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MKTG/IB 317-M70 International Marketing

New Mexico State University
Summer 2014

Instructor: Wenkai Zhou, M.B.A.
Department of Marketing
Office: GU 300K
Office Phone: (575) 646-6848 (Email contact is preferred)
Office Hours: By Appointment

Required Text:
International Marketing 4e, Dana-Nicoleta Lascu, Atomic Text Book Media Press, 2013.
ISBN- 1-930789-39-4. [Internet site:]

The purpose is to introduce you to many of the fundamental aspects of international marketing as
possible. We cover much of the core knowledge used in decision making and operations in
international marketing. The purpose is to acquire knowledge and understanding of the fundamental
dimensions of international marketing.

Students become more effective users of information technology relevant to marketing practice.

Students recognize legal and ethical issues associated with the practice of marketing.

Students become more effective critical thinkers.

Additional Learning Materials:

[1] Canvas for this course. Additional readings and materials for the course are posted on Canvas
under Modules.

[2] SUGGESTED: MSU-CIBERs Web Site ( The site is one of the
best centers or resources for international business. I strongly ecourage you become familiar
with this site. It is used by many academics and businesses.

[3] SUGGESTED: You might regularly consult: The Economist [], The
Wall Street Journal [], Financial Times [] and Asia Times
[]. You are encouraged to refer to relevant materials from these
publications to enhance your knowledge about global marketing.
Course format and things to keep in mind:

1. Read all assigned materials - chapters from the text and assigned readings posted in Canvas.

2. Review lecture slides many slides contain a written discussion of the visual displays.

3. Review chapter quiz and key terms at the end of each text chapter.

4. Take quizzes: Each quiz is to be taken during a specified time window [40 minutes to
answer 30 questions. Each question is worth 2 points]. Keep in mind that the time window
for quizzes closes on Fridays at 11:59 PM (See class schedule section of the syllabus for
details). You can take each quiz twice with highest score counting as your grade!

5. Take midterm online as scheduled during the time window (See class schedule section of the
syllabus). There will be 100 questions on the mid-term, and each question is worth 5 points.
You can take the midterm twice with the highest score counting as your grade!

6. Take the online final exam during finals week. The time window for the final exam begins
at 8:00AM June 23rd and ends on June 26th at 5:00PM. There will be 100 questions on
the final, and each question is worth 5 points. You can take the final twice!

7. Note: all quizzes and exams are open book, open notes, but are individual effort. Make sure
you read/review the respective book chapters and supplement materials carefully BEFORE
taking the quizzes/exams as you will only have 40 minutes for each quiz, and 130 minutes
for each exam. It is NOT a good idea to take the quizzes and/or exams without reading the
book chapters/supplement materials in advance and attempt to find answers during the tasks
if you want to do well in them!

8. All quizzes and the mid-term exam will be available on May 22nd at 8am, you can complete
them at your own pace after that day (prior to the due dates/times). However, it is your
responsibility to keep the due dates/times of the respective quizzes and exams in mind! The
due dates/times of all quizzes/exams can be found in the Class Schedule Section of the
syllabus! Be advised to allocate sufficient time to each one of the quizzes/exams and
complete them prior to the due dates/times. In other words, DO NOT try to complete
them last minute! There will be no make ups for quizzes or exams unless you have
acquired documented excuse from the instructor in advance.

9. Please be advised that all due dates/times are under Mountain Time (the time zone
under which Las Cruces falls). Make sure you make the time difference calculations and
submit the quizzes/exams on time if you are not physically located in this area.

10. There may be extra credit opportunities throughout the semester, I will announce them via
Canvas if available.

11. The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus in writing or by announcement,
although changes are unlikely.



Grade Determination: Total Nature of
Course Component Points Assignments
Quizzes [13 at 60 points each] 780 Individual
Midterm [chapters 1 8] 500 Individual
Final [chapter 9-14 & 16] 500 Individual
Total 1780
Grade Cutoffs:

A+ =1707 1780 D+ = 1053-1125
A = 1634 -1706 D = 981 - 1052
A- = 1562 1633 D- = 906-980
B+ = 1489 1561 F = below 906
B = 1415 - 1488
B- = 1344 - 1414
C+ =1271 - 1343
C = 1199 1270
C- = 1126 - 1198

Class Schedule MKTG/IB 317 Summer 2014

1. May 22 - May 30 Chapter 1: Scope, Concepts, and Drivers of International Marketing

Learning objectives: After studying this chapter you should be able to:

Define international marketing and identify the different levels of international involvement.
Describe the different company orientations and philosophies toward international marketing.
Identify environmental and firm-specific drivers that direct firms toward international
Identify obstacles preventing firms from successful international ventures.

Read :
i. Lascu, Chapter 1, Scope, Concepts, and Drivers of International Marketing (and the posted lecture
ii. Three Cheers for Global Capitalism, American Enterprise, June 2004.
iii. Globalization and its Contribution 2013 materials

Take Ch1 quiz this is the quiz on chapter 1 of Lascu, the lecture/discussion, and required readings.
Note: the time window for this Chapter 1 quiz begins at 8:00 am May 22nd and ends on May
30th at 11:59 pm. Remember, you have 40 minutes to take a 30 question quiz. You can take
the quiz twice.


2. May 22 - May 30 Chapter 2 Overview of the International Marketing Environment

Learning Objectives: After studying this chapter students should be able to:
Provide an overview of the world economic environment and examine different perspectives
on economic development.
Address differences between countries of different levels of economic development and
discuss the importance of emerging markets.
Examine the indicators of political risk and address international firm approaches to political
risk management.
Describe how international law, home-country law, and host-country law affect international
firm operations and how to address issues related to jurisdiction.
Discuss different legal systems, intellectual property laws, and national laws with extra-
territorial impact that affect international firms.
Examine the natural and technological environments and the potential limitations they
present to international firms.

Required Readings:
i. Lascu Chapter 2, An Overview of the International Marketing Environment (and the posted
lecture ppt)
ii. End of Corruption FCPA Handbook 2012
iii. Ethics, Corruption, and Economic Freedom-Oct 2003

Take Lascu Ch2 quiz this is the quiz on chapter 2 and readings. Note: the time window for
Chapter 2 quiz begins at 8:00 am on May 22nd and ends on May 30th at 11:59 pm.
Remember, you have 40 minutes to take a 30 question quiz. You can take the quiz twice.

3. May 22 May 30 Chapter 3 International Trade: Institutional Barriers & Facilitators

Learning Objective: After studying this chapter students should be able to:
Identify different trade barriers imposed on international trade and the arguments used to erect
and maintain these barriers.
Provide an overview of key international organizations facilitating international trade directly
or by promoting economic development.
Identify government efforts involved in promoting economic development and trade.
Describe other trade facilitators, such as foreign trade zones, off-shore assembly plants, and
special economic zones, and the Normal-Trade-Relations Status.

Required Readings:
i. Lascu, Chapter 3 International Trade: Institutional Barriers and Facilitators (and the posted
lecture ppt)

ii. 2012 Index of Economic Freedom Highlights, especially pages 1 thru 8.
iii. Corruption Perceptions Index 2011
iv. Does International Trade Kill Good American Jobs?
v. The US Isnt as Free as It Used to Be-WSJ-2010
vi Gibson Guitar Wails on Federal Raid-WSJ-2011
vii. Excel Data- the CPI-Freedom Index, GDP, GDP Per-capita, and FDI

Take Lascu Ch3 quiz this is the quiz on chapter 3 of Lascu and readings .Note: the time window
for Chapter 3 quiz begins at 8:00am on May 22nd and ends on May 30th at 11:59 pm.
Remember, you have 40 minutes to take a 30 question quiz.

4. May 22- May 30 Chapter 4 - Regional Economic and Political Integration

Learning Objectives: After studying this chapter you should be able to:
Provide an overview of the determinants of regional economic and political integration.
Examine the different levels of economic and political integration and identify, within each
world region, economic and political agreements that have met with success.
Examine the functions of the different policy and governance bodies of the European Union.
Marketing Management Decision Making Process or Problem Solving Process.

Required Readings:
i. Lascu, Chapter 4 Regional Economic and Political Integration (and the posted lecture ppt)
ii. The Globalization Index, Foreign Policy, Nov-Dec 2007, pp68-76
iii. The 2007 e-readiness rankings, April 2007
Take Lascu Ch4 quiz on chapter 4 and readings. Note: the time window for Chapter 4 quiz
begins at 8:00am on May 22nd and ends on May 30th at 11:59 pm. Remember, you have 40
minutes to take a 30 question quiz.

5. May 22 June 6 Chapter 5 Cultural Influences on International Marketing

Learning Objective: After studying this chapter students should be able to:
Identify elements of culture and examine how they affect international marketing practices
around the world.
Describe national and regional character based on dimensions such as time orientation, business
practices, gift giving, socializing, gender roles, and materialism.
Discuss cultural variability in terms of the Hofstede dimensions with appropriate examples and
address cultural change in a marketing context.
Address the self-reference criterion and ethnocentrism and describe how they impede mutual
understanding and cooperation, with direct negative effects on marketing practices.

Describe the global consumer culture as it manifests itself around the world.

Required Readings:
i. Lascu Chapter 5 Cultural Influences on International Marketing (and the posted ppt)
ii. American Culture and Values
iii. The International Executives Baggage: Cultural Values of the American Frontier
iv. Ferocious Differences by Dr. Castaneda
v. Haiti and the Voodoo Curse-WSJ-2010

Take Lascu Ch5 quiz this is the quiz on chapter 5 and readings. Note: the time window for
Chapter 5 quiz begins at 8:00am on May 22nd and ends on June 6th at 11:59 pm. Remember,
you have 40 minutes to take a 30 question quiz.

6. May 22 June 6 Chapter 6 International Marketing Research

Learning Objectives: After studying this chapter students should be able to:
Define international marketing research and provide a description of its immense scope; offer
examples of each type of research conducted in international marketing.
Describe the steps involved in the international marketing research process while addressing
the international constraints involved in each step.
Introduce the concept of decision support systems for international marketing and the sales
forecasting process.

Required Readings:
i. Lascu Chapter 6, International Marketing Research: Practices and Challenges (and the posted
lecture ppt).
ii. Dental Equipment - US Domestic Exports [in Excel]
iii. Dental Equipment US imports [in Excel]
iv. Discussion of dental equipment exports and imports

Take Lascu Ch6 quiz this is the quiz on chapter 6 and readings.. Note: the time window for
Chapter 6 quiz begins at 8:00am on May 22nd and ends on June 6th at 11:59 pm. Remember,
you have 40 minutes to take a 30 question quiz.

7. May 22 June 6 Chapter 7 International Strategic Planning

Learning Objective: After studying this chapter students should be able to:
Develop a general understanding of international marketing strategy at the different levels of the
international organization and provide some insights into the international marketing planning
process of selected companies.
Identify the rationale for adopting a particular target marketing strategy in international markets.

Introduce the concept of country attractiveness analysis and offer a blueprint for conducting the
Identify the bases for consumer segmentation and offer company application examples.
Describe the three targeting strategies used by companies worldwide.
Describe the six positioning strategies that international companies can use to position their
brands in the minds of target consumers.

i. Chapter 7 Lascu International Strategic Planning (and the posted lecture ppt).
ii. Kelloggs internationalization versus globalization of the marketing mix
iii. Market Potential Indicators for Emerging Markets 2011
iii. Measuring The Potential of Emerging Markets: An Indexing Approach

Take Lascu Ch7 quiz this quiz on chapter 7 readings. Note: the time window for Chapter 7 quiz
begins at 8:00am May 22nd and ends on June 6th at 11:59 pm. Remember, you have 40
minutes to take a 30 question quiz.

8. May 22 - June 6 Chapter 8 - Expansion Strategies and Entry Mode Selection

Learning Objectives: After studying this chapter you should be able to:
Offer an understanding of company expansion strategies, entry mode selection, and the risks
involved at each level.
Describe different types of strategic alliances involving international companies.

Required Readings:
i. Chapter 8 Lascu Expansion Strategies and Entry Mode Selection (and the posted lecture ppt).
ii. Offshoring for Long-Term Advantage 2007 A T Kearney
iii. Smug in a no think existence by Paul Craig Roberts
iv. Second Thoughts on Free Trade by Schumer and Craig Roberts

Take Lascu Ch8 quiz. Note: the time window for Chapter 8 quiz begins at 8:00am on May 22nd
and ends on June 6th at 11:59 pm. Remember, you have 40 minutes to take a 30 question quiz.

9. May 22 June 13 Midterm (Covers Chapter 1-8 and all assigned readings)

May 22nd thru June 13th at 11:59 PM is the time window for
the on-line midterm. You can take the Midterm twice and the
highest score counting as your grade. The midterm covers
chapters 1 thru 8 and all assigned readings. The time allowed
for each attempt is 130 minutes.


10. May 22 June 13 Chapters 9 and 10 Product and Services

Learning Objectives Chapters 9 & 10: After studying this chapter students should be able to:

Describe the drivers for international standardization and offer an overview of the
international standardizationlocal adaptation continuum and respective company strategies.
Examine country-of-origin effects on brand evaluations in relation to product stereotypes and
consumer ethnocentrism.
Examine challenges faced by service providers in international markets.
Address issues related to brand name protection and the reasons behind widespread
international counterfeiting.
Address the marketing of industrial products and services and related product and service
Evaluate the stages of international product life cycle and identify the locus of operations
and target markets at each stage.
Identify the different dimensions of the international product mix with company illustrations.
Examine the new product development process and the activities involved at each stage in
international markets.
Examine degrees of product newness and address international diffusion processes.

Required Reading:
i. Chapters 9 and 10 in Lascu (and the posted lecture ppt).
ii. The Anholt Nation Brands Index-Special Report Q1 2007

Tasks: Take Lascu Ch 9 & 10 quiz. Note: the time window for Chapters 9 & 10 quiz begins at
8:00am on May 22nd and ends on June 13th at 11:59 pm. Remember, you have 40 minutes to
take a 30 question quiz.

11. May 22 June 13 Chapters 11 and 12 Managing International Distribution
Operations and Logistics

Learning Objective: After studying this chapter students should be able to:
Describe the functions of home-country and host-country middlemen involved in
international distribution.
Identify the different facilitators of international distribution and logistics and describe their
involvement in the international distribution process.
Address the challenges encountered by distribution in countries of different development

Required Readings:
i. Chapters 11 and 12 in Lascu (and the posted lecture ppt).


Take Lascu chapters 11 and 12 quiz. Note: the time window for Chapter 11 and 12 quiz begins
at 8:00am on May 22nd and ends on June 13th at 11:59 pm. Remember, you have 40 minutes
to take a 30 question quiz.

12. May 22 June 20 Chapter 13 The International Promotional Mix

Learning Objectives: Chapter 13 After studying this chapter you should be able to:
Describe the international promotional mix and the international communication process.
Explore the international advertising formats and practices around the world.
Describe the international advertising and media infrastructure and infrastructure-related
challenges in different markets.
Describe advertising strategies and budgeting decisions and offer examples of international

Required Readings:
i. Chapters 13 book chapter and the posted lecture ppt.
ii. The Benetton Case
iii. A Model for Predictive Measurements of Advertising Effectiveness
iv. View the ads for Benetton

Take Lascu Ch13 quiz. Note: the time window for Ch 13 quiz begins at 8:00am on May 22nd
and ends on June 20th at 11:59 pm. Remember, you have 40 minutes to take a 30 question

13. May 22 June 20 Chapter 14 International PR and Sales Promotion

Learning Objective: After studying this chapter students should be able to:
Provide an overview of international publicity and the different international public relations
activities that can be used to influence it.
Describe different approaches to international consumer promotion and the activities
Describe different approaches to international trade promotion and the activities

i. Chapter 14 book chapter and the posted lecture ppt.


Take Lascu Ch14 quiz. Note: the time window for Ch 14 quiz begins at 8:00am on May 22nd
and ends on June 20th at 11:59 pm. Remember, you have 40 minutes to take a 30 question

14. May 22 June 20 Chapter 16 International Pricing Strategies

Learning Objectives: After studying this chapter students should be able to:
Identify pricing-related internal challenges facing international firms.
Identify pricing-related challenges imposed by competition on international firms.
Identify pricing-related challenges imposed by the political and legal environment on
international firms.
Identify pricing-related challenges imposed by the economic and financial environment on
international firms.
Address international pricing decision of international firms.
Propose one possible global pricing process

Required Reading:
i. Chapter 16 International Pricing Strategies book chapter and the posted lecture ppt.
ii. The Big Mac Index
iii. A Bad Turn for European Firms WSJ article

Take Lascu Ch16 quiz. Note: the time window for Ch 16 quiz begins at 8:00am on May 22nd
and ends on June 20th at 11:59 pm. Remember, you have 40 minutes to take a 30 question

15. Final Exam During Exam Week. June 23rd 8:00am- June 26th 5:00pm Covers chapters
9-14 and 16 plus readings that were assigned during the semester. You can take the
final twice and the highest score counts as your grade. The final covers
chapters 9-14, 16, and all assigned readings. The time allowed for each
attempt it 130 minutes. Final is due June 26th, 2014 at 5:00PM.

Special Class Considerations, Procedures, or Rules:
1. No make-up quizzes you have two attempts in a given time window.
2. No make-up exams you have two attempts in a given time window.
3. All quizzes and exams are individual effort! Any student found guilty of academic
misconduct shall be subject to disciplinary action.

Student Conduct
By taking this course, you agree to abide by The New Mexico State University Student Code of
Conduct. In brevity, this means that you will adhere to standards of both academic and non-
academic integrity. Academic integrity includesbut is not limited tocheating and/or plagiarism.
Any instance of cheating and/or plagiarism will result in a zero for that assignment, quiz, or exam.
Non-academic integrity includesbut is not limited toactual or threatened physical injury to any
person, engaging in individual or group conduct that is violent, abusive (including sexual
harassment), indecent, unreasonably loud (including cell phones and music devices), or similar
disorderly conduct that infringes upon the privacy, rights, or privileges of others or disturbs the
peace or the orderly process of education on campus. For an expanded explanation of the Student
Code of Conduct, please refer to the following:

Students with Disabilities
New Mexico State University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified
NMSU students in accordance with state and federal laws. Services for Students with Disabilities at
New Mexico State University offers a variety of services to students with documented physical,
learning, or psychological disabilities. If you feel you may qualify for such services, please contact
the Services for Students with Disabilities office as soon as possible. Contact information for the
SSD office is as follows: The Corbett Center, Room 244; Phone: (505) 646-6840.

University policies limit the use of the I (incomplete) grade to documented situations beyond the
students control that make it impossible to complete the course on schedule. The emergency must
occur after the last day to withdraw with a W, and the student must be passing the course at the
time of the emergency. I cannot issue an I grade to avoid assigning a grade for marginal or
failing work.

Email Communications

Any e-mail from you to me should be sent either through Canvas or through your official NMSU e-
mail account. Due to privacy and security concerns, I am unable to respond to e-mails from or about
students that do not originate from an official NMSU e-mail address.

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