall& used for a direct %uestion concerning something in the present
or future.
Is it good2
1 Are &ou going2
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Gra++ar 7otes Module 1 Lesson 2
1.hen &ou use , the person who as"s the %uestion has no idea if
the answer is going to be J&es5 or Jno53.
/ /
similar in use to but
a3 it is see"ing confirmation, or e)pressing the spea"er5s surprise.
Are &ou sure it5s good2
1 Are &ou going2 1to ma"e sure the other person is
b3 used in negatie %uestions.
<ou don5t thin" it5s good, huh2
1 Aren5t &ou going2

c3 if it comes in the middle of a sentence usuall& means Jor5.
1 L going or not going.
d3 <ou will often hear / 1corrupt form of 3 as a single
word response to a statementM in such situations it can be translated as Oh!,
4 4 /how20
#ow are things2
#ow are we going2

In normal speech, is shortened to 1the low tone changes to a leel
tone. The final ng in the first s&llable and initial r in the second s&llable are assi
milated into a ng sound3. In fact, when greeting each other informall&, Thais wil
l often go a step further and sa& simpl&, .
r .hat5s his name2
(r) .hat5s &our nationalit&2
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Gra++ar 7otes Module 1 Lesson 2
To answer such %uestions, substitute J5 with the appropriate word!
r 1 #is name is Hohn.
u n I5m American.
.here hae &ou been2
( ) .here is he2
!"ercise 1
.rite the appropriate %uestions or comments for the following statements!
9. u
@. ur r
B. 1nr
D. nqL
E. uu nn
F. L1 u n
G. 1 n
,-. un
@. r
B. 1n
D. r
F. n
G. F nu
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Gra++ar 7otes Module 1 Lesson 2
There are man& more pronouns in Thai than in (nglishM the correct choice will depend on
such factors as the relatie status and degree of intimac& between spea"ers. Nor the
western learner, howeer, it is %uite possible to use Thai effectiel& with a limited
number of pronouns, the most common of which are!
Singular $lural
Nemale ?ale 6eutral
r u


Unli"e western languages, the word for JI5 aries according to the gender of the spea"erM
of the two female forms, r is the less formal. #oweer, Thais fre%uentl& omit pronouns
altogether when it is clear from the conte)t who is spea"ing, being addressed or being
referred to. The pronoun has been omitted in Thai to ma"e it sound more natural!
(nglish! .hat5s &our name2
Thai! 13 r
Literal translation! 1&ou3 name what
(nglish! ?& name is $eter.
Thai! (u) r
Literal translation! 1 I 3 name $eter
2djectives as verbs
,. Adjecties in Thai occur after the noun.

(nglish! beautiful e&es
Literal translation! e&es beautiful

8. .hen adjectie is used in a sentence!
(nglish! I am fine.
Thai! u
Literal translation! I fine.
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Gra++ar 7otes Module 1 Lesson 2
The erb Jto be5 is not re%uired in front of the adjectie as in (nglish.
Therefore, the word can be thought of as meaning both Jfine5 and Jto
be fine5.
Main Sentence Structures in the Lesson
Literal translation! &ou fine %uestion word polite particle
Actual translation! #ow are &ou2
Thai! u
Literal translation! I fine polite particle
Actual translation! I5m fine.
Thai! r
Literal translation! &ou name what
Actual translation! .hat5s &our name2
Thai! u r 1
Literal translation! I name Hohn
Actual translation! ?& name is Hohn.
Thai! 1n (u)
Literal translation! &ou come from 1countr&3 where
Actual translation! .here are &ou from2
Thai! 1n n
Literal translation! I come from America polite particle
Actual translation! I came from America.
Thai! (r)
Literal translation! &ou be person 1nationalit&3 what
Actual translation! .hat is &our nationalit&2
Thai! u n
Literal translation! I be person American
Actual translation! I5m American.
Literal translation! &ou come do what at Thailand
Actual translation! .hat are &ou doing in Thailand2
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
Gra++ar 7otes Module 1 Lesson 2
Thai! u u n n
Literal translation! I come train ;obra Gold
Actual translation! I5m here for the ;obra Gold ()ercise.
Thai! n n
Literal translation! go eat lunch together %uestion word
Actual translation! Shall we go to lunch together2
<ou will often hear words spo"en twice in Thai, e.g. 1. Generall&, the
reduplication does not significantl& change the meaningM it simpl& sounds more
natural and has an emphatic effect. #ere are some e)amples!
;ould I hae a cold beer2
n It5s near the school.
u1 It5s reall& e)pensie.
Tense 9or+
There ma& not be an& true tense mar"er in Thai but the language is %uite rich in aspect
mar"ers, which proide details about the status of the eent, whether it is going on,
has come to a conclusion, just recentl& or some time ago. The following are aspect
mar"ers fre%uentl& used in the language. 6otice that some occur before a erb and
some occur after the entire erb phrase.
Status of the eent $hrase ?eaning
Nuture 1 .here will &ou go2
Immediate Nuture n 1 #e5s about to leae.
$rogressie n u

#e is tal"ing.
#e5s still here.

.here hae &ou been2

#e5s alread& gone.
()perential O ;ompletie #e used to be a teacher.
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
:ocabulary Module 1 Lesson 2
n return home
to e)cuse oneself 1with respect to an
initation3, to beg off
L to apologi:e, e)cuse me, I beg &our pardon
than" &ou
polite particlesM &es
&ou, or used before a name as a title of
respect or politenesss
"eep bus& with wor"
1 will, shall 1precede the erb to indicate
future tense3
1n from
r nationalit&
r name, first name
r nic"name
to do
personal business
n last name
1 n to introduce one person to another
1 ... to be stationed at 11 ! to be fi)ed,
stead&, regular,staple3
#ow are &ou2 1informal3
...n GoL.. together2 1an initation3
n goodb&e
.here hae &ou been2
un nn send regards to 1literal meaning! to entrust
one5s regard to..3
u n to e)ercise, to train
u(1)n see &ou again
Thai bo)ing
un long time no see 1 emphatic particle,
more formal than 3
&ou5re welcome, it doesn5t matter, neer
to be delighted
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
:ocabulary Module 1 Lesson 2
1 n it5s a pleasure to meet &ou
to hurr&
1n to "now, to get ac%uainted
so so, o"
da&s in the future
good morning ' afternoon ' eeningM helloM
a little bit, a little while
%uestion word
.here hae &ou been all this time2 1
emphatic particle3
%uestion word
n1 would li"e to
n 1 to be out of town 1outside of its capital3
n rg please come again 1literal meaning! ne)t
chance inited again3
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
0ulture 7otes Module 1 Lesson 2
Nirst 6ames. Thais refer to one another b& using the first name /r 0! for e)ample, ?r.
Hohn or ?iss Hane instead of b& the last name /n 0. In Thailand /r 0 is used both
informall& and for official purposes. Nor e)ample, the Thai $rime ?inister is often
referred to b& his first name.
/r 0 is usuall& used with the title /0 1?r., ?rs., or ?iss3. It is important to note that
while it is polite to address others as , it would be a mista"e to introduce &ourself
using the honorific . Hust introduce &ourself b& sa&ing, /#ello m& name is Him 1or
SN; Him3.0 This is an eas& rule to remember because in (nglish we do not sa&, /#ello
m& name is ?r. Him.0
?ilitar& >an". The Thai militar& people &ou meet ma& address &ou b& &our ran" or b&
position e.g. compan& commander or team sergeant, followed b& &our first name.
Ain terms. Ain terms are fre%uentl& preceded b& /0 to e)press politeness, e.g. /
u! father0 and / ! mother0. Thai people will address unrelated elders as / ' !
uncle0 or / ' : aunt0 as a sign of respect. <ou will also hear Thai people address
each other as /u or 0 or terms which reflect their relationship such as
1teacher3, 1doctor3, or 1 1professor3.

6ic"names. ?ost Thais are gien a short, one+s&llable nic"name at birth, /r 0, that
are used among relaties and friends. Some of the common nic"names hae meaning,
e.g. ! sugar cane, n! bird, some hae no meaning, e.g. . <ou ma& ta"e it as
an indicator that &ou are wor"ing well with &our Thai counterparts, if the& gie &ou a
Greeting )ord;
is a formal wa& of greeting which can be used at an& time of the da&, as well as
when ta"ing leae. It is used when meeting somebod& for the first time. .ith this
greeting, the junior 1b& age or status3 usuall& salutes the senior b& placing his hands palm
to palm and raising them towards his face while slightl& bowing. This salute is called
. ;ustomaril&, the senior will return the with his hands raised not as high as the
junior5s and without bowing. 7ifferent leels of respect are shown b& leels in the
lowering of the head, i.e., the further the head comes down to meet the thumbs, the more
respect is shown.
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
0ulture 7otes Module 1 Lesson 2
Li"e Americans, the Thai people also use polite greeting phrases. Nor e)ample, when an
American as"s, /#ow are &ou20 or /#ow5s it going20 the& usuall& don5t e)pect much
more than a one or two word response. So when a Thai as"s / 0, /
0, /10 or / 0 &ou do not need to gie elaborate responses.
Ninal note! These phrases are used between e%uals or initiated b& higher ran"ing persons
with lower. It would not be a good idea to address a higher ran"ing person in this wa&.
Use the alwa&s safe, / 0
(olite (articles;
The Jpolite particles5 are added to the end of statements and %uestions to
ma"e the spea"er5s words sound more polite. ?ale spea"ers use 1informal use 3
at the end of both statements and %uestions, while females use
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
0ulture 7otes Module 1 Lesson 2
1informal use 3 at the end of statements and 1informal, use 3 after %uestions. 4e
adised that Thai males will often shorten the word to .
1informal use 3, 1informal use 3 is also used as an affirmatie response to
a &es ' no %uestion+ roughl& e%uialent to /&es0 in (nglish. #oweer, the& cannot be
used e)actl& the same wa& as /&es0 in (nglish. 4& responding with or , the& are
sa&ing, /<es, I agree0. <ou should be er& careful about as"ing a Thai a negatie
%uestion such as!
/<esterda& &ou didn5t go there, did &ou20
If he went he would probabl& repl&!
/<es, I went.0 /0
.hich is %uite straight forward, but if he did not go he will probabl& merel& sa&!
/<es, I did not go.0 /0
<ou will hear Thais use the word er& fre%uentl& at the end of statements to
e)press politeness and mild e)cuses. There is no single ade%uate (nglish translation but
it means something li"e Right?, O.K? or you know. It is the "ind of word that &ou will
get a feel for b& listening to Thais.
Nemale spea"ers use and male spea"ers use .
()ample! u n
1()cuse me,3 I hae to go now.
As in man& languages, different shades of meaning are represented in Thai b& different
sentence patterns or particles. The use of particles in the Thai language is a
communicatie s"ill, which re%uires a great deal of e)posure to the language and
trial and error practice. A recommendation is, when in doubt, to resort to the more
polite or formal form rather than ris" being discourteous.
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
233lication 2ctivities Module 1 Lesson 2
2ctivity 1
The following is a list of Thai names. .rite the last name for each Thai name.
1,3 u r
183 q
1@3 gr
1B3 rg u
1,3 u r
1B3 u
2ctivity 2
.rite the first name for each Thai name.
1,3 u r
183 q
1@3 gr
1B3 rg u
183 q
1@3 gr
1B3 rg
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
233lication 2ctivities Module 1 Lesson 2
2ctivity 3
Listen to the fie short dialogues. ;hoose the statement that is true about each dialogue.
Audio Script!
,. A! un
4! un
8. A! ur un
4! un r u n n
9. A! 1n
4! u1n
@. A! n n q
4! n
B. A! 11nn
,. 1a3 The& hae not seen each other for a while.
1b3 The& are from America.
1c3 Their hometown is Seoul.
1d3 ?r. Aim is initing ?iss Lee to a dinner.
8. 1a3 The& are from the same place.
1b3 The& are both married.
1c3 4oth of them happen to hae the same names.
1d3 The& are going to lunch together.
9. 1a3 ?r. Sumeth is from Udorn.
1b3 ?r. Sumeth is sending his regards to ?r. Somsa".
1c3 ?r. Sumeth cannot accept the initation.
1d3 ?r. Sumeth is introducing ?r.Somsa" to a friend.
@. 1a3 The& are at a post office.
1b3 ?s. 6arumon and ?s. 7uangjai are e)changing greetings.
1c3 ?s. 6arumon is introduced to ?s. 7uangjai.
1d3 ?s. 6arumon can not accept the initation.
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
233lication 2ctivities Module 1 Lesson 2
B. 1a3 The& are tal"ing about the dinner the& are going to hae together.
1b3 The& are tal"ing about ?r. Hohn.
1c3 The& are as"ing each other about their hometown.
1d3 The& hae the same first names.
,. a 8. c 9. a @. d B. b
2ctivity '(air )or&*
A! <ou loo" onl& at chart A while &our partner loo"s onl& at chart 4. <our partner has
the information &ou need to complete chart A. As" him'her %uestions for the information
&ou need to complete &our chart. <ou hae the information &our partner needs to
complete chart 4. Answer his'her %uestions with the information &ou hae on &our chart.
6ame .here from
u n


u !
u u
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
233lication 2ctivities Module 1 Lesson 2
4! <ou loo" onl& at chart 4 while &our partner loo"s onl& at chart A. <our partner has
the information &ou need to complete chart 4. As" him'her %uestions and fill out the
answers. <ou hae the information &our partner needs to complete chart A. Answer
his'her %uestions with the information &ou hae on &our chart.
6ame .here from
u n
g )

2ctivity #
The following te)t proides information about a Thai man. >ead the te)t and write the
correct answer to the %uestions in Thai.
ur u1nu 1 r u
1,3 .hat is this person5s last name2
183 .hat is this person5s first name2
193 .here is his hometown2
193 u 1 r
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
233lication 2ctivities Module 1 Lesson 2
2ctivity , '(air )or&*
Students will be gien fie minutes to create a dialogue in Thai using their assumed
identities. Then, the& will act out their dialogues in front of the class.
1,3 A! Sa& hello. Sa& who &ou are.
4! Introduce &ourself and sa& hello.
A! As" where 4 is from.
4! Sa& where &ou are from. As" where A is from.
A! Sa& where &ou are from.
183 A! Sa& how are &ou to 4. Sa& long time no see.
4! Sa& &ou are glad to see A.
A! As" how has 4 been.
4! Sa& &ou hae been well.
A! As" how ?r. Sumeth is doing.
4! Sa& he is well.
A! <ou pa& compliments to ?r. Sumeth . Sa& good+b&e.
4! Sa& good+b&e.
193 A! As" who the third person in the room is.
4! Sa& she is ?iss Sunee.
A! As" where she is from.
4! Sa& she is from Aorat.
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
S&ill !nhance+ent 2ctivities Module 1 Lesson 2
2ctivity 1
Listen as the instructor mentions different Thai greetings. ?ar" the correct (nglish
Instructor5s reading!
1@3 1n
1B3 u1ng
Answers! 1,3 a 183 b 193 a 1@3 b 1B3 a
,. 1a3 Good+b&e.
1b3 Glad to meet &ou.
1c3 #ow are &ou2
8. 1a3 Good morning.
1b3 #ow is it going these da&s2
1c3 Good to see &ou againC

9. 1a3 #ow do &ou do2
1b3 #ow is it going these da&s2
1c3 Long time no see.

@. 1a3 I am Thai.
1b3 Glad to meet &ou.
1c3 Good b&e.
B. 1a3 I am from #aad <ai.
1b3 #ow is #aad <ai doing these da&s2
1c3 ?& name is #aad <ai.
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
S&ill !nhance+ent 2ctivities Module 1 Lesson 2
2ctivity 2
Listen to a list of Thai participants in a swimming class. ;hec" the names that hae
registered for this course.
Instructor5s reading!
nL r gr n nn
rr n 1 nu u
1 n n u rn r nn
Answers! ,, @, D, E, F, ,-, ,,, ,@, ,D, ,E.
,. nL r
8. n u
9. r u
@. gr
B. n u
D. n nn
F. rr n
G. n n
,-.1 nu u
,,.1 n
,8.q 1 L
,9.1 n
,@.n u rn
,B. nL u
,D.r nn
,E. ng1
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
S&ill !nhance+ent 2ctivities Module 1 Lesson 2
2ctivity 3
<our instructor will gie &ou cards with &our assumed identities written on them. <ou
will introduce &ourself and listen to &our partner introduce him'herself.
n unn
1n n u
Model; ur n unn 1nnu
6ow, &our instructor will as" &ou to form two circles, one inside the other and will assign
partners. .hen &ou instructor sa&s Q Jbegin5 the students of the outer circle start a
conersation with their partners on the inner circle and introduce themseles. Then, the
students of the inner circle introduce themseles. After the introduction is oer, the
students of the outer circle moe one space cloc"wise and the actiit& starts again with a
new partner.
n u
1 u

u u
u r
n n
1 g
u n

Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
S&ill !nhance+ent 2ctivities Module 1 Lesson 2
A3 <ou are an interiewer. .al" around the classroom and interiew three students.
As" them about their name, last name, and birthplace 1cit& and state3 according to the
- !"
43 The interiewer writes the answers on a sheet of paper.
;3 The interiewer reports to the class the information he has gotten using the following
pattern! r n 1n !"
73 The interiewer hangs the sheet on the board.
(3 Another student pla&s the role of an interiewer and the process repeats. All the sheets
on the board are compared.
2ctivity #
<ou go to the Immigration Office in 4ang"o" to hae &our isa e)tended. An official is
as"ing &ou for the information he needs to fill out the form. .rite down the appropriate
answers in the blan" space proided.
Official! r
Official! n
Official! r
Official! 1n
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
S&ill !nhance+ent 2ctivities Module 1 Lesson 2
2ctivity ,
#ow would &ou introduce these people2
1a3 1b3 1c3 1d3
r r 1 1 u
n 1
r r n nqL u u
n r u
()ample! 1a3
* &
#ere are some of the words &ou will need!
r r nationalit&
n birth place, home+town
nqL (nglish
u uNrench
2ctivity - '(air )or&*
The class will be diided into pairs of students for the following actiities. The situations
1,3 <ou are attending a part& at the American Ambassador5s >esidence in 4ang"o". One
of &our friends, Hohn .illiams, wants to meet a person who spea"s onl& Thai. Introduce
&our friend to the Thai man, Thanee.
183 It is late in the eening and the part& is drawing to the end. <ou and &our friend sa&
good+b&e to the Thai man and leae.
193 In the staircase, &ou run into a good Thai friend, Sommai. #e does not spea" (nglish.
Greet him in Thai and introduce &our American friend to him.
1@3 As &ou are ta"ing &our leae, &our Thai friend inites &ou and &our friend to his
house. It is too late at night and &ou hae to sa& no. >eject his initation in a polite
manner and sa& good+b&e.
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
S&ill !nhance+ent 2ctivities Module 1 Lesson 2
2ctivity .
Listen to the instructor read the international news from a Thai radio station. ;oncentrate
on the biographical and geographical names in the news and proide (nglish e%uialents.
;an &ou guess the t&pe of eent and participating parties2
Instructor5s reading!
nru u nnn r
1$alestine3 n 1Israel3 u n n _ u n
1(hud 4ara"3 n F u 1<asser Arafat3 u
nn n 1nu u 1Aofi Annan
3 nrr u F 1Haier Solana3 unu 1(uro
pe3 14ill ;linton3 u _ u n
1#osni ?ubara"3 1(g&pt3 nL 1Abdullah3
1 1Hordan3 F 1>ussia3 u r n11
n nnu "r r" 1Sharm (l+Shei"h3
o.oo . 1 ot .. n
4iographical and geographical names! 1$alestine3 ' 1Israel3 ' u
n 1(hud 4ara"3 ' F u 1<asser Arafat3 ' u 1Aofi Annan3 ' u
F 1Haier Solana3 ' 1(urope3 ' 14ill ;linton3 ' u n
1#osni ?ubara"3 ' 1(g&pt3 ' 1Abdullah3 ' 1 1Hordan3 ' F 1>
ussia3 ' "r r " 1Sharm (l+Shei"h3
T&pe of eent! $eace Summit in (g&pt 1a iolence between the Israelis and the
$lace! Sharm (l+Shei"h, a resort b& the >ed Sea in (g&pt.
$articipating parties! U. S. $resident 4ill ;linton, $resident #osni ?ubara" of (g&pt,
Aing Abdullah of Hordan, United 6ations Secretar& General Aofi
Annan, $rime ?inister (hud 4ara" of Israel, $resident <asser
Arafat of $alestine, and Haier Solana, a senior eno& from the
(uropean Union.
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
<o+e=or& Module 1 Lesson 2
2ctivity 1
#ow man& words from this lesson can &ou find here2 1hori:ontal and ertical3
r n
: u
n n u
n u
1 r

1 n
r n
: u
n n u
n u
1 r

1 n
2ctivity 2
There are fie (nglish sentences below. <ou will now hear their Thai e%uialents. .rite
the number of the Thai phrases ne)t to the (nglish sentences.
a3 hae &ou been2
c3 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP #ow are &ou2
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
<o+e=or& Module 1 Lesson 2
Audio Script!
,. 8. 9. @.
B. u
Answers! ,. 1d3, 8. 1c3, 9. 1a3, @. 1e3, B. 1b3
2ctivity 3
In the list below there are phrases for greetings and for sa&ing Jgood+b&e5. .rite an
appropriate response to each phrase.

u n

u n

,. >earrange the following sentences to ma"e &our own dialogue b& numbering the
sentences from , to @.
1b3 1
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
<o+e=or& Module 1 Lesson 2
8. >ead the dialogue and choose the appropriate response.
A! r
4! ur
A! r
1a3 u n
1b3 n 1 .
1c3 u1n_ u
1d3 .
9. #ow will &ou respond when someone &ou "now sa&s the following sentences2 Select
appropriate responses.
A! n nu
1c3 L
1d3 1 n
A! r
1a3 u1n
1b3 u nqL
1c3 ur
1d3 n n
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
<o+e=or& Module 1 Lesson 2
A! u n
1a3 rg
1b3 L
@. ?r. Sumeth is from 4ang"o" and $riate .al"er*s hometown is Omaha, 6ebras"a.
.rite an appropriate response to each %uestion in Thai.
1a3 ?r. Sumeth! 1n
1b3 ?r. Sumeth! u
1c3 $riate .al"er! 1n
B. Answer each %uestion with &our own personal information in Thai.
1a3 r
1b3 n
1c3 1n
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
<o+e=or& Module 1 Lesson 2
,. c, a, b, d
8. a
9. d, b, a
@. a. u1nu
b. _n
c. u1nn u
B. a. ur _________
b. un ___________
c. u1n ____________
2ctivity #
To be familiar with Thai names and last names! r n
Listen, loo", and repeat.
Audio Script!
?ale! u n n n ' rr n n ' 1g ' u ' r
r ' u rn ' nnu u ' u n r n u ' r uu '
1 r n
Nemale! q ' n u ' r ' gu ' u u
' u u ' 1 g ' nu ' u ' n g
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
<o+e=or& Module 1 Lesson 2
?ale Nemale
u n n n q
rrnn n u
1g r
u gu
r r u u
u rn uu
nnu u 1g
u n r n u nu
r uu u
1 r n n g
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
<o+e=or& Module 1 Lesson 2
2ctivity ,
Step ,! Listen and loo".
Step 8! Listen, loo", and repeat.
Step 9! .rite all the si) Thai proince names in the space proided below the map.
Audio Script O Answers!
,. # 8. 9. @. B. &-.(# D. "#
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
<o+e=or& Module 1 Lesson 2
2ctivity -
>ead the following geographical names and diide them into s&llables with a ertical line
where appropriate. $ronounce b& s&llables. >ead again as &ou would in a conersation
in a reerse order.
&)* &'( )
& # $% !
& /# # *0
& &-.(# &* , #1'&
2ctivity .
>ead the following biographical names and diide them into s&llables with a ertical line
where appropriate. $ronounce b& s&llables. >ead again as &ou would in a conersation.
,2 '1 3 &2( /'/ & 2 '2 0'$%(
+$ " & %(4 &-( '"( $'
$ 5' & '+ 1( %( 0& '&* &"11
2ctivity /
Listen to a mi)ture of geographical and biographical names and write them separatel& in
the column proided. >epeat after the spea"ers recording.
Audio Script! $ 5' # &-( '"(
&'( & '+ &* 2 '2 0'$%(
&-.(# '&* &"11
Geographical names 4iographical names
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
<o+e=or& Module 1 Lesson 2
Geographical names 4iographical names
# $ 5'
&-( '"(
&'( & '+
&* 2 '2 0'$%(
&-.(# '&* &"11
2ctivity 11
Listen and match. Nill in the blan" with the letter of the hometown that corresponds with
the name of the person.
a. PPPPPPPPPPPPP ,. un n n
b. PPPPPPPPPPPPP 8. rr n n
j. n u PPPPPPPPPPPPP ,-.uu
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
<o+e=or& Module 1 Lesson 2
Audio Script!
,. u n n n 1n r
8. rr nn 1n n u
9. 1g 1n r
@. q 1n L_
B. n u 1n
D. r 1n
E. u 1n
F. g 1n
G. u 1n
,-.u u 1n u
h. ,. un n n
j. 8. rr nn
e. 9. 1g
f. @. q
d. B. n u
i. D. r
g. E. u
b. F. g
a. G. u
c. ,-. u u
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
<o+e=or& Module 1 Lesson 2
2citivity 11
Translate the following sentences into (nglish.
183 n
193 un nn u
1@3 1 n

1B3 r
1D3 un
1E3 1 u
1,3 #ow do &ou do2
183 .here is &our hometown2
193 $lease send m& regards to &our parents
1@3 .ould &ou li"e to hae a dinner together2
1B3 .hat is &our name2
1D3 Long time no see.
1E3 I am glad to see &ou.
1F3 #ae &ou been well2
1G3 #ow hae &ou been2
Greetings and Introductions Thai SOLT I
<o+e=or& Module 1 Lesson 2
2ctivity 12
>ead the following Thai passage and answer the %uestions.
u 1nr
1,3 .here is this person from2
1a3 6a"orn Sawan
1b3 6a"orn >atchasima
1c3 6a"orn $athom
1d3 6a"orn Sri Thammarad
183 .hat is this person5s last name2
1a3 Saeng Thong
1b3 Srisa"orn
1c3 Sri Somboon
1d3 Saeng Sanid
1,3 b. 183 c.

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