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Arias JI.
, Ferreira A.
Dpto. Ciencias Clnicas, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias y Pecuarias, Universidad de Chile, antia!o,
IC%&, #a'oratorio In(unolo!a de la A!resi)n &icro'iana, Facultad de &edicina, Universidad de Chile,
antia!o, C"I#$
Fe(oral head and nec* e+cision has 'een a co((on sur!ical procedure in hu(ans and it is still in
use in do(estic ani(als. ,he (ain indications are aseptic necrosis o- the -e(oral head .#e!!/Calv0/Perthes
disease1, irrepara'le -ractures o- the -e(oral head or aceta'ulu(, recurrent hip 2oint lu+ation, and severe hip
dysplasia 3ith secondary de!enerative 2oint disease.
In ani(al patients 3ei!htin! less than 24 *!, the -e(oral head and nec* e+cision is descri'ed to 'e
su--icient to control pain. ,his is acco(plished 'y (eans o- inducin! a -i'rous pseudoarthrosis -or(ation in the
co+o/-e(oral 2oint, thus e--ectively -unctionin! as a salva!e hip 2oint. ,he pro'le( is elicited 3hen the
procedure is done in (ore than 24 *! ani(als 3ere the 3ei!ht appears to cause stri*in! o- the pro+i(ally
e+cised -e(oral sha-t and the pelvis durin! e+ercise. ,his contact causes pain and ne3 'one !ro3th that li(its
the use o- the 2oint. ,he interposition o- autolo!ous 'iceps (uscle tissue to prevent this stri*in! and the
resultant pain has 'een descri'ed, even thou!h the use o- 'iceps slin! can cause a sli!ht adduction .dra3in!
in to3ard the center line1 o- the a--ected li(' durin! e+ercise to!ether 3ith co(plications such as donor/site
(or'idity and increased intraoperative ti(e. In order to o'tain the opti(al outco(e in this procedure it is
necessary to have -ast -i'rous tissue -or(ation and li(it ne3 'one -or(ation.
&a((alian calreticulin .C5,1 is a hi!hly conserved and 3idespread (a2or calciu( 'indin! protein o-
the endoplas(ic reticulu( .$51 3ith novel e+tracellular -unctions 3ith stron! i(pact on develop(ental,
physiolo!ical, and patholo!ical processes. C5, induces concentration/dependent (i!ration o- *eratinocytes,
-i'ro'lasts, (acropha!es, and (onocytes, thus sti(ulatin! 3ound healin! and re/epitheliali6ation 'y (eans o-
(ore than t3o-old increase in cellular proli-eration o- pri(ary hu(an *eratinocytes, -i'ro'lasts, and
(icrovascular endothelial cells. Contrarily to 3hat has 'een said -or the a'ove (olecules, calreticulin do3n
re!ulates ne3 'one -or(ation 'y (eans o- a--ectin! osteocyte and chondrocyte di--erentiation and 'y inhi'itin!
accu(ulation o- Ca27 into the e+tracellular (atri+ and (inerali6ation o- ne3 'one nodules.
8e -ound that Calreticulin o'tained -ro( Trypanosoma cruzi .,cC5,1 not only has the sa(e e--ects
than (a((alian C5, 'ut at 244 ti(es less concentration sho3n 'y scratch plate lesion in -i'ro'last pri(ary
culture, osteo'lasts al*aline phosphatase and -i'ro'last osteo'lasts &,, proli-eration

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