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This Memorandum of Agreement is made and entered in the City of Manila,

by and between:
<Company Name>
A company registered with the law of the Republic of the
Philippines, with postal address at <Complete Company Address>
Represented by <Company Representative>
hereinafter referred to as the COMPAN!
<Or"ani#ation Name>$
a recogni"ed organi"ation of #e $a %alle &ni'ersity with address at
()*+ Taft A'enue, City of Manila represented by the President,
<NAME OF %RES!DENT>$ hereinafter referred to as DSU-
<Or" Name>
,itnesseth that:
The <COM%AN&> agrees to be a sponsor for the <Name o' A(tivity> to be held
on <DATE OF ACT!)!T&> and will pro'ide the following:
<Indicate the specified terms of sponsorship>
-n return, DSU-<ORG* UN!T NAME> will pro'ide the following for the
%ponsoring .COM%AN& NAME>
<Indicate the specified terms of sponsorship>
DSU-<ORG* UN!T NAME> shall ac/nowledge all donations recei'ed from the
<COM%AN& NAME> with the &ni'ersity official receipt within + wee/ after the
date of receipt!
<ORG* UN!T NAME> shall submit to the <COM%AN& NAME> a report of the
acti'ity within one wee/ after the acti'ity!
All donations shall be made by chec/ payable to DSU- <ORG* UN!T NAME>!
%elling is not allowed in campus!
This agreement contains the complete understanding of both parties and may not
be amended, supplemented or 'aried e0cept by an instrument in writing signed
by both parties! The 'alidity and effecti'ity of this agreement shall be go'erned
by the $aws of the Republic of the Philippines!
<ORG* UN!T NAME> and <Company Name> shall bind themsel'es to the full
and proper e0ecution of this agreement!
The <ORG* UN!T NAME> and the <COM%AN& NAME> warrant that they ha'e
read and understood this agreement!
-n case of dispute, the parties will try to settle it amicably before resorting to other
legal remedies!
Company #1 $A %A$$1 &N-21R%-T3 MAN-$A
<Company Representative> <NAME OF D!RECTOR>
<Dire(tor o' St+dent


#ate:4444444444444 #ate:4444444444444
,itnessed by: ,itnessed by:
<Company Representative > <Name Fa(+lty Adviser*)i(e Dean>
<%osition> Fa(+lty Adviser*)i(e Dean

#ate:4444444444444 #ate:4444444444444

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