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Although the CIA insists that MKUltra-type experiments have been abandoned, some CIA observers say there

is little reason to believe it does not continue today under a

different set of acronyms.[*] Victor Marchetti, author and 14-year CIA veteran, stated in various interviews that the CIA routinely conducted disinformation campaigns and that
CIA mind control research continued. In a 1977 interview, Marchetti specifically called the CIA claim that MKUltra was abandoned a "cover story."[*][*] Dr. Robert Duncan, a
modern former scientist for the CIA, DOD, and US DOJ confirms it continues on today under new program names, together with former CIA operative Mark Phillips.[*][*][*][*]
The Oregon State Hospital uses mind control on it's patients in conjunction with the CIA, and I am one such victim of their program. #cia #mkultra
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NSA Remote Neural Monitoring
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Security Slips at OSH 2007
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/d/media_archive/ is important
DVD.iso, video evidence
Dr. Robert Duncan 2006
Dr. Robert Duncan 2012
CIA/FBI EMF Torture Methods
Psych eval, 8/2013
FFCSH letter
USIS weapons whistleblower
Dr. Suckow eval, 2007
me beat up by OSH staff
me beat up by police
weapons info/NSA
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Launched in July 2012, this site contains articles on abuse and my legal case against the Oregon State Hospital (OSH) and US government.
My goal is to have the state hospital shut down through litigation and by exposing the true nature of its abusive staff and operation. The
hospital was built on my blood in 2010, after the staff tried to murder me at the old facility with an illegal directed energy weapon in August
of 2008. I was also a target of illegal surveillance and other abuses by the state and US Department of Justice, and the cover up continues
to this day...
Got Twitter and want to support the victims and tell the world about this issue? Then please retweet this - Thanks! | Dr. Robert Duncan,
CIA/DOD/US DOJ surveillance and weapons architect confirms my abuse and torture | 8/22/2013: Cathy Meadows, M.A., Clinical
Psychology, Expert on Whistleblower Retaliation, and Covert Harassment and Surveillance confirms my abuse and set up. | Derrick Robinson,
previously employee of US Navy and National Security Agency, now Executive Director of Freedom from Covert Harassment and
Surveillance, Lends His Support (Letter) | Torture complaint to United Nations and FBI dated 01/03/2014, about my abuse and set up in
Oregon, with most of my story. | My Brain Injury from OSH, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy.
Did you witness the technologies abuse in Oregon or elsewhere? Ready to blow the whistle yet? Call: 503-967-5202 or mail:
Click through to story.html for evidence about my abuse, the hospital scandal, and the use of this surveillance and mind control technology
nationwide (updated 5/14/2014).
Murder, rape, and deliberate mutilation: the specifications of the weapon the State of Oregon and US Department of Justice are using on me
24/7 to secretly injure and keep me sick: Remote neural monitoring, electronic brain link, particle/microwave beams, mind control weapons
info, complete with patents, and the technological details on the police communities and US governments nationwide secret surveillance
programs: russelltice-nsarnmebl.html (updated 5/6/2014)
Update 5/21/2014 One reason_the_military_surveillance_happened_at_OSH.pdf. Staff members taking bribes,
aiding in drug and contraband smuggling, and escape plots, and security members aiding as well. Don't forget the
women Bonita Tucker lied about sexually abusing me the previous year while all her pals helped cover it up,
sabotaging me to cover up staff crime. Oh, and there's that issue of the state lacking liability insurance, so they'd
go to all lengths to cover all this up including using the most sophisticated surveillance / military tactics on me. Not
a single staff was prosecuted besides Bonita, and it took a year and a half for charges to get filed while my and
other victims cases were hidden.
Update 5/20/2014 Protest clip up! We made the news on KEZI Channel 9, Eugene's ABC Affiliate.
Update 5/15/2014 The OSH protest official location updated to Ken Kesey Square, at 10 E Broadway (corner
street Willamette), Eugene OR 97401. Official meet up time Saturday May 17th, 2014, at 12pm. The Ken Kesey
Square is of course named after Ken Kesey, Oregon resident, and author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, a
famous book and film about the hospital.
Update 5/4/2014 (updates on 5/6, 5/7, 5/12, 5/13, 5/14, 5/15) New Oregon State Hospital opening in Junction
City, OR, right outside of Eugene, OR, to supplement the one in Salem with plenty of beds to indefinitely detain and
drug citizens brains free of thoughts about their abuse by the government, the President, and police/legal system.
Article from the Register-Guard.
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The US Department of J ustice and the State of Oregon set me up, warran...
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Ken Kesey Square, Eugene OR
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Donate with PayPal or GoFundMe - our goal is
to raise $1,000,000 for legal and medical
expenses. By donating, you're helping both to
protect America, and to expose governmental
Contact us:
Todd Giffen
405 W Centennial BLVD
Springfield, OR 97477
Call the abuse
reporting and info hotline about my case, the
website, your problems, and the hospital at
503-967-5202 (toll-free from OSH) - currently
seeking telephone complaints and depositions
from patients and friends and family of patients
about the hospital, especially when abuse or
civil rights violations are involved. there's a
chance I may post your messages on my site
or use them in a lawsuit against the hospital,
when the time comes.
Call us for free by entering your phone number
below (if the call doesn't go through, untick
"Keep number private"):
Call MindFreedom International for specific questions to
find out more. phone: 541-345-9106 USA toll free 1-877-
MAD-PRID[e]. Web: Discuss it here and
read the announcement.
What do these cunts practice at this facility? Psychiatry,
government/military and societal mind control, human
sabotage and long-term detainment, as demonstrated in
the below documentary:
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New evidence for my and everyone elses case: So FBI Special Agent Ted L. Gunderson, previous head of FBI Los
Angeles (and several other FBI Bureau), previous involvement in FBI COINTELPRO, came out about all these abuses
I have been reporting on the site being real, and operated by the FBI, CIA, and NSA today. He put together this
affidavit two years ago for another victim for your reading pleasure. gunderson.pdf
If all this is real, this would mean the punishment for me for catching these psychos at the Oregon State Hospital
doing their illegal surveillance operations and military mind control abuses would have been death and torture.
Furthermore the FBI/CIA has confirmed EMF torture and physical and psychological torture tactics, which they
routinely are known to use on the public. They used all these torture methods on me, and this information can be
read about, compiled by PHD Dr. Robert Duncan, who has investigated the government for these crimes, or
witnessed them first hand as an employee. Remote Interrogations, Remote Renditions, Silent Warfare, Torture,
Interrogation, Brainwashing, and Eugenics, US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights.
At the protest we are protesting them testing weapons on or using these weapons to manage the Oregon State
Hospital patients. We're also protesting the opening of the new facility, because this hospital basically commits
nothing but human rights atrocities. They also have not been prosecuted for their crimes against humanity against
any of the patients or even myself yet. You can also come and protest the illegal incarceration of your family
members, loved ones, or the abusive practices of psychiatry and the Oregon mental health system.
This video here below shows FBI COINTELPRO to be an operation of sabotaging and controlling the publics interests
for the rich and established power of government. It's further proof that they would target someone who had no
criminal ties, no suspect of criminal ties, and no terrorist ties. The targets prominent civil rights peace seekers like
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., trying to get him to commit suicide and watching his every move, and are thought to
have had him assassinated (they admit to involvement in his death, but won't admit to murdering him fully). They
talk about this in the below video, which aired on C-Span in 2006. This is the original Frank Church Committee
members who investigated the FBI/CIA/NSA for similar atrocities of today back in 1975. Senate Frank Church
Committee investigation reports here. The Church Committee members have called upon Congress today for a new
Church Committee to be established to investigate the Intelligence community today, which I personally hope will
result in seeing these motherfuckers hanged.
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Second video, which talks about a leader of the Black Panthers being assassinated, and womens rights groups being
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Also have new information on health effects of EMF/RF from expert doctors Martin Pall and Paul Dart discussing
previously covered up harmful effects of EMF/RF and WiFi and 4G radio in /d/RF-EMF Harmful Effects/. Can you
imagine them using a device that weaponizes EMF/RF on a person to inflict these injuries on purpose, like they have
done to me for the last 6 years, when EMF/RF is known to have all these damaging effects? Can you imagine having
your body decayed and destroyed on purpose by these mindless fucks who don't care about our constitution or their
behavior? Try to think about how psycho your police and FBI must be if they would do something like this, literally
having to want to murder and hurt a person, thinking they were going to get away with all of it. If I had not
compiled all this material, they surely would be getting away with it. I expect the entire government to face
International and Federal prosecution for these crimes which might include a trial for treason and murder attempts,
rape, obstruction of justice, racketeering and whatever else we can get them for. Yes, FBI Portland, FBI Salem, and
FBI Eugene participated in these crimes against me and everyone else, and is protecting the rest of the State,
County, and City systems that participated. Yes, the FBI has killed people for trying to expose their crimes before,
and they have tried on many occasions to kill me, or to at least leave me maimed enough that I'd never be able to
speak about the crimes they committed against me. Yes, the State wasted over $458 million dollars to build a new
torture facility in Salem Oregon (located at 2600 CENTER ST NE) after and while they were doing this to me,
defrauding the public both of money, trust and safety.
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More on Electromagnetic resonance and human/animal life (5/14 now the full movie is available instead of
clipped version).
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Electromagnetism and magnetic energy is also used by the government to torture people, having the effect to
control all our biological functions and brainwaves from afar:
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We're also being targeted with space capabilities according to NSA whistleblower Russell Tice (more directed energy
weapons info also on this page).
Confirmed: CIA/FBI/NSA/DOD is using EMF/RF on people to hurt them, do mind control, and other attacks. Listen to
the expert Dr. Robert Duncan. Because he's PhD, because he designed these weapons himself, and because he
worked for the government and has access to classified information, the public, courts, judges, and law
enforcement have no choice but to accept that it's occurring as he's a direct witness and expert witness all in one.
Download - Jesse Ventura / Dr. Robert Duncan 2012 confession
Download - Dr. Robert Duncan, Coast to Coast 2006 interview
I also now have the CIA/Military DOD Mind Control program FOIA documents uploaded to my website in /d/mkultra
foia/. Yes, the Oregon State Hospital participated in MKULTRA, and tortured and used their patients and citizens as
guinea pigs. No they were never punished or prosecuted for any of it. Yes, there were over 100,000 victims of
MKULTRA across the country, and these abuses do continue on today across the entire Military Industrial Complex,
to which the State of Oregon and multiple facilities within are members of.
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Here's a video with President Obama vowing to fight the Intelligence Community and end warrantless surveillance
in 2007 that were operating under the Bush administration, prior to his election.
No more "ignoring the law when it is inconvenient" Obama said, among many other things. But under Obama,
warrantless and illegal surveillance actually has increased many times, when the President promised it would not be
allowed under his administration. Years later, the ACLU releases documents showing multi-fold increase. And then
Edward Snowden comes out and the whistleblowers come out and the President lies about it saying "there is no
domestic spying on Americans," and then here I am saying at least 10,000 people on American soil are being
tortured with EMF/RF weapons TODAY by these same perps. And they're covering all this up, FBI and everyone
knows it's happening, refuses to prosecute the criminals, hiding very serious crimes against the American public,
probably under Barack Obama's order. And according to NSA whistleblower William Binney in this video below,
whistleblowers have no protection. It's the whistleblowers who go to prison, while those committing the torture or
crime get off scott free with no prosecution.
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Obama's Bill Clinton Moment: 'We Don't Have a Domestic Spying Program'
What was THE Bill Clinton moment? It's when he lied like Barack Obama to all Americans, on national television,
like in the Jay Leno appearance above, and the last 5 years of his administration.
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Another Bill Clinton moment, would involve anyone who denies the mass conspiracy to cover up the mass torture
and abuse of Americans:
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Bill Clinton actually created the BioEthics Committee you see above, precisely to protect Americans from these
abuses. In fact, Bill Clinton apologized for confirmed radiation weapons testing in 1995. Above you will find Amy
Gutmann the committee chairman, in 2011, taking public comments about the modern military mind control and
human experimentation programs going on across the country. In 2014 the committee recommended against rules
that would finally ban non-consensual experimentation, refusing to require informed consent before testing or
programs could be administered by the government (it seems as if we're never going to get help, and these abuses
will continue on unobstructed without fully removing everyone currently in office).
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Army/CIA MKULTRA Mind Control experiments included radiation research and development. Including weapons like
Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control Electronic Dissolution of Memory and ionizing radiation (suspicious is the lack
of documentation on microwaves in MKULTRA, meaning they must have kept it all a secret).
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Take a look at how the psychotic NSA, CIA, and FBI bombed, and had in their ability to prevent 9/11 from the start,
without spying on Americans, if only they had all worked together instead of hiding information from one another.
Also, without making any changes to the surveillance programs, they could have done all this - without needing
access to Americans data, phone calls, or other information. So why does the NSA need access to spy on
Americans? Couldn't it be they want to be our overlords, and gain further access to dominate society to commit all
their abuses undetectable?
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Russell Tice, NSA whistleblower, calls the NSA Medusa; he says we need to "kill NSA" to fix the problem, and those
running it need to be tried for crimes to see if they violated the constitution, and if found guilty they need to go to
prison. "We need to clean house at NSA."
This video below is important for me to put onto the site. Notice how even low levelers like the UN ambassador has
access to NSA SIGINT, who would intercept I'm guessing the brainwaves, communications and thoughts of other UN
members in order to learn how to manipulate them into doing the United States bidding, or to engineer whatever
outcome they wanted including full control over the entire UN. This is the same shit going on all across America,
and people may or may not have realized it yet (how else could they get away with so many crimes, and keep the
public and media in their total control? and yes, legal processes are all rigged against us, with inside knowledge
from the surveillance methods they possess, allowing them to know exactly what people think, the things that will
work best to manipulate them, and the ways to tell who should not be allowed into the game and who is safe and
willing to be corrupted or willing participate in a crime (just the style the United States likes, to get away with
torture and assassinations of people, to do a little experimentation or psychic warfare, or to otherwise more
successfully implement their World Domination Strategy), etc.).
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My message to the world is that I have been sitting here having my brain shredded with EMF/RF that I cannot stop.
The United States built an interstate weapons system, the military has it. It's built into all radar and satellite
systems, including large phased array antenna systems like HARRP AND HIPAS (they have dozens installed all
around the world) that bounce non-ionizing radiation off the ionosphere and down into a persons atoms and
subatomic particles (which make up all structures). And according to Dr. Robert Duncan, it can target a person from
across the country, and it's used for secret injury inflictions and torture. I have noticed that it works all over
Oregon, and across state lines up into Washington and California. They can target me while I'm driving in my car,
or in a bus, and it works none stop all up and down I-5, .. This is an actual weapon the military built and is
operating today. The NSA/DOD/US Air Force and US Navy are known to operate these devices, and they're using it
to slow-kill and control at least 10,000 Americans on American soil today (and they do target people for secret
attacks that cause heart attacks, and injuries that lead to death to which the coroners and medical examiners will
then later attribute to "death by natural causes" because they cannot trace the weapon, as directed energy doesn't
leave a trace besides the physical onslaught and actual effect, and they don't investigate whether or not directed
energy had been used or not)..
Videos from me on my YouTube channel.
Update 4/8/2014 For your viewing and listening pleasure from /d/media_archive.
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Update 4/6/2014 New evidence to listen to and watch. /d/media_archive..
I also found a gateway to the past, when info from the inside was leaked. Many researchers and doctors helped put
this website together back in 2006/2007, called "The Matrix Deciphered". It's offline today and I can only imagine
what could derail something so big. Link to the archive: The site's full of invaluable
references and information, for the truth seekers out there, about these weapons abuses, the intelligence
community and the whole worlds hidden history.
Update 4/4/2014 NSA confirms it's searching US citizens data without warrants.
NSA performed warrantless searches on Americans' calls and emails -Clapper
Confirmation that the NSA has searched for Americans' communications in its phone call and email databases complicates
President Barack Obama's initial defenses of the broad surveillance in June.
"When it comes to telephone calls, nobody is listening to your telephone calls. That's not what this program's about,"
Obama said. "As was indicated, what the intelligence community is doing is looking at phone numbers and durations of calls.
They are not looking at people's names, and they're not looking at content."
Obama was referring specifically to the bulk collection of US phone records, but his answer misleadingly suggested that the
NSA could not examine Americans' phone calls and emails.
Wait till they get to examining the radar and satellite systems because the media hasn't covered those once yet and
those are also being used without warrants. The full NSA electronic warfare capabilities are being pointed right into
our own country, but they were designed to be used to monitor other countries and defend us from attacks. Instead
they're actually using these systems to attack their own citizens by both electronic assaults and intellectual property
theft (direct from mind/etc).
Edward Snowden keeps talking about how encryption is supposed to protect us, but if one merely
encrypts and does not shield the mind, electrical components, and all wires, no information can be
kept secret (from SIGINT) including the keys and certificates used in encryption, or the data before
it's encrypted or after it's decrypted (it could theoretically be accessible immediately from the
emissions emitted by DRAM and the CPU). The mind also cannot be encrypted and not normally
shielded with any off the shelf technologies (these methods may be the true methods of spying, and
the entire Edward Snowden revelations nothing more than a cover story to hide the true and full
capabilities of the NSA).
Oh yeah, Obama, time to get impeached, mother fucker. Lying sack of shit, covering up all the
intelligence community abuses, and all, then openly saying none of it's going on knowing it is.
Update 4/3/2014 Cheat sheet for mind read/mind altering using military radar, satellite, and phased array
antenna systems and EEG heterodyning.
The methods beyond this only get more and more complex and it gets down to wanting to track and alter every
particle within a persons body and environment.
Heterodyning is the process of using one electromagnetic field to alter another, because two fields when combined
produce a third difference field. Therefore, both original fields are replaced.
Heterodyning itself is so easy and it occurs automatically in nature whenever two electromagnetic waves occupy
the same space or collide. In EEG heterodyning, a radar system is used to read a persons EEG, thereby creating
inside a computer system a map of a persons brain, which after computer analysis allows the computer to know
what each part of a persons brain is doing. If it knows what each part of a persons brain is doing (splitting it up into
nodes, such as visual, auditory, working-memory, long-term memory, and other nerve impulse bundles), it then
knows how to target a persons inner workings. Computer can decode EEG to computer data and more which can
then be saved or displayed as image or sound data or password or login details for instance (obviously a
governmental surveillance intrusion here, people!).
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The process is then possible where a computer can create a new EEG map in software, and using the radar system
to direct an electromagnetic field at a person using microwaves, lasers, or particles (photons) (anything that will
create a field remotely), it will attempt to heterodyne the computer generated EEG map into a persons mind. When
this takes place, the original fields being generated by a persons brain/neurons are altered, because heterodyning
is absolute and works no matter what if the correct frequencies are directed at the brain. Therefore the signals in
the EEG map, which contain signals such as sound, imagery, dreams, and other nerve commands, will be picked up
and experienced by a persons brain. A stream of signals will continue over the course of the signals implantation
which is continuously heterodyned into a persons brain and other body parts (neurons exist all around the body, of
course, and signals can be introduced or mapped in anywhere, ie pain and muscle activation signals in a persons
limbs and organs). This is called an EEG projection.
Heterodyning itself is just a method of altering an electromagnetic field, and it works on man, animal, and machine
alike. Neurons of course use electromagnetism and magnetism to communicate and for control of particles within
the synapse, between neurons, meaning the signals from neuron to neuron, and the gap, leave an opening for
remote signals to be introduced.
Another technique exists where a persons brain is read through the radar systems, creating an EEG recording,
which can then be beamed into anothers. This is called EEG cloning, because another persons EEG signature is being
cloned in another persons brain.
Radar systems exist in many different forms and they are the most complex imaging devices on earth. They
possess all the capabilities of an MRI and CT machine in one, allowing doppler and passive and active imaging of
particles and other energies remotely. Radar systems are also types of directed-energy devices and can beam vary
complex waveforms with distance that reaches across an entire country, and around the world. Satellites are
another type of system which contain types of sensors which use background radiation for passive radar imaging in
a variety of spectrum's, and may also be equipped with directed-energy abilities such as laser and particle beams,
to illuminate matter and dark areas on Earths surface, and heterodyne signals within electronics and living
creatures alike. (Radar and satellites image electrons and their fields of energy remotely, and anything containing a
sensor has the capability.)
A computer program generally will have to make sure the correct area of each persons brain is mapped into the
right part of another persons, done after performing a remote neural analysis, customizing each projection for the
intended target. Essentially the target will feel like they are feeling the other person, their thoughts, the things they
hear, and another person will have the ability to remotely control a person, in order to get them to carry out certain
acts including crime, murder, rape, and suicide. If a signal is strong enough, a person no longer has control over
their own body or brain, and they actually become the clone for brief moments as a targets brain takes over the
signals which are broadcast into it.
To do EEG heterodyning, each synapse is targeted individually and each individual neuron makes up part of a
greater reality that is split up and divided within the brain and body. And of course, neurons duplicate signals that
tell the mind what reality it exists in, and therefore the mind duplicates the world in the resolutions it's capable of.
If the reality in the mind is altered, this means that the only reality a person knows can be completely tampered
with, and all previous understandings and interpretations of the current world subverted.
Mostly it feels torturous having another persons thoughts inside your own, and as the mind has no firewall per the
US Army's own articles, you have no way to block any of it out. Ref:
This technique is patented. 1974, Robert Malech inventor, for a US defense contractor who makes radar systems
called Dorne & Margolin Inc., who since dissolved and sold to EDO Corporation, who was sold to ITT Corporation,
who spun off the defense radar and various directed-energy systems into Exelis Corporation in 2011 (ITT
Corporation remains, where some IP and technologies may still exist). Patent is here to read "Apparatus and
method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves":
Raytheon is the other big player in this game making radar and directed-energy weapons systems, and all the
same capabilities are encompassed in this modern patent from 2005 for a "Multi-functional radio frequency directed
energy system":
A related patent owned by a coalition of government and military contractors, combined under the name
Technology Patents, Llc, is for the use of brain wave data, which is then transported via satellites, radar systems,
telecommunications systems and fiber optics, to and from a computer system which decodes and generates the
signals and keeps profiles on each monitored person. The method is two-way using remote firing devices to send
signals back into a persons mind using the mentioned methods as a signal transport method. A variety of things can
be controlled within a person using the remote firing devices including if the person feels hungry, depressed,
anxiety, alzheimers effects, and these things can be treated, turned off, and on remotely. The patent was filed in
1998 and granted in 2000. Imagine the system the DOD has in place with all this technology: fiber optics between
radar systems that read and send signals out to your mind (ala remote implants), which all connect back to the
DODs super computers, where signals are decoded and stored (our memories are kept, with complete profiles of all
citizens, and with weapons capability to remotely target and alter any persons brain function. Operatives, police,
and officials can link up and secretly communicate, secret assassins can receive commands and instructions without
anyone being able to trace the communications, and people can be remotely attacked in total secrecy. As most
citizens don't know they're linked up, communications can happen with the government that are completely
unwitting and unknowing to them. This is all going on today, my friends, and it's a global system, wherever they
have a receiver or transmitter that will reach, which is all of the United States at least, as I travel all around
Oregon, and up to Washington and down to California, it works seamlessly without interruption. Now you know they
have a system in place to track and target people and objects, all people, wherever they are, all remotely, and
automatically). "Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of brain activity":
With ability to image and direct energy to any point down to the subatomic level across the entire planet, they can
accomplish a variety of feats: track and image all objects and particles remotely (including soundwaves, using
atomic grade laser microphone (entire waves of particle movements can be remotely recorded, analysed, and
allows very long-range distance listening)), spy on people even under cover of buildings and objects, knock missiles
out of space and the air, knock planes out of the sky, heat a target up, chill a target, cause expansion and
contraction within atoms and tissue, create vibrations, create light orbs in space, create soundwaves in the middle
of nowhere, cut targets including matter and body tissue to cause bleeding, damage targets, interfere with the
natural function of targets, stall cars and vehicles, change TV channels (beaming in remote infrared signal to TV
sensor/other more complex methods), jam and open door openers including garage doors (happened in San
Antonio Texas in January 2010: NSA jammed city-wide all garage door openers, locking citizens out), flip bits in
computer DRAM and re-program computers remotely, read computer signals and tap POTS and various emissions,
EMP blast to incapacitate targets, remotely tamper with and introduce signals in electronics, dustification of
buildings and targets, cause cancer and illnesses, induce heart attacks, simulate schizophrenia (remote signals
simulate schizophrenia, and signals cannot be turned off by target), cause anxiety and depression and panic, cause
pain (ala active denial system), sexually abuse persons by tickling and simulating massage and heating and chilling
genitals, remotely move objects and particles around, induce death and assassinate, and genocide. Heart rate,
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breathe, and license plates are also tracked by the Justice Departments satellites (if they know who is dead or alive
via their pulse/breathe/vitals, they know who to target and who to kill and when to stop .. eh? They can also see
how many people through automatic scanning are within a building or block of space, alive or dead, and on what
floor and room. Count how many farts, interpret speech and imagery automatically, keep track of thought and
communications of targets for the operators, all on auto-pilot. Objects and peoples minds can be honed into at will,
using a flick of a thought. EEG memory probing allows specific thought and memories to be extracted with force.)
"It's the ultimate weapon" in Signals Intelligence and the military/NSA/DOD/CIA/FBI has had these capabilities
since 1976. Read over my website, including more specific details within the patents and look up the Dr. Robert
Duncan interviews, videos, audio, and books for info from the horses mouth (CIA/DOD/US DOJ whistleblower).
According to Dr. Robert Duncan, HARRP and HIPAS are giant neurological weapons, part of the
Strategic Defense Initiative, which are being used to attack people today.
Update 3/28/2014 The criminal case where I committed an assault 4 by punching my grandpas face in for
abusing me and working with the CIA on 9/21/2013, was dropped 3/5/2014. Here is the scan of the dismissal
motion by the Lane County District Attorney William Warnisher: Dismissal.pdf
Apparently, the DA's belief was that he could not prove his case in court as stated in the motion, in light of my
allegations that the State of Oregon had framed and set me up, and had used the directed-energy weapon
documented on this website on me. Days before the dismissal, I submitted a letter from Dr. Robert Duncan with
video and audio evidence to support my abuse; immediately, Dr. Robert Duncan, having PhD's from Harvard,
Darthmouth, and MIT, and having worked for the CIA/DOD/US DOJ on these weapons, would have had to be
investigated and called as a witness for the case. If him or myself was allowed to testify, the state would have not
been able to prove their frivolous case against me, and so the DA pulled the plug. What this really means is, the DA
could not prove either him, the state, or the CIA/DOD was not using a directed-energy weapon on me the day of
the arresting offense, priorly, or during the rigged trial, which induced me to commit this crime, and he could not
prove these charges weren't frivolously filed against me. If they had continued on like they were, I would have
been either found not guilty by my own testimony or inclusion of this evidence, or it would have resulted in a
mistrial / appeal because evidence and witnesses were known to exist before trial which would have provided a
defense and to which the state had been trying to hide (in this case, if the state ignored this new evidence,
continuing on like nothing was happening to me, the trial would have been in error).
Although my court appointed attorney Andrew Ross had withdrew and refused to build my case or to protect me
during the time I was imprisoned by the state, here is his notice about the dismissal:
From: Andrew Ross <>
Reply-To: Andrew Ross <>
To: Todd Giffen <>, Samantha Lowery <>
Date: Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 1:58 PM
Subject: Your misdemeanor case is being dismissed
Today, Deputy District Attorney Bill Warnisher notified me that he is dropping the misdemeanor assault case against you.
There will be no trial on March 12.
Perhaps at the end of the day he was afraid that you would be able to expose THE TRUTH about what's been happening to
you, if he let you speak before a jury.
Congratulations on getting a successful result in this matter. I am notifying your attorney Mr. Abrell about the dismissal.
--Andrew Ross
Andrew Ross was appointed in December 2013 to the case, and did nothing to protect me the entire time, despite
being given evidence, psych evals, video, and whistleblowers who came forward about my abuse, and my
requesting of various expert witnesses and private investigators to be hired. Today I feel my right to a trial was
denied, and my right to effective counsel was robbed from me, which if I had been provided all the governmental
abuses going on would no longer be happening today.
Now I can sue for false prosecution, false imprisonment, denials of effective counsel, professional malpractice, and
for all the abuses and crimes committed against me.
Read the entire police report here: police_report_09-21-2013.pdf (they had all the evidence to convict me
otherwise, but were not going to let this get out during trial)
This email from Dr. Robert Duncan was submitted to the courts, along with all the "Andrew Ross Atty Bitch Eugene"
files from above sometime around February 28th, 2014 (and they denied me a new attorney, leaving me
attorney-less that same day, and a time in January prior): drrobertduncan_responds.pdf
Look all over my website, especially the NSA Remote Neural Monitoring article to listen to interviews about who Dr.
Robert Duncan is, what he helped invent that is being used on me, and his biography.
I continue to believe that the entire case was rigged and sabotaged from the inside, and the attorney's deliberately
withheld services and tried to sabotage my case. Other attorney's involved include Marie Desmond and I know that
her office has ties to the CIA, and everything done was by a coalition of related attorney's in town who didn't want
the truth to get out.
On another note, here's some videos from CCHR International on psychiatric abuse in hopes that they get used to
defend those stuck at the Oregon State Hospital or wherever and whomever is currently experiencing coercive
fraudulent forced treatment practices, or mind control (several of the videos in this playlist actually cover
MKULTRA/CIA mind control programs, including how the techniques derived from MKULTRA are used everywhere in
general psychiatry to manipulate and control society (see video 6-7)):
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/movie has another film worth watching.
Who is the NSA? Well, they're made up of nearly every branch of the US military, and their weapons used to target
foreign adversaries are being used today to target Americans. That means anything that isn't shielded and
thoroughly and securely encrypted is at risk for being intercepted and hacked into (RSA/Windows/Apple/Android
/Linux encryption has NSA vulnerabilities). :)
Watch a national geographic movie about the NSA here
Watch Edward Snowden's TED talk here.
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The NSA responds to Edward Snowden's TED talk.
The NSA/DOD/US Airforce run all the radar and satellites being used to remotely attack me with directed-energy.
Also, all American communications are being tapped, per Snowden, including all unencrypted IP headers and
communication. Woohoo, that means they know every single file you download, and all GET/PUT/POST data with
your website form data is leaking your usernames, passwords, posts, and other garbage! Yes they know every site
and IP we connect to, and every path we GET, and communicate with! Yeah and those satellites are tapping your
equipment emissions, and brain wave emissions, watching your pulse, breathe, license plates, tracking our
movements, allowing them to learn who's still alive and dead so they can learn who to kill and target next when
they decide to with their neuro-weapons and directed-energy systems! And drones! Woohoo, all the police
nationwide are linked up with it! It's all a big shell game, and the public are the only targets!
Holy fuck. NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake confirms today, the United States has set aside the constitution and it
is not in effect anymore. In fact our country is operating in a clandestine war mode, where the laws only apply to
the public. He calls it marshalls law. Is this why they can rape and murder Americans with directed-energy
weapons? And get away with spying on us, using their electronic warfare systems on us? Listen to his interview with
Jesse Ventura:
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Visit my YouTube channel for more updates: togiff
Update 3/12/2014 Look at this all-new psychotronic imagery to communicate messages to your neurons. :D
So glad that Russia exists. And I pray someone peaceful becomes the new world super-power, and sets off a nuke
on the USA, like right in Obama's face. :D Then, a peaceful process of removing all tyrants from power world-wide
can commence, along with new freedoms and processes for justice enacted (war can be abolished, governments
which can murder and kill people done in).
OMG AARON ALEXIS CONFIRMED WEAPONS ATTACKS: Washington Times: Aaron Alexis and extremely low
frequency attacks: Truth or fiction?.
Dr. Robert Duncan, the man who helped invent and disclosed details about these weapons, confirms I and Aaron
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Alexis are targets. (Aaron remains a target inside the Department of Defenses computer systems, where they
abuse his mental recordings and will be tortured forever)
Robert Duncan <> Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 8:50 PM
To: Todd Giffen <>
I know how angry you are. It is unlikely they will kill you but the torture sure feels like it. The real issue will be if they can get
you to kill someone else or yourself. That will be your internal battle for awhile. Lowering your stress levels will slow the
induction process and the rewiring of your brain. Valium helps. I wish I could say it will end well but most likely this will be
your eternal battle. You are up against a ruthless computer program and people.
Aaron Alexis was obviously a target. No one can prove it to the FBI.
The US Army disclosed mind control tactics on their website from 1998!
Dr. Michio Kaku confirms your mind has been hacked here on the Wall Street Journal and in his book The Future of
the Mind. One thing he gets wrong in his WSJ interview is he states a BCI might have trouble telling the difference
from an actual memory and a fabricated memory. This is false, as the technology I've experienced is able to view
both separately. It sees a fabricated memory (because it's consciously created differently, and comes from different
parts of the mind, such as immediate memory) versus an old memory that comes from long-term memory. The
BCI knows a person can feed their neurons a signal and "imagine it" but only true memories are stored in long-term
memory part of the brain. You also have to think about fabricating a thought, therefore synthetic telepathy and
mind reading technologies cannot be fooled, as Dr. Michio Kaku misstates (yes, memory of fabricating a thought are
also kept, and this is associated with any memory read by a BCI; 'EEG memory probing'. memories are stored and
linked, and subconsciously are activated during any state of conciousness, as subconscious processes are required
to make a conscious awareness and all your history makes up your conscious state of mind, your perception of the
"world." memories of falsification will come out in association with any memory you previously fabricated, and it
cannot be deleted from the brain. oldest memories in an association can be traced by a BCI, ie first time you
entered a room, felt a sensation or emotion, or learned a word or thing or place or whatever. learning colors,
shapes, patterns, and thinking, it's all something one can separate in a BCI, and a BCI is capable of separating each
memory separately. I also believe that because red, green, and blue wavelength have the same electronic value,
the neurons and brain are using a signal for imagery that is all identical in each person and every living thing,
allowing color images, and video to be extracted with ease from evoked potentials. all neuron impulses are
individually decoded, just likes 1 and 0s in a computer. as this is true, ALL subconscious processes can be traced and
observed, meaning a BCI cannot be fooled or tricked, unless it's primitive design or incomplete. It's true that
government grade TAMI/NSA Remote Neural Monitoring does not suffer any of these flaws, and real experts in this
field should have come to similar conclusions in their work/research.). But, the book does confirm that today, mind
reading is happening, dreams are being extracted, and synthetic telepathy via mind reading computers is real.
Also, my website has covered this for more than a year, and information about NSA Remote Neural Monitoring has
been wide spread available since it's publication in Nexus Magazine in 1996 by John St Clair Akwei.
I found out Senator Paul Wellstone was assassinated with this technology in 2002. Backed up by scientist Jim Fetzer
who investigated the matter. Short: Paul Wellstone was in his plane being attacked with electromagnetic pulse
technology, when he and the plane crashed. FuturisticWeaponry.pdf
Oh yes, the World Trade Center was another target of this technology on 9/11, which was literally dustified and
melted with directed-energy, and the evidence appears nearly irrefutable. I mean, the fucking metal beams show
all the signs of the Telsa Hutchinson Effect, for god sakes. Yes, I read Dr. Judy Wood's book, Where Did the Towers
Go? Evidence of Directed Free-Energy on 9/11, and she explained it all scientifically and wonderfully. Watch the
video she put together on her site. The evidence is there, and you will be convinced if you open your mind and
ignore the governments lies.. More on
Dr. Robert Duncan and NSA whistleblower Russell Tice's stuff is pretty good, too. On the backpage.. russelltice-
Update 3/3/2014 Been meaning to cover this for awhile, but Raytheon, big time Department of Defense
contractor, owns the patent for slow-killing humans using a radar weapons system. The target can be any object in
patent 7,629,918, "Multifunctional radio frequency directed energy system," not that it took these geniuses since
1940 to build this or anything. It just happened to have been finally patented recently..
Raytheon Patent
Slow-kill directed energy weapons on cell towers, related article from on Febrary 26th, 2011.
Another relevant patent is: EP 2113063 B1, "Energy focusing system for
active denial apparatus." This one is designed to cause humans pain and
inexplicable panic, causing them to run and seek protection (note: The
DOD was using this in Iraq)..
Wavestream Corporation patent.. Now what about the force of all that
AM, TV, WiFi, and cellular energy has on your atoms, body tissue, and
neurons - which cause slight adjustments and inferences with
neurons/brain signals, and DNA function over time, but also enhances the
force of directed-energy weapons attacks, slowly aiding in killing people.
Active Denial System, all your base are belong to the Department of
Defense, and you will be actively denied by the US government the right
to be free from electromagnetic pain and terror for as long as you live
and they go unchallenged by the human race.
The ADS Wikipedia page discusses damaging cumulative effects of the
system including cancer, blisters, cellular destruction, and other injuries.
Obviously, long-term abuse might cause plaque and calcification to occur
in soft-tissue from repetitive injuring and healing mechanisms, and also
scar tissue from the healing process. Chronic inflammation is another detectable symptom. High Creatine Kinase
(caused by skeletal muscle, heart, and brain tissue breakdown, with three different types) and c-reactive protein
(caused by sickness and injury, indicating inflammation and disease) are a few blood indicators of injury from this
type of weapon. MRI, HRMRI using DTI, EMG and EEG could probably image some of the damage, showing up as
nerve damage, scar tissue, plaque/calcium build up, molecular damage, inflammation, and white patchy lesions in
the brain (only if brain injury is sustained from weapons attacks/injuries). There are also numerous blood tests to
check for neuro-degeneration, brain injury, and hypersensitivity from psychic driving and repetitive secret brain
injuries, all done at specialised labs, including blood tests for Interleukin 1 and 6, TNF-alpha, INF-gamma, and
blood/urinary analysis checking levels of Lipid Peroxidation, and Quinolinic acid (these show up from brain injuries,
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chemical injuries, and sometimes psychiatric disorders (which could be related to the damaging effects of the
medications (chemicals) used, unfortunately, to treat psychiatric disorders; drugs also cause CTE)).
Update 3/2/2014 Protest planned at the Oregon State Hospital.
MindFreedom International and I, are planning a protest at the Junction City OSH campus. In addition to this, we
may expand to include a protest at the Salem campus. The protest is going to cover the abuse of the mentally ill
population in Oregon, and the coersive and destructive medical procedures they perform in these facilities.
Additionally, we are protesting the opening of the Junction City hospital, which Oregon doesn't even need, but State
Workers are forcing down everyone's throats in order to ensure job stability for themselves, at the expense of the
mentally ill population in Oregon who would be better off with local housing and treatment options in their home
towns instead of a giant super max prison/quasi treatment facility designed to take away everyone's civil rights!
More details will emerge later.. We think this protest should be happening in March or April, but date won't be set
for a few more days.
Details on MindFreedom International :
If you want to participate in the planning of the protest, a public meeting is being held at MindFreedom
International's headquarters in Eugene on 3/5/2014, at 5:30PM.
Address for meeting is:
MindFreedom International - 454 Willamette, Suite 216 - PO Box 11284 - Eugene, OR 97440-3484 USA
phone: 541-345-9106 USA toll free 1-877-MAD-PRID[e]
Legendary David Oakes might be joining us for the protest - lets hope he's well enough to make it with his injury!
Update 3/1/2014 #2 Hey, my buddy David Zapien is reporting from inside one of the hell-hole group home
facilities the Oregon PSRB forces people to live in. The abuse David has went through has been identical at two
different facilities, and they are using a pattern and practice of denying individuals their rights to be free from
coercive treatment practices, assaults, and property thefts from staffers working inside the systems. And if anyone
speaks out about abuse in these houses, they get evicted, kicked out onto the streets, or sent back to OSH for
retaliation. In this guys case, he was physically assaulted and restrained by staff at Pendleton Cottage, for no
apparent reason, and had his phone stolen from him when he tried to call 9/11 over the assaults. He has previously
been threatened by staff members and abused by staff in other ways in this house, and the previous one he lived at
Shangri-La Corp's "Meyer's Home" in Eugene committed similar abuses - and not only on him, but me when I lived
there (they evicted him using false claims, and was subsequently sent to the locked Pendleton Cottage facility
August of 2013, where the abuse continued).
I think the crimes committed by the staff in this facility amount to: Interfering with a 9/11 call, Coersion, and
Assault/Harassment. He has no choice but to live there with these fuckers daily, and they won't let him leave. He
doesn't even have a mental illness and he's forced to live there anyway by the PSRB. Before he was sent to this
place, he was being considered by Roger Kalman (Lane County PSRB Case Manager) for placement in his own
apartment, but abuse occurred and he was framed to take the fall.
Storm this shit hole or offer this kid legal assistance through me. He also has a pretty good medical malpractice
case against multiple psychiatrists and the county/OSH, and perhaps excessive use of force case against the police.
Pendleton Cottage
2585 Westgate
Pendleton, OR 97801
(541) 276-0295
Update 3/1/2014 #1 Someone is masturbating my balls and doing nerve compression with directed-energy.
Yeah this is really going on. Eugene, Springfield, Oregon, Pentagon Abuse, Todd Giffen 2/21/2014:
Update 2/20/2014 For those interested in learning more about the terrible Medical Model deployed around the
country for mental health treatment, coercive, destructive and unscientific as it is... Got a movie up about it in
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/movie.. The movie title is Beyond The Medical Model. (requires HTML5 browser for playback)
Purchase Your Own Copy of Beyond The Medical Model
What the Medical Model is about is treating all a persons psychophysical and psychosocial concerns as if it were a
mental illness with a biological cause that needed drugged out of them, as if a drug like rispiridol severing 80% to
99% of your brain connections, leaving you unable to think or experience the world around you, was supposed to be
good for you (notice: this is what doctors do for a first line treatment when you complain about a life experience or
you are forced into talking to a mental health treatment provider). Both kids and adults are susceptible and it leads
to brain injuries and early death (25 years sooner) in treated individuals. Drugs prescription are also linked to the
rise in mental illness, as they prevent recovery and induce disability beyond a persons actually condition. Learn
more by reading over the studies in the hospital resources center.
Update 2/18/2014 Last week I posted the messages left on my voicemail by Victoria Knight, a mom of a son
who was abused at OSH. I followed up by phone with this interview where she informs me that she's even received
death threats from state employees around the state, over her allegations of abuse by the Oregon State Hospital
doctors and nurses. Listen to this!
Update 2/16/2014 "Bah Hum-bug, baaah hum-bug," "you're permanently synched as psychotic todd," "she
synched you're a sexual predator," "quit self-sabotaging," "there's no more settlement for you".. They used to send
those words into my head in 2008, after they began to attack me with their EEG hederodyning technology at OSH.
Well, today, I got something new for the community of targets, which is literally everyone. All citizens are being
watched by the US government, illegally targeted with surveillance, watched with remote radar and satellite
technology, plus the low-tech telephone and internet taps.. and we all know the 4th amendment isn't protecting us
one bit. So I started a little IRC server for us to connect through, and I hope the Targeted Individuals who want to
get together or discuss various surveillance issues connect to help start a new IRC community. Come on, join me
and idle..
Port: 6667 (unencrypted) or 6697 (encrypted/SSL)
Channel: #targets
Need IRC client software? Download mIRC or search your devices respective app store ..
WebIRC client for joining us from your web browser.
Any TI or anyone in Oregon who wants to discuss this shit can join. I should be idling there, and may or may not
respond. The more who decide to idle, the better, because we might have a better chance of running into an actual
conversation at some point if people don't just join and quit.
Update 2/13/2014 Let's take a stand against the US government, together.
The Day We Fight Back...
Sen. Rand Paul Defends the Fourth Amendment - February 11, 2014...
...they rape rape rape.. rapity rape us. We have no protects from them, at all.
Update 2/12/2014 I told the guys on the Facebook Group "OREGON STATE HOSPITAL" that I'd post these.
Basically, OSH union fucks are trying to lie their way into getting the State to pass a bill that legalizes staff on
patient assaults, so the assaults staff already do they can't be held liable for. Mostly, staff manufacture emergency
situations, bully and start assaults with patients, and the staff want permission to beat a patients face in as part of
all this under the guise that it was self defense. An Oregon legislature committee yesterday tabled a related bill (HB
4036) which would also increase penalties for patients who likely get framed by the staff for assaults from
Misdomeaner to Felony C classification, and staff are whining about it, threatening to hire lawyers for retaliatory
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action against the state.
I decided I'd post this audio recording of a family member with a son at OSH who was abused, who like all family
members, deal with assaults by staff members at OSH that weren't patient caused, but staff caused, and I
challenge the state by asking them: why do you let the OSH union (SEUI 503) get away with whatever crime it
wants? Why not pass a new law that forces staff to take polygraphs so people can force staff to validate their
statements to give a way to detect their lies, save all video and audio evidence for the duration of the statute of
limitations so previous crimes and abuse can be investigated, install the missing microphones in the security
system, install new private investigators and attorney's to give the patients counsel to investigate and fight state
abuse and crime while in their care, and increase the penalties for staffer and government agent crime (right now,
even if a staffer commits a crime or assault, even without the bill that legalizes it, staff are not prosecuted and get
a pass on whatever they do).
Victoria's Knight's complaint, just the latest victim of the abusive super union running Oregon State Hospital: Part 1
| Part 2 | Part 3
Additionally I have a new video upload on YouTube, calling out the corrupt judges in this state who are also
responsible for this madness (and my abuse, too).
Judge Karsten H. Rasmussen, Lane County Circuit Court Filth/Corrupt Systems, Todd Giffen 2/9/2014:
Update 2/6/2014 Various updates.
1. 2006 bill which would have reopened COINTELPRO ( investigation, and opened new
investigation into law enforcement/the intelligence community .. but never got voted on after they referred it to
some crap committee: H. Res 1026, by Congresswomen "Cynthia McKinney".
H.Res.1026 - For the re-opening of investigative hearings into the Counter-Intelligence Program
(COINTELPRO) and other intelligence and law enforcement programs and agencies, and an expansion
of those hearings to include reneweal of previously curtailed abuses, and other activities sanctioned by
People back then had a lot of hope in this bill getting passed, because I'm guessing they didn't think the whole
government intended to do this. I think most people really thought we had a chance of getting the torture of
Americans stopped. But nothing came of it, like the numerous lawsuits people have filed over the years to try to
end this, and the other legal ventures people have made. Even publishing fact information or getting on TV or in the
newspapers hasn't helped, and even after whistleblowers came forward, nothing was done. Dr. Robert Duncan
DOD/CIA/US DOJ mastermind genius who helped design some of the governments surveillance systems involved
even personally interviewed 650 victims and went to 23 congressional offices seeking assistance, only to be turned
down by every single one of them. It just turns out, the government is very good at lying and doesn't want to stop
doing this..
Newly on the site, 12/05/2006 Dr. Robert Duncan interview on Coast to Coast (National AM channel), Energy
Weapons & Testing.
Listen w/o subscription:
Download - Dr. Robert Duncan, Coast to Coast 2006 interview
A couple of new links in the #government and #nsa back pages...
Pentagon military analyst program, US government uses publics own opinions to funnel misinformation to the
public, committing 'psy-ops' on national scale. Compilation of data on this site about it.
Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators, "after the DOD helped Barack Obama defeat
McCain in the rigged 2008 election, Barack Obama / DOD officials attempted to use psy-ops on him and others of
Congress to get them to push through a bill they wanted passed". :/, February 23rd, 2011.
The U.S. Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in "psychological operations" to
manipulate visiting American senators into providing more troops and funding for the war, Rolling
Stone has learned - and when an officer tried to stop the operation, he was railroaded by military
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John McCain Wants A Special NSA Committee, And Dianne Feinstein Isn't Too Happy About That,
February 6th, 2014... Lets hope these guys shut the NSA down cause everyone's literally just getting victimized by
"Now is the time for Congress to improve how it executes its constitutional oversight duties," McCain
said in language accompanying the resolution. In the past he has been less diplomatic, stating that the
Snowden leaks have revealed that existing House and Senate intelligence committees "haven't done
their job."
The USSR spent $1B on mind-control programs, New York Post December 28th, 2013:
The race to put man on the Moon wasn't enough of a battle for the global super powers during the
Cold War.
At the time, the Soviet Union and the United States were in an arms race of a bizarre, unconventional
kind - that has been exposed in a new report.
NSA Locks San Antonio Residents Out! San Antonio Texas ~ Residents were unable to access garages via garage
door openers, "NSA radar tricks interfere with equipment all over the region" December 31st, 2013:
According to a report from the Municipal Government of San Antonio Texas, city residents were unable
to access garages via garage door openers for hours. The NSA was forced to admit it was running a
sweeping "spying" frequency from the NSA's radio antennas that were broadcasting at the same
frequency as the garage door openers.
Got two new videos up on YouTube this week.
Eugene Oregon Police abuse, and me gagging/vomiting 2/3/2014 from microwave injuries., Todd Giffen 2/3/2014:
Attorney Andrew Ross Evidence. Delivered DVD 1/29/2014, he didn't even watch it., Todd Giffen 1/29/2014:
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Update 1/27/2014 in order to get justice, you have to over throw the United States government. you have to kill
the President, the Senators, Congressman, the police and Judges in your town, and remove the military from
power. realize that also, its the only thing that's fair, because they have not followed the constitution for over 45
years, and have enslaved everybody. they have rigged every election since TAMI was invented in 1976, which they
used to dupe Americans into electing only people that would continue to support the US military industrial complex,
and would do their bidding, and never do anything about their abuses. this is why today, nothing is being done
about government surveillance, people are brutalized by the police, and illegal assassinations of citizens, rape, and
mind control experimentation (or torture operations, at this point) run rampant, unacknowledged, and without
resolution. the US government has entrapped the world in a prison, using mind control tactics, and global
surveillance on civilians, to control and deceive us, while using us as cheap labor to continue building their weapons
and infastructure just so they could stay in power. there is a reason no one ever responds or helps people when
people are getting abused by the government: the system is controlling us, and we live inside The Matrix, a
government program of civilian mind control. all the laws are also stacked against civilians and are being used to
control and imprison us, while serving to protect our judges, police, Presidents, and other officials from being
prosecuted for all this (literally, they cannot be arrested, prosecuted, or removed from power). they in fact have
complete immunity from abusive surveillance practices, and can never be sued for spying on or abusing us. they
cannot however do this while torturing or having the ability to remotely access and send signals into peoples heads,
bodies, or environments. for these crimes, the laws say is treason. their laws granting immunity can also be found
unconstitutional by newly installed judges, because the people have a right to bring suits and to have a solution to
their grievances. Dr. Robert Duncan, a DOD / CIA / US DOJ employee who helped design most of their system,
confirms all of this in his books and interviews on the radio and various TV shows. he confirms they're using their
weapons to torture and control everybody, and they target whoever they want with the same force as if we were a
country they were going to war with to murder and remove from power.
Update 1/25/2014
Update 1/24/2014 blood in sink - injured with directed energy weapon last night during my sleep., Todd Giffen
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Update 1/21/2014 Lane County Circuit Court case no. 22-13-18198. Today I had court, and two things
1. A terrible attorney who's in cahoots with the DA "Andrew Ross" and shit, basically refusing to admit he did any
wrong, gave me a file that said the court was refusing to allow investigation of my case. This is actually the second
item the court refused to pay for, despite it's necessity. They also won't pay for adequate private investigator time,
so the PI can't do her job or gather evidence. This latest denial was for hiring of an expert witness and their
testimony and tests to be done for court. Here is the emails from the state about this matter, including the
reasonable service request and the states denial (we're surprised Andrew Ross even tried to help, because he'd
been saying he had no obligation to before.).
denial of request to hire melinda kidder, PI/CESCO certified/expert witness on TI issues
2. Andrew Ross agreed to try to withdraw, since he was not into my case in the first place and actually hung up or
deliberately stopped responding in phone calls when I said the DA William Warnisher had been involved before.
Andrew also said he would not be doing any investigation into anything related to the DA or previous abuses related
to this case, even though it's some of the most revelent case information (also have his entire conversation
basically saying he doesn't want to help me, it's not his job, this and that recorded, basically the biggest denial of
effective counsel I've ever seen, but all so common here in Lane County (I've spoke to a few victims or their
relatives. Lots of false convictions, bad recommendations for plea deals, and general refusal to defend people.)):
denied motion to withdraw by Lane County Circuit Court
Because my attorney thinks the court isn't going to do anything about his misrepresention, he's forcing me to go to
trial unprepared and without defense (but I do have some things, it's just not going to be anywhere near what it
should be, with experts testimony or any action taken upon the abuses I am facing.), and not doing his job to fix
the problems. He said there is reasons to appeal the case after trial because of court denying resources for my
defense, but the proper solution is to file one of many complaints/civil actions with the appeals court or supreme
court (called a Writ of Mandamus) BEFORE trial to appeal these mistakes, which he is refusing to do.
Download/play audio file recording of Andrew Ross and court
Uploading what may be a half-baked court recording now. When it's finished, listen using the controls above for
embedded player and the .m4a is in this folder. (note: part of the time, you can hear me actually replying to the
NSA's comments, EEG protections, and other thought implantations; conversations they were having with me on
the side in that moment, related to the current situation and stuff going on around me, but usually designed to
harass or piss me off).
Because the court and attorney's do not allow this stuff to be investigated, they won't let these abuses be exposed,
and are interfering with the building of the case against them. A person could be literally being beat and sabotaged
by police, set up, tortured, and murdered, and nobody would do shit about it. Andrew even said it's not his job to
protect me in multiple conversations, which I know is false. His job as public defender is to do all the jobs of a
regular attorney, and he has the same responsibilities. The courts are also interfering with my right to due process,
and this violates my 5th, 6th, and 14th amendment rights. Anyone who gets wrapped up in the legal system should
be worried that they refuse to allow investigation of incidents that prove innocents, and they will likely be forced to
plead guilty or go to trial without the evidence or protection they have a right to. Cases by the state and federal
government built upon corruption are also easy to slip by with nobody doing anything about it, and no defense on
the victims part (the one being tried for a false crime).
Update 1/16/2014 I came across evidence today that makes me disgusted, even more at this shit country than I
was before. A CIA whisteblower named Dr. Robert Duncan had come forward years ago, as early as 2007, to
confirm all this technology is real, exists, and is in mass use today. This fucking sickens me to find out that nobody
in government or on the human rights side (ACLU, etc) did anything about it when this information was getting
heavily passed around in 2007. That is also the year the big Mind Games article was run in the Washington Post,
and details about NSA Remote Neural Monitoring and Electronic Brain Link were actually released in 2006. This
Robert Duncan guy comes to say that mind control devices are being used domestically all over to slaughter and
control Americans, beaming voices into their heads and reading peoples brainwaves with radar systems equipped
as early as the 1970s and 1980s with the capability, and there are dozens of victims everywhere, and NOBODY
IN 2008, AFTER THE FACT THAT EVERYONE ALREADY KNEW ABOUT IT (they basically just said, meh, I'm gunna
keep raping and murdering people for as long as they'll let me, and with the US Department of Justice in our
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control, nobodies ever gunna come get me). AND ALL THIS INFORMATION WAS OUT THERE, EVERY COCK SUCKER
SUPPOSED TO PROTECT ME (DeAnn Major told me I was being spied on, and that the technology exists during
is in hospital resources center.
My original electronically delivered email (since it didn't bounce, they received it and chose not to act or help me
probably in conspiracy together to hide everything), delivered to FBI Portland, the Oregon State Police, Governors
Kulongoski's Office, AND OSH staff and administrators and media including the Oregonian and Statesman Journal.
In it documents the dates and times on the security video w/ audio, of staff discussing and using this technology at
OSH, and plotting to murder and sabotage me due to the states lack of liability insurance. They're even caught
discussing rigging the security gear to not record events and erase the audio portion so video could be used alone to
paint themselves in a good light and hide everything that was really going on. They didn't want anyone to know this
technology was at OSH, or what they'd done to control and sabotage me over the Bonita Tucker scandal. Staff later
assaulted and beat me up, and the state framed me, saying I did it all to myself. Video exists of the staffers in
question doing it, suffocating and trying to murder me on camera. Staff names of the four that came into my room
and did the assault were: JEFF HODSON, BRAD (MHTC), RN ELIZEBETH, RN HEATHER. They punched my face in,
threw me around, then claimed I was beating my own head in. On camera they can be seen and heard saying "Jeff
Hodson screwed up bad," as the main attacker, and he was literally trying to choke me out with a towel. OIT helped
frame me to cover this all up in their reports. Pictures of my head after this here. The email with dates/times is
here, and staff had said security video/audio was saved in case other crimes were committed for the periods
between May 2008 and August 2008:
emailreply_june13th2008_reoshstaffbehavingbadly_fromdhsadminrobertnikkel.pdf (this is one version with the
reply from DHS Admin Robert Nikkel. Other people received it in separate emails).
Watch this video. And read this book by Dr. Robert Duncan, who confirms the research and technology he
developed, and what he knows the US government is using it to do. Book here: Dr. Robert Duncan, The Matrix
This video covers human and life biology from top to bottom, to mind control. Learn about yourselves and life
around you. The basic building blocks of life includes electromagnetic energy, it's even in your DNA. Dr. Robert
Duncan, a CIA whistleblower who helped develop the technology, also confirms this technology is in mass use
domestically today, and they are targeting everyone, beaming voices into peoples heads, and more. There's no
escape from these weapons either, watch the full video (or jump to 41 minutes in).
Who Is Elisa Lam? - Pt1 - Energy Weapons, WhoisElisaLam April 14th, 2013:
Download a copy
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Download a copy
The state had to lie to build the new state hospital, covering this up due to lack of liability insurance, and defrauding
Oregon out of nearly a billion dollars to build and continue operating the new Oregon State Hospital. Learn about
the hospitals history here:
Feds slam Oregon State Hospital: read report, previous stories (OSH employees got a long history of assaulting
patients, sexually abusing and murdering them - both at OSH, OSH kids unit, Fairview, and Dammasch. Staff from
closed facilities still work at OSH today.)
Learn more about this technology and my story on the NSA Remote Neural Monitoring page with 20+ videos, 4+
patents, and more insights into how all this works. Americans are targeted with these technologies during black
operations according to NSA whistleblower Russell Tice, just listen to him say it in the videos.
The first message beamed into my head by OSH staff were "like you spy for the Statesman Journal, DeAnn Major
spys for the CIA" .. "you're being set up to look psychotic". They floooded my body with radiation and sound
energy, forcing expansion and swelling that nearly killed me, sending me into shock, 170+ pulse, and convulsions,
while they blasted me with stimulation and remotely controlled me 24/7. It started August 2008, but they'd been
targeting me for nearly a year or more.
Read my latest torture report email here: torture_complaint_final-01-03-2014.pdf
More staff names and my story in this document here: abuseandhistory.pdf
Learn more about the US Department of Justice in Oregon here: usdojandoregon.pdf
Wanna learn my logic on Aaron Alexis, the US Navy Yard Shooter that killed 13 people in September 2013, who
complained also about being attacked with ELF weapons? The government basically murdered him, and the US
government killed all those people by torturing him, cause they left him only the choice to get revenge. His
complaints, not so mentally ill after all..
In this email to the Washington Post, I wrote:
read your article here:
It may have some incorrect information about Aaron Alexis.
See, he reported not hearing voices, but being attacked by with a directed energy weapon. Your
article says he was hearing voices, though, but they are not the same thing.
In fact, directed energy weapons attacks have nothing to do with mental illness, and more to do with
secret government murders and psych experimentation. And they are very real, and I assure you the
technology exists (in fact, read below for a whistleblower from US Investigative Services who
confirmed to me their existence).
In fact, you know the people who background checked Aaron Alexis and approved him for duty? They
are named US Investigative Services, a US federal / military contractor. And they probably did a fine
job. They screened him out as healthy, and proved he had a mostly clean background. This means,
that.. Aaron Alexis, at age 28, was not suffering from mental problems when he went to work for the
US military as a contractor.
And, medical knowledge actually says that, people at age 34 do not usually get psychosis. Onset of
psychosis begins as a child, and is usually fully present by a persons teenage years.
So, what was really going on at the Navy Ship Yard? Let's just say, that without evidence that
disproves it, I sort of think Aaron Alexis was a fully competent adult who was able to comprehend the
world around him. And as a science oriented guru with a background in computer science, he must
have been aware that energy can be directed at peoples bodies, and mind control devices allow the
brain to be remotely tampered with. In fact, the CIA and US Army invented these weapons as early as
the 1970s, during MKULTRA. The first weapon for beaming voices and words into peoples brains
actually occurred at Walter Reed Institute in 1970. Another weapon called Radio Hypnotic
Intracerebral Control Electronic Dissolution of Memory used radio signals to drown your nervous
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system in acetyl choline, paralyzing or killing a person.
And then there's a patent for remotely reading and altering brainwaves from 1974, by Malech, using
conventional radar systems as deployed by the US military.
There is another patent that improves upon that in 1998 for communicating via thought alone which is
read or transmitted via satellites, or other remote RF signal - and communicating can be two-way
using remote firing devices to penetrate and control the mind. There's another patent owned by the
US Air Force for voice to skull, a weapon device that simulates psychosis and allows speech to be
beamed into a targets head. It uses pulse modulated microwaves to beam thermal energy at a
subject, which when absorbed into the bones and soft tissue, create expansion and contractions of
tissue, thereby creating soundwaves that travel into the skull and cochlea that only the target can
hear. A persons body and tissue can be manipulated with this technique, as well, allowing body parts
to be tickled, massaged, and other really bad things (rape, for example..).
O_O. The technology is real and fully deployed by the US Military, and there are reports of them using
it on people all over the country. Washington Post covered this in the Mind Games article from 2007.
There is even a remote nerve/brain reading patent, that allows video, sound, sensations, and
emotions to be remotely manipulated. And reports of the NSA using a technology called Remote
Neural Monitoring and Electronic Brain Link. And.. well.. it uses ELF energy, lets take a look at the
actual thing Aaron Alexis said.
"In one document, he wrote: "An ultra low frequency attack is what I've been subject to for the last
three months, and to be perfectly honest, that is what has driven me to this."
Investigators are still trying to understand Alexis's "pathway to violence," Parlave told reporters. The
etchings on his gun included "Not what y'all say!" and "Better off this way!"
Another scratched message, "My ELF weapon!," and other evidence gathered from Alexis's electronics
indicate that the former Navy reservist thought he was being controlled by extremely low-frequency
electromagnetic waves, according to the FBI. The Navy has legitimately used such technology, the FBI
said, but these radio waves also have been at the center of conspiracies about government mind
Wow, I am shocked. The FBI even acknowledges there is some reality to his complaints. But lets dig
deeper. Who actually proved Aaron wasn't getting attacked? Who did the research? Where's the
forensic investigation that found his body hadn't been injured, and where's the evidence to suggest the
NSA, FBI, military, CIA, or other agency wasn't directing energy at his body? Did you know, the NSA
and other DoD agencies even have technology that records such radio emissions, and if this was
happening, they must have recorded and watched it all. Take a look at the 30+ ELINT satellites up in
space, or the Strategic Defense Initiative in which billions were spent on energy weapons and remote
sensing technologies.
But nobodies talking, and the FBI just claims he's delusional with no proof, kind of like a cover up.
Yeah, FBI is supposed to be some authority, but they should not be listened to, as they'll always cover
everything about government abuse up. Especially, when I know they know these weapons exist,
since the US Department of Justice are the guys who brought and used this technology at the Oregon
State Hospital in 2006 during their big CRIPA investigation. Which is where I became a target.
Well, guess what else. I just came across a whistleblower who worked for the US Investigative
Services, and she tells me that while she worked there, they had information about this technology
really existing. And she tells me, that.. I report I am a victim, too, you see.. she tells me, that I am
the first one outside of her group to know it exists too, exactly as she had saw it while she worked
there. She tells me she confirms it's existence.
Let me just pass you that transcript. I got the .mp4 audio recordings of it, too. But I am saving those
for private use only, so we'd have to hear those in person together, or maybe I could pass you an FTP
download link if you reply back. And we can even talk to her, and I'll give you names.
Let's say, that.. the US government is using weapons on people, and not telling the truth about it. And
Aaron Alexis may have tried to do the only thing these rapist murders would let him do; fight back and
kill the fuckers attacking him. Or at least make sure he didn't die in vein without any recognition.
The transcripts are available here of USIS employee and me discussing this :
I document the technology they used on me, and maybe Aaron Alexis. here:
Our government is corrupt. Please get back to me, because I am still alive, but I could be illegally
executed at any time. I am under constant real attack with these weapons. And I think there are
endless victims, and no one has never done anything about these real attacks across America.
Damn I hate Obama and our government. I used to think highly of our country, but then I'd been told
lies about everything my whole life apparently..
The FBI released misinformation that Aaron Alexis was paranoid and delusional, when the fact was they knew these
weapons existed and did no investigation into whether he was really being attacked. They also claim this is all some
conspiracy about mind control, when in fact the weapons are proven real and live today, in actual use. So... I guess
the FBI just fed us a load of shit to cover up his abuse, per usual. Look at how they framed him on the Washington
Navy Yard shooting Wikipedia page.
Also, Aaron had carved the term "my ELF weapon" into his weapon which is a piece of evidence for what was in his
rational mind, suggesting torment and revenge as the motive. It totally would be a metaphor for the weapon being
used on him, like he was taking out his own ELF weapon to get back at them, and he obviously wanted them to
know what it meant. Clearly, his mental processes were intact, and his motives were well understood, despite
misinformation to the contrary spread throughout in the media.
Let me tell you what these guys are like: I am sitting here at a highly public location (and I have even had
undercover agents follow me around here many times) having my balls twirled, precise laser energy directed right
into my genitals, tickling, "nerve compression," .. heating me up, raping me. I hear sound that doesn't stop,
programmed just for my mind. Computerized, looped, and synthesized. They run dream simulations at night, and
control everything I do. Beat me, flood my brain tissue with radiation and photons. They've destroyed me, my
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The Oregon State Hospital is in Salem. (Associated Press
photo/Paul Carter/The Register-Guard)
Polly want another pill?
memory, and ability to function. I have damage to my heart and organs, high CK in my blood all December 2013
long from muscle and brain break down (energy weapons tend to do that when injurious), EEG that shows I have
injury to brain that OSH denied and kept secret for years.
If someone would, please avenge my illegal execution and slaughter, bring peace to the galaxy by shutting down
the United American Pussy Association, known as the United States Government.
Hey, maybe the government pissed those terrorists off who plane bombed us on 9/11, and they're attacking
everybody for a reason? Just like the Oklahoma City Bombing, they were in it to avenge, to "change us" and "make
us feel what we did." You gotta have a way to get back at the government, when the FBI guns you down and
doesn't stop abusing you, and you can't do that without violence in America. Anybody think of that? (same concept
applies to the military and other US of A dicks)
Yeah I am pissed. Getting raped, murdered, and experimented on / slaughtered for fun is not fun at all...
Update 1/14/2014 Christopher Crawford created a copyrighted/protected group called the Patient Liberties
Union. Here is one packet he created and sent to people for information about the problems at the Oregon State
Hospital in regards to his cause. Chris_Crawfords-Patient_Liberties_Union_Packet.pdf
"The construction of the new state psychiatric hospital in Junction City at a cost of several hundred
million dollars is money clearly spent in flagrant opposition to and violation of Olmstead. Some or all
of those dollars should be allocated to community resources. The construction of Junction City is de
facto evidence of Oregon's clear intention to continue systematically violating Olmstead by
warehousing disabled Oregonians in the most restrictive possible environment. This is improper and
illegal." -Chris Crawford
He covers quite a few things wonderfully in this packet. And that is the abuse we go through, and laws being
violated by the state at this facility. Issues like this led to his unfortunate early death (covered by me below), and
retaliation by hospital staff and doctors. If you want to learn more about this, please read the various reports about
civil rights violations in the hospital resource center. He mentions the Olmstead decisions of the US Supreme Court,
who interpreted the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to say that people had a right to be served in the
community and had a right to be timely discharged from hospitals. However, OSH does not like to see people
served in the community, and does not do timely discharges for eligible patients. Chris himself was illegally held at
OSH for nearly 22 years, even without acute mental health symptoms. Maybe it's time we looked at getting the
Olmstead decisions enforced at OSH? It's also time for the doctors and staff to start going to jail for all this..
Update 1/11/2014 US Investigate Services/USIS. Confirmed insider information on the technology abuse..
Update 1/5/2014 (last revised 1/11/2014) Another patient overdosed by Oregon State Hospital psychiatrists
(nurse practitioner "pill lady" Sherrie/Sharron Chaney, who was the treating physician), Christopher Patrick
Crawford (age 48) dropped dead 1/3/2014 morning after reporting for months that drugs he was coerced into
taking (Abilify 20mg, Valium 20mg, and numerous others) were making him sick, causing him serious life
threatening side effects ranging from confusion, to muscle movements/rocking back and forth, inability to get up
and move or stay awake, panic/akathisia, and disturbing personality changes, which sounds pretty much like classic
neuroleptic malignant syndrome or accumulative injury. I personally knew this guy to be a pretty high functioning
individual, and at the time we spoke in November 2013, he was sick off his rockers and hardly coherent any more.
An Oregon State Hospital patient was declared dead Friday after staff
discovered him unresponsive during morning rounds at 8 a.m., a
hospital spokeswoman confirmed.
The patient's sister identified him as Christopher Patrick Crawford, 48.
He had been a patient at the State Hospital for about two decades,
said the sister, Lisa Feehely, of Churchton, Md.
Authorities have not yet confirmed a cause of death, said Rebeka
Gipson-King, hospital spokeswoman. The death was reported to the
Oregon State Police for investigation per standard procedure, she said.
An autopsy and a toxicology test will be conducted, hospital
superintendent Greg Roberts wrote in an e-mail to members of the
Oregon State Hospital Advisory Board late Friday afternoon.
"I met with the detective a short while ago, and learned that there is
no obvious cause of death, no sign of foul play, and no evidence of
suicide," he wrote.
After police finish their investigation, the Oregon Office of Adult Abuse
Prevention and Investigations will conduct a separate investigation to
determine if abuse or neglect occurred, Gipson-King said. The office is
a shared service between the Oregon Department of Human Services and the Oregon Health Authority.
-- Yuxing Zheng
Oregon State Hospital patient dies, Oregonian January 4th, 2013.
A 7 year old study predicts this type of death, indicating
that psychiatric drugs are chopping off 25 years of
average life expectancy (Poor Christopher Crawford,
living his entire adulthood in this place where all they do
is drug people). For a mental picture of how Chris
suffered, think of Aladdin's Iago (the State of Oregon
coercively in control over another) stuffing Chris
Crawfords (the falsely imprisoned human) mouth with
cracker after cracker (hazardous pills and treatments
after hazardous pills and treatments) every day for the
last 22 years straight. That's literally how he died there,
like all those before him.
Chris Crawford's history at OSH is of a guru heavily into civil rights and who constantly advocated for others, while
he kept in constant contact with the media to expose such incidents as the recent sexual assaults of patients by
staffers. Always trying to expose the chronic incompetence and corruption of staffers, he might have found himself
a target for mutilation and murder with medications. He also filed several lawsuits throughout the years combating
the abusive PSRB system, which is unique to Oregon and permanently locks up those found not responsible by
reason of insanity of their crimes. I personally didn't know him to suffer serious mental illness, and I feel bad for
him because he didn't get the chance to know life outside of the state hospital since he had gotten locked up by his
mid-twenties. As an unfortunate individual to be in Oregon when he got in trouble, he was subjected to the abusive
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PSRB system that locks up successful insanity defense users for years on end regardless of need for mental health
treatment. The difference there is that in other states, this defense normally results in acquittal and no "lock up"
unless criteria for civil commitment is met. Under PSRB in Oregon, people are subject to no court or scientific
standard for release, subject merely to hospital staffers "opinions" and actions on whether they get out. This
normally results for everyone in long-term forced hospitalization regardless of symptoms of mental illness or actual
dangerousness. And according to at least one patient named Carl McDaniel anyway, Chris is, like Carl himself, one
of Mary Claire's "children," which means that the previous director of the PSRB who was recently ousted for abusing
patients and coworkers had personally banished them and wouldn't grant them hospital release under any
circumstances, despite apparent lack of acute grave disability.
I spoke with Carl Friday evening, the night of the death, who confirmed this and said that he personally had been
observing Chris and his complaints about the medications for the previous month before his death:
Outside observers may wants to take a look at the similarity between Chris Crawfords death and Moises Perez,
another patient who'd recently died prematurely at just age 42 from Clozapine poisoning (which had damaged his
heart, causing death in his hospital bed). (note: the state refuses to acknowledge true cause of Moises death, like
they refuse to acknowledge virtually any harmful effects of medications).
More dirt on psychiatric drugs: There is a 40% recovery rate in schizophrenics who never take medications or are
taken off medications, and only 5% recovery rate for those that are put on and stay on medications, which may be
linked to the injuries they cause. Source: OutcomeFactors.pdf Damn, they are like, causing patients to have
psychotic symptoms with medications that never improve because they are never taken off the medications, which
they will be on forcefully the duration of their hospital stays! And they don't get a chance to escape this, because
the damn hospital won't let them leave! Then one day after years of toxicity, they just drop dead and everyone acts
like there weren't any warning signs what so ever, despite the entire hospital patient body complaining, and
numerous reports saying that this has been going on for years! :/
Torture at it's finest (a report with supporting evidence that all forced psychiatric treatment is a form of torture by
definition): first time psychotic episodes for healthy users of Zyprexa (Paradoxical effects), encephalopathy (brain
injuries) for users of all drugs, brain shrinkage and hypersensitivity to dopamine from antipsychotics, tardive
neurological conditions including tardive psychosis, tardive dyskinesia, tardive akathisia, tardive depression, tardive
dystonia, Parkinsonism, and tardive tourettism. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, and permanent depressive and
mania symptoms that never go away after using SSRIs.
Thanks fuck tard governments! Thanks so much for torturing and locking us up in your hell holes just so we can
have our brains and bodies destroyed, stealing all our hopes at having lives some day!
Additional truths can be found here:
Resources for fighting the State Hospital and coercive medication treatment (numerous articles and
ForcedDruggingDefensePkg.pdf) can be found on the hospital resource center.
For final confirmation, wait for the autopsy. Assuming no other foul play, and assuming no drug overdoses of other
sorts, we got the issue covered pretty much...
Update 12/22/2013 New hospital resource center:
Update 12/17/2013 I have been taking patient testimonies over the past few months. Any patient, family
member, or friend can call my hotline at 503-967-5202 and leave a voicemail or have a recorded conversation with
me about the abuse in the state hospital, legal system, or mental health system in Oregon. I just uploaded the
most recent recordings tonight, 70 files total, to the patient testimonies folder. Go have a listen:
Update 12/16/2013 Another spy satellite launched, NROL-39, on 12/06/2013 by the National Reconnaissance
Office. The logo that was used on the satellite has been making the rounds on the internet, featuring an Octopus
straddling North America with its' long range tentacles, and caption text "Nothing is beyond our reach." I can't help
but compare the tentacles to the NSA's actual electromagnetic tentacles, that know no limits, capable of straddling
your body and genitals from space, similar to what is happening to the little anime girl depicted in the below video.
To go with this, I researched the NRO/National Reconnaissance Office, and came across a database of NSA spy
satellites on Wikipedia, and I updated the Russell Tice/NSA Remote Neural Monitoring article with relevent
information about it as part of the surveillance issue on Americans. Check out the newly revised page, along with a
new video that was recorded by monitoring brain activity from a human subject for proof on the ability to capture
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thoughts and data from the mind remotely.
Link: russelltice-nsarnmebl.html
Video featuring the logo, as it appeared on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
Update 12/14/2013 So as many know, I have been set up by the State of Oregon, and the US Department of
Justice. Maybe the CIA is involved, but really, anyone with ties to the government is and I couldn't possibly keep
track of who is actually in charge of it all. I am doing this update after having been cut off from the Internet for 2
months, as I was falsely arrested on 9/21/2013 after issues arose over the continued abuse I was experiening (The
case is ongoing in Lane County Circuit Court under case number 22-13-18198). Despite having this fabulous
website, however, the police continue to get away with abuse, and the Lane County Circuit Court system continues
to deny involvement in allowing illegal surveillance and torture to occur while they hold me illegally imprisoned
(this has been ongoing for 3 years now). I have continued to experience these abuses, and there is no sign that any
of the Judges (Justice Vogt, or Justice Rasmussen), the courts, or the shitty public defenders are going to change
their ways any time soon. For example, I have several private investigators and a private doctor who wants to
help, but my current attorney, Jeff R Johnson refuses to hire them, just like his colleagues for some bizarre reason
(leaving me to wonder if they're trying to steer my case into oblivion for the courts on purpose).
After my arrest, I was sent to the Oregon State Hospital by my attorney for 2 months as an act of sabotage, and so
I filed several lawsuits in response including one that is now making its way through the US District Court of
Oregon, currently assigned to Judge Sullivan (case no: 6:13-cv-02067-SU). The other lawsuit is going through the
state court, and is assigned to Judge Geyer in Marion County Curcuit Court (case no: 13c23175). The final lawsuit,
has been filed with the US Supreme Court (case no: 13-7497), and may or may not be heard in January, 2014.
Attached is the PDF of the Federal version of this lawsuit as filed in the US District Court of Oregon:
judgesullivan-6-13-cv-02067-SU-portland-federal-habeascorpus.pdf (Many exhibits and pieces of evidence also go
with this lawsuit, which aren't included)
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The state case is similar to the Federal one in case either fail, and the US Supreme Court one is from a case earlier
this year. Here's the Writ of Certiorari for that case, minus the exhibits:
A new attorney was assigned to the criminal case on 12/5/2013, however the court did not follow my request to
provide one from out of county, which I do not agree with because I suspect the attorney's in Lane are a pretty
close bunch, and won't go against each other and are working to protect the situation.
While at the Oregon State Hospital this most recent occasion, I was abused, denied medical care, and given false
diagnosis's to cover up my medical conditions and the abuse I experienced there. I was suffering from the injuries
that had occurred from the directed energy weapon I mention on my website, which has caused traumatic brain
injury, possible chronic traumatic encephalopathy, neuro-muscular injury, and I am pretty worn down and stressed
out. I had proof of these injuries, including the EEG mentioned below from September 2013, which shows I have
suffered traumatic injury or something causing dysfunction in my brain (the only thing that's happened in my life
that might cause it is the directed energy weapon abuse..). Basically, the State covers up the abuse and directed
energy weapon abuse by claiming I have no injuries, and they refuse to let me see outside doctors while in custody
even though it is against state and federal law. When I am examined by outside doctors however, they usually find
something wrong, as is the case when I got out before during June-September 2013, and now again on 11/26/2013;
on 12/03/2013, my own personal doctor found high amounts of CK in my blood again, which is a condition that can
only be caused if you have injury or damage occurring to your muscle or brain tissue, such as from heart attack,
stroke, or directed energy weapon attack. I am undergoing more tests to look for other signs of injury to document
Also while at the Oregon State Hospital, I was able to get ahold of some more suppressed evidence of the scandal
from 2008, including photographs of my face after four nurses, including Jeff Hodson the current SEIU 503 Union
Vice President for the State Hospital workers, "Brad," "RN Heather," and "RN Elizibeth" who all engaged in a brutal
attack against me in my room. Basically, Jeff Hodson and Brad had restrained me violently on my bed when
attempting to force meds on me illegally without my informed consent (they were using medication as a weapon to
assault me, which is against the law at OSH), and Jeff Hodson began to punch me repeatedly in the face. I was
bleeding all over, pulled down onto the floor where I spat up blood, and then thrown into a strecher, where I was
restrained while Jeff Hodson used a towel to try to suffocate me for more than a few minutes totally cutting off all
oxygen supply, while trying to twist and hurt my neck and face on purpose, while they rolled me down the hall and
put me into restaints even though I didn't do anything. Most of this incident has recorded video and audio footage
from unit cameras. Staff members stood outside the room afterwards saying, "wow, Jeff Hodson screwed up big
time!" and "look at how swollen his face is". When OIT investigated it, they concluded, even with security video of
the whole incident, that I had self-inflicted all the injuries, which was just a way for them to keep the staff from
getting in trouble for it. OIT gave me the pictures after 5 years, but refuses to give me the security video that
shows an entirely different event occurring than they reported. Why did this happen? Staff members on 48B during
the incident had been targeting me with violence over getting caught using mind control technology at the hospital,
using it for warrantless surveillance, and they were engaged in the cover up of the Bonita Tucker scandal due to
lack of liability insurance. I was basically "shit listed" by union employees who were going around the hospital
deliberately abusing me, and everyone was refusing to help me. Office of Investigation and Training, the State
Police, and the Hospital helped cover this incident up, and continues to refuse to investigate the matter, saying that
it wasn't a "crime" or by just refusing to acknowledge the events (deliberate indifference):
Here are the photographs, which IMO depict an assault 2, and there are other crimes involved because of the
methods used to cover these crimes up, all done to prevent prosecution of the staff and exposure of the scandal
that was ongoing:
click for full resolution:
The US Department of J ustice and the State of Oregon set me up, warran...
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