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Well , today we will try to discuss the social learning theory , but it would be better to try to

retrace what we discussed last week . Our discussion last week was something related to
the behavioristic and cognitive learning theory in which both theories popularized by many
experts including the relationship of stimuli and responses by Pavlov and Skinner and the
other one is cognitive theory popularized by Bruner .
The theory of stimulus - response relationships by Pavlov 's theory says that people who
learn something are said as passive individuals . Response or a particular behavior occurs
because of the training or the habitual performance. People who are considered to have
learned something if they can show changes in their behavior . According to this theory,
what is important in learning is that the form of inputs and outputs in the form of stimulus
response. The stimulus is what is given to the learner by the teacher, while the response in
the form of reaction to the stimulus taken by learner from the teacher. The processes that
occur between stimulus and response is not important to note because according to Pavlov
that this process cannot be observed and can not be measured. The things that can be
observed are stimulus and response. Hence, what is given by the teacher (stimulus) and
what is accepted by learners response) alone can be observed and measured .
If I could give such an illustration of Pavlov 's theory on behaviorism that let say there is a
son who is hard to be asked to read, while the child 's mother was eager her son to read
diligently so that he can work on his school assignments. To overcome this matter, the
mother is trying to find a solution of the problems faced by her son .
One the day she tried to take some pictures which happen to be her son's favorite pictures.
These pictures are the pictures that are always collected by her son. The mother gave the
modified picture with a few paragraphs as a description below the pictures without being
known by her son. As a matter of the son loved the pictures, then he would automatically
read the paragraph below the pictures. These were done by the mother for several times.
After she knew that his son continues reading at the time she gave a picture, then little by
little she reduced the existing pictures without reducing paragraphs until her son would
eventually continue reading even though he did not find the pictures on the text .
While the theory of stimulus - response relationships popularized by skinner is that learning
focuses on strengthening. When reinforcement is added (positive reinforcement) then the
response will be stronger. Similarly, if the response is reduced / eliminated (negative
reinforcement), the response is still getting stronger .
Let me put on this way. In the learning process, a teacher found a student who was always
late to class. This incident was very disturbing to his friends during the lessons because he
entered the class when the process of learning happened, so he distracted his friends.
Having this condition, his friends asked their teacher to solve the problem .
On one occasion, the teacher purposely called on her student who always came late to meet
her in her teacher's room after the lesson was dismissed .
After the lesson was dismissed, the student saw the teacher. At the time the teacher asked
the reason why he was late . The students respondedr with a variety of reasons.
The teacher then proposed the request, and then the teacher asked if he would come faster
than his friends. His answer was " yes". The teacher then said "I would offer you a prize if
you could come sooner to the class than your friends, but with the condition that you must
collect pieces of the picture until the image complete. To collect pieces of this picture, the
student could take up to one month duration.
Apparently, the students always came faster than his friend, so he could collect all the
pieces of pictures to complete the image. Finally, teacher appreciated the student an
interesting prize. At that moment all his friends gave him applause. Furthermore, the
students always came sooner though no prize was given by the teacher.
Can you get the point? Questions?
Well .. for cognitive learning theory popularized Jerome Bruner explains that this theory is
used to assist students in developing their cognitive, because this theory focuses on the
discovery. Many ways of learning that can be used to make it happen. One way is to give
students the opportunity to develop their mindset to the problems they face, for example,
the students are assigned the task to be done at home or make a certain analysis of the
problem given by their teachers.
Bruner said that the learning process will go well and creatively if teachers give students the
chance to find a concept, theory, rule, or understanding through examples that they have
encountered in their own life. Accordingly, Bruner believes that such learning can occur in
three ways or forms, namely : enactive, iconic, and symbolic.
Ok ....
Now we move on to another matter that is Social Learning Theory . Social learning theory is
an extension of traditional learning theory of behavior (behavioristic). Social learning theory
was developed by Albert Bandura (1986). This theory receives most of the principles of
behavioral learning theories, but give more emphasis on the impression of the behavioral
cues (behavioristic), and the internal mental processes. So in this theory, we will use the
social learning explanations of external reinforcement and the internal cognitive
explanations to understand how we learn from others.
Social learning theory explains that environments are faced by someone coincidently;
environments is often chosen and changed by the people through their own behavior.
According to Bandura, "most people learn through observation and selective recall the
behavior of others". The essence of social learning theory is modeling (modeling), and
modeling is one of the most important steps in integrated learning.
For example, mimic the behavior of people to do Things according to what the person sees.
This can be done by looking at the models directly or through media such as television. Such
skills can make a person proficient transform or combine what he or she learned from all he
or she had experienced in a variety of situations into new behavior .
Constructive theory
Constructivism is the theory popularized by Lev Vygostky who defines learning is as
generative condition. The process of learning is an actions to create values from what is
learned. The theory of constructivism also has an understanding of learning which more
emphasizes on the process rather than outcomes. In the process of learning, learning
outcomes, how to learn, and learning strategies will influence the development of
individuals thought and mind. In an effort to gain an understanding or knowledge, students
build their understanding of the phenomena encountered with their beliefs and
For example:
A person who is initially not a politician, but he was always hanging out with people who
were always talking about politics, he also gathered with the people in the political parties,
he also always tried something related to politics, then in the end, although he did not
become politician, he could become a political analyst because his thought had been
influenced by process of his constructive understanding of political condition.
Thus , according to the theory of constructivism, learning is not just a memory, but the
process of constructing knowledge through experience. Knowledge is not the result of a
"gift" taken from other people such as teachers, but the results of the process are carried
out each individual construct.
Theory of Multiple Intellegences
Multiple intelligences are related to a diversity of several fields. The intelligence is the ability
of each modality to unleash the students and make them champions. Basically, every person
borns with 10 intellegences:
1 . Linguistic intelligence Is the ability to think in the form of words and use language to
express and appreciate complex meanings, which include the ability to read, listen, write,
and speak.
2 . Logical - mathematical intelligence Is the ability to calculate, measure and consider
propositions and hypotheses and solve mathematical operations,
3 . Musical Intelligence is the intelligence of someone who is associated with sensitivity to
the tone dot patterns, melody, rhythm, and tone. Music is auditory language that uses three
basic components, namely tone of voice, rhythm and tone color system that uses a unique
symbol. It can be said that one who has this intelligence, he or she is very sensitive with his
or her surroundings.
4 . Kinesthetic intelligence is the intelligence which is taken from learning by action and
experience through the five senses. Kinesthetic intelligence is the ability to unify the body or
the mind to enhance physical performances. In everyday life, it can be pictured on the actor,
athlete or dancer, inventor, goldsmith, mechanical.
5 . Visual - Spatial Intelligence is an ability that allows visualizing information and
synthesizing data and concepts into visual metavor.
6 . Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and communicate with others seen
from the differences, temperament, motivation, and ability.
7 . Intrapersonal intelligence Is the ability to understand self desires, goals and emotional
systems that appear real on the daily acivities.
8 . Naturalist intelligence is the ability to recognize flora and fauna and the ability to
productively living for example for hunting, farming, or biological activities.
9 . Emotional Intelagence Is to get people to remember, pay attention, learn and make clear
decisions without emotional involvement. So here, emotional intelligence relates to the
attitude of motivation, persistence, and self-esteem that will affect the success and failure
of students.
10 . Spiritual Intelligence is related to the ability of the recognition of God as the creator of
the universe and its contents.

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