Important Dates: Download Model

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1. Submitting Abstracts: from April 15 to May 15

2. Notification of acceptance of Abstracts: 15 to 30 of May.
3. Submission of full papers: from June 2 to July 1 April.
4. Notification of acceptance of full papers: from July 1 to August 1.

Abstracts must be in English, Arial size 9 font, single spaced, consigning no space between
lines: title (in capital letters), authors (underlying exhibitor's name), and institutions to which
they belong. An empty line must precede the body of the abstract (purpose of the study,
methodology, results and conclusions).

Work should have a size of 8 x 11 cm (the body of the abstract should contain
approx. 3100characters including spaces). DOWNLOAD MODEL

Available fields for abstract, conferences, symposia and complete work submission
Select the proper field number from this list.

Abstract submission
The electronic version must be submitted in doc format (file: "last name.doc") until May 15, with the subject of the mail "Abstract - followed by the
chosen field number" (e.g.: Abstract-2A). The author will receive confirmation of receipt of
the email automatically and after notification of acceptance.

Summary of the conference/symposia must be in English, Arial size 9 font, single
spacedconsigning Title (in capital letters), authors (underlying exhibitor's name), institutions
to which they belong (no spaces between lines). An empty line must precede the summary
of the conference. Total: 6200 characters including spaces on one page maximum.

The electronic version must be submitted in doc format (file: "last name.doc") until July
1st with the subject of the mail "Conference / Symposium -
followed by the chosen field number" (e.g.: Conference-2B). The author will receive
confirmation of receipt of the email automatically and after notification of acceptance.

It will only be included in the program of the Congress, works that have a registered
author(having paid registration). A maximum of 3 papers presented by registered author
will be accepted.

Papers may be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English. "DOWNLOAD MODEL"

The electronic version must be submitted in doc format (file: last name.doc.) Until July
1st with the subject of the mail "Full text - followed by the
chosen field number" (e.g.: Full text-2B). The author will receive confirmation receipt of mail
automatically and after notification of acceptance.

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