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c. understanding of medication regimend. stability of mood38.

In the early stages of Alzheimers disease, the nurse would

anticipate that a clientwill retain the ability to:a. cope with stressful experiences b. solve simple mathematical problemsc.
remember a daily scheduled. recall the events of the distant past39. What would the nurse most expect to observe in a client with
impulsive behavior?a. ability to delay gratification b. low tolerance for frustrationc. good problem solving skillsd. commitment to
long term goals40. A client is being prepared to receive electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) when the nurserealizes the client has not
signed an informed consent. What provides the rationale for theappropriate nursing action needed to address this issue?a.
permission is assumed since the client is an involuntary admission b. failure to obtain informed consent can result in a lawsuitc. a
physician is needed to witness the consent formd. verbal consent by the client is sufficient41. The nurse knows the most common
side effect of benzodiazepine antianxietymedications is:a. confusion b. headachec. sedationd. flatulence42. An elderly client
with Alzheimers disease has begun to strike out at staff memberswhen they try to assist the client to bed at night. In addition, the
staff members report thatthe client is awake and restless most of the night. After further assessment, the nursedecides to contact
the physician for a medication order. The nurse anticipates that the physician will most likely
order:a. diazepam (valium) as needed b. haloperidol (haldol) at bedtimec. chlorpromazine (thorazine) three times a dayd.
hydroxyzine (vistaril) twice daily43. A client on the psychiatric unit is unresponsive or mumbles incoherently whenever the nurse
asks the client questions. The nurse will best deal with the clientscommunication problems by:a. encouraging the client to ask
direct questions

b. continuing to speak with the client using short, clear statements or open endedquestionsc. filling in silent periods by talking
about topics interesting to the nursed. sitting quietly with the client during his/her scheduled times until the clientindicates a
willingness to talk 44. A psychiatrist admits a client to an eating disorders program. The admitting nurselearns that the client has
lost 25 pounds over the last month and now weighs 85 pounds.In assessing the client, the nurse knows that an early manifestation
of anorexia nervosa is:a. amenorrhea b. tachycardiac. appetite lossd. insomnia45. A female client is seen in the emergency room
with ecchymosis of the trunk, face and periorbital area. On direct questioning, the client admits to having been struck by
her spouse. When offered information about shelters for battered women, the client declinesstating, I could never leave my
husband because of my kids. The nurses appropriateresponse is:a. can you identify the situations that provoke your husband? b.
arent you worried about the safety of your children?c. I wouldnt put up with it if I was youd. I am very concerned about your
safety46. The nurse in the oncology unit provides support to the parents of a child newlydiagnosed with glioblastoma tumor of
the brain. In planning care, the nurse understandsthe parents initial reaction to a potentially terminal illness in their child is:a.
denial and disbelief b. depressionc. fear and anxietyd. anger and guilt47. A nurse working with a client with
agoraphobia recognizes that the most effectivetechnique for treatment of agoraphobia is:a. gradual desensitization by controlled
exposure to the situation the client fears b. teaching relaxation techniquesc. repeated exposure to the situations the client fearsd.
distraction each time the client brings up the problem48. the nurse is preparing a brochure on marijuana use for
adolescent clients. The nurseincludes several reasons meant to discourage adolescents from using marijuana. Whichreason is
least likely to make an impression on adolescents?a. your breath will smell

b. your teeth will get yellowc. your coach make kick you off the teamd. your parents will not approve49. After 6 months on
lithium (lithane), the physician determines that the client is nolonger responding well. After discontinuing the lithium, the
physician prescribes valproicacid (depakote), an anticonvulsant that is also effective in bipolar disorders. What
specialinstructions should the nurse give the client about valproic acid?a. a pre-treatment EEG must be done and repeated in six
months b. The white blood count must be monitored regularlyc. liver function and hematology levels must be monitored
regularlyd. thyroid function tests must be done every six months50. A homeless client with a history of alcohol abuse comes to
the drop in shelter wherethe nurse volunteers. The client arrives apparently intoxicated with the smell of alcoholon the breath and
admits to have been drinking to the nurse. Once admitted for the night,the client begins to shout obscenities at the other clients
and staff and becomes belligerentand threatening. The nurse advises the staff and other volunteers to:a. evict the client from the
shelter until sober b. have the client transported to the hospitalc. restrain the client to prevent self harmd. allow the client to blow
off steam until tired.

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