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Red Blood Cells 4.0 to 5.5 million/cu
mm blood
Advice client to eat
iron-rich foods along
with foods that
provide plenty of
vitamin C, your body
can better absorb
the iron.
Hemoglobin (Hgb)

11-15 grams/100ml Clients hemoglobin
count is below
normal which may
indicate anemia
(insufficient Hgb
within the RBC).
Encourage client to
eat more iron-
containing foods
such as green leafy

37 to 47 % Clients hematocrit
count result is below
normal which means
she should be
encourage to
increase her fluid
intake especially
water and also
advice to eat more
foods rich in iron like
egg yolks, beans
and liver.
White Blood Cells

4,500 to 10,500 5,030 Patient Ms WBC
count is in normal
level. She should
continue to eat
foods and do things
to avoid increase of
WBC that may result
infections. Continue
to encourage her
basic ways to avoid
increase in WBC
like washing of

Complete Blood Count
DATE: August 2, 2013
Blood tests are one of the most commonly used diagnostic tests and can provide
valuable information about the hematologic system and many other body systems.
Specimens of venous blood are taken for a complete blood count (CBC), which includes
hemoglobin and hematocrit measurements, erythrocyte (RBC) count and leukocyte
(WBC) count. The complete blood count is a basic screening test and one of the most
frequently ordered blood tests.
hands frequently
and never share
personal things.

47.6% to 76.8% 55.3% Patient Ms
neutrophil count is
in normal level. With
this, encourage her
that as much as
possible avoid
stressing herself.

A urinalysis is one of the least expensive, yet very useful diagnostic tests. This analysis
is used to detect the presence of any harmful chemical of other unexpected substances
in the urine. For example, the urine test can detect substances such as glucose
(diabetics), blood (kidney problems), crystals (kidney stones) and also pus cells that
indicate some kind of infection in your body.
DATE: August 2, 2013
Color light yellow to a
dark amber
Yellow The clients urine
color is within
normal range.
providers should
encourage her to
continue increase
the fluid intake that
is needed by the
body everyday (8
glasses of water)

pH 7-7.25 6.8 Patient Ms actual
findings in this test
is acidic. Advise her
to avoid eating too
much processed
sugar, meat, dairy,
saturated fats,
alcohol and caffeine
since these can
lower the level in pH
in which the lower
the number, the
higher acidity level.

Specific Gravity 1.005 to 1.025 1.0020 Encourage client to
exercise in order to
produce more sweat
that leads to a little
production of urine,
therefore making
the urine more
concentrated and
have a higher
specific gravity
which is normal
since the higher the
specific gravity
number, the more
dissolved material is
Sugar Negative Negative This test result in
Patient Ms urine is
normal since there
should be absence
of sugar in a urine.
Continue to
encourage client to
drink a lot of fluids
particularly water to
flush any presence
of sugars out of the
Pus cells Negative Negative This test in Patient
Ms urine is normal.
Drinking a lot of
water is an excellent
health measure to
follow in any cases.

Clients/Patients who have undergone Excision of Sebaceous Cyst are educated to:
M- Medications
Medications that are prescribed by the doctors should be strictly follow in terms of time,
dosage and frequency to aid in returning the patients optimum health level.
E- Exercise
Patient should avoid lifting heavy things with hands until 4-6 weeks post-op, and should
avoid any pressure to the incision site.
T- Treatment
Treatment after discharge is anticipated for patients and significant others who are post
op to completely contribute in constant management.
H- Health Teachings
Teaching patient to keep incision site clean and dry helps to avoid any complications.
Loose clothes should be wear since this will help patient to be more comfortable and
cause less irritation around incision site. Instruct not to use oils, powders, or lotions on
the incision site. Following removal of the dressing, the area should be kept clean. A
bandage may be reapplied if desired.
Out Patients are encourage to have follow up check-up to their doctors to evaluate the
condition of the site and for further interventions required.
D- Diet
Diet is also vital for those who have undergone excision of sebaceous mass. For our
patient, we instructed her to increase consumption of healthy oils to promote healthy
skin and reduce sebum stagnation in the hair shafts. Foods which contain healthy oils
are nuts and seeds, avocadoes and fish. For healthier skin, increase fruits and
vegetables in the diet.

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