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EDS Lesson Plan

Name Kathleen Khuu

Grade Level 4
Content Area Math
Date for Implementation 5/6
Lesson Title Add and Subtract Decimals
Whole Class


Compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their size. Recognize that
comparisons are valid only when the two decimals refer to the same whole. Record the results
of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual

Content Objective/Learning Outcome

Children will be role play ordering meals from a menu in order to practice adding and
subtracting decimal numbers

Language Objective/Language Learning Outcome

Given vocabulary, students will add and subtract decimals
Vocabulary words: tenths, hundredths


Formative Assessment Tasks

I will circulate the room and observe students as they play the game
I will ask questions such as,
How much does that add up to?
How much will you have left over?

Summative Assessment Tasks

Children will complete menu math worksheet

Materials Needed
menu math worksheet, menu


I will provide vocabulary words and chart to support students academic language while playing
the game

Instructional Sequence:

Tap prior knowledge:
Review previous lesson on place value and comparing decimals
Introduce the goal: I will be able to add and subtract decimals.


Show students that adding and subtracting decimals is just like other numbers, BUT you must
keep the decimals lined up and you can fill in zeros if you need them to the right of the decimals.
Do several examples on the board, showing how to fill in zeros when needed.
Use money examples:
I have an allowance of 5.25 dollars per week. In two weeks I would get 10.50. (5.25 +5.25 =
10.50) I bought a movie for 7.75, how much is left over?
Students will practice adding and subtracting with decimals by doing Menu Math activity.
Each student will get a Menu Math worksheet and a Menu. Students start out with $50.00 and
will choose a main dish, side dish/soup, beverage, and dessert for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
They will add all of their food items and will calculate what they remaining money will be after
breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Encourage students to spend the most money for their meals without going over $50.00.


Ring bell to get students attention.
Have some students come up and share what they ordered from the menu.
If some students havent finished yet, tell them to put it in their unfinished work folder to
complete later.
Review adding and subtracting decimals using their menu math worksheet.

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