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Brooke M.

61S6 N. Noithwest Bighway Apt. S14
Chicago, Illinois 6u6S1
(Su9) 648-22u6
(77S) 467-897u
Blog: https:biooke-biennan-jsfs.squaiespace.comnews
Bigital Poitfolio:

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Beuicateu elementaiy school teachei eagei to piomote leaining anu technology, both in
anu outsiue the classioom, by seeking moie pievalent anu challenging oppoitunities.

!0#" !0*9"$"+!%".

! Tech-Baseu Cuiiiculum
Implementation anu Besign
! Biffeientiateu Instiuction
! Centei-baseu classioom atmospheie
anu taigeteu small gioup instiuction
! Stanuaiuizeu Testing Piepaiation anu
! SmaitBoaiu Integiation0tilization
! 0tilize anu maintain Echalk website
anu softwaie
! "Fab 4u" iepiesentative, a "teaching
above the line" team, piomoting anu
encouiaging colleagues anu leauing
piofessional uevelopment
! 1 to 1 NacBook Initiative Integiation
! iPau Initiative
! Challenge Baseu Leaining
! Self Containeu anu Content Baseu
Classioom Atmospheie
! Contiibuteu anu leu Piofessional
Bevelopment Woikshops to small anu
laige gioups; school anu uistiict
! Piesenteu at National Title I
Confeience, 2u1S
! Repiesenteu school uuiing
implementation of !"#$%$& softwaie
! 0peneu classioom foi Bistiict 1uu
showcasing anu site visits
! Seivice on Teachei Negotiation Team

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South Beiwyn School Bistiict 1uu, Beiwyn, IL

>?@8A !B@CC?DDE $A@F=A?, (8u8-piesent)
>?@8A !B@CC?DDE $A@F=A?, (8u7-6u8)
>?@8A .<J8AI< $A@F=A?, (1u7-Su7)

Biieu as full time teachei in Nay 2uu7 upon completion of stuuent teaching anu
giauuation. Continueu to caiiy out uiffeientiateu instiuction in all acauemic aieas foi
class sizes up to 28 stuuents, incluuing English language leaineis anu stuuents with
special neeus.

!"# %&'()*+,(*&'-
! Attenueu anu Piesenteu at the %'()$"'* ,)(*- ! .$"#-/-"0- 2u1S, Nashville,
! School ieceiveu the National Title I Bistinguisheu Awaiu.
! Nominateu foi anu volunteeieu time as a "FAB 4u" Nembei as a school uistiict
! Contiibuteu a substantial amount of time leaining oui uistiicts online giauing
system, InfoimationNowSTI, cieating help pages anu scieen castings on "how
to", anu conuucting woikshops.
! Analyze test uata fiom Biscoveiy: ThinkLink Benchmaik tests, Fountas & Pinnell,
to help geai my instiuction. Auuitionally, use test uata to uiffeientiate my
instiuction as a iesponse to inteivention.
! Cuiiently implement a 1 to 1 NacBook classioom, using the uevice stiictly as a
leaining tool.
! 0tilize uoogle Apps as a foim of assessment, collaboiation, anu shaiing with
stuuents anu colleagues.
! Intiouuce anu supply stuuents with appiopiiate Web 2.u tools incluuing, but not
limiteu to Paulet, Woiule, Penzu, Stoiybiiu, Class Bojo.
! Auministei anu manipulate piogiams such as IXL, SumBog, Successmakei by
Peaison, Reauing Plus, Lexia, Nathletics.
! Implement guiueu ieauing gioups anu "close ieauing" as well as taigeteu math
gioups baseu on uaily assessment.
! Collaboiate extensively with team membeis anu colleagues in oiuei to
appiopiiately tiansition towaiu the Common Coie Stanuaius.
! Naintain a blog shaiing iueas anu ieflecting on uaily lessons anu objectives,
shaiing expeiiences anu iesouices.

Elmhuist College


Biieu as an aujunct piofessoi to intiouuce technology in the classioom to futuie teachei

EB0 114, Auvanceu Euucational Technology
Quaitei Couise:
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,-'07)"8 ?('"2'/24 )" ,-07"$*$869 (7- $@@$/(5")()-4 $##-/-2 )" (7- 0$5/4- &)** '**$& (7-
(-'07-/ 2$ 8')" 0$:@-(-"0- )" (7- '@@*)0'()$" $# (7-4- 4('"2'/24< A:@7'4)4 &)** ;- @*'0-2
$" ?('"2'/2 B9 )"(-8/'()"8 '23'"0-2 #-'(5/-4 $# (-07"$*$86 ;'4-2 @/$250()3)(6 ($$*4 ($
45@@$/( )"4(/50()$"9 -C(-"2 0$::5")0'()$" $5(4)2- (7- 0*'44/$$:9 -"7'"0- 0*'44/$$:
:'"'8-:-"(9 '"2 ;-0$:- :$/- @/$250()3- )" 2')*6 ('4D4< E"$&*-28- $# ;'4)0 >. '"2 F'0
#5"0()$"4 )4 /-G5)/-2<

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National Louis 0niveisity, Chicago, IL
Nastei of Euucation: Cuiiiculum anu Instiuction, 2u1u
! Inteiuisciplinaiy Stuuies

Elmhuist College, Elmhuist, IL
Bacheloi of Science in Elementaiy Euucation, 2uu7
! Enuoisements in Social Science anu Language Aits
! Niuule School Appioval
! Aiea of Concentiation in ueneial Nath anu Social Sciences

Illinois Cential College, East Peoiia, IL
Associates Begiee in Aits anu Science, 2uuS


Stanley Fielus, Bistiict 1uu Supeiintenuent, (7u8) SuS-4uS4, sfielusbsu1uu.oig
Naiy Bavis, Iiving School Piincipal, (7u8) SuS-4SuS, mhavisbsu1uu.oig
Ramona Townei, Instiuctional Technology Coach, (7u8)7S1-174S, itowneibsu1uu.oig
Saiah Kointheuei, team membei, (7u8) SuS-2SS4, skointheueibsu1uu.oig

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