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Valeria Brito

Prof. Eric Grunwald

WR 097
3rd November 20
Re!etition and "necdote in #i$nero$%$ &'nl( )au*+ter,
-n +er e$$a( 'nl( )au*+ter. /andra #i$nero$ de$cribe$ +ow $+e overcame *ender.
$ocial and ori*in conditionin* to fulfill +er dream to be a writer. find +er own voice and
$to! feelin* i$olated from +er famil(. /+e doe$ $o b( u$in* $everal r+etorical device$
$uc+ a$ re!etition and anecdote. "t t+e be*innin* of t+e e$$a(. #i$nero$ de$cribe$ +er$elf
a$ t+e re$ult of an a**re*ate of different $ituation$ t+at +a!!ened in +er life t+at made +er
w+o $+e i$ toda(. one of t+em bein* a dau*+ter. a 0e1ican dau*+ter. /+e doe$ $o b(
u$in* re!etition. & - am t+e onl( dau*+ter in a 0e1ican famil( of $i1 $on$... - am t+e onl(
dau*+ter of a 0e1ican fat+er and a 0e1ican2"merican mot+er... - am t+e onl( dau*+ter
of a wor3in* cla$$ famil( of nine, 45. /+e u$e$ t+i$ r+etorical device to em!+a$i6e t+e
fact t+at $+e i$ t+e $um of t+e circum$tance$ t+at made +er w+o $+e i$ toda(. #i$nero$
u$e$ t+e $ame !attern of re!etition in anot+er occa$ion. w+en de$cribin* t+at b( bein* a
dau*+ter in a 0e1ican famil(. $+e wa$ e1!ected to find a +u$band and trade a
!rofe$$ional life for t+e bli$$ of famil( life. 7or +er famil(. *oin* to colle*e wa$ t+e $te!
to ta3e toward$ meetin* t+e man of +er life. 8+e reader encounter t+i$ $ame re!etition
w+en t+e aut+or e1!re$$ 9&- wa$:am t+e onl( dau*+ter and onl( a dau*+ter, 45. /+e
ma3e$ t+e u$e of italic$ to ma3e t+e reader under$tand t+at i$ not t+e $ame bein* &t+e
onl( dau*+ter, and bein* &onl( a dau*+ter,.
B( bein* onl( a dau*+ter. t+e aut+or e1!lain$ t+at. t+ere i$ not muc+
re$!on$ibilit( ot+er t+an findin* a +u$band. #on$e;uentl(. $+e felt. un+eard. unnoticed.
and irrelevant. &Eac+ time. m( fat+er would $ee3 out t+e !ari$+ !rie$t in order to *et a
tuition brea3. and com!lain or boa$t9 & - +ave $even $on$,.... - could feel m($elf bein*
era$ed. -%d tu* m( fat+er%$ $leeve and w+i$!er9 &Not $even $on$. /i1< "nd one
dau*+ter,,425. =ere t+e aut+or ma3e$ t+e u$e of an anecdote to *ive t+e reader an
e1am!le of +ow +er fat+er u$ed to era$e +er in a $en$e. "l$o. $+e u$e$ italic$ to em!+a$i6e
+ow $+e $aw +er$elf in t+e famil(.
8+ere wa$ not muc+ $+e can do about bein* t+e onl( dau*+ter of a famil( of
$even c+ildren and $i1 $on$. but to acce!t and embrace w+o $+e wa$ or wa$ forced to be.
in t+i$ ca$e. a loner. But loo3in* at t+e bri*+t $ide. t+i$ fact made +er be more involved
and devoted to ob$ervin*. t+in3in* and !oli$+in* +er writer%$ tool$. #i$nero$ e1!lain$ t+at
t+i$ !at+ wa$ not ea$( and in addition ma3e$ t+e reader under$tand t+at a lot of
;ue$tionin* came from +er famil( and +er$elf re*ardin* t+e fact t+at $+e went to colle*e
and $+e did not find a +u$band and t+at $+e did not +ave a *ood financial $ituation.
/+e alwa($ wanted to be +eard b( +er fat+er. $+e $tarted to write !iece$ t+at in
$ome $en$e were related to +im. /+e needed to be +eard and valued b( +er writin*. &-n a
$en$e. ever(t+in* - +ave ever written +a$ been for +im. to win +i$ a!!roval, 425. But al$o
$+e wanted !eo!le li3e +er own fat+er to be +er audience. /+e wanted to write literature
for !eo!le w+o do not read literature for !lea$ure.
-t wa$ t+en. in one of +er vi$it$ to +er !arent$%. wit+ a /!ani$+ tran$lation of one
of +er boo3$ under +er arm. t+at $+e could obtain all t+at reco*nition t+at $+e +ave alwa($
been waitin* for. /+e read to +er fat+er from it. -t wa$ a $tor( about t+e !lace w+ere +er
fat+er wa$ born. =e could ea$il( relate to t+e c+aracter$ and $ettin*. &W+ere can we *et
more co!ie$ of t+i$ for t+e relative$>, +e $aid 4?5. 8+i$ anecdote e1em!lifie$ t+e 3ind of
reco*nition $+e +ad been fi*+tin* for all +er life. Now $+e wa$ t+e dau*+ter. t+e writer
w+o can be more t+at onl( a dau*+ter.
Wor3 @$ed

2 #i$nero$. /andra. &'nl( )au*+ter., Pattern$9 " Prentice =all Poc3et Reader. Ed.
)orot+( 0inor. @!!er /addle River9 Pear$on: Prentice =all. 200A. 2 ?. Print

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