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Section 1: Essential Information

1.1 General Information
Project Title Turn things around
Current Status of Project not yet started
(Estimated) Start of Project (Estimated) End of Project 03 2013 12 2013
Application date 16.11.2012
1.2 Application Organisation
Legal Name of Applicant Organisation Caritas Asistenta Sociala- Filiala a caritas Alba Iulia
Short Name of Applicant Organisation Caritas Asistenta Sociala- CSS Sf Varvara Petrosani
Legal Status
Please mention here the official status of your
organisation according to the registration document.
1.3 Address of the Organisation
Street P-ta Trandafirilor
Postcode 540053
Country Romania
City Tirgu Mures
Office E-mail
Office Phone (incl. country code) +40-265-250.191 Office Fax +40-365-805.832
When was your Organisation established? 1990
Where was your Organsation established? Alba Iulia
English Name of Applicant Organisation Caritas- Social Work- Subsidiary of Caritas Alba Iulia
1.4 Person in Charge of the Project
Form of Address Mr.
Last Name Kelemen
1.5 Legal Representative
Please state the legal representative(s) of the organisation, who are authorized to represent your organisation according to registration documents or law.
Form of Address Mr.
Last Name Ludescher First Name Laszlo
Position Director E-mail
Mobile Phone (incl. country code) +40741077000
Coordinator Caritas Petrosani
First Name Alexandru - Mihai
Mobile Phone (incl. country code) +40747220029 Personal Phone
Personal Phone
1.6 Legal Representative 2
Form of Address
Last Name First Name
Position E-mail
Mobile Phone (incl. country code)
Personal Phone
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2.5 Countries included in the Project
Please name the countries where the project takes place as well as the project has an impact.
Section 2: Project Description
2.1 Project Summary
Please insert the most important aspects and dates of your project and mention the important parties involved. Max. 1.000 characters
Main purposes of the project is to create a safe affectionate environment(support groups)within the children/teenagers whose parent
(s) are working abroad and their communicational path is broken.This fact determines negative behavioural patterns
(alcoholism,tobacco or drug use,delinquency)elimination the causes of these effects will be dealt with throughout support groups and
counseling, workshops in high schools, service leaning and personal involvement in social projects of Caritas Petrosani.The "healing"
process will include the following activities:individual counselling provided by Caritas psychologist and social worker,support
groups,possibility to establish a contact with their parents,community projects(fundraising and social responsibility events)The project
duration is one year and our partners in this project are the Mayorship of Petrosani who will also help financially(see budget),2 of the
public schools in Petrosani and the students from the University of Petrosani.
2.2 Short Description
Please describe your project in two or three sentences that can be published on ERSTE Foundation website. Max. 500 characters
We teach young people to be active, cohesive and to promote social responsibility inside the community. Together, Caritas specialists
and teenagers will be able to grow on their own and help the people around them to do it also. Teen are the engine that will start
public responsibility and give it the necessary boost to a better, stable and more responsible community
2.6 Cooperation Partners
Please only mention partners that are involved in the execution and promotion of the project (organisations and individuals). Please provide the name, legal status and type
of involvement of the partners. Financial supporters can be mentioned in the budget section.
2.3 Project Outcomes
Please select the intended results of your project.




Open Calls



Short term objectives
-creating a support system where beneficiaries with behavioural issues caused by parental separation can express their feelings and
can support each other. Results:25 beneficiaries that will be counselled at least two hours per month and a support group will be
organized at least one time/month
-developing positive social skills and empathy towards the ones in need for the youngsters.Result:All beneficiaries will actively
participate in at least:1 workshop,1 info seminar and 1 social fundraising project( marathon)
-volunteering as an practical concept for youngsters in schools/highschools;result:10 of the beneficiaries will work as a volunteer for
one of Caritas' projects in Petrosani
-promoting the services of Caritas and its partners
Long term objective
-developing a active social conscience of the youth community;result:more than 500 students informed about the needs of the
community;more than 100 students at workshops and 25 at a fundraising event
2.4 Project Impact
Please describe the expected impact of the project and fill in the objectives both short-term and long-term. Max. 1.000 characters
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-Theoretical College "M. Eminescu " Petrosani - public school - provides spaces for the workshops, direct beneficiaries for the project
and participants at the info sessions
-Mayorship of Petrosani - will help us with the public spaces that we need to set up the workshops, fundraising events(city marathon/
workshop in the park) and provide the necessary environment(public institutions) to organize the events. It also might, if approved
provide a part of the funding for the project as seen in budget
- Petrosani Social Work Social Service - Public institution/A Public service within the Mayorship of Petrosani- provides lists of
youngsters with parent(s)that are working abroad and have affective/behavioural problems.There are more than 350 cases in
Petrosani at the moment
- School nr 1 G Duca Petrosani - public school - provides spaces for the workshops, direct beneficiaries for the project and
participants at the info sessions
-Student's Syndicate from the University of Petrosani - will help us distribute the flyers around the town, participate with volunteers in
the workshops and fundraising events
2.7 Programmes
Programme Social Development
2.8 Topics
Contemporary Visual Arts

Cultural Studies


European Debates

Financial Inclusion



Social Entrepreneurship

Social Integration

Section 3: Project Budget
Total Project Budget in 14.480,00
We request Funding from ERSTE Foundation in the amount of 7.580,00
Name Euro Net () Type
Fuel for transportation 260,00 Material costs
Furniture for the counselling rooms 550,00 Material costs
Information materials for the specialists(psychological tests, therapy activities, books) 330,00 Material costs
Office supplies(paper, glue, markers, etc.) 260,00 Material costs
Presentation(powerpoint, video, flash) materials(1 laptop, 1 flipchart, 1 videoprojector) 830,00 Material costs
Promo materials(700 flyers, 30 t-shirts, 50 presentation files, 150 invitations) 350,00 Material costs
Salary accountant(part time/ income+taxes) 1.960,00 Personnel costs
salary psychologist(part time/ income+taxes) 2.940,00 Personnel costs
salary social worker (income + taxes) 4.640,00 Personnel costs
Utilities for the Sf Varavara centre(electricity,heating, water, phone and Internet) 2.360,00 Material costs
Personnel Budget: 9.540,00
Material Budget: 4.940,00
Total Project Budget: 14.480,00
Project Budget
Please give the cost calculation for the entire project and divide your expenses into personnel costs (e.g. fees and salaries for project managers, translators, artists) and
material costs (e.g. travel expenses, production costs, office expenses). Please use as many lines as you need for the budget. Examples of a useful description of the
budget items: Travel expenses, 3 people, 4 days, Rent for meeting rooms, 40 people, 2 days, Printing costs, 300 folders, 500 invitations, Project coordination, 1
person, 3 weeks.
Supporter Requested
Amount in
The Mayorship of Petrosani 4.000,00 pending
Caritas Development Fund 800,00 funding granted
Erste Foundation 7.500,00 pending
Caritas Asistenta Sociala - own resources 4.140,00 pending
Total: 16.440,00
Project Financing Plan
Please mention all the financial supporters of the project, including ERSTE Foundation and own resources. Please also specify financing requests that have not yet been
Month Year Text
03 2013 Preimplementing the project(material acquisition, Gantt scheme of activities)
04 2013 Daily activity(counselling) + group meeting +1 workshop
05 2013 Daily activity(counselling) + group meeting + info seminar
06 2013 Daily activity(counselling) + group meeting+ preparation for the fundraising/socio-public event
07 2013 Daily activity(counselling) + group meeting+ prepairing for the fundraising/social service event
08 2013 Daily activity(counselling) + group meeting+ 1 fundraising/socio-public event+1 workshop
Section 4: Project Timetable
Please mention the main milestones of the project. Use as many lines as you need to show when the main activities or events are to take place. Please fill also in start and
end of the project.
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09 2013 Daily activity(counselling) + group meeting+ 1 info seminar + intermediate evaluation
10 2013 Daily activity(counselling) + group meeting
11 2013 Daily activity(counselling) + group meeting+ preparation of socio-public event/fundraising
12 2013 Daily activity(counselling)+group meeting+info seminar+preparation of socio-public/ fundraising 2
01 2014 Daily activity(counselling) + group meeting+ workshop+ fundraising/socio-public event
02 2014 Final evaluation
Section 5: Banking Details
IBAN RO72RNCB0193015969600003
Place, date Signature of authorised person
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