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1. Fill in the gaps with the correct past simple form

!ast s"mmer m# frien$s an$ me %%%%%% &$eci$e' to go
camping. We %%%%%% &meet' at the station on Fri$a#. I
%%%%%% &pac(' m# r"c(sac( on Th"rs$a# night. I %%%%
&p"t' a pair of )oots* a cap an$ a raincoat. I %%%%%% &not+
forget' m# sleeping )ag an$ m# )inoc"lars )eca"se I li(e
)ir$ watching.
,n Fri$a# at 1-./ me an$ m# three frien$s %%%%%% &get'
on the train to the mo"ntain. We %%%%% &arri0e' at 11 1-
an$ %%%%%% &go' to the local shop to get some foo$. Pete
is a goo$ coo(* so he %%%%%% &prepare' o"r meals. He
%%%%% &)ring' a porta)le sto0e* )"t he %%%%%% &not+
)ring' an# matches* so we %%%%% &ha0e' to as( the
campers ne2t to "s.
When we %%%%%% &get' there* we imme$iatel#
%%%%%%% &p"t' the tent "p. At night* we %%%%% &ma(e'
a fire an$ %%%%%% &sit' aro"n$. We %%%%%% &tell'
stories an$ 3o(es an$ %%%%% &sing'. 40er#thing %%%%%
&)e' $ar(* )"t the stars an$ the moon %%%%%%% &shine'.
Howe0er* in the tent we %%%%%%% &not+ can +see'
an#thing* so we %%%%% &"se' Tom5s torch to get into o"r
sleeping )ags.
In the morning we %%%% &get' "p earl# an$ %%%% &ha0e' a
)ig )rea(fast. Then we %%%%% &go' wal(ing or clim)ing.
We %%%%% &see' some nice )ir$s* )"t we %%%%% &nee$'
some insect repellent )eca"se there %%%%% &)e' lots of
mos6"itoes near the ri0er. Fort"natel# we %%%% &)ring'
o"r water )ottles an$ %%%%% &fill' them there* so we
%%%% &$rin(' fresh water when we %%%%% &stop' for a
Not e0er#thing %%%%%% &go' well. I ha0e to confess that
we %%%%% &lose' o"r wa# twice since Terr# %%%%%
&forget' the compass in the tent. We also %%%% &fin$' some
m"shrooms* )"t we %%%%% &not+ pic(' them "p )eca"se
7. Fin$ these wor$s
in the rea$ing 8
write $own the
names "n$er the
1. 7.
.. 9.
-. :.
;. 1.
<. 1/.
11. 17.
.. =a# if the sentences are Tr"e or False. Correct the wrong ones.
1. There were some )ees in the camp site
7. Altho"gh the# ha$ a compass* the# lost their wa# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
.. The# )o"ght some things at the camp site shop
9. Campers were r"$e to them %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-. The# pic(e$ "p some m"shrooms )eca"se the# $i$n5t li(e them
!ast s"mmer m# frien$s an$ me >4CI>4> &$eci$e' to go camping. We M4T &meet' at
the station on Fri$a#. I PAC?4> &pac(' m# r"c(sac( on Th"rs$a# night. I P@T &p"t' a
pair of )oots* a cap an$ a raincoat. I >IN5T F,AG4T &not+ forget' m# sleeping )ag
an$ m# )inoc"lars )eca"se I li(e )ir$ watching.
,n Fri$a# at 1-./ me an$ m# three frien$s G,T &get' on the train to the mo"ntain.
We AAAIB4 &arri0e' at 11 1- an$ W4NT &go' to the local shop to get some foo$. Pete
is a goo$ coo(* so he PA4PAA4> &prepare' o"r meals. He CA,@GHT &)ring' a
porta)le sto0e* )"t he >I>N5T CAING &not+ )ring' an# matches* so we HA> &ha0e' to
as( the campers ne2t to "s.
When we G,T &get' there* we imme$iatel# P@T &p"t' the tent "p. At night* we MA>4
&ma(e' a fire an$ =AT &sit' aro"n$. We T,!> &tell' stories an$ 3o(es an$ =ANG &sing'.
40er#thing WA= &)e' $ar( )"t the stars an$ the moon =H,N4 &shine'. Howe0er* in
the tent we C,@!>N5T &not+ can +see' an#thing* so we @=4> &"se' Tom5s torch to get
into o"r sleeping )ags.
In the morning we G,T &get' "p earl# an$ HA> &ha0e' a )ig )rea(fast. Then we
W4NT &go' wal(ing or clim)ing. We =AW &see' some nice )ir$s* )"t we N44>4>
&nee$' some insect repellent )eca"se there W4A4 &)e' lots of mos6"itoes near the
ri0er. Fort"natel# we CA,@GHT &)ring' o"r water )ottles an$ FI!!4> &fill' them
there so we >AAN? &$rin(' fresh water when we =T,PP4> &stop' to ha0e a snac(.
Not e0er#thing W4NT &go' well. I ha0e to confess that we !,=T &lose' o"r wa# twice
since Terr# F,AG,T &lea0e' the compass in the tent. We also F,@N> &fin$' some
m"shrooms* )"t we >I>N5T PIC? &not+ pic(' them "p )eca"se we >I>N5T HAB4
&not+ha0e' a pen(nife an$ we >I>N5T WANT &not+ want' to $amage them . An#wa#*
1. FIA4 7. C,MPA== .. WAT4A C,TT!4 9. C,,T= -. A@C?=CA? :. P4N?NIF4
;. =!44PING CAG 1. IN=4CT A4P4!!4NT <. T4NT 1/. AAINC,AT
11. P,ATAC!4 =T,B4 17. CAP 1.. T,ACH 19. CIN,C@!AA=
1. There were some mos6"itoes near the ri0er
7. The# lost their wa# )eca"se Terr# forgot the compass in the tent
.. The# )o"ght some things at the local shop
9. Campers were nice to them
-. The# $i$n5t pic( "p some m"shrooms )eca"se the# $i$n5t ha0e a pen(nife
:. When the# arri0e$ at the camp site* the# p"t the tent "p.
;. The# fille$ their water )ottles with water from the ri0er.

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