Napoleon Rules

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Welcome to Napoleon Risk Edition, a game

where you attempt to conquer all of Europe

and become the most powerful nation on the

Beginning the Game

This game requires four people to play.

In Napoleon Risk Edition, you choose one of
four nations to control: Great Britain, Russia,
France, and Austria. You then split into two
teams, each with two people. One team
consists of Russia and Great Britain, and the
other consisting of France and Austria.

Each nation begins on the territory that holds
its capital. The surrounding territories will be
unoccupied. To claim these territories, you
send one unit to this territory. At the end of
the turn, if the unit is still occupying the
territory, the territory is under your control!
Claim as many territories as you can,
and prepare for war!

The only way to gain new units is to buy reinforcement
Reinforcement cards will give you new units. They can give
you three of any generic unit, or a certain number of your
nations unique unit.
Reinforcement cards cost 3K money, and you may only buy
them after you draw an event card and before you move any
Units gained from reinforcement cards will be available
immediately, and are placed on the territory where your
capital resides.
Winning the game
To win the game, your team must conquer the capital
territories of the opposing side.

Movement and Combat System

The movement system is simple. Each unit has a speed stat, which
dictates how any territories the unit can move each turn.
A unit may only move to an adjacent territory.
After your units perform their respective movement actions, your
units may attack if there are enemy units on an adjacent territory.
The combat system is relatively simple. Each unit has a strength
stat, which dictates its power in combat.
You may only attack units on adjacent territories.
When attacking enemy units, you add up the total strength of all
your units on your territory. You then roll two dice, and add the
result to your units total strength.
The opponent does the same process, and the player with the
higher total wins that battle. The losing side then removes all the
units on their territory from the game.
In the event of a tie, both sides choose one unit from the opposing
side, and remove it from the game.
The combat system for naval units is identical for land units.
As for land vs naval units, only cannoneers and artillery units may
attack naval units. Naval units may attack any adjacent land units.
Cannoneers and artillery may only attack naval units that are
adjacent to land.
After five turns, any territories without any units on it will become
unoccupied. Afterwards, any nation may occupy it by sending units
onto it or, in Austrias case, buy it with money.
Card Effect Keywords
[AREA]: Affects only the troops that are in the chosen territories.
Territories are chosen by an opponent. They can only choose 1
territory and 2 territories adjacent to it.
[ALL]: Affects all troops of a certain army or all troops of all armies,
depending on the card effect.
[SP]: Miscellaneous effect not in the 2 categories above.
Turn Mechanics
1. In the beginning of the turn, you gain the amount of money
set to your nation. The money you gain is available to use the
moment you receive it.
2. Next, draw an event card. The effects of the event card are
immediately put into effect. Afterwards, you may buy reinforcement
cards if possible.
3. Next, perform movement actions for all movable movements.
4. If possible, perform the combat action for all units capable of
doing so.
5. Your turn is now over.
Embarking is sending a land unit onto a naval unit and transporting
it to another part of the map. To embark, you must have both a land
unit and a naval unit under your control adjacent to each other. The
land unit uses its movement action to embark onto the naval unit.
Only one land unit can embark onto each naval unit. The land unit
cannot move or attack while embark, and can only disembark when
the naval unit it resides on is adjacent to a land territory. The
embarked unit moves with the naval unit. When a naval unit is
destroyed, the land unit embarked it is also destroyed.

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