Miranda PDF White Papers WP 4K UHDTV

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The road to UHDTV

In 2020 everyone will have it
Until then, theres much work to do
By Sylvain Marcotte, System Architect - Core Products
Miranda Technologies
Executive summary
Ultra High Denition TV (UHDTV) is going to happen and its going to happen sooner than anyone rst
UHDTV (also known in some quarters as 4K) quadruples the picture quality of an existing high denition
television. While that may seem unnecessary, considering the quality picture routinely available on todays
1080p screens, it actually is an evolutionary step that should grab and hold the attention of the most jaded
TV watchers because the end results are spectacular.
In a few words: UHDTV delivers an immersive viewing experience.
Originally, it was believed that UHDTV would begin to appear in the market in 2016 via some selected
programming. Ubiquity, including the ability to do live programming and transport signals to a wide
audience, would arrive a couple years later. Consumer electronics manufacturers, many with the backing
of the Japanese government, have advanced that schedule and now are hoping to present UHDTV to the
consuming public as early as 2014.
The reasoning is simple: better resolution will encourage consumers to buy bigger screens and, even if they
dont pay substantially more, buy new televisions. CE manufacturers believe that the immersive experience
engendered by UHDTV is enough to sell it to an audience that wants to put a bigger screen in a smaller
Thus, the die has been cast for the next generation of television. It is now up to everyone else to make the
vision happen in a timely manner and that means companies like Miranda have been tasked with developing
the tools that will enable a new generation of television technology to capture, edit and eventually present a
new immersive television viewing experience.
It can, and will, happen with collaboration of those who generate the content and those who deliver it, all
the way to the cable, satellite and IPTV service providers who carry it to consumer living rooms.
UHDTV is, in the end, the next evolution of television, following a straight line from todays conventional
HDTV. It is not revolutionaryas was the move from analog to digital and HDTVand it is not a detour,
of sorts, as has been the move to 3DTV. It is just whats next and its coming faster than might have been
Miranda, as this paper illustrates, understands the urgency and is ready to work within the industry to make
UHDTV a reality.
With the exception of the revolutionary move from analog to digital, television has generally evolved gradually,
driven by a calculated combination of technology advances, the desire to refresh the consumer electronics
market and an often industry-inamed public demand for more and better entertainment options.
Over the years, consumers have been offered cable-ready devices to pick up the hundreds of channels
being broadcast by cable systems and a wide variety of high denition televisions with varying levels of
pixel quality in both interlaced and progressive formats. Most recently, leveraging existing HD standards
and some theatrical successes, CE manufacturers, programmers and content delivery networks have
endeavored to introduce three dimensional television (3DTV) into the marketplace with varying degrees of
Each stepagain with the exception of the revolutionary move from analog to digitalwas a gradually
evolved move from the old to the new that gave the consuming public the opportunity to acclimate to new
features and services while maintaining contact with and control over their existing televisions.
Televisions next evolution, while its end result might be deemed revolutionary by some, is Ultra High
Denition TV (UHDTV), the next improvement in HD. While the major standards surrounding the technology
have been identied and many have been worked out, the name, oddly enough, is still in ux. Sony refers to
it as 4K; others call it Ultra High Denition (UHDTV); the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
(SMPTE) calls it UHDTV1 or 2160p (UHDTV2 describes 8k). For purposes of this paper, it will be labeled
UHDTV or UHDTV 4K. Whatever its called, the rst nascent iterations are expected to arrive this summer
and the Japanese have moved its development onto the front burner with expectations of deployment
in 2014. For the most part, based on all the involved factors, it is relatively safe to believe that full-scale
ubiquitous availability wont happen until about 2016.
The differentiator for UHDTV is the number of the screens pixel resolution 3840x2160, which quadruples
the highest resolution 1920x1080 available today and makes it possible for a viewer to move much closer
to a larger screen without experiencing picture degradation.
This many pixels, even on a super-large screen of 80 inches or more, produces a much more immersive
viewing experience and, from a marketing standpoint, allows TV set makers to sell bigger, presumably more
lucrative screens, for smaller, more conned viewing areas. In short, by increasing the pixel count, UHDTV
decreases the viewing distance and room size needed for a bigger TV and explodes the potential market
for consumer electronics being sold into the residential space.
Display size / viewing distance


Display size (diagonal measurement, inches)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Higher than 8K preferable
4320p 8K enough
2160p 4K enough
1080p enough
720p enough
No difference between
720p, 1080p, 2160p, 4320p
System 1920 x 1080 3840 x 2160
Viewing distance (relative to picture height) 3 1.5
Viewing angle horizontal (degrees) 33 61
4K x 2K(4096 x 2160)
The timeline
The tools needed to make UHDTV a reality are not yet all in place. It is possible today to create a UHDTV
movie with existing cameras and editing software and mastering tools. With about 13,000 UHDTV-
compatible movie screens around the world, there is also a showcase venue but the home entertainment
space lacks a viable mechanism to receive and view content. There are, to be sure, several short-term xes
that will allow UHDTV to invade the marketplace. Sony introduced a download services application that will
be cobbled together for next summer and Netix demoed a UHDTV content package at CES 2013 in Las
Vegas but was vague on the subject of availability. But, for the most part, the necessary pieces to shoot a
piece of UHDTV content, bring it back to the studio and then distribute it across the mass media are not
in place.
For UHDTV to become ubiquitous it will need to be transported across the most popularactually,
the primarytransmission methods today: cable, satellite, IPTV, over-the-top Internet and over-the-air
broadcast. Best estimates are that the missing technology links to get content into homes wont be available
until 2014 at the earliest. This will mean the arrival of new consumer electronicsprobably set-top boxes
of some sortto decode and display the content on UHDTV televisions.
Silicon needed to drive these devices should be available by the second half of this year so consumer
electronics manufacturers can begin to build devices by the middle of 2014.
As often happens with a technology evolution, UHDTV-capable televisions will be the rst to arrive on the
market. Early versions of these sets will be capable of receiving UHDTV content from Sony but they wont
achieve widespread market penetration because they will be expensive: $20,000 for a 44-inch set and
$7,000-$8,000 in two or three years for most sizes.
Screen resolution migration: USA
Source: Futuresource Consumer Electronics Watch Service
2012 Futuresource Consulting Ltd
Standard definition
Annual TV sales
4K - 15% of total sales
29% of 50+ market
720p/1080i 1080p 4K
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
The point is that UHDTV will come to consumers in much the way same evolutionary way HD made its
mark on the viewing public. Timeless UHDTV content is mastered and stored today to be shown on a TV
when available to consumers in three, four or ve years.
Mirandas goals
Miranda has been a pioneer in the UHDTV evolution and is in the process of building its rst iterations of
UHDTV-ready products.
No company today can operate in a product development silo and effectively meet customer demands,
thus Miranda has been committed and active, to varying degrees, in the efforts of multiple standards
organizations, including efforts by the Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) and Video Coding Experts
Group (VCEG) to establish a Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC) that will develop the all-
important High Efciency Video Encoding (HEVC) standard and does contribute to the SMPTE who are
responsible for the elaboration of standard use in the television production and the broadcast industry.
HEVC is a successor to H.264/MPEG-4 Advanced Video Coding (AVC) with an end goal of improving video
quality, doubled data compression (over H.264/MPEG-4 AVC) and resolution up to 8192x4320 in the
Miranda, as a company, has successfully transitioned most of its products from SD to HD and from HD
to 3G/HD. The goal is to follow that same route and transition product to UHDTV with special focus on
acquisition products, routing switchers, conversion and distribution products as well as monitoring products.
The pieces of the transition
As stated earlier, there are a number of pieces still needed to complete a successful UHDTV end-to-
end delivery/reception model, starting with a standards migration. This section details industry standards
activities neededand in the works--to make UHDTV a reality.
ITU BT.2020
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) adopted ITU BT.2020 in August 2012, dening a
progressive frame rate for UHDTV with an image size of 3,840x2160 pixels. The standard also dened a
variety of available frame rates120, 50/1.001, 50, 30, 30./1.001, 25, 24, 14/1.001 but did not specify
transport, metadata or audio. Also dened were bit depths of 10bit or 12bit and a new system colorimetry.
Its expected that SMPTE will update its ST2036 standard to match BT.2020. ST2036 is part of a series
of SMPTE standards dening both UHDTV (aka UHDTV1) and 8k (UHDTV). Based on multi-link at 1.5
gigabits or HD-SDI, 2036 denes mapping for UHDTV up to 60 frames per second (fps) and the transport
over a single or multi 10 gigabit optical link.
Other SMPTE standards include ST435 which denes UHDTV at 30 fps over a 10 gig optical link, based
on a multi-link at 1.5 gig; ST2048, which vies 2k and UHDTV constraint specically for the D-Cinema
application; and ST425, a suite now under revision that covers UHDTV transport on multi 3G-SDI links.
Consumer standard
A number of consumer standards will be melded into the larger standardization processes, including a
denition of HDMI (1.4a) that supports UHDTV at 24 fps and HDMI 2.0, set to be published in the rst
quarter of 2013 that denes UHDTV support up to 60 fps.
The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), along with the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the
Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE) and the Advanced Television Systems Committee
(ATSC) are also working to make certain UHDTV ts within the parameters of their particular technology
Fundamental technologies
A number of fundamental technological elements are in various stages of development in anticipation of
emerging UHDTV standards. In most instances, these technological advancements are being driven by a
consumer electronics industry eager to move forward with a new high denition standard.
Camera and monitors
New camera sensors and lenses are now available for Digital Cinema, including ones from RED, Sony and
Canon. Astro, JVC and TV Logic have LCD display for professional use of UHDTV over 4 HDMI physical
links or 4 SDI cables. Sony is in production with a 30-inch UHDTV monitor that can input 4 HDMI or 4
There are multiple production and transport CODECs available for digital cinema, including the Panasonic
AVC Ultra that delivers up to 400 Mbps and the recently introduced Sony XAVC that has already been
licensed by Avid and Adobe. J2K and DIRAC, by their scalability nature can be used as well in transport
Distribution CODECs are not quite as far along with the primary piece being the HEVC (or H.265) CODECs
which permits delivery up to UHDTV at 60 fps. Software implementation is already available for demo and
hardware will occur late in 2013 or early 2014. Mass production of silicon based on this unit is not expected
until mid-2014.
It is important to note that consumer adoption and consumer delivery need HEVC so it is good news that this
CODECs were solidied in early 2013 enabling manufacturers to build equipment around its parameters.
Other distribution CODECs in various stages of development and approval include on that delivers UHDTV
at 60 fps in a terrestrial transmission scheme (demonstrated by the Korean Broadcasting System) at CES
2013. This CODECs uses HEVC at 35 Mbps to deliver DVB-T2 over a 6 MHz RF channel. It is reportedly 75
percent more efcient than existing MPEG-2 digital compression and would be a key element in easing the
delivery of UHDTV content over existing transmission architectures.
Recording and editing
Multiple recording and editing technologies are either available or are in the process of development to
deliver UHDTV at an acceptable rate up to 60fps.
Implications for production
The biggest certainty about UHDTV is the uncertainty still surrounding many of the elements needed for
commercial content delivery and reception.
Commercial live production equipment is currently in a state of ux, with equipment transitioning and some
new equipment being developed and a standard has yet to be developed for carriage of live production.
Live to solid state storage, a key element in non-movie UHDTV content production, is now partially possible.
There is still a need for a UHDTV system camera, production switcher, live production DVR and transport
equipment although new UHDTV camera systems are under development and eld trials are under way
using existing cameras and equipment.

Probably most important of alland an area in which Miranda is actively involvedis the infrastructure
within the plant that allows the service provider to distribute and switch signals, up to the ultimate playout
stage where the signal is aired with branding.
Today it is possible to go on-site and, using existing camera equipment, record live on solid state equipment.
Still to be resolved though, is the development of a full UHDTV system camera so that live events like sports
that are linked to the production switcher can reliably determine that all the cameras are delivering the
same layers of content quality.
The biggest hurdle
Perhaps the biggest limiting factor on the immediate development and introduction of UHDTV is the fact
that UHDTV cannot be delivered over the existing Multichannel Video Programming Distribution (MVPD)
plant. There is also the need to standardize and adopt a number of new methods to deliver UHDTV via
broadcast, satellite, cable, IPTV and OTT to the PC or set-top box, which, in turn, will need to be new
because existing units cannot handle the new content.
The positive news is that HEVC was approved in January 2013 and will enable distribution to the residence.
The less positive news is that this new CODEC will require a new delivery mechanism.
Realistic Timeline
The best thing about UHDTV is that it is not a chicken-and-egg process. Because there will be content
waiting when the content creation and transport issues are resolved, there will be a ready audience, albeit
a limited one because every new technology necessarily bursts upon the scene more expensive than the
nal mass-produced product.
It is important to emphasize that UHDTV will be an evolutionnot a revolution. Consumers already
accustomed to HD will gradually evolve to the more immersivebut still HDUHDTV experience. Consumer
electronics manufacturers, already mass producing large-screen HDTVs, will be able to gradually migrate
over to UHDTV-capable HD units and when they do there will be content waiting and availableeven if
reception is, at the start, more cumbersome than the end product. In that instance, again, the UHDTV
evolution will follow what has gone before: tape to DVD to Blu-ray, each improving on the other and each,
at least at the start, superior to the content delivered via traditional broadcast, cable and IPTV and satellite
This is an important point to emphasize because not all technology transitions have been especially free-
owing. For example, the format struggle between Blu-ray and HD DVD unnecessarily disrupted the
transition from DVD to high denition DVD, causing some content developed to develop two different pieces
of hardware or hedge their betsand their potential protsby building for one side or the other.
3D, which is still evolving, has widespread support across the CE space and some MVPDs have begun
transmitting content. The transition here has been hampered more by outside inuencesthe lack of
widespread content, consumer desire and even the cost of televisionsthan any technological obstacles.
UHDTV comes to the market with contentmovies that are in theaters now and can be congured for the
new format. It also comes with the potential to develop new sources of content and a migratory path already
experienced by MVPDs as they moved from a scattering of HD channels to dozens, perhaps hundreds of
high denition programs. This previous smooth migration from SD to HD will stand the industry in good
stead as it moves to what is essentially the next generation of HD.
While the transition promises to be smooth, it does not promise to be overnight. Miranda understands this
and is working to respond quickly to a changing industrys demands based on new technology and evolving
Miranda already is playing a key role in the UHDTV transformation with equipment thats needed for the TV
plant to make it happen, including some existing gear that can already be used such as a routing switcher,
multiviewer and distribution equipment.
Miranda will also play a key role in the content creation of UHDTV in the short term because it has products
now that support customers initial rollouts.
The delivery element for Miranda, as for every vendor, is still in ux. While many key components are now
available for use, many more will be neededand are under developmentto meet the 2014 deadline.
The road to UHDTV has been cleared and graded by content owners, consumer electronics manufacturers
and even governmentsJapan is pushing the standard to build markets for its CE vendors. It now needs
to be paved with technology that makes the transition from HDTV to UHDTV smooth, quick and efcient.
It will be during this processalready in formative stagesthat companies like Miranda will develop the
tools with which a new evolution of television will be constructed.
About Miranda
Miranda Technologies a Belden Brand, develops, manufactures and markets high performance hardware
and software for the television broadcast industry. Its solutions are purchased by content creators,
broadcasters, specialty channels and television service providers to enable and enhance the transition
to a complex multi-channel digital and HD broadcast environment. This equipment allows customers to
generate additional revenue while reducing costs through more efcient distribution and management of
content as well as the automation of previously manual processes. Miranda employs approximately 700
people at its Montreal headquarters and in its facilities located in Wallingford (UK), Grass Valley (California,
USA), Paris (France), Tokyo (Japan), Zaltbommel (Netherlands), Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Beijing
(China) and Hong Kong. In July 2012, Miranda Technologies was acquired by St. Louis-based Belden Inc.,
a worldwide leader in cable, connectivity and networking solutions. For more information, please visit

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