PS48300-25 System Test Manual

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PS48300/25 System Test Manual

After the installation and commission of the system, it can operate normally. The following is
the functional check or test of the various parts.
1. preparation
1. Reference Standards
Q/DMBM !"#$$ %ndustry &tandard of 'D()*"+ ,ectifier Module
-hinese .ational &tandard and ,elevant %nternational &tandard
Detail %mplementation ,ules for .etwork Access of Telecommunication /0uipment
1B($(!""#$$+ &afety of %nformation /0uipment 2includes electric appliances3
4D/T++ 1eneral 5ower Distri6ution /0uipment
1B#7)+"#$$ &afety re0uirement for electric e0uipment power source marking and
4D/T8!"$( Quality classification &tandard for power distri6ution e0uipment used in
Telecommunication e0uipment.
%/-#***""( /M- e9periment and test technologies
2. Test enironment
1 . !tmosp"ere
Temperature: #+;!+-
,elative humidity(+;7+<
Atmospheric pressure8;#*8k5a
2. Po#er supply
!$% 150&ac2'0&ac 45()*+5()
,$% -42*-58&
3..t"er re/uirements
#The test should 6e performed free from distur6ance
) All the test instrument should 6e checked up to 6e 0ualified and satisfy the precision
! The test stuff should perform the test strictly according to the =/&D prevention
3. Test instrument and e/uipment
D- load resistance container #
A- voltage regulator!*?@A #
Multi"meter #
Batteries(@7*Ah )
1rounding resistance meter #
5oint temperature meter #
)*? /*.)+A resistor #
2. Test content
1. enironment conditions
#.# Temperature and humidity of the e0uipment room.
The temperature and humidity of the e0uipment room can 6e taken from the meter in the
#.) %nterference source
%n the e0uipment room, there should 6e no electric"magnetic radiation source inside the room.
2. System function
).# 1rounding e0uipment
Bightning protective grounding, protective grounding, and working grounding should 6e
connected to the ground 6ar in the e0uipment room. The section area of the grounding ca6le
should 6e no smaller than #8mm
).) 1round resistance
Cse ground resistance meter to test the resistance from the ground 6ar to the ground.
).! @oltage drop in D- distri6ution unit
%n general, @oltage drop in D- distri6ution unit need not to 6e tested. The manufacturer has
already strictly checked.
).( Temperature of connection point of two 6ars
%n general, @oltage drop in D- distri6ution unit need not to 6e tested. The manufacturer has
already strictly checked. Ae only need to check if the screw is tight or not.
3. Test of !$ ,istri0ution 1nit
2!$ 2nput s#itc"oer
%f two 6ranches of A- main inputs are provided, the two 6ranches can 6e switched over
#-lose the A- input Breakers of Main # and ). The A- contactor of main # is closed.
) Disconnect the A- input Breaker of main #, the A- contactor of main # will 6e
disconnected and that of main ) closed automatically, thus switching over from main # to
main ).
! -lose the A- input Breaker of main # again. The A- contactor of main ) will 6e
disconnected and that of main # closed automatically, thus switching over from main ) to
main #. 'owever the switch over from main ) to main # will 6e slower than from main # to
main ).
The monitoring module will display the voltage of each main 6ranch and the operation
condition of its corresponding A- contactor. Ahen turning off the A- power supply during
normal system operation, the screen of the monitoring module will display A- failure.
22!$ oer/under-olta3e alarm and auto-protection
A- phase"missing and over/under"voltage alarm and auto"protection function may not 6e
tested if condition is not availa6le. They have 6een tested strictly 6efore the delivery from the
%f the condition is availa6le, they may 6e tested on site. The adDusta6le range of the single"
phase A- voltage regulator to 6e used is re0uired to 6e #)*@;!)*@ and the capacity is not
less than #+k@A.The 6asic test procedures are as follows:
#-onnect the power system to adDusta6le A- voltage regulator.
)AdDust the A- voltage slowly to #(+@!@ from around ))*@. The red indicator light
will 6e on and the green indicator light will 6e off on the A- panel. Ahen the A- voltage is
adDusted to #8+@!@, the A- contactor will 6e closed and the alarm will disappear. %f the
under"voltage protection value drifts for more than !@, adDusta6le resistance ,5# on A-
control electrical 6oard A8(-)-) can 6e adDusted properly 2turn it to the left to lower the
under"voltage protection threshold3 until it meets the re0uirement.
!AdDust the A- voltage slowly to !**@!@ from around ))*@. The red indicator light
will 6e on and the green indicator light will 6e off on the A- panel. Ahen the A- voltage is
adDusted to )*@!@, A- contactor will 6e closed and the alarm will disappear. %f the over"
voltage protection value drifts for more than !@, adDusta6le resistance ,5) on A- control
electrical 6oard A8(-)-) can 6e adDusted properly 2turn it to the left to lower the over"
voltage protection threshold3 until it meets the re0uirement.
(,epeat steps ) and ! to make 6oth main # and ) meet the re0uirement.
Ahen testing the over/under"voltage thresholds, the monitoring module will give alarms accordingly if its A-
under"voltage alarm threshold is set to #7*@ and the over"voltage alarm threshold is set to )7*@.
4. Test of Monitorin3 System
The monitoring system can 6e tested when it is set up according to the system configuration
and 6attery management re0uirements.
%Manual e0ualiEe/float charge changeover
&et the 6attery management mode in 6attery parameter settings to manual mode first, then
change the e0ualiEe/float charge mode in FGCT5CT -G.T,GBH menu to float charge or
e0ualiEe charge mode. The rectifier will enter into float charge or e0ualiEe charge status.

5ress FH or FH on the key6oard to select the setup item, press FH or FH to select the setup
parameters and press F/ntH key to save the setup configuration.
22!utomatic 0attery mana3ement
Ahen the system works normally, turn off the A- input, the 6atteries will supply power for
the power system. At this time, the monitoring module should give the A- failure alarm. %f
A- input fails for more than #+ minutes, all rectifiers will enter into e0ualiEe charge current"
limiting status automatically when A- main is recovered. The monitoring module detects the
6attery charge current and load current and adDusts the rectifier current limit automatically.
Ahen the 6attery charge voltage recovers to +8.8@ and the charge current 6egins to drop
2non"constant3, the system will enter into constant voltage charge status. Ahen the charge
current continues to drop 6elow the e0ualiEe/float charge changeover current 2or the e0ualiEe
charge duration e9ceeds that set in the monitoring module3, the system will change to float
charge mode.
Ahen the system works for 8* days 2default value, setta6le3 continuously, it will perform
e0ualiEe charge to the 6atteries with e0ualiEe charge duration #* hours 2default value,
when the rectifier is in current limiting status, its output voltage is normally lower than +8.+@. &ometimes, it
may 6e lower than +!.+@. This is a normal phenomenon.
222$urrent-limitin3 and .4/.55 operation of t"e rectifier
The rectifier is designed with a two"level current"limiting function. Ahen the A- input
voltage is 6elow #78@A-+@, the rectifier will automatically enter into current"limiting
operation Eone with ma9 output current #).+A. Ahen the A- input voltage is 6etween
#78@A-+@ and !**@A-, the rated operating current of the rectifier is )+A.
The toggle switch on the front panel of the rectifier must 6e set to FAutoH. &et the 6attery
management mode to manual mode through the monitoring module. Ahen entering the
second screen of FGCT5CT -G.T,GBH, press FH or FH to select control of specific rectifier
and press FH or FH to select #).+A current limit, )+A current limit or GII for the rectifier.
5ress F/ntH key to e9ecute the setup operation. The corresponding rectifier should act
RECT 112. 5 A
RECT 212. 5 A
RECT 312. 5 A
RECT 412. 5 A



%f the load current is small, the current"limiting effect is not visi6le.
2&!larm test
%n the F&T&T/M &/TC5H screen, press digital key FH to enter FABA,M D%&5BA4H screen.
&et FABA,M D%&5BA4 /.ABB/H to F4/&H, press F/ntH key, and then simulate an alarm,
an alarm window should pop out.
%f pressing FMenuH key, the alarm display screen will disappear for a6out #* seconds, 6ut the
alarm sound will still remain. During this time, the user can 0uery running information to get
the current running status.
Ahen this period is over and the failure still e9ists, the alarm window will pop out again to
prompt the user to confirm the alarm. 5ress F/nterH key, the following screen will appear:
#A! T! N" $$
After the system has processed the alarm data, it will display the corresponding alarm
information. The sound alarm will disappear, 6ut the light alarm will still remain.
CURRENT ALARM 21% 07% 31
.ote: Disconnection of rectifier # is only a simulated failure used as an e9ample.
&Test of 0attery under-olta3e alarm and 0attery 6&,
Turn off the A- power and use 6atteries to supply power to the load. &et the 6attery under"
voltage alarm threshold and the 6attery B@D voltage to relatively high values 2to shorten the
test time3, or refer to the test method in &ection (.!.(.

E'U PER! O60 A(S

LOA L)44. 0)
*ATT L)43. 0 )

And set FBATT B@DH to F4/&H and FBATT 5,GT/-T MGD/H to F@GBTA1/H.


Battery under"voltage alarm and 6attery B@D can 6e o6served.

#.-hange all the settings to the correct values after the test.
).The system doesnJt have load B@D function, so FBGAD B@DH should 6e set to F.GH.
5. Test of Rectifier
2Manual control
&et the toggle switch of a rectifier to manual control mode, the rectifier will enter into manual
control mode. %n this case, the monitor canJt control the rectifier.
&et the switch of the rectifier to e0ualiEe charge mode. The rectifier will enter into e0ualiEe
charge mode. Ahen set it to float charge mode, the rectifier will return to float charge mode.
,estore the rectifier to automatic control mode, the monitor can control the rectifier again.
22Rectifier alarm and protection
The functions of input over"voltage shut"off, automatic input under"voltage current"limiting,
automatic output over"voltage protection and over"temperature protection of the rectifier may
not 6e tested if the condition is not availa6le.
222$urrent-s"arin3 of t"e rectifier
%f the output voltage difference 6etween rectifiers is adDusted within *.#@, the rectifiers will
share the current automatically. %f current"sharing is not availa6le, the current"sharing ca6le
should 6e checked, the current difference 6etween rectifiers should 6e within #*< of rated
output current
2&.4/.55 of t"e rectifier
Turn off the A- input switch of a specific rectifier, the F-C,,/.T ABA,MH screen of the
monitoring module will display F,/-T 9 IACBTH, the rectifier screen will display no output
of the corresponding rectifier. Turn on the Breaker of the rectifier, the system will recover.
+. Test of ,$ ,istri0ution 1nit
26oad fuse
-onnect a small load 6etween the output of a D- 6ranch and the positive 6us"6ar 2Ior
e9ample: a )*? /*.)+A resistor3. Disconnecting this 6ranch 6y pulling out the fuse, the
current alarm screen of the monitoring module will display the disconnection of this load. The
D- information in running information screen will also indicate the disconnection status of
the corresponding load. ,e"inserting the fuse, the system will recover to normal.
227attery 6&, function
After the test, 6e sure to recover the correct settings of the monitoring module and place the 6attery B@D
switch to FAutoH position. Then recover the A- power supply.
Test method:
#Turn off A- main and set the 6attery B@D switch to FAutoH.
). %f it is not allowed to do the test with 6attery, a rectifier can 6e used to simulate the 6attery
2simulated 6attery3. %n this case, the wire connected with the 6attery should 6e disconnected.
-onnect the output of the simulated 6attery to the 6attery connection point, and the A- input
for the rectifier should 6e fed from elsewhere. The load should 6e disconnected according to
the specific condition.
A simpler test method is to pull out the K"A- connector of D- B@D 6oard B8(-)-# to
simulate A- failure. %n this case, the output voltage of the rectifier in the system can 6e
adDusted to simulate 6attery charge/discharge, under"voltage alarm and 6attery B@D.
! Ahen the voltage of the simulated 6attery is adDusted slowly to the value less than
(+.*L*.)@ ,there will 6e sound/light alarms. FBD"ABMH indicator light on D- control 6oard
will 6e on.
(Ahen continuing to adDust the voltage of the simulated 6attery slowly to value 6elow
(!.)L*.)@, FBD"BATH indicator light on D- control 6oard should 6e on and the load loop
contactor should 6e disconnected. &etting the 6attery B@D switch to FIorcedH position, a
sound of the connection of the load loop contactor can 6e heard.. ,eturn this switch to
8 Ahen the test is completed, recover the system connections and the initial setting of
6attery B@D voltage in the monitoring module.

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