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OSI Transport Layer

Network Fundamentals – Chapter 4

ITE I Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 1
ƒ Explain the role of Transport Layer protocols and
services in supporting communications across data
ƒ Analyze the application and operation of TCP
mechanisms that support reliability
ƒ Analyze the application and operation of TCP
mechanisms that support reassembly and manage
data loss.
ƒ Analyze the operation of UDP to support
communicate between two processes on end devices

ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 2
Transport Layer Role and Services
ƒ The purpose of the Transport layer
–Tracking the individual
communication between applications
on the source and destination hosts
•host may have multiple
applications that are
communicating across the
–Segmenting data and managing
each piece
–Reassembling the segments into
streams of application data
–Identifying the different applications
•To accomplish this, the
Transport layer assigns an
application an identifier. The
TCP/IP protocols call this
identifier a port number.

ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 3
ƒ Applications do not need to know the
operational details of the network in use
ƒ . The applications generate data that is
sent from one application to another,
without regard to the destination host type,
the type of media over which the data must
travel, the path taken by the data, the
congestion on a link, or the size of the
ƒ Additionally, the lower layers are not aware
that there are multiple applications sending
data on the network. Their responsibility is
to deliver data to the appropriate device.
The Transport layer then sorts these
pieces before delivering them to the
appropriate application.
ƒ Data Requirements Vary
ƒ For some applications, segments must
arrive in a very specific sequence in order
to be processed successfully.
ƒ In some cases, all of the data must be
received for any of it to be of use. In other
cases, an application can tolerate some
loss of data during transmission over the

ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 4
Transport Layer Role and Services
ƒ Dividing data into small parts, and sending these parts from the source to
the destination, enables many different communications to be interleaved
(multiplexed) on the same network.
ƒ Without segmentation, only one application, the streaming video for
example, would be able to receive data. You could not receive e-mails,
chat on instant messenger, or view web pages while also viewing the

ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 5
The primary functions specified by all
Transport layer protocols include:

ƒ Segmentation and
Reassembly - Most
networks have a limitation
on the amount of data that
can be included in a single
ƒ Conversation Multiplexing
- There may be many
applications or services
running on each host in the
network. Each of these
applications or services is
assigned an address known
as a port so that the
Transport layer can
determine with which
application or service the
data is identified.

ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 6
ƒ Some protocols at the
Transport layer provide:
–Reliable delivery
–Ordered data
–Flow control

ƒ At the Transport layer

the three basic
operations of reliability
ƒ tracking transmitted
ƒ acknowledging received
ƒ retransmitting any
unacknowledged data

ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 7
Transport Layer Role and Services
ƒ Supporting Reliable Communication
To support these reliability operations, more control data is exchanged
between the sending and receiving hosts. This control information is
contained in the Layer 4 header.
ƒ At the Transport layer, there are protocols that specify methods for
either reliable, guaranteed delivery or best-effort delivery
ƒ Determining the Need for Reliability
–Applications, such as databases, web pages, and e-mail,
–These applications are designed to use a Transport layer protocol
that implements reliability
–Other applications are more tolerant of the loss of small amounts of
data. For example, if one or two segments of a video stream fail to
arrive, it would only create a momentary disruption in the stream. This
may appear as distortion in the image but may not even be noticeable
to the user.

ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 8
Transport Layer Role and Services
ƒ Basic characteristics of
the UDP and TCP
ƒ Applications that use UDP
ƒ Domain Name System (DNS)
ƒ Video Streaming
ƒ Voice over IP (VoIP)

ƒ Applications that use TCP


ƒ Web Browsers
ƒ E-mail
ƒ File Transfers

ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 9
Transport Layer Role and Services
ƒ How a port number is
represented and the role port
numbers play in the TCP and
UDP protocols.
Consider the earlier
example of a computer
simultaneously receiving
and sending e-mail,
instant messages, web
pages, and a VoIP
phone call.
The source port in a
The combination of the Transport layer port
segment or datagram number and the Network layer IP address
header of a client assigned to the host uniquely identifies a
request is randomly particular process running on a specific host
generated. device. This combination is called a socket.

Animation 4.1.5-3
ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 10
Transport Layer Role and Services
ƒ Dividing application data into pieces both ensures that
data is transmitted within the limits of the media and
that data from different applications can be multiplexed
on to the media..

ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 11
Application and Operation of TCP Mechanisms

ƒ A complete TCP
conversation requires the
establishment of a session
between the hosts in both
ƒ After a session has been
established, the destination
sends acknowledgements to Animation4.2.1
the source for the segments
that it receives.
ƒ These acknowledgements
form the basis of reliability
within the TCP session.
ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 12
Application and Operation of TCP Mechanisms
ƒ An individual server cannot have two services assigned to the same port
number within the same Transport layer services.
ƒ A host running a web server application and a file transfer application
cannot have both configured to use the same port (for example, TCP port

Animation 4.2.2

ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 13
Application and Operation of TCP Mechanisms
ƒ Animation 4.2.3

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TCP 3-Way Handshake Process

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TCP session Termination

ƒ 1. When the client has no

more data to send in the
stream, it sends a segment
with the FIN flag set.

ƒ 2. The server sends an ACK

to acknowledge the receipt
of the FIN to terminate the
session from client to server.

ƒ 3. The server sends a FIN to

the client, to terminate the
server to client session.

ƒ 4. The client responds with

an ACK to acknowledge the Animation 4.2.5-1
FIN from the server.
Packet Tracer Activity-4.2.5-2
ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 18
Managing TCP Sessions
ƒ The receiving TCP
process places the
data from a segment
into a receiving buffer.
ƒ Segments are placed
in the proper
sequence number
order and passed to
the Application layer
when reassembled.
ƒ Any segments that
arrive with
sequence numbers
are held for later
ƒ Then, when the
segments with the
missing bytes arrive,
these segments are

ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 19
Managing TCP Sessions
ƒ Confirming Receipt
of Segments
ƒ TCP uses the
number in segments
sent back to the
source to indicate
the next byte in this
session that the
receiver expects to
receive. This is
called expectational

ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 20
ƒ if the sending host
had to wait for
of the receipt of
each 10 bytes, the
network would have
a lot of overhead.
ƒ To reduce the
overhead of these
multiple segments
of data can be sent The amount of data that a source can
before and
acknowledged with transmit before an acknowledgement must be
a single TCP received is called the window size. Window
message in the Size is a field in the TCP header that enables
opposite direction. the management of lost data and flow
ƒ This control.
acknowledgement For example, starting with a sequence
contains an
acknowledgement number of 2000, if 10 segments of 1000
number based on bytes each were received, an
the total number of acknowledgement number of 12001 would be
bytes received in returned to the source.
the session
ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 21
Managing TCP Sessions
ƒ The retransmission.
remedy for lost data
employed by TCP
ƒ When TCP at the
source host has not
received an
after a
amount of time, it
will go back to the
acknowledgement Animation 4.3.3
number that it
received and
retransmit data from
that point forward.

ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 22
Managing TCP
ƒ See the figure for a
simplified representation
of window size and
ƒ In this example, the initial
window size for a TCP
session represented is set
to 3000 bytes.
ƒ When the sender has
transmitted 3000 bytes, it
waits for an
acknowledgement of
these bytes before
transmitting more
segments in this session.
Figure 4.3.4
ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 23
UDP Protocol

ƒ Domain Name
System (DNS)
ƒ Simple Network
Protocol (SNMP)
ƒ Dynamic Host
Protocol (DHCP)
ƒ Routing Information
Protocol (RIP)
ƒ Trivial File Transfer
Protocol (TFTP)
ƒ Online games
ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 24
UDP Protocol
ƒ UDP is said to be transaction-based. In other words,
when an application has data to send, it simply sends
the data
ƒ Many applications that use UDP send small amounts of
data that can fit in one segment.

ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 25
ƒ When multiple datagrams are sent to a destination, they may take
different paths and arrive in the wrong order. UDP does not keep
track of sequence numbers the way TCP does. UDP has no way to
reorder the datagrams into their transmission order. See the figure.

ƒ Therefore, UDP simply reassembles the data in the order that it

was received and forwards it to the application. If the sequence of
the data is important to the application, the application will have to
identify the proper sequence of the data and determine how the
data should be processed.

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UDP Protocol
ƒ How servers use port numbers to identify a specified
application layer process and direct segments to the
proper service or application

Figure 4.4.3

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UDP Protocol
ƒ The UDP protocol and port numbers are utilized in
client-server communication.

Animation 4.4.4
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ITE 1 Chapter 6 © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 30

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