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Sony Wardoyo
, Abraham
, and Yohanis Ngili

Physics Study Program, I nstitut Teknologi Bandung

Mathematics Study Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Chemistry Study Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Abstract. Observation of the existence of centrifugal force can be done with a very
simple experiment, using a car that we use everyday. At the time the car drove
around the corner, there was such an interesting style of the driver out of the
corner. This is as a consequence of centrifugal force. If we associate with this
phenomenon in automotive systems, it is very important in terms of safety and
efficiency. Cars can be bounced out of the street around the corner if the rider does
not reduce its speed, because centrifugal effect. Given this phenomenon, designed
detector that can detect the centrifugal force, which is then channeled to the
results of detection of other components associated with the car moving system,
among them the gas pedal (throttle pedal) and suspension (shock absorber).
Centrifugal detector consists of several main components, namely the spring (k),
expense (m), and printed circuit boards (PCBs) which are designed according to
tensile strength of centrifugal force. The spring functions as a tool to resist against
the pull of centrifugal load, then load that has been modified, is connected with the
circuit board. So that when the load drawn by centrifugal force, then the load will
be connected by lines on printed circuit boards, which have been arranged in
sequence according to the strength of the force. Detector provides data input in the
form of centrifugal force centrifugal force on the bend in the road, the car has been
modified on the gas pedal and the suspension (in pairs of two-component
regulatory tool motion or intensity) can receive data from the detector are then
forwarded to the centrifugal machine, integrated in the car , the data is processed
and automatically forwarded to an additional component on the gas pedal and the
suspension, thus reducing the attraction of the gas and set the suspension of the

Keywords: centrifugal force, spring, weight, and circuit boards.

1. Introduction
In everyday human life, observations of the centrifugal force can be done with a
very simple experiment, eg using the car. For example, when the speeding car on
the corner, there was a kind of style that the driver pulled out toward the corners.
This is a consequence of centrifugal force. If we associate with this phenomenon in
automotive systems, it is very important in terms of safety and efficiency. The car
can be bounced out of the street around the corner if the rider does not reduce the
speed with optimal, because the centrifugal effect. So every round the corner,
motorists should always be vigilant and cautious in raising and lowering speed of
the car.

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences
(ICMNS 2010)


With this phenomenon, it is important to design a detector that can detect the
centrifugal force, which is then channeled to the detection of the other components
associated with car movement system, including the gas pedal (throttle pedal) and
suspension (shock absorber) in the car.

As an electronic material, centrifugal detector consists of several main
components, namely spring (k), expense (m), and the circuit board (PCB) which has
been designed according to the tensile strength of centrifugal force. The pedal serve
as a tool to support the weight and stretch to the pull of centrifugal, then load that
has been modified, connected with the circuit board. Hence, in the load drawn by
centrifugal force, then the burden will be connected with lines on the circuit board,
which has been arranged in sequence according to the strength of the force.

Note the centripetal and centrifugal force diagram of the system as shown (1).

Figure 1. The force F is the centripetal force. The force F, reactions to F, is the
centrifugal force.

In the picture above, F and F' is the force of the same magnitude and
opposite direction, carried by the string of objects tied to the end of the hilt. F is
the centripetal force and F 'is the centrifugal force. Centripetal force and
centrifugal is the action-reaction pair.

2. Experimental setup
A mass m with position vector r

, anguler move with speed e

on a
framework of rotation, is written in equation

F r m v m
r m U
v d

+ + + V = ) ( 2 e e e


where U is the external force field (gravitational field), and anguler constant
velocity e



Figure 2. The mass m is in the system of rotational motion

From equation (2.1), there is a force acting on the car, which was written by
centrifugal force equation,

) ( e e

= r m F (2.2)
if e

r , then the above equation can be written,
r m F - =


Pedal contained experimental tool centrifugal force is used to describe the pull of
centrifugal, from Hooke's law, can be written

r k F
- = (2.4)

where k is the springs constant, spring will be stretched in a linear manner
because of the influence of centrifugal force, whereby the relationship between
centrifugal force and the added length of the springs can be written,

r m F
e = (2.5)

In this case involves three cases:
1. Stable condition, the
e m k >
2. Neutral conditions, the
e m k =
3. Unstable conditions, the
e m k <

3. Materials and Methods
In the experiment, the centrifugal force detector is based on a simple model of the
system of springs that are on a framework of rotation. Materials used in the form of
circuit board (PCB) which was established by the pull of centrifugal force design
arranged flow pattern. Then a load of mass 18 grams is placed in the middle of the
circuit boards that will move in a linear manner when there is the pull of
centrifugal. These expenses are connected to a cable marking point for the

movement of objects by centrifugal force. Objects of mass 18 grams, was on the
6th circuit path arranged in such a way.

The detector is placed on an arm that can rotate with the rotation speed of 3
rounds per second. When the arm rotates, the detector signal circuit with 6 levels
of centrifugal force.

4. Results and Discussion
Based on experimental models of centrifugal motion, the result of designs such as
in Fig 3 (initial sketch) and picture 4 (computer design)

Figure 3. Initial sketch of centrifugal detector

Figure 4. Design of centrifugal force detector
Cable circuits
Connecting cable detector
Circuit board
Line intensity of centrifugal
Mass (objects) as detector

From the results of sketches and designs, the design of a detector centrifugal force,
which is a first prototype.

Figure 5. The detector design of centrifugal force

The next stage, after tested in experiments and data collection, the result is in
accordance with the prediction that is, the body of mass within the detector can
move and make the deviation due to the centrifugal force, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Large deviations in the spring detector centrifugal force


From figure 6 above shows that the greater the angular velocity, the greater the
effect of centrifugal force experienced. It means spring is stretched due to load
component detectors have the effect of centrifugal force, so that happens the
greater the deviation is proportional to the velocity of rotation.

5. Conclusion
From the discussion above it can be pulled conclusion that the detector has been
successfully created centrifugal force which can work well, able to detect the effect
of centrifugal force as the rotational motion, although still needs further research
using the materials and better equipment. Applications detector centrifugal force
into the automotive field can be made, as an additional tool in controlling the
stability of car when driving on the corner.

We thank the Head of the Instrumentation Physics Laboratory University of
Cenderawasih, especially to Rahman, M. Si, and Drs. Tatang Sutarman, M.Si.

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