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Updating Your Flying Star Feng Shui for Wood Horse

Year 2014

The influences of the Flying Stars change from year to year. With the arrival of the Horse
year on 4th February 2014, while some asects of our Feng Shui might be !ue for a boost,
some other asects might suffer. Therefore, at the beginning of each year, these visiting
yearly an! monthly stars shoul! be e"amine! an! the necessary recautions ta#en for
reme!ying any negative asects.
$ will list below all the inausicious stars in or!er of imortance, their element, location in
2014 an! how the negative asects can be imrove!. However this is only general
information. For a total evaluation of our Feng Shui we nee! to ta#e a loo# at how the
yearly stars, an! even the monthly visiting stars, interact with our basic Flying Star chart.
%ne shoul! consi!er the location of the stars as well when evaluating these changing
influences. $f a ba! star such as &ellow ' is visiting an area with a vital function such as
entrance, living room, be!room, recetion area, or boar!(room at wor#, cures will certainly
be necessary. $f the very same star is to be foun! in a bath(room, storage area or another
sel!om use! area, no cure will be re)uire!.

0 3+/.S
1S 3+/.
' earth &ellow !anger *orth(west metal7water Win! chimes
2 earth Sic#ness .ast metal7water 8(coins
9 woo!
South(east fire
; metal Scan!al *orth(east water7woo!
bamboo in

1art from the tra!itional cures, each an! every item of !ecoration an! accessory having
the correct colours an! shaes can be integrate! into the interior !esign as reme!ies an!
will enhance the curing effect of that articular element. For e"amle, along with an all
metal win!(chime for curing &ellow ', one coul! also use white curtains, white or blac#
uholstere! sofas with !ot atterne! cushions scattere! on them, roun!7oval shaes in
general, statues an! ornaments in gol!, silver, coer, bron<e an! white(washe! walls,
reresenting the metal an! water elements.
1nother imortant measure is to ma#e sure that no ob:ects reresenting the fire element are
resent when reme!ying the earth stars such as &ellow ' an! 2 Sic#ness. -right lams,
re!ominantly re!7urle carets, furniture an! other accessories with triangle or <ig<ag
atterns in fire colours will all symbolise the fire element. The fire element fee!ing these
earth stars will ma#e them even stronger an! more !angerous.
The same care shoul! be ta#en with reresentations of the earth element when curing the
metal ;. $n the constructive cycle of the elements, earth suorts the metal element. Since
metal star ; is !ate! in our resent age of =, encouraging it by suort coul! create a!verse
affects. ."amles of this negative suort coul! be seen as terra(cotta flooring, e"cessive
use of earthenware ornaments, otte! lants an! earth colours, an! chec#7gingham atterns
!ominating in interior !esign.
1fter curing all the visiting negative stars we nee! to chec# the osition of 4ran! 2u#e
>uiter, also calle! Tai Sui 5t?i su@, 6, 9 Shars(9 1fflictions 5sAn shA, 6 an! the 3lash
Bosition, Sui Bo 5su@ C, 6. 9 Shar !irections in 2014 is the string of WaterD Big, /at an!
%". When inointing these !irections, it will be necessary to use a comass for recision
an! to mar# the e"act areas covere! by these 1'(!egree segments on the floor(lan, to be
able to see the recise areas of concern.
$f you are buil!ing a new house or !oing large scale renovation wor# this year, it woul! be
articularly wise to chec# these !irections first. $t is sai! that offen!ing the 4ran! 2u#e can
create ersonal roblems an! offen!ing Sui Bo can be :ust as serious, not so much on a
ersonal level, but effecting more your finances. $f you have renovation lans, lease chec#
if you have Tai Sui an! Sui Bo segments !isturbe!. $f so, lease aly Feng Shui formulae
for choosing a safe !ate to start 5the buil!ing wor# or renovation6. This also inclu!es
SH1/ 2$/.3T$%* 2.4/..S 12E$3.
4ran! 2u#e
>uiter 5Tai
S2 Horse
-est not facing this !irection when sitting. *o
ma:or renovations insi!e in this !irection. *o
moving earth 5lanting inclu!e!6, construction
an! renovation wor#. Breferably avoi! travelling
towar!s this !irection.
9 SH1/S 59
*2 /at
3alamity sha
The worst of the 9 1fflictions, the same as Sui Bo
this year. -est not to have this !irection behin!
*W9 Big,
/obbery sha
-est not to have these !irections behin! you.
*.1 %"
1nnual sha
3lash 5Sui Bo6 *2 /at 9'2.'(;.'
-est not to have this !irection behin! you. 1voi!
moving earth, construction, renovation.

1lternatively, you coul! rint the !iagram above on a transarency an! lay it over your
floor(lan in or!er to see the areas of concern. However it is not always easy or ractical to
ta#e all ossible recautions. The imortant oint is to be reare! for these changes an! to
reme!y negative asects as much as ossible. $ shoul! also mention again that this list is
ma!e in or!er of imortance.

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