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Foods and their nutritional value
Cheap accessible nutrition, healthy lives by
An Introduction
q| | ''11 | | 11 '' | 11 11 | ~ F
7 | 11 | | 1 | remains. When indulgence indulgence, but if we can not see.
Living adequate for the body needs food. But for healthy living, clean water and a balanced diet is required.
About 78 percent of the population lives in villages in Jharkhand, where modern facilities is negligible compared to urban areas. Be available even if
the top is not much money for his indulgence. The number of people living below the poverty line is increasing rather than decreasing. The
malnutrition, blood deficiency (anemia), blindness and other eye diseases, nutritional deficiency, such as snail-borne diseases are on the rise. Kaju,
grapes, pomegranate, orange, apple, Nashpati rich fruits such Poshahar is out of their reach.
But nature is always in the service of man. Aprupi foods in nature are born to fulfill the lack of nutrition can be helpful. Required information,
knowledge empowerment. Called poor diet foods, nutrients found in, this is a small effort to highlight. In this article health nutrition such as protein, fat,
Carbohydrate, energy and vitamins, minerals and salts required, volume etc. is described. Information and using it correctly, lack of nutritional diseases
such as malnutrition, Rktalpta (anemia), blindness, goiter, etc. You can try to avoid diseases. The victims of these diseases, most pregnant women,
lactating mothers, children and other women more than three years, and they are often the cause of death. Grihswaminion Hence the need to give
fully informed so that they can incorporate them into food.
The figures in this booklet Rmedikl Hyderabad-based Indian Council of Research, published by (Nutritik Value of Indian Foods) is based on Riprint
1991. One hundred grams is based on the foods they have eaten.
Today, 62 years after independence has not solved the problem of malnutrition.
Tribal brother - sister and the children's lives depended on the forest and farming estates Narsgik of forest fruits like today - flowers, herbs, water,
etc., are not known.
Caused by the change of economic policies and the growing marketisation is difficult to buy them sustenance content. This book is the result of their
Snvdenshilta and perseverance. One has to have knowledge of food, these days it is ensuring that the economic benefits of foods on the market
which will meet the price.
Nutritional ingredients, such as vegetables - vegetables, pulses, grain, oil growing, it needs to keep in mind while collecting distribution and proper use
is essential.
The USP of leafy green leafy vegetables and the name is written in Mundari. In Hindi and Vnsptishastriy with names written in English. Identify the
names of the food and to those who happen to be common sense about it.
Normally village people Prkastik then used as the matching things to eat, but it does not know about the elements to be found | nutrition, nutritional
factors and the information that is valuable about Mahtc, Conventional grains, pulses and legumes, leafy green leafy vegetables and protein information
This section describes the foods and their nutritional value
1. Cheap accessible nutrition, healthy lives by
2. Banana - everyone's favorite and cheap fruit
3. Oat
Agriculture Health Education Social welfare Energy E - Governance
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in the scientific basis of health care in the wake of the common villagers have collected a list of meat and poultry has been giving details of the
amounts of protein foods Mahua seed , Mahua flower, Skhua seeds, tamarind seeds, how Dmeta ie, Belwa seed in the Mundari called Soso,
referring to the amount of protein they not only protect indigenous knowledge is invaluable information Sngrahit.
Eating is one of the basic necessities of life. He comes from food. In the mix cereals, pulses, oilseeds herbs, vegetables, milk or milk products,
meat, fish, egg etc. can be. The mixture, taste, flavor, depending on the availability and economic efficiency.
We can not live without food. Food provides energy to our body is dynamic. If we do not take the proper amount of food seems to be hungry soon
wanes and the strength to act.
Physical and mental development, from infant to adult development, disease-free stay, requires proper food in the right proportion. Rktalpta raises food
shortages and malnutrition. In the case of both insulating body strength decreases. Strength to strength to fight diseases are called insulators. Any
disease prevention loss in power is unleashed on the body.
Our body is made up of cells. If 70 percent of total body weight is water. Water is removed from the body by sweating in the heat, the water
demands. In the same way the body's cells and Uttken demand of nutrients for your life. Avshykton nutrients in our foods contain them. Elements in
different clothes protein, Carbohydrate, fat (fat) is known. There are also several supporting these key elements we vitamins, minerals, salts, etc. are
known. These elements are called nourishment of the body is nourished diet.
In this work, protein nutrition, physical and mental development contributes to the body, keeps the cells smoothly, while functional tissues in the body
repairs etc which is sabotage. Fat and Carbohydrate provides energy to the body in the same way.
The hearty food is so important to the health of the body, but its balanced nutrition is also needed for perfect health. Each of the body's daily
requirement of nutrition elements individually and also the receipt quantity or availability of food each individually, the reason the body needs to eat a
mix of foods which (his) All elements of the daily you can meet the daily requirement. This is called a balanced diet. The right nutrition to the cells
of the body may not be able to just one food, the variety in the diet is recommended.
Fat and Carbohydrate abundant protein in grains generally occur when vitamins minerals and salts that are found in vegetables.
Various nutrients necessary for the body of the article describes the daily requirement as well - the amount in foods in which he describes his
nutrients. Accordingly prepare balanced meals can make his choice.
The thing to remember but also in the pregnancy, the mother should double balanced diet. Then the mother-child health, healthy children, healthy
society will be characterized by the slogan. - With the mind also must overcome the illusion that only expensive Kaju nutrients, almonds,
pomegranates, grapes, apple, Nashpti or milk is available. It Ckod automatically provided abundant greens, Mta, greens, Cypress (Pecki), greens,
greens, etc., is Sarla.
Nutrition , nutrients and their importance
Nutritional deficiency disease or malnutrition status of Rktalpta. It is both dangerous situation. This is likely to rule in Jharkhand villages. To address
this situation nutrition-rich foods can help us. These food materials in our villages, near houses or in fields and forests Nikvrti (from which we get
firewood) can be. They need to recognize, understand their value. Below are statistics will guide you. These statistics published by the Government of
India Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad,'' book'' is derived from Nyutritiv The Value of Indian Foods. Foods consumed per one hundred grams is based
on statistics in other words, the food we eat one hundred grams Nutrition is what our body.
Malnutrition is not really a disease, but it causes many diseases. Malnutrition, lack of energy in the body to fight diseases such as power wanes.
Any disease impair the insulating power enters into the body easily.
The body's natural immune barrier exists. They have been divided into four parts.
A skin and mucous membranes
B. Physical Srav
C. Filters
D. inflammatory response
From outside or inside the parasite, bacteria or viruses that attack these automatically, providing automated system Sskta. Athanomedisin that folk
medicine, folk medicine, or tribal herb or Hodopathy to strengthen the body's automatic defense barriers are fully engaged. In rare cases when direct
hit. For this reason, herb therapy response or complain of side effects is negligible. That is why the herb is recognized as a safe drug. There are
three main components of nutrition - protein, fat and carbohydrates
(A) proteins and their functions
Protein is vital for any creature. The body's cells and tissues to the organizer. Protein is essential for the formation of physical and mental
development. Grbst feed the baby, the mother's breasts produce milk increases from infancy to adulthood is daily needs. In cells and tissues of the
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body while working sabotage repairs. The body's immune system is its main role in increasing or insulating power.
(B) the daily requirement
It is a gram per kilogram of body weight daily requirement. That means to say that a body weight of 52 kg from morning till night in the food that is
eaten at least 52 grams of protein substances required in growing children, pregnant women and lactating mothers are more in need 's.
One gram of protein provides the energy to power approximately 4.2 kcal kcal (CAI that o o) is measured. A kilogram of boiling water up to 100
degrees Fahrenheit, the same as a kilo calories of energy seems to say.
(C) What is the loss of body protein deficiency?
There are several disadvantages to the body from protein deficiency -
1 - meat Gtils rather weak muscles, becomes softer.
2 - proof of the strength of the body again and again health is deteriorating.
3 - body felt dizzy.
4 - The power of thinking is slower.
5 - it is not the proper development of the fetus in the womb
6 - Lack of breast milk of lactating mothers
7 - from infant to adult physical and mental development is not completed in time.
Refine Srkra and adipose (fat) in food products except protein, is found in more or less.
(D) the primary source
The main source of protein, milk, beans, Giri, lentils, cheese, soybeans, lost, meat, fish, egg and grain top layer of the leper / Lupu / Lobo is
How much protein per 100 grams to get us to eat foods that have a description. Daily requirement of protein in the diet can include the same mix
catering to the lack of protein can be generated damages.
Grain or glassware
Order. Name of food Name of food Protein (in grams)
1 Eleusine Coracana Mahua / Ragi / quota 7.3
2 Oryza Sativa Cvl (Usna, Dhenki Kuta) 8.5
3 -Do- - Same - (Usna, Dhenki Kuta) 6.4
4 -Do- - Same - (Usna, Dhenki Kuta) 7.5
5 -Do- - Same - (Usna, Dhenki Kuta) 6.8
6 Rice bran Kedhi / Lupu / Labo 13.5
7 Rice flake Ciudha / Cidha / Tden 6.6
8 Rice puffed Kjadhi / twisted / Mudhi 7.5
9 Panicum miliaceum Benede 12.5
10 Panicum millare Gondli / Gudlu 7.7
11 Sorghum vulgare Millet / Ganga / Sisuwa 10.4
12 Triticum aestivum Bulgur (wheat) 6.2
13 -Do- Wheat flour (whole) 12.1
14 -Do- Flour - Himself - (Priskrit) 11.0
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15 Zea mays Corn / Joneyr / Jondera (dry) 11.1

Lentils and beans
Order. Name of food Name of food Protein (in grams)
1 Cajanus cajan Tur / Rhdi 22.3
2 Cicer arietinum Gram / boot (Compounded) 17.1
3 -Do- Gram / boot (fried) 22.5
4 -Do- Gram / boot (DAL) 20.8
5 Dolichos bilforus Horsegram / Hodec 22.0
6 Dolichos lablab Beans / Mlhn / Mlan (seed) 24.9
7 Glycine max merr Soya bean / soybean 43.2
8 Lens esculents Masur / Msuri 25.1
9 Phaseolus aconitifolius Mugi / Urad / Rmbra 23.6
10 Phaseolus calcaratus Saturi 21.5
11 Phaseolus mungo Urad / Hende Rmbra 24.0
12 Vigna catjung Brbtty / Pundirmbra / Budi 24.1

Leafy Vegetables
Order. Name of food Name of food Protein (in grams)
1 Alternanthera sessilis Gndur greens / Grundi 5.0
2 Amaranthus virioulis Vegetable greens / greens leper Ada Gandhari 5.2
3 Antidesma acidum Mta greens / Mta Ada (dry) 5.0
4 Brassica oleracea-var.botryts Fulkobi / Bhakubi / Bakubi 5.9
5 Cassia tora Small Ckod / Ckonda greens (fresh) 5.0
6 -Do- Small Ckod / Ckonda greens (dry) 20.7
7 Cirer arietinum Chana Saag / boot greens 7.0
8 Cleome viscose Hurhura greens / Hurhuria 5.6
9 Colocasia antiquorum Picki greens / cypress greens (fresh) 3.9
10 Colocasia antiquorum Picki greens / cypress greens (dry) 13.7
11 Solanum tuberosum Potato greens 5.0
12 Tamarindus indica Tender tamarind leaves / Jojo / (fresh) 5.8
13 Tamarindus indica Tender tamarind leaves / Jojo / (dry) 8.6
14 Meyna spinosa Sarla greens / Kti greens / dot grown greens (fresh) 4.0
15 Meyna spinosa Sarla greens / Kti greens / greens planted dot (dry) 7.7
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Other greens are eaten and those which are not described here, but they also have some proteins are grams or less. Root and tuber vegetables and
fruit in the same way as 4 grams per 100 grams or less, but there is some amount. The fruit is also very little protein.
Nuts and oilseeds
Order. Name of food Name of food Protein (in grams)
1 Anacardium occidentale Cashew nuts / seeds (nuts) 21.2
2 Arachis hypogaee Peanuts, almonds Cinia (Raw) 25.3
3 -Do- Peanuts, almonds Cinia (grilled) 26.2
4 Brassica nigra Rye, Tudi 20.0
5 Buchanania latifollia Cirunji / Trab corrosion 19.0
6 Cocos nucifera Coconut / Nrikl 6.8
7 Guzotia abyssinica Gunja / sarguja 23.9
8 Linum usitatissimum Tisi 20.0
9 Sesamum indicum Mole, Tilming 18.3

Order. Name of food Name of food Protein (in grams)
1 Allium sativum Garlic / Rsundi 6.3
2 Curcuma domestica Turmeric / Ssng 6.3
3 Cuminum cyminum Cumin 18.7
4 Coriandrum sativum Coriander 14.1
5 Piper nigrum Keeper / pepper / Pepper 11.5
6 Trignonella foenum graecum Fenugreek 26.2

Order. Name of food Name of food Protein (in grams)
1 Ailia coilia Bamboo leaf / Mdskm 18.2
2 Burbus sp Poti Fish / Hdd Haku 18.1
3 Coilichorus pabo Beari 19.2
4 Catla catla Slice 19.5
5 Cirrhinus mrigala Mirga 195
6 Clarias batrachus Mangur / Mugri / Bale 15.0
7 Lanbeo rohita Rohu 16.1
8 Mystus Tengra (roast) 22.8
9 -Do- Tengra (dry) 54.9
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10 Ophlocephalus punctatus Jia / Gri / widened / Chodgoc 19.4
11 Ophlocephalus striatus Sole 16.2
12 Penaeus sp. Prawn The biggest Cingdi / Runda Ija 19.1
13 Saccobranshus fosilis Singhi 22.8
14 Trichlurus sp. Getu / Bumbui (dry) 54.9
15 Trichlurus sp. Getu / Bumbui (fresh) 18.1
16 Chingri fish Cingdi / Ichac large (dry) 60.0
17 Chingri fish Cingdi / Ichac large (dry) 62.4
18 Crab Black crab / Diri Ktkom (meat) 8.9
19 Crab Small crab 11.2

Meat and Poultry
Order. Name of food Name of food Protein (in grams)
1 Anaspplatyncha Duck / Gede 21.6
2 Boordood Presence / Upia 49.3
3 Bos Taurus Bull meat (minced) 79.2
4 Bulbus bubalis Buffalo meat (muscles) 22.6
5 Bulbus bubalis Buffalo meat 19.4
6 Capra hyrchusb Velvet meat 21.4
7 -Do- Velvet of the liver 20.0
8 -Do- Wether meat 18.5
9 Columba livia intermedia Kbuti 32.3
10 Egg duch Duck egg 13.4
11 Egg hen Hen's egg 13.3
12 Field rat meat Musa farm / Gudu 23.6
13 Gallus bankiva murghi Poultry / chicken / SIM 25.9
14 Pila golbosa (Chepta Gengi) Situa / jhinuk 10.5
15 Sus cristatus wagner Pig / Sukri 18.7
16 Turtle Tortoise / Horo 16.5
17 Viviparous bengalensis Gongi / Gungi / Rokoch 12.6
18 Big green frog muscle Frog / Bang's thigh 19.6

Other foods
Order. Name of food Name of food Protein (in grams)
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1 Bauhnia vahlii Mhulan / Gungu / Rung / Siyali (seed) 27.3
2 Madhuca latifolia Mahua / Mtkm / Mdukm (Flowers) 4.4
3 Mangifera indica Tamcur 2.8
4 Semecarpus anacardium Belwa / Soso (seed of the anus) 26.4
5 Shorea robusta Skhua seed 8.4
6 Tamarindus indica Tamarind JoJo (seed) 16.1
7 Red ants egg Red ant / Demta / How 13.4

Milk or milk products
Order. Name of food Name of food Protein (in grams)
1 Butter milk Buttermilk 0.8
2 Cow's milk (chena) Cow's milk casein 18.3
3 Cow's milk (curd) Cow milk curd 3.1
4 Milk buffalo Buffalo milk 4.3
5 Milk cow Cow's milk 18.3
6 Milk goat Goat's milk 3.3
7 Milk human Mother's Milk 1.1
8 Milk powder (whole) Powdered milk (total) 25.8

Butter, ghee, edible oil such as peanut, coconut, sesame, mustard oil etc. is not protein. Oil fell to zero in the protein. The honey (honey) 0.3, 0.4
and cane molasses cane sugar is 0.1 grams per 100 grams.
( b) fat and its work
(1) Sadra source of energy is fat. Carbohydrate provides energy than body fat is multiplied adoptions. One gram of fat provides about 8.4 km Cai
energy. The heat helps maintain body fat and body energy provides for continual work.
(2) require 45-60 grams daily. It will also be very harmful to the body. It produces 30 percent more than the amount of cholesterol in the blood is
harmful to the body.
(3) What can cause damage to body fat reduction: -
The body needs fat for heat and power, also contribute. The reason is to destroy fat reduction and body weight tends to depress IO.
(4) The main source
The main source of fat, peanut oil, sunflower oil and sesame oil. Giri, butter, ghee, cream, meat, cheese and animal fats are the main source.
Cereals, pulses Flia leafy vegetables or other vegetable, root or tuber, meat, fish, egg, seasoning, fruits, etc., are more or less the amount of fat.
Some examples are given below. One hundred grams fat foods that get us to eat.
Order. Name of food Name of food Protein (in grams)
1 Rice bran Leper / Lupu / Lobo 16.2
2 Cicer arietinum Gram / boot (Compounded) 5.3
3 -Do- - Same - (roast) 5.2
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4 -Do- - Same - (dal) 5.6
5 Glycine max Soy (seeds) 19.5
6 Antidesma diandrum (acidum) Mta / Amti greens (greens) 4.8
7 Colocasia antiquorum Pecki / cypress greens (dry) 5.9
8 Meyna spinosa Sarla / Kti / Boinindi greens 6.1
9 Anacardium occidentale Seeds / nuts (dry) 46.9
10 Arachis hypogaea Ciniabada / peanuts (raw) 40.1
11 Arachis hypogaea Ciniabada / peanuts (roasted) 39.8
12 Brassica nigra Rye / Tudi 39.7
13 Buchanania latifolia Cirunji Dana / Trib corrosion 59.1
14 Cocos nuffera Coconut 62.3
15 Guizotia absyssinica Gunja / sarguja / Mga 39.0
16 Lepidium sativum Cress / cress 24.5
17 Linum usitatissimum Tisi 37.1
18 Sesamun indicum Mole / Tilming 43.3
19 Coriandrum sativum Coriander 16.1
20 Cuminum cyminum Jira 15.0
21 Curcuma domestica Turmeric / Ssng 5.1
22 Piper nigrum Pepper / Pepper / keeper 6.8
23 Trigonella graecum Methidana 5.8
24 Bos Taurus Ox meat / mince 10.3
25 Copra hyrchusb Wether meat 13.3
26 Egg duch Duck egg 13.7
27 Egg hen Hen's egg 13.3
28 Cow's milk (chena) Cow's milk casein 20.8
29 Milk cow Cow's milk 20.8
30 Milk powder (whole) Cow's milk (total) 26.7
31 Butter Butter 81.0
32 Cow's ghee Cow ghee 100.0
33 Edible oil, peanut, coconut, sesame and mustard oil

34 Hydrogenated oil Planted oil 100.0
Note: some of the food is fat. Less than five grams of fat-derived foods that have not been mentioned.
( c) filament and their work
Fiber in the diet also play a valuable function. All food is also available. Do not staple foods or food is greasy stool when the body can not pull out
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the full. We call this phase Constipation | Chronic constipation, hemorrhoids or Vrihda promotes cancer. Nutrition as it is understated because it is not
digested, the slips with the feces. The meat muscles, stimulates the digestive path. Nuts or fruit peel vegetables are available.
( d) Carbohydrate and his work
Carbohydrate also offers the kind of fat the body heat and energy. Energy in the range of materials that provide starch, glucose, cane juice, milk,
obtained by starch or dietary received by Srkra come Srkra. These are the primary source that provides energy to the body. One gram Carbohydrate
provides 4 kcal of energy. Because of the energy moves in the body.
Carbohydrate-deficient body damage. The reduction of body weight decreases.
Main Source -
The main source of sugar, syrup, jam, cheese, legumes such as cereals, tubers of land inside - potato, Arui, Samarkand, etc. Pecki.
( e) energy and its functions -
Physical activity, body growth or body energy the body needs time to rest remain constant. To respiration, digestion, absorption or immersion remain
constant need of energy for the body. When the body is mentally or physically still in the breathing for relaxation, for circulation to digestion,
absorption or immersion, the body requires energy remains constant.
During the resting energy expenditure, which is also called the basal metabolism. Energy is measured in kilo calories. A kilogram of boiling water for
ten minutes continuously require as much heat or heat that adds a kilo calories.
Carbohydrate and energy is found in all foods but here is a description of those foods in which it is Vijrajman some more volume. It will serve as a
Margdsika for diabetic patients. That people can decide whether they provide more volume Carbohydrate foods which will eliminate or restrict them.
Carbohydrate foods that we eat one hundred grams (g) or energy (in the o o CAI) to get the details.
Grains or foods made Ussk
Order. Name of food Name of food Protein (in grams) Energy (the o in o CAI)
1 Eleusine Coracana Mahua / Ragi / quota 72.0 328
2 Oryza Sativa Cvl (Usna, Dhenki Kuta) 77.4 349
3 -Do- - Same - (Usna, Dhenki Kuta) 79.0 346
4 -Do- - Same - (Usna, Dhenki Kuta) 76.7 346
5 -Do- - Same - (Usna, Dhenki Kuta) 78.2 345
6 Rice bran Kedhi / Lupu / Labo 48.4 393
7 Rice flake Ciudha / Cidha / Tden 77.3 346
8 Rice puffed Kjadhi / twisted / Mudhi 73.6 325
9 Panicum milliaceum Benede 70.4 341
10 Panicum millare Gondli / Gudlu 67.0 341
11 Sorghum vulgare Millet / Ganga / Sisuwa 72.6 349
12 Triticum aestivum Bulgur (wheat) 77.2 356
13 -Do- Wheat flour (whole) 69.4 341
14 -Do- Flour - Himself - (Priskrit) 73.9 348
15 Zea mays Corn / Joneyr / Jondera (dry) 66.2 342

Lentils and beans
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Order. Name of food Name of food Korbo (in grams) Energy (the o in o CAI)
1 Cajanus cajan Tur / Rhdi 57.6 335
2 Cicer arietinum Gram / boot (Compounded) 60.9 360
3 -Do- Gram / boot (fried) 58.1 369
4 -Do- Gram / boot (DAL) 95.8 372
5 Dolichos bilforus Horsegram / horse gram / Hodec 57.2 321
6 Dolichos lablab Beans / Mlhn / Mlan (seed) 60.1 347
7 Glycine max merr Soya bean / soybean 20.9 432
8 Lens esculenta Masur / Msuri 59.0 343
9 Phaseolus aconitifolius Mugi / Mungdal / Rmbra 56.5 330
10 Phaseolus calcaratus Saturi 60.9 332
11 Phaseolus mungo Urad / Hende Rmbra 59.6 347
12 Vigna catjung Brbtty / Pundirmbra / Budi 54.5 323

Leafy Vegetables
Order. Name of food Name of food Korbo (in grams) Energy (the o in o CAI)
1 Antiesma acidum Mta greens / Mta Ada (cured) 57.8 303
2 Cassia tora Small Ckond / Bheda Dereng Ckoda greens (dry) 43.5 292
3 Colocasia antiquorum Pecgi greens / Cypress Greens / Kchcu greens / Pecgi Ada (cured) 42.3 277
4 Tamarindus indica Tender tamarind leaves (dried) Plwa 60.9 305
5 Meyna spinosa Sarla greens / Kti greens / Boi dot / Kti Ada (cured) 57.6 316

Leafy Vegetables
Order. Name of food Name of food Korbo (in grams) Energy (the o in o CAI)
1 Artocarpus heterophyllus Jackfruit seeds 25.8 133
2 Capparis horrid Bngi / dead Jnum fruit / Asadia the 11.5 105
3 Solanum torvum Big wild / Mrd Hnjed fruit greens / Picki Ada (cured) 55.0 269

And the vegetables we eat. He is not being mentioned here. In all 66 Carbohydrate 14 grams less than the energy Cai o o 's.
Nuts and oilseeds
Order. Name of food Name of food Korbo (in grams) Energy (the o in o CAI)
1 Anacardium occidentale Cashew nuts / seeds (nuts) 22.3 596
2 Arachis hypogaee Peanuts, almonds Cinia (Raw) 26.1 567
3 -Do- Peanuts, almonds Cinia (grilled) 26.7 570
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4 Brassica nigra Rye, Tudi 23.8 541
5 Buchanania latifollia Cirunji / Trab corrosion 12.1 656
6 Cocos nucifera Coconut / Nrikl 18.4 662
7 Guzotia abyssinica Gunja / sarguja 17.1 515
8 Linum usitatissimum Tisi 28.9 530
9 Sesamum indicum Mole, Tilming 25.0 563
10 Lepidium sativum Cress / Cnchur 33.0 454

Order. Name of food Name of food Korbo (in grams) Energy (the o in o CAI)
1 Allium sativum Garlic / Rsundi / Rsun 29.8 145
2 Capsicum annum var abbreviate Dhana Mircha / Sage Mrci 31.6 246
3 Citrus medica var acida Paper lemon 29.4 129
4 Coriandrum sativum Coriander 21.6 288
5 Cuminum cyminum Cumin 36.6 356
6 Curcuma domestica Turmeric 69.4 349
7 Elletaria cardamomum Cardamom 42.1 229
8 Ferula asafoctida Asafoetida 58.8 329
9 Piper longum Rli / Pepper / pepper 65.8 310
10 Piper nigrum Golki / Pepper / Pepper 49.2 304
11 Syzygium aromaticum Cloves 46.0 286
12 Tamarindua indica Tamarind Pulp / JoJo 67.4 283
13 Trigonella foenum graecum Fenugreek 44.1 333
14 Zingiber offcinale Ginger (fresh) 12.3 67

Order. Name of food Name of food Korbo (in grams) Energy (the o in o CAI)
1 Aegle marmelos Bell / Bilb / Sinju / Lora Jhari 31.8 137
2 Anona reticulata Rampal / Nagnewa 15.7 70
3 Anona squamosa Pumpkin / Srifa / Mndadhgom / Srupa Dru / Neva 23.5 104
4 Artocarpus heteropyllus Jack / Kntd (ripe fruit) 19.8 88
5 Artocarpus lakoocha Monkey fruit / Dhu / Du 13.3 66
6 Bassia (madhuca) latifolia Mahua ripe fruit 22.7 111
7 Borassus flabellifer Palm, ripe fruit 20.7 87
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8 -Do- - Same - Tad Fruits 6.5 29
9 Buchania latifolia Piar / Trob (ripe fruit) 19.5 94
10 Carica papaya Papaya / Papaya (ripe fruit) 7.2 32
11 Citurs maxima Dmba 10.2 44
12 Diospyros embryopteris Kmrked / buried tendu 26.6 113
13 Diospyros melanoxy lon Centre / Tiril 26.8 112
14 Emblica officinalis Amla, Merl 13.7 58
15 Fuicus bengalensis Banyan, fig, large - fruit 11.8 72
16 Ficus rocemosa Sycamore, Dumr, Lowe - Fruit 07.6 37
17 Ficus religiosa People, Hesa, Hesak - Fruit 21.2 110
18 Gardenia gummifera Brui, Burudi - Fruit 15.8 71
19 Gardenia latifolia Ppdha - Fruit 34.9 182
20 Grewia asiatica Grewia asiatica 14.7 72
21 Limonia acidissima Vild Singh, Kshbel 18.1 134
22 Lycopersicon esculetum Tomatoes 03.6 20
23 Malus sylvestris Save 13.4 59
24 Mangifera indica Common (ripe fruit) 27.2 116
25 Musa paradisiacal Banana, step (ripe fruit) 27.5 56
26 Psidium guajava Guava 11.2 51
27 Randia uliginosa Pindar, Tholko 12.5 56
28 Schleichera oliosa Safflower (ripe fruit) Baru 9.9 53
29 Spondias mangifera Amdha, Ambdu 04.5 48
30 Vitis vinifera Grapes 74.6 308
31 Zizyphus jujube Plum, goat, Doddi 17.0 74
32 Zizphus rugosa Sserka, vinegar 33.3 158

Order. Name of food Name of food Korbo (in grams) Energy (the o in o CAI)
1 Alia colia Bamboo leaf, Md Skm 0.0 112
2 Bubus sp. Poti Fish Hdd Haku 3.1 106
3 Callichorus pabo Beari 4.6 114
4 Catla catla Slice 2.9 111
5 Cirrhinus mrigala Mirga 3.2 98
6 Clarias botrachus Mangur, Mugri, Bale 4.2 86
7 Labeo rohita Rohu 4.4 97
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8 Mystus vittatus Tengra (roasted) 6.9 124
9 -Do- The same dry - 2550
10 Ophlocephalus punctatus Jia, Gri, Choda 3.4 97
11 Ophlocephalus striatus Sole 2.2 94
12 Penaeus sp. Prone, Runda Ica 0.8 89
13 Saccobranshus fossiliis Singhi 6.9 124
14 Trichiurus sp. Getu, Bumbi (dry fruits) - 255
15 -Do- The same (fresh) 0.6 104
16 Chingri fish Cingdi, Ica (large) dry 4.6 287
17 -Do- The same (small) dry 1.9 292
18 Crab dkyk cM + k dsadM + k Diri Ktkom, meat 3.3 59
19 Crab NksVk dsadM + k Ktkom 9.1 169

Meat and Poultry
Order. Name of food Name of food Korbo (in grams) Energy (the o in o CAI)
1 Anaspplatyncha Duck / Gede 0.1 130
2 Boordood Presence / Upia - 598
3 Bos Taurus Bull meat (minced) 0.2 410
4 Bulbus bubalis Buffalo meat (muscles) - 114
5 Bulbus bubalis Buffalo meat - 86
6 Capra hyrchusb Velvet meat - 118
7 -Do- Velvet of the liver - 107
8 -Do- Wether meat - 194
9 Columba livia intermedia Kbuti - 137
10 Egg duch Duck egg 0.8 181
11 Egg hen Hen's egg - 173
12 Field rat meat Musa farm / Gudu 0.1 104
13 Gallus bankiva murghi Poultry / chicken / SIM - 109
14 Pila golbosa (Chepta Gengi) Situa / jhinuk 12.4 97
15 Sus cristatus wagner Pig / Sukri - 114
16 Turtle Tortoise / Horo 1.5 86
17 Viviparous bengalensis Gongi / Gungi / Rokoch 3.7 74
18 Big green frog muscle Frog / Bang's thigh - 82
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Other foods
Order. Name of food Name of food Korbo (in grams) Energy (the o in o CAI) 1
1 Bauhnia vahlii Mhulan / Gungu / Rung / Siyali (seed) 28.6 493
2 Madhuca latifolia Mahua (Flowers) 72.6 311
3 Mangifera indica Amchur 64.0 337
4 Semecarpus anacardium Belwa / Soso (seed of the anus) 28.4 587
5 Shorea robusta Skhua seed 66.3 405
6 Tamarindus indica Tamarind JoJo (seed) 64.1 387
7 Red ants egg Red ant / Demta / How 9.1 131

Milk or milk products
Order. Name of food Name of food Korbo (in grams) Energy (the o in o CAI)
1 Butter milk Buttermilk 0.5 15
2 Cow's milk (chena) Cow's milk casein 1.2 265
3 Cow's milk (curd) Cow milk curd 3.0 60
4 Milk buffalo Buffalo milk 5.0 117
5 Milk cow Cow's milk 1.2 265
6 Milk goat Goat's milk 4.6 72
7 Milk human Mother's Milk 7.4 65
8 Milk powder (whole) Powdered milk (total) 38.0 496

Fats and edible oils
Order. Name of food Name of food Korbo (in grams) Energy (the o in o CAI)
1 Butter Butter - 729
2 Cow's ghee Cow ghee - 900
3 Mustard, peanut, sesame, coconut, oil Kadv - 900
4 Hydrogenpted oil Planted oil 900

Sugar and honey
1 Honey 74.5 319
2 Sugar cane molasses 95.00 383
3 Sugar cane 99.4 398
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From vitamin deficiency, vitamin deficiency diseases are born. Thus in many cases it acts as an insulator. This is a must have. It is also known by
the name of protecting the diet. Vitamin A, D, E and K are fat-soluble, vitamin water at rest.
(A-1) vitamin e. And their work
Vitamin'' A'' body development is an important component as well - with the health of the eyes, skin Sleshm membranes of the body play a major
role in maintaining health. In low light expressively to be able to see eye to eye health Upaklaiaken streets retain moisture in the outer lining, Vitamin''
A'' is required. In the central part of the cornea of the eye to maintain transparency.
(A-2) daily requirement
Mega approximately 750 grams of an adult's daily vitamin'' A'' is required. Eating Vitamin'' A'' is not directly available. B-carotene from food we
receive. The B vitamins in the body'' A'' Karatin changes. Four mega g vitamin B'' A'' Karatin provide a mega gram. '' A'' in 700 grams of the
vitamin in the diet to meet the body's daily requirement of 3,000 mega g B will Karatin.
Body development of children, pregnant women and lactating mothers need increases. Adequate pregnant women (two persons) received Karatin baby
born healthy eyes will also be larger.
(A-3) What damage to the body from vitamin A deficiency.
1 - not clearly visible in low light.
2 - is a victim of night blindness.
3 - The eye is Jhuridar.
4 - The eye becomes red.
5 - Eye irritation.
6 - Other diseases of the eyes and skin related changes.
7 - The loss of transparency may be blind, if not treated in time it should be.
Note - More than 20,000 children every year in India are blind from lack of vitamin'' A''.
(A-4) The main source
The main source of vitamin A, all vegetables, yellow fruits, tomatoes, ghee, butter, milk, egg yolk and fish oil.
Further details are being long.
(B-1) function of thiamine
Thiamine is an essential vitamin for the body. Before it was known as vitamin'' B''. Metabolism, protein, fat, Carbohydrate and its main role is in the
correct use of energy.
(B-2) daily requirement
The body's daily requirement of thiamine is 1.2 mg.
(B-3) reduced its loss from the body
Continuously for several days after its reduction beryllium - beryllium disease occurs. Beryllium - beryllium disease is of two types, one dry, one wet.
Drought beryllium - beryllium at hunger and the extremities numb (Thethr) seems to be the Jinjini or irritation.
Wet beryllium - having beryllium ascites (abdominal flood) is a disease of the heart is beating faster, breath sounds, heart muscle is weakened, if not
full breath to halt further heart rate there is fear. Muscle weakness occurs in the body and weight loss disorders, digestive disturbances soon feel the
(B-4) The main source
The upper layer of grain (Leper / Lupu / Lobo), yeast, peanuts, or sesame seeds, lentils mill are the main source.
(Macro is being further details.)
(C-1) Riboflabin was previously known as vitamin B12. To kill the cells that are essential for many Aksikarn process.
(C-2) daily requirement
Riboflabin body's daily requirement is 1.5 mg.
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(C-3) Its deficiency results
When food shortage bursts of the angles of the mouth, tongue abscess, reddening of the eyes, irritation of eyes, nose and lips to get the crust in the
area etc. are the disease. Look red tongue, loss of eyesight, etc. Can not bear taper disorders arise.
(C-4) The main source
Its main sources are milk or milk products, yeast, egg, liver, meat and green vegetables.
(Macro is being further details.)
(D-1) Functions of Vitamin B12
It makes the blood.
(D-2), Vitamin B-12 deficiency results
Vitamin B12 deficiency, folic acid deficiency is the same as malnourished cells. There is a shortage of the Rktalpta. Central nervous institution can
not function properly. In the metabolism of folic acid, vitamin B12 deficiency is required.
(D-3) daily requirement
The daily requirement is about a mega gram.
(D-4), the main source
Vitamin B12 is something in the food, but their main source of milk, meat, and the liver.
(E-1) Functions of Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps bone development. Derbyshire and phosphorus metabolism, which helps strengthen bones and teeth are. This hormone acts just like
bones. Proper amount of vitamin D in pregnant women (ie two creatures) derbyshire phosphorus to meet the child's abdomen, arms, legs, body of
bones and teeth is correctly constructed. - With strong as they live. Teeth remain healthy for years.
(E-2) vitamin D deficiency diseases
Vitamin D deficiency leads to soft bones. Hone in on the baby's foot Grbastha shortage may become crooked. Or other deformity. There may be a
disease such as rickets or Osteyomleshia.
(E-3) daily requirement
The daily requirement
200-400 Ailyul 's. This vitamin is obtained from sunlight body.
(E-4) Main source
Its main sources are milk, liver, egg and fish oil, but there is still some other substances.
(F -1) Niacin
Niacin also called nicotinic acid.
(F 2) of niacin or nicotinic acid function
Contribute a large amount of metabolic processes.
(F-3) of niacin or nicotinic acid deficiency disease
When niacin deficiency diarrhea (thin stools), the skin (skin) color sporadic deepens, Ppdhi implies, tongue and acted like the plague is a disease. Is
smooth and red tongue, digestive discomfort and leads to mental disturbances.
(F-4) daily requirement
The daily requirement varies according to age. Younger and older people need less. M g m g such that the daily requirement.
(F-5) substances found in foods high amounts of niacin is described next.
(G) Parodoksin
Parodoksin was previously called vitamin B-6.
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(G-1) of the act Parodoksin
Paradaksin is helpful in the development of children. It helps maintain skin health. Meat muscle and nerve function is helpful in correctly.
(G-2) Parodoksin deficiency diseases
Parodoksin deficiency leads to convulsions in children.
(G-3) daily requirement
It is a daily necessity could not be determined.
(G-4) Main source
The main source of green vegetables, the meat and liver.
(H) Vitamin C
Vitamin C is also called acid Absorbik.
(H-1) Vitamin C function
It is a powerful Prywartk agent. Demolition and gums and blood veins that occur in the tissues due to repair damaged lives.
(H-2) Vitamin C Deficiency Disease
Vitamin C deficiency diseases such as scurvy. Become tender gums, gums, blood oozes from the wound gets well soon seems to be a tendency
toward bleeding body.
(H-3) daily requirement
Grams daily requirement of vitamin C is 50 mg.
(H-4) rich source
Rich source of vitamin C. Amla fruit, pear and plum fruit, all kinds of citrus, tomatoes, are Mta. Greens, leafy vegetables, potatoes, grain will sprout.
The following are descriptions of some substances.
(I) vitamin E
Vitamin E is also called tocopherols.
(I-1) Vitamin E functions and needs of
Vitamin E is required for normal reproduction in Jnvron about humans could not be determined.
(I-2) Main source
Are the primary source of vitamin E, wheat germ oil and leafy vegetables.

('A' 1) of vitamin'' functions''
Once the proper amount of vitamins in the body stops bleeding. But it tends to be lacking due to haemorrhage.
(2) the primary source

'' The main source of vitamin''
Milk, butter, green vegetables and tomatoes. '''' The body makes vitamin in their intestines.
(K-1) folic acid
Folic acid, the body produces blood. It increases red particles and makes them mature. So it is perfect for children and pregnant women. Rktalpta
prevents them.

(K-2) to decrease the damage
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Folic acid deficiency children and pregnant women are victims of Rktalpta. Pregnant women thrive in the legs (leg swelling) of the complaint.
(K-3) daily requirement
Folic acid is required in relation to age. Which is between 50 to 100 mega grams. But in pregnant women is increased to 150.
(T-4) Main source
The main sources of folic acid include green vegetables, egg, cheese and the liver. Other Khaday, being substances for further details.
One hundred grams to eat foods which receive nutrition body, the Details -
No grain or made
Name of foods Karoti mega g Thea Min mg kg Ribofla bin mg kg Nia Sin mg kg Folic acid
Mg kg
Vitamin C
Mg kg
Elusine coracana
Mduwa, ragi, Kode
42 0.42 0.19
1.1 5.2 0
Usna rice Oryza sativa, Dhenki Kuta 9 0.27 0.05 4.0 - 0
- Same - get the - 0.21 0.06 3.8 8.9 0
Arva Rice, who got 0 0.06 0.05 1.9 4.1 0
Rice flake Ciudha, chura Tben 0 0.21 0.01 4.0 - 0
Rice puffed Mudhi, twisted, Kjadhi 9 0.21 0.18 4.1 - 0
Panicum miliacum Bende 0 0.20 0.09 2.3 - 0
Panicum miliare Gudlu, Gondli 0 0.30 0.13 3.2 2.2 0
Millet Sorghum vulgare, Sisuwa 47 0.37 0.11 3.1 14.0 0 -
Triticum aestivum wheat, Bulgr - 0.74 0.11 4.8 - 0
- Same - total wheat 64 0.47 0.17 5.5 14.2 0
- Same - flour total 29 0.49 0.17 4.3 12.1 0
- Same - flour Rifaind 25 0.12 0.12 2.4 - 0

Lentils and Falia
Order. Name of foods Karoti mega gThea Min mg kg Ribofla bin mg kg Nia Sin mg kgFolic acid
Mg kg
Vitamin C
Mg kg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Cajanus cajan Pigeon pea, Rhdi 132 0.45 0.19 2.9 19.0 0
2 Boot Cicer arietinum, chickpea (Compounded) 189 0.30 0.16 2.9 34.0 3
3 - Same - gram (dal) 129 0.48 0.18 2.4 32.2 1
4 - Same - chana (roasted) 113 0.20 - 1.3 22.0 0
5 Dolicos filforus horse gram, Kurthy 71 0.42 0.20 1.5 - 1
6 Glycine max (mrr) soy 426 0.73 0.39 3.2 8.6 5
7 Lens esculenta lentils 270 0.45 0.20 2.6 14.5 -
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8 Phaseolus aconitifolia mungi 9 0.45 0.09 1.5 - 2.0
9 Urad dal Phaseolus mungo 38 0.42 0.20 2.0 24.0 0
10 Vigna catjung Gangra 12 0.51 1.3 1.3 69.0 0

Leafy Vegetables
Order. Name of foods Karoti mega
Thea Min mg
Ribofla bin mg
Nia Sin mg
Mg kg
Mg kg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Alternanthera sessilis Gndur greens, greens Grundi 1926 0 0.14 1.2 - 17
2 Gandhari Amaranthus gangeticus red, red vegetables 5520 0.03 0.30 1.2 41.0 99
3 Amaranthus spinosus thorn Adhak greens, Jnum Ieper 255 0.01 0.18 0 - 10
4 A Apium graveolens var-Dulce join the greens 3990 0 0.11 1.2 - 62
5 Ada Ambat chukka Ckua 3360 0.03 0.06 0.2 40.0 12
6 Basella rubra Poe, Utu Adp 7440 0.03 0.16 0.5 - 87
7 Beta vulgaris Red Slgm (leaf) 5862 0.36 0.56 3.3 - 70
8 Boerhavia diffusa tile greens, Panurnwa, Ada Pidi Kecho - - - - - 27
9 Brassica campestris var mustard greens, Mani Ada 2622 0.03 - - 33
10 Get Brassica oleracea var caulorapa Kobe leaf 4146 0.25 - 3.0 - 157
11 Brassica oleracea var capitata tied Kobe, Potom Kubi 120 0.06 0.09 0.4 13.3 124
12 Slgm Brassica rapa (leaf) 9396 0.3 SUMMARY 0.57 5.4 - 180
13 Cassia tora Ckod greens (fresh) Ckonda 10152 0.08 0.19 0.8 - 82
14 Chenopodeum album greens Bthuwa 1740 0.01 0.14 0.6 - 35
15 Colocasia antiquoriml greens, Pecki greens, greens Kchu,
10 278 0.22 0.26 1.1 - 12
16 Coriandrum sativum Coriander leaves 6918 0.05 0.06 0.8 - 35
17 Doucus carota carrot (leaf) 5700 0.04 0.37 2.1 - 79
18 Kri leaf Murraya Keonegii 7560 0.08 0.21 2.3 235 4
19 Moringa oleifera horseradish, Munga greens 6780 0.06 0.05 0.8 - 220
20 Peucedanum gravelens fennel greens 7182 0.03 0.13 0.20 - -
21 Piper betle leaf Pan 5760 0.07 0.03 0.7 - 5
22 Raohansus sativus leaf radishes, Muri Ada 5295 0.18 0.47 0.08 - 81
23 Potulaca oleracra lentils, greens, greens Golgola 2292 0.10 0.22 0.7 - 29
24 Ipomoea reptans greens Krmi / grafted greens 1980 0.05 0.13 0.06 - 37
25 esbania grandifloria Agsmt (leaf) Agati Ada 5400 0.21 0.09 1.2 - 169
26 Trigonela foenum graecum Fenugreek greens 2340 0.04 0.31 0.8 - 220
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27 Vigna catjung Brbtty greens, Gngra greens, leaf Pundi
6072 0.05 0.18 0.6 - 41

Order. Name of foods Karoti mega g Thea Min mg kg Ribofla bin mg kg Nia Sin mg kg Folic acid
Mg kg
Vitamin C
Mg kg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Daucus carota (carrot loaf) 1890 0.04 0.02 0.6 5.0 3
2 Yam (wild) wild tuber Senior Sanga 565 0.19 0.47 1.2 - 1

Other Vegetables
Order. Name of foods Karoti mega g Thea Min mg kg Ribofla bin mg kg Nia Sin mg kg Folic acid
Mg kg
Vitamin C
Mg kg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Momordica charantia Kraila, large (fruit) 126 0.07 0.09 0.5 - 88
2 - Same - Small (fruit) 126 0.07 0.06 0.4 - 98
3 s Flower Gobi 126 0.07 0.06 0.4 - 96

Giri and oilseeds
Order. Name of foods Karoti mega g Thea Min mg kg Ribofla bin mg kg Nia Sin mg kg Folic acid
Mg kg
Vitamin C
Mg kg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 esamum indicum sesame, Tilmia 60 1.01 0.34 4.4 51.0 0
2 Arachis hypogaea peanuts, almonds Chinia 37 0.90 0.13 19.0 16.0 0
3 - Same - Small (roasted) 0 0.39 0.13 22.1 - 0
Mga sarguja Guizotia abyssiniaca 0 0.07 0.97 8.4 - 0
5 Dana Cirunji Buchanania latifolia root Trob 0 0.69 0.53 1.5 - 5

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
11 P Hyllanthus Emblica Avla, Meral 9 0.03 0.01 0.2 - 600
12 Z Izyphus Maurutian A (Jujube) berry, coir, Dodadi, Jom Jnum 21 0.02 0.05 0.7 - 76
13 P Sidium Guajava guava, Tmrs 0 0.3 0.03 0.4 - 212
14 A nanas Comosus Pineapple 18 0.20 0.12 0.1 - 39
15 P Unica granatum pomegranate 0 0.06 0.10 0.3 - 16
16 V itis vinifera Kismis 2.4 0.07 0.19 0.7 7 1
17 V itis vinifera grapes black 3 0.04 0.03 0.2 - 1
18 Sy Zygium Cumini berries 48 0.03 0.01 0.2 - 18
19 A Rtocarpus Heterophyllus 175 0.03 0.13 0.4 - 7
Order. Name of foods Karoti mega g Thea Min mg kg Ribofla bin mg kg Nia Sin mg kg Folic acid
Mg kg
Vitamin C
Mg kg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Capsicum annum dry Micha 345 0.93 0.43 9.5 - 50
2 - Same - Small chili 175 0.14 0.39 0.9 6.0 111
3 C Umminum Cyminum Cumin 522 0.55 0.36 2.6 - 3

Order. Name of foods Karoti mega
Thea Min mg
Ribofla bin mg
Nia Sin mg
Mg kg
Mg kg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 A Nacardium Occidentale cashew nuts, rye 23 0.02 0.05 0.4 - 180
2 A Rtocarpus Lakoocha monkey fruit, Dhu 254 0.02 0.15 0.3 - 135
3 B Assia latifolia cooked or Unkinbn Sanjpvispan Paco
307 - - - - 40
4 C Arica papaya papaya, Papaya 666 0.04 0.25 0.2 - 57
5 C Itrus Aurantium orange, orange 1104 - - - - 30
6 Himself - Orange Juice 15 0.06 0.02 0.4 - 64
7 C Itrus lemon lime paper 0 0.02 0.01 0.1 - 39
8 M Amgifera indica mango ripe fruit 2743 0.08 0.09 0.09 - 16
9 L Ycopersicon Esculentum tomatoes 351 0.12 0.06 0.4 14.0 27
10 N Aphelium Longana litchi 0 0.02 0.06 0.4 - 31

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20 G Rewia ASIATIC A Phalsa 419 - - 0.3 - 22

Poultry meat
Order. Name of foods Karoti mega g Thea Min mg kg Ribofla bin mg kg Nia Sin mg kg Folic acid
Mg kg
Vitamin C
Mg kg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 E GG duck duck egg 540 0.12 0.26 0.2 80.0 -
2 E GG hen chicken egg 600 0.10 0.40 0.1 70.3 0
3 L iver goat liver of indica - - - - 61.2 -
4 L iver Sheep liver of sheep - 0.36 17.6 - 65.5 -
Whole milk powder
1 W Hole Milk powder, whole milk 1400 0.31 1.36 0.8 - 4

Fats and edible oils
Order. Name of foods Karoti mega g Thea Min mg kg Ribofla bin mg kg Nia Sin mg kg Folic acid
Mg kg
Vitamin C
Mg kg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Butter Butter 3200 - - - - -
2 G hee (cow) cow ghee 2000 - - - -
3 Hydrogenated oil planted oil 2500 - - - - -

Other foods
Order. Name of foods Karoti mega g Thea Min mg kg Ribofla bin mg kg Nia Sin mg kg Folic acid
Mg kg
Vitamin C
Mg kg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 B Amboo Tender bamboo will either 0 0.08 0.19 0.2 - 5
2 L Athyrus Sativus greens Kesari 3000 0.01 0.03 - - 41
3 B Auhina Malabarica greens Lbaa 1764 0.10 0.27 1.70 - 10
4 E Uphorbia Hirta mild greens, dug Sia - - - - - 44
5 L Pomea Botatas Skrkand 750 0.07 0.24 1.7 - 27
6 N Elumbium Nelumbo lotus flower (tuber) - 0.10 - - - 22
7 C anna edulis quo Flowers (tuber) 0 0.06 0.06 1.7 - 5

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There are also large amounts of minerals in our body composition. It is the main component of the danger and Atprkrk in response to certain
physiological functions. Bag of bones, teeth, bone, calcium and phosphorus are manufactured Tths. Iron is a component of blood and hormones part
of Aidin.
(A-1) of calcium action
Calcium is an essential element for many life processes. Bag of bones, teeth of calcium for building and maintenance is required. To activate the
body's organs, muscle shrinkage regularly, muscle shrinkage of Hnday reaching Hnday Gtishil to maintain, create blood clots to stop bleeding, Muscle
Institute regularly conduct operations.
(A-2) damage from lack of calcium
Lack of calcium to build bones would not do. May be weakened or deformity. Tooth decay and may contain bugs or may be hurting. Unemployment
in muscles (Tetani) may suffer.
(A-3) daily requirement
It is a gram daily requirement. Pregnant women, lactating mothers and children increases.
(A-4) The main source
Its main sources, milk, green vegetables, greens Mta, Ckod greens, tamarind leaf cypress greens, greens Sarala, (all dry) mole, Cigandi fish, crab,
etc. Gongi. Except rice and other cereals, such as Mduwa, millet. Further details are given other foods.
(B-1) Forsfors
The shift comes after calcium Forsfors principal elements. The usefulness of calcium depends largely on Forfors. Because calcium is a completely
different take hard work.
(B-2) daily requirement
The daily requirement is also connected to Forsfors. Calcium Forsfors ratio of 1:1 in children are common, but that is commonly 1.5 to 0.5 grams but
children, pregnant women and lactating mothers is a gram.
(B-3), the main source
Forsfors Mduwa the main source, the upper layer of rice (leper) Chudha, corn, greens Ckod, (both dry) pulses and legumes, oilseeds, crab, fish Cigdi
(dry) Gongi etc..
(C-1) can increase blood levels of iron in the red blood cells in the body to Rktalpta Ftkne it does not have the edge.
(C-2) decrease the effectiveness Pratiekul
Lack of iron in the body is subjected to Rktalpta the body, the body's strength wanes. The body appears white, low BP is occasionally also tends to
(C-3) daily requirement
The daily requirement of 20: Mr. grams.
(C-4) rich source of iron
The main sources of iron grains, pulses, green vegetables, sarguja oil, big black crab, Cigandi fish (dry) etc..
Further details are given other foods.
(D-1) Aidin
Aidin is also an essential element for the body. It falls on the effects of reduction gland gland.
Gland, the gland increases its reduction, which we call the esophagus. If a pregnant woman is lacking due to its adverse effects on the fetus when
the gland gland does. Mentally or physically disabled child becomes weak.
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(D-2) daily requirement
The daily requirement is Megagram 100-150.
(D-3), the main source
The main source Budu (Dndka fish or trap Mac) known as the small fish which floats on the water surface is tied herd.
One hundred grams eating foods low on the body, calcium, phosphorus or iron is obtained.
Cereals and cereal products
Order. Cereals and cereal products Calcium (mg Gramen) Forsfors
( Migramen)
( Migramen)
1 Mduwa Eleusine coracana, ragi, Kode 344 283 20.0
2 Oryza sativa (rice bran) Kodhon, Lupu 67 1410 35.0
3 - Same - puffed rice Kjadhi, Mudhi 23 150 6.6
4 - Same - & rice flake Ciudha 20 238 20.0
5 Panicum miliatium Bende 14 206 0.8
6 Sorghum bulgare corn, maize, Jondera 10 348 2.3

Leafy Vegetables
Order. Cereals and cereal products Calcium (mg Gramen) Forsfors
( Migramen)
( Migramen)
1 Altemanthera sessilis Gunderi greens, greens Grundi 510 60 1.63
2 Aaranthus gangeticus red, greens, reds greens, amaranth 397 83 3.49
3 Aaranthu spinous thorn greens, Jnum Sdhak, Jnum leper Ada 800 50 29.9
4 Aaranthu sp. Gandhari amaranth greens, lettuce greens 321 71 18.0
5 Aaranthu viridis lettuce, greens, greens Gandhari 330 52 18.7
6 Mta greens Antidesma diandrum 1717 80 -
7 Bauhinia purpurea Koinar greens, Sia Ada 312 92 -
8 Boerhavia diffusa sapra greens hog Pidi Kecho Ada 667 99 18.4
9 Brassica oleracea var botrytis flower Cobie (leaf) 626 107 40.0
10 Slgm Brassica rapa (leaves) 710 60 28.4
11 Cassica tora Ckonda greens, Ckonda (fresh) 520 39 12.4
12 - Same - same (dry) 3200 392 -
13 Colocasia antiquorum Pecki greens, cypress greens, Picki Ada (fresh) 227 82 10.0
14 - Same - same (dry) 1546 308 -
15 Gram Cicer arietinum greens, greens boot 340 120 23.8
16 Celosia argenfia ciliary greens, Sirgiti Ada 323 38 -
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17 Cleome viscosea greens Cramani 881 73 24.4
18 Cordial dichotoma (flower) Bunc, Lisodha Hemberom 1740 116 -
19 Dentella repens shoulder greens, Knta Ada 253 35 -
20 Lpomoea batatas Skrkanda greens, Sanga Ada 360 60 10.0
21 Polygonum plebijum Cimti greens, Mimosa Ada 194 48 -
22 Portulaca oleracea greens lentils, Golgola greens, purslane Dil Ada 111 45 14.8
23 Portulaca quadrifida large Lona, Uri Al, 148 25 52.2

No grain or made
Order. No grain or made Calcium (mg Gramen) Forsfors
( Migramen)
( Migramen)
24 Tamarind Tamarindus indica soft (fresh leaves) 101 140 0.30
25 - Same - Same (drys leaves) Plwa 1484 124 -
26 Sesbania grandiflora Agati August 1130 80 3.9
27 Moringa oleifera horseradish, Munga greens 440 70 0.85
28 Raphanus sativus greens, radishes, greens Muri 265 59 0.09
29 Sarla Vanueria spinosa greens, mowing greens (fresh) 127 51 -
30 - Same - same (dry) 1400 80 -

Order. Cereals and cereal products Calcium (mg Gramen) Forsfors
Other Vegetables
1 Solonum torvum Mrng Hnjed 390 180 22.2
Lentils and beans
1 Cicer arietinuim gram (Compounded) boot 202 312 4.6
2 Same - Same (DAL) 56 331 5.8
3 Same - Same (roasted) 154 385 3.8
4 Dolicos filforus horse gram, Kurthy, Hodec 287 311 6.77
5 Phaseolus calcaratus pulses Sutri 302 297 -
6 Vigna catjung Brbtty, Gangra, Budi Pundi 77 414 8.6
Giri and oilseeds
1 Guizotia abyssinica Surguja, gunja, Mga 300 224 56.7
2 Sesame Sesamum indicum, Tilmitr 1450 570 9.3
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1 Mangifera indica Amchur 180 16 45.2
Fish and meat
1 Carb (muscle) black crab, meat Diri Ktkom 1370 150 21.2
2 Carb crab (small) 1606 253 -
3 Chingri Cingdi fish Ica, Ichak air (dry) 3539 354 27.9
4 Chingri Cingdi large (dry) 3847 828 49.6
5 Snail little Gongi, Gungi, Rokonch 1321 147 -
6 Situwa nail, Situwa Gungi 870 116 -

About 54 percent of people in Jharkhand, are currently below the poverty line are predominantly tribal or rural areas. Therefore proper balanced diet or
unhappy would be meaningless to talk about. We have a shortage of milk, lack of animal-based food, greens - lack of vegetables where there is a
lack of purchasing power. This will cause the same problem of economic development. But locally available foods found in nature can be brought by
the decrease in the problem.
| | | + 9 1 | , | |,
11 | 7
1. P. E. M. (Protein, energy Malnyutrisn) that is generated by the lack of protein and energy malnutrition. Any disease due to a
decrease in brake power Dbocta is easily caught. Poshaharon lack of intelligence or both of these two bodies may not develop
properly. Both weak and retarded children may not develop properly. Children with mental retardation are vulnerable Anv. Diseases
such as measles or thin stools and also increases the problem.
2 Vitamin A deficiency
Reduction of its victims are mostly children. When the deficiency has adverse effects on eye health and vision power. At the time when therapy are
at risk of being blinded. Annually, approximately 20,000 children in India are blind due to vitamin A deficiency. P promote the reduction of EM.
3 iron or folic acid deficiency
Iron or folic acid deficiency in the body Rktalpta (Anomia) encourages. When people are the victims. But especially children and women, including
pregnant women are the most affected. 60-70: Women, its victims are common. When the victim, low blood pressure, Murchha, dizziness, etc. signs
are visible. In the breeding season increased number of child death or the death of mothers main causes of the lack of nutrition.

4 Lack of Aidin
Lack of Aidin is a major problem in mountainous areas. Aidin available in the soil, resulting in soil grain that meets our bodies. Aidin being soluble in
water, which dissolves in rainwater erosion due time becomes hilly region, the grain can not be assumed. Her younger Budu (Ddnka) fish are
In addition there are many whose needs nutrition to our body. Kmleks such as vitamin B, etc..
Nutritional elements in nature Aprupi Uplbdkady substances formerly been written yet about the resulting food, Cassia Tora, commonly known as Ckod,
Ckaunda, Ckramrd Tkara etc. are known. Maybe I have to discuss it again because it considers appropriate and villages rich in many properties is
readily available or can be easily grown. There is also a lack medicinal properties. Greens of the plant are eaten fresh or dried. But the drought is
more prevalent.
Ckod greens Poshhar element ( 100 grams consumed on the Ckod greens)
Ckod dry or fresh leaf is full of medicinal properties. It is also resistant to those diseases from eating her works of strength, which is used for
diseases. India's tribal eased at the latest, to boil, use the broken bone. Dry or fresh from the abdomen to remove the worm, Anpc, night blindness,
arthritis, stomach disorders, jaundice (Jondis), abdominal pain, wounds etc. with just a little rock salt are used as medicine.
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In Ayurveda the leaves herpes, leprosy and other skin diseases, diseases of the liver, stomach pumping (Afara), abdominal pain, Anpc, fever,
constipation, plaintiff Bawasir, cough, Bronkaitis, heart disease, etc., used in 's. Nevertheless, do not ask anything of this versatile plant properties. Is
to understand and eradicate weeds while the drug is formed between many types of skin diseases.
In Jharkhand and also to eat other foods are consumed in large quantities. Ranchi, Lohardaga, Gumla districts SIMDEGA weekly Haton is Mcti loot.
About the medicinal properties of these rural people know that it is not about nutrition. About this initiative should Insittichyut of National Nutrition. These
1. Centella asiatica - Brah - / Mandukparni / Bengsag or Kodagan
2. Rivea hypocrateriformis. Roomy greens / Kedok Adk / Hrlu Ada / Hrlu greens
3. Limnophila conferta. Mucri greens
4. Ficus infectoria. Putl / find
5. Limnophila gratiloides-. Ada Losod
Nutritional ingredients of other foods used by tribals (Overview)
Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
in grams
Kilkal In
min. G
Min. In grams
Iron min.
In grams
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Pennisetum typhoideum Tuti 11.6 5.0 2.3 67.5 361 42 296 8.0
2. Barley Hordeum vulgare 11.5 1.3 1.2 69.6 336 26 215 1.67
3. Setaria italic Irba 12.3 4.3 3.3 60.9 331 31 290 2.8
4. Zea mays corn, Jonear (fresh corn) 4.7 0.9 0.8 24.6 125 9 121 1.1
Leafy Sbijya
1 Agate grandiflora August / Agati 8.4 1.4 3.1 11.8 93 11:30 80 3.9
2 maranthusgangeticse red green / red lettuce,
green / red Gandhari greens (soft)
4.0 0.5 2.7 6.1 45 397 83 3.49
3 Same - (Dnti) 0.9 0.1 1.8 3.5 19 260 30 1.8
4 Amaranthus spinosus greens fork / fork
Gndhari / Jnum leper Ada
3.0 0.3 3.6 7.0 43 800 50 22.9
5 Amaranthus viridis Gandhari greens /
vegetables, greens leper Ada
5.2 0.3 2.8 3.8 38 330 52 18.7
6 Rumex vesicarius's Greens / Ckua Ada 1.6 0.3 2.9 1.4 15 63 17 0.75
7 Chenopodium album bathua greens / Btuwa
greens / Btua Ada
37 0.4 2.6 2.9 30 150 80 4.2

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Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
in grams
Kilkal In
min. G
Min. In grams
Iron min.
In grams
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8 Beta vulgaris Red / Ara Slgm 3.4 0.8 2.2 6.5 46 380 30 16.2
9 Cicer arietinum chickpea greens / boot Ada 7.0 1.4 2.1 14.1 97 340 120 23.8
10 Piper betles betel leaf 3.1 0.8 2.3 6.1 44 230 40 10.4
11 Lagenaria vulgaris Kddu / gourd greens 2.3 0.7 1.7 6.1 39 80 59 -
12 Tied cabbage Brassica loeacca var capitata / Potem Kubi 1.8 0.1 0.6 4.6 27 39 44 0.8
13 Daucus carota carrot greens / carrot Ada 5.1 0.5 2.8 13.1 77 340 110 8.8
14 Brassica loeacca var capitata flower Cobie / shedding
Kubi Ada
5.9 1.3 3.2 7.6 66 626 107 40.0
15 Apium graveloens var dulece (leaves), celery / greens
6.3 0.6 2.1 1.6 37 230 140 6.3
16 - Do. Himself - (Dnti) 0.8 0.1 0.9 3.5 18 30 38 4.8
17 Colocasia antiquorum Kchchusag / Cypress Greens /
Pecgi leaf / Kchu Cypress Ada (Black)
6.8 2.0 2.5 8.1 77 460 125 0.98
18 Colocasia antiquorum Kchchusag / Cypress Greens /
Pecgi leaf / Kchu Cypress Ada (green one)
3.9 1.5 2.2 6.8 56 227 82 10.0
19 Colocasia antiquorum Kchchusag / Cypress Greens /
Pecgi leaf / Kchu Cypress Ada (dry leaf)
13.7 5.9 12.8 42.3 277 1546 308 -

Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
in grams
Kilkal In
Procedures min.
Min. In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
20 Coriandrum sativum 'Coriander leaves 3.3 0.6 2.3 6.3 44 184 71 1.42
21 Vigna catjung leaf skirt / Brbtty leaf / Pundi Rmbr
/ Budi Ada
3.4 0.7 1.6 4.1 38 290 58 20.1
22 Kri Maurraya koenigii leaf / sweet neem 6.1 1.0 4.0 18.7 108 830 57 0.93
23 Moringa oleifera Munga greens / horseradish
greens / Munga Ada
6.7 1.7 2.3 12.6 92 440 70 0.85
24 Fenugreek Trigonella foenum greens 4.4 0.9 1.5 6.0 59 395 51 1.93
25 Cassia tora Ckod greens / Ckondha Ada (fresh) 5.0 0.8 1.7 5.5 49 520 39 12.4
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26 do-what - (drained) 20.7 3.9 11.8 43.5 292 3200 292 -
27 Cress Lepidium sativum greens / Cnchur Ada 5.8 1.0 2.2 8.7 67 360 110 28.6
28 Hibiscus cannabinus Forest jack / raft Sanga /
Husugid Sanga
1.7 1.1 9.9 56 172 40 2.28
29 Impomoea (reptans) acqyatica Krmi greens /
grafted greens / Krmi Ada (greens)
2.9 0.4 2.1 3.1 28 110 46 3.9
30 Impomoea (reptans) acqyatica Krmi greens /
grafted greens / Krmi Ada (Dnti)
0.9 0.2 1.8 3.4 19 80 30 0.8
31 Kobe Getia leaf Brassica obracea var caulorapa 3.5 0.4 1.2 6.4 43 740 50 13.3

Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
in grams
Kilkal In
Procedures min.
Min. In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
32 Acalypha indica Kuppameni / flask greens 6.7 1.4 3.1 6.0 64 667 99 17.3
33 Lactuca sativa lettuce / Hda Panjra 2.1 0.3 1.2 2.5 21 50 28 24
34 Soloanum nigrum McCoy / Hudia Hnjed,
Kutumba (leaf)
5.9 1.0 2.1 8.9 68 410 70 20.5
35 Basela rubra Red Poi greens / Porai greens /
Botoa Cnchora Ada Utu Uda
2.8 0.4 1.8 4.2 32 200 35 10.0
36 Peppermint Menthe spicata 4.8 0.6 1.9 5.8 48 200 62 15.6
37 Cardios pemum halicacabum Knfuti greens /
Merom fattening Ndi Ada
4.7 0.6 1.6 3.2 34 155 26 16.3
38 Boerthavia diffuse hog / Gdpurna Bidi Kecho
Ada / Ohoc Adhak
6.1 0.9 1.3 7.2 61 667 99 18.4
39 Mustard greens Brassica campestris / Mani Ada /
/ kicking around the greens
4.0 0.6 1.6 3.2 34 155 26 16.3
40 Tribulus terrestris greens Bunions 7.2 0.5 4.6 8.6 68 1550 82 9.2
41 Portulaca oleracea greens round ball / Dil Ada /
Little Lon greens
2.4 0.6 2.3 2.9 27 111 45 14.8
42 Alternanthera sessilis Sranti greens / Grundi
greens / Grundi Ada
5.0 0.7 2.5 11.6 73 510 60 1.63
43 Gourds Cucurbita maxima / Kohdha greens /
Kkaru Ada
4.6 0.8 2.7 7.9 57 392 112 -
44 Raphanus sativus Mula / radishes greens / Morai
greens / Murai Ada (leaves)
3.8 0.4 1.6 2.4 28 265 59 0.09

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Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
in grams
Kilkal In
Procedures min.
Phospholipid. Min.
In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
45 Safflower Carthamus tinctorius greens
2.5 0.6 1.3 4.5 33 185 35 5.7
46 Peucedanum graveolens fennel greens 3.0 0.5 2.2 5.2 37 190 42 17.4
47 Spinach Spinacia oleracea greens (leaves)
Palanka / Cramani Ada
2.0 0.7 1.7 2.9 26 73 21 1.14
48 Tamitrindus indica Tamarind / soft leaf
5.8 2.1 1.5 18.2 115 101 140 0.30
49 Tamitrindus indica Tamarind / soft leaf (dry)
8.6 3.0 - 60.9 305 1485 124 -
50 Marsilea minuta Susni greens / Ctom Ada 3.7 1.4 2.1 4.6 46 53 91 -
51 Brassica ropa leaf Slgm 4.0 1.5 2.2 9.4 67 710 60 28.4

Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
Carbohaidred in
Kilkal In
Kailsh. Procedures
min. G
Phospholipid. Min.
In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
He fought and tubers (roots)
1 Slgm Brassica rapa (tuber) 0.5 0.2 0.6 6.2 29 30 40 0.4
2 Maranta arundinacea Tikur 0.2 0.1 0.1 83.1 334 10 20 1.0
3 Musa paradisciaca banana, plantain,
Bridges (tuber)
0.4 0.2 1.4 11.8 51 25 10 1.1
4 Beta vulgaris Red Slgm 1.7 0.1 0.8 8.8 43 18.3 55 1.19
5 Daucus carota (carrot loaf) 0.9 0.2 1.1 10.6 48 80 530 1.03
6 Colocasia antiquorum Kuchu / on /
Picki (tuber)
3.0 0.1 1.7 21.1 97 40 140 0.42
7 Diosoorea alata Aru milkman 1.3 0.1 0.8 18.1 79 16 31 0.5
8 Common Turmeric Curcuma amada 1.1 0.7 1.4 10.5 53 25 90 2.6
9 Alium cepa Onion 1.2 0.1 0.4 11.1 50 46.9 50 0.60
10 Potato Solanum tuberosum 1.6 0.1 0.6 22.6 97 10 40 0.48
11 Raphanus sativus radishes / Muri /
Mula (red bulb)
0.6 0.3 0.9 6.8 32 50 20 0.37
12 Lpomoea batatas tubers sugar 1.2 0.3 1.0 28.2 120 46 50 0.21
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13 Topio Monihot esculenta - Sanga of
0.7 0.2 1.0 38.1 157 50 40 0.9
14 -Do-what - (chips) 1.3 0.3 2.0 86.6 338 91 70 3.6
15 Brassica rapa yly Slgm (tuber) 0.5 0.2 0.6 6.2 29 30 40 0.4
16 Amorphophllus CoS / Hda Pinda 1.2 0.1 0.8 18.4 79 50 34 0.6
17 Typhonium trilobatum Nirvis, Ckd 1.4 0.1 1.6 26.0 111 35 20 1.19
18 Dioscorea versicolor potato / pork
2.5 0.3 1.4 24.4 110 20 74 1.0

Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
in grams
Kilkal In
Procedures min.
Phospholipid. Min.
In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Other Vegetables
1 Benincasa cerifera melon / Racas
Kohdha / Pandeya Kkru
0.4 0.1 0.3 1.9 10 30 20 0.8
2 Momordica chaarantia Kraila / Krla /
(large fruit)
1.6 0.2 0.8 4.2 25 20 70 0.61
3 Momordica chaarantia Kraila / Krla /
(small fruit)
2.1 1.0 1.4 10.6 60 21 18 2.0
4 Legenaria vulgairs Kddu / gourd / Sucu 0.2 0.1 0.5 2.5 12 20 10 0.46
5 Eggplant Solanum melongena / Bengd 1.4 0.3 0.3 4.0 24 18 47 0.38
6 Kobe Brassica oleracea var botrytis
flower (flowers)
2.6 0.4 1.0 4.0 30 33 57 1.23
7 Colocasia antiquourm Cypress / Kchu /
Picki Dnti
0.3 0.3 1.2 3.6 18 60 20 0.5
8 Cusumis sativus cucumber / Tyr 0.4 0.1 0.3 2.5 13 10 25 0.60
9 Vigna catjung Gangra Bodi (green fruit) 3.5 0.2 0.9 8.1 48 72 59 2.5
10 Moringa oleifera Horseradish / Munga
(fruit) Suti
2.5 0.1 2.0 3.7 26 30 110 0.18
11 Moringa oleifera Horseradish / Munga
3.6 0.8 1.3 7.1 50 51 90 -
12 Dolichos lablab Sembi / Mlhn (soft fruit) 3.8 0.7 0.9 6.7 48 216 68 0.83
13 Ficus cunia Poto Dumr (ripe fruit) 1.2 0.6 1.6 10.8 53 187 39 -
14 French bean Phaseolus vulgaris soft fruit1.7 0.1 0.5 4.5 26 50 28 0.64
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/ Ote Mlan / Frsbin
15 Luffa cylindrical Gongra Pror (fruit) 1.2 0.2 0.5 2.9 18 36 19 1.1
16 Artocarpus heterophydksey fruit - Kntd
2.6 0.3 0.9 9.4 51 30 40 1.7

Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
in grams
Kilkal In
Procedures min.
Phospholipid. Min.
In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
17 Jackfruit Artocarpus heterophy, Kntd (seed) 6.6 0.4 1.2 25.8 133 50 97 1.5
18 Momordica dioica Keksa / birr Krla / Hochon
0.6 0.1 0.9 6.4 29 27 38 -
19 Carissa spinarum Knauda (fruit) Gdasur (Fresh) 1.1 2.9 0.6 2.9 42 21 28 -
20 Carissa spinarum Knauda (fruit) Gdasur (Fresh) 2.3 9.6 2.8 67.1 364 160 60 39.1
21 Coccinia cordifolia Kunderi 1.2 0.1 0.5 3.1 18 40 30 0.38
22 Kobe Getia Brassica oleracea var Loaf 1.1 0.2 0.7 3.8 21 20 35 1.54
23 Abelmoschus esculentus bhendi / Bedwa 1.9 0.2 0.7 6.4 35 66 56 0.35
24 Gta Nelumfium nilumfo lotus / WU Ba / Slukid
Ba / Kombol Ba (Dnti)
4.1 1.3 8.7 51.4 234 405 128 60.6
25 Mango Mangifera indica, Uli / UL (green fruit) 0.7 0.1 0.4 10.1 44 10 19 0.33
26 Onion Allium cepa (Dnti) 0.9 0.2 0.8 8.9 41 50 50 7.43
27 Carica papoya Pbita / Papaya (green fruit) 0.7 0.2 0.53 5.7 27 28 40 0.9
28 Trichosanthes dioica board / parval / (fruit) 2.0 0.3 0.5 2.2 20 30 40 1.7
29 Banana Musa sapientum / Kara / Bridges /
Amberit Keira (fruit)
1.7 0.7 1.3 5.1 34 32 42 1.6
30 Banana Musa sapientum / Kara / Bridges /
Amberit Keira (green fruit)
1.4 0.2 0.5 14.0 64 10 29 6.27
31 Banana Musa sapientum / Kara / Bridges /
Amberit Keira (trunk / torso)
0.5 0.1 0.6 9.7 42 10 10 1.1
32 Cucurbita maxima Kohdha / Kkru (fruit) 1.4 0.1 0.6 4.6 25 10 50 0.44

Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
Carbohaidred in
Kilkal In
Procedures min.
Phospholipid. Min.
In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
33 Cucurbita maxima Kohdha / Kkru
2.2 0.8 1.4 5.8 39 120 60 -
34 Luffa angustifolia luffa / Torai (fruit) 0.5 0.1 0.3 3.4 17 18 26 39
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35 Trichosanthes anguina Ccinda / Katha
0.5 0.3 0.5 3.3 18 26 20 1.51
36 Canavalia gladiatea Tihon, Piyun (fruit) 2.7 0.2 0.6 7.8 44 60 40 2.0
37 Citrullus vulgaris Trbhuj / Jitivha / Tinda
1.4 0.2 0.5 3.4 21 25 24 0.9
38 Trapa bispinosa water, fruit / water
chestnut (dry)
4.7 0.3 1.1 23.3 115 20 150 1.35
40 Lycorpersicon esulentum tomato / Vilaiti
1.9 0.1 0.6 3.6 23 20 36 1.8
41 Arto carpus lakoocha monkey fruit / Du
/ Dhu (unripe fruit)
1.6 1.2 1.1 13.9 73 67 25 -

Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
Carbohaidred in
Kilkal In
Kailsh. Procedures
min. G
Phospholipid. Min.
In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Spondias mangifera Amdha / Ambdu
0.7 3.0 0.5 4.5 48 36 11 3.9
2 Amla Phyllanthus emblica / Merl
0.5 0.1 0.5 13.7 58 50 20 1.2
3 Save Malus sylvestris (fruit) 0.2 0.5 0.3 13.4 59 10 14 0.66
4 Aegle marmelos Bnl / Lora Jhari /
Sinju (fruit)
1.8 0.3 1.7 31.8 137 85 50 0.6
5 Banana Musa paradisiacal / Kara /
Bridges (ripe fruit)
1.2 0.3 0.8 27.2 116 17 36 0.36
6 Banyan Ficus bengalensis / fig / fig /
Bri (fruit)
1.7 2.0 1.9 11.8 72 364 43 -

Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
Carbohaidred in
Kilkal In
Kailsh. Procedures
min. G
Phospholipid. Min.
In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7 Annona reticulate Rampal / Ngnewa
1.4 0.2 0.7 15.7 70 10 10 0.6
8 Physalis peruviana raspberry / Chutu
Bodej (fruit)
1.8 0.2 0.8 11.1 53 10 67 2.0
9 Anacardium occidentale Kaju / Ote rye 0.2 0.1 0.2 12.3 51 10 10 0.2
10 Ficus racemosa Sycamore / Dumr / 1.3 0.2 0.6 7.6 37 80 30 1.0
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Lowe / Dumri
11 Vitis vinifera grapes (seedless) 1.0 0.1 0.4 10.0 45 30 30 0.2
12 Psidium guajava guava / Amsapori /
Lmbers (fruit)
0.9 0.3 0.7 11.2 51 10 28 0.27
13 Jackfruit Artocarpus heterophllus / Kntd
(ripe fruit)
1.9 0.1 0.9 19.8 88 20 41 0.56
14 Syzgium cuminii berries / deuce /
0.7 0.3 0.4 14.0 62 15 15 0.43
15 Pithacellobium dulce Forest jalebi / birr
jalebi (fruit)
2.7 0.4 0.7 16.0 78 14 49 1.0
16 Artocarpus lakoocha Dhu / monkey
fruit / Du (ripe fruit)
0.7 1.1 0.8 13.3 66 50 20 0.5
17 Citrus limon big Nimbu / Mrng Limbu 1.0 0.9 0.3 11.1 57 70 10 0.26
18 Nephelium litchi lychee 1.1 0.2 0.5 13.6 61 10 35 0.7
19 Citrus medica paper lemon / Kgdi Nibu1.5 1.0 0.7 10.9 59 90 20 0.3
20 Mahua Madhuca latifolia / Mdukm (ripe
1.4 1.6 0.7 22.7 111 45 22 0.23
21 Mangifera indica Common / UL / Uli
(ripe fruit)
0.6 0.4 0.4 16.9 74 14 16 1.3

Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
Carbohaidred in
Kilkal In
Kailsh. Procedures
min. G
Phospholipid. Min.
In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
22 Cucumis melo Krbuj / Krbuja 0.3 0.2 0.4 3.5 17 32 14 1.4
23 Cilrullus ulgaris melon / Trbhuja 0.2 0.2 0.3 3.3 16 11 12 7.9
24 Morus species Tunt 1.1 0.4 0.6 10.3 49 70 30 2.3
25 Citrus aurantium orange (fruit) 0.7 0.2 0.3 10.9 48 26 20 0.32
26 Citrus aurantium orange (fruit) juice 0.2 0.1 0.1 1.9 9 5 9 0.7
27 Palm Borassus flabellifer (ripe fruit) 0.7 0.2 0.7 20.7 87 9 33 -
28 Palm Borassus flabellifer (soft raw
0.6 0.1 0.2 6.5 29 10 20 0.5
29 Carica papaya Papaya / Papaya /
Pbita / (ripe fruit)
0.6 0.1 0.5 7.2 32 17 13 0.5
30 Amygdalis persica peach! 1.2 0.3 0.8 10.5 50 15 41 2.4
31 Prunus persica Nashpti 0.6 0.2 0.3 11.9 52 8 15 0.5
32 Grewia asiatica Flsa 1.3 0.9 1.1 14.7 72 129 29 3.1
33 Ananas comosus 0.4 0.1 0.4 10.8 46 20 9 2.42
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Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
in grams
Kilkal In
Procedures min.
Phospholipid. Min.
In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
34 Pomegranate Punica granatum 1.6 0.1 0.7 14.5 65 10 70 1.79
35 Citrus maxima Dmba 0.6 0.1 0.5 10.2 44 30 30 0.3
36 Vitis vinifera Kismis / Grapes 1.8 0.3 2.0 74.6 308 87 80 7.7
37 Achras sapota Speta / Ciku 0.7 1.1 0.5 21.4 98 28 27 1.25
38 Annona squamosa Srifa, pumpkin, Srupa,
Neva (fruit)
1.6 0.4 0.9 23.5 104 17 47 4.31
39 Tomato Lycopersicon esculentum /
Golbhata / Bilaiti (fruit)
0.9 0.2 0.5 3.6 20 48 20 0.64
40 Limoonia acidissima kenth / wood / Willid
7.1 3.7 1.9 18.1 134 130 110 0.48
41 Zizy phus mauritiana berry / Jom Jmun /
Jnum Peta Dodadi
0.8 0.3 0.3 17.0 74 4 9 0.50
42 Citrus sinensis seasonal / Mosambi 0.8 0.3 0.7 9.3 43 40 30 0.7

Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
Carbohaidred in
Kilkal In
Procedures min.
Phospholipid. Min.
In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(Sugar) Sugar
1 Sugarcane Saccharum offcinarum / Kturi
/ Koseyar the sugar
0.1 0 0.1 99.4 398 12 1 0.155
2 Honey 0.3 0 0.2 79.5 319 5 16 0.696
3 Molasses (sugar cane) 0.4 0.1 0.6 95.0 383 80 40 2.64
4 Gur (date palm) 1.5 0.3 2.6 86.1 353 363 62 -
5 Jaggery (palm) 1.0 0.1 1.8 98.5 395 225 44 -
6 Mandy (Hdia) of Assam 3.0 1.8 0.6 5.8 51 12 100 4.5
7 Toddy (liquor) 0.1 0.3 0.2 1.8 38 - - -
8 Toddy (sweet) 0.1 0.3 0.7 14.3 59 150 10 0.3
9 Neera (palm, sweet) (drug-free) 0.4 - 0.5 10.9 45 0 140 0.1
10 Cane juice (drug-free) 0.1 0.2 0.4 9.1 39 10 10 0.1
11 Sago 0.2 0.2 0.3 87.1 351 10 10 1.3
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Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
in grams
Kilkal In
Procedures min.
Phospholipid. Min.
In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Miscellaneous foods (which are not very

1 Bamboo Bambusa arundinacea / Ktgdi item
13.1 1.2 1.1 75.9 367 37 162 64
2 Mucuna capitata white Kursa (Satu) 28.2 7.0 1.7 55.6 398 188 211 -
3 Coix lachrymal jobi Snku / Hodea 17.5 6.0 1.8 63.4 378 21 408 4.2
4 Phaseolus calcarius pulses Saturi 21.5 0.3 3.5 60.9 332 3.2 297 -
5 Bamboo Bambusa arundinacea will either 3.9 0.5 1.1 5.7 43 20 65 0.1
6 Polygonum plebijum Cimti greens /
Mimosa Ada
3.3 0.7 3.9 6.9 46 194 48 -
7 Dentella repens Kntha Adhak 1.9 0.5 2.3 3.0 24 253 35 -
8 Commelina benghalensis greens, Md Ada
Undupu Ada
2.1 0.4 2.0 2.5 22 100 50 -
9 Lathyrus sativus Kesari greens (leaves) 6.1 1.0 1.1 5.5 55 160 100 7.3
10 Bauhinia purpurea Koanar greens / Kondra
greens / Sia Ada
3.6 1.0 2.1 9.7 62 312 92 -
11 Bauhinia malabarica Ada 6.1 0.7 1.5 9.0 67 112 122 12.1
12 Antidesma acidum Amti greens / Mta
7.2 4.8 9.5 57.8 303 1717 80 -
13 Azadriachta indica Neem leaf (ready) 7.1 1.0 3.4 22.9 129 510 80 17.1
14 Azadriachta indica Neem leaf (soft) 11.6 3.0 2.6 21.2 158 130 190 25.3

Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
in grams
Kilkal In
Procedures min.
Min. In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Miscellaneous foods (which are not very common)
15 Euphorbia hitra Duidw / Pusi Tob / dug Sia
4.7 1.7 3.2 12.3 83 546 106 21.2
16 Purslane Portulaca species Greens / Golgola
greens / Dil Ada / Lona greens
1.7 0.4 1.8 7.9 42 148 25 58.2
17 Corchorus capsularis jute greens / Chenc greens
/ Ktu Lrita
5.1 1.1 2.7 8.1 63 241 93 -
18 Trichosanthes dioica parval / Table greens (leaf) 5.4 1.1 3.0 5.8 55 531 73 -
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19 Solanum tuberosum potato greens 4.4 0.9 1.8 3.6 40 120 50 -
20 Corchorus actangulus Krijiri greens / leaf Pidi Tiju
6.1 0.7 2.5 10.1 71 250 38 35.7
21 Vits quadrangularis Hdkankn / Hdjodha 1.2 0.3 2.0 7.3 37 650 50 2.1
22 Sarla Meyna spinosa greens / Sserali Ada / Kti
4.0 1.1 1.6 14.9 86 127 51 -
23 Altemanthera species greens Grundi 3.3 0.8 2.7 7.5 50 322 29 16.8
24 Celosia argentis Sirgiti Ada / Siliari greens 2.0 0.7 2.0 5.8 38 323 38 -
25 Greens soya Glycine maxmerr 6.0 0.5 3.2 10.8 72 180 190 8.0
26 Lpomoea batatas Skrkand greens (fresh) Sanga
4.2 0.8 2.2 9.7 63 360 60 10.0
27 Cleome viscosa Hurhura greens / Mr
5.6 1.9 3.8 8.3 73 881 73 24.4

Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
in grams
Kilkal In
Procedures min.
Phospholipid. Min.
In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The original bulb
1 Scripus grossus Mr Kesari / Jit Kesari 2.1 0.3 1.1 47.9 203 11 133 -
2 Cypress Mr Dioscorea hamiltoni 1.8 0.2 1.0 28.8 124 52 49 -
3 Dioscorea glabra Sanga Onotong 1.6 0.1 0.6 12.8 59 19 38 -
4 Sanga Apedong Peucedanumn nagpurense 2.2 0.2 1.6 1.7 17 277 59 -
5 Habenaria cammelinifolia Jipo Sanga / Mr
Sodom Lochkor ba
0.6 0.1 0.2 4.6 22 11 7 -
6 Nelumbium nelumbo lotus / WU Ba / (root) 1.7 0.1 0.2 11.3 53 21 74 0.4
7 Butea monosperma Palash / Murud Sanga /
Dhak (tuber)
2.1 0.3 0.6 50.0 211 25 21 -
8 Dioscorea spinosa with Mrum 1.4 0.1 0.6 14.7 65 24 24 -
9 Dioscorea pentaphylla Sanga / Hsear Sanga /
Onotong Sanga
2.9 0.3 0.8 15.5 76 25 53 -
10 Curculigo orchioides muesli, rhythm radishes /
Turm Sanga / Dinda Kita
1.9 0.4 1.7 28.0 123 342 19 -
11 Agate grandiflora August / Agati (Flowers) 1.0 0.5 0.4 4.4 26 9 5 -
12 Capparis horrid Rudanti created / Mani Jnum
6.1 3.8 2.0 11.5 105 64 81 -
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13 Gardenia gummifera Burudi / Burui (raw) 1.5 0.2 0.8 14.1 64 30 18 -
14 Dillinia indica Flowering brassica 0.8 0.2 0.8 13.4 59 16 26 -

Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
in grams
Kilkal In
Procedures min.
Phospholipid. Min.
In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The original bulb
15 Solanim surratense stretched Kateri / Kantkri /
solanum nigrum / Rngani
3.8 0.8 1.6 4.8 39 100 90 1.2
16 Lycoperdon species Futka / Putkui / Rugdha 3.9 0.4 0.9 14.1 75 16 73 -
17 Mushroom Mushroom / chest / ud (tetanus) 3.1 0.8 1.4 4.3 43 6 110 1.5
18 Cordial dichotoma Lisodha / Bunc (Flowers) 4.7 0.5 2.6 9.3 61 1740 116 -
19 Crotalaria juncea Flowers Jidi ba sunn 4.8 0.6 1.4 10.4 66 200 100 -
20 Bombax ceiba Seml / Adel (Flowers) 1.5 0.3 0.7 9.5 47 22 45 -

Other miscellaneous foods
Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
Carbohaidred in
Kilkal In
Procedures min.
Phospholipid. Min.
In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Bauhinia vahlii Cihod / Mhulan / Gungu
27.3 29.9 3.6 28.6 493 302 718 6.8
2 Common kernels of Mangifera indica
kernel / Kuyu / Kuhu
2.6 4.2 1.4 35.9 192 40 110 0.7
3 Semecarpus anacardium Belwa (kernel) /
Soso Seeds (anal)
26.4 36.4 3.6 28.4 587 295 836 6.1
4 Merele Flacourtia indica (fruit) 1.7 1.8 1.3 22.7 114 100 100 -
5 Gardenia gummifera Burui / Burudi (fruit) 2.0 0.3 1.3 17.6 81 68 64 -
6 Diospyros embryopteris buried kendu
1.4 0.1 0.8 26.6 113 58 27 -

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Sl. Name of foods Protein in
Fat in
in grams
Kilkal In
Procedures min.
Phospholipid. Min.
In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7 Shleichera oliosa face to flower (fruit) 1.5 0.8 1.0 9. 53 15 42 -
8 Antidesma ghesaembilla Mtasura (fruit) 1.9 1.0 1.1 10.6 59 138 28 -
9 Mimusops elengi Mulsri / Bur (fruit) 1.8 1.0 2.3 35.9 160 212 30 -
10 Neem Azadirachta indica (fruit) 1.3 1.0 0.7 15.1 75 25 41 -
11 Cordial dichotoma Lisodha / Booch /
Hemberom (fruit)
1.8 1.0 2.2 12.2 65 40 60 -
12 Flacourtia cataphracta Merle (fruit) 0.5 0.1 0.8 19.9 83 43 25 -
13 Gardenia latifolia father / Ppdha (fruit) 3.7 3.1 1.9 34.9 182 24 91 -
14 Randdia uliginosa Pindra / Perar / Tholko
1.0 0.2 0.7 12.5 56 33 13 -
15 Ficus religiosa People Tepl Hesa (fruit) 2.5 1.7 2.3 21.2 110 289 89 -
16 Buchanaia latifolia Peyar / Piar / Trob (fruit) 2.2 0.8 1.7 19.5 94 78 28 -
17 Zizyphus rugosa vinegar Dru (Dru) 3.2 1.3 2.0 33.3 158 270 94 -
18 Diospyros Montana Ptmuna / Mauna Kea /
Skm Hdha / Gda Tiril (fruit)
0.8 0.2 0.8 26.8 112 60 20 0.5
19 Boordood Upia / presence (limbed termites) 49.3 44.5 4.1 - 598 48 457 -
20 Ranatigrina big frog / Brunda Choke (thigh) 19.6 0.4 1.0 - 82 10 176 -

Sl. Neither village of foods Protein in
Fat in
Carbohaidred in
Kilkal In
Procedures min.
Phospholipid. Min.
In grams
Iron min. In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
21 Field Tnj Chauria / gudu / wild Musa /
gudu (meat)
23.6 1.0 1.4 0.1 104 30 242 -
22 Gangeticus gemlin clock / But (but) 20.6 0.4 1.3 0.3 87 13 162 -
23 Red ant / Demut / Demta / Hau (Egg
13.4 4.6 1.3 9.1 131 104 107 -
24 Tringa galareola red shank (meat) 22.9 2.1 1.4 1.5 117 8 300 -
25 Terula saccharomyces yeast 35.7 1.8 8.4 46.3 344 160 2090 -
26 Tamarind Tamarindus indica seeds
(roasted) JoJo corrosion
16.1 7.3 1.6 64.1 387 121 237 -

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Nutritional ingredients of other foods used by tribals (Overview)

Group Class Bodily
that energy.
Fat in
Retinal Thiyomin
min. G.
min. G.
acid. G.
min. In kg
Mr. Sid
G. In
Retinal Beta-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Men Sat heavy
work normal

60 20 400 28 600 2400 1.2


100 1
WomanSat heavy
work normal


400 30 600 2400 0.9





50 +300 +15 30 1000 38 600 2400 +0.2 +0.2 +2 2.5 40 400 1

Group Class Bodily
that energy.
Fat in
Retinal Thiyomin
min. G.
min. G.
acid. G. In
min. In kg
Mr. Sid
G. In
In folic
Retinal Beta-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
50 +500
45 1000 30 950 3800 -0.3
2.5 80 150 1.5
Infant 6
108 / week
98 / week
205 /
In 55. G.
The 50.
In 65. G.
The 50.
710 / ha.
650 / ha.




Children 1-3



Boy Girl 10-12
2190 1970 54 57 22 600 34 19 600 2400 1.1 1.0 1.3
15 13 1.6 40 70 2.0 to
6/8/2014 Foods and their nutritional value - Vicaspeedia 41/44

Boy Girl 13-15

2450 2060 70 65 22, 600 41 28 600 2400 1.2
2.0 40 100 2.0 to
Boy Girl 16-18
2640 2060 78 63 22, 500, 50
2.0 40 100 2.0 to

Generally speaking, it is then divided into five groups of food.
1 - grain group and glassware - such as rice, wheat, Mduwa, millet (Sisua), corn, sorghum, barley, flour Ciudha, etc.. The All food energy, protein,
invisible fat (fat), vitamin B1, folic acid, iron and fiber commonly occur.
2 - Pulses groups - such as gram, urad, moong, tur Mansour (whole or lentils) Brtty (Chaula / cowpea) Rajmah, peas, soya etc. The All food
energy, protein, invisible fat, vitamins B1, vitamin B2, folic acid, iron and calcium are found in ordinary fiber.
3 - milk and meat groups - a) was skim yogurt, milk, cheese. Vitamin B2, calcium and iron in these foods and fibers are commonly found. B) meat
- chicken, guava, liver, fish, egg, meat etc.. Substances, protein, fat and vitamin B2 commonly occur.
Fruits and Vegetables
A) fruits - mango, guava, tomato, ripe papaya, oranges, watermelon, sweet lime, etc.. Karatin these foods, vitamin C, and fiber are commonly found.
B) Green leafy vegetables - Gandhari (greens), spinach, fleet Sanga (one jack) Drumstick (Munga) coriander leaves, mustard greens, Menthi greens
etc. These foods invisible fat, carotene, vitamin B2, folic acid, iron and fiber commonly occur.
4 - c) Other vegetables - such as carrots, eggplants bhendi, Bhondey Mircha, beans, onions, Soti (Munga) cauliflower etc. Sekaratin common to these
foods, vitamin C, and fiber are found.
5 - fats, sugars Anv -
A) fat, butter, ghee, planted oil, cooking oil come in handy, such as - groundnut oil, mustard oil, coconut oil etc.. Generally, the energy of these
foods, fats, fatty acids are found Sensiyl.
B) sugar - sugar and molasses is commonly found energy.
(Exchange) system Priwartn foods.
Vitamin B12
Folic acid Vitamin B12 deficiency causes malnutrition cells. Its deficiency leads to fatal Rktalpta. Central nervous institution to function properly and its
daily requirement for folic acid metabolism is almost a mega gram.
| 12 | 0 q | 0
Order 0 Types of foods Food items Get B12
1 Fish Mirga 1.4 Mega Garam
2 In liver Sheep Garam 91.9
3 Meat Wether the 2.6 Mega Garam
4 Meat Buffo 1.7 Mega Garam
5 Egg Hen the (total) 1.8 Mega Garam
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6 Egg Chicken (plain part) 0.2 Mega Garam
7 Egg Chicken (yellow part) 4.4 Mega Garam
8 Meat Of common drinking house 2.8 Mega Garam

Order 0 Types of foods Food items Get B12
9 Liver Of indica 90.4 Mega Garam
10 Milk Buffo 0.14 Mega Garam
11 Milk Cow 0.14 Mega Garam
12 Milk Goat 0.05 Mega Garam
13 Milk Human 0.02 Mega Garam
14 Milk Buffo 0.10 Mega Garam
15 Milk Cow 0.13 Mega Garam
16 Powdered milk (sour cream chopped) Uncut cream 0.83 Mega Garam

Keep these things in mind, therefore,
1 - Rktaplta ie lack of blood in the body, iron or folic acid or vitamin B12 deficiency may be one.
2 - You have to be of fiber in the diet. Will not let the food digest pile of feces or excrement special assistant to carry out the rescue from
constipation. Digestive path that stimulates muscle meat. Whdantr cancer constipation and promotes its reduction.
3 - countryman, that they are not suffering from inferiority house or village or farms, forests, ravines or naturally occurring monthly or eat wild greens,
known as. It is a boon to human nature and pure food is provided. It is neither chemical fertilizers nor pesticides and pharmaceutical. Sarla greens
greens and roomy so do not Ftkne early age. Therefore, in English ri - Jubineting plant is called. Bang greens ranging from minor itching how to
leprosy and skin diseases, Hemacha greens, greens bag etc for stomach ailments.
Is a method of preparing these foods that need to be followed. Follow us on it Mulyawan protein, fat, Carbohydrate, vitamins or minerals, salts or
ripening Karen ready to throw in order to either destroy or so.
Are directed in this regard.
We only eat raw or cooked food materials. Almost all Bhotn we manage to cook.
There are just a salad or one of the few tubers are eaten raw. Loss to cook both. But the advantage is much the same as cooking food is bland,
no difficulty in chewing and digestion becomes easier. But in order to cook the protein, fat, vitamins Carbohydrate Draa "and other vitamins, folic, folic
acid and loss of minerals and salts.
Take precautions in order to reduce the loss of cooking can be. In the upper layer of the brown rice grains such as protein, fat, rich in Carbohydrate
etc. Due to modernization, but we'll make it smooth again grind white rice. The layer we Lobo, Lup, lepers, Rice Bran, do they call it 100 grams,
13.5 grams protein, 16.2 grams fat, 6.6 grams minerals, fiber 4.3, Carbohydrate 48.8 g, energy 393 kg, 67 mg calcium Garam found 14.0 grams of
phosphorus and iron is 35 mg 0, pigs in villages we attach to it.
However, the trend in some tribal families to cook the rice maad Pasane appears briefly once before putting a handful Kodi are then Pasate maad.
This is an encouraging trend.
We have two ways to cook food - wet and dry. When mixed with water to prepare the wet Desirable Poshahar more likely to occur. When we called
Bhunte then cook it dry. It would destroy Poshahar low. In order to cook the vegetables require more caution. Because many vitamins, minerals or
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Banana - everyone's favorite and cheap fruit
salts are soluble in water. For this reason it is advisable to cook vegetables that are cooked to cover it. Instead of throwing away the water when
cooking the vegetables are used as vegetable cooking water if the water is even more perfect is.
Tuber roots are cooked with the skin during cooking, as far as possible. Poshharon skin to prevent mix. If the chop is cooked, cut into large pieces.
Not much to cook the vegetables are chopped. Wash and cut vegetables are to be harvested after washing several vitamins or salts dissolved in
water are separated. Vapor that is digestible and palatable foods are low in loss of nutrition. In order to use more water washing, or again and again
to wash the loss of nutrition is more likely.
With regard to cooking food nutrition experts recommend the following.
1 - food, especially vegetables at least once in the water and tried to be washed clean.
2 - maad Pasane Kodi formerly a handful of rice Pasaya only be mixed with rice.
3 - maad or cut the water used to wash the cleaned and then be exploited for cooking other foods.
4 - dry Sarala, Ckod, gram, Btuwa, Pecgi, chisel, Putkl, Chenc, Beg maad greens etc. Sevna of Jor Jor do this by making nutritious.
5 - Tuber roots, including the rind to the boil as much water in order to attempt to Sukjaa the vegetable is cooked and water. If for any reason the
water was higher than the water used to cook other foods.
6 - to attempt to cook the vegetables lid closed.
7 - to cook the vegetables are chopped off before or after cooking to eat more later. It is possible to vitamin neonatorum.
8 - vitamin C is destroyed in the process of boiling milk, but the skins in order to boil the eggs may be reduced due to the loss of nutrition.
9 - Once the fat used again and again, do not use. He may be poisonous.
10 - after so many losses meat, fish or other strong foods in boiling advantage because they are soft and digestible.
11 - iron skillet to cook quantities of iron found in food, but zinc (Aluminium) is harmful to the health of the pot pottery and wood for cooking is
12 - The pig is an animal Ktjiv. Many harmful bacteria in the body.
Source: Dr. Peter Paul Hemberom (Athanol Med.) (Plu shaved)
Prime 0 Forest Officer (Retired)
Banana is an evergreen fruit for hundreds of years now. It has many curative properties. This fruit is easily available at cheap prices and abundant.
All varieties of bananas are beneficial in their own way. Bananas provide enough energy and fiber and natural sugars like that Sukrojh, fructose and
glucose is rich. Fight or prevent many diseases in banana helps.
Depression (depression) : Bananas is a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, which is known to relax and to feel
Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) : Vitamin B6 is found in bananas, regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect someone's
mood or state of mind.
Blood deficiency (anemia) : contains high amounts of iron in bananas that can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood
and helps in cases of anemia.
BP : More of potassium in bananas, but contains less salt which makes it useful for lowering blood pressure.
Mental Power : Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making students more aware of
Constipation : high amount of fiber in bananas is a smooth transition to the normal functioning of the stomach, which helps to
relieve constipation.
Chest irritation : Corrosive effect element Banana acid naturally in the body, which relaxes in case of heartburn.
Blisters : banana soft texture and Ciknaiyukt cases of bowel from being used as food in the stomach reduces discomfort that
accumulates on the inner layers.
Strokes : Regular diet as 40 percent lower risk of death by strokes by eating banana is.
Oats are low in fat and salt, and they are a good source of natural iron. They are a good source of calcium from the heart, bones
6/8/2014 Foods and their nutritional value - Vicaspeedia 44/44
and nails are ideal for.
This is the best source of soluble fiber. A dose of oats (cooked, cup) of approximately 4 grams of viscous soluble fiber (beta
Glukn happens). The filament LDL cholesterol in the blood, ie the so-called "bad" cholesterol that helps to reduce.
Oats absorbs excess fat and flush out your system. That's why they treat constipation is caused by high soluble fiber and Gstro -
helps to regulate bowel functions.
Oat-rich diet to stabilize blood glucose levels can help.
Oats helps in nervous disorders.
Oats associated with the onset of menopause in women, ovarian and helps in dealing with the problems related to the urinary
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