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English Monthly Test: Year 4 Paper 1

Each question in this paper is followed by three possible answers. Choose the best
answer from the answers marked A, B and C. Then on your answer sheet, blacken the
answer that you have chosen.
1. This is a pair of ________________.
A shirt
B tie
C trousers

2. The little boy likes to eat an ______________.
A apple
B ice cream
C cake

3. Puan Aminah cuts the vegetables with a ______________.
A saw
B knife
C ruler
4. The ______________ works in a hospital.
A teacher
B doctor
C judge
Questions 5 - 7
Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.
It is Teachers Day today. Lina is giving ____ (5) to her teacher,

Puan Ainun. She has also made ____ (6) . Puan Ainun is

happy ____ (7) .

5 A a stalk of rose
B a bundle of flowers
C a bouquet of flowers

6 A a birthday card
B a greeting card
C a musical card

7 A to keep the presents
B to receive the gifts
C to buy the things
Questions 8 10
Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.

A All the pupils are in the class.
B Abu and his classmates are
lining up.
C They are jumping and running


A The boys are riding on the
B They are feeding the elephant.
C Alan and Tim are at the circus.


A Ramesh likes to paint.
B He is painting a portrait.
C He uses crayons to draw.


Questions 11- 15
Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation
shown in the pictures.

A Its delicious.
B Im drinking it now.
C You made this soup.
D Very well, thank you.

A Thank you.
B Do you like it?
C Its a new dress.

A Sure. Here you are!
B Theres the chilli sauce.
C Oh, get up and get it

How is the

Thats a
lovely dress.

Could you pass
me the chilli
sauce, please?


A Is this the taxi to Kluang?
B Are those taxis over there?
C Excuse me. Is there a taxi to


A All right.
B I am so glad!
C Who are you?

Questions 16 -21
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
16. The books ___________ big and heavy.
A is
B are
C am
17. The rats are crawling ____ the tube.
A into
B along
C across
D through
Yes. It is over

He will be

18. Kevin, Joe and Bala ____ in the school choir.
A is
B are
C has
19. Beng and Goon are not here. ____ have gone home.
A He
B She
C They
20. She walks ____________ on the small wooden bridge.
A quickly
B carefully
C sweetly

Questions 21
Choose the opposite meaning to complete the sentences.
21. I have a small gift but she has a _________ one.
A big
B tall
C tiny
Questions 22 23
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation
21. A Goodbye, see you tomorrow.
B Goodbye. See you Tomorrow.
C goodbye. See you tomorrow.

22. A we visited Museum Negara last Friday.
B We visited museum negara last Friday.
C We visited Museum Negara last Friday.

Questions 24 25
Choose the correct spelling for the given options.
24. A Vegatadble
B Vegetables
C Vegeetaleb

25. A teksi
B texi
C taxi

Questions 26 30
Look at the picture and then read the passage carefully. Based on the picture and
the passage, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

This is Mr Kannas family. Mr and Mrs Kanna (26) ________________ sitting
on the sofa. Their son, Ganesh, is playing with some (27) ________________ on
the carpet. Mr Kanna is (28) _____________ the newspaper. Mrs Kanna is
watching television. (29) ________________ picture is hanging (30)
________________ the wall above the television.
26 A is
B are
C was

27 A toys
B games
C friends


28 A reading
B looking
C watching

29 A A
B Some
C That

Questions 31 35
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

31. How many children does Papa Bear have ?
A two
B three
C one

32. Why does he give his children the presents?
A because his children are naughty.
B because his children are good.
C because his children are happy.

One day, Papa Bear calls his cub. He says they are good
little bears. He has something for them. He gives a book to Nini
Bear and a sharpener to Nano Bear. Nini and Nano are very
happy. Then, he takes out another present from his bag. It is a
toy car. It is black and white in colour. He says the car is for
both Nini and Nano.
30. A in
B on
C over

33. What does he give Nini Bear?
A a toy car
B a bag
C a book

34. Where does he keep the toy car?
A in a car
B in a bag
C in the table

35. What is the colour of the car?
A black and blue
B black and white
C white and yellow

Questions 36 40
Read the advertisement below and answer the questions that follow.

36. The advertisement is mainly about _____________________.
A Singing Competition
B Story Telling Competition
C Spelling Competition


Organized by
the English

Day: Monday
Date: 23th August 2010
Time: 3.00 PM
Assembly Hall of
SK Batu Keling
Please wear the school uniform and come
early .

37. Where is the venue?
A in the classroom
B in the school hall
C in the library

38. The pupils have to wear their _____________ during the competition.
A school uniforms
B sport attire
C bags

39. At what time will the competition begin?
A 4.00 P.M
B 3.00 P.M
C 9.00 P.M

40. The competition is organized by the
A Science Panel
B Mathematics Panel
C English Panel


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