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Second book of Chronicles

`hl'[.m'(l. WhleD>g:y>w:) AM[i wyh'l{a/ hw"hyw: At=Wkl.m;-l[; dywID"-!b, hmol{v. qZEx;t.YIw: 1:1
hyd[sb hwh hyhla yyyd armymw hytwklm l[ dwd rb hmlv @qwtaw 1:1
`aly[l hyybrw
1:1 Now Solomon the son of David established himself securely over his kingdom, and the LORD his God was with him
and exalted him greatly.

ayfin" lkol.W ~yjip.Vo)l;w> tAaMeh;w> ~ypila' h] ' yrEf'l. laer"f.yI-lk'l. hmol{v. rm,aYOw: 1:2
`tAb)a'h' yvear" laer"f.yI-lk'l.
abr lklw aynyydlw atwwamw !ypla ynbrl larvy lkl hmlv rmaw 1:2
`athba yvyr larvy lkl
1:2 Solomon spoke to all Israel, to the commanders of thousands and of hundreds and to the judges and to every leader
in all Israel, the heads of the fathers' households.

d[eAm lh,ao hy"h' ~v'-yKi !A[+b.gIB. rv<a] hm'B'l; AM[i lh'Q'h;-lk'w> hmol{v. Wkl.YEw: 1:3
`rB")d>MiB; hw"hy>-db,[,( hv,mo hf'[' rv<a] ~yhil{a/h'(
!kvm hwh !mt ~wra !w[bgb yd atmrl hym[ alhq lkw hmlv wlzaw 1:3
`arbdmb yyyd adb[ hvm db[d yyyd anmz
1:3 Then Solomon and all the assembly with him went to the high place which was at Gibeon, for God's tent of meeting
was there, which Moses the servant of the LORD had made in the wilderness.

yKi dywI+D" Al !ykiheB;( ~yrI['y> ty:r>Qimi dywId" hl'[/h, ~yhil{a/h' !Ara] lb'a] 1:4
`~il'(v'WryBi lh,ao Al-hj'n")
vrp ~wra dwd hyl !yqta dk ~yr[y-tyrqm dwd qysa yyyd anwra ~rb 1:4
`~lvwryb ankvm hyl
1:4 However, David had brought up the ark of God from Kiriath-jearim to the place he had prepared for it, for he had
pitched a tent for it in Jerusalem.

hw"+hy> !K:v.mi ~f' rWx-!b, yrIWa-!B, lael.c;B. hf'[' rv<a] tv,xNo >h; xB;z>miW 1:5
`lh'(Q'h;w> hmol{v. Whver>d>YIw:
yyyd ankvm ~dq ywv rwx rb yrwa rb lalcb db[ yd avxnd axbdmw 1:5
`alhqw hmlv hy[btw
1:5 Now the bronze altar, which Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, had made, was there before the tabernacle of the
LORD, and Solomon and the assembly sought it out.

l[;Y:w: d[e_Am lh,aol. rv<a] hw"hy> tv,xoN>h; xB;z>mi-l[; ~v' hmol{v. l[;Y:w: 1:6
`@l,a'( tAl[o wyl'['
qysaw anmz !kvmb yd yyy ~dq avxnd axbdm l[ !mt hmlv qysaw 1:6
`apla !wwl[ ywl[
1:6 Solomon went up there before the LORD to the bronze altar which was at the tent of meeting, and offered a thousand
burnt offerings on it.

`%l")-!T,a, hm' la;v. Al rm,aYOw: hmo+l{ ~yhil{a/ ha'r>nI aWhh; hl'y>L:B;


`$l !ta hm [bt hyl rmaw hmlvl yyy ylgta awhh aylylb


1:7 In that night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, "Ask what I shall give you."

ynIT:k.l;m.hiw> lAd+G" ds,x, ybia' dywID"-~[i t'yfi[' hT'a; ~yhil{ale( hmol{v. rm,aYOw: 1:8
atkylmaw atbr atbj aba dwd ~[ atdb[ ta yyy ~dq hmlv rmaw 1:8
`yhwrtab yty
1:8 Solomon said to God, "You have dealt with my father David with great lovingkindness, and have made me king in
his place.

~[;-l[; ynIT;k.l;m.hi hT'a; yKi ybi_a' dywID" ~[i ^r>b"D> !mea'yE) ~yhil{a/ hw"hy> hT'[; 1:9
`#r<a'(h' rp:[]K; br:
tna ~wra aba dwd ~[ atlylmd $mgtp !myhm yhy ~yhla yyy !wd 1:9
`a[rad arp[k yh ygs ~[ larvy l[ yntklma
1:9 "Now, O LORD God, Your promise to my father David is fulfilled, for You have made me king over a people as
numerous as the dust of the earth.

jPov.yI ymi-yKi( ha'Ab+a'w> hZ<h;-~['h'( ha'> yli-!T, [D"m;W hm'k.x' hT'[; 1:10
s `lAd)G"h; hZ<h; ^M.[;-ta,
!m ~wra lw[yaw !ydh am[ ~dq qwpaw yl bh a[dnmw atmkx !wdk 1:10
`abr !ydh $m[ ty !dml qpsy
1:10 "Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people, for who can rule this great
people of Yours?"

rv,[o T'l.a;v'-al{)w> ^b,b'l.-~[i tazO ht'y>h' rv,a] ![;y: hmol{ ~yhil{a/-rm,aYOw: 1:11
hm'k.x' ^l.-la;v.Ti(w: T'l.a'_v' al{ ~yBir: ~ymiy"-~g:w> ^ya,n>fo vp,n< taew> dAbk'w> ~ysik'n>
`wyl'([' ^yTik.l;m.hi rv<a] yMi[;-ta, jAPv.Ti rv<a] [D"m;W
at[bt alw $bbl ~[ atbvxm ad twhd @lx hmlvl yyy rmaw 1:11
atlyyvw atlyyv al !y[ygs !ymwy @waw $anv tavpn tyw rqyw !ysknw rtw[
`yhwl[ $tkylmad ym[ ty !dml qypst yd a[dnmw atmkx $l
1:11 God said to Solomon, "Because you had this in mind, and did not ask for riches, wealth or honor, or the life of those
who hate you, nor have you even asked for long life, but you have asked for yourself wisdom and knowledge that you
may rule My people over whom I have made you king,

!ke hy"h"-al{ rv<a] %l'-!T,a, dAbk'w> ~ysik'n>W rv,[ow> %l"+ !Wtn" [D"M;h;w> hm'k.x'h;( 1:12
`!KE)-hy<h.yI) al{ ^yr<x]a;w> ^yn<p'l. rv<a] ~ykil'M.l;
ankyh al yd $l !ta rqyw !ysknw artw[w $l !ybyhy a[dnmw atmkx 1:12
`!k ahy al $rtb-!mw $mdq yd ayklml
1:12 wisdom and knowledge have been granted to you. And I will give you riches and wealth and honor, such as none of
the kings who were before you has possessed nor those who will come after you."

%l{m.YIw: d[e_Am lh,ao ynEp.Limi ~il;v'Wry> !A[b.gIB.-rv,a] hm'B'l; hmol{v. aboY"w: 1:13
p `lae(r"f.yI-l[;
anmz !kvm ~dql ~lvwryl !mtmw !w[bgb yd atmrl hmlv ataw 1:13
`larvy l[ $lmw
1:13 So Solomon went from the high place which was at Gibeon, from the tent of meeting, to Jerusalem, and he reigned
over Israel.

rf"['-~ynEv.W bk,r< tAame-[B;r>a;w> @l,a, Al-yhiy>w:) ~yvir"p'W bk,r< hmol{v. @soa/Y<w: 1:14
`~il'(v'Wr)yBi %l,M,h;-~[iw> bk,r<h' yrE['B. ~xeyNIY:w: ~yvi_r"P' @l,a,

!yktra ham [braw apla hyl wwhw !yvrpw !yktra hmlv vnkw 1:14
aklm ~[ wwhd hm !m-rb aykytr ywrqb !wnrvaw !yvrp !ypla rsyrtw
1:14 Solomon amassed chariots and horsemen. He had 1,400 chariots and 12,000 horsemen, and he stationed them in the
chariot cities and with the king at Jerusalem.

!t:n" ~yzIr"a]h' taew> ~ynI+b'a]K' ~il;v'WryBi bh'Z"h;-ta,w> @s,K,h;-ta, %l,Mh, ; !TeYIw: 1:15
`bro)l' hl'peV.B;-rv,a] ~ymiq.ViK;
tyw aynbak yh ~lvwryb !ylzldzm abhd tyw apsk ty hmlv bhyw 1:15
`ygwsl atlpvb yd aymqvk -yh bhy ayzra
1:15 The king made silver and gold as plentiful in Jerusalem as stones, and he made cedars as plentiful as sycamores in
the lowland.

Wxq.yI awEq.mi %l,M,h; yrEx]so awEq.miW ~yIr"+c.Mimi hmol{ rv<a] ~ysiWSh; ac'AmW 1:16
tyl aklm yrgt !ynbzd !wzmw ~yrcmm hmlvld atwwsws twnqpmw 1:16
`!ymdb aklm !m !h ala !wzm !wnbzyd rvpya
1:16 Solomon's horses were imported from Egypt and from Kue; the king's traders procured them from Kue for a price.

ha'_meW ~yVimix]B; sWsw> @s,K, tAame vveB. hb'K'r>m, ~yIr:c.Mimi WayciAYw: Wl[]Y:w:) 1:17
`Wayci(Ay ~d"y"B. ~r"a] ykel.m;W ~yTixih;( ykel.m;-lk'l. !kew>
hamb aswsw @skd !y[ls ham tyvb akytr ~yrcmm !yqpmw !yqsmw 1:17
`!yqpm !whydy l[ ~ra yklmw yatx yklm !whlkl !ydkhw !yvmxw
1:17 They imported chariots from Egypt for 600 shekels of silver apiece and horses for 150 apiece, and by the same
means they exported them to all the kings of the Hittites and the kings of Aram.

`At*Wkl.m;l. tyIb:W hw"hy> ~vel. tyIB; hmol{v. rm,aYOw:

`hytwklml atybw yyyd amvl avdqm-tyb ynbml hmlv rmaw


2:1 Now Solomon decided to build a house for the name of the LORD and a royal palace for himself.

rh"+B' bcexo vyai @l,a, ~ynIAmv.W lB's; vyai @l,a, ~y[ hmol{v. rPosY. Iw: 2:1
p `tAa)me vvew> ~ypil'a] tv,l{v. ~h,yle[] ~yxiC.n:m.W
!ylspd !ypla !nmtw an[wj yljn !yrbwg !ypla !y[bv hmlv anmw 2:1
`ham tyvw !ypla atlt !whyl[ !nmm !yjylvw arwjb
2:2 So Solomon assigned 70,000 men to carry loads and 80,000 men to quarry stone in the mountains and 3,600 to
supervise them.

ybia' dywID"-~[i t'yfi[' rv<a]K; rmo=ale rco-%l,m,( ~r"Wx-la, hmol{v. xl;v.YIw: 2:2
`AB* tb,v,l' tyIb: Al-tAn* ~yzIr"a] Al-xl;(v.Ti(w:
dwd ~[ atdb[d hmk yh rmyml rwcd aklm ~rwx twl hmlv rdvw 2:2
`hyb btml atyb hyl ynbml !yzra hyl atrdvw aba
2:3 Then Solomon sent word to Huram the king of Tyre, saying, "As you dealt with David my father and sent him cedars
to build him a house to dwell in, so do for me.

wyn"p'l. ryjiq.h;l. Al vyDIq.h;l. yh'l{a/ hw"hy> ~vel. tyIB;-hn<Ab* ynIa] hNEhi 2:3
~yvid"xl,w> tAtB'V;l; br<[,l'w> rq,Bol; tAl[ow> dymiT' tk,r[< ]m;W ~yMis;-tr<jo)q.
`lae(r"f.yI-l[; tazO ~l'A[l. Wnyhe_l{a/ hw"hy> ydE[]Aml.W*
rta ywhml hyl avdqtal yhla yyyd amvl avdqm-tyb ynb ana ah 2:3
arpcl !wwl[w arydt ~xld arwdsw ~ymswb trjq yhwmdq aqsal !mwzm

adh atdqpt aml[l anhla yyyd aynmzlw ayxrylw aybv ymwyl avmrlw
`larvy l[
2:4 "Behold, I am about to build a house for the name of the LORD my God, dedicating it to Him, to burn fragrant
incense before Him and to set out the showbread continually, and to offer burnt offerings morning and evening, on
sabbaths and on new moons and on the appointed feasts of the LORD our God, this being required forever in Israel.

`~yhi(l{a/h'-lK'mi Wnyhel{a/ lAdg"-yKi( lAd+G" hn<Ab ynIa]-rv,a] tyIB:h;w>

`aymm[d aylxd !whlkm anhla abr ~wra br ynb ana yd avdqm-tybw


2:5 "The house which I am about to build will be great, for greater is our God than all the gods.

ymiW Whlu_K.l.k;y> al{ ~yIm:V'h; ymev.W ~yIm:V'h; yKi tyIb; Al-tAn* x:Ko-rc'[]y: ymiW 2:5
`wyn")p'l. ryjiq.h;l.-~ai yKi tyIb; AL-hn<b.a, rv<a] ynIa]
aymvw aty[ra aymv ~wra avdqm-tyb hyl anbml alyx rbwsy !mw 2:5
alwk lybs awhd lwjm hyty !wrbwsy yd rvpya tyl aly[ aymvw aty[ycm
aml[ lkw aymwhtw ywmdq vbyk a[raw hyrqy ysrwk aymv hytrwbg [rdb
!ymswb aqsal !h ala atyb hyl ynbad ana !mw hyrmym xwrb !yrbwtsm
2:6 "But who is able to build a house for Him, for the heavens and the highest heavens cannot contain Him? So who am I,
that I should build a house for Him, except to burn incense before Him?

!w"G>r>a;b'(W lz<r>B;b;W tv,xoN>b;W @s,Kb, ;W bh'Z"B; tAf[]l; ~k'x'-vyai yli-xl;(v.( hT'[;w> 2:6
hd"WhyBi( yMi[i rv<a] ~ymik'x]h;(-~[i ~yxi_WTPi x;Tep;l. [;dEyOw> tl,ket.W lymir>k;w>
`ybi(a' dywID" !ykihe rv<a] ~il;v'Wrybi(W
avxnbw apskbw abhdb atdyb[ db[ml ~ykx rbg yl rdv !wdkw 2:6
!pylg vrpm rjv btk @lgml [dyw alktw atyrwhzbw anwgrabw alzrpbw
`aba dwd !yqtad ~lvwrybw hdwhyb ym[ yd aymykx ~[
2:7 "Now send me a skilled man to work in gold, silver, brass and iron, and in purple, crimson and violet fabrics, and
who knows how to make engravings, to work with the skilled men whom I have in Judah and Jerusalem, whom David my
father provided.

rv<a] yTi[.d:y" ynIa] yKi !Anb'L.h;me( ~yMiWGl.a;w> ~yviArB. ~yzIr"a] yce[] yli-xl;(v.W* 2:7
`^yd<(b'[]-~[i yd:b'[] hNEhiw> !An=b'l. yce[] ~y[id>Ay* ^yd<b'[]
$db[d ylg ymdq ~wra !nbl !m aymwglaw !ytrb !yzra ysyq yl rdvw 2:7
`$db[ ~[ ydb[ ahw !nbl !m !ysyq #qml !y[dy
2:8 "Send me also cedar, cypress and algum timber from Lebanon, for I know that your servants know how to cut timber
of Lebanon; and indeed my servants will work with your servants,

`ale(p.h;w> lAdG" hn<Ab ynIa]-rv,a] tyIB:h; yKi bro+l' ~yci[e yli !ykih'l.W
`avyrpw abr ynb anad atyb ~wra ygwsl !ysyq yl anqtalw


2:9 to prepare timber in abundance for me, for the house which I am about to build will be great and wonderful.

~yrIf.[, ~yrIKo ^yd<b'[]l; tAKm; ~yJixi yTit;n" ~yci[eh' yter>kol.( ~ybij.xol;( hNEhiw> 2:9
~yrIf.[, ~yTiB; !m,v,w> @l,a, ~yrIf.[, ~yTiB; !yIy:w> @l,a'_ ~yrIf.[, ~yrIKo ~yrI[of.W @l,a,
p `@l,a'(
!yrv[ !yrwk $db[l swnrp !yjx tybhy !ysyq y[jqmlw ay[jql ahw 2:9
!ytb axvmw apla !yrv[ !ytb armxw apla !yrv[ !yrwk !yr[vw apla
`apla !yrv[
2:10 "Now behold, I will give to your servants, the woodsmen who cut the timber, 20,000 kors of crushed wheat and
20,000 kors of barley, and 20,000 baths of wine and 20,000 baths of oil."

AM[;-ta, hw"hy> tb;h]a;B. hmo+l{v.-la, xl;v.YIw: bt'k.Bi rco-%l,m,( ~r"Wx rm,aYOw: 2:10
`%l,m,( ~h,yle[] ^n>t'n>
hym[ ty yyy ~xrdb hmlvl rdvw abtkb rwcd aklm ~rwx rmaw 2:10
`aklml !whyl[ $ty ynm
2:11 Then Huram, king of Tyre, answered in a letter sent to Solomon: "Because the LORD loves His people, He has
made you king over them."

#r<a'_h'-ta,w> ~yIm:V'h;-ta, hf'[' rv<a] laer"f.yI yhel{a/ hw"hy> %WrB' ~r"Wx rm,aYOw: 2:11
hw"hyl; tyIB;-hn<b.yI rv<a] hn"ybiW lk,fe [:dEAy ~k'x' !BE %l,M,h; dywIdl" . !t;n" rv<a]
`At*Wkl.m;l. tyIb:W
bhyd a[ra tyw aymv ty db[ yd larvyd ahla yyy $yrb ~rwx rmaw 2:11
amvl avdqm-tyb hnby yd atnwybw wntlkws [dy ~ykx rb aklm dwdl
`hytwklml atybw yyyd
2:12 Then Huram continued, "Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, who has made heaven and earth, who has given
King David a wise son, endowed with discretion and understanding, who will build a house for the LORD and a royal
palace for himself.

`ybi(a' ~r"Wxl. hn"yBi [;dEAy ~k'x'-vyai yTix.l;v' hT'[;w>

`abr ~rwxl atnwyb [dy ~ykx rbg tyrdv !wdkw


2:13 "Now I am sending Huram-abi, a skilled man, endowed with understanding,

tv,xoN>B; @s,K,b;W-bh'Z")B; tAf[]l; [:dAE y yrIco-vyai wybia'w> !D" tAnB.-!mi hV'ai-!B, 2:13
x:WTPi-lK' x:Tpe ;l.W lymir>K;b;W #WBb;W tl,keT.B; !m"G"r>a;B' ~yci[eb'W ~ynIb'a]B' lz<r>B;B;
`^ybi(a' dywID" ynIdoa] ymek.x;w>) ^ym,k'x]-~[i Al-!t,N")yI rv<a] tb,v'_x]m;-lK' bvox.l;w>
!md rbgl tbysntaw yltpn jbvm attad ahwbaw !d tnbm atta rb 2:13
avxnbw apskbw abhdb atdyb[ db[ml [dy hrawc ~ryxd yhwbaw rwc
btk @lgmlw atyrwhzbw acwbw alktb anwgrab aysyqbw aynbab alzrpbw
ymykx ~[w $yymykx ~[ hyl bhyty yd !wwnmwa lk aplalw @ylgw vrpm
`$wba dwd ynwbr
2:14 the son of a Danite woman and a Tyrian father, who knows how to work in gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone and
wood, and in purple, violet, linen and crimson fabrics, and who knows how to make all kinds of engravings and to execute
any design which may be assigned to him, to work with your skilled men and with those of my lord David your father.

`wyd"(b'[]l; xl;v.yI ynIdoa] rm:a' rv<a] !yIY:h;w> !m,V,h; ~yrI[oF.h;w> ~yJixih; hT'[;w>
`yhwdb[l rdvy ynwbr rma yd armxw axvmw !yr[vw !yjx !wdkw


2:15 "Now then, let my lord send to his servants wheat and barley, oil and wine, of which he has spoken.

~y"-l[; tAdsop.r: ^l. ~aeybin>W ^K,r>c'-lk'K. !Anb'L.h;-!mi ~yci[e trok.nI Wnx.n:a]w: 2:15
p `~il'(v'Wry> ~t'ao hl,[]T; hT'a;w> Ap=y"
amyl !ysgrwt $l !wntynw $krwc lkk yh !nbl !m !ysyq #wqn anxnaw 2:15
`~lvwryl !whty qyst tnaw wpyd
2:16 "We will cut whatever timber you need from Lebanon and bring it to you on rafts by sea to Joppa, so that you may
carry it up to Jerusalem."

rv<a] rp'S.h; yrEx]a; laer"f.yI #r<a,B. rv,a] ~yrIyGEh; ~yvin"a]h'-lK' hmol{v. rPos.YIw: 2:16
`tAa)me vvew> ~ypil'a] tv,l{v.W @l,a, ~yVimix]w: ha'me Wac.M'YIw: wybi_a' dywID" ~r"p's.
anynm rtb-!m larvyd a[rab !yryydd aybtwt lk ty hmlv ynmw 2:16
`ham tyvw !ypla atltw !ypla !yvmxw ham wxktvaw yhwba dwd !wnynmd
2:17 Solomon numbered all the aliens who were in the land of Israel, following the census which his father David had
taken; and 153,600 were found.

~ypil'a] tv,l{v.W rh"+B' bcexo @l,a, ~ynImov.W lB's; @l,a, ~y[ ~h,me f[;Y:w: 2:17
`~['(h'-ta, dybi[]h;l. ~yxiC.n:m. tAame vvew>
!ypla aynmtw aptkb !yrbwsmd !ypla !y[bwv !rwbx !whnm db[w 2:17
`am[ ty axlpal lwjm !yjlvd ham tyvw !ypla atltw arwwjb !ylspd
2:18 He appointed 70,000 of them to carry loads and 80,000 to quarry stones in the mountains and 3,600 supervisors to
make the people work.

ha'r>nI rv<a] hY"rIAMh; rh;B. ~il;v'WryBi hw"hy>-tyBe-ta, hmol{v. lx,Y"w: 3:1
`ysi(Wby>h; !n"r>a' !r<gOB. dywID" ~Aqm.Bi !ykihe rv<a] Whybi_a' dywId"l.
rtab hyrwm rwwjb ~lvwryb yyyd avdqm-tyb ty ynbml hmlv yrvw 3:1
!yxlq !mtd anxlwp [ra rta awh yyyd amvb !mt ~hrba ylcw xlpd
hybzyvw atl[l hyrb qxcy ty ~hrba qysa !mtw ayrd lk yyy ~dq
wv[ ~dq-!m hyqry[mb bq[y ylc !mt hypwlx arkd ynmtaw yyyd armym
!m !bzyd artab axbdm !yqtad !mzb dwdl yyyd akalm ylgta !mt ywxa
`haswby !wwrad yrda tybb !wwra
3:1 Then Solomon began to build the house of the LORD in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, where the LORD had appeared
to his father David, at the place that David had prepared on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.

`At*Wkl.m;l. [B;r>a; tn:v.Bi ynIVeB; ynIVeh; vd<xoB; lx,Y"w: 3:2

axryl !ymwy !yrtb anynt axry awh ryyad axryb hyty ynbml yrvw 3:2
`hytwklml [bra tnvb
3:2 He began to build on the second day in the second month of the fourth year of his reign.

hD"MiB; tAMa; %r<aoh' ~yhi_l{a/h' tyBe-ta, hmol{v. ds;Wh hL,aew> 3:3
`~yrI)f.[, tAMa; bx;row> ~yVivi tAMa; hn"AvarI)h'
yyyd avdqm-tyb ty ynbml yrv dk hmlv hyty sysbd atxvm !ylaw 3:3
`!yrv[ !yma hytwpw !ytv !yma atqyt[ atymdq atxvmb akrwa
3:3 Now these are the foundations which Solomon laid for building the house of God. The length in cubits, according to
the old standard was sixty cubits, and the width twenty cubits.

ha'me Hb;GOh;w> ~yrIf.[, tAMa; tyIBh; ;-bx;ro) ynEP.-l[; %r<aho ' ynEP.-l[; rv,a] ~l'Wah'w> 3:4
`rAh*j' bh'z" hm'ynIP.mi WhPec;y>w: ~yrI+f.[,w>
amwrw !yrv[ !yma atybd aytwp ypa l[ akrwa ypa l[ yd amlwaw 3:4
`ykd bhd wygl !m yhpxw !yrv[w ham
3:4 The porch which was in front of the house was as long as the width of the house, twenty cubits, and the height 120;
and inside he overlaid it with pure gold.

~yrImoTi wyl'[' l[;Y:w: bAj+ bh'z" WhPex;y>w: ~yviArB. #[e hP'xi lAdG"h; tyIB:h; taew> 3:5
trwc yhwl[ qysaw bj bhd yhpxw !ytrbd !yrsn apx abr atyb tyw 3:5
`ayktw !ylqd
3:5 He overlaid the main room with cypress wood and overlaid it with fine gold, and ornamented it with palm trees and

`~yIw")r>P; bh;z> bh'Z"h;w> tr<a'_p.til. hr"q'y> !b,a, tyIB:h;-ta, @c:y>w:

`~ywrp bhd abhdb acmrm axbvwtl abj !ba atyb ty apxw
3:6 Further, he adorned the house with precious stones; and the gold was gold from Parvaim.


~ybiWrK. xT;piW bh'_z" wyt'Atl.d:w> wyt'AryqI)w> ~yPiSih; tArQoh; tyIB;h;-ta, @x;y>w: 3:7
s `tAr)yQih;-l[;
@lgw abhd yhwvdw yhwltwkw aypwqsw ayvyrm ayvydm atyb ty apxw 3:7
`ayltwk l[ !ybwrk trwc
3:7 He also overlaid the house with gold-- the beams, the thresholds and its walls and its doors; and he carved cherubim
on the walls.

~yrIf.[, tAMa; tyIB;h;-bx;ro) ynEP.-l[; AKr>a' ~yvid"Qh; vd<qo-tyBe(-ta, f[;Yw: : 3:8

`tAa)me vve ~yrIK'kil. bAj bh'z" WhPex;y>w: ~yrI+f.[, tAMa; ABx.r"w>
!yrv[ !yma atybd aytwp ypa l[ hykrwa ayvdwq vdq tyb ty db[w 3:8
`ham tyv !yrnyjnql bj bhd yhpxw !yrv[ !yma hytwpw
3:8 Now he made the room of the holy of holies: its length across the width of the house was twenty cubits, and its width
was twenty cubits; and he overlaid it with fine gold, amounting to 600 talents.

`bh'(z" hP'xi tAYli[]h'w> bh'_z" ~yVimix] ~yliq' lq"v.miW

`abhd apx atyly[w abxd !yvmx !ylqtl hyyrmsml lqtmw


3:9 The weight of the nails was fifty shekels of gold. He also overlaid the upper rooms with gold.

`bh'(z" ~t'ao WPc;y>w: ~y[i_cu[]c; hfe[]m; ~yIn:v. ~ybiWrK. ~yvid"Qh; vd<qo-tybe(B. f[;Y:w:
`abhd !whty wpxw !ynvwv dbw[ !yrt !ybwrk ayvdwq vdq tybb db[w


3:10 Then he made two sculptured cherubim in the room of the holy of holies and overlaid them with gold.

t[;G:m; vmex' tAMa;l. dx'a,h' @n:K. ~yrI+f.[, tAMa; ~K'r>a' ~ybiWrK.h; ypen>k;w> 3:11
`rxE)a;h' bWrK.h; [:yGIm; vmex' tAMa; tr<x,a;h' @n"K'h;w> tyIB;h; ryqIl.
ltwkl ayjm vmx !ymal dx apdg !yrv[ !yma !whkrwa aybwrk ypdgw 3:11
`dx aybwrkd apdgl yjm vmx !yma atynrwx apdgw atyb
3:11 The wingspan of the cherubim was twenty cubits; the wing of one, of five cubits, touched the wall of the house, and
its other wing, of five cubits, touched the wing of the other cherub.

tAMa; tr<x,a;h' @n"K'h;w> tyIB"+h; ryqIl. [:yGIm; vmex' tAMa; dx'a,h' bWrK.h; @n:kW. 3:12
`rxE)a;h' bWrK.h; hq'beD> vmex'
!yma atynrwx ypdgw atyb ltwkl yjm vmx !yma dx abwrkd apdgw 3:12
`dx aybwrkd apdgl aqbdm vmx
3:12 The wing of the other cherub, of five cubits, touched the wall of the house; and its other wing of five cubits was
attached to the wing of the first cherub.

~h,yleg>r:-l[; ~ydIm.[o ~hew> ~yrI+f.[, tAMa; ~yfir>Po* hL,aeh' ~ybiWrK.h; ypen>K; 3:13
s `tyIB")l; ~h,ynEp.W
!whypaw !whylgr l[ !ymyyq !wnaw !yrv[ !yma !syrp !ylah aybwrk ypdg 3:13
3:13 The wings of these cherubim extended twenty cubits, and they stood on their feet facing the main room.

s `~ybi(WrK. wyl'[' l[;Y:w: #Wb+W lymir>k;w> !m"G"r>a;w> tl,keT. tk,roP'h;-ta, f[;Yw: : 3:14
trwc ahl[ qysaw acwbw atyrwhzw anwgraw alkt adwgrp ty db[w 3:14
3:14 He made the veil of violet, purple, crimson and fine linen, and he worked cherubim on it.

tp,C,h;w> %r<ao+ vmex'w> ~yvil{v. tAMa; ~yIn:v. ~ydIWM[; tyIB;h; f[;Y:w: 3:15
s `vme(x' tAMa; Avaro-l[;-rv,a]

yh atnwrqw akrwa avmxw !ytlt !yma !yrt !ydwm[ atyb ~dq db[w 3:15
`avmx !yma hyvyr l[ yd agrv twmdk
3:15 He also made two pillars for the front of the house, thirty-five cubits high, and the capital on the top of each was
five cubits.

!TEYIw: ha'me ~ynIAMrI f[;Y:w: ~ydI_Mu[;h' varo-l[; !TEYIw: rybiD>B; tArv.r>v; f[;Y:w: 3:16
bhyw ham !ynwmr db[w aydwm[ vyr l[ bhyw yrwpk tybb !ykt db[w 3:16
3:16 He made chains in the inner sanctuary and placed them on the tops of the pillars; and he made one hundred
pomegranates and placed them on the chains.

ar"q.YIw: lwamo+F.h;me( dx'a,w> !ymiY"mi dx'a, lk'yheh; ynEP.-l[; ~ydIWM[;h'(-ta, ~q,Y"w: 3:17
s `z[;Bo) yliam'F.h; ~vew> !ykiy" ynIm'y>h; ynIymiy>h;-~ve
arqw almv !m dxw anymy !m dx alkyh ypa l[ aydwm[ ty ~yqaw 3:17
z[b halmv ~wvw dwd tybd atwklm tnqtad ~wv l[ !yky hanymy ~wv
tybd ayklm lk wqpn hynmd hdwhy tybl aba tyb br z[b ~wv l[
3:17 He erected the pillars in front of the temple, one on the right and the other on the left, and named the one on the
right Jachin and the one on the left Boaz.

tAMa; rf,[,w> AB=x.r" hM'a; ~yrIf.[,w> AKr>a' hM'a; ~yrIf.[, tv,xon> xB;z>mi f[;Y:w: 4:1
s `At)m'Aq
rv[w hytwp !yma !yrv[w hykrwa !yma !yrv[ avxnd axbdm ty db[w 4:1
`hymwr !yma
4:1 Then he made a bronze altar, twenty cubits in length and twenty cubits in width and ten cubits in height.

vmex'w> bybis' lAg[' Atp'f.-la, Atp'F.mi hM'a;B'( rf,[, qc'_Wm ~Y"h;-ta, f[;Y:w: 4:2
`bybi(s' Atao bsoy" hM'a;B'( ~yvil{v. wq'w> Atm'Aq) hM'a;B'(
rwzx-rwzx lglgs hytpsl hytps !m !ymab rv[ $tm amy ty db[w 4:2
`rwzx-rwzx hyl @qm !yma !ytlt xvm jwxw hymwr !yma vmxw
4:2 Also he made the cast metal sea, ten cubits from brim to brim, circular in form, and its height was five cubits and its
circumference thirty cubits.

~ypiyQim; hM'a;B'( rf,[, Atao ~ybib.As bybis' bybis' Al tx;T; ~yrIq'B. tWmd>W 4:3
`AT*q.c;mu(B. ~yqIWcy> rq'B'h; ~yrIWj ~yIn:v. bybi_s' ~Y"h;-ta,
amy ty !ypqm !yma rv[ hyty !ypqm rwzx-rwzx hyl [rlm !yrwt trwcw 4:3
`hytwktab !yktm yrwtd !yrds !yrt rwzx-rwzx
4:3 Now figures like oxen were under it and all around it, ten cubits, entirely encircling the sea. The oxen were in two
rows, cast in one piece.

hv'l{v.W hM'y" ~ynIpo hv'Alv.W hn"Apc' ~ynIpo hv'l{v. rq'B' rf"[' ~ynEv.-l[; dmeA[ 4:4
`ht'y>B") ~h,yrExoa]-lk'w> hl'[.m'_l.mi ~h,yle[] ~Y"h;w> hx'r"z>mi ~ynIPo hv'l{v.W hB'g>n< ~ynIPo
abr[ml !whypa atltw anwpcl !whypa atlt !yrwt rsyrt l[ ~yaq 4:4
!whyl[ !qtm amyw axnydml !whypa atltw amwrdl !whypa atltw
`wygl !whyrwxa lkw aly[lm
4:4 It stood on twelve oxen, three facing the north, three facing west, three facing south and three facing east; and the sea
was set on top of them and all their hindquarters turned inwards.

tv,l{v. ~yTiB; qyzIx]m; hN"+v;Av) xr:P, sAK-tp;f. hfe[]m;K. Atp'f.W xp;j, Ayb.['w> 4:5
s `lyki(y" ~ypil'a]
jyqn atnvwvk jyql lglgs dylk dbw[k yh hytpsw akvwp hykmwsw 4:5
`lysxm abjwr !ytb !ypla !yrt vbwyb !ytb !ypla tlt
4:5 It was a handbreadth thick, and its brim was made like the brim of a cup, like a lily blossom; it could hold 3,000

~h,b' hc'x.r"l. lwamoF.mi hV'mix]w: !ymiY"mi hV'mix] !TeYIw: hr"f'[] ~yrIAYKi f[;Y:w: 4:6
s `AB) ~ynIh]Kol; hc'x.r"l. ~Y"h;w> ~b'_ WxydIy" hl'A[h' hfe[]m;-ta,
avmxw lalcb db[d arwykd anymy !m avmx bhyw arv[ !yrwyk db[w 4:6
lalcbd arwykw !whb !yxydm atl[ dbw[ ty !whb llxml alamv !m
`hyb aynhk vwdql amyw abr anhk vwdql
4:6 He also made ten basins in which to wash, and he set five on the right side and five on the left to rinse things for the
burnt offering; but the sea was for the priests to wash in.

vmex'w> !ymiY"mi vmex' lk'yheB;( !TeYIw: ~j'_P'v.miK. rf,[, bh'Z"h; tArnOm.-ta, f[;Y:w: 4:7
s `lwamo)F.mi
!m avmx alkyhb bhyw !whl ymx dk ytrv[ abhdd atrnm ty db[w 4:7
`alamv !m avmxw anymy
4:7 Then he made the ten golden lampstands in the way prescribed for them and he set them in the temple, five on the
right side and five on the left.

f[;Y:w: lwamo+F.mi hV'mix]w: !ymiY"mi hV'mix] lk'yheB;( xN:Y:w: hr"f'[] tAnx' f[;Y:w: 4:8
`ha'(me bh'z" yqEr>z>mi
db[d arwtpl anymy !m avmx alkyhb xnaw arv[ !yrwtp db[w 4:8
`ham bhd ylyyp db[w alamv !m avmxw lalcb
4:8 He also made ten tables and placed them in the temple, five on the right side and five on the left. And he made one
hundred golden bowls.

hP'ci ~h,yteAtl.d:w> hr"z"[]l' tAtl'd>W hl'_AdG>h; hr"z"[]h'w> ~ynIh]Koh; rc:x] f[;Yw: : 4:9
`tv,xn)o >
`avxn apx !whyvdw atrdl !yvdw atbr atrdw aynhkd atrd db[w 4:9
4:9 Then he made the court of the priests and the great court and doors for the court, and overlaid their doors with

`hB'g>n<) lWMmi hm'd>qE tynIm'y>h; @t,K,mi !t;n" ~Y"h;-ta,w>

`amwrd lybqm axnydm amwdq xwrl anymy atyb rby[ !m bhy amy tyw


4:10 He set the sea on the right side of the house toward the southeast.

~r"Wx ~r"Yx lk;y>w: s tAq+r"z>Mih;-ta,w> ~y[iY"h;-ta,w> tArySih;-ta, ~r"Wx f[;Y:w: 4:11

`~yhi(l{a/h' tybeB. hmol{v. %l,M,l; hf'[' rv<a] hk'al'M.h;-ta, tAf[]l;
ty db[ml ~rwx lsxw aylyyp tyw atypwrgm tyw arwyk ty ~rwx db[w 4:11
`yyyd avdqm-tybb hmlv aklml db[d atdyb[ lk
4:11 Huram also made the pails, the shovels and the bowls. So Huram finished doing the work which he performed for
King Solomon in the house of God:

~yIT;v. tAkb'F.h;w> ~yIT"+v. ~ydIWM[;h' varo-l[; tArt'Koh;w> tALGUh;w> ~yIn:v. ~ydIWM[; 4:12
`~ydI(WM[;h'( varo-l[; rv<a] tArt'Ko)h; tALGU yTev.-ta, tASk;l.
!ytrt aygyrsw !ytrt aydwm[ vyr l[ !wwtnwrqw !yngaw !yrt aydwm[ 4:12

`aydwm[ vyr l[ yd !wwtnwrq ynga !ytrt ty haskl

4:12 the two pillars, the bowls and the two capitals on top of the pillars, and the two networks to cover the two bowls of
the capitals which were on top of the pillars,

hk'b'F.l; ~ynIAMrI ~yrIWj ~yIn:v. tAk+b'F.h; tAame [B;r>a; ~ynIAMrIh")-ta,w> 4:13
`~ydI(WM[;h' ynEP.-l[; rv<a] tArt'Ko)h; tALGU yTev.-ta, tASk;l. tx'a,h'
atgyrsl !ynwmrd !yrds !yrt atgyrs !ytrtl ham abra aynwmr tyw 4:13
`aydwm[ ypa l[ yd !wwtnwrq ynga !ytrt ty haskl adx
4:13 and the four hundred pomegranates for the two networks, two rows of pomegranates for each network to cover the
two bowls of the capitals which were on the pillars.

`tAn*koM.h;-l[; hf'[' tArYOKih-; ta,w> hf'_[' tAnkoM.h;-ta,w>

`aysysb l[ db[ ayrwyk tyw db[ aysysb tyw


4:14 He also made the stands and he made the basins on the stands,

`wyT'(x.T; rf"['-~ynEv. rq"B'h;-ta,w> dx'_a, ~Y"h;-ta,

`yhwtwxt rsyrt yrwt tyw dx amy ty


4:15 and the one sea with the twelve oxen under it.

wybia' ~r"Wx hf'[' ~h,yleK.-lK'-ta,w> tAgl'z>Mih;-ta,w> ~y[iY"h;-ta,w> tArySih;-ta,w> 4:16

`qWr)m' tv,xon> hw"+hy> tybel. hmol{v. %l,M,l;
hybr ~rwx db[ !whynm lk tyw atyrwnc tyw atypwrgm tyw aydwd tyw 4:16
`bhcm vxn yyyd avdqm-tybl hmlv aklml
4:16 The pails, the shovels, the forks and all its utensils, Huram-abi made of polished bronze for King Solomon for the
house of the LORD.

`ht'd"(rEc. !ybeW tAKsu !yBe hm'_d"a]h' ybi[]B; %l,M,h; ~q"c'y> !DEr>Y:h; rK:kiB.
`tdrc !ybw twks !yb atvygrg ybw[b aklm !wnkyta andrwy yrvymb


4:17 On the plain of the Jordan the king cast them in the clay ground between Succoth and Zeredah.

p `tv,xo)N>h; lq:v.mi rq:x.n< al{ yKi dao+m. brol' hL,aeh' ~yliKeh;-lK' hmol{v. f[;Y:w: 4:18
lqtml @ws tyl ~wra adxl ygwsl !yylah aynm lk ty hmlv db[w 4:18
4:18 Thus Solomon made all these utensils in great quantities, for the weight of the bronze could not be found out.

bh'Z"h; xB;z>mi taew> ~yhi_l{a/h' tyBe rv<a] ~yliKeh;-lK' tae hmol{v. f[;Y:w: 4:19
`~ynI)P'h; ~x,l, ~h,yle[]w: tAnx'l.Vuh;-ta,w>
abhdd axbdm tyw yyyd avdqm-tybb yd aynm lk ty hmlv db[w 4:19
`aypa ~xl !whyl[d ayrwtp tyw
4:19 Solomon also made all the things that were in the house of God: even the golden altar, the tables with the bread of
the Presence on them,

`rWg*s' bh'z" rybiD>h; jP'v.MiK; ~r"[]b;l. ~h,yteronEw> tArnOM.h;-ta,w>

`bj bhd yrwpk tyb ~dq ymx dk !whtwqldal !whynycwbw atrnm tyw


4:20 the lampstands with their lamps of pure gold, to burn in front of the inner sanctuary in the way prescribed;

`bh'(z" tAlk.mi aWh bh'_z" ~yIx:q;l.M,h;w> tArNEh;w> xr:P,h;w>

`bhdd alwk rymg awh ykd bhd aytybcw aynycwbw aynvwvw


4:21 the flowers, the lamps, and the tongs of gold, of purest gold;

wyt'Atl.D: tyIB;h; xt;p,W rWg=s' bh'z" tATx.M;h;w> tAPK;h;w> tAqr"z>Mih;w> tArM.z:m.h;(w>


`bh'(z" lk'yhel; tyIB:h; ytel.d:w> ~yvid"Qh; vd<qol. tAYmiynIP.h;

yhwvdw atyb [rtw bj bhd atytxmw aykyzbw ayqrzmw ayrmzmw 4:22
`abhd alkyhl atyb yvdw ayvdwq vdql atyywwg
4:22 and the snuffers, the bowls, the spoons and the firepans of pure gold; and the entrance of the house, its inner doors
for the holy of holies and the doors of the house, that is, of the nave, of gold.

hmol{v. abeY"w: s hw"+hy> tybel. hmol{v. hf'['-rv,a] hk'al'M.h;-lK' ~l;v.Tiw: 5:1

tyBe tArc.aoB. !t;n" ~yliKeh;-lK'-ta,w> bh'Z"h;-ta,w> @s,K,h;-ta,w> wybia' dywID" yved>q'-ta,
p `~yhi(l{a/h'
ty hmlv ytyyaw yyyd avdqm-tybl hmlv db[d atdyb[ lk tmylvw 5:1
yrcwab bhy aynm lk tyw abhd tyw apsk tyw yhwba dwd yvdwq
`yyyd avdqm-tyb
5:1 Thus all the work that Solomon performed for the house of the LORD was finished. And Solomon brought in the
things that David his father had dedicated, even the silver and the gold and all the utensils, and put them in the treasuries
of the house of God.

tAba'h' yaeyfin> tAJM;h; yvear"-lK'-ta,w> laer"f.yI ynEq.zI-ta, hmol{v. lyheqy. : za' 5:2
`!AY*ci ayhi dywID" ry[ime hw"hy>-tyrIB. !Ara]-ta, tAl[]h;l.( ~il'_v'Wry>-la, laer"f.yI
athba ybrbr ayjbv yvyr lk tyw larvy ybs ty hmlv vnk !kb ah 5:2
`!wyc ayh dwdd atrq !m yyyd amyyq !wra ty aqsal ~lvwryl larvy ynbl
5:2 Then Solomon assembled to Jerusalem the elders of Israel and all the heads of the tribes, the leaders of the fathers'
households of the sons of Israel, to bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the city of David, which is Zion.

`y[i(biV.h; vd<xoh; aWh gx'_B, laer"f.yI vyai-lK' %l,Mh, ;-la, Wlh]Q'YIw: 5:3
awhd ayljmd agxb larvy vna lk hmlv aklm twl wvnktaw 5:3
`ha[ybv axryb
5:3 All the men of Israel assembled themselves to the king at the feast, that is in the seventh month.

`!Ar)a'h'-ta, ~YIwIl.h; Waf.YIw: lae_r"f.yI ynEq.zI lKo WaboY"w:

`anwra ty yawyl wljnw larvy ybs lk wtaw


5:4 Then all the elders of Israel came, and the Levites took up the ark.

Wl[/h, lh,ao+B' rv<a] vd<Qoh; yleK.-lK'-ta,w> d[eAm lh,ao-ta,w> !Ara'h'-ta, Wl[]Y:w: 5:5
`~YI)wIl.h; ~ynIh]Koh; ~t'ao
ankvmb yd avdwq ynam lk tyw anmz !kvm tyw anwra ty wqysaw 5:5
`yawylw aynhk !whty wqysa
5:5 They brought up the ark and the tent of meeting and all the holy utensils which were in the tent; the Levitical priests
brought them up.

!aco ~yxiB.z:m. !Ar+a'h' wyl'[' ~ydI['ANh; laer"f.yI td:[]-lk'w> hmol{v. %l,M,h;w> 5:6
`bro)me WnM'yI al{w> Wrp.S'yI-al{) rv<a] rq'b'W
!ysknm anwra ~dq yhwl[ wnmdzad larvyd atvnk lkw hmlv aklmw 5:6
`y[gws !m !wnmty alw amyks !whl tyld !yrwtw !a[ !yxbdw
5:6 And King Solomon and all the congregation of Israel who were assembled with him before the ark, were sacrificing
so many sheep and oxen that they could not be counted or numbered.

vd<qo-la, tyIB:h; rybiD>-la, AmAqm.-la, hw"hy>-tyrIB. !Ara]-ta, ~ynIh]Koh; WaybiY"w: 5:7

`~ybi(WrK.h; ypen>K; tx;T;-la, ~yvi_d"Q.h;
hyl !qtm yd yrwpk tybl hyrtal yyyd amyyq anwra ty aynhk wly[aw 5:7

`aybwrk ypdg twxtl ayvdwq vdql atyb [cmb

5:7 Then the priests brought the ark of the covenant of the LORD to its place, into the inner sanctuary of the house, to
the holy of holies, under the wings of the cherubim.

!Ara'h'-l[; ~ybiWrK.h; WSk;y>w: !Ar+a'h' ~Aqm.-l[; ~yIp;n"K. ~yfir>Po ~ybiWrK.h; Wyh.YIw: 5:8
`hl'[.m'(l.mi wyD"B;-l[;w>
anwra l[ aybwrk !lljmw anwra rta l[ !whypdg !syrp aybwrk wwhw 5:8
`aly[lm yhwrgn l[w
5:8 For the cherubim spread their wings over the place of the ark, so that the cherubim made a covering over the ark and
its poles.

War"yE al{w> rybiD>h; ynEP.-l[; !Ara'h'-!mi ~yDIB;h; yvear" War"YEw: ~yDIB;h; WkyrIa]Y:w:) 5:9
`hZ<)h; ~AYh; d[; ~v'-yhiy>w:) hc'Wx+h;
l[ !yydt !ytrtk yh ayrgn yvyr !yzxtmw !yjylb !wwhw ayrgn wkyraw 5:9
`!ydh amwy d[ !mt !wwhw adwgrp !m arbl !zxtm alw yrwpk-tyb ypa-l[
5:9 The poles were so long that the ends of the poles of the ark could be seen in front of the inner sanctuary, but they
could not be seen outside; and they are there to this day.

hw"hy> tr:K' rv,a] brE_xoB. hv,mo !t:n"-rv,a] tAxLuh; ynEv. qr: !Ara'B'( !yae 5:10
p `~yIr")c.Mimi ~t'aceB. laer"f.yI ynEB.-~[i
wrbta dk hvm !mt bhyd ayxwl !yrt dwxl anwrab txym ~[dm tyl 5:10
qyqx !whyl[d ayryrv atynrwx ayxwl !yrtw brxb wdb[d alg[ qsy[-l[
larvy ynb ~[ yyy rzg yd amyyq hxwl !wnh ayrybd ytrvy[ vrpm btk
`~yrcmm !whqpmb
5:10 There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets which Moses put there at Horeb, where the LORD made a
covenant with the sons of Israel, when they came out of Egypt.

!yae WvD"q;t.hi ~yaic.m.NIh:) ~ynIh]Koh;-lK' yKi vd<Qo+h;-!mi ~ynIh]Koh; taceB. yhiy>w: 5:11
!mt wxktvad aynhk lk ~wra avdwq !m aynhk wqpn dk hwhw 5:11
`yawyl tgwlpl atyb trjmb aqs[ !whl tyl wvdqta avdwqb
5:11 When the priests came forth from the holy place (for all the priests who were present had sanctified themselves,
without regard to divisions),

~h,yxea]l;w> ~h,ynEb.liw> !WtdUyli( !m"yhel. @s'a'l. ~L'kul. ~yrIr]vom.h; ~YIwIl.h;w> 5:12

~ynIh]Ko) ~h,M'[iw> x:Be_z>Mil; xr"z>mi ~ydIm.[o tArNOkiw> ~ylib'n>biW ~yIT;l.cim.Bi #WB ~yviB'lum.
`tAr)]B; ~yrIc.x.m; ~yrIrIc.x.m; ~yrIf.[,w> ha'mel.
!whynblw !wtwdyl !myhl @sal aysyng !whlwkl ayxbvm yawylw 5:12
!ymyyq !yrnkbw !ylbnb !ylclcb !yxbvm #wbd !yvwbl !yvbl !whwxalw
`atrccxb !yrccxm !yrv[w ham d[ aynhk !whm[w axbdml xndmm
5:12 and all the Levitical singers, Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, and their sons and kinsmen, clothed in fine linen, with
cymbals, harps and lyres, standing east of the altar, and with them one hundred and twenty priests blowing trumpets

dx'a,-lAq [:ymiv.h;l. ~yrIr]vo*m.l;w> ~yrIC.x;m.l; ~yrIc.cox]M;l; dx'a,k. yhiy>w: 5:13

ryVih; ylek.biW ~yITl; .cim.biW tArc.cox]B; lAq ~yrIh'k.W hw"hyl; tAdhol.W lLeh;l.
`hw")hy> tyBe !n"[' alem' tyIB:h;w> AD=s.x; ~l'A[l. yKi bAj yKi hw"hyl; lLeh;b.W
yxwbvl dx lq a[mval ayxbvmlw ayrcxml !ynwwkm adxk !wwhw 5:13
armz ynyzbw !ylclcbw atrccxb alq twmrabw yyyd amvl yywdwalw
!n[ ylmta avdqm-tybw hybwj ~l[l ~wra bj ~wra yyy ~dq axbvwtbw

`yyyd avdqm-tybb atjma

5:13 in unison when the trumpeters and the singers were to make themselves heard with one voice to praise and to
glorify the LORD, and when they lifted up their voice accompanied by trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music,
and when they praised the LORD saying,"He indeed is good for His lovingkindness is everlasting," then the house, the
house of the LORD, was filled with a cloud,

tyBe-ta, hw"hy>-dAbk. alem'-yKi( !n"+['h, ynEP.mi trEv'l. dAm[]l; ~ynIh]Koh; Wlk.y"-al{w> 5:14
p `~yhi(l{a/h'
arqy ylmta ~wra arqy !n[ ~dq-!m avmvl ~qml aynhk wlyky alw 5:14
`yyyd avdqm-tyb ty yyyd
5:14 so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled the house of

`lp,(r"[]B' ! rm;a' hw"hy> hmo+l{v. rm:a' za' 6:1

~lvwryd atrqb hytnkv harval y[rta yyy hmlv rma !kb ah 6:1
`ywmdq vbyk atjma !n[w hyrmym ~wvl ytynb yd avdqm-tybb
6:1 Then Solomon said, "The LORD has said that He would dwell in the thick cloud.

`~ymi(l'A[ ^T.b.vil. !Akm'W %l"+ lbuz>-tybe ytiynIB' ynIa]w:) 6:2

lbq lk !wwkmw $tnkv tybl !qtm rta $mdq avdqm-tyb ytynb anaw 6:2
`!yml[l aymvbd $btwm tyb ysrwk
6:2 "I have built You a lofty house, And a place for Your dwelling forever."

`dme(A[ laer"f.yI lh;q.-lk'w> lae_r"f.yI lh;q.-lK' tae %r<b'y>w: wyn"P'-ta, %l,Mh, ; bSeY:w: 6:3
larvyd alhq lkw larvyd alhq lk ty $yrbw ywpa ty aklm rzxaw 6:3
6:3 Then the king faced about and blessed all the assembly of Israel, while all the assembly of Israel was standing.

wyd"y"b.W ybi_a' dywID" tae wypiB. rB<DI rv,a] laer"f.yI yhel{a/ hw"hy> %WrB' rm,aYOw: 6:4
`rmo*ale aLemi
aba dwd ~[ hyrmymb rzg yd larvyd ahla yyyd amv $yrb rmaw 6:4
`rmyml ~yyq hytw[rbw
6:4 He said, "Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, who spoke with His mouth to my father David and has fulfilled it
with His hands, saying,

lKomi ry[ib. yTi(r>x:b'-al{ ~yIr:c.mi #r<a,me yMi[;-ta, ytiaceAh rv,a] ~AYh;-!mi 6:5
dygIn" vyaib. yTi(r>x:b'-al{w> ~v'_ ymiv. tyIB; laer"f.yI
`lae(r"f.yI yMi[;-l[;
atrqb yty[rta al ~yrcmd a[ram larvy ym[ ty tyqypad amwy !m 6:5
`larvy ym[ l[ aklm ywhml rbgb yty[rta alw !mt ytnkv harval
6:5 'Since the day that I brought My people from the land of Egypt, I did not choose a city out of all the tribes of Israel in
which to build a house that My name might be there, nor did I choose any man for a leader over My people Israel;

`lae(r"f.yI yMi[;-l[; dywId"B. rx:b.a,w" ~v'_ ymiv. ~il;v'WryBi rx;b.a,w" 6:6
aklm ywhml dwdb yty[rtaw !mt ytnkv harval ~lvwryb yty[rtaw 6:6
`larvy ym[ l[
6:6 but I have chosen Jerusalem that My name might be there, and I have chosen David to be over My people Israel.'

`lae(r"f.yI yhel{a/ hw"hy> ~vel. tyIB; ybi_a' dywID" bb;l.-~[i yhiy>w:
`larvyd ahla yyyd amvl atyb ynbml aba dwdd ablb hwhw
6:7 "Now it was in the heart of my father David to build a house for the name of the LORD, the God of Israel.

6:7 tyIB: ^b.b'l.-~[i hy"h' rv<a] ![;y: ybia' dywID"-la, hw"hy> rm,aYOw: 6:8
`^b<)b'l.-~[i hy"h' yKi t'Abyjih/
atnyqta ymvl atyb ynbml $bbl ~[ hwhd @lx aba dwdl yyy rmaw 6:8
`$bbl ~[ hwhd
6:8 "But the LORD said to my father David, 'Because it was in your heart to build a house for My name, you did well
that it was in your heart.

`ymi( tyIB:h; hn<b.yI-aWh) ^yc,l'x]me( aceAYh; ^n>bi yKi tyIB"+h; hn<b.ti al{ hT'a; qr:
`ymvl atyb ynby awh dylwtd rb ~wra atyb ynbt al ta dwxl


6:9 'Nevertheless you shall not build the house, but your son who will be born to you, he shall build the house for My

aSeKi-l[; bveaew" ybia' dywID" tx;T; ~Wqa'w" rBE+DI rv<a] Arb'D>-ta, hw"hy> ~q,Y"w: 6:10
`lae(r"f.yI yhel{a/ hw"hy> ~vel. tyIB;h; hn<b.a,w" hw"hy> rB<DI rv,a]K; laer"f.yI
tybytyw aba dwdd hyrtab tymqw lylmd hymgtp ty yyy ~yyqw ~yqaw 6:10
~wvl avdqm-tyb ytynbw yyy lylmd hmkyh larvyd atwklm ysrwk l[
`larvyd ahla yyyd armym
6:10 "Now the LORD has fulfilled His word which He spoke; for I have risen in the place of my father David and sit on
the throne of Israel, as the LORD promised, and have built the house for the name of the LORD, the God of Israel.

`lae(r"f.yI ynEB.-~[i tr:K' rv<a] hw"+hy> tyrIB. ~v'-rv,a] !Ara'h'-ta, ~v' ~yfia'w"
`larvy ynb ~[ rzg yd yyyd amyyq yxwl !mt yd anwra ty !mt ytywvw


6:11 "There I have set the ark in which is the covenant of the LORD, which He made with the sons of Israel."

`wyP'(K; frop.YIw: lae_r"f.yI lh;q.-lK' dg<n< hw"hy> xB;z>mi dmo[]Y:w:)

`wlcb ywdy vrpw larvyd alhq lk lbq lk yyyd axbdm ~dq ~qw


6:12 Then he stood before the altar of the LORD in the presence of all the assembly of Israel and spread out his hands.

vmex'w> AKr>a' tAMa; vmex' hr"z"[]h' %AtB. WhnET.YIw:) tv,xon> rAYKi hmol{v. hf'['-yKi( 6:13
lh;q.-lK' dg<n< wyK'r>Bi-l[; %r:b.YIw: wyl'[' dmo[]Y:w: At=m'Aq vAlv' tAMa;w> ABx.r" tAMa;
`hm'y>m")V'h; wyP'K; frop.YIw: laer"f.yI
avdwq trz[b atrd [cmb hybhyw avxnd arwyk hmlv db[ ~wra 6:13
[rkw ywl[ ~qw hymwr tlt !ymaw hyytwp !yma vmxw hykrwa !yma vmx
`aymv tycl wlcb ywdy vrpw larvyd alhq lk lbq lk ywkrb l[
6:13 Now Solomon had made a bronze platform, five cubits long, five cubits wide and three cubits high, and had set it in
the midst of the court; and he stood on it, knelt on his knees in the presence of all the assembly of Israel and spread out his
hands toward heaven.

tyrIB.h; rmEvo #r<a'_b'W ~yIm:V'B; ~yhil{a/ ^AmK'-!yae laer"f.yI yhel{a/ hw"hy> rm;aYOw: 6:14
`~B'(li-lk'B. ^yn<p'l. ~ykil.hoh; ^yd<b'[]l; ds,x,h;w>)
$tnkvd ahla awh ta $nm-rb tya al larvyd ahla yyy rmaw 6:14
$db[l wbyjw amyyq ryjn [rlm a[ra l[ jylvw aly[lm aymvb ayrv
`!whbld arcy lkbw !whvpn tww[r lkb $mdq !yxlpw $txrwab !yklhm yd
6:14 He said, "O LORD, the God of Israel, there is no god like You in heaven or on earth, keeping covenant and showing
lovingkindness to Your servants who walk before You with all their heart;

^d>y"b.W ^ypiB. rBEd:T.w: Al= T'r>B:DI-rv,a] tae ybia' dywID" ^D>b.[;l. T'r>mv; ' rv<a] 6:15
`hZ<)h; ~AYK; t'aLemi
$rmymb atrzgw hyl atlylm yd ty aba dwd $db[l atrjn yd 6:15

`!ydh amwy !mzk yh atmyyq $tw[rbw

6:15 who has kept with Your servant David, my father, that which You have promised him; indeed You have spoken
with Your mouth and have fulfilled it with Your hand, as it is this day.

AL T'r>B:DI rv,a] tae ybia' dywId" ^D>b.[;l. rmov. laer"f.yI yhel{a/ hw"hy> hT'[;w> 6:16
^yn<b' Wrm.v.yI-~ai qr: lae_r"f.yI aSeKi-l[; bveAy yn:p'L.mi vyai ^l. trEK'yI-al{ rmoale
`yn")p'l. T'k.l;h' rv<a]K; ytir"AtB. tk,l,l' ~K'r>D:-ta,
hyl atlylmd ty aba dwd $db[l rj larvyd ahla yyy !wdkw 6:16
dwxl larvyd atwklm ysrwk l[ byty ymdq-!m rbg $l qspy al rmyml
`ymdq atkylhd hmkyh atyrwab aklhl !whtxrwa ty $nb !wrjny !ya
6:16 "Now therefore, O LORD, the God of Israel, keep with Your servant David, my father, that which You have
promised him, saying, 'You shall not lack a man to sit on the throne of Israel, if only your sons take heed to their way, to
walk in My law as you have walked before Me.'

`dywI)d"l. ^D>b.[;l. T'r>B:DI rv<a] ^r>b"D> !mea'yE) lae_r"f.yI yhel{a/ hw"hy> hT'[;w> 6:17
$db[l atlylmd $yymgtp !wdk !myyqty larvyd ahla yyy !wdkw 6:17
6:17 "Now therefore, O LORD, the God of Israel, let Your word be confirmed which You have spoken to Your servant

~yImV; 'h; ymev.W ~yIm;v' hNEhi #r<a'_h'-l[; ~d"a'h'-ta, ~yhil{a/ bveyE ~n"m.auh;( yKi 6:18
`ytiynI)B' rv<a] hZ<h; tyIB:h;-yKi( @a; ^WlK.l.k;y> al{
awgb hytnkv harval yyy y[rta ajvwqb yd ymdy !mw rbsy !m ~wra 6:18
yatt aymvw ya[cym aymvw yaly[ aymv ah a[ra l[ !yryydd avn ynb
alwk lybs ahla awh ta ~wra $tnkv rqy !wrbwsy yd !whl rvpya tyl
yd !ydh atyb !h ala @a !whb tyad hm lkw aymwhtw a[raw aymv
6:18 "But will God indeed dwell with mankind on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain You;
how much less this house which I have built.

hN"rIh'-la, [ yh'_l{a/ hw"hy> AtN"xiT.-la,w> ^D>b.[; tL;piT.-la, t'ynIp'W 6:19

`^yn<)p'l. lLeP;t.mi ^D>b.[; rv<a] hL'piT.h;-la,w>
atwlcw atw[b albql yhla yyy hytw[blw $db[d atwlcl ynpttw 6:19
`$mdq ylcm $db[d
6:19 "Yet have regard to the prayer of Your servant and to his supplication, O LORD my God, to listen to the cry and to
the prayer which Your servant prays before You;

T'r>m;a' rv<a] ~AqM'h;-la, hl'y>l;w" ~m'Ay hZ<h; tyIB:h;-la, tAxtup. ^yn<y[e 6:20
`hZ<)h; ~AqM'h;-la, ^D>b.[; lLeP;t.yI rv<a] hL'piT.h;-la, [ ~v'_ ^ ~Wfl'
trmad artal ylylw ~myy !ydh atyb l[ angal $mdq aw[r ywhml 6:20
`!ydh arta l[ $db[ ylcy yd atwlc albql !mt $tnkv harval
6:20 that Your eye may be open toward this house day and night, toward the place of which You have said that You
would put Your name there, to listen to the prayer which Your servant shall pray toward this place.

hZ<+h; ~AqM'h;-la, Wll.P;(t.yI) rv<a] laer"f.yI ^M.[;w> ^D>b.[; ynEWnx]T;-la, T'[.m;v'w> 6:21
`T'x.l'(s'w> T"[.m;v'w> ~yIm;V'h;-!mi ^ ~AqM.mi [m;v.Ti hT'a;w>
taw !ydh arta ypal !wlcy yd larvy $m[w $db[d atw[b lbqtw 6:21
`!whybwxl qybtvtw !whtwlc lbqtw aymv !m $tnkv tyb rtam lbqt
6:21 "Listen to the supplications of Your servant and of Your people Israel when they pray toward this place; hear from
Your dwelling place, from heaven; hear and forgive.

^x]B;z>mI) hl'a' ab'W At+l{a]h;(l. hl'a' Ab-av'n")w> Wh[erEl. vyai aj'x/y<-~ai 6:22
`hZ<)h; tyIB:B;
~dq hynmwyw ytyyw hytwymwal ymwm hyb yvryw hyrbx l[ rbg xrsy !ya 6:22
`!ydh atybb $xbdm
6:22 "If a man sins against his neighbor and is made to take an oath, and he comes and takes an oath before Your altar in
this house,

ttel' [v'r"l. byvih'l. ^yd<b'[]-ta, T'j.p;v'w> t'yfi['w> ~yIm;V'h;-!mi [m;v.Ti hT'a;w> 6:23
s `At)q'd>ciK. Al tt,l' qyDIc; qyDIc.h;l.W Av+aroB. AKr>D:
almwg abtal $db[ ty !ydtw !whnd dyb[tw aymv !m lbqt taw 6:23
`hytwkzk yh hyl !tml hakz hakzlw hyvyrb hyxrwa !tml abyyxl
6:23 then hear from heaven and act and judge Your servants, punishing the wicked by bringing his way on his own head
and justifying the righteous by giving him according to his righteousness.

^m,v.-ta, WdAhw> Wbv'w> %l"+-Waj.x,y<) yKi byEAa laer"f.yI ^M.[; @gEN"yI-~aiw>) 6:24
`hZ<)h; tyIB:B; ^yn<p'l. WnN>x;t.hi(w> Wll.P;(t.hiw>
$mdq !wbwxy ~wra !whybbd yl[b ~dq larvy $m[ !wrbty dk !yaw 6:24
`!ydh atybb $nm !w[byw !wlcyw $mv ty !wdwyw $nxlwpl !wbwtyw
6:24 "If Your people Israel are defeated before an enemy because they have sinned against You, and they return to You
and confess Your name, and pray and make supplication before You in this house,

~t'Abyveh]w: lae_r"f.yI ^M.[; taJ;x;l. T'x.l;s'w> ~yIm;V'h;-!mi [m;v.Ti hT'a;w> 6:25

p `~h,(yteboa]l;w> ~h,l' hT't;n"-rv,a] hm'd"a]h'-la,
a[ral !wnbyttw larvy $m[ ybwxl qwbvtw aymv !m lbqt taw 6:25
`!whthbalw !whl atbhyd
6:25 then hear from heaven and forgive the sin of Your people Israel, and bring them back to the land which You have
given to them and to their fathers.

hZ<h; ~AqM'h;-la, Wll.P;t.hi(w> %l"+-Waj.x,y<) yKi rj"m' hy<h.yI-al{)w> ~yImV: 'h; rcE['heB. 6:26
`~nE)[]t; yKi !WbWvy> ~t'aJ'x;me ^m,v.-ta, WdAhw>
ypal !wlcyw $mdq !wbwxy ~wra arjm atxalm aymv !yylktm dk 6:26
`!whtwlc lbqt ~wra !wbwty !whybwxmw $mv ty !wdwyw !ydh arta
6:26 "When the heavens are shut up and there is no rain because they have sinned against You, and they pray toward this
place and confess Your name, and turn from their sin when You afflict them;

~rEAt yKi laer"f.yI ^M.[;w> ^yd<b'[] taJ;x;l. T'x.l;s'w> ~yIm;V'h; [m;v.Ti hT'a;w> 6:27
^M.[;l. hT't;n"-rv,a] ^c.r>a;-l[;( rj'm' hT't;n"w> Hb'_-Wkl.yE) rv<a] hb'AJh; %r<D<h;-la,
s `hl'(x]n:l.
~wra larvy $m[w $db[d hybwxl qwbvtw aymv !m lbqt taw 6:27
$m[l atbhyd $[ra l[ arjm !ttw hb !wkhyd anqt xrwa ty !wnpylt
6:27 then hear in heaven and forgive the sin of Your servants and Your people Israel, indeed, teach them the good way in
which they should walk. And send rain on Your land which You have given to Your people for an inheritance.

hy<h.yI yKi lysix'w> hB,r>a; !Aqr"yEw> !ApD"vi hy<h.yI)-yKi( rb,D< #r<a'b' hy<h.yI-yKi( b['r" 6:28
`hl'(x]m;-lk'(w> [g:n<-lK' wyr"_['v. #r<a,B. wyb'y>Aa Al-rc;y") yKi
yabwg anqryw anpdwv yhy dk antwm a[rab yhy dk anpk !clwa 6:28
vtkm lk !whywrq [rab !whybbd yl[b !whl !wqy[y ~wra yhy dk ajwmvw

`[rm lkw
6:28 "If there is famine in the land, if there is pestilence, if there is blight or mildew, if there is locust or grasshopper, if
their enemies besiege them in the land of their cities, whatever plague or whatever sickness there is,

rv<a] lae_r"f.yI ^M.[; lkol.W ~d"a'h'-lk'l. hy<h.yI rv<a] hN"xiT.-lk' hL'piT.-lK' 6:29
`hZ<)h; tyIB:h;-la, wyP'K; fr:p'W Abaok.m;W A[g>nI vyai W[d>yE
yd larvy $m[ lkm vna lk ~wpb yht yd atw[b lkw atwlc lk 6:29
`!ydh atyb ypal wlcb ywdy vwrpyw hybykw hyvtkm vna !w[dny
6:29 whatever prayer or supplication is made by any man or by all Your people Israel, each knowing his own affliction
and his own pain, and spreading his hands toward this house,

wyk'r"D>-lk'K. vyail' hT't;n"w> T'x.l;s'w> ^T, !Akm. ~yIm;V'h;-!mi [m;v.Ti hT'a;w> 6:30
`~d"(a'h' ynEB. bb;l.-ta, T'[.d:y" ^D>bl; . hT'a; yKi Ab+b'l.-ta, [d:Te rv<a]
lkl !ttw !whybwxl qwbvtw $tnkv tyb rtam aymv !m lbqt taw 6:30
$nm-rb tylw awh ta ~wra hybl $mdq ~srpy yd hytxrwa lkk yh rbg
`avn ynbd aybbl !yylg $mdq dwxlw
6:30 then hear from heaven Your dwelling place, and forgive, and render to each according to all his ways, whose heart
You know for You alone know the hearts of the sons of men,

hm'_d"a]h' ynEP.-l[; ~yYIx; ~he-rv,a] ~ymiY"h;-lK' ^yk,r"d>Bi tk,l,l' ^War"yyI) ![;m;l. 6:31
s `Wnyte(boa]l; hT't;n" rv<a]
yd aymwy lk $mdq !nqtd !xrwab $hml $mdq-!m !wlxdyd llgb-!m 6:31
`anthbal atbhy yd a[ra ypa l[ !ymyyq !wna
6:31 that they may fear You, to walk in Your ways as long as they live in the land which You have given to our fathers.

![;m;l. hq'Axr> #r<a,me ab'W aWh laer"f.yI ^M.[;me al{ rv,a] yrIk.N"h;-la, ~g:w> 6:32
`hZ<)h; tyIB:h;-la, Wll.P;t.hi(w> Wab'W hy"+WjN>h; ^[]Ar)z>W* hq'z"x]h; ^d>y"w> lAdG"h; ^
lwjm aqyxr [ram ytyyw awh larvy $m[m al yd !ymm[ rb !m @waw 6:32
`!ydh atyb ypal !wlcyw !wtyyw ~mrm $[rdaw apyqt $dyaw abr $mv
6:32 "Also concerning the foreigner who is not from Your people Israel, when he comes from a far country for Your
great name's sake and Your mighty hand and Your outstretched arm, when they come and pray toward this house,

^yl,ae ar"q.yI-rv,a] lkoK. t'yfi['w> ^T, !AkM.mi ~yIm;V'h;-!mi [m;v.Ti hT'a;w> 6:33
laer"f.yI ^M.[;K. ^ ha'r>yIl.W ^m,v.-ta, #r<a'h' yMe[-; lk' W[d>yE ![;m;l. yrI+k.N"h;
`ytiynI)B' rv<a] hZ<h; tyIB:h;-l[; ar"q.nI ^ t[;d:l'w>
ylcyd hm lkk yh db[tw $tnkv tyb rtam aymv !m lbqt taw 6:33
lxdmlw $mv ty a[ra ymm[ lk !w[dnyd llgb-!m !ymm[ rb $mdq
yd !ydh atyb l[ yrqta $mv ~wra [dmlw larvy $m[k yh $mdq-!m
6:33 then hear from heaven, from Your dwelling place, and do according to all for which the foreigner calls to You, in
order that all the peoples of the earth may know Your name, and fear You as do Your people Israel, and that they may
know that this house which I have built is called by Your name.

^yl,ae Wll.P;(t.hiw> ~xe_l'v.Ti rv<a] %r<D<B; wyb'y>Aa-l[; hm'x'l.Mil; ^M.[; aceyE-yKi( 6:34
`^m<) ytiynIB'-rv,a] tyIB:h;w> HB' T'r>x:B' rv<a] taZOh; ry[ih' %r<D<
!wnxlvtd axrwab !whybbd yl[b l[ abrq axgal $m[ !wqpy dk 6:34
avdqm-tybbw hb aty[rtad adh atrq ypa xrwa lbq lk $mdq !wlcyw
`$mvl ytynb yd
6:34 "When Your people go out to battle against their enemies, by whatever way You shall send them, and they pray to
You toward this city which You have chosen and the house which I have built for Your name,

`~j'(P'v.mi t'yfi['w> ~t'_N"xiT.-ta,w> ~t'L'piT.-ta, ~yIm;V'h;-!mi T'[.m;v'w>

`!whnblw[ [rpttw !whtw[b tyw !whtwlc ty aymv !m lbqtw


6:35 then hear from heaven their prayer and their supplication, and maintain their cause.

byE+Aa ~T't;n>W ~b' T'p.n:a'w> aj'x/y<-al{ rv<a] ~d"a' !yae yKi %l'-Waj.x,y< yKi 6:36
`hb'(Arq. Aa hq"Axr> #r<a,-la, ~h,ybeAv ~Wbv'w>
!whb $zgwr lwxyyw yjx al yd vn-rb tyl ~wra $mdq !wbwxy dk 6:36
wa aqyxr a[ral !wnlgyw !whybv !wnwbvyw !whybbd yl[b ~dq !wnrsmtw
6:36 "When they sin against You (for there is no man who does not sin) and You are angry with them and deliver them
to an enemy, so that they take them away captive to a land far off or near,

~y" #r<a,B. ^yl,ae WnN>x;t.hi(w> Wbv'w> ~v'_-WBv.nI rv<a] #r<a'B' ~b'b'l.-la, Wbyvihew> 6:37
`Wn[.v'(r"w> WnywI[/h, Wnaj'x' rmoale
[rab $nm !w[byw !wbwtyw !mtl wbv yd [rab $tlxd !whbll !wbytyw 6:37
`anxrsw anvpja anbx rmyml !whyybv
6:37 if they take thought in the land where they are taken captive, and repent and make supplication to You in the land of
their captivity, saying, 'We have sinned, we have committed iniquity and have acted wickedly';

Wll.P;(t.hi(w> ~t'_ao Wbv'-rv,a] ~y" #r<a,B. ~v'p.n:-lk'b.W ~B'li-lk'B. ^yl,ae Wbv'w> 6:38
ytiynIB'-rv,a] tyIB:l;w> T'r>x;B' rv<a] ry[ih'w> ~t'Aba]l; hT't;n" rv<a] ~c'r>a; %r<D<
!whty wbv yd !whyybv [rab !whvpn lkbw !whbl lkb $nxlwpl !wbwtyw 6:38
!whthbal atbhy yd !wh[ra xrwa ypal !whbl !wnwwkyw $mdq !wlcyw
`$mvl ytynb yd yd avdqm-tyblw aty[rtad atrqw
6:38 if they return to You with all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their captivity, where they have been
taken captive, and pray toward their land which You have given to their fathers and the city which You have chosen, and
toward the house which I have built for Your name,

t'yfi['w> ~h,yteNOxiT.-ta,w> ~t'L'piT.-ta, ^ !AkM.mi ~yImV; 'h;-!mi T'[.m;v'w> 6:39

`%l")-Waj.x'( rv<a] ^M.[;l. T'x.l;s'w> ~j'_P'v.mi
[rpttw !whtw[b tyw !whtwlc ty $tnkv tyb rwdm aymv !m lbqtw 6:39
`$mdq wbxd $m[l qwbvtw !whnblw[
6:39 then hear from heaven, from Your dwelling place, their prayer and supplications, and maintain their cause and
forgive Your people who have sinned against You.

s `hZ<)h; ~AqM'h; tL; tAb+Vuq; ^yn<z>a'w> tAxtuP. ^yn<y[e an"-Wyh.yI) yh;l{a/ hT'[; 6:40
!whtwlc albql $nda ytyyc ytlcw $mdq-!m aw[r ahy yhla !wdk 6:40
`!ydh arta lbq lk halcl !whbl !ynwwkm !wnad
6:40 "Now, O my God, I pray, let Your eyes be open and Your ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.

~yhil{a/ hw"hy> ^yn<h]Ko ^Z<+[u !Ara]w: hT'a; ^x,Wnl.( ~yhil{a/ hw"hy> hm'Wq hT'[;w> 6:41
`bAJ)b; Wxm.f.yI ^yd<ysix]w: h['Wvt. WvB.l.yI
yyy $yynhk $pqwt rqy !wraw ta $rqyb yrv ~yhla yyy ~wq !wdkw 6:41
`atbjb !wdxy $yydysxw $nqrwpb rqyd !yvwbl !wvbly ~yhla
6:41 "Now therefore arise, O LORD God, to Your resting place, You and the ark of Your might; let Your priests, O
LORD God, be clothed with salvation and let Your godly ones rejoice in what is good.

p `^D<)b.[; dywID" ydEs.x;(l. hr"k.z" ^yx,_yvim. ynEP. bveT'-la; ~yhil{a/ hw"hy>


`$db[ dwd ydsxl rkda wnqyr $xyvm ypa bytt al ~yhla yyy


6:42 "O LORD God, do not turn away the face of Your anointed; remember Your lovingkindness to Your servant

~yxi_b'Z>h;w> hl'[oh' lk;aTow: ~yIm;V'h;me( hd"r.y") vaeh'w> lLeP;t.hil. hmol{v. tALk;k.W 7:1
`tyIB")h;-ta, alem' hw"hy> dAbk.W
ywl[ aymv !m tbbrtvaw ttxn atvaw halclm hmlv qsp dkw 7:1
`atyb ty ylmta yyyd atnkv rqyaw ayvdwq tsknw atl[ trmgw axbdm
7:1 Now when Solomon had finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the
sacrifices, and the glory of the LORD filled the house.

`hw")hy> tyBe-ta, hw"hy>-dAbk. alem'-yKi( hw"+hy> tyBe-la, aAbl' ~ynIh]Koh; Wlk.y") al{w> 7:2
atnkv rqya ylmta ~wra yyyd avdqm-tybl l[yml aynhk wlyky alw 7:2
`yyyd avdqm-tyb ty yyyd
7:2 The priests could not enter into the house of the LORD because the glory of the LORD filled the LORD'S house.

~yIPa; ; W[r>k.YIw: tyIB"+h;-l[; hw"hy> dAbk.W vaeh' td<r<B. ~yairo laer"f.yI ynEB. lkow> 7:3
`AD*s.x; ~l'A[l. yKi bAj yKi hw"hyl; tAdAhw> Wwx]T;v.YI)w: hp'c.rI)h'-l[; hc'r>a:
rqyaw atyb l[ atva tbbrtvaw ttxn dk !yymx larvy ynb lkw 7:3
!dgsw adbwr l[ a[ra l[ !whypa l[ wnxgw atyb l[ arv yyyd atnkv
`hybwj ~l[l ~wra bj ~wra yyy ~dq !dwmw
7:3 All the sons of Israel, seeing the fire come down and the glory of the LORD upon the house, bowed down on the
pavement with their faces to the ground, and they worshiped and gave praise to the LORD, saying, "Truly He is good,
truly His lovingkindness is everlasting."

s `hw")hy> xb;z< ~yxib.zO ~['_h'-lk'w> %l,M,h;w>

`yyy ~dq axbd !yxbd am[ lkw aklmw


7:4 Then the king and all the people offered sacrifice before the LORD.

ha'me !acow> @l,a, ~yIn:v.W ~yrIf.[, rq'B'h; xb;z<-ta, hmol{v. %l,M,h; xB;z>YIw: 7:5
`~['(h'-lk'w> %l,M,h; ~yhil{a/h' tyBe-ta, Wkn>x.Y:w:) @l,a'_ ~yrIf.[,w>
ham !a[w !ypla !yrtw !yrv[ !yrwt axbd ty hmlv aklm xbdw 7:5
`am[ lkw aklm yyyd avdqm-tyb ty wkynxw !ypla ~yrv[w
7:5 King Solomon offered a sacrifice of 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep. Thus the king and all the people dedicated the
house of God.

dywID" hf'[' rv,a] hw"hy> ryvi-ylek.Bi ~YIwIl.h;w> ~ydIm.[o ~t'Arm.v.mi-l[; ~ynIh]Koh;w> 7:6
~ynIh]Koh;w> ~d"_y"B. dywID" lLeh;B. ADs.x; ~l'A[l.-yKi( hw"hyl; tAdhol. %l,M,h;
s `~ydI(m.[o laer"f.yI-lk'w> ~D"g>n< ~yrIc.x.m; ~yrIc.cox]m;
~dq !yxbvmw rmz ynyzb !whnkwd l[ yawylw !ymyyq !whtrjm l[ aynhkw 7:6
hadwal avdwq xwr yhwl[ yrvaw aklm hyty hanml dwd ty byrqd yyy
!y[qt aynhkw !whydyb dwd atxbvwtb hybwj ~l[l ~wra yyy ~dq
`!ymyyq larvy lkw !whylbql ayrcwcxb
7:6 The priests stood at their posts, and the Levites also, with the instruments of music to the LORD, which King David
had made for giving praise to the LORD-- "for His lovingkindness is everlasting "-- whenever he gave praise by their
means, while the priests on the other side blew trumpets; and all Israel was standing.

tAl[oh'( ~v' hf'['-yKi( hw"hy>-tybe rv,a] rcex'h,( %AT-ta, hmol{v. vDEq;y>w: 7:7
lykih'l. lAky" al{ hmol{v. hf'[' rv<a] tv,xoN>h; xB;z>mi-yKi( ~ymi_l'V.h; ybel.x, taew>
`~ybi(l'x]h;-ta,w> hx'n>Mih;-ta,w> hl'[oh'-ta,

db[ ~wra yyyd avdqm-tyb ~dq yd atrd tw[ycm ty hmlv vydqw 7:7
db[ yd avxnd axbdmd lwjm ayvdwq tskn ybrt tyw atwwl[ ty !mt
`aybrt tyw atxnm tyw atl[ ty arbwsl lyky alw qyxd hmlv
7:7 Then Solomon consecrated the middle of the court that was before the house of the LORD, for there he offered the
burnt offerings and the fat of the peace offerings because the bronze altar which Solomon had made was not able to
contain the burnt offering, the grain offering and the fat.

lAdG" lh'q' AM[i laer"f.yI-lk'w> ~ymiy" t[; ayhih; t[eB' gx'h,-ta, hmol{v. f[;Y:w: 7:8
`~yIr")c.mi lx;n:-d[; tm'x] aAbL.mi dao+m.
yt[bv db[d rtb-!m !ymwy yt[bv ayhh and[b agx ty hmlv db[w 7:8
anl[m !m adxl abr alhq hym[ larvy !whlkw atyb tkwnxd !ymwy
`~yrcmd swlyn d[ hykwyjnad
7:8 So Solomon observed the feast at that time for seven days, and all Israel with him, a very great assembly who came
from the entrance of Hamath to the brook of Egypt.

t[; gx'h,w> ~ymiy" t[; Wf[' x:Bez>Mih; tK;nUx] yKi tr<c'_[] ynIymiV.h; ~AYB; Wf[]Y:w: 7:9
yt[bv wdb[ axbdm tkwnx ~wra yyy ~dq vynk hanymt amwyb wdb[w 7:9
`!ymwy yt[bv ayljmd agxw !ymwy
7:9 On the eighth day they held a solemn assembly, for the dedication of the altar they observed seven days and the feast
seven days.

~yximef. ~h,_yleha'l. ~['h'-ta, xL;vi y[iybiV.h; vd<xol; hv'l{v.W ~yrIf.[, ~Ayb.W 7:10
`AM*[; laer"f.yIl.W hmol{v.liw> dywId"l. hw"hy> hf'[' rv,a] hb'AJh;-l[; ble ybeAjw>
wlzaw !whynkvml am[ ty rjp ha[ybv axryl atltw !yrv[ ~wybw 7:10
!xtptad hydb[ dwdl yyy db[d atbj lk l[ abl yrypvw !dx !whywrql
trvw hytwlc yyy lybqd hyrb hmlvlw hytwkz lwjm avdqm-tyb y[rt
!whynbrq aw[rb !lbqtad hym[ larvylw avdqm-tybb yyyd atnkv
`!whyskn trmgw axbdm l[ tbbrtvaw aymv !m atva ttxnw
7:10 Then on the twenty-third day of the seventh month he sent the people to their tents, rejoicing and happy of heart
because of the goodness that the LORD had shown to David and to Solomon and to His people Israel.

hmol{v. ble-l[; aB'h;-lK' taew> %l,M,_h; tyBe-ta,w> hw"hy> tyBe-ta, hmol{v. lk;y>w: 7:11
p `x:yli(c.hi Atybeb.W hw"hy>-tybeB. tAf[]l;
hm lk ty lsxw atwklm tyb tyw yyyd avdqm-tyb ty hmlv qspw 7:11
`xlcaw db[ hytybbw yyyd avdqm-tybb db[ml hmlvd abl l[ qylsyd
7:11 Thus Solomon finished the house of the LORD and the king's palace, and successfully completed all that he had
planned on doing in the house of the LORD and in his palace.

yTir>x;b'W ^t,L'piT.-ta, yTi[.m;v' Al rm,aYOw: hl'y>L"+B; hmol{v.-la, hw"hy> ar"YEw: 7:12

`xb;z") tybel. yli hZ<h; ~AqM'B;
$twlc ty ymdq a[ymv hyl rmaw aylylb hmlvl yyyd armym ylgtaw 7:12
`aynbrwq xbd tybl yl ywhml !ydh artab yty[rtaw
7:12 Then the LORD appeared to Solomon at night and said to him, "I have heard your prayer and have chosen this
place for Myself as a house of sacrifice.

#r<a'_h' lAka/l, bg"x'-l[; hW<c;a]-!hew> rj'm' hy<h.yI-al{)w> ~yIm;V'h; rco[/a,( !hE 7:13
`yMi([;B. rb,D< xL;v;a]-~aiw>
lkyml yabwg l[ dqpa dk ahw arjm atxalm aymv ylkya dk ah 7:13

`ym[d !whybwx l[ atwm $alm yrga dkw a[ra yryp

7:13 "If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send
pestilence among My people,

~h,yker>D:mi Wbvuy"w> yn:p' Wvq.b;ywI) Wll.P;(t.yI)w> ~h,yle[] ymiv.-ar"q.nI) rv<a] yMi[; W[n>K'yIw> 7:14
`~c'(r>a;-ta, aP'r>a,w> ~t'aJ'x;l. xl;s.a,w> ~yIm;V'h;-!mi [m;v.a, ynIa]w: ~y[i_r"h'
!w[byw !wlcyw abwtt !wdb[yw !whyl[ ymv yrqtad ym[ !y[nktmw 7:14
yrvaw !whtbwtt aymv !m lbqa anaw ayvyb !whtxrwa !m !wbwtyw ymdq-!m
`!wh[ral atwsa ly[aw !whybwxl qwbvaw
7:14 and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their
wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

`hZ<)h; ~AqM'h; tL; tAb+Vuq; yn:z>a'w> tAxtup. Wyh.yI yn:y[e hT'[; 7:15
!yylcmd atwlc albql yndwa ylcad yrmym ~dq-!m aw[r ahy !wdk 7:15
`!ydh arta ypnab ym[
7:15 "Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.

Wyh'w> ~l'_A[-d[; ~v' hZ<h; tyIB:h;-ta, yTiv.D:q.hiw> yTir>x:B' hT'[;w> 7:16
`~ymi(Y"h;-lK' ~v' yBiliw> yn:y[e
!mt ytnkv harval !ydh atyb ty tyvydqw yrmymb yty[rta !wdkw 7:16
`aymwy lk !mt abjwal ytw[r ahyw ~l[ d[
7:16 "For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that My name may be there forever, and My eyes and My heart
will be there perpetually.

^yti_yWIci rv<a] lkoK. tAf[]l;w> ^ybia' dywID" %l;h' rv<a]K; yn:p'l. %lETe-~ai hT'a;w> 7:17
`rAm*v.Ti yj;P'v.miW yQ:xuw>
$wba dwd $ylhd hmkyh ymdq !nqtd !xrwab $htw ymdq xlpt taw 7:17
`rjt yynydw yymyyqw $tdqpd hmkyh db[mlw
7:17 "As for you, if you walk before Me as your father David walked, even to do according to all that I have commanded
you, and will keep My statutes and My ordinances,

trEK'yI-al{) rmoale ^ybia' dywId"l. yTir:K' rv<a]K; ^t<+Wkl.m; aSeKi tae ytiAmyqIh]w: 7:18
`lae(r"f.yIB. lveAm vyai ^l.
$l qwspy al rmyml $wba dwd ~[ tyrzg yd $twklm ysrwk ty ~yqaw 7:18
`larvy l[ jylvw ytwklm ysrwk l[ byty rbg
7:18 then I will establish your royal throne as I covenanted with your father David, saying, 'You shall not lack a man to
be ruler in Israel.'

~T,k.l;h]w: ~k, yTit;n" rv<a] yt;wOc.miW yt;AQxu ~T,b.z:[]w: ~T,a; !WbWvT.-~aiw> 7:19
`~h,(l' ~t,ywIx]T;v.hiw> ~yrIxea] ~yhil{a/ ~T,d>b;[]w:
!wkhtw !wkymdq tybhy yd yynydw ymyyq !wqbvtw !wta !ybyyt !yaw 7:19
`!whl !wdgstw !yyrkwn !ymm[ tww[jl !wxlptw
7:19 "But if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandments which I have set before you, and go and
serve other gods and worship them,

yTiv.D:q.hi rv<a] hZ<h; tyIB:h;-ta,w> ~h,l' yTit;n" rv<a] ytim'd>a; l[;me ~yTiv.t;n>W 7:20
`~yMi([;h'-lk'B. hn"ynIv.liw> lv'm'l. WNn<T.a,w> yn"+P' l[;me %yliv.a;
tyvydqd !ydh atyb tyw !whl tybhy yd y[ra ywl[m !wnlyjljyaw 7:20
`aymm[ lkb y[wvlw !yltml hynntaw ymdq-!m qyxra ytnkv hyb harval
7:20 then I will uproot you from My land which I have given you, and this house which I have consecrated for My name

I will cast out of My sight and I will make it a proverb and a byword among all peoples.

hw"hy> hf'[' hM,B; rm;a'w> ~Vo+yI wyl'[' rbE[o-lk'l. !Ayl.[, hy"h' rv<a] hZ<h; tyIB:h;w> 7:21
`hZ<)h; tyIB:l;w> taZOh; #r<a'l' hk'K'
rmyyw ylky ywl[ rb[yyd !m lk bwrx ahy hal[ hwhd !ydh atybw 7:21
`!ydh atybdw adh a[ral !ydkyh yyy db[ hm lwjm
7:21 "As for this house, which was exalted, everyone who passes by it will be astonished and say, 'Why has the LORD
done thus to this land and to this house?'

#r<a,me ~a'yciAh rv<a] ~h,yteboa] yhel{a/ hw"hy>-ta, Wbz>[") rv,a] l[; Wrm.a'w> 7:22
~h,yle[] aybihe !Ke-l[; ~Wd+b.[;Y:)w: ~h,l' Wwx]T;v.YIw: ~yrIxea] ~yhil{aBe WqyzIx]Y:w:) ~yIr:c.mi
p `taZO*h; h['r"h'-lK' tae
!wnqypad !whthbad ahla yyyd anxlwp ty wqbvd llgb-!m !wrmyyw 7:22
hnkyh lwjm !wnwxlpw !whl wdygsw aymm[ tww[jb wpyqtaw ~yrcmd a[ram
`adh atvyb lk ty !whyl[ ytya
7:22 "And they will say, 'Because they forsook the LORD, the God of their fathers who brought them from the land of
Egypt, and they adopted other gods and worshiped them and served them; therefore He has brought all this adversity on

`At*yBe-ta,w> hw"hy> tyBe-ta, hmol{v. hn"B' rv,a] hn"v' ~yrIf.[, #QEmi yhiy>w:
`hytyb tyw yyyd avdqm-tyb ty hmlv anb yd !ynv !yrv[ @wsm hwhw


8:1 Now it came about at the end of the twenty years in which Solomon had built the house of the LORD and his own

ynEB.-ta, ~v' bv,AYw: ~t'_ao hmol{v. hn"B' hmol{ ~r"Wx !t:n" rv,a] ~yrI['h,w> 8:2
`larvy ynb ty !mt bytwaw !whty hmlv anb hmlvl ~rwx bhyd aywrqw 8:2
8:2 that he built the cities which Huram had given to him, and settled the sons of Israel there.

`h'yl,([' qz:x/Y<w: hb'Ac tm'x] hmol{v. %l,YEw:

`hl[ aryyc @yqtaw abwcd atmxl hmlv lzaw


8:3 Then Solomon went to Hamath-zobah and captured it.

`tm'(x]B; hn"B' rv<a] tAnK.s.Mih;( yrE['-lK' taew> rB"+d>MiB; rmod>T;-ta, !b,YIw:

`tmxb anb yd arcwa-tyb ywrq lk tyw arbdmb rwmdt ty anbw


8:4 He built Tadmor in the wilderness and all the storage cities which he had built in Hamath.

tAmAx rAcm' yrE[' !AT+x.T;h; !ArAx tyBe-ta,w> !Ayl.[,h'( !ArAx tyBe-ta, !b,YwI : 8:5
`x:yrI)b.W ~yIt:l'D>
!rwv !pqm !kyrk !ywrq a[ra !wrwx-tyb tyw hal[ !wrwx-tyb ty anbw 8:5
`!yrb[w !yvd
8:5 He also built upper Beth-horon and lower Beth-horon, fortified cities with walls, gates and bars;

bk,r<h' yrE['-lK' taew> hmol{ Wyh' rv<a] tAnK.s.Mih;( yrE['-lK' taew> tl'[]B;-ta,(w> 8:6
!Anb'L.b;W ~ilv; 'Wr)yBi qv;x' rv<a] hmol{v. qv,xe-lK' taew> ~yvi_r"P'h; yrE[' taew>
`AT*l.v;m.m, #r<a, lkob.W
ywrq lk tyw hmlvl wwh yd arcwa-tyb ywrq lk tyw hl[b tyw 8:6
db[ml abc yd hmlvd hybl tw[r lk tyw hyvrp ywrq tyw hyktra
`hynjlwv [ra lkbw !nblbw ~lvwryb ynbmlw
8:6 and Baalath and all the storage cities that Solomon had, and all the cities for his chariots and cities for his horsemen,

and all that it pleased Solomon to build in Jerusalem, in Lebanon, and in all the land under his rule.

al{ rv<a] ysiWby>h;w> yWIxih;w> yZIrIP.h;w> yrImoa/h'w> yTixih;-!mi rt'ANh; ~['h'-lK' 8:7
`hM'he( laer"f.YImi
al yd yaswbyw yawxw yazrpw yarwmaw yatx !m ryytvad am[ lk 8:7
`!wna larvym
8:7 All of the people who were left of the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites, who were
not of Israel,

~le[]Y:w: lae_r"f.yI ynEB. ~WLki-al{) rv<a] #r<a'B' ~h,yrEx]a; Wrt.An rv,a] ~h,ynEB.-!mi 8:8
`hZ<)h; ~AYh; d[; sm;l. hmol{v.
larvy ynb !wnwaycyv al yd a[rab !whyrtb wryytvad !whynb !m 8:8
`!ydh amwy d[ !ysm yqsml hmlv !wnbhyw
8:8 namely, from their descendants who were left after them in the land whom the sons of Israel had not destroyed, them
Solomon raised as forced laborers to this day.

yven>a; hM'he-yKi; ~ydIb'[]l; hmol{v. !t:n"-al{ rv,a] laer"f.yI ynEB.-!miW 8:9
p `wyv'(r"p'W ABk.rI yrEf'w> wyv'yliv' yrEf'w> hm'x'l.mi
!wna ~wra hytdyb[l !yxlp ywhml hmlv bhy al yd larvy ynb !mw 8:9
`yhwvrpw hyktra ynbrw ywrbg ynbrw abrq yxygm yrbg
8:9 But Solomon did not make slaves for his work from the sons of Israel; they were men of war, his chief captains and
commanders of his chariots and his horsemen.

~ydIroh' ~yIt"+am'W ~yVimix] hmol{v. %l,M,l;-rv,a] ~ybiC'NIh; ~ybiyciN>h; yrEf' hL,awe > 8:10
!yvbkm yd !yvmxw !tam hmlv aklml yd hyygyjrjsa ynbr !ylaw 8:10
8:10 These were the chief officers of King Solomon, two hundred and fifty who ruled over the people.

rm;a' yKi Hl'_-hn"B") rv<a] tyIB:l; dywID" ry[ime hmol{v. hl'[/h, h[or>P;-tB;-ta,w> 8:11
~h,ylea] ha'B'(-rv,a] hM'he vd<qo-yKi laer"f.yI-%l,m,( dywID" tybeB. yli hV'ai bvete-al{
p `hw")hy> !Ara]
anb yd !yryjlpl dwdd atrqm hmlv qysa h[rpd hytrb hytb tyw 8:11
larvyd aklm dwd tybb atta yl jwlvtd rvpa al rma ~wra hl
!whtwwl l[d rtb-!m atta !mt byttd rvk alw !wna avdwq ~wra
`yyyd anwra
8:11 Then Solomon brought Pharaoh's daughter up from the city of David to the house which he had built for her, for he
said, "My wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, because the places are holy where the ark of the
LORD has entered."

`~l'(Wah' hn"B' rv<a] hw"hy> xB;z>mi l[; hw"+hyl; tAl[o hmol{v. hl'[/h, za' 8:12
~dq anb yd yyyd axbdm l[ yyy ~dq !wwl[ hmlv qysy !ykb ah 8:12
8:12 Then Solomon offered burnt offerings to the LORD on the altar of the LORD which he had built before the porch;

tAd[]AMl;w> ~yvid"xl,w> tAtB'V;l; hv,mo tw:c.miK. tAl[]h;l. ~AyB. ~Ay-rb;d>biW 8:13

`tAK)Suh; gx;b.W tA[buV'h; gx;b.W tACM;h; gx;B. hn"+V'B; ~ymi['P. vAlv'
aypswmw hvmd atdqptk yh arydt !brq aqsal hymwyb amwy tsmbw 8:13
agxbw ayryjpd agxb atvb !ynmz tlt ayd[wmlw ayxry yvyrlw aybvl

`ayljmd agxbw ay[wbvd

8:13 and did so according to the daily rule, offering them up according to the commandment of Moses, for the sabbaths,
the new moons and the three annual feasts-- the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Booths.

~YIwIl.h;w> ~t'd"bo[]-l[; ~ynIh]Koh; tAql.x.m;-ta, wybia'-dywID") jP;v.miK. dme[]Y:w: 8:14

~yrI[]AVh;w> AmAyB. ~Ay-rb;d>li ~ynIh]Ko)h; dg<n< trEv'l.W lLeh;l. ~t'Arm.v.mi-l[;
`~yhi(l{a/h'-vyai dywID" tw:c.mi !ke yKi r[;v'_w" r[;v;l. ~t'Aql.x.m;B.
yawlw !whtdyb[ l[ aynhk twwgwlp ty ywba dwd dyqpd hmkyh ~yqaw 8:14
hymwyb amwy tsmk aynhk lbq lk avmvlw axbvl !whtrjm l[
dwdd atdqpt ankyh ~wra a[rtw a[rt lkl !whtwwgwlpb hyy[rtlw
`yyyd aybn
8:14 Now according to the ordinance of his father David, he appointed the divisions of the priests for their service, and
the Levites for their duties of praise and ministering before the priests according to the daily rule, and the gatekeepers by
their divisions at every gate; for David the man of God had so commanded.

`tAr)c'aol'w> rb"D"-lk'l. ~YIwIl.h;w> ~ynIh]Koh;-l[; %l,M,h; tw:c.mi Wrs' al{w>

`ayrbstlw ~[dm lklw yawylw aynhk l[ aklmd atdqpt wrj[ alw


8:15 And they did not depart from the commandment of the king to the priests and Levites in any manner or concerning
the storehouses.

tyBe ~lev' At+l{K.-d[;w> hw"hy>-tyBe ds;Wm ~AYh;-d[; hmol{v. tk,al,m.-lK' !KoTiw: 8:16
s `hw"h) y>
amwy d[ yyyd avdqm-tyb dsyytad amwy !m hmlv tdyb[ lk tnqtaw 8:16
`yyyd avdqm-tyb ~ylvw ycytvad
8:16 Thus all the work of Solomon was carried out from the day of the foundation of the house of the LORD, and until it
was finished. So the house of the LORD was completed.

`~Ad)a/ #r<a,B. ~Y"h; tp;f.-l[; tAlyae-la,w> rb,G<-!Ay*c.[,l. hmol{v. %l;h' za' 8:17
a[rab amy @yk-l[ yd twlyalw alwgnrt $rkl hmlv $ylh !ykb ah 8:17
8:17 Then Solomon went to Ezion-geber and to Eloth on the seashore in the land of Edom.

WaboY"w: ~y" y[ed>Ay ~ydIb'[]w: tAYnIa tAYnIAa wyd"b'[]-dy:B. ~r"Wx Al-xl;(v.YI)w: 8:18
WaybiY"w: bh'_z" rK:Ki ~yVimix]w: tAame-[B;r>a; ~V'mi Wxq.YIw: hr"ypiAa hmol{v. ydEb.[;-~[i
p `hmo)l{v. %l,M,h;-la,
~[ wtaw amyb !ymykx !ydb[w aypla ywdb[d adyb ~rwx hyl rdvw 8:18
abhdd !yrnyjnq !yvmxw ham [bra !mtm wbysnw rypwal hmlv ydb[
`hmlv aklm twl waytyyaw
8:18 And Huram by his servants sent him ships and servants who knew the sea; and they went with Solomon's servants
to Ophir, and took from there four hundred and fifty talents of gold and brought them to King Solomon.

tAdyxib. hmol{v.-ta, tASn:l. aAbT'w: hmol{v. [m;ve-ta, h['m.v'( ab'v.-tK;l.m;(W 9:1

hr"_q'y> !b,a,w> brol' bh'z"w> ~ymif'B. ~yaif.nO ~yLim;g>W daom. dbeK' lyIx:B. ~il;v'Wr)yBi
`Hb'(b'l.-~[i hy"h' rv<a]-lK' tae AM[i rBEd:T.w: hmol{v.-la, aAbT'w:
!wwltwmb hmlv ty hasnl ttaw hmlv [mv ty t[mv dgrmz tklmw 9:1
ygwsl abhdw !ymswb !ny[j !yngwhw adxl @yqt lyxb ~lvwryb !ydwxd
`hbl ~[ hwhd hm lk ty hym[ tlylmw hmlv twl ttaw !ryxb !yylgrmw
9:1 Now when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, she came to Jerusalem to test Solomon with difficult
questions. She had a very large retinue, with camels carrying spices and a large amount of gold and precious stones; and
when she came to Solomon, she spoke with him about all that was on her heart.

dyGIhi al{ rv<a] hmol{V.mi rb'D" ~l;[.n<-al{)w> h'yr<_b'D>-lK'-ta, hmol{v. Hl'-dG<Y:w:

ynt ald ~[dm hmlv !m yskta alw ahymgtp lk ty hmlv hl yntw




9:2 Solomon answered all her questions; nothing was hidden from Solomon which he did not explain to her.

`hn")B' rv<a] tyIB:h;w> hmo+l{v. tm;k.x' tae ab'v.-tK;l.m;( ar<Tew:

`anb yd avdqm-tybw hmlv tmkx ty dgrmz tklm tmxw


9:3 When the queen of Sheba had seen the wisdom of Solomon, the house which he had built,

wyq'v.m;W ~h,yveWB)l.m;W wyt'r>v'm. dm;[]m;W wyd"b'[] bv;AmW Anx' lk;a]m;W 9:4

`x:Wr) HB' dA[ hy"h"-al{w> hw"+hy> tyBe hl,[]y: rv<a] AtY"li[]w: ~h,yveWBl.m;W
hytwwqvw !whyvwblw ywvmvd anmqwmw ywdb[ twrxsaw hyrwtpd alkymw 9:4
`axwr hb bwt tryytva alw yyyd avdqm-tybl qylsd hytqsmw !whyvwblw
9:4 the food at his table, the seating of his servants, the attendance of his ministers and their attire, his cupbearers and
their attire, and his stairway by which he went up to the house of the LORD, she was breathless.

^yr<b'D>-l[; yci_r>a;B. yTi[.m;v' rv<a] rb'D"h; tm,a/ %l,M,h;-la, rm,aTow: 9:5

lwjmw $yyrybd lwjm y[rab ty[mv yd amgtp ajvwq aklml trmaw 9:5
9:5 Then she said to the king, "It was a true report which I heard in my own land about your words and your wisdom.

yli-dG:hu al{ hNEhiw> yn:y[e hn"ya,r>Tiw: ytiaB'-rv,a] d[; ~h,yrEb.dIl. yTin>m:a/h,-al{)w> 9:6
`yTi[.m'(v' rv<a] h['WmV.h;-l[; T'p.s;y" ^t<+m'k.x' tyBir>m; ycix]
yl hwxta al ahw ynyy[ hamxw ytytad d[ !whymgtpl tynmyh alw 9:6
`ty[mv yd at[wmv l[ atpyswa $tmkxd a[gws !m twglp
9:6 "Nevertheless I did not believe their reports until I came and my eyes had seen it. And behold, the half of the
greatness of your wisdom was not told me. You surpass the report that I heard.

~y[im.vow> dymiT' ^yn<p'l. ~ydIm.[oh' hL,ae_ ^yd<b'[] yrEv.a;w> ^yv,n"a] yrEv.a; 9:7
!y[mvd arydt $mwq !ymyyqd !yyla $db[d !whybwjw $yyrbgd !whybwj 9:7
`$tmkx ty
9:7 "How blessed are your men, how blessed are these your servants who stand before you continually and hear your

hw"hyl; %l,m,l. Aas.Ki-l[; ^T.til. ^B. #pex' rv<a] %WrB' ^yh,l{a/ hw"hy> yhiy> 9:8
%l,m,l. ~h,yle[] ^n>T,YIw: ~l'A[l. Adymi[]h;l. laer"f.yI-ta, ^yh,l{a/ tb;h]a;B. ^yh,_l{a/
`hq")d"c.W jP'v.mi tAf[]l;
ysrwk l[ btml aklm $ty hanml $b y[rtad $rbm $hla yyy ahy 9:8
larvy ty $hla ~yxr dk $hla yyy ~dq $ylm ywhml atwklm
`wkzw jwvqd !yd db[ml aklml !whywwl[ $ty ynmw ~l[l hytwmyyql
9:8 "Blessed be the LORD your God who delighted in you, setting you on His throne as king for the LORD your God;
because your God loved Israel establishing them forever, therefore He made you king over them, to do justice and

al{w> hr"_q'y> !b,a,w> daom. brol' ~ymif'b.W bh'z" rK:Ki ~yrIf.[,w> ha'me %l,M,l; !TeTiw:


`hmo)l{v. %l,M,l; ab'v.-tK;l.m;( hn"t.n"-rv,a] aWhh; ~f,BoK; hy"h'

adxl ygwsl amswbw bhdd !yryjnq !yrv[w ham aklml tbhyw 9:9
aklml dgrmz tklm tbhy yd awhh amswbk yh hwh alw !ryxb !yylgrmw
9:9 Then she gave the king one hundred and twenty talents of gold and a very great amount of spices and precious
stones; there had never been spice like that which the queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.

Waybihe rypi_Aame bh'z" Waybihe-rv,a] hmol{v. ydEb.[;w> ~r"Wx ~r"yxi ydEb.[;-~g:w> 9:10
`hr"(q'y> !b,a,w> ~yMiWGl.a; yce[]
aysyq wytyya rypwam abhd waytyyad hmlv ydb[w ~ryx ydb[ @waw 9:10
`!ryxb atylygrmw aygwmla
9:10 The servants of Huram and the servants of Solomon who brought gold from Ophir, also brought algum trees and
precious stones.

tArNOkiw> %l,M,h; tybel.W hw"hy>-tybel. tALsim. ~yMiWGl.a;h'( yce[]-ta, %l,M,h; f[;Y:w: 9:11
`hd"(Why> #r<a,B. ~ynIp'l. ~hek' War>nI-al{w> ~yrI+V'l; ~ylib'n>W
yyyd avdqm-tybl dy[sl hyyvbyk aygwmla ysyq !m aklm db[w 9:11
!wmxta alw !whb !yxbvmd ywl ynbl aylbnw ayrnkw aklm tyblw
`hdwhy tybd a[rab and tmdq !m !whtmkyd
9:11 From the algum trees the king made steps for the house of the LORD and for the king's palace, and lyres and harps
for the singers; and none like that was seen before in the land of Judah.

db;L.mi hl'a'v' rv<a] Hc'p.x,-lK'-ta, ab'v.-tK;l.m;(l. !t:n" hmol{v. %l,M,h;w> 9:12

p `h'yd<(b'[]w: ayhi Hc'r>a;l. %l,Tew: %poh]T;w:) %l,M,_h;-la, ha'ybihe-rv,a]
rb hynm t[b yd htw[r lk ty dgrmz tklml bhy hmlv aklmw 9:12
h[ral tlzaw taynptaw aklm twl taytyyad hm ypwlx hl bhy yd hmm
`ahdb[w ayh
9:12 King Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba all her desire which she requested besides a return for what she had
brought to the king. Then she turned and went to her own land with her servants.

vvew" ~yViviw> tAame vve tx'_a, hn"v'B. hmol{ aB'-rv,a] bh'Z"h; lq:v.mi yhiy>w: 9:13
`bh'(z" yrEK.Ki
!ytyvw ham tyv adx atvb hmlvl yta hwhd abhdd alqtm hwhw 9:13
`abhdd !yryjnq tyvw
9:13 Now the weight of gold which came to Solomon in one year was 666 talents of gold,

#r<a'h' tAxp;W br:[] ykel.m;-lk'w> ~yai_ybim. ~yrIx]Soh;w> ~yrIT'h; yven>a;me db;l. 9:14
`hmo)l{ @s,k,w" bh'z" ~yaiybim.
ynwjlvw atwwkmws yklm lkw !ylbwmd ayrgt trwxsw aynmwa rgam rb 9:14
`hmlvl apskw abhd agrk !ylbwmd a[ra
9:14 besides that which the traders and merchants brought; and all the kings of Arabia and the governors of the country
brought gold and silver to Solomon.

hl,[]y: jWxv' bh'z" tAame vve jWx+v' bh'z" hN"ci ~yIt:am' hmol{v. %l,M,h; f[;Y:w: 9:15
`tx'(a,h' hN"Cih;-l[;
ajwxk yh hyty !ylz[d anyns abhdd !ylwg[ !tam hmlv aklm db[w 9:15
`dx alyg[ l[ qyls abhdd !y[ls ham tyv
9:15 King Solomon made 200 large shields of beaten gold, using 600 shekels of beaten gold on each large shield.

tx'_a,h' !gEM'h;-l[; hl,[]y: bh'z" tAame vl{v. jWxv' bh'z" ~yNIgIm") tAame-vl{v.W 9:16
p `!An*b'L.h; r[;y: tybeB. %l,M,h; ~nET.YIw:
ham tlt ajwxk yh hyty !ylz[d anyns abhdd !ysyrt ham tltw 9:16
`ayklm trwqm tybb aklm !wnynmw dx asrt l[ qyls abhdd !y[ls
9:16 He made 300 shields of beaten gold, using three hundred shekels of gold on each shield, and the king put them in
the house of the forest of Lebanon.

`rAh*j' bh'z" WhPec;y>w: lAd+G" !vE-aSeKi %l,M,h; f[;Y:w:

`ykd bhd yhpxw abr lypd !vd aysrwk aklm db[w


9:17 Moreover, the king made a great throne of ivory and overlaid it with pure gold.

hZ<miW hZ<mi tAdy"w> ~yzIx'am' aSeKil; bh'Z"B; vb,kw, > aSeKil; tAl[]m; vvew> 9:18
`tAd)Y"h; lc,ae ~ydIm.[o tAyr"a] ~yIn:v.W tb,V'_h; ~Aqm.-l[;
hyb !yqbdm asrwk ylglgs abhdb vbykw aysrwkl !yyqwsm htvaw 9:18
lbq-lk !ymyyq !wwyra !yrtw abtwm tyb rta l[ akmw akm tydvaw
9:18 There were six steps to the throne and a footstool in gold attached to the throne, and arms on each side of the seat,
and two lions standing beside the arms.

!kE hf'[]n:-al{ hZ<+miW hZ<mi tAl[]M;h;( vve-l[; ~v' ~ydIm.[o tAyr"a] rf"[' ~ynEv.W 9:19
db[ta al akmw akm !yyqwsm tyv l[ !mt !ymyyq !wwyra rsyrtw 9:19
`atwwklm !whlwkl ankyh
9:19 Twelve lions were standing there on the six steps on the one side and on the other; nothing like it was made for any
other kingdom.

rWg=s' bh'z" !Anb'L.h; r[;y:-tyBe( yleK. lkow> bh'z" hmol{v. %l,M,h; hqev.m; yleK. lkow> 9:20
`hm'Wa) hmol{v. ymeyBi bv'x.n< @s,K, !yae
ayklm tryqm tyb ynam lkw bhd hmlv aklmd aytvm ynam !whlkw 9:20
`~[dml hmlv ymwyb amys byvxta al ~wra apsk !whb tyl bj bhd
9:20 All King Solomon's drinking vessels were of gold, and all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of
pure gold; silver was not considered valuable in the days of Solomon.

~ynIv' vAlv'l. tx;a; ~r"_Wx ydEb.[; ~[i vyvir>T; tAkl.ho %l,M,l; tAYnIa-yKi( 9:21
p `~yYI)KiWtw> ~ypiAqw> ~yBih;n>v, @s,k,w" bh'z" tAaf.nO* vyvir>T; tAYnIa hn"aAbT'
tltl dx ~rwx ydb[ ~[ hyyqyrpal !ylzad aklml aypla ~wra 9:21
`!yswwjw !ypwqw lypd !vw amysw abhd !ny[j hyyqyrpa aypla !ata !ynv
9:21 For the king had ships which went to Tarshish with the servants of Huram; once every three years the ships of
Tarshish came bringing gold and silver, ivory and apes and peacocks.

`hm'(k.x'w> rv,[ol. #r<a'_h' ykel.m; lKomi hmol{v. %l,M,h; lD:g>YIw:

`atmkxlw rtw[l a[ra yklm !whlk !m hmlv aklm abrw


9:22 So King Solomon became greater than all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom.

!t:n"-rv,a] Atm'k.x'-ta, [ hmo+l{v. ynEP.-ta, ~yviq.b;m. #r<a'h' ykel.m; lkow> 9:23
`AB*liB. ~yhil{a/h'
yd hytmkx ty [mvml hmlvd ypa rbs ty ![b a[ra yklm !whlkw 9:23
`hyblb yyy bhy
9:23 And all the kings of the earth were seeking the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom which God had put in his

~ymif'b.W qv,nE tAml'f.W bh'z" ylek.W @s,k, yleK. Atx'n>mi vyai ~yaiybim. ~hew> 9:24
p `hn")v'B. hn"v'-rb;D> ~ydI_r"p.W ~ysiWs
!ysydlwpw abhd ynamw amys ynam hynwrwd rbg hmlvl !ytyym !wnyhw 9:24
`anvb anv tryzg !yndwkw !wwsws !ymswbw abrq ynyz #wbd
9:24 They brought every man his gift, articles of silver and gold, garments, weapons, spices, horses and mules, so much
year by year.

@l,a, rf"['-~ynEv.W tAbK'r>m;W ~ysiWs tAyr>aU) ~ypil'a] t[;B;r>a; hmol{ yhiy>w: 9:25
`~il'(v'WryBi %l,M,h;-~[iw> bk,r<h' yrE['B. ~xeyNIY:w: ~yvi_r"P'
!ypla rsyrtw !yktraw !wwswsd !yyrwa !ypla [bra hmlvl hwhw 9:25
`~lvwryb aklm ~[ wwhd hm !m-rb aykytra ywrqb !wnrvaw !yvrp
9:25 Now Solomon had 4,000 stalls for horses and chariots and 12,000 horsemen, and he stationed them in the chariot
cities and with the king in Jerusalem.

`~yIr")c.mi lWbG> d[;w> ~yTiv.liP. #r<a,-d[;w> rh'N"h;-!mi ~yki_l'M.h;-lk'B. lveAm yhiy>w: 9:26
~wxt d[w yatvlpd a[ra d[w trp !m ayklm !whlkb jylv hwhw 9:26
9:26 He was the ruler over all the kings from the Euphrates River even to the land of the Philistines, and as far as the
border of Egypt.

~ymiq.ViK; !t:n" ~yzIr"a]h' taew> ~ynI+b'a]K' ~il;v'WryBi @s,K,h;-ta, %l,M,h; !TeYIw: 9:27
`bro)l' hl'peV.B;-rv,a]
bhy ayzra tyw aynbak yh lylz ~lvwryb amys ty aklm bhyw 9:27
`ygwsl atlpvb yd aymqvk yh atwlyzb
9:27 The king made silver as common as stones in Jerusalem, and he made cedars as plentiful as sycamore trees that are
in the lowland.

`tAc)r"a]h'-lK'miW hmol{ ~yIr:c.Mimi ~ysiWs ~yaiyciAmW

`ata[ra !whlk !mw hmlvl ~yrcmm !wwsws !yqpmw


9:28 And they were bringing horses for Solomon from Egypt and from all countries.

!t"n" yrEb.DI-l[; ~ybiWtK. ~he-al{h] ~ynI+Arx]a]h'w> ~ynIvoarIh' hmol{v. yrEb.DI ra'v.W 9:29
~['b.r"y"-l[; hz<xoh; AD[.y< yDI[.y< tAzx]b;W ynIAlyVi(h; hY"xia] ta;Wbn>-l[;w> aybiN"h;
!tn ymgtp l[ !ybytk !wna alh yartbw yamdq hmlv ylm rtwmw 9:29
l[ waybntad aybn wd[yd anwwzxbw hlyv !md hyxad hytwaybn l[w aybn
`jbn rb ~[bry
9:29 Now the rest of the acts of Solomon, from first to last, are they not written in the records of Nathan the prophet, and
in the prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite, and in the visions of Iddo the seer concerning Jeroboam the son of Nebat?

`hn")v' ~y[iB'r>a; laer"f.yI-lK'-l[; ~il;v'Wrybi( hmol{v. %l{m.YIw:

`!ynv !y[bra larvy !whlk l[ ~lvwryb hmlv $ylmw


9:30 Solomon reigned forty years in Jerusalem over all Israel.

AnB. ~['b.x;r> %l{m.YIw: wybi_a' dywID" ry[iB. WhrUB.q.YIw:) wyt'boa]-~[i hmol{v. bK;v.YIw: 9:31
p `wyT'(x.T;
~[bxr $ylmw ywba dwdd atrqb hyty wrbqw ywthba ~[ hmlv bykvw 9:31
`ywrtab hyrb
9:31 And Solomon slept with his fathers and was buried in the city of his father David; and his son Rehoboam reigned in

his place.

`At*ao %ylim.h;l. laer"f.yI-lk' WaB' ~k,v. yKi hm'k,_v. ~['b.x;r> %l,YEw:

`hyty aklmal larvy lk wta ~kvb ~wra ~kvl ~[bxr lzaw


10:1 Then Rehoboam went to Shechem, for all Israel had come to Shechem to make him king.

%l,M,_h; hmol{v. ynEP.mi xr:B' rv<a] ~yIr:c.mib. aWhw> jb'n>-!B, ~['b.r"y" [:mov.Ki yhiy>w: 10:2
`~yIr")c.Mimi ~['b.r"y" bv'Y"w:
~dq-!m qr[ yd ~yrcymb yrv awhw jbn rb ~[bry [mv dk hwhw 10:2
`~yrcmm ~[bry btw aklm hmlv
10:2 When Jeroboam the son of Nebat heard of it (for he was in Egypt where he had fled from the presence of King
Solomon), Jeroboam returned from Egypt.

`rmo*ale ~['b.x;r>-la, WrB.d:y>w:) lae_r"f.yI-lk'w> ~['b.r"y" aboY"w: Al-War>q.YIw: Wxl.v.YIw:)

`rmyml ~[bxr ~[ wlylmw larvy lkw ~[bry wtaw hyl wrqw wrdvw


10:3 So they sent and summoned him. When Jeroboam and all Israel came, they spoke to Rehoboam, saying,

dbeK'h; AL[umeW hv'Q'h; ^ybia' td:bo[]me lqeh' hT'[;w> WnLe_[u-ta, hv'q.hi ^ybia' 10:4
`&'d<)b.[;n:)w> Wnyle[' !t:n"-rv,a]
ayvq $wbad anxlwp !m tna lyqa !wdkw anryn ty yvqa $wba 10:4
`$nxlpnw anl[ bhyd apyqt hyrynmw
10:4 "Your father made our yoke hard; now therefore lighten the hard service of your father and his heavy yoke which
he put on us, and we will serve you."

s `~['(h' %l,YEw: yl'_ae WbWvw> ~ymiy" tv,l{v. dA[ ~h,lea] rm,aYOw:

`am[ wlzaw ytwl wbwtw wkyrwa !ymwy atlt !mz-d[ !whl rmaw


10:5 He said to them, "Return to me again in three days." So the people departed.

wybia' hmol{v. ~ydIm.[o) Wyh'-rv,a] ~ynIqeZ>h;-ta, ~['b.x;r> %l,M,h; #[;W"YIw: 10:6
`rb")D" hZ<h;-~['l'( byvih'l. ~yci['An* ~T,a; %yae rmo=ale yx; AtyOh.Bi(
hmlv ~dq !yvmvmw !ymyyq !wwhd aybs ~[ ~[bxr aklm $ylmtaw 10:6
!ydh am[l abtal !yklmtm !wta !ydka rmyml ~yyq hywhmb ywba
10:6 Then King Rehoboam consulted with the elders who had served his father Solomon while he was still alive, saying,
"How do you counsel me to answer this people?"

~h,lea] T'r>B;dIw> ~t'ycir>W hZ<h; ~['h'l. bAjl. hy<h.Ti(-~ai rmoale wyl'ae WrB.d:y>w: 10:7
`~ymi(Y"h;-lK' ~ydIb'[] ^l. Wyh'w> ~ybi_Aj ~yrIb'D>
lylmtw !whb y[rttw !ydh am[l bjl aht !ya rmyml hym[ wlylmw 10:7
`aymwy lk !ydb[l $l !whyw !ynqt !ymgtp !whm[
10:7 They spoke to him, saying, "If you will be kind to this people and please them and speak good words to them, then
they will be your servants forever."

ATai Wld>G" rv<a] ~ydIl'y>h;-ta, #[;W"YIw: Whcu_['y> rv<a] ~ynIqeZ>h; tc;[]-ta, bzO[]Y:w:) 10:8
`wyn")p'l. ~ydIm.[oh'
hym[ waybr yd ayyljb $ylmtaw yhwklm yd aybs tklm ty qbvw 10:8
`ywmdq !yvmvmw !ymyyqd
10:8 But he forsook the counsel of the elders which they had given him, and consulted with the young men who grew up
with him and served him.

WrB.DI rv,a] hZ<+h; ~['h'-ta, rb"D" byvin"w> ~yci['An* ~T,a; hm' ~h,lea] rm,aYOw: 10:9
`Wnyle([' ^ybia' !t:n"-rv,a] l[oh'-!mi lqeh' rmoale yl;ae
wlylm yd !ydh am[ ty amgtp bytnw !yklmtm !wta hm !wl rmaw 10:9
`anl[ $wba bhyd aryn !m lyqa rmyml ytwl
10:9 So he said to them, "What counsel do you give that we may answer this people, who have spoken to me, saying,
'Lighten the yoke which your father put on us'?"

WrB.DI-rv,a] ~['l' rm;ato-hKo) rmoale ATai Wld>G" rv,a] ~ydIl'y>h; ATai WrB.d:y>w: 10:10
~h,lea] rm:aTo hKo Wnyle_['me lqEh' hT'a;w> WnLe[u-ta, dyBik.hi ^ybia' rmoale ^yl,ae
`ybi(a' ynEt.M'mi hb'[' yNIj'q")
yd am[l rmyt !ndk rmyml hym[ waybr yd ayylj hym[ wlylmw 10:10
!wl rmyt !ndk annm lyqa tnaw anryn ty @yqta $wba rmyml $m[ wlylm
`abad hytrwbg !m apyqt ytwvlx
10:10 The young men who grew up with him spoke to him, saying, "Thus you shall say to the people who spoke to you,
saying, 'Your father made our yoke heavy, but you make it lighter for us.' Thus you shall say to them, 'My little finger is
thicker than my father's loins!

rS:yI ybia' ~k,_L.[u-l[;( @ysiao ynIa]w: dbeK' l[o ~k,yle[] symi[.h, ybia' hT'[;w> 10:11
s `~yBi(r:q.[]B'( ynIa]w: ~yjiAVB; ~k,t.a,
adr aba !wkyryn l[ @yswa anaw @yqt ryn !wkywl[ amr aba !wdkw 10:11
`!yngrmb anaw !yjybrvb !wkty
10:11 'Whereas my father loaded you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke; my father disciplined you with whips,
but I will discipline you with scorpions.'"

%l,Mh, ; rB<DI rv,a]K; yvi_liV.h; ~AYB; ~['b.x;r>-la, ~['h'-lk'w> ~['b.r"y" aboY"w: 10:12
`yvi(liV.h; ~AYB; yl;ae WbWv rmoale
lylmd hmkyh hatylt amwyb ~[bxr twl am[ lkw ~[bry ataw 10:12
`hatylt amwyb ytwl wbwt rmyml aklm
10:12 So Jeroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam on the third day as the king had directed, saying, "Return to
me on the third day."

`~ynI)qeZ>h; tc;[] tae ~['b.x;r> %l,M,h; bzO[]Y:w:) hv'_q' %l,M,h; ~nE[]Y:w:

`aybs tklm ty ~[bxr aklm qbvw !yyvq !ymgtp aklm !wnbytaw


10:13 The king answered them harshly, and King Rehoboam forsook the counsel of the elders.

wyl'_[' @ysiao ynIa]w: ~k,L.[u-ta,( dyBik.a; rmoale ~ydIl'y>h; tc;[]K; ~h,lea] rBEd:y>w: 10:14
`~yBi(r:q.[]B' ynIa]w: ~yjiAVB; ~k,t.a, rS:yI ybia'
anaw !wkyryn ty @yqta aba rmyml ayylj tklmk yh !wl !yl lylmw 10:14
`!yngrmb anaw !yjybrvb !wkty adr aba yhwl[ @yswa
10:14 He spoke to them according to the advice of the young men, saying, "My father made your yoke heavy, but I will
add to it; my father disciplined you with whips, but I will discipline you with scorpions."

~yqih' ![;m;l. ~yhil{a/h' ~[ime hB'sin> ht'y>h'-yKi( ~['_h'-la, %l,M,h; [m;v'-al{)w> 10:15
`jb'(n>-!B, ~['b.r"y"-la, ynIAlVi(h; WhY"xia] dy:B. rB,DI rv<a] Arb'D>-ta, hw"hy>
llgb-!m yyy ~dq-!m apqswt twh ~wra am[ !m aklm lybq alw 10:15
`jbn rb ~[bry l[ wlyv !md hyxa dyb lylm yd hymgtp ty yyy amqal
10:15 So the king did not listen to the people, for it was a turn of events from God that the LORD might establish His
word, which He spoke through Ahijah the Shilonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat.

rmoale %l,M,h;-ta, ~['h' WbyviY"w: ~h,l' %l,M,h; [m;v'-al{ yKi laer"f.yI-lk'w>


haer> hT'[; laer"f.yI ^yl,h'aol. vyai yv;yI-!b,B. hl'x]n:-al{)w> dywId"B. ql,xe WnL'-hm;
s `wyl'(h'aol. laer"f.yI-lK' %l,YEw: dywI+D" ^t.ybe
ty am[ wbytaw !whnm aklm lybq al ~wra !wmx larvy !whlkw 10:16
rbg yvyd hyrbb atnsxaw dwdb qlwx anl tya hm rmyml aklm
larvy !whlk wlzaw dwd $tyb yvna l[ $wlm !wdk larvy $ywwrql
10:16 When all Israel saw that the king did not listen to them the people answered the king, saying, "What portion do we
have in David? We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse. Every man to your tents, O Israel; Now look after your own
house, David." So all Israel departed to their tents.

`~['(b.x;r> ~h,yle[] %l{m.YIw: hd"_Why> yrE['B. ~ybiv.YO*h; laer"f.yI ynEb.W

`~[bxr !whyl[ $ylmw hdwhy tybd aywrqb !ybtyd larvy ynbw


10:17 But as for the sons of Israel who lived in the cities of Judah, Rehoboam reigned over them.

laer"f.yI-ynE)b. Ab-WmG>r>YIw: sM;h;-l[; rv<a] ~r"doh]-ta, ~['b.x;r> %l,M,h; xl;v.YIw: 10:18

s `~il'(v'Wry> sWnl' hb'K'r>M,B; tAl[]l;( #Mea;t.hi ~['b.x;r> %l,M,h;w> tmo+Y"w: !b,a,
ynb hyb wqtpw !ysm yqsm l[ ynmmd ~rwdh ty ~[bxr aklm rdvw 10:18
$pyml akytrab qsml @qwta ~[bxr aklmw tymw aynba larvy
10:18 Then King Rehoboam sent Hadoram, who was over the forced labor, and the sons of Israel stoned him to death.
And King Rehoboam made haste to mount his chariot to flee to Jerusalem.

s `hZ<)h; ~AYh; d[; dywID" tybeB. laer"f.yI W[v.p.YIw:

`!ydh amwy !mz-d[ dwd tybb larvy tyb wdrmw


10:19 So Israel has been in rebellion against the house of David to this day.

@l,a, ~ynIAmv.W ha'me !miy"n>biW hd"Why> tyBe-ta, lheq.Y:w: ~il;v'Wry> ~['b.x;r> aboY"w: 11:1
p `~['(b.x;r>li hk'l'm.M;h;-ta, byvih'l. laer"f.yI-~[i ~xeL'hil. hm'_x'l.mi hfe[o rWxB'
!ypla !nmtw ham !mynbw hdwhy tyb ty vnkw ~lvwryl ~[bxr ataw 11:1
abtal larvy tyb ~[ abrq yrds ardsml abrq ydb[ yvna rbg rbg
`~[bxrl atwklm ty
11:1 Now when Rehoboam had come to Jerusalem, he assembled the house of Judah and Benjamin, 180,000 chosen men
who were warriors, to fight against Israel to restore the kingdom to Rehoboam.

`rmo*ale ~yhil{a/h'-vyai Why"[.m;(v.-la, hw"hy>-rb;D> yhiy>w:

`rmyml yyyd aybn hy[mv ~[ yyy ~dq-!m hawbn ~gtp hwhw


11:2 But the word of the LORD came to Shemaiah the man of God, saying,

!mIy"n>biW hd"WhyBi laer"f.yI-lK' la,w> hd"_Why> %l,m, hmol{v.-!B, ~['b.x;r>-la, rmoa/ 11:3
larvy tyb lk ~[w hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm hmlv rb ~[bxrl rma 11:3
`rmyml !mynbw hdwhybd
11:3 "Speak to Rehoboam the son of Solomon, king of Judah, and to all Israel in Judah and Benjamin, saying,

yKi Atybel. vyai WbWv ~k,yxea]-~[i WmxL] 'ti-al{w> Wl[]t;-al{ hw"hy> rm:a' hKo 11:4
p `~['(b.r"y"-la, tk,L,mi WbvuY"w: hw"hy> yrEb.DI-ta, W[m.v.YIw:) hZ<+h; rb"D"h; hy"h.nI yTiaime(
wbwt larvy ynb !wkyxa ~[ abrq !wxygt alw !wqst al yyy rma !ndk 11:4
wbtw yyyd ymgtp ty wlybqw !ydh amgtp hwh yyy ~dq-!m ~wra hytybl rbg
`~[bry twl lzymlm

11:4 'Thus says the LORD, "You shall not go up or fight against your relatives; return every man to his house, for this
thing is from Me."'" So they listened to the words of the LORD and returned from going against Jeroboam.

`hd"(WhyBi rAcm'l. ~yrI[' !b,YIw: ~il'_v'WryBi ~['b.x;r> bv,YEw:

`hdwhy tybd ajbv [rab !kyrk !ywrq anbw ~lvwryb ~[bxr btyw


11:5 Rehoboam lived in Jerusalem and built cities for defense in Judah.

`[;Aq)T.-ta,w> ~j'y[e-ta,w> ~x,l,-tyBe(-ta, !b,YIw:

`[wqt tyw ~jy[ tyw ~xl-tyb ty anbw


11:6 Thus he built Bethlehem, Etam, Tekoa,

`~L'(dU[]-ta,w> AkAf-ta,w> rWc-tyBe(-ta,w>

`~ld[ tyw wkwv tyw rwc-tyb tyw


11:7 Beth-zur, Soco, Adullam,

`@yzI)-ta,w> hv'rEm'-ta,w> tG:-ta,w>

`@yz tyw hvrm tyw tg tyw


11:8 Gath, Mareshah, Ziph,

`hq")zE[]-ta,w> vykil'-ta,w> ~yIr:Ada]-ta,w>

`hqz[ tyw vykl tyw ~rwda tyw


11:9 Adoraim, Lachish, Azekah,

`tAr)cum. yrE[' !mI+y"n>bib.W hd"WhyBi rv<a] !Arb.x,-ta,w> !AlY"a;-ta,w> h['r>c'-ta,w> 11:10

!ywrq !mynb jbyvbw hdwhy jbyvb yd !wrbx tyw !wlya tyw h[rc tyw 11:10
11:10 Zorah, Aijalon and Hebron, which are fortified cities in Judah and in Benjamin.

`!yIy")w" !m,v,w> lk'a]m; tArca. ow> ~ydIygIn> ~h,B' !TEYIw: tAr+cuM.h;-ta, qZEx;y>w: 11:11
alkym !yylm !yrbstw !ynwkra !whb ynmw atkyrk aywrq ty #pvw 11:11
`armxw axvmw
11:11 He also strengthened the fortresses and put officers in them and stores of food, oil and wine.

hd"Why> Al-yhiy>w: dao+m. hBer>h;l. ~qEZ>x;y>w:) ~yxim'r>W tANci ry[iw" ry[i-lk'b.W 11:12
s `!mI)y"n>biW
hyl !wwhw adxl ygwsl !wnpyqtw !ynrwmw !ylyg[ bhy yrqw yrq lkbw 11:12
`!mynb jbyvw hdwhy jbyv
11:12 He put shields and spears in every city and strengthened them greatly. So he held Judah and Benjamin.

`~l'(WbG>-lK'mi wyl'[' WbC.y:t.hi( lae_r"f.yI-lk'B. rv<a] ~YIwIl.h;w> ~ynIh]Koh;w>

`!whymwxt lkm yhwl[ wdt[ta larvy lkb yd yawylw aynhkw


11:13 Moreover, the priests and the Levites who were in all Israel stood with him from all their districts.

~il'_v'Wryli(w> hd"Whyli Wkl.YEw: ~t'Z"xua]w: ~h,yver>g>mi-ta, ~YIwIl.h; Wbz>['-yKi( 11:14

`hw")hyl; !hEK;mi wyn"b'W ~['b.r'y") ~x'ynIz>hi-yKi(
hdwhy jbyvl wlzaw !whtdwxaw !whylywrp ty yawyl wqbv ~wra 11:14
`yyy ~dq avmvlm ywnbw ~[bry !wnqbv alw !wnbyk[ ~wra ~lvwrylw
11:14 For the Levites left their pasture lands and their property and came to Judah and Jerusalem, for Jeroboam and his
sons had excluded them from serving as priests to the LORD.

`hf'([' rv<a] ~ylig"[]l'w> ~yrI+y[iF.lw; > tAmB'l; ~ynIh]Ko) Al-dm,[]Y:)w:

`db[ yd !ylg[lw !ydyvlw hyysmbl !yrmwk hyl ~yqaw


11:15 He set up priests of his own for the high places, for the satyrs and for the calves which he had made.

yhel{a/ hw"hy>-ta, vQeb;l. ~b'b'l.-ta, ~ynIt.NO*h; laer"f.yI lKomi ~h,yrEx]a;w> 11:16
`~h,(yteAba] yhel{a/ hw"hyl; x:ABz>li ~il;v'Wry> WaB' lae_r"f.yI
!plwa [btml !whbl ty !ybhyd larvyd ajbv lkm !whyrtbw 11:16
`!whthbad ahla yyy ~dq axbdl ~lvwryl wta larvyd ahla yyy ~dq-!m
11:16 Those from all the tribes of Israel who set their hearts on seeking the LORD God of Israel followed them to
Jerusalem, to sacrifice to the LORD God of their fathers.

yKi vAl+v' ~ynIv'l. hmol{v.-!B, ~['b.x;r>-ta, WcM.a;y>w:) hd"Why> tWkl.m;-ta, WqZ>x;y>w:) 11:17
`vAl)v' ~ynIv'l. hmol{v.W dywID" %r<d<B. Wkl.h'(
!ynvl hmlv rb ~[bxr ty wmylaw hdwhy tybd atwklm ty wpyqtw 11:17
`tlt !ynvl hmlvw dwd xrwab wkylh ~wra tlt
11:17 They strengthened the kingdom of Judah and supported Rehoboam the son of Solomon for three years, for they
walked in the way of David and Solomon for three years.

lyIh;ybia] dywI+D"-!B, tAmyrIy>-tB; !B, tl;x]m'-ta, hV'ai ~['b.x;r> Al-xQ:)YI)w: 11:18

`yv'(yI-!B, ba'ylia/-tB;
lyxyba tyw dwd rb twmyry tb tlxm ty atta ~[bxr hyl bysnw 11:18
`yvy rb bayla tb
11:18 Then Rehoboam took as a wife Mahalath the daughter of Jerimoth the son of David and of Abihail the daughter of
Eliab the son of Jesse,

`~h;z")-ta,w> hy"r>m;v.-ta,w> vW[y>-ta, ~ynI+B' Al dl,Tew:

`~hz tyw hyrmv tyw vw[y ty !ynb hyl tdylyw


11:19 and she bore him sons: Jeush, Shemariah and Zaham.

yT;[;-ta,w> hY"bia]-ta, Al dl,Tew: ~Al+v'b.a;-tB; hk'[]m;-ta,( xq;l' h'yr<x]a;w> 11:20

`tymi(l{v.-ta,w> az"yzI-ta,w>
yat[ tyw hyba ty hyl tdylyw ~wlvba tb hk[m ty bysn ahrtbw 11:20
`tymlv tyw azyz tyw
11:20 After her he took Maacah the daughter of Absalom, and she bore him Abijah, Attai, Ziza and Shelomith.

~yvin" yKi wyv'g>l;ypiW wyv'n"-lK'mi ~Alv'b.a;-tb; hk'[]m;-ta, ~['b.x;r> bh;a/Y<w: 11:21

`tAn*B' ~yViviw> ~ynIB' hn"Amv.W ~yrIf.[, dl,AYw: ~yVi_vi ~yvig>l;ypi(W af'n" hrEf.[,-hn<)Amv.
~wra yhwtqlypw yhwvn lk !m ~wlvba tb hk[m ty ~[bxr ~yxrw 11:21
`!nb !ytvw !ynb aynmtw !yrv[ dylwaw !ytv !ytqlypw bysn yrsynmt !yvn
11:21 Rehoboam loved Maacah the daughter of Absalom more than all his other wives and concubines. For he had taken
eighteen wives and sixty concubines and fathered twenty-eight sons and sixty daughters.

`Ak*ylim.h;l. yKi wyx'_a,B. dygIn"l. hk'[]m;-!b<) hY"bia]-ta, ~['b.x;r> varol' dme[]Y:)w: 11:22
rma ~wra yhwxa l[ !wkral hk[m rb hyba ty ~[bxr avyrl ynmw 11:22
`atwklm hyl !tml
11:22 Rehoboam appointed Abijah the son of Maacah as head and leader among his brothers, for he intended to make
him king.

tArcuM.h; yrE[' lkol. !miy"n>biW hd"Why> tAcr>a;-lk'l.( wyn"B'-lK'mi #rop.YIw: !b,Y"w: 11:23
`~yvi(n" !Amh] la;v.YIw: bro+l' !AzM'h; ~h,l' !TEYIw:

!mynbw hdwhy tybd at[ra lk l[ ywnb lkm ynmw !ywrq #ypvw anbw 11:23
`ayvn tpkyr bsml lyavw ygwsl anwzm !whl bhyw atkyrk aywrq !whlkl
11:23 He acted wisely and distributed some of his sons through all the territories of Judah and Benjamin to all the
fortified cities, and he gave them food in abundance. And he sought many wives for them.

laer"f.yI-lk'w> hw"+hy> tr:AT-ta, bz:[' Atq'z>x,k.W ~['b.x;r> tWkl.m; !ykih'K. yhiy>w: 12:1
p `AM)[i
yyyd atyrwa ty qbv @qwta dkw ~[bxrd hytwklm tnqta dk hwhw 12:1
`hym[ larvy lkw
12:1 When the kingdom of Rehoboam was established and strong, he and all Israel with him forsook the law of the

~il'_v'Wry>-l[; ~yIr:c.mi-%l,m,( qv;yvi hl'[' ~['b.x;r> %l,M,l; tyviymix]h;( hn"V'B; yhiy>w: 12:2
`hw")hyB; Wl[]m' yKi
l[ ~yrcmd aklm qvyv qyls ~[bxr aklml atyvymx atvb hwhw 12:2
`yyyd armymb wrqvd lwjm ~lvwry
12:2 And it came about in King Rehoboam's fifth year, because they had been unfaithful to the LORD, that Shishak king
of Egypt came up against Jerusalem

WaB'-rv,a] ~['l' rP's.mi !yaew> ~yvi_r"P' @l,a, ~yVivib.W bk,r< ~yIta; m'W @l,a,B. 12:3
`~yvi(Wkw> ~yYIKisu ~ybiWl ~yIr:c.Mimi AM[i
wtad am[l ~wks tylw !yvrp !ypla !ytvbw !ykytra !tamw aplab 12:3
`yavwkw yakwsw yabwl ~yrcmm hym[
12:3 with 1,200 chariots and 60,000 horsemen. And the people who came with him from Egypt were without number:
the Lubim, the Sukkiim and the Ethiopians.

s `~il'(v'Wry>-d[; aboY"w: hd"_Whyli( rv<a] tArcuM.h; yrE['-ta, dKol.YIw:

`~lvwryl ataw hdwhyl wwhd yd atkyrk aywrq ty vbkw


12:4 He captured the fortified cities of Judah and came as far as Jerusalem.

~il;v'Wry>-la, Wps.a,n<-rv,a] hd"Why> yrEf'w> ~['b.x;r>-la, aB' aybiN"h; hy"[.m;(v.W* 12:5

yTib.z:[' ynIa]-@a;w> ytiao ~T,b.z:[] ~T,a; hw"hy> rm:a'-hKo ~h,l ' rm,aYOw: qv'_yvi ynEP.mi
`qv'(yvi-dy:B. ~k,t.a,
~lvwryl wvnktad hdwhy ynbrw ~[bxr twl ata aybn hy[mvw 12:5
ana ~rbw ytlxd ty !wtqbv !wta yyy rma !ndk !whl rmaw qvyv ~dq-!m
`qvyvd adyb !wkty qwbva
12:5 Then Shemaiah the prophet came to Rehoboam and the princes of Judah who had gathered at Jerusalem because of
Shishak, and he said to them, "Thus says the LORD, 'You have forsaken Me, so I also have forsaken you to Shishak.'"

`hw")hy> qyDIc; Wrm.aYOw: %l,M,_h;w> laer"f.yI-yrE(f' W[n>K'YIw:

`yyy awh hakz wrmaw aklmw larvy ynbr w[nktaw


12:6 So the princes of Israel and the king humbled themselves and said, "The LORD is righteous."

al{ W[n>k.nI rmoale hy"[.m;(v.-la, hw"hy>-rb;d> hy"h' W[n"k.nI yKi hw"hy> tAar>biW 12:7
`qv'(yvi-dy:B. ~il;v'WryBi ytim'x] %T:ti-al{w> hj' j[;m.Ki ~h,l' yTit;n"w> ~te_yxiv.a;
~[ yyy ~dq-!m hawbn ~gtp hwh w[nkta ~wra yyy ~dq ylg dkw 12:7
alw abzyvl ry[zk !whl !taw !wnlbxa al ym[ w[nkta rmyml hy[mv
`qvyvd adyb ~lvwryb yzgwr lwxt
12:7 When the LORD saw that they humbled themselves, the word of the LORD came to Shemaiah, saying, "They have
humbled themselves so I will not destroy them, but I will grant them some measure of deliverance, and My wrath shall

not be poured out on Jerusalem by means of Shishak.

s `tAc)r"a]h' tAkl.m.m; td:Ab[]w: ytid"Ab[] W[d>yEw> ~ydI_b'[]l; Al-Wyh.yI yKi

`at[ra twwklm dwb[yvw ynxlwp !w[dyw !ydb[l hyl !wwhy ~wra


12:8 "But they will become his slaves so that they may learn the difference between My service and the service of the
kingdoms of the countries."

hw"hy>-tyBe, xQ;YIw: ~il;v'Wry>-l[; ~yIr:c.mi-%l,m,( qv;yvi l[;Y:w: 12:9

`hmo)l{v. hf'[' rv<a] bh'Z"h; yNEgIm'-ta, xQ;YwI : xq"+l' lKoh;-ta, %l,M,h; tyBe,w>
avdqwm-tyb yrbst ty abvw ~lvwry l[ ~yrcmd aklml qvyv qylsw 12:9
ysyrt ty abvw bysn agwgr txbvwt lk tyw aklm tyb yrbst tyw yyyd
`hmlv db[ yd abhd
12:9 So Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem, and took the treasures of the house of the LORD and the
treasures of the king's palace. He took everything; he even took the golden shields which Solomon had made.

~ycir"h' yrEf' dy:-l[; dyqip.hiw> tv,xo+n> yNEgIm' ~h,yTex.T; ~['b.x;r> %l,M,h; f[;Yw: : 12:10
`%l,M,(h; tyBe xt;P, ~yrIm.Voh;
ynbr dy l[ ynmw avxnd !ylyg[ !whypwlx ~[bxr aklm db[w 12:10
`aklm tyb [rt !yrjnd aynwjhr
12:10 Then King Rehoboam made shields of bronze in their place and committed them to the care of the commanders of
the guard who guarded the door of the king's house.

aT'-la, ~Wbvih/w< ~Waf'n>W ~ycir"h' WaB' hw"+hy> tyBe %l,M,h; aAb-yDEmi yhiy>w: 12:11
!wnwljnw aynwjhr !yll[ yyyd avdqm-tybl aklm lyl[ dk hwhw 12:11
`aynwjhrd akwdl !whty !ybytmw
12:11 As often as the king entered the house of the LORD, the guards came and carried them and then brought them
back into the guards' room.

hy"h' hd"WhyBi( ~g:w> hl'_k'l. tyxiv.h;l. al{w> hw"hy>-@a; WNM,mi bv' A[n>K")hib.W 12:12
s `~ybi(Aj ~yrIb'D>
lkl hacyvlw albxl rma alw yyyd azgwr hynm bt hybl rbt dkw 12:12
`!ybj !ymgtp hatyal rma hdwhy tybdb @waw am[
12:12 And when he humbled himself, the anger of the LORD turned away from him, so as not to destroy him
completely; and also conditions were good in Judah.

h n"v' tx;a;w> ~y[iB'r>a;-!b, yKi %l{=m.YIw: ~il;v'WryBi ~['b.x;r> %l,M,h; qZEx;t.YIw: 12:13
hw"hy> rx;B'-rv,a] ry[ih' ~ilv; 'WryBi( %l:m' hn"v' hrEf.[, [b;v]W* Akl.m'B. ~['b.x;r>
`tynI)Mo[;h'( hm'[]n: AMai ~vew> laer"f.yI lKomi ~v' Amv.-ta, ~Wfl'
!ynv adxw !y[bra rb ~wra $lmw ~lvwryb ~[bxr aklm @qwtaw 12:13
harval yyy y[rta yd atrq ~lvwryb $lm !ynv yrsybvw $lm dk hwh
`atynwm[ hm[n hyma ~wvw larvyd ayjbv lkm !mt hytnkv
12:13 So King Rehoboam strengthened himself in Jerusalem and reigned. Now Rehoboam was forty-one years old when
he began to reign, and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city which the LORD had chosen from all the tribes of
Israel, to put His name there. And his mother's name was Naamah the Ammonitess.

s `hw")hy>-ta, vArd>li ABli !ykihe al{ yKi [r"_h' f[;Y:w:

`yyy ~dq-!m !plwa [btml hybl !ywk al ~wra vybd db[w


12:14 He did evil because he did not set his heart to seek the LORD.

hy"[.m;(v. yrEb.dIB. ~ybiWtK. ~he-al{h] ~ynIArx;a]h'w> ~ynIvoarIh' ~['b.x;r> yrEb.dIw>


`~ymi(Y"h;-lK' ~['b.r"y"w> ~['b.x;r> tAmx]l.miW fxe_y:t.hil. hz<xoh; AD[iw> aybiN"h;

aybn hy[mv ymgtpb !ybytk !wna alh yartbw yamdq ~[bxr ymgtpw 12:15
~[bry !ybw ~[bxr !yb wwhd aybrq yrdsw dwd tyb swxy rpsb aybn wd[w
`aymwy lk
12:15 Now the acts of Rehoboam, from first to last, are they not written in the records of Shemaiah the prophet and of
Iddo the seer, according to genealogical enrollment? And there were wars between Rehoboam and Jeroboam continually.

p `wyT'(x.T; Anb. hY"bia] %l{m.YIw: dywI+D" ry[iB. rbEQ'YIw: wyt'boa]-~[i ~['b.x;r> bK;v.YIw: 12:16
hyrb hyba $ylmw dwdd atrqb rbqtaw ywthba ~[ ~[bxr bkvw 12:16
12:16 And Rehoboam slept with his fathers and was buried in the city of David; and his son Abijah became king in his

`hd"(Why>-l[; hY"bia] %l{m.YIw: ~['_b.r"y" %l,M,l; hrEf.[, hn<Amv. tn:v.Bi

`hdwhy tybd l[ hyba $lmw ~[bry aklml !ynv yrsynmt tnvb


13:1 In the eighteenth year of King Jeroboam, Abijah became king over Judah.

h['_b.GI-!mi laeyrIWa-tb; Why"k'ymi AMai ~vew> ~il;v'WryBi %l;m' ~ynIv' vAlv' 13:2
`~['(b.r"y" !ybeW hY"bia] !yBe ht'y>h' hm'x'l.miW
at[bg !m layrwa trb whykym hyma ~wvw ~lvwryb $lm !ynv tlt 13:2
akphta atryvk ata twhd lwjmaw ~wlvba trb hk[m twh ayh
!md layrwa yrqtml $phta ahwba ~wvw yl[md amv whykym yrqtml
`~[bry ynybw hyba ynyb twh abrqw ~wlvbad hymv rkdml ald at[bg
13:2 He reigned three years in Jerusalem; and his mother's name was Micaiah the daughter of Uriel of Gibeah. Now
there was war between Abijah and Jeroboam.

vyai @l,a, tAame-[B;r>a; hm'x'l.mi yrEABGI lyIxB; . hm'x'l.Mih;-ta, hY"bia] rsoa.Y<w: 13:3
rABGI rWxB' vyai @l,a, tAame hn<A mv.Bi hm'x'l.mi AM[i %r:[' ~['b.r"y"w> s rWx+B'
s `lyIx")
ham [bra abrq ydb[ yrbg lyxb abrq rdsw hyktra hyba syqjw 13:3
!ypla ham ynmtb abrq yrds hym[ syqj ~[bryw !ymylw[ !yrbwg !ypla
`alyx yrbg !yrbwg
13:3 Abijah began the battle with an army of valiant warriors, 400,000 chosen men, while Jeroboam drew up in battle
formation against him with 800,000 chosen men who were valiant warriors.

~['b.r"y" ynIW[m'v. rm,aYOw: ~yIr"+p.a, rh:B. rv<a] ~yIr:m'c. rh:l. l[;me hY"bia] ~q'Y"w: 13:4
rmaw ~yrpa tybd ajbv rwwjb yd ~yrmc rwwjl ywl[m hyba ~qw 13:4
`larvy tyb !whlkw ~[bry ynm lybq
13:4 Then Abijah stood on Mount Zemaraim, which is in the hill country of Ephraim, and said, "Listen to me, Jeroboam
and all Israel:

laer"f.yI-l[; dywId"l. hk'l'm.m; !t;n" laer"f.yI yhel{a/ hw"hy> yKi t[;d:l' ~k,l' al{h] 13:5
s `xl;m,( tyrIB. wyn"b'l.W Al ~l'_A[l.
dwdl atwklm bhy larvyd ahla yyy ~wra [dml !wkl alh 13:5
tyl amyd ywmd hmkyh xlm ~yyq ywnblw hyl ~l[l larvy l[ hyjlvaw
dwd tybdm anjlv yd[td rvpya tyl !ydkyh ~l[l !yqtmtmd rvpya
`aml[ d[
13:5 "Do you not know that the LORD God of Israel gave the rule over Israel forever to David and his sons by a

covenant of salt?

`wyn")doa]-l[; drom.YIw: dywI+D"-!b, hmol{v. db,[, jb'n>-!B, ~['b.r"y" ~q'Y"w:

`hynwbr l[ drmw dwd rb hmlvd adb[ jbn rb ~[bry ~qw


13:6 "Yet Jeroboam the son of Nebat, the servant of Solomon the son of David, rose up and rebelled against his master,

hmo+l{v.-!B, ~['b.x;r>-l[; WcM.a;t.YI)w: l[;Y:lib. ynEB. ~yqirE ~yvin"a] wyl'[' Wcb.Q'YIw: 13:7
`~h,( qZ:x;t.hi al{w> bb'le-%r:w> r[;n: hy"h" ~['b.x;r>W
rb ~[bxr l[ !wml[taw a[vr ynb !yqyrs !yvna hytwl wvnktaw 13:7
`!whymdq @qwta alw abl !ykrw $ykrw !ykrw ylj hwh ~[bxrw hmlv
13:7 and worthless men gathered about him, scoundrels, who proved too strong for Rehoboam, the son of Solomon,
when he was young and timid and could not hold his own against them.

~T,a;w> dywI+d" ynEB. dy:B. hw"hy> tk,l,m.m; qZEx;t.hil. ~T,a; hT'[;w> 13:8
`~yhi(l{ale ~['b.r"y" ~k,l' hf'[' rv,a] bh'z" yleg>[, ~k,M'[iw> br" !Amh'
dyb tbyhyta yyy ~dq-!md atwklm ~dq apqtal !yrma !wta !wdkw 13:8
!wkl db[ yd abhdd !ylg[ !wkm[w !y[ygs !ymm[ tpkyr !wtaw dwdd ywnb
`!lxdl jbn rb ~[bry
13:8 "So now you intend to resist the kingdom of the LORD through the sons of David, being a great multitude and
having with you the golden calves which Jeroboam made for gods for you.

~ynIh]Ko ~k,l' Wf[]T;w: ~YI+wIl.h;w> !roh]a; ynEB.-ta, hw"hy> ynEh]Ko-ta, ~T,x.D:hi al{h] 13:9
!hEko hy"h'w> h[' ~liyaew> rq'B'-!B, rp:B. Ady" aLem;l. aB'h;-lK' tAcr"a]h' yMe[;K.
s `~yhi(l{a/ al{l.
yh !yrmwk !wkl !wtdb[w yawylw !rha ynb yyyd aynhk ty !wtkyrt alh 13:9
yhyw a[bv !yrkdw yrwt rb rwtb hynbrwq abrql ytad lk at[ra ym[k
`yyyd armym !m-rb !yhk
13:9 "Have you not driven out the priests of the LORD, the sons of Aaron and the Levites, and made for yourselves
priests like the peoples of other lands? Whoever comes to consecrate himself with a young bull and seven rams, even he
may become a priest of what are no gods.

!roh]a; ynEB. hw"hyl;( ~ytir>v'm. ~ynIhk] ow> WhnU+b.z:[] al{w> Wnyhel{a/ hw"hy> Wnx.n:a]w: 13:10
`tk,al'(m.B; ~YIwIl.h;w>
aynhkw hytlxd anqbv al anhla awhw and[sb yyyd armym anxnaw 13:10
`atdyb[b yawylw !rha ynb yyy ~dq !yvmvmd
13:10 "But as for us, the LORD is our God, and we have not forsaken Him; and the sons of Aaron are ministering to the
LORD as priests, and the Levites attend to their work.

tk,r[< ]m;W ~yMis;-tr<jo)q.W br<[,B'-br<[,(b'W rq,BoB;-rq,Bo)B; tAl[o hw"hyl; ~yrIjiq.m;W 13:11

~yrIm.vo-yKi( br<[,B' br<[,B' r[eb'l. h'yt,ronEw> bh'Z"h; tr:Anm.W rAhJ'h; !x"l.Vuh;-l[; ~x,l,
`At*ao ~T,b.z:[] ~T,a;w> Wnyhe_l{a/ hw"hy> tr<m,v.mi-ta, Wnx.n:a]
trjqw vmrb vmrbw rpcb rpcb !wwl[ yyy ~dq !ymswb trjq !yqsmw 13:11
aqldal ahnycwbw abhdd atrwnmw ykd rwtp l[ amxl rwdsw !ymswb
!wtaw anhla yyyd armym trjm ty anxna !yrjn ~wra vmrb vmrb
`hytlxd ty !wtqbv
13:11 "Every morning and evening they burn to the LORD burnt offerings and fragrant incense, and the showbread is set
on the clean table, and the golden lampstand with its lamps is ready to light every evening; for we keep the charge of the
LORD our God, but you have forsaken Him.

ynEB. ~k,_yle[] [:yrIh'l. h['WrT.h; tArc.cox]w: wyn"h]kow> ~yhil{a/h' varob' WnM'[i hNEhiw>


`Wxyli(c.t; al{-yKi ~k,yteboa]-yhe(l{a/ hw"hy>-~[i Wmx]L'(Ti-la; laer"f.yI

ynb !wkyl[ abbyl abby trcwcxw yhwnhkw yyy avyrb anm[ ahw 13:12
`!wxlct al ~wra !wkthbad ahla yyy ~dq !wxygt al larvy
13:12 "Now behold, God is with us at our head and His priests with the signal trumpets to sound the alarm against you.
O sons of Israel, do not fight against the LORD God of your fathers, for you will not succeed."

br"a.M;h;w> hd"Why> Wyh.YI)w: ~h,_yrEx]a;me( aAbl' br"a.M;h;-ta, bsehe ~['b.r'y")w> 13:13
hdwhy tybd ypal wwhw !whyrtb-!m ytyml anmk ty rxsa ~[bryw 13:13
`!whyrtb-!m anmkw
13:13 But Jeroboam had set an ambush to come from the rear, so that Israel was in front of Judah and the ambush was
behind them.

~ynIh]Koh;w> hw"+hyl; Wq[]c.YIw:) rAxa'w> ~ynIP' hm'x'l.Mih; ~h,l' hNEhiw> hd"Why> Wnp.YIw: 13:14
`tAr)c.cox]B; ~yrIc.x.m; ~yrc.icox]m;
!whyrtb-!mw !whymdq-!m abrq !whl ahw hdwhy tybd wayktsaw 13:14
`atrccxb !yrcxm aynhkw yyy ~dq wlybqw
13:14 When Judah turned around, behold, they were attacked both front and rear; so they cried to the LORD, and the
priests blew the trumpets.

~['b.r'y")-ta, @g:n" ~yhil{a/h'w> hd"Why> vyai [:yrIh'B. yhiy>w: hd"_Why> vyai W[yrIY"w: 13:15
`hd"(WhywI hY"bia] laer"f.yI-lk'w>
ty rbt yyyd armymw hdwhy vna wbyby dk hwhw hdwhy vna wbybyw 13:15
`hdwhy tybw hyba ~dq larvy !whlkw ~[bry
13:15 Then the men of Judah raised a war cry, and when the men of Judah raised the war cry, then it was that God routed
Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah.

`~d"(y"B. ~yhil{a/ ~nET.YIw: hd"_Why> ynEP.mi laer"f.yI-ynEb. WsWnY"w:

`!whydyb yyy !wnrsmw hdwhy tybd ~dq-!m larvy ynb wkpaw


13:16 When the sons of Israel fled before Judah, God gave them into their hand.

tAame-vmex] laer"f.YImi ~ylil'x] WlP.YIw: hB'_r: hK'm; AM[;w> hY"bia] ~h,b' WKY:w: 13:17
`rWx)B' vyai @l,a,
tybdm abrxb !ylyjq wlpnw atbr atxm hym[w hyba !whb wxmw 13:17
`~lw[ rbg !ypla ham vmx larvy
13:17 Abijah and his people defeated them with a great slaughter, so that 500,000 chosen men of Israel fell slain.

hw"hy>-l[; Wn[]v.nI yKi hd"Why> ynEB. Wcm.a,Y<)w: ayhi_h; t[eB' laer"f.yI-ynEb. W[n>K'YIw: 13:18
`~h,(yteAba] yhel{a/
wkymtsa ~wra hdwhy ynb wpqtaw ayhh and[b larvy ynb wrbtaw 13:18
`!whthbad ahla yyyd armym l[
13:18 Thus the sons of Israel were subdued at that time, and the sons of Judah conquered because they trusted in the
LORD, the God of their fathers.

h'yt,AnB.-ta,w> lae-tyBe-( ta, ~yrI[' WNM,mi dKol.YIw: ~['b.r"y" yrEx]a; hY"bia] @Dor>YIw: 13:19
`h'yt,(nOb.W !yIr:p.[, !Arp.[,-ta,w> h'yt,_AnB.-ta,w> hn"v'y>-ta,w>
tyw ahnrpwk tyw latyb ty !ywrq hynm vbkw ~[bry rtb hyba @drw 13:19
`ahnrpwkw !wrp[ tyw ahnrpwk tyw hnvy
13:19 Abijah pursued Jeroboam and captured from him several cities, Bethel with its villages, Jeshanah with its villages
and Ephron with its villages.

p `tmo)Y"w: hw"hy> WhpeG>YIw: WhY"+bia] ymeyBi dA[ ~['b.r"y"-x:Ko) rc:['-al{)w>

`tymw yyy hyrbtw whyba ymwyb bwt ~[bryb alyx hwh alw


13:20 Jeroboam did not again recover strength in the days of Abijah; and the LORD struck him and he died.

~ynIB' ~yIn:v.W ~yrIf.[, dl,AYw: hrE_f.[, [B;r>a; ~yvin" Al-aF'YwI : WhY"bia] qZEx;t.YIw: 13:21
s `tAn*B' hrEf.[, vvew>
!ynb !yrtw !yrv[ dylwaw yrsybra !yvn hyl bysnw whyba @qwtaw 13:21
`!nb yrstyvw
13:21 But Abijah became powerful; and took fourteen wives to himself, and became the father of twenty-two sons and
sixteen daughters.

`AD*[i aybiN"h; vr:d>miB. ~ybiWtK. wyr"_b'd>W wyk'r"d>W hY"bia] yrEb.DI rt,y<w>

`wd[ aybnd hyvrdmb !ybytk ywmgtpw hytxrwaw hyba ymgtp ravw


13:22 Now the rest of the acts of Abijah, and his ways and his words are written in the treatise of the prophet Iddo.

wyT'_x.T; Anb. as'a' %l{m.YIw: dywID" ry[iB. Atao WrB.q.YIw: wyt'boa]-~[i hY"bia] bK;v.YIw: 13:23
p `~ynI)v' rf,[, #r<a'h' hj'q.v' wym'y"B.
hyrb asa $lmw dwdd atrqb hyty wrbqw ywthba ~[ hyba bykvw 13:23
`!ynv ytrv[ larvyd a[ra tkwdv ywmwyb ywrtab
14:1 So Abijah slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the city of David, and his son Asa became king in his place.
The land was undisturbed for ten years during his days.

`wyh'(l{a/ hw"hy> ynEy[eB. rv'Y"h;w> bAJh; as'a' f[;Y:w:

`hyhla yyy ~dq rvkdw !yqtd asa db[w


14:2 Asa did good and right in the sight of the LORD his God,

`~yrI)vea]h'-ta, [D:g:y>w: tAbCeM;h;-ta, rBev;y>w: tAm+B'h;w> rk"NEh; tAxB.z>mi-ta, rs;Y"w: 14:2

ty #ycqw atmq ty rbtw aysmbw !yarkwn !ymm[ yrwga ty rj[w 14:2
14:3 for he removed the foreign altars and high places, tore down the sacred pillars, cut down the Asherim,

`hw")c.Mih;w> hr"ATh; tAf[]l;w> ~h,_yteAba] yhel{a/ hw"hy>-ta, vArd>li hd"Whyli( rm,aYOw: 14:3
db[mlw !whthbad ahla yyyd atlxd [btml hdwhy tybdl rmaw 14:3
`atdyqptw atyrwa
14:4 and commanded Judah to seek the LORD God of their fathers and to observe the law and the commandment.

`wyn")p'l. hk'l'm.M;h; jqov.Tiw: ~ynI+M'x;h;(-ta,w> tAmB'h;-ta, hd"Why> yrE['-lK'mi rs;Y"w:

`ywmdq atwklm tkwdvw aysnsnx tyw aysmb ty hdwhy ywrq lkm rj[w


14:5 He also removed the high places and the incense altars from all the cities of Judah. And the kingdom was
undisturbed under him.

~ynIV'B; hm'x'l.mi AM[i-!yaew> #r<a'h' hj'q.v'-yKi( hd"_WhyBi hr"Wcm. yrE[' !b,YwI : 14:5
`Al* hw"hy> x:ynIhe-yKi( hL,aeh'
hym[ tylw larvyd a[ra tkwdv ~wra hdwhyb !kyrk !ywrq anbw 14:5
`hyl yyy xna ~wra !ylah aynvb abrq
14:6 He built fortified cities in Judah, since the land was undisturbed, and there was no one at war with him during those
years, because the LORD had given him rest.

~yIt:l'D> ~yliD"g>miW hm'Ax bsen"w> hL,aeh' ~yrI['h,-ta, hn<b.nI hd"Whyli( rm,aYOw:


Wnl' xn:)Y"w: Wnv.r:D" Wnyhel{a/ hw"hy>-ta, Wnv.r:d" yKi WnynEp'l. #r<a'h' WNd<A[ ~yxiyrIb.W
p `Wxyli(c.Y:w: Wnb.YIw: bybi_S'mi
!yvd ayldgwmw ayrwv @yqaw !ylah aywrq ty ynbn hdwhy tybdl rmaw 14:6
yyyd atlxd ty an[bt ~wra anmdq a[ra yryyd wvybkta ydk d[ !yrb[w
`wxlcaw wnbw rwzx-rwzxm anl xnaw ywmdq-!m !plwa an[bt anhla
14:7 For he said to Judah, "Let us build these cities and surround them with walls and towers, gates and bars. The land is
still ours because we have sought the LORD our God; we have sought Him, and He has given us rest on every side." So
they built and prospered.

!miy"n>BimiW s @l,a, tAame vl{v. hd"Whymi( xm;row" hN"ci afenO lyIx; as'a'l. yhiy>w: 14:7
`lyIx") yrEABGI hL,ae-lK' @l,a'_ ~ynIAmv.W ~yIt:am' tv,q, yker>dow> !gEm' yaef.nO
!ypla ham tlt hdwhy tybdm !ynrwmw !ylyg[ yljn alyx asal hwhw 14:7
yrbg !yla lk !ypla !nmtw !tam !ytvq ydgnw !ysyrt yljn !mynb tybdmw
14:8 Now Asa had an army of 300,000 from Judah, bearing large shields and spears, and 280,000 from Benjamin,
bearing shields and wielding bows; all of them were valiant warriors.

aboY"w: tAa+me vl{v. tAbK'r>m;W ~ypil'a] @l,a, lyIx;B. yviWKh; xr;z< ~h,ylea] aceYEw: 14:8
ataw ham tlt !yktraw !ypla @la alyxb havwk xrz !whtwl qpnw 14:8
`hvrm d[
14:9 Now Zerah the Ethiopian came out against them with an army of a million men and 300 chariots, and he came to

`hv'(rEm'l. ht'p;c. aygEB. hm'x'l.mi Wkr>[;Y:)w: wyn"+p'l. as'a' aceYEw:

`hvrml yd tpc tlyxb abrq wrdsw ywmdq asa qpnw


14:10 So Asa went out to meet him, and they drew up in battle formation in the valley of Zephathah at Mareshah.

!yael. br: !yBe rAz[.l; ^M.[i-!yae( hw"hy> rm;aYOw: wyh'l{a/ hw"hy>-la, as'a' ar"q.YIw: 14:10
hw"hy> hZ<+h; !Amh'h,-l[; Wnab' ^m.vib.W WN[;v.nI ^yl,['-yKi( Wnyhel{a/ hw"hy> WnrEz>[' x:Ko
s `vAn*a/ ^M.[i rco[.y:-la; hT'a; Wnyhel{a/
ynyb d[sml $nm rb tyl ~yhla yyy rmaw hyhla yyy ~dq asa ylcw 14:10
ankmtsa $rmym l[ ~wra anhla yyy anty dw[s avlx ynybl arbg
$m[ jlvy al tna anhla yyy !ydh am[ tpkyr l[ anyta $rmym ~wvbw
14:11 Then Asa called to the LORD his God and said, "LORD, there is no one besides You to help in the battle between
the powerful and those who have no strength; so help us, O LORD our God, for we trust in You, and in Your name have
come against this multitude. O LORD, You are our God; let not man prevail against You."

`~yvi(WKh; WsnUY"w: hd"_Why> ynEp.liw> as'a' ~yviWKh;-ta, hw"hy> @GOYIw:

`yavwk wkpaw hdwhy tyb ~dqw asa ~dq yavwk ty yyy rbtw


14:12 So the LORD routed the Ethiopians before Asa and before Judah, and the Ethiopians fled.

hy"x.mi( ~h,l' !yael. ~yviWKmi lPoYIw: rr"g>li-d[; AM[i-rv,a] ~['h'w> as'a' ~peD>r>YIw: 14:12
`dao)m. hBer>h; ll'v' Waf.YIw: WhnE+x]m; ynEp.liw> hw"hy>-ynE) WrB.v.nI-yKi(
!whl twh alw yavwk !m wlpnw rrg d[ hym[ yd am[w asa !wnwpdrw 14:12
had[ wljnw hytyryvm ~dqw yyy ~dq wrbta ~wra amyyqtal atwbzyv
`adxl aygs
14:13 Asa and the people who were with him pursued them as far as Gerar; and so many Ethiopians fell that they could
not recover, for they were shattered before the LORD and before His army. And they carried away very much plunder.

WZboY"w: ~h,_yle[] hw"hy>-dx;p;( hy"h'-yKi rr"G> tAbybis. ~yrI['h,(-lK' tae WKY:w: 14:13
`~h,(b' ht'y>h' hB'r: hZ"bi-yKi( ~yrI['h,-lK'-ta,
yyy ~dq-!m alyxd hwh ~wra rrg rwzxd aywrq ybty lk ty wljqw 14:13
`!whb twh a[ygs atzyb ~wra aywrq lk ty wzbw !whl[
14:14 They destroyed all the cities around Gerar, for the dread of the LORD had fallen on them; and they despoiled all
the cities, for there was much plunder in them.

s `~il'(v'Wry> WbvuY"w: ~yLim;g>W brol' !aco WBv.YIw: WK+hi hn<q.mi yleha'-~g:w>

`~lvwryl wbtw !ylmgw ygwsl !a[ wbvw wxm !whytyg ynkvm @waw


14:15 They also struck down those who owned livestock, and they carried away large numbers of sheep and camels.
Then they returned to Jerusalem.

`~yhi(l{a/ x:Wr wyl'[' ht'y>h' ddEA[-!B, Why"r>z:[]w:

`yyy ~dq-!m hawbn xwr ywl[ trv ddw[ rb hyrz[w


15:1 Now the Spirit of God came on Azariah the son of Oded,

~k,M'[i hw"hy> !mI+y"n>biW hd"Why>-lk'w> as'a' ynIW[m'v. Al rm,aYOw: as'a' aceYEw: 15:2
s `~k,(t.a, bzO[]y: Whbuz>[;T;-~aiw> ~k,l' aceM'yI Whvur>d>Ti-~ai(w> AM[i ~k,t.Ay*h.Bi(
armym !mynbw hdwhy lkw asa ynm wlybq hyl rmaw asa ~dq qpnw 15:2
ywmdq-!m !plwa !wta !y[bt !yaw hytxrwab !ylza !wkywhmb !wkd[sb yyyd
`!wkty qwbvy hytlxd !wqbvt !yaw !wktq[ !d[b !wkl xktvy
15:2 and he went out to meet Asa and said to him, "Listen to me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin: the LORD is with
you when you are with Him. And if you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you.

`hr"(At al{l.W hr<Am !hEKo al{l.W tm,a/ yhel{a/ al{l. lae_r"f.yIl. ~yBir: ~ymiy"w> 15:3
rtb wjsw hdwhy tybd l[ wgylptad larvy tybdl !y[ygs !ymwyw 15:3
!whl hwh alw bhdd !ylg[l !ydgs !wwhw jwvq hlal wxlp alw ~[bry
alw atyrkwn anxlwpl atrwjq !yqsmd ayrmwk !hla wkz @ylm !yhk
`atyrwab wqs[ta
15:3 "For many days Israel was without the true God and without a teaching priest and without law.

`~h,(l' aceM'YIw: Whvuq.b;y>w: lae_r"f.yI yhel{a/ hw"hy>-l[; Al-rC;B; bv'Y"w: 15:4

!plwa w[btw larvyd ahla yyyd anxlwpl !whl qyy[ dk wbtw 15:4
`!whl xktvaw ywmdq-!m
15:4 "But in their distress they turned to the LORD God of Israel, and they sought Him, and He let them find Him.

ybev.Ay-lK' l[; tABr: tmoWhm. yKi aB'_l;w> aceAYl; ~Alv' !yae ~heh' ~yTi[ib'W 15:5
atrql lyl[lw alqxl qypndl amlv hwh al !wnah aynd[bd lwjm 15:5
`at[ra ybty lk l[ !aygs atvwgv ~wra
15:5 "In those times there was no peace to him who went out or to him who came in, for many disturbances afflicted all
the inhabitants of the lands.

`hr"(c'-lk'B. ~m'm'h] ~yhil{a/-yKi( ry[i_B. ry[iw> yAgB.-yAg WtT.kuw> 15:6

lkb !wnvygv yyyd armym ~wra yrqb yrqw am[ l[ am[ at[ys wdb[w 15:6
15:6 "Nation was crushed by nation, and city by city, for God troubled them with every kind of distress.

s `~k,(t.L;[ rk"f' vyE yKi ~k,_ydEy> WPr>yI-la;w> Wqz>xi ~T,a;w> 15:7

bj rga !wkl tya ~wra !wkydy !lvrty alw wpqwta hdwhy tybd !wtaw 15:7
15:7 "But you, be strong and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your work."

rbE[]Y:w: qZ:x;t.hi aybiN"h; ddE[o ha'WbN>h;w> hL,aeh' ~yrIb'D>h; as'a' [:mvo .kiw> 15:8
vDEx;y>w: ~yIr"+p.a, rh:me dk;l' rv<a] ~yrI['h,-!miW !miy"n>biW hd"Why> #r<a,-lK'mi ~yciWQVih;
`hw")hy> ~l'Wa rv,a] hw"hy> xB;z>mi-ta,
@qta aybn dd[d atawbn ymgtpw !ylah aymgtp ty asa [mv dkw 15:8
vbk yd aywrq !mw !mynbw hdwhy tybd a[ra lkm aycwqv rj[w yd[aw
`yyyd amlwa ~dq yd yyyd axbdm ty tdxw ~yrpa tybd arwjm
15:8 Now when Asa heard these words and the prophecy which Azariah the son of Oded the prophet spoke, he took
courage and removed the abominable idols from all the land of Judah and Benjamin and from the cities which he had
captured in the hill country of Ephraim. He then restored the altar of the LORD which was in front of the porch of the

!A[+m.VimiW hV,n:m.W ~yIr:p.a,me ~h,M'[i ~yrIG"h;w> !miy"n>biW hd"Why>-lK'-ta, #Boq.YIw: 15:9

p `AM)[i wyh'l{a/ hw"hy>-yKi( ~t'aor>Bi brol' laer"f.YImi wyl'[' Wlp.n"-yKi(
tybdmw ~yrpa tybdm !whm[ !yryyddw !mynbw hdwhy vna lk ty vnkw 15:9
~wra !whmxmb ygwsl larvy tybdm hym[ wrv ~wra !w[mv tybdmw hvnm
`hyd[sb hyhla yyyd armym
15:9 He gathered all Judah and Benjamin and those from Ephraim, Manasseh and Simeon who resided with them, for
many defected to him from Israel when they saw that the LORD his God was with him.

`as'(a' tWkl.m;l. hrEf.[,-vmex] yvi_yliV.h; vd<xoB; ~il;v'Wry> Wcb.Q'YIw:

`asa twklml yrsymx atvl hatylt axryb ~lvwryl wvnktaw


15:10 So they assembled at Jerusalem in the third month of the fifteenth year of Asa's reign.

t[; !acow> tAame [b;v. rq'B' Waybi_he ll'V'h;-!mi aWhh; ~AYB; hw"hyl; WxB.z>YIw: 15:11
!yrwt waytyad had[ !m ay[wbvd agxb awhh amwyb yyy ~dq wxbdw 15:11
`!ypla a[bv !a[w ham [bv
15:11 They sacrificed to the LORD that day 700 oxen and 7,000 sheep from the spoil they had brought.

`~v'(p.n:-lk'b.W ~b'b'l.-lk'B. ~h,_yteAba] yhel{a/ hw"hy>-ta, vArd>li tyrIB.b; WaboY"w: 15:12

!whtw[r lkb !whthbad ahla yyyd atlxd ty [btml amyyqb wl[w 15:12
`!whvpn lkbw
15:12 They entered into the covenant to seek the LORD God of their fathers with all their heart and soul;

lAdG"-d[;w> !joq'-!mil. tm'_Wy laer"f.yI-yhe(l{a/ hw"hyl; vrod>yI-al{) rv<a] lkow> 15:13

`hV'(ai-d[;w> vyaimel.
d[w ary[z !ml ljqty larvyd ahla yyy ~dq-!m [bty al yd lkw 15:13
`atta d[w arbg !ml abr
15:13 and whoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, man or

`tAr)p'Avb.W tArc.cox]b;W h['_Wrt.biW lAdG" lAqB. hw"hyl; W[b.V'(YIw:

`ayrpwvbw ayrccxbw abbybw br lqb yyy ~dq wmyyqw
15:14 Moreover, they made an oath to the LORD with a loud voice, with shouting, with trumpets and with horns.


~n"Acr>-lk'b.W W[B'v.nI ~b'b'l.-lk'b. yKi h['WbV.h;-l[; hd"Why>-lk' Wxm.f.YIw: 15:15

`bybi(S'mi ~h,l' hw"hy> xn:Y"w: ~h,_l' aceM'YIw: Whvuq.Bi
lkbw wmyyq !whbl lkb ~wra amwnyq lwjm hdwhy vna lk wdxw 15:15
`rwzx-rwzx !m !whl yyy xynaw !whl xktvaw hytlxd w[bt !whtw[r
15:15 All Judah rejoiced concerning the oath, for they had sworn with their whole heart and had sought Him earnestly,
and He let them find Him. So the LORD gave them rest on every side.

tc,l'_p.mi hr"vea]l; ht'f.['-rv,a] hr"ybiG>mi Hr"ysih/ %l,Mh, ; as'a' ~ae hk'[]m;-~g:)w> 15:16
`!Ar)d>qi lx;n:B. @rof.YIw: qd<Y"w: HT'c.l;p.mi-ta, as'a' trok.YIw:
tdb[d lwjm atklm ywhmlm hyyd[a aklm asad hyma hk[m @aw 15:16
dyqwaw qydaw hkwxyg tww[j ty asa #ycqw atrva ~dq $xgml atww[j
rdha atryvk ywhml hyma hk[m tbtd rtb-!mw !wrdqd alxnb qyljw
hmv ty rkdml ald llgb-!m at[bg !md layrwa tb whykym hmv ty
`hyb hyngtml ald yamdq
15:16 He also removed Maacah, the mother of King Asa, from the position of queen mother, because she had made a
horrid image as an Asherah, and Asa cut down her horrid image, crushed it and burned it at the brook Kidron.

`wym'(y"-lK' ~lev' hy"h' as'a'-bb;l. qr: lae_r"f.YImi Wrs"-al{ tAmB'h;w>

lk ~ylv hwh asad abl dwxl larvy tybdm arj[ al hyysmbw



15:17 But the high places were not removed from Israel; nevertheless Asa's heart was blameless all his days.

`~yli(kew> bh'z"w> @s,K, ~yhi_l{a/h' tyBe wyv'd"q")w> wybia' yved>q'-ta, abeY"w:

`aynmw abhdw amys yyyd avdqwm-tybl ywvdqw ywba yvdq ty ytyyaw


15:18 He brought into the house of God the dedicated things of his father and his own dedicated things: silver and gold
and utensils.

s `as'(a' tWkl.m;l. vmex'w> ~yvil{v.-tn:v. d[; ht'y"+h' al{ hm'x'l.miW

`asad atwklml vmxw !ytlt tnv d[ twh al abrq yrdsw


15:19 And there was no more war until the thirty-fifth year of Asa's reign.

hd"Why>-l[; laer"f.yI-%l,m,( av'[.B; hl'[' as'a' tWkl.m;l. vvew" ~yvil{v. tn:v.Bi 16:1
`hd"(Why> %l,m, as'a'l. ab'w" aceAy tTe yTil.bil. hm'_r"h'-ta, !b,YIw:
tybd l[ larvyd aklm av[b qyls asa twklml tyvw !ytlt tnvb 16:1
$ylm asal lyl[w qypn qbvml ald llgb-!m atmr ty anbw hdwhy
`hdwhy tybd ajbv
16:1 In the thirty-sixth year of Asa's reign Baasha king of Israel came up against Judah and fortified Ramah in order to
prevent anyone from going out or coming in to Asa king of Judah.

dd:h]-!B,-la, xl;v.YIw: %l,M,_h; tybeW hw"hy> tyBe bh'z"w> @s,K, as'a' aceYOw: 16:2
`rmo*ale qf,m,r>d:B. bveAYh; ~r"a] %l,m,
aklm tybmw yyyd avdqwm-tyb yrbst !m abhdw amys asa qypaw 16:2
`rmyml qvmrdb bytyd ~rad aklm ddh-rbl rdvw
16:2 Then Asa brought out silver and gold from the treasuries of the house of the LORD and the king's house, and sent
them to Ben-hadad king of Aram, who lived in Damascus, saying,

%le bh'z"w> @s,K, ^l. yTi(x.l;v' hNEhi ^ybi_a' !ybeW ybia' !ybeW ^n<ybeW ynIyBe tyrIB. 16:3
`yl'(['me hl,[]y:w> laer"f.yI %l,m, av'[.B;-ta, ^t.yrI)B. rpEh'
$twl tyrdv ah $wba !ybw aba !ybw $rmym !ybw yrmym !yb amyyq 16:3

`ywwl[m qltsyw larvyd aklm av[b ~[d $myyq ynva lyzya abhdw amys
16:3 "Let there be a treaty between you and me, as between my father and your father. Behold, I have sent you silver and
gold; go, break your treaty with Baasha king of Israel so that he will withdraw from me."

Al-rv,a] ~yliy"x]h; yrEf'-ta, xl;v.YIw: as'a' %l,M,h;-la, dd:h] !B, [m;v.YIw: 16:4
yrE[' tAnK.s.mi-lK'( taew> ~yIm"+ lbea' taew> !D"-ta,w> !AY[i-ta, WKY:w: laer"f.yI yrE['-la,
ywrql hyl yd atwwlyx ynbr ty rdvw asa aklm !m ddh-rb lybqw 16:4
yd !yrcwa-tyb lk tyw abr[mm lba tyw !d tyw !wy[ ty wxmw larvy
`yltpn ywrqb
16:4 So Ben-hadad listened to King Asa and sent the commanders of his armies against the cities of Israel, and they
conquered Ijon, Dan, Abel-maim and all the store cities of Naphtali.

s `AT);m.-ta, tBev.Y:w: hm'_r"h'-ta, tAnB.mi lD:x.Y<w: av'[.B; [:mov.Ki yhiy>w:

`hytdyb[ ty lyjbw atmr ty ynbml !m qspw av[b [mv dk hwhw


16:5 When Baasha heard of it, he ceased fortifying Ramah and stopped his work.

rv<a] h'yc,[e-ta,w> hm'r"h'( ynEb.a;-ta, Waf.YIw: hd"Why>-lK'-ta, xq;l' %l,M,h; as'a'w> 16:6
s `hP'(c.Mih;-ta,w> [b;G<-ta, ~h,B' !b,YIw: av'_[.B; hn"B'
tyw atmr ynba ty wljnw hdwhy vna lk ty rbd aklm asaw 16:6
`atwks tyw atvybg ty !whb anbw av[b hnb yd ahyysyq
16:6 Then King Asa brought all Judah, and they carried away the stones of Ramah and its timber with which Baasha had
been building, and with them he fortified Geba and Mizpah.

^n>[,Vh' iB. wyl'ae rm,aYOw: hd"_Why> %l,m, as'a'-la, ha,roh' ynIn"x] aB' ayhih; t[eb'W 16:7
~r"a]-%l,m,( lyxe jl;m.nI !Ke-l[; ^yh,l{a/ hw"hy>-l[; T'n>[;v.nI al{w> ~r"a] %l,m,-l[;
hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm asa twl aybn ynnx ata ayhh and[bw 16:7
yyyd armym l[ atkmtsa alw ~rad aklm l[ atkmtsa dk hyl rmaw
`$dy !m ~rad aklm lyx bzytva ankh lwjm $hla
16:7 At that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said to him, "Because you have relied on the king of
Aram and have not relied on the LORD your God, therefore the army of the king of Aram has escaped out of your hand.

dao+m. hBer>h;l. ~yvir"p'l.W bk,r<l. brol' lyIx:l. Wyh' ~ybiWLh;w> ~yviWKh; al{h] 16:8
`^d<)y"B. ~n"t'n> hw"hy>-l[; ^n>[,V'(hib.W
adxl ygwsl !yvrplw !yktral aygs lyxl wwh yyabwlw yyavwk alh 16:8
`$dyb !wnrsm yyyd armym l[ $twkmtsabw
16:8 "Were not the Ethiopians and the Lubim an immense army with very many chariots and horsemen? Yet because
you relied on the LORD, He delivered them into your hand.

wyl'ae ~lev' ~b'b'l.-~[i qZEx;t.hil. #r<a'h'-lk'B. tAjj.vom. wyn"y[e hw"hy> yKi 16:9
`tAm)x'l.mi ^M.[i vyE hT'[;me yKi tazO=-l[; T'l.K;s.nI
!whbld ayqydc ~[ apqtal a[ra lkb !ylktsm yhwny[ yyy ~wra 16:9
yrds $m[ tya !ykbm ~wra ad l[ atyvpja al atlksa hytwl ~ylv
16:9 "For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is
completely His. You have acted foolishly in this. Indeed, from now on you will surely have wars."

tazO=-l[; AM[i @[;z:b.-yKi( tk,P,h.M;h; tyBe WhnET.YIw:) ha,roh'-la, as'a' s[;k.YIw:


`ayhi(h; t[eB' ~['h'-!mi as'a' #Cer:y>w:

ad l[ hym[ sysnta ~wra yrysa tybb hyynmw aybn l[ asa zygrw 16:10
`ayhh and[b am[ !m asa dyb[vw
16:10 Then Asa was angry with the seer and put him in prison, for he was enraged at him for this. And Asa oppressed
some of the people at the same time.

~ykil'M.h; rp,se-l[; ~ybiWtK. ~N"hi ~ynI+Arx]a;h'w> ~ynIAvarIh' as'a' yrEb.DI hNEhiw> 16:11
`lae(r"f.yIw> hd"Whyli
ayklm rps l[ !ybytk !wna ahw yartbw yamdq asa ymgtp ahw 16:11
`larvy tybdw hdwhy tybd
16:11 Now, the acts of Asa from first to last, behold, they are written in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel.

Ay=l.x' hl'[.m;l.-d[; wyl'g>r:B. AtWkl.m;l. [v;tew" ~yviAlv. tn:v.Bi as'a' al,x/Y<w: 16:12
`~yai(p.roB' yKi hw"hy>-ta, vr:d"-al{ Ayl.x'B.-~g:w>
aly[l d[ ywlgrb rgxtaw hytwklml [vtw !ytlt tnvb asa [rmw 16:12
`atwwsab !hla yyy ~dq-!m !plwa [bt al [rm dk @waw hy[rm rbgta
16:12 In the thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa became diseased in his feet. His disease was severe, yet even in his disease
he did not seek the LORD, but the physicians.

`Ak*l.m'l. tx;a;w> ~y[iB'r>a; tn:v.Bi tm'Y"w: wyt'_boa]-~[i as'a' bK;v.YIw:

`$lm dk !y[braw adx tnvb tymw ywthba ~[ asa bykvw


16:13 So Asa slept with his fathers, having died in the forty-first year of his reign.

rv<a] bK'v.MiB; WhbuyKiv.Y:w: dywID" ry[iB. Al-hr"K'( rv<a] wyt'rob.qib. WhrUB.q.YIw: 16:14
hl'AdG> hp'rEf. Al-Wpr>f.YIw: hf,_[]m; tx;q:r>miB. ~yxiQ'rUm. ~ynIz>W ~ymif'B. aLemi
p `dao)[;
yhwbkvaw dwdd atrqb hyl !yqt yd hytrwbq tybb hyty wrbqw 16:14
aysa dbw[ !ynmswb !ymsbm !ynxyrw ynyz ynyzw !ymvwb ylmd abkvmb
`adxl d[ atbr aymswb ysyq tdyqy hyl wdyqwaw
16:14 They buried him in his own tomb which he had cut out for himself in the city of David, and they laid him in the
resting place which he had filled with spices of various kinds blended by the perfumers' art; and they made a very great
fire for him.

`lae(r"f.yI-l[; qZEx;t.YIw: wyT'_x.T; AnB. jp'v'Ahy> %l{m.YIw:

`larvy tybd l[ @qtaw hyrtb hyrb jpvwhy $lmw


17:1 Jehoshaphat his son then became king in his place, and made his position over Israel firm.

yrE['b.W hd"Why> #r<a,B. ~ybiycin> !TEYIw: tAr+cuB.h; hd"Why> yrE['-lk'B. lyIx;-!T,YIw: 17:2
`wybi(a' as'a' dk;l' rv<a] ~yIr:p.a,
tybd ajbv [rab !ygyjrjsa ynmw !kyrk hdwhy ywrq lkb !wwlyx ynmw 17:2
`yhwba asa vbk yd ~yrpa ywrqbw hdwhy
17:2 He placed troops in all the fortified cities of Judah, and set garrisons in the land of Judah and in the cities of
Ephraim which Asa his father had captured.

vr:d" al{w> ~ynIvoarIh' wybia' dywID" yker>d:B. %l;h' yKi jp'_v'Ahy>-~[i hw"hy> yhiy>w: 17:3
ywba dwdd hytxrwab $ylh ~wra jpvwhyd hyd[sb yyyd armym hwhw 17:3
`atww[j !m !plwa [bt alw yamdq
17:3 The LORD was with Jehoshaphat because he followed the example of his father David's earlier days and did not
seek the Baals,

`lae(r"f.yI hfe[]m;K. al{w> %l"+h' wyt'wOc.mib.W vr"D" wybia' yhel{ale yKi 17:4
!yvyb !ydbw[k alw $ylh ywdwqpbw [bt yhwbad ahlal yd lwjm 17:4
`larvy tybd
17:4 but sought the God of his father, followed His commandments, and did not act as Israel did.

Al-yhiy>w:) jp'_v'Ahyli hx'n>mi hd"Why>-lk' WnT.YIw: Ady"B. hk'l'm.M;h;-ta, hw"hy> !k,Yw" : 17:5
`bro)l' dAbk'w>-rv,[o)
jpvwhyl !wrwd hdwhy tybd lk wbhyw hydyb atwklm ty yyy !yqtaw 17:5
`ygwsl rqyw !ysknw artw[ hyl hwhw
17:5 So the LORD established the kingdom in his control, and all Judah brought tribute to Jehoshaphat, and he had great
riches and honor.

p `hd"(Whymi ~yrIvea]h'-ta,w> tAmB'h;-ta, rysihe dA[w> hw"+hy> yker>d:B. ABli HB;g>YIw: 17:6
tyw ayswmb ty rj[ bwtw yyy ~dq !nqtd !xrwab aklhl hybl ~yarw 17:6
`hdwhy tybdm ayryva
17:6 He took great pride in the ways of the LORD and again removed the high places and the Asherim from Judah.

laen>t;n>liw> hy"r>k;z>liw> hy"d>b;[ol.W lyIx;-!b,l. wyr"f'l. xl;v' Akl.m'l. vAlv' tn:v.biW 17:7
`hd"(Why> yrE['B. dMel;l. Why"+k'ymil.W
hyrkzlw hydb[lw lyx-!bl ywnbrbrl rdv hytwklml atytylt atvbw 17:7
`hdwhy ywrqb yyyd atlxd aplal whykymlw lantnlw
17:7 Then in the third year of his reign he sent his officials, Ben-hail, Obadiah, Zechariah, Nethanel and Micaiah, to
teach in the cities of Judah;

tAmr"ymi(v.W tAmyrImiv.W laehf'[]w: Why"d>b;z>W Why"n>t;n>W Why"[.m;(v.( ~YIwIl.h; ~h,M'[iw> 17:8

`~ynI)h]Koh; ~r"AhywI) [m'v'ylia/ ~h,M'[iw> ~YI+wIl.h; hY"nIAda] bAjw> WhY"biAj)w> WhY"nIdoa]w: !t'n"AhywI)
hyndaw !tnwhyw twmrymvw lahv[w hydbzw hyntnw hy[mv yawyl !whm[w 17:8
`aynhk ~rwhyw [mvyla !whm[w yawyl hynda-bwjw hybwjw
17:8 and with them the Levites, Shemaiah, Nethaniah, Zebadiah, Asahel, Shemiramoth, Jehonathan, Adonijah, Tobijah
and Tobadonijah, the Levites; and with them Elishama and Jehoram, the priests.

WdM.l;y>w:) hd"Why> yrE['-lk'B. WBsoY"w: hw"+hy> tr:AT rp,se ~h,M'[iw> hd"WhyBi( WdM.l;y>w:) 17:9
ywrq lkb wrxsaw yyyd atyrwa rps !whm[w hdwhy tybdb wpylaw 17:9
`am[b wpylaw hdwhy
17:9 They taught in Judah, having the book of the law of the LORD with them; and they went throughout all the cities of
Judah and taught among the people.

al{w> hd"_Why> tAbybis. rv<a] tAcr"a]h' tAkl.m.m;-lK' l[; hw"hy> dx;P; yhiy>w: 17:10
`jp'(v'Ahy>-~[i Wmx]l.nI
alw hdwhy twnrzx yd at[ra twwklm !whlk l[ yyyd alyxd hwhw 17:10
`jpvwhy ~[ abrq wxyga
17:10 Now the dread of the LORD was on all the kingdoms of the lands which were around Judah, so that they did not
make war against Jehoshaphat.

~yaiybim. ~yaiybir>[;h'( ~G: aF'_m; @s,k,w> hx'n>mi jp'v'Ahyli( ~yaiybim. ~yTiv.liP.-!miW 17:11
`tAa)me [b;v.W ~ypil'a] t[; ~yviy"t.W tAame [b;v.W ~ypil'a] t[; ~yliyae !aco Al

@wa atbwrqt abhdw amysw jpvwhyl anwrwd !ytyym yatvlp !mw 17:11
t[bv !yxrbw ham [bvw !ypla t[bv !yrkd !a[ hyl !ytyym yabr[
`ham [bvw !ypla
17:11 Some of the Philistines brought gifts and silver as tribute to Jehoshaphat; the Arabians also brought him flocks,
7,700 rams and 7,700 male goats.

`tAn*K.s.mi yrE['w> tAYnIr"yBi hd"WhyBi( !b,YIw: hl'[.m'_l.-d[; ldEg"w> %lEho jp'v'Ahy> yhiy>w: 17:12
ywrqw atwynryb hdwhyb anbw aly[l d[ ybrw lyza jpvwhy hwhw 17:12
17:12 So Jehoshaphat grew greater and greater, and he built fortresses and store cities in Judah.

`~il'(v'WryBi lyIx: yrEABGI hm'x'l.mi yven>a;w> hd"_Why> yrE['B. Al hy"h" hB'r: hk'al'm.W
`~lvwryb abrq ydb[ yrbgw hdwhy ywrqb hyl twh a[ygs anxlwpw


17:13 He had large supplies in the cities of Judah, and warriors, valiant men, in Jerusalem.

AM[iw> rF'h; hn"d>[; ~ypil'a] yrEf' hd"Whyli( ~h,_yteAba] tybel. ~t'D"qup. hL,aew> 17:14
s `@l,a'( tAame vl{v. lyIx; yrEABGI
abr hnd[ !ypla ynbr hdwhy jbyvl !whthba-tybl !whnyynm !ylaw 17:14
`!ypla ham tlt alyx yrbg hym[w
17:14 This was their muster according to their fathers' households: of Judah, commanders of thousands, Adnah was the
commander, and with him 300,000 valiant warriors;

s `@l,a'( ~ynIAmv.W ~yIt:am' AM[iw> rF"+h; !n"x'Ahy> Ady"-l[;w>

`!ypla aynmtw !tam hym[w abr !nxwhy ywl[ $yms yrvdw


17:15 and next to him was Johanan the commander, and with him 280,000;

s `lyIx") rABGI @l,a, ~yIt:am' AM[iw> hw"+hyl; bDEn:t.Mih; yrIk.zI-!b, hy"s.m;[] Ady"-l[;w> 17:16
!tam hym[w yyy ~dq bdntad yrkz rb hysm[ ywl[ $yms yrvdw 17:16
`alyx yrbg !ypla
17:16 and next to him Amasiah the son of Zichri, who volunteered for the LORD, and with him 200,000 valiant

s `@l,a'( ~yIt:am' !gEm'W tv,q<-yqev.nO* AM[iw> [d"_y"l.a, lyIx: rABGI !miy"n>Bi-!miW 17:17
!ysyrt ydxaw atvq ydgn hym[w [dyla alyx yrbg !mynb jbyv !mw 17:17
`!ypla !tam
17:17 and of Benjamin, Eliada a valiant warrior, and with him 200,000 armed with bow and shield;

s `ab'(c' yceWlx] @l,a, ~ynIAmv.W-ha'(me AM[iw> db'_z"Ahy> Ady"-l[;w>

`alyx yzrzm !ypla aynmtw ham hym[w dbzwhy ywl[ $yms yrvdw


17:18 and next to him Jehozabad, and with him 180,000 equipped for war.

rc"b.Mih; yrE['B. %l,M,h; !t:n"-rv,a] db;L.mi %l,M,_h;-ta, ~ytir>v'm.h; hL,ae 17:19

p `hd"(Why>-lk'B.
ywrq lkb !kyrk !ywrqb aklm rsm yd rb aklm ty !yvmvmd !yyla 17:19
17:19 These are they who served the king, apart from those whom the king put in the fortified cities through all Judah.

`ba'(x.a;l. !TEx;t.YIw: bro+l' dAbk'w> rv,[o jp'v'Ahyli( yhiy>w:

`baxa ~[ !txtaw ygwsl rqyw rtw[ jpvwhyl hwhw
18:1 Now Jehoshaphat had great riches and honor; and he allied himself by marriage with Ahab.


brol' rq'b'W !aco ba'x.a; Al-xB;(z>YI)w: !Arm.vol. ba'x.a;-la, ~ynIv' #qel. dr<YEw: 18:2
`d['(l.GI tAmr"-la, tAl[]l; Whteysiy>w: AM=[i rv<a] ~['l'w>
ygwsl yrwtw !a[ baxa hyl sknw !wrmvl baxa twl aynv @wsl txnw 18:2
`d[lg-twmrl qsml hyldvw hym[ yd am[lw
18:2 Some years later he went down to visit Ahab at Samaria. And Ahab slaughtered many sheep and oxen for him and
the people who were with him, and induced him to go up against Ramoth-gilead.

yMi[i %lEteh] hd"Why> %l,m, jp'v'Ah)y>-la, laer"f.yI-%l,m,( ba'x.a; rm,aYOw: 18:3

`hm'(x'l.MiB; ^M.[iw> yMi[; ^M.[;k.W ^Amk' ynIAmK' Al rm,aYOw: d['_l.GI tmor"
lyzyth hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm jpvwhyl larvyd aklm baxa rmaw 18:3
yjmy yd hm ym[ $m[ tmkydw $tmkyd ana hyl rmaw d[lg-tmrl ym[
`abrqb yl yjmy $l
18:3 Ahab king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat king of Judah, "Will you go with me against Ramoth-gilead?" And he said
to him, "I am as you are, and my people as your people, and we will be with you in the battle."

`hw")hy> rb:D>-ta, ~AYk; an"-vr"D> lae_r"f.yI %l,m,-la, jp'v'Ahy> rm,aYOw:

`yyyd amgtp ty !yd amwy !wdk [bt larvyd aklml jpvwhy rmaw


18:4 Moreover, Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel, "Please inquire first for the word of the LORD."

%lenEh] ~h,lea] rm,aYOw: vyai tAame [B;r>a; ~yaibiN>h;-ta,( laer"f.yI-%l,m,( #Boq.YIw: 18:5
`%l,M,(h; dy:B. ~yhil{a/h' !TEyIw> hle[] Wrm.aYOw: lD"_x.a,-~ai hm'x'l.Mil; d['l.GI tmor"-la,
rvkh !whl rmaw !yrbwg ham [bra yaybn ty larvyd aklm vnkw 18:5
`aklmd adyb yyy rwsmyw qs wrmaw [nmta !ya d[lg-tmrl qsynd anl
18:5 Then the king of Israel assembled the prophets, four hundred men, and said to them, "Shall we go against
Ramoth-gilead to battle, or shall I refrain?" And they said, "Go up, for God will give it into the hand of the king."

`At*aome hv'r>d>nIw> dA[+ hw"hyl; aybin" hPo !yaeh; jp'v'Ahy> rm,aYOw:

`hynm [btnw bwt yyy ~dq rvkd aybn ak tyld rvpyah jpvwhy rmaw


18:6 But Jehoshaphat said, "Is there not yet a prophet of the LORD here that we may inquire of him?"

Ataome hw"hy>-ta, vArd>li dx'a,-vyai dA[ jp'v'Ahy>-la,( laer"f.yI-%l,m,( rm,aYOw: 18:7

Why>k"ymi aWh h['r"l. wym'y"-lk' yKi hb'Ajl. yl;[' aBen:t.mi WNn<yae-yKi( WhytianEf. ynIa]w:
`!KE) %l,M,h; rm:ayO-la; jp'v'Ahy> rm,aYOw: al'_m.yI-!b,
yyyd amgtp [btml dx arbg tya bwt jpvwhyl larvyd aklm rmaw 18:7
ywmwy lk ~wra atbjl yl[ ybntm ywtyld lwjm hytqyxr anaw hynm
`ankyh aklm rmyy al jpvwhy rmaw hlmy rb whykym awh atvybl
18:7 The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, "There is yet one man by whom we may inquire of the LORD, but I hate
him, for he never prophesies good concerning me but always evil. He is Micaiah, son of Imla." But Jehoshaphat said, "Let
not the king say so."

Why>k"ymi Whk'ymi rhEm; rm,aYOw: dx'_a, syrIs'-la, laer"f.yI %l,m, ar"q.YIw: 18:8
whykyml ytyml byhrs rmaw dx hazwgl hwawwgl larvyd aklm arqw 18:8
`hlmy rb
18:8 Then the king of Israel called an officer and said, "Bring quickly Micaiah, Imla's son."

~yviB'lum. Aas.Ki-l[; vyai ~ybiv.Ay hd"Why>-%l,m,( jp'v'AhywI) laer"f.yI %l,m,W 18:9

`~h,( ~yaiB.n:t.mi( ~yaiybiN>h;-lk'w> !Ar+m.vo r[;v; xt;P, !r<gOB. ~ybiv.yOw> ~ydIg"B.

yvwbl !yvybl hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm jpvwhyw larvyd aklmw 18:9
!ydw arqv yybn !m [bt !yd arda twglpk yh !yrxsm !ybtyw atwklm
!bntm arqv yybn !whlkw !wrmvd anl[mb ylcmw yyy ~dq-!m !plwa [bt
`!whymdq rqvb
18:9 Now the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah were sitting each on his throne, arrayed in their robes,
and they were sitting at the threshing floor at the entrance of the gate of Samaria; and all the prophets were prophesying
before them.

hL,aBe . hw"hy> rm:a'-hKo) rm,aYOw: lz<r>b; ynEr>q; hn"[]n:K.-!b<) WhY"qid>ci Al f[;Y:w: 18:10
`~t'(ALK;-d[; ~r"a]-ta, xG:n:T.
rmaw lzrpd !ynrqd atrwc twmd arqv ybn hn[nk rb hyqdc db[w 18:10
`!wncyvt yd d[ ~ra vna ty lwjqt !ylab yyy rma !ndk
18:10 Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made horns of iron for himself and said, "Thus says the LORD, 'With these you
shall gore the Arameans until they are consumed.'"

dy:B. hw"hy> !t:n"w> xl;c.h;w> d['l.GI tmor" hle[] rmo=ale !KE ~yaiB.nI ~yaibiN>h-; lk'w> 18:11
xlcaw d[lg-tmrl qs rmyml ankyh rqvb !bntm arqv yybn !whlkw 18:11
`aklmd adyb yyy rwsmyw
18:11 All the prophets were prophesying thus, saying, "Go up to Ramoth-gilead and succeed, for the LORD will give it
into the hand of the king."

yrEb.DI hNEhi rmoale wyl'ae rB<DI Why>k'ymil. %l:h'-rv,a] %a'l.M;h;w> 18:12
`bAJ) T'r>B:dIw> ~h,me dx;a;K. ^r>b'd> an"-yhiywI) %l,M,_h;-la, bAj dx'a,-hP,( ~yaibiN>h;
yybn ymgtp ah rmyml hytwl lylm hkyml yrqml lza yd hdgz[w 18:12
!whnm adxk $mgtp !wdk yhyw aklm ~dq !yqtw hwv dx llmm arqv
`!ynqt !ymgtp lylmtw
18:12 Then the messenger who went to summon Micaiah spoke to him saying, "Behold, the words of the prophets are
uniformly favorable to the king. So please let your word be like one of them and speak favorably."

`rBE)d:a] Atao yh;l{a/ rm:ayO-rv,a]-ta, yKi hw"hy>-yx; Why>k"+ymi rm,aYOw:

`lylma hyty yhla rmyy yd ty ~wra yyy awh ~yyq hkym rmaw


18:13 But Micaiah said, "As the LORD lives, what my God says, that I will speak."

d['l.GI tmor"-la, %lenEh] hk'ymi wyl'ae %l,M,h; rm,aYOw: %l,M,h;-la, aboY"w: 18:14
`~k,(d>y<B. Wnt.N"yIw> Wxylic.h;w> Wl[] rm,aYOw: lD"_x.a,-~ai hm'x'l.Mil;
d[lg tmrl qsnd rvkh hkym hytwl aklm rmaw aklm twl ataw 18:14
`!wkydyb !rsmtyw xlcaw qs rmaw [nmta !ya abrq axgal
18:14 When he came to the king, the king said to him, "Micaiah, shall we go to Ramoth-gilead to battle, or shall I
refrain?" He said, "Go up and succeed, for they will be given into your hand."

yl;ae rBEd:t.-al{) rv,a] ^[<+yBiv.m; ynIa] ~ymi['p. hM,K;-d[; %l,M,h; wyl'ae rm,aYOw: 18:15
`hw")hy> ~veB. tm,a/-qr:
yl[ ybntt al yd $l[ ~yyqm ana !ynmz hmk d[ aklm hyl rmaw 18:15
`yyyd armym ~wvb ajvwq dwxl
18:15 Then the king said to him, "How many times must I adjure you to speak to me nothing but the truth in the name of
the LORD?"

!h<l'-!yae rv<a] !aCoK; ~yrIh'h,(-l[; ~yciApn> laer"f.yI-lK'-ta, ytiyair" rm,aYOw: 18:16

`~Al)v'B. Atybel.-vyai WbWvy" hL,ael' ~ynIdoa]-al{) hw"hy> rm,aYOw: h[,_ro

yd an[k yh ayrwwj ywwl[ !yrdbm !yrdnm larvy lk ty tymx rmaw 18:16

`~lvb hytyybl vna !wbwty !ylal !ynwbr tyl yyy rmaw y[r !whl tyl
18:16 So he said, "I saw all Israel Scattered on the mountains, Like sheep which have no shepherd; And the LORD said,
'These have no master. Let each of them return to his house in peace.'"

bAj yl;[' aBen:t.yI-al{ ^yl,ae yTir>m:a' al{h] jp'_v'Ahy>-la, laer"f.yI-%l,m,( rm,aYOw: 18:17
s `[r"(l.-~ai yKi
yl[ ybnty ald $twwl tyrma alh jpvwhyl larvyd aklm rmaw 18:17
`vybl !hla ~wra bj
18:17 Then the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, "Did I not tell you that he would not prophesy good concerning me,
but evil?"

ab'c.-lk'w> Aas.Ki-l[; bveAy hw"hy>-ta, ytiyair" hw"+hy>-rb;d> W[ !kEl' rm,aYOw: 18:18
`Al*amof.W Anymiy>-l[; ~ydIm.[o) ~yImV; 'h;
yyyd hytnkv rqya ty tymx yyyd atawbn ymgtp lybq !ykb ah rmaw 18:18
!mw hynymy !m !yvmvmw !ymyyq aymv ylyyx !whlkw hyrqy ysrwk l[ byty
18:18 Micaiah said, "Therefore, hear the word of the LORD. I saw the LORD sitting on His throne, and all the host of
heaven standing on His right and on His left.

d['_l.GI tAmr"B. lPoyIw> l[;y:w> laer"f.yI-%l,m,( ba'x.a;-ta, hT,p;y> ymi hw"hy> rm,aYOw: 18:19
`hk'K'( rmEao hz<w> hk'K' rmEao hz< rm,aYOw:
tmrb lyjq ymrtyw qsyw larvyd aklm baxa ty ggrvy !m yyy rmaw 18:19
`!ydkb rmyy !ydw !ydkb rmyy !yd rmaw d[lg
18:19 "The LORD said, 'Who will entice Ahab king of Israel to go up and fall at Ramoth-gilead?' And one said this
while another said that.

`hM'(B; wyl'ae hw"hy> rm,aYOw: WNT,_p;a] ynIa] rm,aYOw: hw"hy> dmo[]Y:w:) x:Wrh' aceYEw: 18:20
rmaw yyy ~dq ~qw ayqydc tcyxmm la[rzy !md twbnd axwr qpnw 18:20
`hmb hyl yyy rmaw hyn[ja ana
18:20 "Then a spirit came forward and stood before the LORD and said, 'I will entice him.' And the LORD said to him,

lk'WT-~g:w> hT,p;T. rm,aYOw: wya'_ybin>-lK' ypiB. rq,v, x:Wrl. ytiyyIh'w> aceae rm,aYOw: 18:21
`!kE)-hfe[]w: ace
rmaw yhwybn !whlkd !whmwpb rqv tawbn xwrl yhyaw qwpa rmaw 18:21
btml bwtml wvr $l tyl ~rb !whty y[jml alkwy $l tya @waw y[jt
hyrwdm ywhyd hyl rvpya tyl rqv lylmmd !m lkd lwjm ayqydc ynyb
`!k dyb[w ytwl-!m qwp !ykbm ayqydc ynyb
18:21 "He said, 'I will go and be a deceiving spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.' Then He said, 'You are to entice him
and prevail also. Go and do so.'

^yl,[' rB<DI hw"hyw:) hL,ae_ ^ya,ybin> ypiB. rq,v, x:Wr hw"hy> !t:n" hNEhi hT'[;w> 18:22
s `h['(r"
!yla $aybn $awbn yd !whmwpb rqv tawbn xwr yyy ynm ah !wdkw 18:22
`atvyb $l[ hatyal rzgta yyy ~dq-!mw
18:22 "Now therefore, behold, the LORD has put a deceiving spirit in the mouth of these your prophets, for the LORD
has proclaimed disaster against you."

%r<Dh< ; hz< yae rm,aYOw: yxiL,_h;-l[; Why>k"ymi-ta, %Y:w: hn"[]n:K.-!b<) WhY"qid>ci vG:YIw:


`%t")ao rBEd:l. yTiaime hw"hy>-x:Wr) rb:['

adya rmaw hytsyl ywl[ hkym ty yqlaw hn[nk rb hyqdc byrqw 18:23
`$m[ allml ynm yyy ~dq-!m hawbn xwr aqltsa at[v
18:23 Then Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah came near and struck Micaiah on the cheek and said, "How did the Spirit of
the LORD pass from me to speak to you?"

`abe(x'hel. rd<x,B. rd<x, aAbT' rv<a] aWh+h; ~AYB; ha,ro ^N>hi Why>k'ymi rm,aYOw: 18:24
!wwt awgb !wwt lw[yt yd awhh amwyb ymx ta ah hkym rmaw 18:24
18:24 Micaiah said, "Behold, you will see on that day when you enter an inner room to hide yourself."

ry[i_h'-rf; !Ama'-la, Whbuyvih]w: Why>k'ymi-ta, Wxq. laer"f.yI %l,m, rm,aYOw: 18:25

`%l,M,(h;-!B, va'Ay-la,w>
atrq br !wma ybg yhwbtwaw hkym ty wrbd larvyd aklm rmaw 18:25
`aklmd hyrb vawy ybgw
18:25 Then the king of Israel said, "Take Micaiah and return him to Amon the governor of the city and to Joash the
king's son;

#x;l; ~x,l, Whlukia]h;w> al,K,_h; tyBe hz< Wmyfi %l,M,h; rm:a' hKo ~T,r>m;a]w: 18:26
`~Al)v'b. ybiWv d[; #x;l; ~yIm:W
~yxl yhwlkwaw yrysa tybb !yd ty ynm aklm rma !ndk !wrmytw 18:26
`~lvb bwtad !mz-d[ qwxdb ywmw qwxdb
18:26 and say, 'Thus says the king, "Put this man in prison and feed him sparingly with bread and water until I return

W[ rm,aYOw: yBi_ hw"hy> rB<dI-al{ ~Alv'B. bWvT' bAv-~ai Why>k'ymi rm,aYOw: 18:27
p `~L'(Ku ~yMi[;
llmta alw yb yyyd aw[r tyl ~lvb bwtt btym !ya hkym rmaw 18:27
`!whlk aymm[ w[mv rmaw ym[ htwbn xwrb
18:27 Micaiah said, "If you indeed return safely, the LORD has not spoken by me." And he said, "Listen, all you

`d['(l.GI tmor"-la, hd"Why>-%l,m,( jp'v'AhywI) laer"f.yI-%l,m,( l[;Y:w:

`d[lg tmrl hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm jpvwhyw larvyd aklm qylsw


18:28 So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah went up against Ramoth-gilead.

vb;l. hT'a;w> hm'x'l.Mib; aAbw" fPex;t.hi jp'v'Ahy>-la, laer"f.yI %l,m, rm,aYOw: 18:29
`hm'(x'l.MiB; WaboY"w: laer"f.yI %l,m, fPex;t.YIw: ^yd<_g"B.
vwbl tnaw abrqb lw[yaw yntva ana jpvwhyl larvyd aklm rmaw 18:29
`abrqb l[w larvyd aklm yntvaw $vwbl
18:29 The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, "I will disguise myself and go into battle, but you put on your robes." So
the king of Israel disguised himself, and they went into battle.

!joQ'h;-ta, Wmx]L'Ti al{ rmoale Al-rv,a] bk,r<h' yrEf'-ta, hW"ci ~r"a] %l,m,W 18:30
`AD*b;l. laer"f.yI %l,m,-ta,-~ai( yKi lAd+G"h;-ta,
brq !wxygt al rmyml hyl yd akytra ynbr ty dyqp ~rad aklmw 18:30
`ywdwxlb larvyd aklm ~[ !hla ~wra abr ~[w ary[z ~[
18:30 Now the king of Aram had commanded the captains of his chariots, saying, "Do not fight with small or great, but
with the king of Israel alone."

aWh laer"f.yI %l,m, Wrm.a'( hM'hew> jp'v'Ahy>-ta, bk,r<h' yrEf' tAar>Ki yhiy>w: 18:31
`WNM,(mi ~yhil{a/ ~teysiy>w: Arz"[] hw"hyw:) jp'v'Ah)y> q[;z>YIw: ~xe_L'hil. wyl'[' WBsoY"w:
larvyd aklm wrma !wnaw jpvwhy ty akytra ynbr !wmx dk hwhw 18:31
hyl [yys yyyd armymw jpvwhy xscw abrq axgal ywl[ wrxsaw awh
`hynm yyy !wnqyxrw
18:31 So when the captains of the chariots saw Jehoshaphat, they said, "It is the king of Israel," and they turned aside to
fight against him. But Jehoshaphat cried out, and the LORD helped him, and God diverted them from him.

`wyr"(x]a;me WbvuY"w: lae_r"f.yI %l,m, hy"h'-al{ yKi bk,r<h' yrEf' tAar>Ki yhiy>w: 18:32
wbtw larvyd aklm hwh al ~wra akytra ynbr !wmx dk hwhw 18:32
18:32 When the captains of the chariots saw that it was not the king of Israel, they turned back from pursuing him.

!y"+r>Vih; !ybeW ~yqIb'D>h; !yBe laer"f.yI %l,m,-ta, %Y:w: AMtul. tv,Q,B; %v:m' vyaiw> 18:33
`ytiyle(xh' yKi hn<x]M;h;(-!mi ynIt:aceAhw> ^d>y" ^yd<y" %poh] bK'r:l'( rm,aYOw:
amlval hylbql atvqb dgn ~rad aklm brd alyx br !m[nw 18:33
larvyd aklm ty axmw hlmy rb hkym tawbnw bwvt !md hyla tawbn
bykrmd !ml rmaw anyyrvd hyyqbdm rtam adbk rcx ynybw abl ynyb
`ty[rmta ~wra abrq ydb[ tyryvm !m ynqypaw $rwxal rwzx hyl
18:33 A certain man drew his bow at random and struck the king of Israel in a joint of the armor. So he said to the driver
of the chariot, "Turn around and take me out of the fight, for I am severely wounded."

xk;nO hb'K'r>M,B; dymi[]m; hy"h' laer"f.yI %l,m,W aWhh; ~AYB; hm'x'l.Mih; l[;T;w: 18:34
`vm,V'(h; aAB t[el. tm'Y"w: br<['_h'-d[; ~r"a]
~yaqw @qtm hwh larvyd aklmw awhh amwyb abrq ydb[ wqylsw 18:34
`avmv [mjm !d[l tymw avmr d[ ~ra vna lybq lk akytrab
18:34 The battle raged that day, and the king of Israel propped himself up in his chariot in front of the Arameans until
the evening; and at sunset he died.

`~il'(v'Wryli( ~Alv'B. AtyBe-la, hd"Why>-%l,m,( jp'v'Ahy> bv'Y"w:

`~lvwryl ~lvl hytybl hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm jpvwhy btw


19:1 Then Jehoshaphat the king of Judah returned in safety to his house in Jerusalem.

[v'r"l'h] jp'v'Ahy> %l,M,h;-la, rm,aYOw: hz<xoh; ynIn"x]-!b, aWhyE wyn"P'-la, aceYEw: 19:2
`hw")hy> ynEp.Limi @c,Q, ^yl,[' tazOb'W bh'_a/T, hw"hy> yaen>fol.W rzO[.l;
jpvwhy aklml rmaw hawks atwks ynnx rb awhy ywmdql qpnw 19:2
$l[ tya adbw ~yxrt yyy yanslw a[yysl atkylh abyyx ~[d $l rvkh
`yyy ~dq-!m azgwr
19:2 Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him and said to King Jehoshaphat, "Should you help the wicked
and love those who hate the LORD and so bring wrath on yourself from the LORD?

t'Anykih]w: #r<a'h'-!mi tArvea]h' T'r>[:bi-yKi( %M"+[i Wac.m.nI ~ybiAj ~yrIb'D> lb'a] 19:3
`~yhi(l{a/h'( vrod>li ^b.b'l.
atnywkw a[ra !m atryva tylp ~wra $m[ wxktva !ybj !ymgtp ~rb 19:3
`yyy ~dq-!m !plwa [btml $bl atnqta
19:3 "But there is some good in you, for you have removed the Asheroth from the land and you have set your heart to
seek God."

~yIr:p.a, rh:-d[; [b;v, raEB.mi ~['b' aceYEw: bv'Y"w: s ~il'_v'WryBi jp'v'Ahy> bv,YEw:


`~h,(yteAba] yhel{a/ hw"hy>-la, ~beyviy>w:

d[ [bvd-aryabm am[b aplal qpnw btw ~lvwryb jpvwhy bytyw 19:4
`!whthbad ahla yyyd atlxdl !wnbytaw ~yrpa tybd arwwj
19:4 So Jehoshaphat lived in Jerusalem and went out again among the people from Beersheba to the hill country of
Ephraim and brought them back to the LORD, the God of their fathers.

`ry[i(w" ry[il. tArcuB.h; hd"Why> yrE['-lk'B. #r<a'B' ~yjip.vo) dme[]Y:w:

`yrql yrqm !kyrk hdwhy ywrq lkb a[rab !ynyyd ~yqaw


19:5 He appointed judges in the land in all the fortified cities of Judah, city by city.

hw"+hyl; yKi WjP.v.Ti ~d"a'l. al{ yKi ~yfi[o ~T,a;-hm'( War> ~yjip.Vo)h;-la, rm,aYOw: 19:6
`jP'(v.mi rb:d>Bi ~k,M'[iw>
!wta avn ynb ~dq al ~wra !ydb[ !wta hm !wmx aynyydl rmaw 19:6
`anyd qsy[b !wkm[ ayrv hytnkvw yyyd armym ~dq ~wra !ynyyd
19:6 He said to the judges, "Consider what you are doing, for you do not judge for man but for the LORD who is with
you when you render judgment.

hl'w>[; Wnyhel{a/ hw"hy>-~[i !yae-yKi( Wf[]w: ~k,_yle[] hw"hy>-dx;p;( yhiy> hT'[;w> 19:7
`dx;vo)-xQ;miW ~ynIp' aFom;W
yyy ~dq tyl ~wra wdyb[w wrmtsa !wkyl[ yyyd atlxd yhy !wdkw 19:7
`adxv twlbqw !ypa bsymw rqv anhla
19:7 "Now then let the fear of the LORD be upon you; be very careful what you do, for the LORD our God will have no
part in unrighteousness or partiality or the taking of a bribe."

tAba'h' yvear"meW ~ynIh]Koh;w> ~YIwIl.h;-!mi jp'v'Ahy> dymi[/h, ~il;v'WryBi ~g:w> 19:8

`~il'(v'Wry> WbvuY"w: byrI+l'w> hw"hy> jP; laer"f.yIl.
tybd athba yvyrmw aynhkw yawyl !m jpvwhy ~yqa ~lvwryb @waw 19:8
`~lvwryl wbtw atwcm ylmlw yyy ~dq anydl larvy
19:8 In Jerusalem also Jehoshaphat appointed some of the Levites and priests, and some of the heads of the fathers'
households of Israel, for the judgment of the LORD and to judge disputes among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

`~le(v' bb'leb.W hn"Wma/B, hw"hy> ta;r>yIB. !Wf[]t; hKo rmo=ale ~h,yle[] wc;y>w: 19:9
ajvqw atwnmyhb yyyd atlxdb !wdb[t !ydkh rmyml !whyl[ dyqpw 19:9
`~ylv blbw
19:9 Then he charged them saying, "Thus you shall do in the fear of the LORD, faithfully and wholeheartedly.

~d"l. ~D"-!yBe( ~h,yrE['B. ~ybiv.YOh; ~k,yxea]me ~k,yle[] aAby"-rv,a] byrI-lk'w> 19:10

hw"hyl; Wmv.a.y< al{w> ~t'ao ~T,r>h;z>hiw> ~yjiP' ~yQIxul. hw" hr"AT-!yBe
`Wmv'(a.t, al{w> !Wf[]t; hKo ~k,_yxea]-l[;w> ~k,yle[] @c,q<-hy"h")w>
byyxd arbg !yb !whywrqb !ybtyd !wkwxam !wktwl lw[y yd wcm lkw 19:10
aymyyql atdyqptl atyrwa ynyb lwjq !yd !m yakzd arbgl lwjq !yd
l[w !wkyl[ azgwr ahyw yyy ~dq !wbyyxty alw !whty !wrhztw aynydlw
`!wbyxtt alw !wdb[t !ydkh !wkwxa
19:10 "Whenever any dispute comes to you from your brethren who live in their cities, between blood and blood,
between law and commandment, statutes and ordinances, you shall warn them so that they may not be guilty before the
LORD, and wrath may not come on you and your brethren. Thus you shall do and you will not be guilty.

la[em'v.yI-!b, Why"d>b;z>W hw"hy>-rb;D> lkol. ~k,yle[] varoh' !heko Why"r>m;a] hNEhiw> 19:11
yhiywI Wf[]w: Wqz>xi ~k, ~YIwIl.h; ~yrIj.vow> %l,M,h;-rb;D> lkol. hd"Why>-tybel. dygIN"h;

p `bAJ)h;-~[i hw"hy>
yyyd amgtp lkl !wkyl[ vyrl anmmd abr anhk whyrma ahw 19:11
aykrsw aklmd amgtp lkl hdwhy tybl anwkra la[mvy rb whyrkzw
`abjd !wkd[sb yyyd armym ahyw wdyb[w wpwqt !wkymdq yawyl
19:11 "Behold, Amariah the chief priest will be over you in all that pertains to the LORD, and Zebadiah the son of
Ishmael, the ruler of the house of Judah, in all that pertains to the king. Also the Levites shall be officers before you. Act
resolutely, and the LORD be with the upright."

jp'v'Ahy>-l[; ~ynIAM[;h'me( ~h,M'[iw> !AM[; ynEb.W ba'Am-ynEb. WaB' !keyrEx]a; yhiy>w: 20:1
yamwda !m !whm[w !wm[ ynbw bawm ynb wta !ydk rtb-!m hwhw 20:1
`abrq axgal jpvwhy l[ yanwm[ ~[ wrbxtad
20:1 Now it came about after this that the sons of Moab and the sons of Ammon, together with some of the Meunites,
came to make war against Jehoshaphat.

~N"hiw> ~r"_a]me ~Y"l; rb,[eme br" !Amh' ^yl,[' aB' rmoale jp'v'Ahyli( WdyGIY:w: WaboY"w: 20:2
`ydIG<) !y[e ayhi rm'T' !Acc.x;(B.
abr[ml rjsm ygs ~[ tpkyr $l[ ata rmyml jpvwhyl waywxw wtaw 20:2
`ydg-!y[ ayh hyylqd $ybsb !wna ahw ~ral
20:2 Then some came and reported to Jehoshaphat, saying, "A great multitude is coming against you from beyond the
sea, out of Aram and behold, they are in Hazazon-tamar (that is Engedi)."

`hd"(Why>-lK'-l[; ~Ac-ar"q.YIw: hw"+hyl; vArd>li wyn"P'-ta, jp'v'Ahy> !TEyIw: ar"YIw: 20:3

rzgw yyy ~dq-!m !plwa [btml ywpa ty jpvwhy bhyw adxl lyxdw 20:3
`hdwhy vna lk l[ yn[t
20:3 Jehoshaphat was afraid and turned his attention to seek the LORD, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah.

`hw")hy>-ta, vQEb;l. WaB' hd"Why> yrE['-lK'mi ~G: hw"+hy>mE) vQEb;l. hd"Why> Wcb.Q'YIw: 20:4
hdwhy ywrq lkm @wa yyy ~dq-!m !ymxr y[bml hdwhy vna wvnktaw 20:4
`yyy ~dq-!m !plwa [btml wta
20:4 So Judah gathered together to seek help from the LORD; they even came from all the cities of Judah to seek the

`hv'(d"x]h; rcEx'h, hw"+hy> tybeB. ~il;v'WrywI hd"Why> lh;q.Bi jp'v'Ahy> dmo[]Y:w: 20:5
~dq yyyd avdqm-tybb ~lvwryb hdwhy tybd alhqb jpvwhy ~qw 20:5
`atdx atrd
20:5 Then Jehoshaphat stood in the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem, in the house of the LORD before the new court,

lveAm hT'a;w> ~yIm;V'B; ~yhil{a/ aWh-hT'(a; al{h] Wnyteboa] yhel{a/ hw"hy> rm;aYOw: 20:6
`bCe(y:t.hil. ^M.[i !yaew> hr"Wbg>W x:Ko ^d>y"b.W ~yI+AGh; tAkl.m.m; lkoB.
jylv taw aymvb $tnkvd yyy awh ta alh anthbad ahla yyy rmaw 20:6
atlwky tylw $nm-rb tylw atrwbgw alyx $dybw aymm[d atwwklm lkb
`$lbql ~wqml aklm lkl
20:6 and he said, "O LORD, the God of our fathers, are You not God in the heavens? And are You not ruler over all the
kingdoms of the nations? Power and might are in Your hand so that no one can stand against You.

lae_r"f.yI ^M.[; ynEp.Limi taZOh; #r<a'h' ybev.yO-ta, T'v.r:Ah Wnyhel{a/ hT'a; al{h] 20:7
`~l'(A[l. ^b.h;ao) ~h'r"b.a; [r;z<l. Hn"T.Tiw:)
$m[ ~dq !m adh a[ra ybty ty atkrt anhla $rmymb ta alh 20:7

`~l[l $mxr ~hrba ynbl htbhyw larvy

20:7 "Did You not, O our God, drive out the inhabitants of this land before Your people Israel and give it to the
descendants of Abraham Your friend forever?

`rmo*ale ^m.vil. vD"q.mi HB' ^l. Wnb.YIw: Hb'_-Wbv.YEw:

`rmyml $rmym ~wvl avdqm-tyb hb $l wnbw hb wbytyw


20:8 "They have lived in it, and have built You a sanctuary there for Your name, saying,

hZ<h; tyIB:h; hd"m.[;n:) b['r"w> rb,d<w> jApv. br<x, h['r" Wnyle[' aAbT'-~ai 20:9
`[:yvi(Atw> [m;v.tiw> Wnter"C'mi ^yl,ae q[;z>nIw> hZ<+h; tyIB:B; ^ yKi ^yn<p'l.W
~dq ylcn anlcwaw antwmw abrxd !yljq atvyb anl[ ytyt dk 20:9
antqy[m $twl xwcnw !ydh atybb $tnkv ~wra $mdqw !ydh avdqm-tyb
`annyqrptw antwlc lbqtw
20:9 'Should evil come upon us, the sword, or judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we will stand before this house and
before You (for Your name is in this house) and cry to You in our distress, and You will hear and deliver us.'

aAbl' laer"f.yIl. hT't;n"-al{) rv,a] ry[ife-rh;w> ba'AmW !AM[;-ynE)b. hNEhi hT'[;w> 20:10
`~Wd)ymiv.hi al{w> ~h,yle[]me Wrs" yKi ~yIr"+c.mi #r<a,me ~a'boB. ~h,b'
tybl atyvra al yd albgd arwwjw bawmw !wm[ ynb ah !wdkw 20:10
wjs ~wra ~yrcmd a[ram !whytymb !whb abrq axgal ytyml larvy
`!wnwaycyv alw !whtwlm
20:10 "Now behold, the sons of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir, whom You did not let Israel invade when they came
out of the land of Egypt (they turned aside from them and did not destroy them),

`WnT'(v.r:Ah) rv<a] ^t.V'rUY>mi Wnver.g"l. aAbl' Wnyle_[' ~ylim.GO ~he-hNEhiw>

atnysxa yd antnsxam antwkrtl ytyml atvyb anl !y[rp !wna ahw



20:11 see how they are rewarding us by coming to drive us out from Your possession which You have given us as an

aB'h; hZ<h; br"h' !Amh'h, x:Ko WnB' !yae yKi ~B'-jP'v.ti al{h] Wnyhel{a/ 20:12
`WnynE)y[e ^yl,[' yKi hf,[]N:-hm;( [d:nE al{ Wnx.n:a]w: Wnyle_['
tpkyr ~dq ~wqml alyx anb tyl ~wra !whnm [rptt alh anhla 20:12
~wra dyb[n hm !y[dy anxna tyl anxnaw anl[ atad !ydh ygs am[
`!nyny[ !nylt $twl
20:12 "O our God, will You not judge them? For we are powerless before this great multitude who are coming against
us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are on You."

p `~h,(ynEb.W ~h,yven> ~P'j;-~G: hw"+hy> ~ydIm.[o hd"Why>-lkow>

`!whynbw !whyvn @wa !whlpj @wa yyy ~dq !ymyyq hdwhy tybd !whlkw


20:13 All Judah was standing before the LORD, with their infants, their wives and their children.

@s"+a' ynEB.-!mi ywILeh; hy"n>T;m;-!B, laey[iy>-!B, hy"n"B.-!B, Why"r>k;z>-!B, laeyzIx]y:w> 20:14

`lh'(Q'h; %AtB. hw"hy> x:Wr wyl'[' ht'y>h'
@sa ynb !m hawyl hyntm rb lay[y rb hynb rb hyrkz rb layzxyw 20:14
`alhq [cmb yyy ~dq-!m hawbn xwr ywl[ trv
20:14 Then in the midst of the assembly the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jahaziel the son of Zechariah, the son of
Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, the Levite of the sons of Asaph;

hw"hy> rm;a'-hKo) jp'_v'Ahy> %l,M,h;w> ~il;v'Wry> ybev.yOw> hd"Why>-lk' Wbyviq.h; rm,aYOw:


~k,l' al{ yKi hZ<h; br"h' !Amh'h, ynEP.mi WTx;Te-la;w> War>yTi(-la; ~T,a; ~k,l'
`~yhi(l{ale yKi hm'x'l.Mih;
rma !ndk jpvwhy aklmw ~lvwry ybtyw hdwhy vna lk wtyca rmaw 20:15
~wra !ydh ygs am[ tpkyr ~dq-!m !wrbtt alw !wlxdt al !wta !wkl yyy
`yyy ~dq !hla abrq yrds !wkl al
20:15 and he said, "Listen, all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat: thus says the LORD to you,
'Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God's.

lx;N:h; @AsB. ~t'ao ~t,ac'm.W #yCi_h; hle[]m;B. ~yli[o ~N"hi ~h,yle[] Wdr> rx'm' 20:16
`lae(Wry> rB:d>mi ynEP.
alylk twqydwad anqsmb !yqls !wnah !whyl[ wtwx arxa amwy 20:16
`lawryd arbdm ypab alxn yhlyvb !whty !wxkvtw
20:16 'Tomorrow go down against them. Behold, they will come up by the ascent of Ziz, and you will find them at the
end of the valley in front of the wilderness of Jeruel.

~k,M'[i hw"hy> t[;Wvy>-ta, War>W Wdm.[i WbC.y:t.hi tazO=B' ~xeL'hil. ~k,l' al{ 20:17
`~k,(M'[i hw"hyw: ~h, Wac. rx'm' WTx;Te-la;w> War>yTi(-la; ~il;v'WrywI) hd"Why>
yyyd anqrwp ty !wmxw wmwq wdt[ta adb abrq axgal !wkld al 20:17
!whymdq wqwp rxml !wrbtt alw !wlxdt al ~lvwryw hdwhy !wkm[
`!wkd[sb yyyd armymw
20:17 'You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the LORD on your behalf, O
Judah and Jerusalem.' Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out to face them, for the LORD is with you."

hw"hy> Wlp.n") ~il;v'Wry> ybev.yOw> hd"Why>-lk'w> hc'r>a"+ ~yIP:a; jp'v'Ahy> dQoYIw: 20:18
`hw")hyl; twOx]T;v.hi(l.
w[rk ~lvwry ybtyw hdwhy vna lkw a[ra l[ ywpa l[ jpvwhy [rkw 20:18
`yyy ~dq dwgsml yyy ~dq
20:18 Jehoshaphat bowed his head with his face to the ground, and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell down
before the LORD, worshiping the LORD.

yhel{a/ hw"hyl; lLeh;l. ~yxi_r>Q'h; ynEB.-!miW ~ytih'Q.h; ynEB.-!mi ~YIwIl.h; WmqUY"w: 20:19
`hl'[.m'(l. lAdG" lAqB. laer"f.yI
larvyd ahla yyy ~dq axbvl xrq ynb !mw thq ynb !m yawyl wmqw 20:19
`aly[l amr alqb
20:19 The Levites, from the sons of the Kohathites and of the sons of the Korahites, stood up to praise the LORD God of
Israel, with a very loud voice.

rm,aYOw: jp'v'Ahy> dm;[' ~t'aceb.W [;Aq+T. rB:d>mil. Wac.YEw: rq,Bob; WmyKiv.Y:w: 20:20
Wnymia]h; Wnmea'tew> ~k,yhel{a/ hw"hyB; Wnymia]h; ~il;v'Wry> ybev.yOw> hd"Why> ynIW[m'v.
`Wxyli(c.h;w> wya'ybin>bi
rmaw jpvwhy ~q !whqpmbw [wqt rbdml wqpnw arpcb wmydqaw 20:20
wnymyhw !wkhla yyyd armymb wnymyh ~lvwry ybtyw hdwhy vna ynm wlybq
`!wxlctw yhwybnb wnymyhw hytyrwab
20:20 They rose early in the morning and went out to the wilderness of Tekoa; and when they went out, Jehoshaphat
stood and said, "Listen to me, O Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, put your trust in the LORD your God and you will be
established. Put your trust in His prophets and succeed."

taceB. vd<qo+-tr:d>h;l. ~ylil.h;(m.W* hw"hyl; ~yrIr]vo*m. dme[]Y:w: ~['h'-la, #[;W"YIw: 20:21

`AD*s.x; ~l'A[l. yKi hw"hyl; WdAh> #Wlx'h,(

avdwqd arwhbvb !yxbvmw yyy ~dq ayxbvm ~yqaw am[l $ylmw 20:21
`hybwj ~l[l ~wra yyy ~dq wxbv !yrmaw azrzm ymwq aqpmb
20:21 When he had consulted with the people, he appointed those who sang to the LORD and those who praised Him in
holy attire, as they went out before the army and said, "Give thanks to the LORD, for His lovingkindness is everlasting."

ba'Am !AM[; ynEB.-l[; ~ybir>a")m. hw"hy> !t:n" hL'hit.W hN"rIb. WLxehe t[eb.W 20:22
`WpgE)N"YIw: hd"Whyli( ~yaiB'h; ry[ife-rh;w>
ynb l[ !ynmk yyyd armym ynm !yxbvmw atxbvwtb wayrvd !d[bw 20:22
`wrbtaw hdwhy ~[ abrq axgal !wkrad albgd arwwjw bawmw !wm[
20:22 When they began singing and praising, the LORD set ambushes against the sons of Ammon, Moab and Mount
Seir, who had come against Judah; so they were routed.

~t'ALk;k.W dymi_v.h;l.W ~yrIx]h;l. ry[ife-rh; ybev.yO-l[; ba'AmW !AM[; ynEB. Wdm.[;Y:)w: 20:23
`tyxi(v.m;l. Wh[erEB.-vyai Wrz>[' ry[ife ybev.AyB.
dkw hacyvlw armgl albgd arwwj ybty l[ bawmw !wm[ ynb wmqw 20:23
`albxl hyrbxb vna !yyrgtm albgd ybtyb waycyv
20:23 For the sons of Ammon and Moab rose up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir destroying them completely; and
when they had finished with the inhabitants of Seir, they helped to destroy one another.

~ylip.nO ~yrIg"P. ~N"hiw> !Amh'h,-la, Wnp.YIw: rB"+d>Mil; hP,c.Mih;-l[; aB' hd"WhywI) 20:24
`hj'(yleP. !yaew> hc'r>a:
ahw atwwlyx tpkyrl waynptaw arbdml atwks l[ wl[ hdwhy vnaw 20:24
`atwbzyv tylw a[ra l[ !ylyjq !yymr !ymvwg !wna
20:24 When Judah came to the lookout of the wilderness, they looked toward the multitude, and behold, they were
corpses lying on the ground, and no one had escaped.

~yrIg"p.W vWkr>W brol' ~h,b' Wac.m.YIw: ~l'l'v.-ta, zbol' AM[;w> jp'v'Ahy> aboY"w: 20:25
yKi ll'V'h;-ta, ~yzIz>Bo hv'Alv. ~ymiy" Wyh.YI)w: aF'_m; !yael. ~h,l' WlC.n:y>w: tAdmux] ylek.W
anyynqw !y[ygs !yskn !whb wxkvaw !whyad[ zwbml ~qw jpvwhy ataw 20:25
!wwhw arbwsl !ylky ald d[ !whl !wnqwrw !ygwrgr ynamw !ylyjq !ymvwgw
`awh aygs ~wra !whyad[ ty !yzzb atlt !ymwy
20:25 When Jehoshaphat and his people came to take their spoil, they found much among them, including goods,
garments and valuable things which they took for themselves, more than they could carry. And they were three days
taking the spoil because there was so much.

Warq> )" !Ke-l[; hw"+hy>-ta, Wkr]Be ~v'-yKi hk'r"B. qm,[el. Wlh]q.nI y[ibir>h' ~AYb;W 20:26
`~AY*h;-d[; hk'r"B. qm,[e aWhh; ~AqM'h; ~ve-ta,
lwjm yyy ty wkyrb !mt ~wra atkrb rvyml wvnkta ha[ybr amwybw 20:26
`!ydh amwy d[ atkrb rvym awhh artad amv ty wrq ankh
20:26 Then on the fourth day they assembled in the valley of Beracah, for there they blessed the LORD. Therefore they
have named that place "The Valley of Beracah " until today.

~il;v'Wry>-la, bWvl' ~v'aroB. jp'v'AhywI) ~il;v'WrywI) hd"Why> vyai-lK' WbvuY"w: 20:27

`~h,(ybey>Aame( hw"hy> ~x' hx'_m.fiB.
bwtml !whyvyrb anmm jpvwhyw ~lvwryw hdwhy vna lk wbtw 20:27
`!whybbd yl[b !m yyyd armym !wnaydxa ~wra awwdxb ~lvwryl
20:27 Every man of Judah and Jerusalem returned with Jehoshaphat at their head, returning to Jerusalem with joy, for
the LORD had made them to rejoice over their enemies.

`hw")hy> tyBe-la, tAr+c.cox]b;W tArNOkib.W ~ylib'n>Bi ~il;v'Wry> WaboY"w:

`yyyd avdqm-tybl atrccxbw !yrnkbw !ylbnb ~lvwryl wtaw


20:28 They came to Jerusalem with harps, lyres and trumpets to the house of the LORD.

~[i hw"hy> ~x;l.nI yKi ~['m.v'B. tAc+r"a]h' tAkl.m.m;-lK' l[; ~yhil{a/ dx;P; yhiy>w: 20:29
`lae(r"f.yI ybey>Aa
abrq xyga ~wra w[mv dk a[ra twwklm lk l[ yyyd atlxd hwhw 20:29
`larvyd !whybbd yl[b ~[ yyyd armym
20:29 And the dread of God was on all the kingdoms of the lands when they heard that the LORD had fought against the
enemies of Israel.

p `bybi(S'mi wyh'l{a/ Al xn:)Y"w: jp'_v'Ahy> tWkl.m; jqov.Tiw:

`rwzx-rwzx !m hyhlad armym hyl xynaw tpvwhy twklm tkwdvw


20:30 So the kingdom of Jehoshaphat was at peace, for his God gave him rest on all sides.

vmex'w> ~yrIf.[,w> Akl.m'B. hn"v' vmex'w> ~yvil{v.-!B, hd"_Why>-l[; jp'v'Ahy> %l{m.YIw: 20:31
`yxi(; hb'Wz[] AMai ~vew> ~il;v'WryBi( %l:m' hn"v'
!yrv[w $lm dk !ynv vmxw !ytlt rb hdwhy vna l[ jpvwhy $ylmw 20:31
`yxlv tb hbwz[ hyma ~wvw ~lvwryb $lm !ynv vmxw
20:31 Now Jehoshaphat reigned over Judah. He was thirty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned in
Jerusalem twenty-five years. And his mother's name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi.

`hw")hy> ynEy[eB. rv"Y"h; tAf[]l; hN"M<+mi rs"-al{w> as'a' wybia' %r<d<B. %l,YEw:
`yyy ~dq rvkd db[ml hnm ad[ alw yhwba asa xrwab $ylhw


20:32 He walked in the way of his father Asa and did not depart from it, doing right in the sight of the LORD.

`~h,(yteboa] yhel{ale ~b'b'l. Wnykihe-al{ ~['h' dA[w> Wrs"+-al{ tAmB'h; %a: 20:33
!whbl wnyqta al am[ !wdk d[w wrj[ al hyswmb ty dwxl 20:33
`!whthbad ahlad atlxdl
20:33 The high places, however, were not removed; the people had not yet directed their hearts to the God of their

aWhyE yrEb.dIB. ~ybiWtK. ~N"hi ~ynI+rox]a;h'w> ~ynIvoarIh' jp'v'Ahy> yrEb.DI rt,y<w> 20:34
`lae(r"f.yI ykel.m; rp,se-l[; hl'[]ho) rv<a] ynIn"x]-!b,
rb awhy ymgtpb !ybytk !wna ah yartbw yamdq jpvwhy ymgtp ravw 20:34
`larvy tybd ayklml aynrkwd rps l[ rlbyl anmtad ynnx
20:34 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoshaphat, first to last, behold, they are written in the annals of Jehu the son of
Hanani, which is recorded in the Book of the Kings of Israel.

aWh lae_r"f.yI-%l,m,( hy"z>x;a] ~[i hd"Why>-%l,m,( jp'v'Ahy> rB;x;t.a, !keyrEx]a;w> 20:35

`tAf)[]l; [:yvir>hi
hyzxa ~[ hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm jpvwhy rbxta !ydk rtb-!mw 20:35
`a[yvr ywhml byxta awhd larvy tybd aklm
20:35 After this Jehoshaphat king of Judah allied himself with Ahaziah king of Israel. He acted wickedly in so doing.

`rb,G") !Ayc.[,B. tAYnIa Wf[]Y:w: vyvi_r>T; tk,l,l' tAYnIa tAf[]l; AM[i WhrEB.x;y>w: 20:36
wdb[w abr amyl swsrwjl lzyml aypla db[ml hym[ hyrbxw 20:36
`alwgnrt $rkb aypla
20:36 So he allied himself with him to make ships to go to Tarshish, and they made the ships in Ezion-geber.

^r>B,x;t.hi(K. rmo=ale jp'v'Ahy>-l[; hv'rEM'mi Whw"d"Do-!B, rz<[<ylia/ aBen:t.YIw: 20:37

`vyvi(r>T;-la, tk,l,l' Wrc.[' al{w> tAYnIa Wrb.V'YIw: ^yf,[]m;-ta,( hw"hy> #r:P' Why"z>x;a]-~[i
dk rmyml jpvwhy l[ hvrm !md whydwd rb rz[la ybntaw 20:37
alw aypla wrbtaw $ydbw[ ty yyyd armym lyqlq whyzxa ~[ atrbxta
`swsrwjl lzyml wlyky
20:37 Then Eliezer the son of Dodavahu of Mareshah prophesied against Jehoshaphat saying, "Because you have allied
yourself with Ahaziah, the LORD has destroyed your works." So the ships were broken and could not go to Tarshish.

AnB. ~r"Ahy> %l{m.YIw: dywI+D" ry[iB. wyt'boa]-~[i rbEQ'YIw: wyt'boa]-~[i jp'v'Ah)y> bK;v.YIw: 21:1
$ylmw dwdd atrqb ywthba ~[ rbqtaw ywthba ~[ jpvwhy bykvw 21:1
`yhwrtab hyrb ~rwhy
21:1 Then Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers and was buried with his fathers in the city of David, and Jehoram his son
became king in his place.

Why"+j.p;v.W laek'ymiW Why"r>z:[]w: Why"r>k;z>W laeyxiywI) hy"r>z:[] jp'v'Ahy> ynEB. ~yxia;-Al)w> 21:2
`lae(r"f.yI-%l,m, jp'v'Ahy> ynEB. hL,ae-lK'
whyjpvw l[kymw whyrz[w whyrkzw layxyw hyrz[ jpvwhy ynb !yxa hylw 21:2
`larvyd aklm jpvwhy ynb !yla lk
21:2 He had brothers, the sons of Jehoshaphat: Azariah, Jehiel, Zechariah, Azaryahu, Michael and Shephatiah. All these
were the sons of Jehoshaphat king of Israel.

tArcum. yrE['-~[i tAnD"g>mil.W bh'z"l.W @s,k,l. tABr: tAnT'm; ~h,ybia] ~h,l' !TEYIw: 21:3
p `rAk*B.h; aWh-yKi ~r"Ahyli( !t:n" hk'l'm.M;h;-ta,w> hd"_WhyBi(
rqyd !yvwbllw abhdlw apskl !y[ygs !ntm !whwba !whl bhyw 21:3
tyw hdwhy tybd a[rab !ykrk !ywrq ydhb a[qrq bg l[ !wnwaynqaw
`arkwb awh ~wra hyrb ~rwhyl bhy atwklm
21:3 Their father gave them many gifts of silver, gold and precious things, with fortified cities in Judah, but he gave the
kingdom to Jehoram because he was the firstborn.

~g:w> br<x'_B, wyx'a,-lK'-ta, groh]Y:w: qZ:x;t.YIw: wybia' tk;l,m.m;-l[; ~r"Ahy> ~q'Y"w: 21:4
`lae(r"f.yI yrEF'mi
abrxb yhwxa lk ty ljqw @qtaw yhwbad atwklm l[ ~rwhy ~qw 21:4
`larvy ybrbrm @waw
21:4 Now when Jehoram had taken over the kingdom of his father and made himself secure, he killed all his brothers
with the sword, and some of the rulers of Israel also.

`~il'(v'WryBi %l:m' ~ynIv' hn<Amv.W Ak+l.m'B. ~r"Ahy> hn"v' ~yITv: .W ~yvil{v.-!B,

`~lvwryb $lm !ynv ynmtw $lm dk ~rwhy hwh !ynv !ytrtw !ytlt rb


21:5 Jehoram was thirty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem.

ht'y>h" ba'x.a;-tB; yKi ba'x.a; tyBe Wf[' rv<a]K; laer"f.yI ykel.m; %r<d<B. %l,YEw: 21:6
`hw")hy> ynEy[eB. [r:h' f[;Y:w: hV'_ai AL
baxa tyb yvna wdb[d hmkyh larvy tybd ayklm xrwab $ylhw 21:6
`yyy ~dq vybd db[l wtnal hyl twh baxa trb ~wra
21:6 He walked in the way of the kings of Israel, just as the house of Ahab did (for Ahab's daughter was his wife), and
he did evil in the sight of the LORD.

dywI+d"l. tr:K' rv<a] tyrIB.h; ![;m;l. dywID" tyBe-ta, tyxiv.h;l. hw"hy> hb'a'-al{w>


`~ymi(Y"h;-lK' wyn"b'l.W rynI Al ttel' rm;a' rv<a]k;w>

rzg yd amyyq llgb-!m dwd tyb ty albxl yyy ~dq-!m aw[r twh alw 21:7
`aymwy lk ywnblw wklm hyl !tml rmad hmkyhw dwd ~[
21:7 Yet the LORD was not willing to destroy the house of David because of the covenant which He had made with
David, and since He had promised to give a lamp to him and his sons forever.

`%l,m,( ~h,yle[] Wkylim.Y:w: hd"_Why>-dy: tx;T;mi ~Ada/ [v;P' wym'y"B. 21:8

wkylmaw hdwhy tybd ady twxtm wjymtvaw yamwda wdrm ywmwyb 21:8
`aklm !whyl[
21:8 In his days Edom revolted against the rule of Judah and set up a king over themselves.

~Ada/-ta, %Y:w: hl'y>l; ~q" yhiy>w: AM=[i bk,r<h'-lk'w> wyr"f'-~[i ~r"Ahy> rbo[]Y:)w: 21:9
`bk,r"(h' yrEf' taew> wyl'ae bbeASh;
aylylb ~q dk hwhw hym[d hykytra lkw ywnbrbr ~[ ~rwhy db[w 21:9
`akytra ybrbr tyw hyl rwzx-rwzx !ymyyqd yamwda ty ljqw
21:9 Then Jehoram crossed over with his commanders and all his chariots with him. And he arose by night and struck
down the Edomites who were surrounding him and the commanders of the chariots.

t[eB' hn" [v;p.Ti za' hZ<h; ~AYh; d[; hd"Why>-dy: tx;T;mi ~Ada/ [v;p.YIw: 21:10
`wyt'(boa] yhel{a/ hw"hy>-ta, bz:[' yKi Ad+y" tx;T;mi ayhih;
ah !ydh amwy d[ hdwhy tybd ady twxtm wjymtvad yamwda wdrmw 21:10
qbvd lwjm ~wra hydy twxtm tjymtvaw ayhh and[b hnbl tdrm !ykb
`ywthbad ahla yyyd atlxd ty
21:10 So Edom revolted against Judah to this day. Then Libnah revolted at the same time against his rule, because he
had forsaken the LORD God of his fathers.

`hd"(Why>-ta, xD:Y:w: ~il;v'Wry> ybev.yO-ta, !z<Yw< : hd"_Why> yrEh'B. tAmb'-hf'([' aWh-~G:


y[jaw ~lvwry ybty ty y[jaw hdwhy yrwwjb hyyswmb db[ awh @wa 21:11
`hdwhy tybd ty
21:11 Moreover, he made high places in the mountains of Judah, and caused the inhabitants of Jerusalem to play the
harlot and led Judah astray.

dywID" yhel{a/ hw"hy> rm:a' hKo rmo=ale aybiN"h; WhY"liaeme( bT'k.mi wyl'ae aboY"w: 21:12
`hd"(Why>-%l,m,( as'a' yker>d:b.W ^ybia' jp'v'Ahy> yker>d:B. T'k.lh; '-al{) rv<a] tx;T; ^ybia'
dwdd ahla yyy rma !ndk rmyml aybn whyla !m hqjyp hytwl ataw 21:12
asad atxrwabw $wba jpvwhyd atxrwab atkylh al yd @lwx $wba
`hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm
21:12 Then a letter came to him from Elijah the prophet saying, "Thus says the LORD God of your father David,
'Because you have not walked in the ways of Jehoshaphat your father and the ways of Asa king of Judah,

tAnz>h;K. ~il;v'Wry> ybev.yO-ta,w> hd"Why>-ta, hn<z>T;w: laer"f.yI ykel.m; %r<d<B. %l,Tew: 21:13
`T'g>r")h' ^M.mi ~ybiAJh; ^ybia'-tybe ^yx,a;-ta, ~g:w> ba'_x.a; tyBe
tyw hdwhy tybd ty aty[jaw larvy tybd ayklm txrwab atkylhw 21:13
$ba ynb $xa ty @waw baxa tybd !whty wy[jad hmkyh ~lvwry ybty
`atlyjq $nm !ybjd
21:13 but have walked in the way of the kings of Israel, and have caused Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to play
the harlot as the house of Ahab played the harlot, and you have also killed your brothers, your own family, who were
better than you,

`^v<)Wkr>-lk'b.W ^yv,n"b.W ^yn<b'b.W ^M<+[;B. hl'Adg> hp'GEm; @gEnO hw"hy> hNEhi

`$nynq lkbw $yvnbw $yynbbw $m[b atbr antwm yrgm yyyd armym ahw


21:14 behold, the LORD is going to strike your people, your sons, your wives and all your possessions with a great

~ymiy" ylixoh;-!mi ^y[,me Wac.yE-d[; ^y[,_me hlex]m;B. ~yBir: ~yyIl'xB' hT'a;w> 21:15
$mvwg !m $nyy[m !wqpy yd !mz-d[ $nyy[m tw[rmb !y[ygs !y[rmb tnaw 21:15
`aynv l[ aymwy $l[ $yrwyd ty[rm !m
21:15 and you will suffer severe sickness, a disease of your bowels, until your bowels come out because of the sickness,
day by day.'"

`~yvi(WK dy:-l[; rv<a] ~ybir>[;h'w> ~yTiv.liP.h; x:Wr tae ~r"Ahy>-l[; hw"hy> r[;Y"w: 21:16
ymwxt l[ yd yabr[w yatvlpd axwr ty ~rwhy l[ yyyd armym yrgw 21:16
21:16 Then the LORD stirred up against Jehoram the spirit of the Philistines and the Arabs who bordered the Ethiopians;

%l,M,h;-tybel. ac'm.NIh; vWkr>h'-lK' tae WBv.YIw: h'W[q'b.YIw: hd"Whybi( Wl[]Y:w: 21:17

`wyn")B' !joq. zx'a'Ahy>-~ai yKi !Be Al-ra;v.nI al{w> wyv'_n"w> wyn"B'-~g:w>
xktvad anyynq lk ty wbvw ahwvbkw hdwhy tybd a[rab wqylsw 21:17
rjwzd zxawhy !hla rb hyl ryytva alw ywvnw ywnb ty @waw aklm tybl
21:17 and they came against Judah and invaded it, and carried away all the possessions found in the king's house
together with his sons and his wives, so that no son was left to him except Jehoahaz, the youngest of his sons.

`aPe(r>m; !yael. ylixl' wy['meB. hw"hy> Apg"n> tazO=-lK' yrEx]a;w>

`wsa tyld !y[rmb ywnyy[mb yyyd armym hyrbt and lk rtb-!mw


21:18 So after all this the LORD smote him in his bowels with an incurable sickness.

Ayl.x'-~[i wy['me Wac.y" ~yIn:v. ~ymiy"l. #Qeh; tace t[ek.W ~ymiY"mi ~ymiy"l. yhiy>w: 21:19
`wyt'(boa] tp;rEf.Ki hp'rEf. AM[; Al Wf['-al{w> ~y[i_r" ~yailux]t;B. tm'Y"w:
!yrt !ymwyl hycq !m ryty hykrwc db[d !d[bw !ynvw !ymwy !mzl hwhw 21:19
tdyqy hym[ hyl wdb[ alw !yvyb !y[rmb tymw hy[rm ~[ ywnyy[m wqpn
`ywthba tdyqy $yh !ynmswb ysyq
21:19 Now it came about in the course of time, at the end of two years, that his bowels came out because of his sickness
and he died in great pain. And his people made no fire for him like the fire for his fathers.

al{B. %l,YEw: ~il'_v'WryBi %l:m' ~ynIv' hn<Amv.W Akl.m'b. hy"h' ~yIT;v.W ~yvil{v.-!B, 21:20
`~yki(l'M.h; tArb.qiB. al{w> dywID" ry[iB. WhrUB.q.YIw:) hD"m.x,
lzaw ~lvwryb $lm !ynv ynmtw $lm dk hwh !ynv !ytrtw !ytlt rb 21:20
`ayklm yrbqb alw dwdd atrqb hyty wrbqw atgygr alb atrwbq tybl
21:20 He was thirty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem eight years; and he departed with
no one's regret, and they buried him in the city of David, but not in the tombs of the kings.

~ynIvoarIh'-lk' yKi wyT'x.T; !joQ'h; Anb. Why"z>x;a]-ta, ~il;v'Wry> ybev.Ay Wkylim.Y:w: 22:1
p `hd"(Why> %l,m, ~r"Ahy>-!b, Why"z>x;a] %l{m.YIw: hn<+x]M;l;( ~ybir>[;b'( aB'h; dWdG>h; gr:h'
!whlk ~wra yhwrtab ary[z hyrb whyzxa ty ~lvwry ybty wkylmaw 22:1
$ylmw yaqyrpaw yatvlp tyyrvml yabra ~[ atad ayrvm wljq yamdq
`hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm ~rwhy rb whyzxa

22:1 Then the inhabitants of Jerusalem made Ahaziah, his youngest son, king in his place, for the band of men who came
with the Arabs to the camp had slain all the older sons. So Ahaziah the son of Jehoram king of Judah began to reign.

~vew> ~il'_v'WryBi( %l:m' tx;a; hn"v'w> Akl.m'b. Why"z>x;a] hn"v' ~yIT:v.W ~y[iB'r>a;-!B, 22:2
`yrI)m.['-tB; Why"l.t;[] AMai
~lvwryb $lm adx atvw $lm dk whyzxa !ynv !ytrtw !y[bra rb 22:2
`yrm[ tb whylt[ hyma ~wvw
22:2 Ahaziah was twenty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. And his mother's
name was Athaliah, the granddaughter of Omri.

`[:yvi(r>h;l. ATc.[;Ay* ht'y>h' AMai yKi ba'_x.a; tyBe yker>d:B. %l;h' aWh-~G: 22:3
hyty aklmm twh hyma ~wra baxa tyb yvna txrwab lza awh @wa 22:3
22:3 He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab, for his mother was his counselor to do wickedly.

tAm yrExa] ; ~yci[]Ay* Al-Wyh'( hM'he-yKi ba'_x.a; tybeK. hw"hy> ynEy[eB. [r:h' f[;Y:w: 22:4
`Al* tyxiv.m;l. wybia'
!wwh !wnad lwjm baxa tyb yvna wdb[d hmkyh yyy ~dq vybd db[w 22:4
`hyl albxl ywba tymd rtb !yklmm hyl
22:4 He did evil in the sight of the LORD like the house of Ahab, for they were his counselors after the death of his
father, to his destruction.

hm'x'l.Mil; laer"f.yI %l,m, ba'x.a;-!B, ~r"Ahy>-ta, %l,YEw: %l;h' ~t'c'[]B; ~G: 22:5
`~r"(Ay-ta, ~yMir:h'( WKY:w: d['_l.GI tAmr"B. ~r"a]-%l,m,( laez"x]-l[;
larvyd aklm baxa rb ~rwhy ~[ $ylhw lza !whtklmb @wa 22:5
`~rwy ty yamra wljqw d[lg tmrb ~rad aklm lazx l[ abrql
22:5 He also walked according to their counsel, and went with Jehoram the son of Ahab king of Israel to wage war
against Hazael king of Aram at Ramoth-gilead. But the Arameans wounded Joram.

Amx]L'hiB. hm'r"b'( WhKuhi rv<a] ~yKiM;h; yKi la[,r>z>yIb. aPer:t.hil. bv'Y"w: 22:6
~r"Ahy>-ta, tAar>li dr:y" hd"Why> %l,m, ~r"A hy>-!b, Why"r>z:[]w: ~r"_a] %l,m, laehz"x]-ta,
`aWh) hl,xo-yKi la[,r>z>yIB. ba'x.a;-!B,
~[ hytwxgab atmrb yhwxm yd ayxm ~wra la[rzyb hastal btw 22:6
txn hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm ~rwhy rb whyrz[w ~rad aklm lazx
`awh [rm ~wra la[rzyb baxa rb ~rwhy ty ymxml
22:6 So he returned to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds which they had inflicted on him at Ramah, when he fought
against Hazael king of Aram. And Ahaziah, the son of Jehoram king of Judah, went down to see Jehoram the son of Ahab
in Jezreel, because he was sick.

~r"Ahy>-~[i ac'y" Aabob.W ~r"_Ay-la, aAbl' Why"z>x;a] ts;WbT. ht'y>h' ~yhil{a/me(W 22:7
`ba'(x.a; tyBe-ta, tyrIk.h;l. hw"hy> Axv'm. rv<a] yvim.nI-!b, aWhyE-la,
~[ qpn ata dkw ~rwy twl ytyml whyzxa tpqst twh yyy ~dq-!mw 22:7
ty hacyvl yyyd armym ~p l[ whyla hyybr yd yvmn rb awhy twl ~rwhy
`baxa tyb
22:7 Now the destruction of Ahaziah was from God, in that he went to Joram. For when he came, he went out with
Jehoram against Jehu the son of Nimshi, whom the LORD had anointed to cut off the house of Ahab.

yxea] ynEb.W hd"Why> yrEf'-ta, ac'm.YIw: ba'_x.a; tyBe-~[i aWhyE jpeV'hiK. yhiy>w: 22:8
`~gE)r>h;Y:w: Why"z>x;a]l; ~ytir>v'm. Why"z>x;a]
yxa ynbw hdwhy ybrbr ty xkvaw baxa tyb ~[ awhy !yydya dk hwhw 22:8

`!wnyljqw whyzxal !yvmvm whyzxa

22:8 It came about when Jehu was executing judgment on the house of Ahab, he found the princes of Judah and the sons
of Ahaziah's brothers ministering to Ahaziah, and slew them.

aWhyE-la, Whaubiy>w: !Arm.vo)b. aBex;t.mi aWhw> WhdUK.l.YIw:) Why"z>x;a]-ta, vQeb;y>w: 22:9

Ab=b'l.-lk'B. hw"hy>-ta, vr:D"-rv,a] aWh jp'v'Ahy>-!B, Wrm.a'( yKi WhrUB.q.YIw:) Whtumiy>w:
`hk'(l'm.m;l. x:Ko rco[.l; Why"z>x;a] tybel. !yaew>
awhy twl yhwytaw !wrmvb rmjm awhw yhwdxaw whyzxa ty [btw 22:9
yyyd atlxd ty [bt yd awh jpvwhyd hyrb wrma ~wra yhwrbqw hyljqw
`atwklm dxyml alyx hyld rbg whyzxa tybl tya alw hybl lkb
22:9 He also sought Ahaziah, and they caught him while he was hiding in Samaria; they brought him to Jehu, put him to
death and buried him. For they said, "He is the son of Jehoshaphat, who sought the LORD with all his heart." So there was
no one of the house of Ahaziah to retain the power of the kingdom.

[r;z<-lK'-ta, rBEd:T.w: ~q'T'w: Hn"+B. tme yKi ht'a]r" Why"z>x;a] ~ae Why"l.t;[]w: 22:10
`hd"(Why> tybel. hk'l'm.M;h;
lk ty tljqw tmqw hrb tym ~wra tmx whyzxad hyma whylt[w 22:10
`hdwhy tyb vnal yd atwklmd a[rz
22:10 Now when Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she rose and destroyed all the royal
offspring of the house of Judah.

%ATmi Atao bnOg>Tiw: Why"z>x;a]-!B, va'Ay-ta, %l,Mh, ;-tB; t[;b.v;Ahy> xQ;Tiw: 22:11
WhrEyTis.T;w: tAJ+Mih; rd:x]B; ATq.nIyme(-ta,w> Atao !TETiw: ~ytim'WMh; %l,Mh, ;-ynE)B.
Why"z>x;a] tAxa] ht'y>h' ayhi yKi !heKoh; [d"y"Ahy> tv,ae ~r"Ahy> %l,M,h;-tB; t[;b.v;Ahy>
`Wht.t'(ymih/ al{w> Why"l.t;[] ynEP.mi
hybc hyl tdylyd whyzxa rb vawy ty aklm trb t[bvwhy tbysnw 22:11
tyw hyty tbhyw wlyjqtad aklm ynb [cmm hyty tbyngw [bvd-aryab !m
tta ~rwhy aklm trb t[bvwhy hytrmjw ayvdwq vdqb hytnybrwt
alw whylt[ ~dq-!m whyzxad hytxa twh ayh ~wra anhk [dywhy
22:11 But Jehoshabeath the king's daughter took Joash the son of Ahaziah, and stole him from among the king's sons
who were being put to death, and placed him and his nurse in the bedroom. So Jehoshabeath, the daughter of King
Jehoram, the wife of Jehoiada the priest (for she was the sister of Ahaziah), hid him from Athaliah so that she would not
put him to death.

p `#r<a'(h'-l[; tk,l,mo hy"l.t;[]w: ~ynIv' vve aBex;t.mi ~yhil{a/h'( tybeB. ~T'ai yhiy>w: 22:12
l[ tklm hylt[w !ynv tyv rmjm yyyd avdqm-tybb !whm[ hwhw 22:12
`larvyd a[ra
22:12 He was hidden with them in the house of God six years while Athaliah reigned over the land.

~x'roy>-!b, Why"r>z:[]l; tAaMeh; yrEf'-ta, xQ:YIw: [d"y"Ahy> qZ:x;t.hi ty[ibiV.h; hn"V'b;W 23:1
jp'v'ylia/-ta,w> Why"d"[]-!b, Why"fe[]m;-ta,w> dbeA[-!b, Why"r>z:[]l;(w> !n"x'Ahy>-!B, la[em'v.yIl.W
`tyrI)B.b; AM[i yrIk.zI-!B,
rb hyrz[l atwwam ynbr ty rbdw [dywhy @qwta aty[ybv atvbw 23:1
tyw hyzw[ rb hyv[m tyw dbw[ rb hyrz[lw !nxwhy rb la[mvylw ~xry
`amwnyqb hym[ !wnly[aw yrkz rb jpvyla
23:1 Now in the seventh year Jehoiada strengthened himself, and took captains of hundreds: Azariah the son of Jeroham,
Ishmael the son of Johanan, Azariah the son of Obed, Maaseiah the son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat the son of Zichri, and
they entered into a covenant with him.

tAba'h' yvear"w> hd"Why> yrE['-lK'mi ~YIwIl.h;-ta, WcB.q.YIw: hd"WhyBi( WBsoY"w: 23:2

`~il'(v'Wry>-la, WaboY"w: lae_r"f.yIl.
yd athba yvyrw hdwhy ywrq lkm yawyl ty wvnkw hdwhyb wrzxaw 23:2
`~lvwryl wtaw larvyl
23:2 They went throughout Judah and gathered the Levites from all the cities of Judah, and the heads of the fathers'
households of Israel, and they came to Jerusalem.

hNEhi ~h,l' rm,aYOw: %l,M,_h;-~[i ~yhil{a/h' tybeB. tyrIB. lh'Q'h;-lK' trok.YIw: 23:3
`dywI)d" ynEB.-l[; hw"hy> rB<DI rv<a]K; %l{m.yI %l,M,h;-!b,
ah !whl rmaw aklm ~[ yyyd avdqm-tybb ~yyq alhq lk wrzgw 23:3
`dwdd yhwnb l[ yyy lylmd hmkyh $lmy aklmd hyrb
23:3 Then all the assembly made a covenant with the king in the house of God. And Jehoiada said to them, "Behold, the
king's son shall reign, as the LORD has spoken concerning the sons of David.

yrE[]vo)l. ~YIwIl.l;w> ~ynIh]Ko)l; tB'V;h; yaeB' ~K,mi tyviliV.h; Wf+[]T; rv<a] rb"D"h; hz< 23:4
aynhkl atbv trjm yll[ !wknm atlt !wdb[t yd amgtp !yd 23:4
`ayryjlp [rt ynl[ml yawyllw
23:4 "This is the thing which you shall do: one third of you, of the priests and Levites who come in on the sabbath, shall
be gatekeepers,

tyBe tArc.x;B. ~['h'-lk'w> dAs+y>h; r[;v;B. tyviliV.h;w> %l,M,h; tybeB. tyviliV.h;w> 23:5
!plwa tyb [rt awh hyyrbg [rtb atltw aklm tybb atltw 23:5
`yyyd avdqm-tyb trdb am[ lkw !yrdhns
23:5 and one third shall be at the king's house, and a third at the Gate of the Foundation; and all the people shall be in the
courts of the house of the LORD.

vd<qo-yKi Waboy" hM'he ~YIwIl.l; ~ytir>v'm.h;w> ~ynIh]Ko)h;-~ai yKi hw"hy>-tybe aAby"-la;w> 23:6
`hw")hy> tr<m,v.mi Wrm.v.yI ~['h'-lk'w> hM'he_
!wl[y !wna yawyl hyyvmvw aynhk !hla yyyd avdqm-tybl lw[y alw 23:6
`yyyd avdqm-tyb trjm !wrjny am[ lkw !wna avdwq ~wra
23:6 "But let no one enter the house of the LORD except the priests and the ministering Levites; they may enter, for they
are holy. And let all the people keep the charge of the LORD.

tm'_Wy tyIB:h;-la, aB'h;w> Ady"B. wyl'kew> vyai bybis' %l,M,h;-ta, ~YIwIl.h; WpyQihiw> 23:7
`At*aceb.W AaboB. %l,M,h;-ta, Wyh.wI)
lw[ydw hydyb hynyyzw rbg rwzx-rwzx aklm ty yawyl !wpqyw 23:7
`hyqpmbw hyl[ymb aklm ~[ !whyw ljqty yyyd avdqm-tybl
23:7 "The Levites will surround the king, each man with his weapons in his hand; and whoever enters the house, let him
be killed. Thus be with the king when he comes in and when he goes out."

vyai Wxq.YIw: !heKoh; [d"y"Ahy> hW"ci-rv,a] lkoK. hd"Why>-lk'w> ~YIwIl.h; Wf[]Y:w: 23:8
!hEKoh; [d"y"Ahy> rj:p' al{ yKi tB'_V;h; yaec.Ay ~[i tB'V;h; yaeB' wyv'n"a]-ta,
wrbdw anhk [dywhy dyqpd hm lkk yh hdwhy vna lkw yawyl wdb[w 23:8
yvra al ~wra atbv trjm yqpn ~[ atbv trjm yll[ yhwrbg ty vna
`htwwgwlp ty anhk [dywhy
23:8 So the Levites and all Judah did according to all that Jehoiada the priest commanded. And each one of them took
his men who were to come in on the sabbath, with those who were to go out on the sabbath, for Jehoiada the priest did not

dismiss any of the divisions.

~yjil'V.h;-ta,w> tANgIM'h;-ta,w> ~ytiynIx]h;(-ta, tAaMeh; yrEf'l. !heKoh; [d"y"Ahy> !TeYIw: 23:9

`~yhi(l{a/h' tyBe rv<a] dywI+D" %l,M,l; rv<a]
aylyg[ tyw aysyrt tyw ahynrwm ty atwwam ynbrl anhk [dywhy bhyw 23:9
`yyyd avdqm-tybb ydw dwd aklml yd
23:9 Then Jehoiada the priest gave to the captains of hundreds the spears and the large and small shields which had been
King David's, which were in the house of God.

@t,K,-d[; tynIm'y>h; tyIB:h; @t,Km, i Ady"b. vyaiw> ~['h'-lK'-ta, dme[]Y:w: 23:10
`bybi(s' %l,M,h;-l[; tyIB"+l;w> x;Bez>Mil; tyliam'F.h; tyIB;h;
d[ anymy !m atyb rby[ !m hydyb hynyyz rbgw am[ lk ty ~yqaw 23:10
`rwzx-rwzx aklm l[ avdqm-tyblw axbdml alamv !m atyb rby[
23:10 He stationed all the people, each man with his weapon in his hand, from the right side of the house to the left side
of the house, by the altar and by the house, around the king.

At=ao Wkylim.Y:w: tWd[eh'-ta,w> rz<NEh;-ta, wyl'[' WnT.YIw: %l,M,h;-!B,-ta, WayciAYw: 23:11

s `%l,M,(h; yxiy> Wrm.aYOw: wyn"b'W [d"y"Ahy> Whxuv'm.YIw:
dwd rbd yd atwklmd alylk ty ywl[ wbhyw aklmd arb ty wqypaw 23:11
vrpmw qyqx hwhd hbyyv abj !ba hbw !wm[ ynbd aklmd avyr l[m
hdyd !ymyj hwhw avdwq xwrb dwd !mt h[bqd aryqyw abr amv hl[
hwh ald aklm lkd dwd tybl ayh atwdhsw abhdd rnyjnq lqtm
dkw hty rbwsyd rvpya tylw hyvyr l[ albqtm twh al dwdd hy[rzm
hy[rzmd wnymyh alylk ty rbwsw vawhyd hyvyr l[ tlbqtad am[ !wmx
xlcy wrmaw yhwnbw [dywhy hyty waybrw hyty wkylma dy !mw awh dwdd
`hytwklmb aklm
23:11 Then they brought out the king's son and put the crown on him, and gave him the testimony and made him king.
And Jehoiada and his sons anointed him and said, "Long live the king!"

aAbT'w: %l,M,_h;-ta, ~ylil.h;(m.h;(w> ~ycir"h'( ~['h' lAq-ta, Why"l.t;[] [m;v.Tiw: 23:12

`hw")hy> tyBe ~['h'-la,
twl ttaw aklm ty !yxbvmw !ynnrmd am[ lq ty whylt[ t[mvw 23:12
`yyyd avdqm-tybl am[
23:12 When Athaliah heard the noise of the people running and praising the king, she came into the house of the LORD
to the people.

tArc.cox]h;w> ~yrIF'h;w> aAbM'B; AdWM[;-l[;( dmeA[ %l,M,h; hNEhiw> ar<Tew: 23:13

ryVih; ylek.Bi ~yrIr]Av*m.h;w> tArc.cox]B; [:qAe tw> x:mef' #r<a'h' ~[;-lk'w> %l,M,h;-l[;
s `rv,q") rv,q< rm,aTow: h'yd<g"B.-ta, Why"l.t;[] [r:q.Tiw: lLe_h;l. ~y[iydIAmW
~dq atrccxw aybrbrw anl[mb hynwwjsa l[ ~yaq aklm ahw tmxw 23:13
atxbvwt ynyzb !yxbvmw atrccxb !y[qtw !adx a[rad am[ lkw aklm
`adrm adrm trmaw ahvwbl ty hylt[ t[zbw axbvl !yplmw
23:13 She looked, and behold, the king was standing by his pillar at the entrance, and the captains and the trumpeters
were beside the king. And all the people of the land rejoiced and blew trumpets, the singers with their musical instruments
leading the praise. Then Athaliah tore her clothes and said, "Treason! Treason!"

~h,lea] rm,aYOw: lyIx;h; ydEWqP. tAaMeh; yrEf'-ta, !heKoh; [d"y"Ahy> aceAYw: 23:14
al{ !heKoh; rm:a' yKi br<x'_B, tm;Wy h'yr<x]a; aB'h;w> tArdEF.h; tyBemi-la, h'WayciAh)
`hw")hy> tyBe h'Wtymit.

!whl rmaw alyx l[ !nmm yd atwwam ynbr ty anhk [dywhy qypaw 23:14
rma ~wra abrxb lyjqty ahrtb lw[yydw aynl[m yrds !m wygl ahwqpa
`yyyd avdqm-tyb ty byast ald akh hnwljqt al anhk
23:14 Jehoiada the priest brought out the captains of hundreds who were appointed over the army and said to them,
"Bring her out between the ranks; and whoever follows her, put to death with the sword." For the priest said, "Let her not
be put to death in the house of the LORD."

`~v'( h'Wtymiy>w: %l,M,_h; tyBe ~ysiWSh;-r[;v;( aAbm.-la, aAbT'w: ~yId:y" Hl' WmyfiY"w:


tybl atwwsws [rtd anl[m xrwab tl[w xwwrm rta hl waywvw 23:15
`!mt ahwljqw aklm
23:15 So they seized her, and when she arrived at the entrance of the Horse Gate of the king's house, they put her to
death there.

`hw")hyl; ~['l. %l,M,_h; !ybeW ~['h'-lK' !ybeW AnyBe tyrIB. [d"y"Ahy> trok.YIw: 23:16
ywhml aklmd armym !ybw am[ lk !ybw hyrmym !yb ~yyq [dywhy rzgw 23:16
`yyy ~dq vmvm ~[l
23:16 Then Jehoiada made a covenant between himself and all the people and the king, that they would be the LORD'S

taew> WrBE+vi wym'l'c.-ta,w> wyt'xoB.z>mi-ta,w> WhcuT.YIw:) l[;Bh; ;-tyBe ~['h'-lk' WaboY"w: 23:17
`tAx)B.z>Mih;( Wgr>h' l[;B;h; !hEKo !T'm;
wrbt yhwmlc tyw yhwrwga tyw hyty w[rtw al[b tybl am[ lk wtaw 23:17
`ayyrwga ~dq wljq al[bd armwk !tm tyw
23:17 And all the people went to the house of Baal and tore it down, and they broke in pieces his altars and his images,
and killed Mattan the priest of Baal before the altars.

dywID" ql;x' rv<a] ~YIwIl.h; ~ynIh]Koh; dy:B. hw"hy> tyBe tDoquP. [d"y"Ahy> ~f,Y"w: 23:18
l[; ryvi_b.W hx'm.fiB. hv,mo tr:AtB. bWtK'K; hw"hy> tAl[o tAl[]h;l.( hw"hy> tyBe-l[;
`dywI)d" ydEy>
dwd gylp yd yawyl aynhk dyb yyyd avdqm-tybb !nmm [dywhy ynmw 23:18
hvmd atyrwab bytkd hmkyh yyy ~dq !wwl[ aqsal yyyd avdqm-tyb l[
`dwdd ady l[ axbvwtbw awwdxb
23:18 Moreover, Jehoiada placed the offices of the house of the LORD under the authority of the Levitical priests, whom
David had assigned over the house of the LORD, to offer the burnt offerings of the LORD, as it is written in the law of
Moses-- with rejoicing and singing according to the order of David.

`rb")D"-lk'l. amej' aboy"-al{)w> hw"+hy> tyBe yrE[]v;-l[;( ~yrI[]AVh; dme[]Y:w:)

`~[dm lkl basm lw[y ald yyyd avdqm-tyb y[rt l[ ay[rt ~yqaw


23:19 He stationed the gatekeepers of the house of the LORD, so that no one would enter who was in any way unclean.

~[;-lK' taew> ~['B' ~yliv.AM)h;-ta,w> ~yrIyDIa;h'(-ta,w> tAaMeh; yrEf'-ta, xQ:YIw: 23:20

%l,M,_h; tyBe !Ayl.[,h'( r[;v;-%At)B. WaboY"w: hw"hy> tyBemi %l,M,h;-ta, dr<AYw: #r<a'h'
`hk'(l'm.M;h; aSeKi l[; %l,M,h;-ta, WbyviAYw:
am[ lk tyw am[b ayjylv tyw ayrbg tyw atwwam ynbr ty rbdw 23:20
tybl hal[ a[rt [cmb wtaw yyyd avdqm-tybm aklm ty tyxaw a[rad
`atwklm ysrwk l[ aklm ty wbytwaw aklm
23:20 He took the captains of hundreds, the nobles, the rulers of the people and all the people of the land, and brought
the king down from the house of the LORD, and came through the upper gate to the king's house. And they placed the
king upon the royal throne.

s `br<x'(b, Wtymihe Why"l.t;[]-ta,w> hj'q"+v' ry[ih'w> #r<a'h'-~[;-lk' Wxm.f.YIw:

`abrxb wljq whylt[ tyw tkwdv atrqw a[rad am[ lk wdxw


23:21 So all of the people of the land rejoiced and the city was quiet. For they had put Athaliah to death with the sword.

hy" AMai ~vew> ~il'_v'WryBi( %l:m' hn"v' ~y[iB'r>a;w> Akl.m'B. va'yO ~ynIv' [b;v,-!B, 24:1
`[b;v'( raEB.mi
hyma ~wvw ~lvwryb $lm !ynv !y[braw $lm dk vawy !ynv [bv rb 24:1
`[bv-rabm hybc
24:1 Joash was seven years old when he became king, and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem; and his mother's name
was Zibiah from Beersheba.

`!hE)Koh; [d"y"Ahy> ymey>-lK' hw"+hy> ynEy[eB. rv"Y"h; va'Ay f[;Y:w:

`anhk [dywhyd aymwy lk yyy ~dq rvkd vawy db[w


24:2 Joash did what was right in the sight of the LORD all the days of Jehoiada the priest.

`tAn*b'W ~ynIB' dl,AYw: ~yIT"+v. ~yvin" [d"y"Ahy> Al-aF'YIw:

`!nbw !ynb dylwaw !ytrt !yvn [dywhy hyl bysnw


24:3 Jehoiada took two wives for him, and he became the father of sons and daughters.

`hw")hy> tyBe-ta, vDEx;l. va'Ay ble-~[i hy"h' !kE+yrEx]a; yhiy>w:

`yyyd avdqm-tyb ty atdxl vawyd hybl ~[ hwh !ydk rtb-!m hwhw


24:4 Now it came about after this that Joash decided to restore the house of the LORD.

W cb.qiw> hd"Why> yrE['l. Wac. ~h,l' rm,aYOw: ~YIwIl.h;w> ~ynIh]Koh;-ta, #Boq.YIw: 24:5
Wrh]m;T. ~T,a;w> hn"v'B. hn"v' yDEmi ~k,yhel{)a/ tyBe-ta, qZEx;l. @s,K, laer"f.yI-lK'mi
`~YI)wIl.h;( Wrh]mi( al{w> rb"+D"l;
lk !m wvwnkw hdwhy ywrql wqwp !whl rmaw yawylw aynhk ty vnkw 24:5
!wtaw anvb anv tsm !wkhla yyyd avdqm-tyb ty apqtl apsk larvy
`yawyl wbyhrs alw allml !wbhrst
24:5 He gathered the priests and Levites and said to them, "Go out to the cities of Judah and collect money from all
Israel to repair the house of your God annually, and you shall do the matter quickly." But the Levites did not act quickly.

~YIwIl.h;-l[; T'v.r:d"-al{) [:WDm; Al rm,aYOw: varoh' [d"y"Ahyli( %l,M,h; ar"q.YIw: 24:6

lae_r"f.yIl. lh'Q'h;w> hw"hy>-db,[,( hv,mo ta;f.m;-ta, ~ilv; 'Wrymi(W hd"Whymi( aybihl' .
`tWd)[eh' lh,aol.
!yd hm hyl rmaw avyr l[ anmmd alkrma [dywhyl aklm arqw 24:6
hvmd anmz !kvm ty ~lvwrymw hdwhym hatyal yawyl l[ at[bt al
`atwdhsd ankvm ~[ larvyd alhqw yyyd adb[
24:6 So the king summoned Jehoiada the chief priest and said to him, "Why have you not required the Levites to bring in
from Judah and from Jerusalem the levy fixed by Moses the servant of the LORD on the congregation of Israel for the tent
of the testimony?"

yved>q'-lK' ~g:w> ~yhi_l{a/h' tyBe-ta, Wcr>p' h'yn<B' t[;v;r>Mih; Why"l.t;[] yKi 24:7
`~yli(['B.l; Wf[' hw"hy>-tybe
yvdwq lk @waw yyyd avdqm-tyb ty w[rt ahnbw atbyyx hylt[ ~wra 24:7
`atww[jl wdb[ yyyd avdqm-tyb
24:7 For the sons of the wicked Athaliah had broken into the house of God and even used the holy things of the house of
the LORD for the Baals.

`hc'Wx) hw"hy>-tyBe r[;v;B. WhnUT.YIw:) dx'_a, !Ara] Wf[]Y:w:) %l,M,h; rm,aYOw:


`rbl !m yyyd avdqm-tyb [rtb yhwywyvw dx anwra wdb[w aklm rmaw


24:8 So the king commanded, and they made a chest and set it outside by the gate of the house of the LORD.

~yhil{a/h'-db,[,( hv,mo ta;f.m; hw"hyl;( aybih'l. ~il;v'Wrybi(W hd"WhyBi( lAq-WnT.YIw: 24:9

`rB")d>MiB; laer"f.yI-l[;
hvmd anmz !kvm yyy ~dq hatyal ~lvwrybw hdwhyb zwrk wrb[aw 24:9
`arbdmb larvy ynb l[ arpkl db[d yyyd adb[
24:9 They made a proclamation in Judah and Jerusalem to bring to the LORD the levy fixed by Moses the servant of God
on Israel in the wilderness.

`hLe(k;l.-d[; !Ara'l' Wkyliv.Y:w: WaybiY"w: ~['_h'-lk'w> ~yrIF'h;-lk' Wxm.f.YIw:

`@ws tyl d[ anwrab wmrw atbdn waytyyaw am[ lkw aybrbr lk wdxw


24:10 All the officers and all the people rejoiced and brought in their levies and dropped them into the chest until they
had finished.

~t'Aar>kiw> ~YIwIl.h; dy:B. %l,M,h; tD:quP.-la, !Ara'h'-ta, aybiy" t[eB. yhiy>w: 24:11
WhauF'yIw> !Ara'h'-ta, Wr['ywI varoh' !hEKo dyqip.W %l,Mh, ; rpEA s ab'W @s,K,h; br:-yKi
`bro)l' @s,k,-Wps.a;Y:)w: ~AyB. ~Ayl. Wf[' hKo Am+qom.-la, WhbuyviywI)
!wmx dkw yawyld adyb aklm ywnml anwra ty waytyad !d[b hwhw 24:11
avyrl anmmd anhk !gsw aklmd arlbl ata anwrab apsk ags ~wra
amwyb amwy wdb[ !ydkh hyrtal hyty wbytaw yhwljnw anwra ty wnyqwrw
`ygwsl apsk wvnkw
24:11 It came about whenever the chest was brought in to the king's officer by the Levites, and when they saw that there
was much money, then the king's scribe and the chief priest's officer would come, empty the chest, take it, and return it to
its place. Thus they did daily and collected much money. Wyh.YI)w: hw"hy>-tyBe td:Ab[] tk,al,m. hfeA[-la, [d"y"AhywI) %l,Mh, ; WhnET.YIw: 24:12
tyBe-ta, qZEx;l. tv,xon>W lz<r>b; yver"x'l. ~g:w> hw"+hy> tyBe vDEx;l. ~yvir"x'w> ~ybic.xo
!wwhw yyyd avdqm-tyb !xlwp tdyb[ ydb[l [dywhyw aklm hyty bhyw 24:12
avxnw alzrp yrgnl @waw yyyd avdqm-tyb ty atdxl !yrgnw !ylspm !yrga
`yyyd avdqm-tyb ty apqtl
24:12 The king and Jehoiada gave it to those who did the work of the service of the house of the LORD; and they hired
masons and carpenters to restore the house of the LORD, and also workers in iron and bronze to repair the house of the

tyBe-ta, Wdymi[]Y:w:) ~d"_y"B. hk'al'M.l; hk'Wra] l[;T;w: hk'al'M.h; yfe[o Wf[]Y:w:) 24:13
`Whcu(M.a;y>w:) ATn>Kut.m;-l[; ~yhil{a/h'(
ty wmyqaw !whydyb atdyb[l akra tqylsw atdyb[ ydb[ wdb[w 24:13
`yhwpqtw hynwqt l[ yyyd avdqm-tyb
24:13 So the workmen labored, and the repair work progressed in their hands, and they restored the house of God
according to its specifications and strengthened it.

~ylike Whfe[]Y:w: @s,K,h; ra"v.-ta, [d"y"AhywI) %l,Mh, ; Waybihe ~t'ALk;k.W* 24:14
tAl[o ~yli[]m; Wyh.YI)w: @s,k'_w" bh'z" ylek.W tAPk;w> tAl[]h;w> trEv' yleK. hw"hy>-tybel.
p `[d"(y"Ahy> ymey> lKo dymiT' hw"hy>-tybeB.
aynm wdb[w apsk rav ty [dywhyw aklm ~dq waytya waycyv dkw 24:14
wwhw apskw abhd ynamw aykyzbw aysygmw avwmv ynam yyyd avdqm-tybl
`[dywhy ymwy lk arydt yyyd avdqm-tybb atwwl[ !yqsm
24:14 When they had finished, they brought the rest of the money before the king and Jehoiada; and it was made into

utensils for the house of the LORD, utensils for the service and the burnt offering, and pans and utensils of gold and silver.
And they offered burnt offerings in the house of the LORD continually all the days of Jehoiada.

`At*AmB. hn"v' ~yvil{v.W ha'me-!B, tmo+Y"w: ~ymiy" [B;f.YIw: [d"y"Ahy> !q:z>YIw:

`tym dk hwh !ynv !ytltw ham rb tymw !ymwy [bvw [dywhy bysw


24:15 Now when Jehoiada reached a ripe old age he died; he was one hundred and thirty years old at his death.

~yhil{a/h' ~[iw> laer"f.yIB. hb'Aj hf'['-yKi( ~yki_l'M.h;-~[i dywID"-ry[ib. WhrUB.q.YIw: 24:16

s `At)ybeW
~[w larvyb atwwcm db[ ~wra ayklm ~[ dwdd atrqb hyty wrbqw 24:16
`hyvdqm-tybw yyyd armym
24:16 They buried him in the city of David among the kings, because he had done well in Israel and to God and His

%l,M,h; [m;v' za' %l,M,_l; Wwx]T;v.YI)w: hd"Why> yrEf' WaB' [d"y"Ahy> tAm yrEx]a;(w> 24:17
yhwy[jaw vawy aklml wdygsw hdwhy ybrbr wta [dywhy tymd rtbw 24:17
`!whtw[j !whnm aklm lybq !ykb
24:17 But after the death of Jehoiada the officials of Judah came and bowed down to the king, and the king listened to

~yBi_c;[]h'(-ta,w> ~yrIvea]h'-ta, Wdb.[;Y:)w: ~h,yteAba] yhel{a/ hw"hy> tyBe-ta, Wbz>[;Y:)w: 24:18

`tazO* ~t'm'v.a;B. ~il;v'WrywI hd"Why>-l[; @c,q,-yhiy>w:)
tyw atryva ty wxlpw !whthbad ahla yyyd avdqm-tyb ty wqbvw 24:18
`ad !whtwnxrws lwjm ~lvwryw hdwhy vna l[ zgr hwhw atw[j
24:18 They abandoned the house of the LORD, the God of their fathers, and served the Asherim and the idols; so wrath
came upon Judah and Jerusalem for this their guilt.

s `WnyzI)a/h, al{w> ~b' Wdy[iY"w: hw"+hy>-la, ~b'yvih]l; ~yaibin> ~h,B' xl;v.YIw:

`wtyca alw !whb wdyhsaw yyyd anxlwpl !whtwbtal ayybn !whb rdvw


24:19 Yet He sent prophets to them to bring them back to the LORD; though they testified against them, they would not

~['_l' l[;me dmo[]Y:w:) !heKoh; [d"y"Ahy>-!B, hy"r>k;z>-ta, hv'b.l'( ~yhil{a/ x:Wrw> 24:20
al{w> hw"hy> twOc.mi-ta, ~yrIb.[o ~T,a; hm'l' ~yhil{a/h' rm:a' hKo ~h,l' rm,aYOw:
`~k,(t.a, bzO[]Y:)w: hw"hy>-ta, ~T,b.z:[]-yKi( Wxylic.t;
ty amx dk anhk [dywhy rb hyrkz l[ trv yyy ~dq-!m hawbn xwrw 24:20
axbdm l[ yyyd avdqm-tybb alspl trjq !yqsmd am[w aklm twnxrws
amwy !brqw atsknw atwwl[ db[mlm yyyd aynhk !yljbmw ayrwpkd amwyb
!whl rmaw am[l l[m ~qw hvmd atyrwa rpsb bytkd hmk yh hyypswmw
!wtqbv ~wra !wxlct alw yyyd aydwqp ty !yrb[ !wta aml yyy rma !ndk
`!wkty qwbvyw yyyd anxlwp ty
24:20 Then the Spirit of God came on Zechariah the son of Jehoiada the priest; and he stood above the people and said to
them, "Thus God has said, 'Why do you transgress the commandments of the LORD and do not prosper? Because you
have forsaken the LORD, He has also forsaken you.'"

`hw")hy> tyBe rc:x]B; %l,M,_h; tw:c.miB. !b,a, WhmuG>r>YIw: wyl'[' Wrv.q.YIw: 24:21
trdb aklmd atdyqptk yh !ynbab hyty wljaw yhwl[ wdrmw 24:21
`yyyd avdqm-tyb
24:21 So they conspired against him and at the command of the king they stoned him to death in the court of the house
of the LORD.

An=B.-ta, groh]Y:w:) AM[i wybia' [d"y"Ahy> hf'[' rv,a] ds,x,h; %l,Mh, ; va'Ay rk;z"-al{w> 24:22
p `vro)d>yIw> hw"hy> ar,yE rm;a' AtAmk.W
ty ljqw hym[ ywba [dywhy db[ yd adsx ty aklm vawy rkd alw 24:22
`[btyw [rptyw yyy ~dq ylgty rma tmml ajm dkw hyrb
24:22 Thus Joash the king did not remember the kindness which his father Jehoiada had shown him, but he murdered his
son. And as he died he said, "May the LORD see and avenge!"

~il;v'WrywI hd"Why>-la, WaboY"w: ~r"a] lyxe wyl'[' hl'[' hn"V'h; tp; yhiy>w: 24:23
`qf,m'(r>D: %l,m,l. ~l'l'v.-lk'w> ~['_me ~['h' yrEf'-lK'-ta, Wtyxiv.Y:w:
hdwhyl wtaw yamra twwlyx yhwl[ wqyls atvd apwsl hwhw 24:23
aklml wrdv !whyad[ lkw am[ !m am[ ynbr lk ty wljqw ~lvwrylw
24:23 Now it happened at the turn of the year that the army of the Arameans came up against him; and they came to
Judah and Jerusalem, destroyed all the officials of the people from among the people, and sent all their spoil to the king of

yKi daom. brol' lyIx; ~d"y"B. !t;n" hw"hyw:) ~r"a] lyxe WaB' ~yvina" ] r[;cm. ib. yKi 24:24
`~yji(p'v. Wf[' va'Ay-ta,w> ~h,_yteAba] yhel{a/ hw"hy>-ta, Wbz>[")
ygwsl alyx !whydyb rsm yyyw yamra twwlyx wta !yrbwg rxbcb ~wra 24:24
`!ynyd wdb[ v[wy ~[w !whthbad ahla yyyd atlxd ty wqbv ~wra adxl
24:24 Indeed the army of the Arameans came with a small number of men; yet the LORD delivered a very great army
into their hands, because they had forsaken the LORD, the God of their fathers. Thus they executed judgment on Joash.

wyl'[' WrV.q;t.hi ~yBir: ~yIWlx]m;B. ~yYIlix]m;B. Atao Wbz>['-yKi( WNM,mi ~T'k.l,b.W 24:25
dywID" ry[iB. WhrUB.q.YIw:) tmo+Y"w: AtJ'mi-l[; WhgUr>h;Y:)w: !heKoh; [d"y"Ahy> ynEB. ymed>Bi wyd"b'[]
s `~yki(l'M.h; tArb.qiB. WhrUb'q. al{w>
wdrm !y[ygs !yvyb !y[rmb hyty wqbv ~wra hytwl !m !whylzmbw 24:25
l[ yhwljqw anhk [dywhy ynb ymd a[rptal llgb-!m yhwdb[ yhwl[
`ayklm yrbqb yhwrbq alw dwdd atrqb yhwrbqw tymw hyvr[
24:25 When they had departed from him (for they left him very sick), his own servants conspired against him because of
the blood of the son of Jehoiada the priest, and murdered him on his bed. So he died, and they buried him in the city of
David, but they did not bury him in the tombs of the kings.!B, db'z"AhywI tynIAM[;h'( t['!B, db'z" wyl'_[' ~yrIV.q;t.Mih; hL,aew> 24:26

tyrmv rb dbzwhyw atynwm[ t[mv rb dbz yhwl[ wdrmd !ylaw 24:26
24:26 Now these are those who conspired against him: Zabad the son of Shimeath the Ammonitess, and Jehozabad the
son of Shimrith the Moabitess.

~ybiWtK. ~N"hi ~yhil{a/h' tyBe dAsywI wyl'[' aF'M;h; br,yI brow> wyn"b'W 24:27
p `wyT'(x.T; Anb. Why"c.m;a] %l{m.YIw: ~yki_l'M.h; rp,se vr:d>mi-l[;
avdqm-tyb dsyym hwh dk hdwhy tybd l[ !ysm !yqsm wmr ywnbw 24:27
!wnahw !whwba ybwx lwjm abrqb wljqtaw aynhkw aklm rmymm yyyd
`yhwrtab hyrb hycma $ylmw ayklm rps !gvrp l[ !ybytk
24:27 As to his sons and the many oracles against him and the rebuilding of the house of God, behold, they are written in
the treatise of the Book of the Kings. Then Amaziah his son became king in his place.

~il'_v'WryBi %l:m' hn"v' [v;tew" ~yrIf.[,w> Why"c.m;a] %l:m' hn"v' vmex'w> ~yrIf.[,-!B,


`~yIl")v'Wrymi !D"[;Ahy> AMai ~vew>

~lvwryb $lm !ynv [vtw !yrv[w hycma $lm !ynv vmxw !yrv[ rb 25:1
`~lvwrym !d[why hyma ~wvw
25:1 Amaziah was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem. And his
mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem.

`~le(v' bb'leB. al{ qr: hw"+hy> ynEy[eB. rv"Y"h; f[;Y:w:

`~ylv bblb al dwxl yyy ~dq rvkd db[w


25:2 He did right in the sight of the LORD, yet not with a whole heart.

%l,M,h;-ta, ~yKiM;h; wyd"b'[]-ta, groh]Y:w:) wyl'_[' hk'l'm.M;h; hq"z>x' rv<a]K; yhiy>w: 25:3
aklm ty wljq yd yhwdb[ ty ljqw yhwl[ atwklm tpyqt dk hwhw 25:3
25:3 Now it came about as soon as the kingdom was firmly in his grasp, that he killed his servants who had slain his
father the king.

hw"hy> hW"ci-rv,a] hv,mo rp,seB. hr"ATB; bWtK'k; yKi tymi_he al{ ~h,ynEB.-ta,w> 25:4
Aaj.x,B. vyai yKi tAba'-l[; WtWmy"-al{ ~ynIb'W ~ynIB'-l[; tAba' WtWmy"-al{ rmoale
p `WtWm)y"
yyy dyqpd hvmd arpsb atyrwab bytkd llgb-!m ljq al !whynb tyw 25:4
!hba ybwx lwjm !wtwmy al !ynbw !ynb ybwx lwjm !hba !wtwmy al rmyml
`!wtwmy hybwx lwjm vna
25:4 However, he did not put their children to death, but did as it is written in the law in the book of Moses, which the
LORD commanded, saying, "Fathers shall not be put to death for sons, nor sons be put to death for fathers, but each shall
be put to death for his own sin."

yrEf'l.W ~ypil'a]h' yrEf'l. tAba'-tybel. ~dEymi[]Y:)w: hd"Why>-ta, Why"c.m;a] #Boq.YIw: 25:5

~aec'm.YIw: hl'[.m;w" hn"v' ~yrIf.[, !B,mil. ~dEq.p.YIw:) !mI+y"n>biW hd"Why>-lk'l. tAaMeh;
`hN")ciw> xm;ro zxeao ab'c' aceAy rWxB' @l,a, tAame-vl{v.
!ypla ynbrl athba-tybl !wnmyqaw hdwhy vna ty hycma vnkw 25:5
aly[lw !ynv !yrv[ rbml !wnnmw !mynbw hdwhy vna lkl atwam ynbrlw
`alyg[w atynrwm dyxaw alyx qypn ~ylw[ !ypla ham tlt !wnxkvaw
25:5 Moreover, Amaziah assembled Judah and appointed them according to their fathers' households under commanders
of thousands and commanders of hundreds throughout Judah and Benjamin; and he took a census of those from twenty
years old and upward and found them to be 300,000 choice men, able to go to war and handle spear and shield.

`@s,K'(-rK;ki ha'meB. lyIx" rABGI @l,a, ha'me laer"f.YImi rKof.YIw:

`@skd !yryjnq hamb alyx yrbg !ypla ham larvym rgaw


25:6 He hired also 100,000 valiant warriors out of Israel for one hundred talents of silver.

!yae yKi lae_r"f.yI ab'c. ^M.[i aboy"-la; %l,M,h; rmoale wyl'ae aB' ~yhil{a/h' vyaiw> 25:7
`~yIr")p.a, ynEB. lKo laer"f.yI-~[i hw"hy>
larvyd alyx $m[ ytyy al aklm rmyml hytwl ata yyyd aybnw 25:7
`~yrpa tybd ajbv twklm lk larvyd !whd[sb yyyd armym tyl ~wra
25:7 But a man of God came to him saying, "O king, do not let the army of Israel go with you, for the LORD is not with
Israel nor with any of the sons of Ephraim.

yKi byEAa ~yhil{a/h'( ^l.yvi(k.y: hm'_x'l.Mil; qz:x] hfe[] hT'a; aBo-~ai yKi 25:8
`lyvi(k.h;l.W rAz[.l; ~yhil{aBe x:K-o vy<

~dq yyy $nlqty ~yrpa tybd ajbv ~[ ta lyl[ !ya ~wra 25:8
`alqtlw d[sml yyyd adyb alyx tya ~wra abbd-yl[b
25:8 "But if you do go, do it, be strong for the battle; yet God will bring you down before the enemy, for God has power
to help and to bring down."

yTit;n" rv<a] rK'Kih; ta; tAf[]L;-hm;(W ~yhil{a/h' vyail. Why"c.m;a] rm,aYOw: 25:9
`hZ<)mi hBer>h; ^l. tt,l' hw"hyl;( vyE ~yhil{a/h'( vyai rm,aYOw: lae_r"f.yI dWdg>li
yd @skd !yryjnq haml db[ml tya hmw yyyd aybnl hycma rmaw 25:9
$l !tml yyy ~dq alyx tya yyyd aybn rmaw larvy tyrvml rga tybhy
`!yd !m ygs
25:9 Amaziah said to the man of God, "But what shall we do for the hundred talents which I have given to the troops of
Israel?" And the man of God answered, "The LORD has much more to give you than this."

rx;YIw: ~m' tk,l,l' ~yIr:p.a,me( wyl'ae aB'-rv,a] dWdG>h;l. Why"c.m;a] ~leyDIb.Y:w: 25:10
p `@a")-yrIxB' ~m' WbWvY"w: hd"WhyBi( daom. ~P'a;
lzyml !wnwayvraw ~yrpam hytwl wtad atyrvml whycma !wnvrpaw 25:10
`zgr @wqtb !whyrtal wbtw hdwhy tybdb adxl !whzgwr @yqtw !whyrtal
25:10 Then Amaziah dismissed them, the troops which came to him from Ephraim, to go home; so their anger burned
against Judah and they returned home in fierce anger.

ry[ife-ynEB.-ta, %Y:w: xl;M,_h; ayGE %l,YEw: AM[;-ta, gh;n>YIw: qZ:x;t.hi Why"c.m;a]w: 25:11
`~ypi(l'a] tr<f,[]
ry[v ynb ty axmw axlm tlyxl lzaw hym[ ty rbdw @qta whycmaw 25:11
`!ypla ytrv[
25:11 Now Amaziah strengthened himself and led his people forth, and went to the Valley of Salt and struck down
10,000 of the sons of Seir.

~Wkyliv.Y:w: [l;S'_h; varol. ~Waybiy>w: hd"Why> ynEB. Wbv' ~yYIx; ~ypil'a] tr<f,[]w: 25:12
s `W[q")b.nI ~L'kuw> [l;S,h;-varome(
!wnwqljw arnj vyrl !wnwaytyaw hdwhy ynb wbv !yyx dk !ypla ytrv[w 25:12
`w[zbta !whlkw arnj vyrm
25:12 The sons of Judah also captured 10,000 alive and brought them to the top of the cliff and threw them down from
the top of the cliff, so that they were all dashed to pieces.

yrE['B. Wjv.p.YIw:) hm'x'l.Mil; AM[i tk,L,mi Why"c.m;a] byvihe rv,a] dWdG>h; ynEb.W 25:13
s `hB'(r: hZ"Bi WZboY"w: ~ypil'a] tv,l{v. ~h,me WKY:w: !Ar+Ax tyBe-d[;w> !Arm.Vomi hd"Why>
ywrqb wdygntaw abrql hym[ lzymlm hycma byta yd ayryvm ynbw 25:13
`atbr atzb wzbw !ypla atlt !whnm wljqw !wrwx-tyb d[w !wrmvm hdwhy
25:13 But the troops whom Amaziah sent back from going with him to battle, raided the cities of Judah, from Samaria to
Beth-horon, and struck down 3,000 of them and plundered much spoil.

ry[ife ynEB. yhel{a/-ta, abeY"w: ~ymiAda]-ta, tAKh;me( Why"c.m;a] aAb yrEx]a; yhiy>w: 25:14
`rJE)q;y> ~h,l'w> hw<x]T;v.yI) ~h,ynEp.liw> ~yhi_l{ale Al ~dEymi[]Y:)w:
ynb tw[j ty waytyaw yamwda ty ljqml !m whycma atad rtb hwhw 25:14
`!ymswb qysy !whymdqw dwgsy !whymdqw !lxdl hyl !wnmyqaw lbg
25:14 Now after Amaziah came from slaughtering the Edomites, he brought the gods of the sons of Seir, set them up as
his gods, bowed down before them and burned incense to them.

T'v.r:d" hM'l' Al rm,aYOw: aybin" wyl'ae xl;v.YIw: Why"+c.m;a]B; hw"hy> @a:-rx;YI)w: 25:15
`^d<)Y"mi ~M'[;-ta, WlyCihi-al{ rv<a] ~['h' yhel{a/-ta,

at[bt aml hyl rmaw aybn hytwl rdvw whycmab yyyd azgwr @yqtw 25:15
`$dy !m !whm[ ty wbyzyv al yd am[ tw[j ty
25:15 Then the anger of the LORD burned against Amaziah, and He sent him a prophet who said to him, "Why have you
sought the gods of the people who have not delivered their own people from your hand?"

^WK+y: hM'l' ^l.-ld:x] ^WNt;n> %l,M,l; #[eAyl.h; Al rm,aYOw: wyl'ae ArB.d:B. yhiy>w: 25:16
al{w> taZO t'yfi['-yKi( ^t,yxiv.h;l. ~yhil{a/ #[;y"-yKi( yTi[.dy: " rm,aYOw: aybiN"h; lD:x.Y<w:
p `yti(c'[]l; T'[.m;v'
$ty waynm aklml $lmml rvpya hyl rmaw hym[ hytwllmb hwhw 25:16
yyy $ylm ~wra ty[dy rmaw habntalm aybn qspw $nwljqy aml $l qwsp
`ytklml atlybq alw ad atdb[d lwjm $twlbxl
25:16 As he was talking with him, the king said to him, "Have we appointed you a royal counselor? Stop! Why should
you be struck down?" Then the prophet stopped and said, "I know that God has planned to destroy you, because you have
done this and have not listened to my counsel."

%l,m, aWhyE-!B, zx'a'Ahy>-!B, va'Ay-la, xl;v.YIw: hd"Why> %l,m, Why"c.m;a] #[;W"YIw: 25:17
`~ynI)p' ha,r"t.nI hk'l. ^l. rmo=ale laer"f.yI
zxawhy rb vawy twl rdvw hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm hycma $ylmtaw 25:17
`abrqb !ypab !ypa ymxtnw atya rmyml larvyd aklm awhy rb
25:17 Then Amaziah king of Judah took counsel and sent to Joash the son of Jehoahaz the son of Jehu, the king of Israel,
saying, "Come, let us face each other."

rv<a] x:Axh; rmoale hd"Why>-%l,m,( Why"c.m;a]-la, laer"f.yI-%l,m,( va'Ay xl;v.YIw: 25:18

hV'_ail. ^T.Bi-ta,-hn")T. rmoale !Anb'L.B; rv<a] zr<a,h'-la, xl;v' !Anb'L.B;
`x;Ax)h;-ta, smor>Tiw: !Anb'LB. ; rv<a] hd<F'h; tY:x; rbo[T] ;w):
rmyml hdwhy tybd aklm hycma twl larvyd aklm vawy rdvw 25:18
yrbl $trb ty bh rmyml !nblb yd azra twl rdv !nblb yd awwls
!d[b atdb[ !ydkh awwls ty tvyvwdw !nblb yd arb twyx td[w wtnal
hamb alyx yrbg !ypla ham larvy tybdm atrgaw ytwl atrdvd
!wntrdvw abrqb $m[ lzyml !m !wntrjp !ydk rtb-!mw @skd !yryjnq
wzbw !ypla atlt !whnm wljqw $twklm [rab wdygntaw !whzgwr @wqtb
`atbr atzb
25:18 Joash the king of Israel sent to Amaziah king of Judah, saying, "The thorn bush which was in Lebanon sent to the
cedar which was in Lebanon, saying, 'Give your daughter to my son in marriage.' But there passed by a wild beast that
was in Lebanon and trampled the thorn bush.

^t,ybeB. hb'v. hT'[; dyBi_k.h;l. ^ ^a]f'n>W ~Ada/-ta, t'yKihi hNEhi T'r>ma; ' 25:19
`%M")[i hd"WhywI hT'a; T'l.p;n"w> h['r"B. hr<G"t.ti hM'l'
arqytal $bl $l[ ~rrtaw yamwda ty tylyjq ah $rmymb trma 25:19
`$m[ hdwhy vnaw tna lwptw atvybb yrgtm ta aml $tybb byt !wdk
25:19 "You said, 'Behold, you have defeated Edom.' And your heart has become proud in boasting. Now stay at home;
for why should you provoke trouble so that you, even you, would fall and Judah with you?"

tae Wvr>d") yKi dy"+B. ~T'Ti ![;m;l. ayhi ~yhil{a/h'(me yKi Why"c.m;a] [m;v'-al{w> 25:20
`~Ad)a/ yhel{a/
hydyb !whrsmml llgb-!m awh yyy ~dq-!m ~wra hycma lybq alw 25:20
`~wdad !lxd !xlwp ty w[bt ~wra
25:20 But Amaziah would not listen, for it was from God, that He might deliver them into the hand of Joash because
they had sought the gods of Edom.

hd"_Why>-%l,m,( Why"c.m;a]w: aWh ~ynIp' War"t.YIw: laer"f.yI-%l,m,( va'Ay l[;Y:w: 25:21

`hd"(Whyli rv<a] vm,v, tybeB.
awh abrqb !ypab !ypa waymxtaw larvy tybd aklm vawy qylsw 25:21
`hdwhy jbyvl yd vmv-tybb hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm hycmaw
25:21 So Joash king of Israel went up, and he and Amaziah king of Judah faced each other at Beth-shemesh, which
belonged to Judah.

`wyl'(h'aol. vyai WsnUY"w: lae_r"f.yI hd"Why> @g<N"YIw:

`yhwwrql rbg wkpaw larvy vna ~dq hdwhy vna wrbtaw


25:22 Judah was defeated by Israel, and they fled each to his tent.

laer"f.yI-%l,m,( va'Ay fp;T' zx'a'Ahy>-!B, va'Ay-!B, hd"Why>-%l,m,( Why"cm. ;a] taew> 25:23
r[;v;-d[; ~yIr:p.a, r[;V;mi ~il;v'Wry> tm;AxB. #rop.YIw: ~il;v'Wry> Whaeybiy>w: vm,v'_ tybeB.
`hM'(a; tAame [B;r>a; hn<APh;
vawy dxa zxawhy rb vawy rb hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm hycma tyw 25:23
~lvwryd arwvb [rtw ~lvwryl hyytaw vmv-tybb larvy tybd aklm
`!yma ham [bra atywz a[rt d[ ~yrpad a[rtm
25:23 Then Joash king of Israel captured Amaziah king of Judah, the son of Joash the son of Jehoahaz, at Beth-shemesh,
and brought him to Jerusalem and tore down the wall of Jerusalem from the Gate of Ephraim to the Corner Gate, 400

~yhil{a/h'-tybeB. ~yaic.m.NIh; ~yliKeh;-lK' taew> @s,K,h;w> bh'Z"h;-lk'(w> 25:24

p `!Ar)m.vo bv'Y"w: tAb+rU[]T;(h; ynEB. taew> %l,M,h; tyBe,w> ~Ada/ dbe[o-~[i
vydqad yyyd avdqm-tybb wxktvad aynm lk tyw apskw abhd lkw 25:24
hyty wbyta dk yyyd anwra ty hytyb !m dwd bysn yd !d[b ~wda-db[
!ynkvmtmd aynbrbr ynb tyw aklm tyb yrbst tyw yyy hykrbw yatvlp
`!wrmvl btw hybg
25:24 He took all the gold and silver and all the utensils which were found in the house of God with Obed-edom, and the
treasures of the king's house, the hostages also, and returned to Samaria.

%l,m, zx'a'Ahy>-!B, va'Ay tAm yrEx]a; hd"Why> %l,m, va'Ay-!b, Why"c.m;a] yxiy>w: 25:25
`hn")v' hrEf.[, vmex] lae_r"f.yI
zxawhy rb vawy tymd rtb hdwhy tybd aklm vawy rb hycma ayxw 25:25
`!ynv yrsymx larvy tybd aklm
25:25 And Amaziah, the son of Joash king of Judah, lived fifteen years after the death of Joash, son of Jehoahaz, king of

rp,se-l[; ~ybiWtK. ~N"hi al{h] ~ynI+Arx]a;h'w> ~ynIvoarIh' Why"c.m;a] yrEb.DI rt,yw< > 25:26
`lae(r"f.yIw> hd"Why>-ykel.m;
!m ajs yd yartbw yyyd atlxdb $ylhd yamdq hycma ymgtp ravw 25:26
hdwhy tybd ayklm rps l[ !ybytk !wna alh yyy ~dq !nqtd !xrwa
`larvy tybdw
25:26 Now the rest of the acts of Amaziah, from first to last, behold, are they not written in the Book of the Kings of
Judah and Israel?

sn"Y"w: ~il;v'WryBi rv,q< wyl'[' Wrv.q.YIw: hw"hy> yrEx]a;me Why"c.m;a] rs"-rv,a] t[emeW 25:27
`~v'( Whtuymiy>w: hv'ykil' wyr"x]a; Wxl.v.YIw: hv'yki_l'
adrm ywl[ wdrmw yyyd anxlwp rtb-!m hycma ajs yd !d[ !mw 25:27
`!mt yhwljqw vykll ywrtb wrdvw vykll $paw ~lvwryb

25:27 From the time that Amaziah turned away from following the LORD they conspired against him in Jerusalem, and
he fled to Lachish; but they sent after him to Lachish and killed him there.

`hd"(Why> ry[iB. wyt'boa]-~[i Atao WrB.q.YIw:) ~ysi_WSh;-l[; WhauF'YIw:

`hdwhyd atrqb ywthba ~[ hyty wrbqw atwsws l[ yhwljnw


25:28 Then they brought him on horses and buried him with his fathers in the city of Judah.

Atao Wkylim.Y:w: hn"+v' hrEf.[, vve-!B, aWhw> WhY"ZI[u-ta, hd"Why> ~[;-lK' Wxq.YIw: 26:1
`Why")c.m;a] wybia' tx;T;
wkylmaw !ynv yrstyv rb awhw whyz[ ty hdwhy tybd am[ lk wrbdw 26:1
`hycma ywba twxt hyty
26:1 And all the people of Judah took Uzziah, who was sixteen years old, and made him king in the place of his father

p `wyt'(boa]-~[i %l,M,h;-bk;(v. yrEx]a; hd"_Whyli( h'b,yviy>w: tAlyae-ta, hn"B' aWh 26:2

~[ aklm bykvd rtb hdwhy tybdl hbtaw tlya ty anb awh 26:2
26:2 He built Eloth and restored it to Judah after the king slept with his fathers.

~il'_v'WryBi %l:m' hn"v' ~yIT;v.W ~yVimix]w: Akl.m'b. WhY"ZI[u hn"v' hrEf.[, vve-!B, 26:3
`~il'(v'Wry>-!mi hy"l.k'y> hy"l.ykiy> AMai ~vew>
~lvwryb $lm !ynv !ytrtw !yvmxw $lm dk whyz[ !ynv yrstyv rb 26:3
`~lvwrym hylky hyma ~wvw
26:3 Uzziah was sixteen years old when he became king, and he reigned fifty-two years in Jerusalem; and his mother's
name was Jechiliah of Jerusalem.

`wybi(a' Why"c.m;a] hf'['-rv,a] lkoK. hw"+hy> ynEy[eB. rv"Y"h; f[;Y:w:

`ywba hycma db[d hm lkk yh yyy ~dq rvkd db[w


26:4 He did right in the sight of the LORD according to all that his father Amaziah had done.

Avr>D" ymeybiW ~yhi_l{a/h' taor>Bi !ybiMeh; Why"r>k;z> ymeyBi ~yhil{a/ vrod>li yhiy>w: 26:5
s `~yhi(l{a/h' Axylic.hi hw"hy>-ta,
yyyd atlxdb @ylmd hyrkz ymwyb yyy ~dq-!m !plwa [btml hwhw 26:5
`yyy hyxlca yyy ~dq-!m !plwa [btd aymwybw
26:5 He continued to seek God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding through the vision of God; and as long
as he sought the LORD, God prospered him.

tm;Ax taew> hnEb.y: tm;Ax taew> tG: tm;Ax-ta, #rop.YIw: ~yTiv.liP.B; ~x,L'YIw: aceYEw: 26:6
`~yTi(v.liP.b;W dADv.a;B. ~yrI[' hn<b.YIw: dAD+v.a;
tyw hz[d arwv tyw tgd arwv ty [rtw yatvlpb abrq xygaw qpnw 26:6
`yatvlpbw dwdvab !ywrq anbw dwdvad arwv
26:6 Now he went out and warred against the Philistines, and broke down the wall of Gath and the wall of Jabneh and
the wall of Ashdod; and he built cities in the area of Ashdod and among the Philistines.

~ybiv.YOh; ~ybir>[;h'( ~yYIbir>[;h'-l[;w> ~yTiv.liP.-l[; ~yhil{a/h'( WhrEz>[.Y:w: 26:7

`~ynI)W[M.h;w> l[;B'-rWgB.
`!w[m rvymbw rzgb !ybtyd yabr[ l[w yatvlp l[ yyyd armym hyd[sw 26:7
26:7 God helped him against the Philistines, and against the Arabians who lived in Gur-baal, and the Meunites.

qyzIx/h, yKi ~yIr:c.mi aAbl.-d[; Amv. %l,YEw: WhY"+ZI[ul. hx'n>mi ~ynIAM[;h'( WnT.YIw:


~wra ~yrcml yjm d[ hymv lzaw whyz[l atbwrqt yanym[ wbhyw 26:8
`aly[l d[ @qta
26:8 The Ammonites also gave tribute to Uzziah, and his fame extended to the border of Egypt, for he became very

[;Ac+q.Mih;-l[;w> ay>G:h; r[;v;-l[;w> hN"Pih; r[;v;-l[; ~il;v'WryBi ~yliD"g>mi WhY"ZI[u !b,YIw: 26:9
l[w atlyx [rt l[w atywz [rt l[ ~lvwryb ayldgm whyz[ anbw 26:9
`!wnpyqtaw atyywyz [rt
26:9 Moreover, Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the Corner Gate and at the Valley Gate and at the corner buttress and
fortified them.

hl'peV.b;W Al hy"h" bR:-hn<q.mi yKi ~yBir: tArBo bcox.Y:w: rB'd>MiB; ~yliD"g>mi !b,YIw: 26:10
s `hy")h' hm'd"a] bheao-yKi( lm,r>K;b;W ~yrIh'B, ~ymir>ko*w> ~yrIK'ai rAv=yMib;W
hyl hwh ygs rtw[ ~wra !y[ygs !ybwg lspw arbdmb ayldgm anbw 26:10
almrkbw arwjb !ymrk ybn[w ayrwtb !ylqx yxlp ayrvmbw atlpvbw
`hwh a[rad anxlwp ~yxr ~wra
26:10 He built towers in the wilderness and hewed many cisterns, for he had much livestock, both in the lowland and in
the plain. He also had plowmen and vinedressers in the hill country and the fertile fields, for he loved the soil.

dy:B. ~t'D"quP. rP;s.miB. dWdg>li ab'c' yaec.Ay hm'x'l.mi hfe[o lyIx; WhY"ZI[ul. yhiy>w: 26:11
`%l,M,(h; yrEF'mi Why"n>n:x]-dy: l[; rjE+AVh; Why"fe[]m;W rpeASh; laey[iy> laeW[y>
!whnynm ~wksb ayryvml alyx yqpnw abrq ydb[ !yyryvm whyz[l wwhw 26:11
`aklm ynbr !m hynnxd ady l[ akrs hyv[mw arlbl lay[yd adyb
26:11 Moreover, Uzziah had an army ready for battle, which entered combat by divisions according to the number of
their muster, prepared by Jeiel the scribe and Maaseiah the official, under the direction of Hananiah, one of the king's

`tAa)me vvew> ~yIP:l.a; lyIx' yrEABgIl. tAba'h' yvear" rP;s.mi lKo

`ham tyvw !ypla !yrt alyx yrbgl athba yvyr !yynm lk


26:12 The total number of the heads of the households, of valiant warriors, was 2,600.

yfeA[ tAame vmex]w: ~ypil'a] t[;b.viw> @l,a, tAame vl{v. ab'c' lyxe ~d"y"-l[;w> 26:13
`byE)Aah'-l[; %l,M,l; rzO[.l; lyIx"+ x:koB. hm'x'l.mi
ham vmxw !ypla t[bvw !ypla ham tlt alyx tyryvm !whydy l[w 26:13
`abbd-yl[b l[ aklml d[sml alyx trwbgb abrq ydb[
26:13 Under their direction was an elite army of 307,500, who could wage war with great power, to help the king against
the enemy.

tAt+v'q.W tAnyOr>viw> ~y[ib'Akw> ~yxim'r>W ~yNIgIm' ab'C'h;-lk'l. WhY"ZI[u ~h,l' !k,Y"w: 26:14
`~y[i(l'q. ynEb.a;l.W
!ytvqw !ynyrvw !yslwqw !ynrwmw !ysyrt alyx lkl hyz[ !whl !yqtaw 26:14
`ay[lq ynbalw
26:14 Moreover, Uzziah prepared for all the army shields, spears, helmets, body armor, bows and sling stones.

tANPih;-l[;w> ~yliD"g>Mih;-l[; bveAx tb,v,x]m; tAnboV.xi ~il;v'WryBi f[;Y:w: 26:15

d[; rzE['hel. aylip.hi-yKi( qAxr"mel.-d[; Amv. aceYEw: tAl+doG> ~ynIb'a]b'W ~yCixiB;( aAryli

twnmwa dbw[b aylylx yqvwq atbvxmb atwnmwa ~lvwryb db[w 26:15

!ynbab ydvmlw !yrrygb qtpml atywyz l[w ayldgwm l[ ywhml anmwa
`@qta ydk d[ a[yytsal vyrpa ~wra qyxrml d[ hymv qpnw !brbr
26:15 In Jerusalem he made engines of war invented by skillful men to be on the towers and on the corners for the
purpose of shooting arrows and great stones. Hence his fame spread afar, for he was marvelously helped until he was

lk;yhe-la, aboY"w: wyh'_l{a/ hw"hyB; l[;m.YIw: tyxiv.h;l.-d[; ABli Hb;G" Atq'z>x,k.W 26:16
`tr<jo)Q.h; xB;z>mi-l[; ryjiq.h;l. hw"hy>
l[w hyhla yyyd armymb rqvw lbxtad d[ hybl sgta @qta ydkw 26:16
`!ymswb trjqd axbdm l[ aqsal yyyd alkyhl
26:16 But when he became strong, his heart was so proud that he acted corruptly, and he was unfaithful to the LORD his
God, for he entered the temple of the LORD to burn incense on the altar of incense.

`lyIx")-ynEB. ~ynIAmv. hw"hyl; ~ynIh]Ko AM[iw> !hE+Koh; Why"r>z:[] wyr"x]a; aboY"w:

`alyx ynb !nmt yyyd aynhk hym[w anhk hyrz[ ywrtb l[w


26:17 Then Azariah the priest entered after him and with him eighty priests of the LORD, valiant men.

yKi hw"hyl;( ryjiq.h;l. WhY"ZI[u ^l.-al{ Al Wrm.aYOw: %l,M,h; WhY"ZI[u-l[; Wdm.[;Y:w: 26:18
^l.-al{)w> T'l.[;m' yKi vD"q.Mih;-!mi ace ryji_q.h;l. ~yviD"qum.h; !roh]a;-ynEB. ~ynIh]Kol;
`~yhi(l{a/ hw"hy>me dAbk'l.
trjq aqsal whyz[ wvr $l tyl hyl wrmaw aklm whyz[ l[ wmqw 26:18
!ymswb trjq aqsal !yvdqtmd !rha ynb aynhkl ~wra yyy ~dq !ymswb
`yyy ~dq atrwjqb arqyl $lyd alw atrqv ~wra avdqm !m qwp
26:18 They opposed Uzziah the king and said to him, "It is not for you, Uzziah, to burn incense to the LORD, but for the
priests, the sons of Aaron who are consecrated to burn incense. Get out of the sanctuary, for you have been unfaithful and
will have no honor from the LORD God."

hx'r>z" t[;r:C'h;w> ~ynIh]Koh;-~[i AP[.z:b.W ryji_qh. ;l. tr<j,qm. i Ady"b.W WhY"ZI[u @[;z>YIw: 26:19
`tr<jo)Q.h; xB;z>mil. l[;me hw"hy> tybeB. ~ynIh]Ko)h; Axc.mib.
aynhk ~[ sysnta dkw aqsal atytxm hydybw whyz[ sysntaw 26:19
axbdm ywl[m yyyd avdqm-tybb aynhk ~dq yhwpa tybb tyygs atwrygsw
26:19 But Uzziah, with a censer in his hand for burning incense, was enraged; and while he was enraged with the priests,
the leprosy broke out on his forehead before the priests in the house of the LORD, beside the altar of incense.

Axc.miB. [r"com. aWh-hNEhiw> ~ynIh]Koh;-lk'w> varoh' !heko Why"r>z:[] wyl'ae !p,YIw: 26:20
`hw")hy> A[G>nI yKi tacel' @x:d >nI aWh-~g:w> ~V'_mi WhWlhib.Y:w:
awh ahw aynhk lkw avyrl anmm yd anhk hyrz[ hytwl ynptaw 26:20
ytyya ~wra qpml byhrs awh @waw qpml yhwbhrsw yhwpa-tybb rygs
`avtkm yyyd armym yhwl[
26:20 Azariah the chief priest and all the priests looked at him, and behold, he was leprous on his forehead; and they
hurried him out of there, and he himself also hastened to get out because the LORD had smitten him.

tyvip.x'h;( tWvp.x'h; tyBe bv,YEw: AtAm ~Ay-d[; [r"com. %l,M,h; WhY"ZI[u yhiy>w: 26:21
`#r<a'(h' ~[;-ta, jpeAv %l,M,h; tyBe-l[; AnB. ~t'Ayw> hw"+hy> tyBemi rz:g>nI yKi [r"com.
rb atwrygs tybb bytyw hytwm ~wy d[ rygs aklm whyz[ hwhw 26:21
ywl[ rzgtad hm l[ hytyb vnam vrpta ~wra rygs dk ~lvwrym
`a[rad am[ ty !yad aklm tyb l[ anmm hyrb ~twyw yyyd avdqm-tybb
26:21 King Uzziah was a leper to the day of his death; and he lived in a separate house, being a leper, for he was cut off

from the house of the LORD. And Jotham his son was over the king's house judging the people of the land.

`aybi(N"h; #Ama'-!b, Why"[.v;(y> bt;K' ~ynI+rox]a]h'w> ~ynIvoarIh' WhY"ZI[u yrEb.DI rt,yw< > 26:22
rtb-!m yartbw rygtsaw xrs al d[ yamdq whyz[ ymgtp ravw 26:22
`aybn #wma rb why[vy btk rygtsad
26:22 Now the rest of the acts of Uzziah, first to last, the prophet Isaiah, the son of Amoz, has written.

rv<a] hr"WbQ.h; hdEf.Bi wyt'boa]-~[i Atao WrB.q.YIw: wyt'boa]-~[i WhY"ZI[u bK;v.YIw: 26:23
p `wyT'(x.T; AnB. ~t'Ay %l{m.YIw: aWh+ [r"Acm. Wrm.a' yKi ~ykil'M.l;
twhd atrwbq lqxb ywthba ~[ hyty wrbqw ywthba ~[ whyz[ bykvw 26:23
`ywtwxt hyrb ~twy $lmw awh rygs wrma ~wra ayklml
26:23 So Uzziah slept with his fathers, and they buried him with his fathers in the field of the grave which belonged to
the kings, for they said, "He is a leper." And Jotham his son became king in his place.

~vew> ~il'_v'WryBi( %l:m' hn"v' hrEf.[,-vvew> Akl.m'B. ~t'Ay hn"v' vmex'w> ~yrIf.[,-!B, 27:1
`qAd)c'-tB; hv'Wry> AMai
~wvw ~lvwryb $lm !ynv yrstyvw $lm dk ~twy !ynv vmxw !yrv[ rb 27:1
`qwdc trb avwry hyma
27:1 Jotham was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. And his
mother's name was Jerushah the daughter of Zadok.

lk;yhe-la, ab'-al{ qr: wybia' WhY"ZI[u hf'['-rv,a] lkoK. hw"hy> ynEy[eB. rv'Y"h; f[;Yw: : 27:2
`~yti(yxiv.m; ~['h' dA[w> hw"+hy>
la[ al dwxl ywba hyz[ db[d lkk yh yyy ~dq rvkd db[w 27:2
`!ylqlqm am[ !ydk d[w yyyd alkyhl
27:2 He did right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his father Uzziah had done; however he did not enter the
temple of the LORD. But the people continued acting corruptly.

`bro)l' hn"B' lp,[oh' tm;Axb.W !Ay=l.[,h' hw"hy>-tyBe r[;v;-ta, hn"B' aWh 27:3
anb hawg !yryjlp rwvbw hal[ yyyd avdqm-tyb [rt ty anb awh 27:3
27:3 He built the upper gate of the house of the LORD, and he built extensively the wall of Ophel.

`~yli(D"g>miW tAYnIr"yBi( hn"B' ~yvir"xb,W hd"_Why>-rh;B. hn"B' ~yrI['w>

`ayldgwmw atyynryb anb !ykrk @wqtbw hdwhy tybd arwjb anb !ywrqw


27:4 Moreover, he built cities in the hill country of Judah, and he built fortresses and towers on the wooded hills.

hn"V'B; !AM[;-ynE)b. Al-WnT.YIw: ~h,yle[] qz:x/Y<w: !AM[;-ynEB. %l,m,-~[i ~x;l.nI aWhw> 27:5
~ypi_l'a] tr<f,[] ~yrIA[f.W ~yJixi ~yrIKo ~ypil'a] tr<f,[]w: @s,K,-rK;Ki ha'me ayhih;
`tyvi(liV.h;w> tynIVeh; hn"V'b;W s !AM[; ynEB. Al Wbyvihe tazO
ynb hyl wbhyw !whywl[ @qtaw !wm[ ynbd aklm ~[ abrq xyga awhw 27:5
!yr[vw !yjnxd !yrwk !ypla arv[w @skd !yrnyjnq ham ayhh atvb !wm[
`atytyltbw atyynt atvbw !wm[ ynb hyl wbyta ad !ypla arv[
27:5 He fought also with the king of the Ammonites and prevailed over them so that the Ammonites gave him during
that year one hundred talents of silver, ten thousand kors of wheat and ten thousand of barley. The Ammonites also paid
him this amount in the second and in the third year.

`wyh'(l{a/ hw"hy> wyk'r"D> !ykihe yKi ~t'_Ay qZEx;t.YIw: 27:6

yyy ~dq hytxrwa !yqtd llgb-!m hytwklm yyy !yqt ~wra ~twy @qwtaw 27:6

27:6 So Jotham became mighty because he ordered his ways before the LORD his God.

rp,se-l[; ~ybiWtK. ~N"hi wyk'_r"d>W wyt'mox]l.mi-lk'w> ~t'Ay yrEb.DI rt,y<w> 27:7

`hd"(WhywI laer"f.yI-yke(l.m;
l[ !ybytk !wna ah hytxrwaw hybrq yrds lkw ~twy ymgtp ravw 27:7
`hdwhyw larvy tybd ayklm rps
27:7 Now the rest of the acts of Jotham, even all his wars and his acts, behold, they are written in the Book of the Kings
of Israel and Judah.

`~il'(v'WryBi %l:m' hn"v' hrEf.[,-vvew> Ak=l.m'b. hy"h' hn"v' vmex'w> ~yrIf.[,-!B,

`~lvwryb $lm !ynv yrstyvw $lm dk hwh !ynv vmxw !yrv[ rb


27:8 He was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem.

p `wyT'(x.T; AnB. zx'a' %l{m.YIw: dywI+D" ry[iB. Atao WrB.q.YIw: wyt'boa]-~[i ~t'Ay bK;v.YIw: 27:9
hyrb zxa $lmw dwdd atrqb hyty wrbqw ywthba ~[ ~twy bykvw 27:9
27:9 And Jotham slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the city of David; and Ahaz his son became king in his

hf'['-al{w> ~il'_v'WryBi %l:m' hn"v' hrEf.[,-vvew> Akl.m'B.

db[ alw ~lvwryb $lm !ynv yrstyvw $lm dk

zx'a' hn"v' ~yrIf.[,-!B, 28:1

dywId"K. hw"hy> ynEy[eB. rv"Y"h;
zxa !ynv !yrv[ rb 28:1
dwdk yh yyy ~dq rvkd

28:1 Ahaz was twenty years old when he became king, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem; and he did not do right
in the sight of the LORD as David his father had done.

`~yli(['B.l; hf'[' tAkSem; ~g:w> lae_r"f.yI ykel.m; yker>d:B. %l,YEw:

`ayl[bl db[ !ktm @waw larvy tybd ayklmd !whtxrwab lzaw


28:2 But he walked in the ways of the kings of Israel; he also made molten images for the Baals.

rv,a] ~yIAGh; tAb[]to)K. vaeB' wyn"B'-ta, r[Eb.Y:w: ~NO=hi-!b, aygEB. ryjiq.hi aWhw> 28:3
`lae(r"f.yI ynEB. ynEP.mi hw"hy> vyrIho
byzyvw artab yhwnb ty rb[aw ~nh rb tlyxb atrjq qysa awhw 28:3
yd !yswmyja hynmd yyy ~dq ylgd llgb-!m hyqzx ty !whnm yyyd armym
!whymrg !wrsmyd !yswmyjad hyrz[w lavym hynnx ayqydc atlt !wqpy
!m wbyzytvaw aryqyw abr amv llgb-!m atdyqy arwn !wta wgl !wmrtyd
hyqljd yadvkd arwn !wta tdyqy !m ~hrba bzytva atymdqb atdyqy
!m rmt tbyzytva atyyntbw hytw[jl xlp ald llgb !m dwrmn !mt
atytyltb dqwttw ahwqpa rma dk hdwhyd hynyd tybd arwn tdyqy
rb tlyxb ywba hyqljd !mzb ~twy rb whyqzx arwn tdyqy !m bzwtva
!wta !m hyrz[w lavym hynnx wbzytva aty[ybrb tpwtd hyysmbb ~nh
rb [vwhy bzytva atyvymxb lbbd aklm rcn-dkwbnd atdyqy arwn
~[ atdyqy arwn !wtab a[yvr rcn-dkwbn hyqlj dk abr anhk qdcwhy
arwnb wdqwta !wnhw arqv yaybn hyv[m rb hyqdcw hylwq rb baxa
tb[wtk yh [vra zxa ~rb hytwwkz lwjm bzytva qdcwhy rb [vwhyw
`larvy ynb ~dq-!m yyy $yrtd aymm[
28:3 Moreover, he burned incense in the valley of Ben-hinnom and burned his sons in fire, according to the
abominations of the nations whom the LORD had driven out before the sons of Israel.

`!n")[]r: #[e-lK' tx;t;w> tA[+b'G>h;-l[;w> tAmB'B; rJEq;y>w: x;Bez:y>w:

`@wb[ !lya lk twxtw atmylg l[w aysmbb !ymswb qysaw xbdw


28:4 He sacrificed and burned incense on the high places, on the hills and under every green tree.

hl'Adg> hy" WNM,mi WBv.YIw: Ab-WKY:w: ~r"a] %l,m, dy:B. wyh'l{a/ hw"hy> WhnET.YIw:) 28:5
s `hl'(Adg> hK'm; AB-%Y:w: !T'nI laer"f.yI %l,m,-dy:B. ~g:w> qf,m'_r>D: WaybiY"w:
hynm wbvw hytyyrvmb wljqw ~rad aklmd adyb hyhla yyy hyrsmw 28:5
ljqw rsmta larvyd aklm dyb dwxlw qvmrdl waytyaw atbr atyybv
`atbr aljq hytyyrvmb
28:5 Wherefore, the LORD his God delivered him into the hand of the king of Aram; and they defeated him and carried
away from him a great number of captives and brought them to Damascus. And he was also delivered into the hand of the
king of Israel, who inflicted him with heavy casualties.

lKoh; dx'a, ~AyB. @l,a, ~yrIf.[,w> ha'me hd"WhyBi( Why"l.m;r>-!B, xq;P, groh]Y:w: 28:6
`~t'(Aba] yhel{a/ hw"hy>-ta, ~b'z>['B. lyIx"+-ynEB.
dx amwyb !ypla !yrv[w ham hdwhy vnab whylmr rb xqp ljqw 28:6
`!whthbad ahla yyyd atlxd ty wqbvd llgb-!m alyx ynb !whlwk
28:6 For Pekah the son of Remaliah slew in Judah 120,000 in one day, all valiant men, because they had forsaken the
LORD God of their fathers.

tyIB"+h; dygIn> ~q"yrIz>[;-ta,w> %l,M,h;-!B, Why"fe[]m;-ta, ~yIr:p.a, rABGI yrIk.zI groh]Y:w:) 28:7
s `%l,M,(h; hnEv.mi hn"q'l.a,-ta,w>
!wkra ~qwrz[ tyw aklm rb whyv[m ty ~yrpa tybd arbg yrkz ljqw 28:7
`aklmd ajbqra hnqla tyw !yryjlp l[ anmmd
28:7 And Zichri, a mighty man of Ephraim, slew Maaseiah the king's son and Azrikam the ruler of the house and
Elkanah the second to the king.

br" ll'v'-~g:w> tAnb'W ~ynIB' ~yvin" @l,a, ~yIt:am' ~h,yxea]me( laer"f.yI-ynE)b. WBv.YIw: 28:8
s `!Ar)m.vol. ll'V'h;-ta, WaybiY"w: ~h,_me Wzz>B'
aygs yd[ @waw !nbw !ynb !yvn !ypla !tam !whwxam larvy ynb wbvw 28:8
`!wrmvl had[ ty waytyaw !whnm wzb
28:8 The sons of Israel carried away captive of their brethren 200,000 women, sons and daughters; and they took also a
great deal of spoil from them, and brought the spoil to Samaria.

rm,aYOw: !Arm.vol. aB'h; ab'C'h; aceYEw: Amv. ddE[o hw"hyl;( aybin" hy"h' ~v'w> 28:9
~b'-Wgr>h;T;(w: ~k,_d>y<B. ~n"t'n> hd"Why>-l[; ~k,yteAba]-yhe(l{a/ hw"hy> tm;x]B; hNEhi ~h,l'
`[:yGI)hi ~yIm:V'l; d[; @[;z:b.
rmaw !wrmvl atad alyx ~dq qpnw hymv dd[ yyyd aybn hwh !mtw 28:9
!wkydyb !wnrsm hdwhy vna l[ !wkthbad ahla yyyd azgwrb ah !whl
`ajm aymv tyc d[d azgwrb !whb !wtlyjqw
28:9 But a prophet of the LORD was there, whose name was Oded; and he went out to meet the army which came to
Samaria and said to them, "Behold, because the LORD, the God of your fathers, was angry with Judah, He has delivered
them into your hand, and you have slain them in a rage which has even reached heaven.

~k,_l' tAxp'v.liw> ~ydIb'[]l; ~T,a; ~ilv; 'WrywI) hd"Why>-ynE)B. hT'[;w> 28:10
`~k,(yhel{a/ hw"hyl; tAmv'a] ~k,M'[i ~T,a;-qr: al{h]
!wkl !hmalw !ydb[l vbkml !yrma !wta ~lvwryw hdwhy ynb !wdkw 28:10
`!wkhla yyy ~dq abrql !wybyyxta !ymva !brq !wkm[ !wta dwxl alh
28:10 "Now you are proposing to subjugate for yourselves the people of Judah and Jerusalem for male and female slaves.
Surely, do you not have transgressions of your own against the LORD your God?

hw"hy>-@a; !Arx] yKi ~k,_yxea]me ~t,ybiv. rv<a] hy"b.Vih; Wbyvih'w> ynIW[m'v. hT'[;w> 28:11
s `~k,(yle[]
@yqt ~wra !wkwxam !wtybv yd atyybv ty wbytaw ynm wlybq !wdkw 28:11
`!wkyl[ yyyd azgwr
28:11 "Now therefore, listen to me and return the captives whom you captured from your brothers, for the burning anger
of the LORD is against you."

tAmLevim.-!b, Why"k.r<B, !n"x'Ah)y>-!b, Why"r>z:[] ~yIr:p.a,-ynE)b. yvear"me ~yvin"a] WmquY"w: 28:12

`ab'(C'h;-!mi ~yaiB'h;-l[; yl'_d>x;-!B, af'm'[]w: ~Luv;-!B, WhY"qiz>xiywI)
rb whykrb rb !nxwhy rb whyrz[ ~yrpa ynb yvyrm !yrbg wmqw 28:12
`alyx !m !yytad l[ yldx rb avm[w ~wlv rb whyqzxyw twmlvm
28:12 Then some of the heads of the sons of Ephraim-- Azariah the son of Johanan, Berechiah the son of Meshillemoth,
Jehizkiah the son of Shallum, and Amasa the son of Hadlai-- arose against those who were coming from the battle,

~T,a; Wnyle[' hw"hy> tm;v.a;l. yKi hN"he hy"b.Vih;-ta, Waybit'-al{ ~h,l' Wrm.aYOw: 28:13
@a" !Arx]w: Wnl' hm'v.a; hB'r:-yKi( Wnyte_m'v.a;-l[;w> WnyteaJox;-l[; @ysihol.
s `lae(r"f.yI-l[;
anty yyy ~dq abyyxl ~wra akh atyybv ty !wtyyt al !whl wrmaw 28:13
antbwx l[w annxrws l[ anl[ apswal !yrma !wta anl[ zwgr atyyal
`larvy l[ azgwr @wqtw anl antbwx taygs ~wra
28:13 and said to them, "You must not bring the captives in here, for you are proposing to bring upon us guilt against the
LORD adding to our sins and our guilt; for our guilt is great so that His burning anger is against Israel."

`lh'(Q'h;-lk'w> ~yrIF'h; hZ"Bih;-ta,w> hy"b.Vih;-ta, #Wlx'h,( bzO[]Y:w:

`alhq lkw aynbr ~dq atzb tyw atyybv ty alyx yzrzm wqbvw


28:14 So the armed men left the captives and the spoil before the officers and all the assembly.

WvyBil.hi ~h,yMerU[]m;-lk'(w> hy"b.Vib; WqyzIx]Y:w: tAmveb. WbQ.nI-rv,a] ~yvin"a]h' WmqUY"w: 28:15

~yrImox]B; ~Wlh]n:y>w: ~Wksyu w> : ~Wqv.Y:w: ~Wlkia]Y:w: ~Wl[in>Y:w: ~WvBil.Y:w: ll'V'h;-!mi
p `!Ar)m.vo WbWvY"w: ~h,_yxea] lc,ae ~yrIm'T.h;-ry[i AxrEy> ~Waybiy>w: lveAK-lk'l.
!whylyjr[ lkw atybvb wpyqtaw !hmvb wvrptad ayrbwg wmqw 28:15
!wnwayxsaw !wnwayqvaw !wnwlkwaw !wnwly[naw !wnwvyblaw had[ !m wvybla
lbq aylqdd atrq wxyryl !wnwaytyyaw lqtad lkl !yrmxb !wnwrbdw
`!wrmvl wbtw !whwxa
28:15 Then the men who were designated by name arose, took the captives, and they clothed all their naked ones from
the spoil; and they gave them clothes and sandals, fed them and gave them drink, anointed them with oil, led all their
feeble ones on donkeys, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brothers; then they returned to

`Al* rzO[.l; rWVa; ykel.m;-l[; zx'a' %l,M,h; xl;v' ayhih; t[eB'

`hyl d[sml rwtad aklml zxa aklm rdv ayhh and[b


28:16 At that time King Ahaz sent to the kings of Assyria for help.

`ybiv,(-WBv.YIw: hd"Whybi WKY:w: WaB'_ ~ymiAda] dA[w>

`atybv wbvw hdwhy !m wljqw wta yamwda bwtw


28:17 For again the Edomites had come and attacked Judah and carried away captives.

vm,v,-tyBe(-ta, WdK.l.YIw:) hd"Whyli( bg<N<h;w> hl'peV.h; yrE['B. Wjv.P' ~yTiv.lip.W 28:18

Azm.GI-ta,w> h'yt,Anb.W hn"m.Ti-ta,w> h'yt,Anb.W AkAf-ta,w> tArdEG>h;-ta,w> !AlY"a;-ta,w>

`~v'( Wbv.YEw: h'yt,_nOB.-ta,w>

ty wvbkw hdwhy jbyvl yd amwrdw atlypv ywrqb wdygnta yatvlpw 28:18
ahlywrp tyw hnmt tyw ahlywrpw wkws tyw twrdg tyw !wlya tyw vmv-tyb
`!mt wbytyw ahlywrp tyw wzmg tyw
28:18 The Philistines also had invaded the cities of the lowland and of the Negev of Judah, and had taken Beth-shemesh,
Aijalon, Gederoth, and Soco with its villages, Timnah with its villages, and Gimzo with its villages, and they settled there.

hd"WhyBi( [:yrIp.hi yKi lae_r"f.yI-%l,m,( zx'a' rWb[]B; hd"Why>-ta, hw"hy> [:ynIk.hi-yKi( 28:19
`hw")hyB; l[;m; lA[m'W
~wra hdwhyd aklm zxa llgb-!m hdwhy ty yyy $yama ~wra 28:19
`yyyd armymb rqv wrqvw yyyd anxlwpm hdwhy tybd wlyjbta
28:19 For the LORD humbled Judah because of Ahaz king of Israel, for he had brought about a lack of restraint in Judah
and was very unfaithful to the LORD.

`Aq)z"x] al{w> Al rc;Y"w: rWV+a; %l,m, rs,a,n>l.Pi tg:L.Ti wyl'[' aboY"w:

`hypqt alw ywl[ qy[aw rwtad aklm rsanlp-tlgt ywl[ rmaw


28:20 So Tilgath-pilneser king of Assyria came against him and afflicted him instead of strengthening him.

rWVa; %l,m,l. !TeYIw: ~yrI+F'h;w> %l,M,h; tyBe-ta,w> hw"hy> tyBe-ta, zx'a' ql;x'-yKi( 28:21
`Al* hr"z>[,l. al{w>
bhyw aybrbrw aklm tyb tyw yyyd avdqm-tyb ty zxa gylpd lwjm 28:21
`hyl d[sml alw rwtad aklml
28:21 Although Ahaz took a portion out of the house of the LORD and out of the palace of the king and of the princes,
and gave it to the king of Assyria, it did not help him.

`zx'(a' %l,M,h; aWh hw"+hyB; lA[ @s,AYw: Al rcEh' t[eb.W

`zxa aklm awh yyyd armymb arqvl @yswaw hyl qa[d !d[bw


28:22 Now in the time of his distress this same King Ahaz became yet more unfaithful to the LORD.

~he ~r"a]-yke(l.m; yhel{a/ yKi rm,aYOw: AB ~yKiM;h; qf,m,r>d: yhel{ale( xB;z>YIw: 28:23
`lae(r"f.yI-lk'l.W Alyvik.h;l. Al-Wyh'( ~hew> ynIWr+z>[.y:w> x;Bez:a] ~h,l' ~t'Aa ~yrIz>[.m;
~ra yklm tw[j ~wra rmaw hytwwlyxb wlyjqd qvmrd tw[jl xbdw 28:23
lklw hytwlqtl hyl wwh !wnaw ynnwd[syw xbda !whl !whty !yd[sm !wna
28:23 For he sacrificed to the gods of Damascus which had defeated him, and said, "Because the gods of the kings of
Aram helped them, I will sacrifice to them that they may help me." But they became the downfall of him and all Israel.

rGOs.YIw: ~yhil{a/h'(-tybe yleK.-ta, #Ceq;y>w: ~yhil{a/h'-tybe yleK.-ta, zx'a' @soa/Y<w: 28:24

`~il'(v'WryBi hN"Pi-lk'B. tAxB.z>mi Al f[;Y:w: hw"+hy>-tyBe tAtl.D:-ta,
avdqm-tyb ynam ty [jqw yyyd avdqm-tyb ynam lk ty zxa vnkw 28:24
`~lvwryb tywz lkb !yrwga hyl db[w yyyd avdqm-tyb yvd ty dxaw yyyd
28:24 Moreover, when Ahaz gathered together the utensils of the house of God, he cut the utensils of the house of God
in pieces; and he closed the doors of the house of the LORD and made altars for himself in every corner of Jerusalem.

s[ek.Y:w: ~yrI+xea] ~yhil{ale( rJEq;l. tAmb' hf'[' hd"Whyli( ry[iw" ry[i-lk'b.W 28:25
`wyt'(boa] yhel{a/ hw"hy>-ta,
tww[jl !ymswb aqsal !yswmyb db[ hdwhy jbyvl yrqw yrq lkbw 28:25
`ywthbad ahla yyy ~dq zygraw !yarkwn !ymm[
28:25 In every city of Judah he made high places to burn incense to other gods, and provoked the LORD, the God of his
fathers, to anger.

rp,se-l[; ~ybiWtK. ~N"hi ~ynI+Arx]a;h'w> ~ynIvoarIh' wyk'r"D>-lk'w> wyr"b'D> rt,y<w> 28:26

`lae(r"f.yIw> hd"Why>-yke(l.m;
rps l[ !ybytk !wna ah yartbw yamdq hytxra lkw ywmgtp ravw 28:26
`larvyw hdwhy tybd ayklm
28:26 Now the rest of his acts and all his ways, from first to last, behold, they are written in the Book of the Kings of
Judah and Israel.

yrEb.qil. Whauybih/ al{ yKi ~il;v'WryBi ry[ib' WhrUB.q.YIw:) wyt'boa]-~[i zx'a' bK;v.YIw: 28:27
p `wyT'(x.T; Anb. Wh)Y"qiz>xiy> %l{m.YIw: lae_r"f.yI ykel.m;
yhwytya al ~wra ~lvwryd atrqb yhwrbqw ywthba ~[ zxa bykvw 28:27
`ywtwxt hyrb hyqzx $lmw larvy tybd ayklm yrbql
28:27 So Ahaz slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the city, in Jerusalem, for they did not bring him into the
tombs of the kings of Israel; and Hezekiah his son reigned in his place.

~il'_v'WryBi %l:m' hn"v' [v;tew" ~yrIf.[,w> hn"v' vmex'w> ~yrIf.[,-!B, %l;m' WhY"qiz>xiy> 29:1
`Why")r>k;z>-tB; hY"bia] AMai ~vew>
~lvwryb $lm !ynv [vtw !yrv[w !ynv vmxw !yrv[ rb $lm whyqzxy 29:1
`hyrkz trb hyba hyma ~wvw
29:1 Hezekiah became king when he was twenty-five years old; and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem. And his
mother's name was Abijah, the daughter of Zechariah.

`wybi(a' dywID" hf'['-rv,a] lkoK. hw"+hy> ynEy[eB. rv"Y"h; f[;Y:w:

`ywba dwd db[d hm lkk yh yyy ~dq rvkd db[w


29:2 He did right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his father David had done.

hw"hy>-tyBe tAtl.D:-ta, xt;P' !AvarIh' vd<xoB; Akl.m'l. hn"AvarIh' hn"V'b; aWh 29:3
avdqm-tyb yvd ty xtp hamdq axryb $lm dk atymdq atvb awh 29:3
`!wnpyqtw yyyd
29:3 In the first year of his reign, in the first month, he opened the doors of the house of the LORD and repaired them.

`xr"(z>Mih; bAxr>li ~pes.a;Y:)w: ~YI+wIl.h;-ta,w> ~ynIh]Koh;-ta, abeY"w:

`axndm tatpl !wnyvnkw yawyl tyw aynhk ty ytyyaw


29:4 He brought in the priests and the Levites and gathered them into the square on the east.

yhel{a/ hw"hy> tyBe-ta, WvD>q;w> WvD>q;t.hi( hT'[; ~YI+wIl.h; ynIW[m'v. ~h,l' rm,aYOw: 29:5
`vd<Qo)h;-!mi hD"NIh;-ta, WayciAhw> ~k,yteboa]
ty wvydqw !wvdqttw !ynymz wwh !wdk yawyl ynm wlybq !whl rmaw 29:5
`avdwq !m aqwxyr ty wqypaw !wkthbad ahla yyyd avdqm-tyb
29:5 Then he said to them, "Listen to me, O Levites. Consecrate yourselves now, and consecrate the house of the LORD,
the God of your fathers, and carry the uncleanness out from the holy place.

~h,ynEp. WBSeY:w: Whbu_z>[;Y:)w: Wnyhel{a/-hw")hy> ynEy[eB. [r:h' Wf['w> Wnyteboa] Wl[]m'-yKi( 29:6
`@r<[o)-WnT.YIw: hw"hy> !K:v.Mimi
wrzxaw yhwqbvw anhla yyy ~dq vybd wdb[w anthba wrqv ~wra 29:6
`ldq hyl wkpaw yyyd ankvmm !whypa
29:6 "For our fathers have been unfaithful and have done evil in the sight of the LORD our God, and have forsaken Him
and turned their faces away from the dwelling place of the LORD, and have turned their backs.

hl'[ow> Wryji_q.hi al{ tr<joq.W tArNEh;-ta, WBk;y>w: ~l'Wah' tAtl.D: Wrg>s") ~G: 29:7
`lae(r"f.yI yhel{ale vd<Qob; Wl[/h,-al{
wqysa al !ymswb trjqw aynycwb ty wpyjaw amlwa yvd wdxa @wa 29:7
`larvyd ahlal avdwqb wqysa al atl[w
29:7 "They have also shut the doors of the porch and put out the lamps, and have not burned incense or offered burnt
offerings in the holy place to the God of Israel.

hM'v;l. hw"[]z:)l. h['w"z>li ~nET.YIw: ~il'_v'WrywI hd"Why>-l[; hw"hy> @c,q< yhiy>w: 29:8
`~k,(ynEy[eB. ~yairo ~T,a; rv<a]K; hq'rEv.liw>
wdclw [yyzl !wnwbhyw ~lvwryw hdwhy vna l[ yyyd azgwr hwhw 29:8
`!wkyny[b !mx !wtad amk yh wmm[tvalw
29:8 "Therefore the wrath of the LORD was against Judah and Jerusalem, and He has made them an object of terror, of
horror, and of hissing, as you see with your own eyes.

`tazO*-l[; ybiV.B; Wnyven"w> WnyteAnb.W WnynEb'W br<x'_B, WnyteAba] Wlp.n" hNEhiw> 29:9
atyybvb anvnw antnbw annbw abrxb !ylyjq anthba wlpn ahw 29:9
`ad llgb-!m
29:9 "For behold, our fathers have fallen by the sword, and our sons and our daughters and our wives are in captivity for

`AP*a; !Arx] WNM,mi bvoy"w> lae_r"f.yI yhel{a/ hw"hyl; tyrIB. ybib'l.-~[i hT'[;
`hyzgwr @wqt annm bwtyw larvyd ahla yyy ~yyq rzgml ybbl ~[ !wdk


29:10 "Now it is in my heart to make a covenant with the LORD God of Israel, that His burning anger may turn away
from us.

Al tAyh.liw> Atr>v"l. wyn"p'l. dmo[]l; hw"hy> rx:B' ~k,b'-yKi( Wl+V'Ti-la; hT'[; yn:B' 29:11
s `~yrI)jiq.m;W ~ytir>v'm.
hytwvmvl ywmdq ~qml yyy y[rta !wkb ~wra !wlvrtt al !wdk ynb 29:11
`!ymswb trjq !yqsmw !yvmvm ywmdq ywhmlw
29:11 "My sons, do not be negligent now, for the LORD has chosen you to stand before Him, to minister to Him, and to
be His ministers and burn incense."

ynEB.-!miW ytih'Q.h; ynEB.-!mi Why"r>z:[]-!B, laeAyw> yf;m'[]-!B, tx;m; ~YIwIl.h; WmqUY"w: 29:12
!d<[ew> hM'zI-!B, xa'Ay yNIvur.GEh;-!miW lae_l.L,h;y>-!B, Why"r>z:[]w: yDIb.[;-!B, vyqi yrIr"m.
yrrm ynb !mw thq ynb !m hyrz[ rb lawyw ysm[ rb txm yawyl wmqw 29:12
rb !d[w hmz rb xawy !wvrg ynb !mw lallhy rb hyrz[w ydb[ rb vyq
29:12 Then the Levites arose: Mahath, the son of Amasai and Joel the son of Azariah, from the sons of the Kohathites;
and from the sons of Merari, Kish the son of Abdi and Azariah the son of Jehallelel; and from the Gershonites, Joah the
son of Zimmah and Eden the son of Joah;

s `Why")n>T;m;W Why"r>k;z> @s'a' ynEB.-!miW lae_y[iywI laeW[ywI !p'c'ylia/ ynEB.-!miW

`hyntmw hyrkz @sa ynb !mw lay[yw yrmv !pcyla ynb !mw


29:13 and from the sons of Elizaphan, Shimri and Jeiel; and from the sons of Asaph, Zechariah and Mattaniah;

`lae(yZI[uw> hy"[.m;(v. !WtWdy> ynEB.-!miW s y[i_m.viw> laeyxiy> laeWxy> !m"yhe ynEB.-!miW

`layz[w hy[mv !wtwdy ynb !mw y[mvw layxy !myh ynb !mw


29:14 and from the sons of Heman, Jehiel and Shimei; and from the sons of Jeduthun, Shemaiah and Uzziel.

rhEj;l. hw"+hy> yrEb.dIB. %l,M,h;-tw:c.mik. WaboY"w: WvD>q;t.YI)w: ~h,yxea]-ta, Wps.a;Y:)w:


`hw")hy> tyBe
yyyd aymgtpb aklmd atdyqptk yh wtaw wvdqtaw !whwxa ty wvnkw 29:15
`yyyd avdqm-tyb hakdl
29:15 They assembled their brothers, consecrated themselves, and went in to cleanse the house of the LORD, according
to the commandment of the king by the words of the LORD.

rv<a] ha'm.Juh;-lK' tae WayciAYw: rhej;l. hw"hy>-tybe hm' ~ynIh]Koh; WaboY"w: 29:16
!Ard>qi-lx;n:)l. ayciAhl. ~YIwIl.h; WlB.q;y>w:) hw"+hy> tyBe rc:x]l; hw"hy> lk;yheB. Wac.m'(
yd atwbaws lk ty wqypaw yyyd avdqm-tybl wygl !m aynhk wtaw 29:16
alxnl aqpal yawyl wlybqw yyyd avdqm-tyb trdl yyyd alkyhb wxkva
`arbl !wrdqd
29:16 So the priests went in to the inner part of the house of the LORD to cleanse it, and every unclean thing which they
found in the temple of the LORD they brought out to the court of the house of the LORD. Then the Levites received it to
carry out to the Kidron valley.

~l'Wal. WaB' vd<xol; hn"Amv. ~Ayb.W vDEq;l. !AvarIh' vd<xol; dx'a,B. WLxeY"w: 29:17
!AvarIh' vd<xol; rf"[' hV'vi ~Ayb.W hn"+Amv. ~ymiy"l. hw"hy>-tyBe-ta, WvD>q;y>w: hw"hy>
s `WL)Ki
wta axryl aynmt amwybw avdql !synb hamdq axryl adxb wayrvw 29:17
yrstyv amwybw aynmt !ymwy !mzl yyyd avdqm-tyb ty wvydqw yyyd amlwal
`waycyv !synd axryl
29:17 Now they began the consecration on the first day of the first month, and on the eighth day of the month they
entered the porch of the LORD. Then they consecrated the house of the LORD in eight days, and finished on the sixteenth
day of the first month.

hw"+hy> tyBe-lK'-ta, Wnr>h:ji Wrm.aYOw: %l,M,h; WhY"qiz>xi-la, hm'ynIp. WaAbY"w: 29:18

`wyl'(Ke-lK'-ta,w> tk,r<[]M;h;( !,w> wyl'Ke-lK'-ta,w> hl'A[h' xB;z>mi-ta,
yyyd avdqm tyb lk ty anykd wrmaw aklm whyqzxy twl wygl wtaw 29:18
`ywnm lk tyw arwds rwtp tyw ywnm lk tyw atl[d axbdm tyw
29:18 Then they went in to King Hezekiah and said, "We have cleansed the whole house of the LORD, the altar of burnt
offering with all of its utensils, and the table of showbread with all of its utensils.

Wnv.D"_q.hiw> WNk;he Al[]m;B. AtWkl.m;B. zx'a' %l,M,h; x:ynIz>hi rv<a] ~yliKeh;-lK' taew> 29:19
s `hw")hy> xB;z>mi ~N"hiw>
$lm dk !yarkwn tw[j ~dq !wncyqvw zxa byasd aynm lk tyw 29:19
!ynrwx annymzw !whty anrmjw !whty annyqt yyyd armymb hytwrqvb
`yyyd axbdm ~dq !wna ahw !whypwlx
29:19 "Moreover, all the utensils which King Ahaz had discarded during his reign in his unfaithfulness, we have
prepared and consecrated; and behold, they are before the altar of the LORD."

`hw")hy> tyBe l[;Y:w: ry[i_h' yrEf' tae @soa/Y<w: %l,M,h; WhY"qiz>xiy> ~Kev.Y:w:
avdqm-tybl qylsw atrq ynbr lk ty vnkw aklm hyqzxy ~ydqaw



29:20 Then King Hezekiah arose early and assembled the princes of the city and went up to the house of the LORD.

h[' ~yZI[i yrEypic.W h[' ~yfib'k.W h[' ~yliyaew> h['' WaybiY"w: 29:21
~ynIh]Koh; !roh]a; rm,aYOw: hd"_Why>-l[;w> vD"q.Mih;-l[;w> hk'l'm.M;h;-l[; taJ'x;l.
`hw")hy> xB;z>mi-l[; tAl[]h;l.

!yz[ ynb yrypcw a[bv !yrmaw a[bv !yrkdw a[bv !yrwt waytyaw 29:21
rmaw hdwhy vna l[w avdqwm l[w atwklm l[ arpkl atjxl a[bv
`yyyd axbdm l[ aqsal aynhk !rha ynbl
29:21 They brought seven bulls, seven rams, seven lambs and seven male goats for a sin offering for the kingdom, the
sanctuary, and Judah. And he ordered the priests, the sons of Aaron, to offer them on the altar of the LORD.

~yliaeh' Wjx]v.YIw: hx'Be_z>Mih; Wqr>z>YIw:) ~D"h;-ta, ~ynIh]Ko)h; WlB.q;y>w: rq'B'h; Wjx]v.YIw:) 29:22
`hx'Be(z>Mih; ~D"h; Wqr>z>YIw: ~yfib'K.h; Wjx]v.YIw:) hx'Bez>Mih; ~D"h; Wqr>z>YIw:
axbdml wqyrdw axbdml amda ty aynhk wlybqw ayrwt wsyknw 29:22
amda wqyrdw ayrma wsyknw axbdml amda wqyrdw ayrkd wsyknw
29:22 So they slaughtered the bulls, and the priests took the blood and sprinkled it on the altar. They also slaughtered the
rams and sprinkled the blood on the altar; they slaughtered the lambs also and sprinkled the blood on the altar.

`~h,(yle[] ~h,ydEy> Wkm.s.YIw: lh'_Q'h;w> %l,M,h; taJ'x;h;( yrEy[if.-ta, WvyGIY:w:

`!whyl[ !whydy wkmsw alhqw aklm ~dq atajx yrypc ty wbyrqw


29:23 Then they brought the male goats of the sin offering before the king and the assembly, and they laid their hands on

yKi lae_r"f.yI-lK'-l[; rPEk;l. hx'Bez>Mih; ~m'D"-ta, WaJ.x;y>w:) ~ynIh]Koh; ~Wjx'v.YIw: 29:24

`taJ'(x;h;w> hl'A[h' %l,M,h; rm:a' laer"f.yI-lk'l.
larvy lk l[ arpkl axbdml !whmda !m waykdw aynhk !wnsyknw 29:24
`atajxw atl[ adbw[tal aklm rma larvy lk l[ ~wra
29:24 The priests slaughtered them and purged the altar with their blood to atone for all Israel, for the king ordered the
burnt offering and the sin offering for all Israel.

dywID" tw:c.miB. tArNOkib.W ~ylib'n>Bi ~yIT;l.cim.Bi hw"hy> tyBe ~YIwIl.h;-ta, dme[]Y:)w: 29:25
s `wya'(ybin>-dy:B. hw"c.Mih; hw"hy>-dy:b. yKi aybi_N"h; !t"n"w> %l,M,h;-hzE)xo dg"w>
yh !yrnkbw !ylbnbw !ylclcb yyyd avdqm-tybb yawyl ty ~yqaw 29:25
yyyd armym l[ ~wra aybn !tnw aklmd aybn dgw dwdd atdyqptk
`yhwybn dyb atdyqpt
29:25 He then stationed the Levites in the house of the LORD with cymbals, with harps and with lyres, according to the
command of David and of Gad the king's seer, and of Nathan the prophet; for the command was from the LORD through
His prophets.

s `tAr)c.cox]B; ~ynIh]Koh;w> dywId" ylek.Bi ~YIwIl.h; Wdm.[;Y:)w:

`atrccxb aynhkw dwdd atxbvwt ynyzb yawyl wmqw


29:26 The Levites stood with the musical instruments of David, and the priests with the trumpets.

lxehe hl'A[h'( lxehe t[eb.W x:Be_z>Mih;l. hl'[oh' tAl[]h;l. WhY"qiz>xi rm,aYOw: 29:27
`lae(r"f.yI-%l,m,( dywID" yleK. ydEy>-l[;w> tArc.cox]h;w> hw"hy>-ryvi
yrv atl[ tayrv dkw axbdm l[ atl[ aqsal hyqzx rmaw 29:27
`larvyd aklm dwdd rmz ynyz ydy l[w atrccxb yyyd atxbvwt
29:27 Then Hezekiah gave the order to offer the burnt offering on the altar. When the burnt offering began, the song to
the LORD also began with the trumpets, accompanied by the instruments of David, king of Israel.

~yrI+c.x.m; ~yrIc.cox]m; tArc.cox]h;w> rrEAvm. ryVih;w> ~ywIx]T;v.mi( lh'Q'h;-lk'w> 29:28

`hl'([oh' d[; lKoh;
!whlk !yrcxm atrccxw xbvm aryv rmadw !ydgsm alhq lkw 29:28
`atl[ taycyvd d[ adxk

29:28 While the whole assembly worshiped, the singers also sang and the trumpets sounded; all this continued until the
burnt offering was finished.

`Ww*x]T;v.YI)w: ATai ~yaic.m.NIh;-lk'(w> %l,M,h; W[r>K' tAl+[]h;l. tALk;k.W

`wdygsw !mt !yxktvmd lkw aklm w[rk aqsal atl[ taycyv dkw


29:29 Now at the completion of the burnt offerings, the king and all who were present with him bowed down and

@s"a'w> dywId" yrEb.dIB. hw"hyl;( lLeh;l. ~YIwIl.l; ~yrIF'h;w> %l,M,h; WhY"qiz>xiy> rm,aYOw: 29:30
p `Ww*x]T;v.YI)w: WdQ.YIw:) hx'mf. il.-d[; Wll.h;y>w:) hz<+xoh;
dwdd ymgtpk yh yyy ~dq axbvl yawyll aynbrw aklm hyqzxy rmaw 29:30
`wdygsw w[rkw atbr hwdx wdxd d[ wxbvw hawks @saw
29:30 Moreover, King Hezekiah and the officials ordered the Levites to sing praises to the LORD with the words of
David and Asaph the seer. So they sang praises with joy, and bowed down and worshiped.

~yxib'z> Waybih'w> WvGO hw"hyl; ~k,d>y< ~t,aLemi hT'[; rm,aYOw: WhY"qiz>xiy> ![;Y:w: 29:31
`tAl)[o ble bydIn>-lk'w> tAdAtw> ~yxib'z> lh'Q'h; WaybiY"w: hw"+hy> tybel. tAdAtw>
wtyaw wbyrq yyy ~dq !wknbrwq !wtbyrq !wdk rmaw hyqzxy bytaw 29:31
lkw atadwtw !yskn alhq waytyaw yyyd avdqm-tybl atadwtw !yskn
`!wwl[ ytyy hybl y[rtad
29:31 Then Hezekiah said, "Now that you have consecrated yourselves to the LORD, come near and bring sacrifices and
thank offerings to the house of the LORD." And the assembly brought sacrifices and thank offerings, and all those who
were willing brought burnt offerings.

~yfib'K. ha'me ~yliyae ~y[ rq"B' lh'Q'h; Waybihe rv<a] hl'[oh' rP:s.mi yhiy>w: 29:32
`hL,ae(-lK' hw"hyl; hl'[ol. ~yIt"+am'
ham !yrkd !y[bv !yrwt alhq waytya yd atwwl[ !yynm ~wks hwhw 29:32
`!yla lk yyy ~dq atl[l !tam !yrma
29:32 The number of the burnt offerings which the assembly brought was 70 bulls, 100 rams, and 200 lambs; all these
were for a burnt offering to the LORD.

`~ypi(l'a] tv,l{v. !acow> tAame vve rq'B' ~yvi_d"Qh;w>)

`!ypla tlt an[w ham tyv !yrwt ayvdwq tsknw


29:33 The consecrated things were 600 bulls and 3,000 sheep.

~WqZ>x;Y>w:) tAl+[oh'-lK'-ta, jyvip.h;l. Wlk.y") al{w> j[' Wyh' ~ynIh]Ko)h; qr: 29:34
yrEv.yI ~YIwIl.h; yKi ~ynIh]Ko)h; WvD>q;t.yI d[;w> hk'al'M.h; tAlK.-d[; ~YIwIl.h; ~h,yxea]
`~ynI)h]Koh;me( vDEq;t.hil. bb'le
!wnw[yysw atwwl[ ty xlvml wlyky alw !ylylq wwh aynhk dwxl 29:34
~wra aynhk wvdqtad !mz-d[w atdyb[ waycyvd !mz-d[ yawyl !whwxa
`aynhkm ryty avdqtal abl ycyrt yawyl
29:34 But the priests were too few, so that they were unable to skin all the burnt offerings; therefore their brothers the
Levites helped them until the work was completed and until the other priests had consecrated themselves. For the Levites
were more conscientious to consecrate themselves than the priests.

`hw")hy>-tyBe td:Ab[] !AKTiw: hl'_[ol' ~ykis'N>b;W ~ymil'V.h; ybel.x,B. brol' hl'[o-~g:w> 29:35
tnqtaw atl[l !ykwsnbw ayvdwq tskn ybrtb y[gwsl atwwl[ @waw 29:35
`yyyd avdqm-tyb !xlwp
29:35 There were also many burnt offerings with the fat of the peace offerings and with the libations for the burnt
offerings. Thus the service of the house of the LORD was established again.

hy"h' ~aot.piB. yKi ~['_l' ~yhil{a/h' !ykiheh; l[; ~['h'-lk'w> WhY"qiz>xiy> xm;f.YIw: 29:36
p `rb")D"h;
!whbld arcy am[l yyy !yqtad llgb-!m am[ lkw hyqzxy adxw 29:36
`amgtp hwh @yktb ~wra
29:36 Then Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced over what God had prepared for the people, because the thing came
about suddenly.

hV,n:m.W ~yIr:p.a,-l[; bt;K' tArG>ai-~g:)w> hd"WhywI) laer"f.yI-lK'-l[; WhY"qiz>xiy> xl;v.YIw: 30:1

`lae(r"f.yI yhel{a/ hw"hyl; xs;P, tAf[]l; ~il'_v'WryBi( hw"hy>-tybel. aAbl'
~yrpa tybd l[ btk !yqjp @waw hdwhyw larvy lk l[ whyqzxy rdvw 30:1
ahla yyy ~dq axsp db[ml ~lvwryb yyyd avdqm-tybl ytyml hvnmw
30:1 Now Hezekiah sent to all Israel and Judah and wrote letters also to Ephraim and Manasseh, that they should come
to the house of the LORD at Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover to the LORD God of Israel.

`ynI)Veh; vd<xoB; xs;P,h; tAf[]l; ~il'_v'WryBi lh'Q'h;-lk'w> wyr"f'w> %l,M,h; #[;W"YIw: 30:2
hyrb[l ~lvwryb alhq lkw larvy !whlkw ywnbrbrw aklm $ylmtaw 30:2
`anyynt axry awh ryyad axryb axsp db[mlw !synd axry
30:2 For the king and his princes and all the assembly in Jerusalem had decided to celebrate the Passover in the second

~['h'w> yD:m;l. WvD>q;t.hi-al{) ~ynIh]Koh; yKi ayhi_h; t[eB' Atfo[]l; Wlk.y" al{ yKi 30:3
`~il'(v'Wryli( Wps.a,n<-al{
wvdqta al aynhkd lwjm !synb axsp db[ml wlyky al ~wra 30:3
`~lvwryl avnktal wqyps al am[w aynbrwq tdyb[ tsymb hakdal
30:3 since they could not celebrate it at that time, because the priests had not consecrated themselves in sufficient
numbers, nor had the people been gathered to Jerusalem.

`lh'(Q'h;-lK' ynEy[eb.W %l,M,_h; ynEy[eB. rb"D"h; rv:yYIw:

`alhq lk ~dqw aklm ~dq amgtp rvkw


30:4 Thus the thing was right in the sight of the king and all the assembly.

aAbl' !D"-d[;w> [b;v,-raE)B.mi laer"f.yI-lk'B. lAq rybi[]h;l. rb'd" Wdymi[]Y:)w: 30:5

`bWt)K'K; Wf[' brol' al{ yKi ~il'_v'WryBi laer"f.yI-yhe(l{a/ hw"hyl; xs;P, tAf[]l;
saymp d[w [bvd-arabm larvy lkb azwrk arb[al amgtp wmyyqw 30:5
twaygs ald lwjm ~lvwryb larvyd ahla yyy ~dq axsp db[ml ytyml
`bytkd amk yh hynmzb !synb axsp wdb[ alhq
30:5 So they established a decree to circulate a proclamation throughout all Israel from Beersheba even to Dan, that they
should come to celebrate the Passover to the LORD God of Israel at Jerusalem. For they had not celebrated it in great
numbers as it was prescribed.

tw:c.mik.W hd"WhywI) laer"f.yI-lk'B. wyr"f'w> %l,M,h; dY:mi tArG>aiB'( ~ycir"h' Wkl.YEw: 30:6
bvoy"w> laer"f.yIw> qx'c.yI ~h'r"b.a; yhel{a/ hw"hy>-la, WbWv laer"f.yI ynEB. rmo=ale %l,M,h;
`rWV)a; ykel.m; @K:mi ~k,l' tr<a,v.NIh; hj'yleP.h;-la,
hdwhyw larvy tyb lkb ywnbrw aklmd ady !m ayqjpb aynwjhr lzaw 30:6
~hrbad ahla yyyd atlxdl wbwt larvy ynb rmyml aklmd atdyqptbw
`rwtad ayklmd !whydy !m !wkl tryytvad tbzyvm ty bytyw larvyw qxcy
30:6 The couriers went throughout all Israel and Judah with the letters from the hand of the king and his princes, even
according to the command of the king, saying, "O sons of Israel, return to the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel,
that He may return to those of you who escaped and are left from the hand of the kings of Assyria.

~nET.YIw: ~h,_yteAba] yhel{a/ hw"hyB; Wl[]m' rv<a] ~k,yxea]k;w> ~k,yteAb)a]K; Wyh.Ti(-la;w> 30:7
`~yai(ro ~T,a; rv<a]K; hM'v;l.
ahla yyyd armymb wrqv yd !wkwxak yhw !wkthbak yh !wht alw 30:7
`!amx !wtad amk yh wdcl !wnbhyw !whyansl !wnwrsmw !whthbad
30:7 "Do not be like your fathers and your brothers, who were unfaithful to the LORD God of their fathers, so that He
made them a horror, as you see.

rv<a] AvD" WaboW hw"hyl; dy"-WnT. ~k,_yteAba]K; ~k,P.r>[' Wvq.T;-la; hT'[; 30:8
`AP*a; !Arx] ~K,mi bvoy"w> ~k,yhel{a/ hw"hy>-ta, Wdb.[iw> ~l'A[l. vyDIq.hi
yyyd atlxdl wbwtw ady wjyvwa !wkthbak yh !wkldq !wvqt al !wdk 30:8
!wknm bytyw !wkhla yyy ~dq wxlpw ~l[l vydqa yd hyvdqwm-tybl wtyaw
`hyzgwr @wqt
30:8 "Now do not stiffen your neck like your fathers, but yield to the LORD and enter His sanctuary which He has
consecrated forever, and serve the LORD your God, that His burning anger may turn away from you.

bWvl'w> ~h,ybeAv) ~ymix]r:l. ~k,ynEb.W ~k,yxea] hw"hy>-l[; ~k,b.Wvb. yKi 30:9
WbWvT'-~ai ~K,mi ~ynIP' rysiy"-al{w> ~k,yhel{a/ hw"hy> ~Wxr:w> !WNx;-yKi( taZO=h; #r<a'l'
p `wyl'(ae
~dq !ymxrl bhy !wkynbw !wkwxa yyyd atlxdl !wbwtt dk ~wra 30:9
anmxrw annx ~wra adh a[ral !whtwbtal hyrmymb bytyw !whty ybvyd
`hytlxd d[ !wbwtt !ya !wkynybm hytnkv qlsy al !wkhla yyy
30:9 "For if you return to the LORD, your brothers and your sons will find compassion before those who led them
captive and will return to this land. For the LORD your God is gracious and compassionate, and will not turn His face
away from you if you return to Him."

Wyh.YI)w: !Wl+buz>-d[;w> hV,n:m.W ~yIr:p.a,-#r<a,(B. ry[il' ry[ime ~yrIb.[o ~ycir"h' Wyh.YI)w: 30:10
`~B'( ~ygI[il.m;W ~h,yle[] ~yqIyxif.m;
hvnm tybbw ~yrpa tybd a[rab yrql yrq !m !yrb[ aynwjhr !wwhw 30:10
`!whb !yb[ltmw !whyl[ !ykxgm !wwhw !lwbz d[w
30:10 So the couriers passed from city to city through the country of Ephraim and Manasseh, and as far as Zebulun, but
they laughed them to scorn and mocked them.

`~il'(v'Wryli WaboY"w: W[n>k.nI) !Wl+buZ>miW hV,n:m.W rvEa'me ~yvin"a]-%a; 30:11

wtaw w[nkta !lwbz jbyvmw hvnm jbyvmw rva jbyvm !yrbwg dwxl 30:11
30:11 Nevertheless some men of Asher, Manasseh and Zebulun humbled themselves and came to Jerusalem.

%l,Mh, ; tw:c.mi tAf[]l; dx'_a, ble ~h,l' ttel' ~yhil{a/h' dy: ht'y>h") hd"WhyBi ~G: 30:12
`hw")hy> rb:d>Bi ~yrIF'h;w>
adx abl !whl !tml yyy ~dq-!m aw[r twh hdwhy tybdb @wa 30:12
`yyyd amgtpk yh aynbrw aklmd atdqpt db[ml
30:12 The hand of God was also on Judah to give them one heart to do what the king and the princes commanded by the
word of the LORD.

brol' lh'q' ynI+Veh; vd<xoB; tACM;h; gx;-ta, tAf[]l; br"-~[; ~il;v'Wry> Wps.a'YE)w:



anyynt axryb ayryjpd agx ty db[ml aygs ~[ ~lvwryl wvynktaw 30:13

`adxl aygs alhq

30:13 Now many people were gathered at Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the second month, a
very large assembly.

Wrysihe tArJ.q;m.h;(-lK' taew> ~il'_vW' ryBi rv<a] tAxB.z>Mih;(-ta, WrysiY"w: WmquY"w: 30:14
`!Ar)d>qi lx;n:l. Wkyliv.Y:w:
wrj[ !ymswb-twqsa-ytb lk tyw ~lvwryb yd ayrwga ty wrj[w wmqw 30:14
`!wrdqd alxnl wqljw atw[jl
30:14 They arose and removed the altars which were in Jerusalem; they also removed all the incense altars and cast them
into the brook Kidron.

Wml.k.nI ~YIwIl.h;w> ~ynIh]Koh;w> ynI+Veh; vd<xol; rf"[' h['B'r>a;B. xs;P,h; Wjx]v.YIw: 30:15
`hw")hy> tyBe tAl[o WaybiY"w: WvD>q;t.YI)w:
w[nkta yawylw aynhkw anyynt axryl yrsybrab axsp ty wsyknw 30:15
`yyyd avdqm-tybb !wwl[ waytyaw wvdqtaw
30:15 Then they slaughtered the Passover lambs on the fourteenth of the second month. And the priests and Levites were
ashamed of themselves, and consecrated themselves and brought burnt offerings to the house of the LORD.

~yqIr>zO ~ynIh]Ko)h; ~yhi_l{a/h'-vyai hv,mo tr:AtK. ~j'P'v.miK. ~d"m.['-l[; Wdm.[;Y:)w: 30:16

`~YI)wIl.h; dY:mi ~D"h;-ta,
aynhk yyyd aybn hvmd atyrwak yh !whl yzxdk !whnkwd l[ wmqw 30:16
`yawyld !whydy !m amda ty !yqrd
30:16 They stood at their stations after their custom, according to the law of Moses the man of God; the priests sprinkled
the blood which they received from the hand of the Levites.

al{ lkol. ~yxis'P.h; tj;yxiv.-l[; ~YIwIl.h;w> WvD"_q;t.hi-al{ rv<a] lh'Q'B; tB;r:-yKi 30:17
`hw")hyl; vyDIq.h;l. rAhj'
ayrma tskn l[ !nmm wwh yawylw wvdqta al alhq ygws ~wra 30:17
`yyy ~dq avdqtal ykda ald rbg lkl axspd
30:17 For there were many in the assembly who had not consecrated themselves; therefore, the Levites were over the
slaughter of the Passover lambs for everyone who was unclean, in order to consecrate them to the LORD.

Wrh'J,hi al{ !Wlbuz>W rk"XF'yI hV,n:m.W ~yIrp: .a,me( tB;r: ~['h' tyBir>m; yKi 30:18
hw"hy> rmoale ~h,yle[] WhY"qiz>xiy> lLeP;t.hi yKi bWt+K'k; al{B. xs;P,h;-ta, Wlk.a'-yKi(
`d[;(B. rPEk;y> bAJh;
tybdmw rkvvy tybdmw hvnm tybdmw ~yrpa tybdmw am[ ygws ~wra 30:18
db[ml wbtw bytk aldb hamdq axsp ty wlka ~wra wykda al !lwbz
bj awhd yyy rmyml !whlwjma whyqzx ylc ~wra bytkdk anyynt axsp
`wyltvad am[ l[ rpky
30:18 For a multitude of the people, even many from Ephraim and Manasseh, Issachar and Zebulun, had not purified
themselves, yet they ate the Passover otherwise than prescribed. For Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, "May the good
LORD pardon

`vd<Qo)h; tr:hj'K. al{w> wyt'_Aba] yhel{a/ hw"hy> ~yhil{a/h' vArd>li !ykihe Abb'l.-lK'


alw ywthbad ahla yyy ahlad atlxd [btml !yqta hybbl ~wra 30:19
rvb atwkdb lkyml yzxdk axsp ty wdb[ ald am[d !whybwx [bty
30:19 everyone who prepares his heart to seek God, the LORD God of his fathers, though not according to the
purification rules of the sanctuary."

s `~['(h'-ta, aP'r>YIw: WhY"qiz>xiy>-la, hw"hy> [m;v.YIw:

`am[ ty ysaw hyqzxd hytwlc yyy lybqw


30:20 So the LORD heard Hezekiah and healed the people.

~ymiy" t[; tACM;h; gx;-ta, ~il;v'WryBi ~yaic.m.NIh; laer"f.yI-ynE)b. Wf[]Y:w: 30:21

s `hw")hyl; z[o-ylek.Bi ~ynIh]Koh;w> ~YIwIl.h; ~AyB. ~Ay hw"hyl; ~ylil.h;m.W* hl'_Adg> hx'm.fiB.
!ymwy a[bv ayryjpd agx ty ~lvwryb wxktvad larvy ynb wdb[w 30:21
atxbvwt ynyzb aynhkw yawyl amwyb amwy yyy ~dq !yxbvmw atbr awdxb
`yyy ~dq
30:21 The sons of Israel present in Jerusalem celebrated the Feast of Unleavened Bread for seven days with great joy,
and the Levites and the priests praised the LORD day after day with loud instruments to the LORD.

Wlk.aYOw: hw"+hyl; bAj-lk,fe( ~yliyKif.M;h; ~YIwIl.h;-lK' ble-l[; WhY"qiz>xiy> rBEd:y>w: 30:22

yhel{a/ hw"hyl; ~yDIw:t.miW ~ymil'v. yxeb.zI ~yxiB.z:m. ~ymiY"h; t[; d[eAMh;-ta,
s `~h,(yteAba]
yyy ~dq abj alkv !whb tyad yawyl lk bl l[ whyqzxy lylmw 30:22
ayvdwq tskn yxbd !yxbd !ymwy a[bv ad[wmd ayvdwq yskn ty wlkaw
`!whthbad ahla yyy ~dq !dwhmw
30:22 Then Hezekiah spoke encouragingly to all the Levites who showed good insight in the things of the LORD. So
they ate for the appointed seven days, sacrificing peace offerings and giving thanks to the LORD God of their fathers.

`hx'( ~ymiy"-t[; Wf[]Y:)w: ~yrI+xea] ~ymiy" t[; tAf[]l; lh'Q'h;-lK' Wc[]W")YIw: 30:23
!ynrwx !ymwy a[bv atwryv axsp rtb db[ml alhq lk wkylmtaw 30:23
`awdxb !ymwy [bv atwryv wdb[w
30:23 Then the whole assembly decided to celebrate the feast another seven days, so they celebrated the seven days with

s !aco ~ypil'a] t[;b.viw> ~yrIP' @l,a, lh'Q'l; ~yrIhe hd"Why>-%l,m,( WhY"qiz>xi yKi 30:24
`bro)l' ~ynIh]ko WvD>q;t.YI)w: ~ypi_l'a] tr<f,[] !acow> @l,a, ~yrIP' lh'Q'l; WmyrIhe ~yrIF'h;w>
!yrwt apla alhql vyrpa hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm whyqzx ~wra 30:24
!ypla ytrv[ !a[w apla !yrwt alhql wvyrpa aynbrw !a[ !ypla t[bvw
`a[gwsl aynhk wvdqtaw
30:24 For Hezekiah king of Judah had contributed to the assembly 1,000 bulls and 7,000 sheep, and the princes had
contributed to the assembly 1,000 bulls and 10,000 sheep; and a large number of priests consecrated themselves.

lae_r"f.YImi ~yaiB'h; lh'Q'h;-lk'w> ~YIwIl.h;w> ~ynIh]Koh;w> hd"Why> lh;q.-lK' Wxm.f.YIw:) 30:25

`hd"(WhyBi ~ybiv.AYh;w> laer"f.yI #r<a,me ~yaiB'h; ~yrIGEh;w>
wtad alhq !whlkw yawylw aynhkw hdwhy tybd alhq lk waydxw 30:25
`hdwhyb !ybtydw larvyd a[ram !yytad ayrwygw larvy tybdm
30:25 All the assembly of Judah rejoiced, with the priests and the Levites and all the assembly that came from Israel,
both the sojourners who came from the land of Israel and those living in Judah.

al{ laer"f.yI %l,m, dywID"-!b, hmol{v. ymeymi yKi ~il'_v'WryBi( hl'Adg>-hx'( yhiT.w: 30:26
s `~il'(v'WryBi tazOk'
aklm dwd rb hmlv ymwy !m ~wra ~lvwryb atbr awdx twhw 30:26
`~lvwryb adk twh al larvyd
30:26 So there was great joy in Jerusalem, because there was nothing like this in Jerusalem since the days of Solomon
the son of David, king of Israel.

~t'L'pit. aAbT'w: ~l'_AqB. [m;V'YIw: ~['h'-ta, Wkr]b'y>w: ~YIwIl.h; ~ynIh]Koh; WmquY"w: 30:27
p `~yIm")V'l; Avd>q' !A[
!whtwlc tl[w !whtwlc tlbqtaw am[ ty wkyrbw yawyl aynhk wmqw 30:27
`aymvl hyvdwq tnykv tyb rwdml
30:27 Then the Levitical priests arose and blessed the people; and their voice was heard and their prayer came to His
holy dwelling place, to heaven.

WrB.v;y>w: hd"Why> yrE['l. ~yaic.m.NIh:) laer"f.yI-lK' Wac.y" tazO-lK' tALk;k.W 31:1

!mIy"n>biW hd"Why>-lK'mi txoB.z>Mih;(-ta,w> tAmB'h;-ta, WcT.n:y>w: ~yrIvea]h' W[D>g:y>w: tAbCeM;h;
s `~h,(yrE['l. AtZ"xua]l; vyai laer"f.yI ynEB.-lK' WbWvY"w: hLe_k;l.-d[; hV,n:m.W ~yIr:p.a,b.W
wrbtw hdwhy ywrql wxktvad larvy vna lk wqpn ad lk wqsp dkw 31:1
hdwhy tyb lk !m ayrwga tyw ayysmb ty w[rtw ataryva w[jqw atamq
rbg larvy ynb lk wbtw !wnwaycyvd d[ hvnmw ~yrpa !mw !mynb !mw
`!whywrql hytnsxal
31:1 Now when all this was finished, all Israel who were present went out to the cities of Judah, broke the pillars in
pieces, cut down the Asherim and pulled down the high places and the altars throughout all Judah and Benjamin, as well
as in Ephraim and Manasseh, until they had destroyed them all. Then all the sons of Israel returned to their cities, each to
his possession.

ypiK. vyai ~t'Aql.x.m;-l[;( ~YIwIl.h;w> ~ynIh]Koh; tAql.x.m;-ta, WhY"qiz>xiy> dme[]Y:w: 31:2

yrE[]v;B. lLeh;l.W tAdhol.W trEv'l. ~ymi_l'v.liw> hl'[ol. ~YIwIl.l;w> ~ynIh]Kol; Atd"bo[]
s `hw")hy> tAnx]m;
rbg !whtwgwlpb !whnxlwp l[ yawylw aynhk twwgwlp ty whyqzxy ~yqaw 31:2
avmvl ayvdwq tsknlw atl[l yawyllw aynhkl hynxlwp ~wpk yh
`yyyd atyyryvm y[rtb axbvlw yywdwalw
31:2 And Hezekiah appointed the divisions of the priests and the Levites by their divisions, each according to his service,
both the priests and the Levites, for burnt offerings and for peace offerings, to minister and to give thanks and to praise in
the gates of the camp of the LORD.

tAtB'V;l; tAl[oh'w> br<[,h'w> rq,Boh; tAl[ol. tAl[ol' AvWkr>-!mi %l,M,h; tn"m.W 31:3
`hw")hy> tr:AtB. bWtK'K; ~ydI_[]Mol;w> ~yvid"xl,w>
!wwl[w avmrw arpc twwl[l !wwl[l hynynq !m bhyd aklm qlxw 31:3
`yyyd atyrwab bytkd amk yh ayd[wmlw ayxry yvyrlw aybv ypswml
31:3 He also appointed the king's portion of his goods for the burnt offerings, namely, for the morning and evening burnt
offerings, and the burnt offerings for the sabbaths and for the new moons and for the fixed festivals, as it is written in the
law of the LORD.

Wqz>x,y< ![;m;l. ~YI+wIl.h;w> ~ynIh]Koh; tn"m. ttel' ~il;v'Wry> ybev.Ayl. ~['l' rm,aYOw: 31:4
`hw")hy> tr:AtB.
!wpqty llgb-!m yawylw aynhk qlwx !tml ~lvwry ybtyl am[l rmaw 31:4
`yyyd atyrwab
31:4 Also he commanded the people who lived in Jerusalem to give the portion due to the priests and the Levites, that
they might devote themselves to the law of the LORD.

lkow> vb;d>W rh'c.yIw> vAryTi !g"D" tyviarE laer"f.yI-ynE)b. WBr>hi rb'D"h; #rop.kiw> 31:5
`Waybi(he brol' lKoh; rf:[.m;W hd<_f' ta;WbT.
avbwdw xvmw rmx rwby[ ywryv larvy ynb w[ygsa amgtp @qwta dkw 31:5
`wytya a[gwsl alwk rv[mw alqx tll[ lkw ayrmtd
31:5 As soon as the order spread, the sons of Israel provided in abundance the first fruits of grain, new wine, oil, honey
and of all the produce of the field; and they brought in abundantly the tithe of all.

!acow" rq'B' rf:[.m; ~he-~G: hd"Why> yrE['B. ~ybiv.AY*h; hd"WhywI) laer"f.yI ynEb.W 31:6
s `tAm)rE[] tAmrE[] WnT.YIw:) Waybihe ~h,_yhel{a/ hw"hyl; ~yviD"qum.h; ~yvid"q") rf:[.m;W
!a[w yrwt rv[m !wnh @wa hdwhy ywrqb !ybtyd hdwhyw larvy ynbw 31:6
`!wwryk !wwryk wbhyw wytyya !whhla yyy ~dq !yvdqmd ayvdwq rv[mw
31:6 The sons of Israel and Judah who lived in the cities of Judah also brought in the tithe of oxen and sheep, and the
tithe of sacred gifts which were consecrated to the LORD their God, and placed them in heaps.

s `WL)Ki y[iybiV.h; vd<xob;W dAS+yIl. tAmrE[]h' WLxehe yviliV.h; vd<xBo ;

`wqsp yrvtd axrybw adsytal !wwryk wayrv !wysd axryb


31:7 In the third month they began to make the heaps, and finished them by the seventh month.

AM[; taew> hw"hy>-ta, Wkr]b'y>w:) tAm+rE[]h-' ta, War>YIw: ~yrIF'h;w> WhY"qiz>xiy> WaboY"w: 31:8
p `lae(r"f.yI
tyb hym[ tyw yyy ty wkyrbw atwwryk ty !wmxw aynbrw hyqzxy wtaw 31:8
31:8 When Hezekiah and the rulers came and saw the heaps, they blessed the LORD and His people Israel.

`tAm)rE[]h'-l[; ~YIwIl.h;w> ~ynIh]Ko)h;-l[; WhY"qiz>xiy> vrod>YIw:

`atwwryk qsy[-l[ yawylw aynhk l[ whyqzxy [btw


31:9 Then Hezekiah questioned the priests and the Levites concerning the heaps.

hm'WrT.h; lxeh'me rm,aYOw: qAd+c' tybel. varoh' !hEKoh; Why"r>z:[] wyl'ae rm,aYOw: 31:10
rt"ANh;w> AM[;-ta, %r:Be hw"hy> yKi bArl'-d[; rteAhw> [;Abf'w> lAka' hw"hy>-tybe aybil'
s `hZ<)h; !Amh'h,-ta,
wayrvd !d[m rmaw qwdc tybd l[ avyrl anmmd whyrz[ hyl rmaw 31:10
d[ !yryyvmw !y[bvw !ylka yyyd avdqm-tybl hatyal atwvrpa avrpal
abwj tpkyr tya ah ryytvad amw hym[ ty $yrb yyyd armym ~wra ygws
31:10 Azariah the chief priest of the house of Zadok said to him, "Since the contributions began to be brought into the
house of the LORD, we have had enough to eat with plenty left over, for the LORD has blessed His people, and this great
quantity is left over."

`Wnyki(Y"w: hw"hy> tybeB. tAkv'l. !ykih'l. WhY"qiz>xiy> rm,aYOw:

`wnyqtaw yyyd avdqm-tybb atkvl anqtal hyqzxy rmaw


31:11 Then Hezekiah commanded them to prepare rooms in the house of the LORD, and they prepared them.

Why"n>n:AK dygIn" ~h,yle[]w: hn"+Wma/B, ~yvid"Qh;w> rfE[]M;h;(w> hm'WrT.h;-ta, WaybiY"w: 31:12

`hn<)v.mi Whyxia' y[im.viw> ywILeh; Why"n>n:K")
anmm !whyl[w atwnmyhb ayvdwqd arv[mw atwvrpa ty waytyyaw 31:12
`hyl !yynt yhwxa y[mvw hawyl whynnk !akrs
31:12 They faithfully brought in the contributions and the tithes and the consecrated things; and Conaniah the Levite was
the officer in charge of them and his brother Shimei was second.

tx;m;W Why"k.m;s.yIw> laeylia/w< db'z"Ayw> tAmyrIywI) laehf'[]w: tx;n:w> Why"z>z:[]w: laeyxiywI) 31:13
%l,M,h; WhY"qiz>xiy> dq;p.miB. wyxia' y[im.viw> Why"n>n:K") Why"n>n:wK' dY:mi ~ydIyqiP. Why"+n"b.W
`~yhi(l{a/h'-tyBe dygIn> Why"r>z:[]w:
txmw whykmsyw laylaw dbzwyw twmryw lahv[w txnw whyzz[w layxyw 31:13
whyrz[w aklm whyqzxy ywnmb yhwxa y[mvw whynnk dy !m !nmm whynbw

`yyyd avdqm-tybb akrs

31:13 Jehiel, Azaziah, Nahath, Asahel, Jerimoth, Jozabad, Eliel, Ismachiah, Mahath and Benaiah were overseers under
the authority of Conaniah and Shimei his brother by the appointment of King Hezekiah, and Azariah was the chief officer
of the house of God.

tm;WrT. ttel' ~yhi_l{a/h' tAbd>nI l[; hx'r"z>Mil; r[EAVh; ywILeh; hn"m.yI-!b, arEAqw> 31:14
`~yvi(d"Qh; yved>q'w> hw"hy>
yyy ~dq !yytmd atabdn l[ axndml a[rt hawyl hnmy rb arwqw 31:14
`ayvdwq yvdwqw yyy ~dq atwvrpa !tml
31:14 Kore the son of Imnah the Levite, the keeper of the eastern gate, was over the freewill offerings of God, to
apportion the contributions for the LORD and the most holy things.

~ynIh]Koh; yrE['B. Why"n>k;v.W Why"r>m;a] Why"[.m;(v.W* [:WvyEw> !miy"n>miW !d<[e Ady"-l[;w> 31:15
`!j")Q'K; lAdG"K; tAql.x.m;B. ~h,yxea]l; ttel' hn"+Wma/B,
aynhk ywrqb hynkvw hyrma hy[mvw [wvyw !ymynmw !d[ hyrjc l[w 31:15
`ary[zk yh abrk yh atwwgwlpb !whwxal !tml atwnmyhb
31:15 Under his authority were Eden, Miniamin, Jeshua, Shemaiah, Amariah and Shecaniah in the cities of the priests, to
distribute faithfully their portions to their brothers by divisions, whether great or small,

hw"hy>-tybel. aB'h;-lk'l. hl'[.m;l.W ~ynIv' vAlv' !B,mi ~yrIk'z>li ~f'x.y:t.hi db;L.mi 31:16
`~h,(yteAql.x.m;K. ~t'Arm.v.miB. ~t'd"Ab[]l; Am+AyB. ~Ay-rb;d>li
lyl[d lkl aly[lw !ynv tlt rbm !yrkdl wsxytad hmm rb 31:16
`!whtgwlpl !whtrjmb !whnxlwpl hymwyb ~wy ~gtpl yyyd avdqm-tybl
31:16 without regard to their genealogical enrollment, to the males from thirty years old and upward-- everyone who
entered the house of the LORD for his daily obligations-- for their work in their duties according to their divisions;

hl'[.m'_l.W hn"v' ~yrIf.[, !B<mi ~YIwIl.h;w> ~h,yteAba] tybel. ~ynIh]Koh; fxey:t.hi taew> 31:17
`~h,(yteAql.x.m;B. ~h,yteArm.v.miB.
aly[lw !ynv !yrv[ rbm yawylw !whthba tybl aynhk wsxytad tyw 31:17
`!whtgwlpb !whtrjmb
31:17 as well as the priests who were enrolled genealogically according to their fathers' households, and the Levites from
twenty years old and upwards, by their duties and their divisions.

~t'n"Wma/b, yKi lh'_q'-lk'l. ~h,yteAnb.W ~h,ynEb.W ~h,yven> ~P'j;-lk'B. fxey:t.hil.W 31:18

lwjm alhq lkl !whytnbw !whynbw !whyvn !whlpj lkb asxytalw 31:18
`avdwql wvdqta !whtwnmyhbd
31:18 The genealogical enrollment included all their little children, their wives, their sons and their daughters, for the
whole assembly, for they consecrated themselves faithfully in holiness.

rv<a] ~yvin"a] ry[iw" ry[i-lk'B. ~h,yrE[' vr:g>mi ydEf.Bi ~ynIh]Koh; !roh]a; ynEb.liw> 31:19
`~YI)wIl.B; fxey:t.hi-lk'l.W ~ynIh]KoB; rk'z"-lk'l. tAnm' ttel' tAm+veB. WbQ.nI
yd !yrbwg yrqw yrq lkb !whywrq ylywwrp lqxb aynhk !rha ynblw 31:19
`yawylb wsxytad lklw aynhkb arwkd lkl !yqlwx !tml !hmvb wvrpta
31:19 Also for the sons of Aaron the priests who were in the pasture lands of their cities, or in each and every city, there
were men who were designated by name to distribute portions to every male among the priests and to everyone
genealogically enrolled among the Levites.

hw"hy> tm,a/h'w> rv'Y"h;w> bAJh; f[;Yw: : hd"_Why>-lk'B. WhY"qiz>xiy> tazOK' f[;Y:w: 31:20
ajvwqdw rvkdw !yqtd db[w hdwhy ywrq lkb whyqzx adxk db[w 31:20

`hyhla yyy ~dq

31:20 Thus Hezekiah did throughout all Judah; and he did what was good, right and true before the LORD his God.

vrod>li hw"c.Mib;W hr"ATb;W ~yhil{a/h'-tyBe td:Ab[]B; lxehe-rv,a] hf,[]m;-lk'(b.W 31:21

p `x:yli(c.hiw> hf'[' Abb'l.-lk'B. wyh'_l{ale(
atyrwabw yyyd avdqm-tyb !xlwpb yrvd wrvd adbw[ lkbw 31:21
`xlcaw db[ hybbl lkb hyhla yyy ~dq-!m [btml atdyqptbw
31:21 Every work which he began in the service of the house of God in law and in commandment, seeking his God, he
did with all his heart and prospered.

!x;YwI : hd"Whybi( aboY"w: rWV+a;-%l,m,( byrIxen>s; aB' hL,aeh' tm,a/h'w> ~yrIb'D>h; yrEx]a; 32:1
`wyl'(ae ~['q.bil. rm,aYOw: tArcuB.h; ~yrI['h,-l[;
hyrmymb yyy ~yyq dk whyqzxy db[d !ylah ajvwqw aymgtp rtb 32:1
larvyd a[ra l[ hytwwlyx tyw rwtad aklm byrxns ty hatyyal
!whyswlkwa ty avvwdlw hdwhy tybd a[rab yarwta ty arbtl llgb-!m
hym[w hyqzxd adyb atzbw had[ lk ty rsmmlw ~lvwryd ayrwwj l[
!whl tyld !y[ygs !yyrvmb rwtad aklm byrxns ata !ykb ah ~lvwrybd
rmaw atkyrk ywrq l[ yhwswlkwa yrvaw hdwhy jbyv [rab arvw !yynm
`hym[ !whtwywvl hyrmymb
32:1 After these acts of faithfulness Sennacherib king of Assyria came and invaded Judah and besieged the fortified
cities, and thought to break into them for himself.

`~il'(v'Wry>-l[; hm'x'l.Mil; wyn"p'W byrI+xen>s; ab'-yKi WhY"qiz>xiy> ar>Y:w:

`~lvwry l[ abrq axgal hytw[rw byrxns ata ~wra whyqzxy amxw


32:2 Now when Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib had come and that he intended to make war on Jerusalem,

`WhWr)z>[.Y:w:) ry[i_l' #Wxmi rv<a] tAny"[]h' ymeyme-ta, wyr"BogIw> wyr"f'-~[i #[;W"YIw: 32:3
atrql arb !md !wwny[ ymym ty ~tsml yhwrbgw yhwnbr ~[ $ylmtaw 32:3
32:3 he decided with his officers and his warriors to cut off the supply of water from the springs which were outside the
city, and they helped him.

#r<a'h'-%AtB. @jEAVh; lx;N:h;-ta,w> tAny"[.M;h;-lK'-ta, WmT.s.YIw:) br"-~[; Wcb.Q'YIw: 32:4

`~yBi(r: ~yIm: Wac.m'W rWVa; ykel.m; WaAby" hM'l' rmo=ale
tw[ycmb dygnd alxn tyw atwwny[ lk ty wmytsw aygs ~[ wvnktaw 32:4
!yym !wxkvyw akh rwtad ayklm !yyta !wwhy aml rmyml larvyd a[ra
32:4 So many people assembled and stopped up all the springs and the stream which flowed through the region, saying,
"Why should the kings of Assyria come and find abundant water?"

hm'Axh; hc'Wxl;w> tAlD"g>Mih;-l[; l[;Y:w: hc'WrP.h; hm'Axh;-lK'-ta, !b,YIw: qZ:x;t.YIw: 32:5

`~yNI)gIm'W brol' xl;v, f[;Y:w: dywI+D" ry[i aALMih;-ta, qZEx;y>w: tr<x,a;
arbl !mw ayldgwm yhwl[ qysaw a[rtmd arwv lk ty anbw @qwtaw 32:5
abrq ynyz db[w dwdd atrq atylym ty @yqtw atynrwx arwv arwvd
`!ysyrtw ygwsl
32:5 And he took courage and rebuilt all the wall that had been broken down and erected towers on it, and built another
outside wall and strengthened the Millo in the city of David, and made weapons and shields in great number.

rBEd:y>w: ry[ih' r[;v; bAxr>-la, wyl'ae ~ceB.q.YIw: ~['_h'-l[; tAmx'l.mi yrEf' !TEYIw:


`rmo*ale ~b'b'l.-l[;
atrq [rtd hatpl hytwl !wnvnkw am[ l[ abrq yrdsm ynbr ynmw 32:6
`rmyml !whbl l[ !ymwxnt lylmw
32:6 He appointed military officers over the people and gathered them to him in the square at the city gate, and spoke
encouragingly to them, saying,

!Amh'h,-lK' ynEp.LimiW rWVa; %l,m, ynEP.mi WTx;Te-la;w> War>yTi(-la; Wcm.aiw> Wqz>xi 32:7
`AM*[ime br: WnM'[i-yKi( AM+[i-rv,a]
rwtad aklm ~dq-!m !wrbtt alw !wlxdt al wmly[w wpqwta 32:7
am[ !m ryty !y[ygs and[sb ~wra hym[d asyyg tpkyr lk ~dq-!mw
32:7 "Be strong and courageous, do not fear or be dismayed because of the king of Assyria nor because of all the horde
that is with him; for the one with us is greater than the one with him.

Wkm.S'YIw: Wnte_mox]l.mi ~xeL'hil.W WnrEz>['l. Wnyhel{a/ hw"hy> WnM'[iw> rf'B' [;Arz> AM[i 32:8
p `hd"(Why>-%l,m,( WhY"qiz>xiy> yrEb.DI-l[; ~['h'
anty d[sml anhla yyyd armym and[sbw arvb @wqt hyd[sb 32:8
ajbv $ylm whyqzxy ymgtp l[ am[ lk wkymtsaw anbrq yrds axgalw
`hdwhy tybd
32:8 "With him is only an arm of flesh, but with us is the LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles." And the
people relied on the words of Hezekiah king of Judah.

vykil'-l[; aWhw> hm'y>l;v'Wry> wyd"b'[] rWVa;-%l,m,( byrIxen>s; xl;v' hz< rx;a; 32:9
~il;v'WryBi rv<a] hd"Why>-lK'-l[;w> hd"Why> %l,m, WhY"qiz>xiy>-l[; AM+[i ATl.v;m.m,-lk'w>
awhw ~lvwryl yhwdb[ ty rwtad aklm byrxns rdv !ydk rtb-!m 32:9
hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm whyqzxy twl hym[ yhwnwjlv lkw vykl l[ qy[m
`rmyml ~lvwryb yd hdwhy vna lk twlw
32:9 After this Sennacherib king of Assyria sent his servants to Jerusalem while he was besieging Lachish with all his
forces with him, against Hezekiah king of Judah and against all Judah who were at Jerusalem, saying,

rAcm'B. ~ybiv.yOw> ~yxij.Bo ~T,a; hm'-l[; rWV+a; %l,m, byrIxen>s; rm;a' hKo 32:10
aryycb !ybtyw !ycyxr !wta !am l[ rwtad aklm byrxns rma !ndk 32:10
32:10 "Thus says Sennacherib king of Assyria, 'On what are you trusting that you are remaining in Jerusalem under

rmo=ale am'c'b.W b['r"B. tWml' ~k,t.a, ttel' ~k,t.a, tySim; WhY"qiz>xiy> al{h] 32:11
`rWV)a; %l,m, @K:mi WnleyCiy: Wnyhel{a/ hw"hy>
atwxcbw anlcwab tmml !wkty rsmml !wkty y[jm whyqzxy alh 32:11
`rwtad aklm dy !m annbzyvy anhla yyy rmyml
32:11 'Is not Hezekiah misleading you to give yourselves over to die by hunger and by thirst, saying, "The LORD our
God will deliver us from the hand of the king of Assyria "?

hd"Whyli( rm,aYOw: wyt'_xoB.z>mi-ta,w> wyt'moB'-ta, rysihe WhY"qiz>xiy> aWh-al{h] 32:12

`Wryji(q.T; wyl'['w> Wwx]T;v.Ti( dx'a, x;Bez>mi rmoale ~ilv; 'Wryli(w>
hdwhy tybdl rmaw yhwrwga tyw yhwswmb ty rj[d whyqzxy awh alh 32:12
!wqst yhwl[w !wskt yhwl[w !wdgst dx xbdm ~dq rmyml ~lvwry vnalw

32:12 'Has not the same Hezekiah taken away His high places and His altars, and said to Judah and Jerusalem, "You
shall worship before one altar, and on it you shall burn incense "?

Wlk.y") lAky"h] tAc+r"a]h' yMe[; lkol. yt;Aba]w: ynIa] ytiyfi[' hm, W[d>te al{h] 32:13
`ydI(Y"mi ~c'r>a;-ta, lyCih;l. tAcr"a]h' yEAG yhel{a/
rvpya at[ra ym[ lkl ythbaw ana tydb[d hm !w[dt alh 32:13
`ydy !m !wh[ra ty abzyvl at[ra ym[ tw[j !ylky !wwh lkymd
32:13 'Do you not know what I and my fathers have done to all the peoples of the lands? Were the gods of the nations of
the lands able at all to deliver their land from my hand?

lyCih;l. lAky" rv<a] yt;Aba] WmyrIx/h, rv<a] hL,ahe ' ~yIAGh; yhel{a/-lk'B.( ymi 32:14
`ydI(Y"mi ~k,t.a, lyCih;l. ~k,yhel{a/ lk;Wy yKi ydI_Y"mi AM[;-ta,
ty abzyvl lyky hwhd ythba wrmgd !ylah aymm[ tw[j lkb !m 32:14
`ydy !m !wkty abzyvl !wkhla lyky ~wra ydy !m hym[
32:14 'Who was there among all the gods of those nations which my fathers utterly destroyed who could deliver his
people out of my hand, that your God should be able to deliver you from my hand?

Al Wnymia]T;-la;w> tazOK' ~k,t.a, tySiy:-la;w> WhY"qiz>xi ~k,t.a, ayViy:-la; hT'[;w> 32:15

@a; yt'_Aba] dY:miW ydIY"mi AM[; lyCih;l. hk'l'm.m;W yAG-lK' h:Ala/-lK' lk;Wy al{-yKi
`ydI(Y"mi ~k,t.a, WlyCiy:-al{ ~k,yhel{a/ yKi
!wnmyht alw adhk !wkty $ylmy alw whyqzxy !wkty y[jy al !wdkw 32:15
ydy !m hym[ ty abzyvl wklmw ~[ lkw y[j lk lyky al ~wra hyrmymb
`ydy !m !wkty byzyvy al !wkhla ~wra @wa ythba dy !mw
32:15 'Now therefore, do not let Hezekiah deceive you or mislead you like this, and do not believe him, for no god of
any nation or kingdom was able to deliver his people from my hand or from the hand of my fathers. How much less will
your God deliver you from my hand?'"

`AD*b.[; WhY"qiz>xiy> l[;w> ~yhi_l{a/h' hw"hy>-l[; wyd"b'[] WrB.DI dA[w>

`hydb[ hyqzxy l[w ~yhla yyyd armym l[ ayjs yhwdb[ wlylm bwtw


32:16 His servants spoke further against the LORD God and against His servant Hezekiah.

yEAG yhel{aKe( rmoale wyl'[' rmoale(w> lae_r"f.yI yhel{a/ hw"hyl; @rEx'l. bt;K' ~yrIp's.W 32:17
`ydI(Y"mi AM[; WhY"qiz>xiy> yhel{a/ lyCiy:-al{) !KE ydIY"mi ~M'[; WlyCihi-al{ rv,a] tAcr"a]h'
yhwl[ ayjs rmymlw larvyd ahla yyy ~dq adsxl btk !yqjpw 32:17
al !ydkh ydy !m !whm[ wbyzyv al yd at[ra ymm[ tw[jk yh rmyml
`ydy !m hym[ ty hyqzxd ahla byzyvy
32:17 He also wrote letters to insult the LORD God of Israel, and to speak against Him, saying, "As the gods of the
nations of the lands have not delivered their people from my hand, so the God of Hezekiah will not deliver His people
from my hand."

~a'r.y")l. hm'Axh;(-l[; rv<a] ~ilv; 'Wry> ~[;-l[; tydIWhy> lAdG"-lAqb. War>q.YIw: 32:18
`ry[i(h'-ta, WdK.l.yI ![;m;l. ~l'_h]b;l.W*
arwv l[ yd ~lvwrybd am[ twl avdwq tyb !vylb ~r lqb warqw 32:18
`atrq ty !wvbkyd llgb-!m !whtw[z[zlw !wlxdml lwjm
32:18 They called this out with a loud voice in the language of Judah to the people of Jerusalem who were on the wall, to
frighten and terrify them, so that they might take the city.

s `~d"(a'h' ydEy> hfe[]m; #r<a'h' yMe[; yhel{a/ l[;K. ~il'_v'Wry> yhel{a/-la, WrB.d:y>w:)
l[ wlylmd amkyh ~lvwryb ayrv hytnkvd ahla yyy l[ wlylmw


`avn rb ydy ydbw[ a[ra ymm[ tw[j

32:19 They spoke of the God of Jerusalem as of the gods of the peoples of the earth, the work of men's hands.

`~yIm")V'h; Wq[]z>YIw:) tazO=-l[; aybiN"h; #Ama'-!b, Why"[.v;(ywI) %l,Mh, ; WhY"qiz>xiy> lLeP;t.YIw:


lybql wqy[zw ad l[ aybn #wma rb why[vyw aklm whyqzxy ylcw 32:20

32:20 But King Hezekiah and Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, prayed about this and cried out to heaven.

rWV+a; %l,m, hnEx]m;B. rf'w> dygIn"w> lyIx; rABGI-lK' dxek.Y:w: %a'l.m; hw"hy> xl;v.YIw: 32:21
~v' wy['me yaeyciymi(W AayciymiW wyh'l{a/ tyBe aboY"w: Acr>a;l. ~ynIP' tv,bBo . bv'Y"w:
`br<x'(b, WhluyPihi
aktnm avab axsp ylylb ycyvw akalm layrbg yyyd armym rdvw 32:21
aklm tyrvmb !brw !krsw alyx rbg lk ycyvw !whwwgb !whtmvn dyqwaw
!mt dylwad yhwnbw hytw[j tybl l[w hy[ral aypa twhybb btw rwtad
`abrxb lyjq yhwmr
32:21 And the LORD sent an angel who destroyed every mighty warrior, commander and officer in the camp of the king
of Assyria. So he returned in shame to his own land. And when he had entered the temple of his god, some of his own
children killed him there with the sword.

rWVa;-%l,m,( byrIxen>s; dY:mi ~il;v'Wry> ybev.yO taew> WhY"qiz>xiy>-ta, hw"hy> [v;AYw: 32:22
`bybi(S'mi ~leh]n:y>w:) lKo+-dY:miW
rwtad aklm byrxnsd ady !m ~lvwry ybty tyw whyqzxy ty yyy qrpw 32:22
`rwzx-rwzx !cxwrl !wnrvaw am[ lk dy !mw
32:22 So the LORD saved Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of Sennacherib the king of Assyria
and from the hand of all others, and guided them on every side.

hd"_Why> %l,m, WhY"qiz>xiyli( tAnD"g>miW ~il;v'Wryli hw"hyl; hx'n>mi ~yaiybim. ~yBir:w> 32:23
s `!kE)-yrEx]a;(me ~yIAGh;-lk' ynEy[el. aFeN:YIw:
ajbv $ylm whyqzxyl !yndgmw ~lvwryl yyy ~dq anwrwd !tyya !y[ygsw 32:23
`!ydk rtb-!m aymm[ lk ~dq lyjntaw hdwhy tybd
32:23 And many were bringing gifts to the LORD at Jerusalem and choice presents to Hezekiah king of Judah, so that he
was exalted in the sight of all nations thereafter.

tpeAmW Al rm,aYOw: hw"hy>-la, lLeP;t.YIw: tWm+l'-d[; WhY"qiz>xiy> hl'x' ~heh' ~ymiY"B; 32:24
`Al* !t;n"
rmaw yyy ~dq ylcw tmml ajmyd d[ whyqzxy [rm !wnah aymwyb 32:24
!m rzgtad yhwyx ymwy l[ !ynv yrsymx apswalw hyty hasal hyrmymb
`hyl bhy ahmytw yhwyx ymwy !m ar[zal aymv
32:24 In those days Hezekiah became mortally ill; and he prayed to the LORD, and the LORD spoke to him and gave
him a sign.

hd"Why>-l[;w> @c,q, wyl'[' yhiy>w: AB=li Hb;g" yKi WhY"qiz>xiy> byvihe wyl'[' lmug>ki-al{w> 32:25
hwhw hybl hbg ~wra whyqzxy l[ yyy byta yhwdbw[ tmlvwtk alw 32:25
`~lvwryw hdwhy vna l[w azgwr yhwl[
32:25 But Hezekiah gave no return for the benefit he received, because his heart was proud; therefore wrath came on
him and on Judah and Jerusalem.

hw"hy> @c,q< ~h,yle[] ab'-al{w> ~il'_v'Wry> ybev.yOw> aWh ABli Hb;gOB. WhY"qiz>xiy> [n:K'YIw: 32:26
`WhY")qiz>xiy> ymeyBi
!whyl[ ata alw ~lvwry ybtyw awh hybld atwhbgm whyqzxy [nktaw 32:26
`whyqzxy ymwyb yyyd azgwr
32:26 However, Hezekiah humbled the pride of his heart, both he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the wrath of
the LORD did not come on them in the days of Hezekiah.

bh'z"l.W @s,kl, . Al-hf'['( tArc'ao)w> dao+m. hBer>h; dAbk'w> rv,[o WhY"qiz>xiyli( yhiy>w: 32:27
`hD"(m.x, yleK. lkol.W ~yNIgIm"l.W ~ymif'b.liw> hr"q'y> !b,a,l.W
amysl hyl db[ !yrbstw adxl aygs rqyw rtw[ hyqzxyl wwhw 32:27
`gwgr ynam lklw !ysyrtlw !ynmswblw atryqy !yylgrmlw abhdlw
32:27 Now Hezekiah had immense riches and honor; and he made for himself treasuries for silver, gold, precious stones,
spices, shields and all kinds of valuable articles,

~yrId"[]w: hm'heb.W hm'heB.-lk'l. twOr"au(w> rh"+c.yIw> vArytiw> !g"D" ta; tAnK.s.mWi 32:28
lkl !wwlbjsaw xvmw rmxw rwby[ tll[l twayyrwaw !yrcwa-tybw 32:28
`ayylbjsal !yrd[w ary[bw ary[b
32:28 storehouses also for the produce of grain, wine and oil, pens for all kinds of cattle and sheepfolds for the flocks.

`dao)m. br: vWkr> ~yhil{a/ Al-!t;n") yKi bro+l' rq"b'W !aco-hnEq.miW Al hf'[' ~yrI['w> 32:29
aygs anyynq yyy hyl bhy ~wra ygwsl !yrwtw !a[ ytygw hyl db[ !ywrqw 32:29
32:29 He made cities for himself and acquired flocks and herds in abundance, for God had given him very great wealth.

hb'r"[.M;-hJ'm;(l. ~rEV.yY:w:) !Ayl.[,h'( !AxygI ymeyme ac'Am-ta, ~t;s' WhY"qiz>xiy> aWhw> 32:30
`Whfe([]m;-lk'(B. WhY"qiz>xiy> xl;c.Y:w: dywI+D" ry[il.
!whty lybwaw !wnnqtw hal[ !wxyg ywm twnqpm ty qqp hyqzxy awhw 32:30
`yhwdbw[ lkb whyqzxy xlcaw dwdd atrq rvyml [rlm !ybzrmb
32:30 It was Hezekiah who stopped the upper outlet of the waters of Gihon and directed them to the west side of the city
of David. And Hezekiah prospered in all that he did.

#r<a'b' hy"h' rv<a] tpeAMh; vrod>li wyl'[' ~yxiL.v;m.h;( lb,B' yrEf' yceylim.Bi !kew> 32:31
`Ab*b'l.Bi-lK' t[;d:l' AtASn:l. ~yhi_l{a/h' Abz"[]
ahmyt [btml hytwl !wxltvad lbbd aklm ynbr ymgrwtmb ankyhw 32:31
[ncad yyyd aymyyq !wrab !wwhd aynba yxwl !yrt ty ymxml a[rab hwhd
brxb wdb[d alg[ ybwx l[ wrbtad aynba yxwl !yrt ~[ hvm !mt
am lk [dml hytwysnl lwjm qznta alw !whtwymxal yyyd armym hyyvra
`hyblb hwhd
32:31 Even in the matter of the envoys of the rulers of Babylon, who sent to him to inquire of the wonder that had
happened in the land, God left him alone only to test him, that He might know all that was in his heart.

aybiN"h; #Ama'-!b, Why"[.v;(y> !Azx]B; ~ybiWtK. ~N"hi wyd"_s'x]w: WhY"qiz>xiy> yrEb.DI rt,yw< > 32:32
`lae(r"f.yIw> hd"Why>-ykel.m; rp,se-l[;
rb why[vy tawbnb !ybytk !wna ah yhwdsxw whyqzxy ymgtp ravw 32:32
`larvyw hdwhy tybd ayklm rps l[ aybn #wma
32:32 Now the rest of the acts of Hezekiah and his deeds of devotion, behold, they are written in the vision of Isaiah the
prophet, the son of Amoz, in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel.

dAbk'w> dywId"-ynEb. yrEb.qi hle[]m;B.( WhrUB.q.YIw:) wyt'boa]-~[i WhY"qiz>xiy> bK;v.YIw: 32:33

p `wyT'(x.T; Anb. hV,n:m. %l{m.YIw: ~il'_v'Wry> ybev.yOw> hd"Why>-lK' AtAmb. Al-Wf['(
rqyw dwd ynb yrbq tyqwsmb yhwrbqw yhwthba ~[ hyqzxy bykvw 32:33
`yhwtwxt hyrb hvnm $lmw ~lvwry ybtyw hdwhy vna lk hytwmb hyl wdb[
32:33 So Hezekiah slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the upper section of the tombs of the sons of David; and
all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem honored him at his death. And his son Manasseh became king in his place.

`~il'(v'WryBi %l:m' hn"v' vmex'w> ~yVimix]w: Ak=l.m'b. hV,n:m. hn"v' hrEf.[, ~yTev.-!B,
`~lvwryb $lm !ynv vmxw !yvmxw $ylm dk hvnm !ynv yrsytrt rb


33:1 Manasseh was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem.

ynEB. ynEP.mi hw"hy> vyrIAh rv,a] ~yIAGh; tAb[]At)K. hw"+hy> ynEy[eB. [r:h' f[;Y:w: 33:2
ynb ~dq-!m yyy $yrt yd aymm[ tb[wtk yh yyy ~dq vybd db[w 33:2
33:2 He did evil in the sight of the LORD according to the abominations of the nations whom the LORD dispossessed
before the sons of Israel.

~yli['B.l; tAxB.z>mi ~q,Y"w: wybi_a' WhY"qiz>xiy> #T;nI rv<a] tAmB'h;-ta, !b,YwI : bv'Y"w: 33:3
`~t'(ao dbo[]Y:w:) ~yIm;V'h; ab'c.-lk'l. WxT;v.YIw: tArvea] f[;Y:w:
ayl[bl ayrwga ~yqaw yhwba whyqzxy [rt yd aysmb lk ty anbw btw 33:3
`!whty xlpw aymv ylyyx lkl dygsw atryva db[w
33:3 For he rebuilt the high places which Hezekiah his father had broken down; he also erected altars for the Baals and
made Asherim, and worshiped all the host of heaven and served them.

`~l'(A[l. ymiV.-hy<h.yI) ~il;v'WryBi hw"hy> rm:a' rv,a] hw"+hy> tybeB. tAxB.z>mi hn"b'W 33:4
~lvwryb yyy rma yd yyyd avdqm-tybb alsp ~yqaw ayrwga anbw 33:4
`~l[l ytnkv yrva
33:4 He built altars in the house of the LORD of which the LORD had said, "My name shall be in Jerusalem forever."

`hw")hy>-tyBe tArc.x; yTev.Bi ~yIm"+V'h; ab'c.-lk'l. tAxB.z>mi !b,YIw:

`yyyd avdqm-tyb twwrd !ytrtb aymv ylyx lkl ayrwga anbw


33:5 For he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the LORD.

bAa hf'['w> @Vekiw>) vxenIw> !nEA[w> ~NOhi-!b, ygEB. vaeB' wyn"B'-ta, rybi[/h, aWhw> 33:6
`As*y[ik.h;l. hw"hy> ynEy[eB. [r:h' tAf[]l; hB'r>hi ynI+A[D>yIw>
!mw aynn[m !m [btw ~nh rb tlyxb arwnb yhwnb ty rb[a awhw 33:6
azgral yyy ~dq vybd db[ml ygsa wrwkdw !ydyb db[w ayvrx !mw aymswq
33:6 He made his sons pass through the fire in the valley of Ben-hinnom; and he practiced witchcraft, used divination,
practiced sorcery and dealt with mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking Him to

~yhil{a/ rm:a' rv,a] ~yhil{a/h' tybeB. hf'_[' rv<a] lm,S,h; ls,P,-ta, ~f,Y"w: 33:7 lKomi yTir>x;B' rv<a] ~ilv; 'Wrybi(W hZ<h; tyIB;B; Anb. hmol{v.-la,w> dywID"-la,
`~Al)y[el. ymiv.-ta, ~yfia' laer"f.yI
yyy rma yd yyyd avdqm-tybb hynqwydb db[ yd atrwc lsp ty ywvw 33:7
ayjbv lkm yty[rtad ~lvwrybw !ydh atybb hyrb hmlvlw dwdl
`ayml[ yml[l ytnkv ty yrva larvyd

33:7 Then he put the carved image of the idol which he had made in the house of God, of which God had said to David
and to Solomon his son, "In this house and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen from all the tribes of Israel, I will put My
name forever;

yTid>m;[/h,( rv<a] hm'd"a]h' l[;me laer"f.yI lg<r<-ta, rysih'l. @ysiAa al{w> 33:8
~yQIxuh;(w> hr"ATh;-lk'l. ~ytiyWIci rv<a]-lK' tae tAf[]l; Wrm.v.yI-~ai qr: ~k,_ytebo)a]l;
`hv,(mo-dy:B. ~yjiP'v.Mih;w>
dyb tymyqa yd a[ra ywl[m larvy tyb am[ ty halgal @yst alw 33:8
atyrwa lkl !wntdyqpd am lk ty db[ml !wrjny !ya dwxl !wkthba
`hvmd adyb aynydw aymyqw
33:8 and I will not again remove the foot of Israel from the land which I have appointed for your fathers, if only they
will observe to do all that I have commanded them according to all the law, the statutes and the ordinances given through

dymiv.hi rv,a] ~yIAGh;-!mi [r" tAf[]l; ~il'_v'Wry> ybev.yOw> hd"Why>-ta, hV,n:m. [t;Y<w: 33:9
p `lae(r"f.yI ynEB. ynEP.mi hw"hy>
!m ryty vybd db[ml ~lvwry ybtyw hdwhy vna ty hvnm y[jaw 33:9
`larvy ynb ~dq-!m yyy ycyv yd aymm[
33:9 Thus Manasseh misled Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to do more evil than the nations whom the LORD
destroyed before the sons of Israel.

`Wbyvi(q.hi al{w> AM[;-la,w> hV,n:m.-la, hw"hy> rBEd:y>w:

`wtyca alw aybn adyb !wndyhsaw hym[ ~[w hvnm ~[ yyy lylmw


33:10 The LORD spoke to Manasseh and his people, but they paid no attention.

hV,n:m.-ta, WdK.l.YIw: rWVa; %l,m,l. rv,a] ab'C'h; yrEf'-ta, ~h,yle[] hw"hy> abeY"w: 33:11
`hl'b,(B' WhkuyliAYw: ~yIT;v.xun>B:) WhrUs.a;Y:)w: ~yxi_xoB;
hvnm ty wdxaw rwtad aklml yd alyx ynbr ty !whyl[ yyy ytyyaw 33:11
`lbbl yhwlbwaw avxnd !wwlvwvb yhwrsaw ayyqnmwrykb
33:11 Therefore the LORD brought the commanders of the army of the king of Assyria against them, and they captured
Manasseh with hooks, bound him with bronze chains and took him to Babylon.

`wyt'(boa] yhel{a/ ynEp.Limi daom. [n:K'YIw: wyh'_l{a/ hw"hy> ynEP.-ta, hL'xi Al rcEh'k.W 33:12
hyty wrgsw !yqyqd !ybqn !ybqn ahwbqnw avxn twwlwm yadvk wdb[w 33:12
hytww[j !whlwk !m [bt hyl qy[ dkw hyl rwzx-rwzx arwn wtycaw hwwgb
hyhla yyy ~dq ylcw rdhw $wrc !whb tyl ~wra [yytsa alw db[d
`yhwthbad ahla yyy ~dq-!m adxl [nktaw
33:12 When he was in distress, he entreated the LORD his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his

[d:YEw: At=Wkl.m;l. ~il;v'Wry> Whbeyviy>w: AtN"xiT. [m;v.YIw: Al rt,['YEw: wyl'ae lLeP;t.YIw: 33:13
`~yhi(l{a/h'( aWh hw"hy> yKi hV,n:m.
y[rt ynl[m l[ !nmm yd aykalm lk wlza dy !m yhwmdq ylcw 33:13
!whlkw aymvbd atwlc y[rt ynl[m lk hytlwjma wdxaw aymvbd atwlc
yrm ymxr wllwgta dy !mw hytwlc lbqtt ald llgb-!m aymv ykrxw ywwk
arcy !yrbtw hytlxdl !ybyytd aybyyx albql axytm hynymyd aml[
[mvw hyrqy ysrwk twxt aymvb atrtxmw akrx db[w abwttb !whbld
!mtm qpnw atlwm t[pntaw hyrmymb aml[ [yyzaw hytw[b lbqw hytwlc
~lvwryl rzxw yyyd armym tryzgb hybtnw aybwrk ypnk ynybm axwr tqpnw

ayhmtw ayta hym[ db[d ahla awh yyy ~wra hvnm [dyw hytwklml
`!whl db[tva alw atww[j lk qbvw yyy ~dq hybbl lkb btw !wnah
33:13 When he prayed to Him, He was moved by his entreaty and heard his supplication, and brought him again to
Jerusalem to his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD was God.

aAbl'w> lx;N:B; !AxygIl. hb'r"[.m; dywID"-ry[il. hn"Acyxi( hm'Ax hn"B' !ke-yrEx]a;w> 33:14
tArcuB.h; ~yrI['h,-lk'B. lyIx-: yrEf'( ~f,Y"w: dao+m. h'h,yBig>Y:w: lp,[ol' bb;s'w> ~ygID"h; r[;v;b.
alxnb !wxygd arvymm dwdd atrql atyyrb arwv anb !ydk rtb-!mw 33:14
ynmw adxl d[ hty hbgaw !yryjlpl rzxaw ayrwwk ynbzm [rtb l[ymlw
`hdwhy tybbd atkyrk aywrq lkb alyx ynbr
33:14 Now after this he built the outer wall of the city of David on the west side of Gihon, in the valley, even to the
entrance of the Fish Gate; and he encircled the Ophel with it and made it very high. Then he put army commanders in all
the fortified cities of Judah.

hn"B' rv<a] tAxB.z>Mih;(-lk'w> hw"hy> tyBemi lm,S,h;-ta,w> rk"NEh; yhel{a/-ta, rs;Y"w: 33:15
`ry[i(l' hc'Wx %lEv.Y:w: ~il'_v'WrybiW hw"hy>-tyBe rh:B.
ayrwga lk tyw yyyd avdqm-tybm atrwc tyw aymm[ tww[j ty rj[w 33:15
`atrql arbm qyljw ~lvwrybw yyyd avdqm-tyb rwwjb anb yd
33:15 He also removed the foreign gods and the idol from the house of the LORD, as well as all the altars which he had
built on the mountain of the house of the LORD and in Jerusalem, and he threw them outside the city.

rm,aYOw: hd"_Atw> ~ymil'v. yxeb.zI wyl'[' xB;z>YIw: hw"hy> xB;z>mi-ta, !b,YIw: !k,Y"w: 33:16
`lae(r"f.yI yhel{a/ hw"hy>-ta, dAb[]l; hd"Whyli(
rmaw atdwtw !yvdwq tskn yskn yhwl[ xbdw yyyd axbdm ty anbw 33:16
`larvyd ahla yyy ty xlpml hdwhy tybdl
33:16 He set up the altar of the LORD and sacrificed peace offerings and thank offerings on it; and he ordered Judah to
serve the LORD God of Israel.

`~h,(yhel{a/ hw"hyl; qr: tAm+BB' ; ~yxib.zO ~['h' dA[ lb'a]

`!whhla yyyd armym ~wvl dwxl aysmbb !yxbd am[ !wdk d[ ~rb


33:17 Nevertheless the people still sacrificed in the high places, although only to the LORD their God.

wyl'ae ~yrIB.d:m.h;( ~yzIxoh;( yrEb.dIw> wyh'l{a/-la, AtL'pit.W hV,n:m. yrEb.DI rt,y<w> 33:18
`lae(r"f.yI ykel.m; yrEb.DI-l[; ~N"hi lae_r"f.yI yhel{a/ hw"hy> ~veB.
ayybn ymgtpw hyhla yyy ~dq ylcd hytwlcw hvnm ymgtp ravw 33:18
l[ !ybytk !wna ah larvyd ahla yyyd armym ~wvb hym[ !yllmmd
`larvy tybd ayklm ymgtp
33:18 Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh even his prayer to his God, and the words of the seers who spoke to him in
the name of the LORD God of Israel, behold, they are among the records of the kings of Israel.

tAmB' ~h,b' hn"B' rv,a] tAmqoM.h;w> Al[.m;W AtaJ'x;-lk'w> Al-rt,['he(w> AtL'pit.W 33:19
`yz")Ax yrEb.DI l[; ~ybiWtK. ~N"hi A[+n>K'hi ~ylisiP.h;w> ~yrIvea]h' dymi[/h,w>
hyrqvw hynxrws lkw hytwlc yyy lybq $yhw yyy ~dq ylcd hytwlcw 33:19
!wna ah hytw[nktaw aymlcw atryva ~yqaw aysmb !whb anb yd ayrtaw
`yzwx ymgtp l[ !ybytk
33:19 His prayer also and how God was entreated by him, and all his sin, his unfaithfulness, and the sites on which he
built high places and erected the Asherim and the carved images, before he humbled himself, behold, they are written in
the records of the Hozai.

p `wyT'(x.T; AnB. !Ama' %l{m.YIw: At=yBe WhrUB.q.YIw:) wyt'boa]-~[i hV,n:m. bK;v.YIw:

`yhwtwxt hyrb !wma $ylmw hytybb yhwrbqw yhwthba ~[ hvnm bykvw


33:20 So Manasseh slept with his fathers, and they buried him in his own house. And Amon his son became king in his

`~il'(v'WryBi( %l:m' ~ynIv' ~yIT:v.W Ak+l.m'B. !Ama' hn"v' ~yIT:v.W ~yrIf.[,-!B,

`~lvwryb $lm !ynv !ytrtw $lm dk !wma !ynv !ytrtw !yrv[ rb


33:21 Amon was twenty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned two years in Jerusalem.

rv<a] ~yliysiP.h;-lk'l.W* wybi_a' hV,n:m. hf'[' rv<a]K; hw"hy> ynEy[eB. [r:h' f[;Y:w: 33:22
`~dE(b.[;Y:)w: !Ama' xB;zI wybia' hV,n:m. hf'['
db[d aynmlc lklw yhwba hvnm db[d amk yh yyy ~dq vybd db[w 33:22
`!wnxlpw !wma xbd yhwba hvnm
33:22 He did evil in the sight of the LORD as Manasseh his father had done, and Amon sacrificed to all the carved
images which his father Manasseh had made, and he served them.

`hm'(v.a; hB'r>hi !Ama' aWh yKi wybi_a' hV,n:m. [n:K'hiK. hw"hy> ynEp.Limi [n:k.nI al{w> 33:23
!wma awh ~wra yhwba hvnm [nktad amk yh yyy ~dq-!m [nkta alw 33:23
`abwx ygsa
33:23 Moreover, he did not humble himself before the LORD as his father Manasseh had done, but Amon multiplied

`At*ybeB. Whtuymiy>w: wyd"b'[] wyl'[' Wrv.q.YIw:

`hytybb yhwljqw yhwdb[ yhwl[ wdrmw


33:24 Finally his servants conspired against him and put him to death in his own house.

#r<ah' '-~[; Wkylim.Y:w: !Am+a' %l,M,h;-l[; ~yrIv.Qo)h;-lK' tae #r<a'h'-~[; WKY:w: 33:25
p `wyT'(x.T; Anb. WhY"viayO-ta,
am[ wkylmaw !wma aklm l[ wdrmd lk ty a[rad am[ wljqw 33:25
`yhwtwxt hyrb whyvay ty a[rad
33:25 But the people of the land killed all the conspirators against King Amon, and the people of the land made Josiah
his son king in his place.

`~il'(v'WryBi %l:m' hn"v' tx;a;w> ~yvil{v.W Ak+l.m'b. WhY"viayO ~ynIv' hn<Amv.-!B,

`~lvwryb $lm !ynv adxw !ytltw $lm dk whyvay !ynv aynmt rb


34:1 Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned thirty-one years in Jerusalem.

`lwamo)f.W !ymiy" rs"-al{w> wybia' dywID" yker>d:B. %l,YEw: hw"+hy> ynEy[eB. rv"Y"h; f[;Y:w: 34:2
anymyl ajs alw yhwba dwd txrwab lzaw yyy ~dq rvkd db[w 34:2
34:2 He did right in the sight of the LORD, and walked in the ways of his father David and did not turn aside to the right
or to the left.

wybi_a' dywID" yhel{ale vArd>li lxehe r[;n: WNd<A[ aWhw> Akl.m'l. ~ynIv' hn<Amv.biW 34:3
~yrIvea]h'w> tAmB'h;-!mi ~il;v'WrywI hd"Why>-ta, rhej;l. lxehe hn"v' hrEf.[, ~yTev.biW
`tAk)SeM;h;w> ~ylisiP.h;w>
!plwa [btml yrv aylj !wdk d[ awhw $lm dk !ynv aynmtbw 34:3
hdwhy ty hakdl yrv !ynv yrstyvbw yhwba dwdd ahla yyy ~dq-!m
`ayktmw aynmlcw atryvaw aysmb !m ~lvwryw
34:3 For in the eighth year of his reign while he was still a youth, he began to seek the God of his father David; and in
the twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem of the high places, the Asherim, the carved images and the molten


[:DE_GI ~h,yle[]me hl'[.m;l.-rv,a] ~ynIM'x;h;(w> ~yli['B.h; tAxB.z>mi tae wyn"p'l. WcT.n:y>w: 34:4
~yxib.ZOh; ~yrIb'Q.h; ynEP.-l[; qroz>YIw: qd:hew> rB:vi tAkSeM;h;w> ~ylisiP.h;w> ~yrIvea]h'w>
[jq !whywl[m ly[l yd aysnsnxw atw[j yrwga ty ywmwq w[rtw 34:4
`!whl !yxbdd ayrbq ypa l[ qrdw qydwaw rbt atktmw aynmlcw ayryvaw
34:4 They tore down the altars of the Baals in his presence, and the incense altars that were high above them he chopped
down; also the Asherim, the carved images and the molten images he broke in pieces and ground to powder and scattered
it on the graves of those who had sacrificed to them.

hd"Why>-ta, rhEj;y>w: ~t'_AxB.z>mi ~yt'AxB.z>mi-l[; @r:f' ~ynIh]Ko) tAmc.[;w> 34:5

`~lvwry tyw hdwhy ty ykdw !whyrwga l[ dyqwa ayrmwk ymrgw 34:5
34:5 Then he burned the bones of the priests on their altars and purged Judah and Jerusalem.

~h,ytebor>x;B. ~h,yTeB' rh;B' yli_T'p.n:-d[;w> !A[m.viw> ~yIr:p.a,w> hV,n:m. yrE['b.W 34:6

tybb yltpn tybd d[w !w[mv tybdw ~yrpa tybdw hvnm tybd ywrqbw 34:6
`rwzx-rwzx !whtwydc
34:6 In the cities of Manasseh, Ephraim, Simeon, even as far as Naphtali, in their surrounding ruins,

~ynIM'x;h;(-lk'w> qd:hel. tT;Ki ~ylisiP.h;w> ~yrIvea]h'-ta,w> tAxB.z>Mih;(-ta, #Ten:y>w: 34:7

s `~il'(v'Wryli bv'Y"w: lae_r"f.yI #r<a,-lk'B. [D:GI
lkw aqdqdal qdad qd[d aynmlcw ayryva tyw ayrwga ty [rtw 34:7
`~lvwryl btw larvyd a[ra lkb [jq aysnsnx
34:7 he also tore down the altars and beat the Asherim and the carved images into powder, and chopped down all the
incense altars throughout the land of Israel. Then he returned to Jerusalem.

!p'v'-ta, xl;v' tyIB"+h;w> #r<a'h' rhEj;l. Akl.m'l. hrEf.[, hn<Amv. tn:v.biW 34:8
qZEx;l. ryKiz>M;h; zx'aA' y*-!B, xa'Ay taew> ry[ih'-rf; Why"fe[]m;-ta,w> Why"l.c;a]-!B,
`wyh'(l{a/ hw"hy> tyBe-ta,
ty rdv avdqm-tybw a[ra ty hytwakdb $lm dk yrsynmt tnvbw 34:8
l[ anmmd zxawhy rb xawy tyw atrq !wkra hyv[m tyw hylca rb !pv
`hyhla yyyd avdqm-tyb ty apqtl aynrkwd rps
34:8 Now in the eighteenth year of his reign, when he had purged the land and the house, he sent Shaphan the son of
Azaliah, and Maaseiah an official of the city, and Joah the son of Joahaz the recorder, to repair the house of the LORD his

~yhil{a/-tybe ab'WMh; @s,K,h;-ta, WnT.YIw:) lAdG"h; !hEKoh; WhY"qil.xi-la, WaboY"w: 34:9

laer"f.yI tyrIaev. lKomiW ~yIrp: .a,w> hV,n:m. dY:mi @S;h; yrEm.vo ~YIwIl.h;-Wp)s.a' rv<a]
`~il'(v'Wr)y> WbvuY"w: ybev.yOw> !mI+y"n>biW hd"Why>-lK'miW
avdqm-tybl l[tmd amys ty wbhyw abr anhk whyqlx twl wtaw 34:9
lk !mw ~yrpaw hvnm tybd !whydy !m !yjlp yrjn yawyl wvnk yd yyyd
`~lvwryl wbtw !mynbw hdwhy vna lk !mw larvy tybd arav
34:9 They came to Hilkiah the high priest and delivered the money that was brought into the house of God, which the
Levites, the doorkeepers, had collected from Manasseh and Ephraim, and from all the remnant of Israel, and from all
Judah and Benjamin and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

yfeA[ Atao WnT.YIw: hw"+hy> tybeB. ~ydIq'p.Muh; hk'al'M.h; hfe[o dy:-l[; WnT.YIw:)


`tyIB")h; qZEx;l.W hw"hy> tybeB. ~yfi[o rv<a] hk'al'M.h;

ydb[ hyty wbhyw yyyd avdqm-tybb !nmmd atdyb[ ydb[ dy l[ wbhyw 34:10
`atyb apqtlw akrwcl yyyd avdqm-tybb !ydb[ !wnad atdyb[
34:10 Then they gave it into the hands of the workmen who had the oversight of the house of the LORD, and the
workmen who were working in the house of the LORD used it to restore and repair the house.

tArq'l.W tAr+B.x;m.l;( ~yci[ew> bcex.m; ynEb.a; ~ynIBol;w> ~yvir"x'(l, WnT.YIw:) 34:11
`hd"(Why> ykel.m; Wtyxiv.hi rv<a] ~yTiB'h;-ta,
!yrwvk db[ml !ysyqw !lysp !ynba !bzml aylkdralw ayrgnl wbhyw 34:11
`hdwhy tybd ayklm wlybx yd aytb ty alljlw appll
34:11 They in turn gave it to the carpenters and to the builders to buy quarried stone and timber for couplings and to
make beams for the houses which the kings of Judah had let go to ruin.

~YIwIl.h; Why"d>b;[ow> tx;y: ~ydIq' ~h,yle[]w: hk'al'M.B; hn"Wma/B, ~yfi[o ~yvin"a]h'w> 34:12
!ybime-lK' ~YIwIl.h;w> x:Ce_n:l. ~ytih'Q.h; ynEB.-!mi ~L'vum.W hy"r>k;z>W yrIr"m. ynEB.-!mi
!m yawyl hydb[w txy !nmm !whl[w atdyb[b atwnmyhb !ydb[ ayrbwgw 34:12
ynyzb ~ykxd lkb yawylw axbvl thq ynb !m ~lvmw hyrkzw yrrm ynb
34:12 The men did the work faithfully with foremen over them to supervise: Jahath and Obadiah, the Levites of the sons
of Merari, Zechariah and Meshullam of the sons of the Kohathites, and the Levites, all who were skillful with musical

~YIwIl.h;me(W hd"_Ab[]w: hd"Ab[]l; hk'al'm. hfe[o lkol. ~yxiC.n:m.W* ~yliB'S;h; l[;w> 34:13
`~yrI)[]Avw> ~yrIj.vow> ~yrIp.As
!mw anxlwp xlpmlw atdyb[ ydb[ lk l[ !yrbgtmw an[wj yljn l[w 34:13
`ay[rtw !yn[rwpw !yrlbl yawyl
34:13 They were also over the burden bearers, and supervised all the workmen from job to job; and some of the Levites
were scribes and officials and gatekeepers.

rp,se-ta, !heKoh; WhY"qil.xi ac'm' hw"+hy> tyBe ab'WMh; @s,K,h;-ta, ~a'yciAhb.W 34:14
`hv,(mo-dy:B. hw"hy>-tr:AT)
anhk hyqlx xkva yyyd avdqm-tybb l[tad amys ty wqypa dkw 34:14
`hvmd adyb tbyhytad yyyd atyrwa rps ty
34:14 When they were bringing out the money which had been brought into the house of the LORD, Hilkiah the priest
found the book of the law of the LORD given by Moses.

hw"+hy> tybeB. ytiac'm' hr"ATh; rp,se rpeASh; !p"v'-la, rm,aYOw: WhY"qil.xi ![;Y:w: 34:15
`!p")v'-la, rp,Seh;-ta, WhY"qil.xi !TEYIw:
avdqm-tybb tyxkva atyrwa rps arps !pvl rmaw hyqlx bytaw 34:15
`!pv twl arps ty hyqlx bhyw @plmw zyng yyyd
34:15 Hilkiah responded and said to Shaphan the scribe, "I have found the book of the law in the house of the LORD."
And Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan.

lKo rmo=ale rb"D" %l,M,h;-ta, dA[ bv,Y"w: %l,M,h;-la, rp,Seh;-ta, !p"v' abeY"w: 34:16
`~yfi([o ~he ^yd<b'[]-dy:B. !T:nI-rv,a]
rmyml amgtp aklm ty bwt rzxaw aklm twl arps ty !pv ytyaw 34:16
`!ydb[ !wnh $db[d !whydyb bhytmd hm lk
34:16 Then Shaphan brought the book to the king and reported further word to the king, saying, "Everything that was
entrusted to your servants they are doing.

dy:-l[;w> ~ydIq'p.Muh; dy:-l[; WhWnT.YIw:) hw"+hy>-tybeB. ac'm.NIh; @s,K,h;-ta, WkyTiY:w: 34:17

`hk'(al'M.h; yfeA[
!whydy l[ yhwbhyw yyyd avdqm-tybb xktvmd amys ty wkytaw 34:17
`atdyb[b !ydb[d !whydy l[w !nmmd ayrlbld
34:17 "They have also emptied out the money which was found in the house of the LORD, and have delivered it into the
hands of the supervisors and the workmen."

Ab-ar"q.YIw: !hE+Koh; WhY"qil.xi yli !t;n" rp,se rmoale %l,M,l; rpeASh; !p"v' dGEY:w: 34:18
`%l,M,(h; !p"v'
arqw anhk hyqlx yl bhy arps rmyml aklml arlbl !pv yntw 34:18
`aklm ~dq !pv hyb
34:18 Moreover, Shaphan the scribe told the king saying, "Hilkiah the priest gave me a book." And Shaphan read from it
in the presence of the king.

`wyd"(g"B.-ta, [r:q.YIw: hr"_ATh; yrEb.DI tae %l,M,h; [:mov.Ki yhiy>w:

`ywvwbl ty [zbw atyrwa rps ymgtp ty aklm [mv dk hwhw


34:19 When the king heard the words of the law, he tore his clothes.

taew> hk'ymi-!B, !ADb.[;-ta,w> !p'v'-!B, ~q"yxia]-ta,w> WhY"qil.xi-ta, %l,M,h; wc;y>w: 34:20

`rmo*ale %l,M,h;-db,[,( hy"f'[] taew> rpeASh; !p"v'
tyw hkym rb !wdb[ tyw !pv rb ~qyxa tyw hyqlx ty aklm dyqpw 34:20
`rmyml aklmd adb[ hyv[ tyw arlbl !pv
34:20 Then the king commanded Hilkiah, Ahikam the son of Shaphan, Abdon the son of Micah, Shaphan the scribe, and
Asaiah the king's servant, saying,

yrEb.DI-l[; hd"Whybi(W laer"f.yIB. ra'v.NIh; d[;b.W ydI[]B; hw"hy>-ta, Wvr>dI Wkl. 34:21
Wrm.v'-al{ rv,a] l[; Wnb' hk'T.nI rv<a] hw"hy>-tm;x] hl'Adg>-yKi( ac'_m.nI rv<a] rp,Seh;
p `hZ<)h; rp,Seh;-l[; bWtK'h;-lk'K. tAf[]l; hw"hy> rb:D>-ta, WnyteAba]
lwjmaw ytwklm lk lwjmaw ytlwjma yyy ~dq-!m !plwa w[bt wlyzya 34:21
taygs ~wra xktvh yd arps ymgtp lwjm hdwhybw larvyb ryytvad lk
yh yyyd aymgtp ty anthba wrjn al yd llgb-!m anb tjm yd yyyd azgwr
`!ydh arps l[ bytkd am lkk
34:21 "Go, inquire of the LORD for me and for those who are left in Israel and in Judah, concerning the words of the
book which has been found; for great is the wrath of the LORD which is poured out on us because our fathers have not
observed the word of the LORD, to do according to all that is written in this book."

th;q.AT-!B, ~Luv; tv,ae ha'ybiN>h; hD"l.xu-la, %l,M,h; rv<a]w: WhY"qil.xi %l,YEw: 34:22
h'yl,ae WrB.d:y>w: hn<+v.MiB; ~il;v'WryBi tb,v,Ay ayhiw> ~ydIg"B.h; rmEAv hr"s.x;-!B, th;q.T'
s `tazO*K'
rb ~wlv tta ataybn hdlx twl aklm ~[ wwhdw hyqlx lzaw 34:22
anplwa tybb ~lvwryb abty ayhw aklm yvwbl rjn hdsx rb thqt
`adhk htwl wlylmw
34:22 So Hilkiah and those whom the king had told went to Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of
Tokhath, the son of Hasrah, the keeper of the wardrobe (now she lived in Jerusalem in the Second Quarter); and they
spoke to her regarding this.

~k,t.a, xl;v'-rv,a] vyail' lae_r"f.yI yhel{a/ hw"hy> rm:a'-hKo ~h,l' rm,aTow: 34:23
s `yl'(ae

yd arbgl wrma wlyzya larvyd ahla yyy rma !ndk !whl trmaw 34:23
`ytwl !wkty rdv
34:23 She said to them, "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, 'Tell the man who sent you to Me,

tae wyb'_v.Ay-l[;w> hZ<h; ~AqM'h;-l[; h['r" aybime ynIn>hi hw"hy> rm:a' hKo 34:24
`hd"(Why> %l,m, War>q") rv<a] rp,Seh;-l[; tAbWtK.h; tAla'h'-lK'
ty yhwbty l[w !ydh arta l[ atvyb ytym ana ah yyy rma !ndk 34:24
`hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm ~dq wrq yd arps l[ !ybytkd ayjwl ymwnq lk
34:24 thus says the LORD, "Behold, I am bringing evil on this place and on its inhabitants, even all the curses written in
the book which they have read in the presence of the king of Judah.

ynIsey[ik.h; ![;ml; . ~yrIxea] ~yhil{ale( WrJ.q;y>w:) Wryjiq.Y:w: ynIWbz"[] rv<a] tx;T; 34:25
`hB,(k.ti al{w> hZ<h; ~AqM'B; ytim'x] %T:tiw> ~h,_ydEy> yfe[]m; lkoB.
azgral llgb-!m aymm[ tw[jl !ymswb wqysaw ytlxd wqbv yd @lwx 34:25
`td[ alw !ydh artab yzgwr tjmw !whydy ydbw[ lkb ymdq
34:25 "Because they have forsaken Me and have burned incense to other gods, that they might provoke Me to anger with
all the works of their hands; therefore My wrath will be poured out on this place and it shall not be quenched."'

s wyl'_ae Wrm.ato hKo hw"hyB;( vArd>li ~k,t.a, x;leVoh; hd"Why> %l,m,-la,w> 34:26
`T'[.m'(v' rv<a] ~yrIb'D>h; laer"f.yI yhel{a/ hw"hy> rm:a'-hKo)
yyy ~dq-!m !plwa [btml !wkty rdvd hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm twlw 34:26
`at[mv yd aymgtp larvyd ahla yyy rma !ndk hyl !wrmyt !ndk
34:26 "But to the king of Judah who sent you to inquire of the LORD, thus you will say to him, 'Thus says the LORD
God of Israel regarding the words which you have heard,

hZ<h; ~AqM'h;-l[; wyr"b'D>-ta, ^[]m.v'B. ~yhil{a/ ynEp.Limi [n:K'Tiw: ^' .-%r: ![;y: 34:27
yTi[.m;v' ynIa]-~g:w> yn"+p'l. &.b.Tew: ^yd<g"B.-ta, [r:q.Tiw: yn:p'l. [n:K'Tiw: wyb'v.yO-l[;w>
at[mv dk yyyd armym ~dq-!m at[nktaw $bbl ysmtad llgb-!m 34:27
ty at[zbw yymdq-!m at[nktaw yhwbty l[w !ydh arta l[ ywmgtp ty
`yyy rma [ymv yymdq @waw yymdq atykbw $vwbl
34:27 "Because your heart was tender and you humbled yourself before God when you heard His words against this
place and against its inhabitants, and because you humbled yourself before Me, tore your clothes and wept before Me, I
truly have heard you," declares the LORD.

^yn<y[e hn"ya,r>ti-al{w> ~Alv'B. ^yt,rob.qi-la, T'p.s;a/n<w> ^yt,boa]-la, ^p.siao) ynIn>hi 34:28

%l,M,h;-ta, WbyviY"w: wyb'_v.yO-l[;w> hZ<h; ~AqM'h;-l[; aybim e ynIa] rv,a] h['r"h'( lkoB.
p `rb")D"
alw ~lvb $trwbq tybl vnkttw $thba twl $ty vnkm ana ah 34:28
yhwbty l[w !ydh arta l[ ytyym ana yd atvyb lkb $ny[ !yymxtt
`amgtp aklm ty wbytaw
34:28 "Behold, I will gather you to your fathers and you shall be gathered to your grave in peace, so your eyes will not
see all the evil which I will bring on this place and on its inhabitants."'" And they brought back word to the king.

`~il'(v'WrywI hd"Why> ynEq.zI-lK'-ta, @soa/Y<w: %l,M,_h; xl;v.YIw:

`~lvwryw hdwhy ybs lk ty vnkw aklm rdvw


34:29 Then the king sent and gathered all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem.

~YIwIl.h;w> ~ynIh]Ko)h;w> ~il;v'Wry> ybev.yOw> hd"Why> vyai-lk'w> hw"hy>-tyBe %l,M,h; l[;Y:w:


ac'm.NIh; tyrIB.h; rp,se yrEb.DI-lK'-ta, ~h,ynEz>a'b. ar"q.YIw: !j"+q'-d[;w> lAdG"mi ~['h'-lk'w>

`hw")hy> tyBe
aynhkw ~lvwry ybtyw hdwhy vna lkw yyyd avdqm-tybl aklm qylsw 34:30
arps ymgtp lk ty !whymwq arqw ary[z d[w abr !ml am[ lkw yawylw
`yyyd avdqm-tybb xktvad amyyqd
34:30 The king went up to the house of the LORD and all the men of Judah, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the priests, the
Levites and all the people, from the greatest to the least; and he read in their hearing all the words of the book of the
covenant which was found in the house of the LORD.

yrEx]a; tk,ll, ' hw"hy> tyrIB.h;-ta,( trok.YIw: Adm.['-l[; %l,Mh, ; dmo[]Y:w: 34:31
tAf[]l; Av+p.n:-lk'b.W Abb'l.-lk'B. wyQ'xuw> wyt'wOd>[e(w> wyt'wOc.mi-ta, rAmv.liw> hw"hy>
`hZ<)h; rp,Seh;-l[; ~ybiWtK.h; tyrIB.h; yrEb.DI-ta,
atlxd rtb $hml yyy ~dq amyyq ty rzgw hynwwjsa l[ aklm ~qw 34:31
hyvpn lkbw hybbl lkb ywmyyqw hytwwdyhsw ywdwqp ty rjmlw yyyd
`!ydh arps l[ !ybytkd amyyq ymgtp ty db[ml
34:31 Then the king stood in his place and made a covenant before the LORD to walk after the LORD, and to keep His
commandments and His testimonies and His statutes with all his heart and with all his soul, to perform the words of the
covenant written in this book.

tyrIb.Ki ~il;v'Wry> ybev.yO Wf[]Y:w:) !mI+y"n>biW ~il;v'Wrybi ac'm.NIh;-lK' tae dme[]Y:w: 34:32
`~h,(yteAba] yhel{a/ ~yhil{a/
amyyqb ~lvwry ybty wdb[w !mynbw ~lvwryb xktvmd lk ty ~yqaw 34:32
`!whthbad ahla yyyd
34:32 Moreover, he made all who were present in Jerusalem and Benjamin to stand with him. So the inhabitants of
Jerusalem did according to the covenant of God, the God of their fathers.

dbe[]Y:w:) laer"f.yI rv<a] tAcr"a]h'-lK'mi( tAb[eATh;-lK'-ta, WhY"viayO* rs;Y"w: 34:33

yrEx]a;me( Wrs' al{ wym'y"-lK' ~h,_yhel{a/ hw"hy>-ta, dAb[]l; laer"f.yIB. ac'm.NIh;-lK' tae
p `~h,(yteAba] yhel{a/ hw"hy>
ty dyb[vw larvy ynbl yd at[ra lkm atb[wt lk ty hyvay rj[w 34:33
rtbm wd[ al ywmwy lk !whhla yyy ty xlpml ~lvwryb xktvmd lk
`!whthbad ahla yyyd anxlwp
34:33 Josiah removed all the abominations from all the lands belonging to the sons of Israel, and made all who were
present in Israel to serve the LORD their God. Throughout his lifetime they did not turn from following the LORD God of
their fathers.

vd<xol; rf"[' h['B'r>a;B. xs;P,h; Wjx]v.YIw: hw"+hyl; xs;P, ~ilv; 'Wrybi( WhY"viayO f[;Y:w: 35:1
axryl rsybrab axsp wsyknw yyy ~dq axsp ~lvwryb whyvay db[w 35:1
35:1 Then Josiah celebrated the Passover to the LORD in Jerusalem, and they slaughtered the Passover animals on the
fourteenth day of the first month.

`hw")hy> tyBe td:Ab[]l; ~qeZ>x;y>w:) ~t'_Arm.v.mi-l[; ~ynIh]Koh; dme[]Y:w:

`yyyd avdqm-tybd anxlwpl !wnpyqtw !whtrjm l[ aynhk ~yqaw


35:2 He set the priests in their offices and encouraged them in the service of the house of the LORD.

WnT. hw"hyl; ~yviAdQ.h; laer"f.yI-lk'l. ~ynIybiM.h; ~ynIWbM.h; ~YIwIl.l; rm,aYOw: 35:3

aF'm; ~k,l'-!yae laer"f.yI %l,m, dywID"-!b, hmol{v. hn"B' rv,a] tyIB;B; vd<Qho ;-!Ara]-ta,
`lae(r"f.yI AM[; taew> ~k,yhel{)a/ hw"hy>-ta, Wdb.[i hT'[; @tE+K'B;

yyyd amvl wvdqtad larvy tyb lkl am[ ty !yplmd yawyll rmaw 35:3
tyl larvyd aklm dwd rb hmlv anb yd atybb avdwqd anwra ty wbh
`larvy tyb hym[ tyw !wkhla yyy ty wxlp !wdk @tkb ljml atwvr !wkl
35:3 He also said to the Levites who taught all Israel and who were holy to the LORD, "Put the holy ark in the house
which Solomon the son of David king of Israel built; it will be a burden on your shoulders no longer. Now serve the
LORD your God and His people Israel.

laer"f.yI %l,m, dywID" bt'k.Bi ~k,_yteAql.x.m;K. ~k,yteAba]-tybel. Wnykih'w> WnAKhiw> 35:4

`An*b. hmol{v. bT;k.mib.W
amk yhw hvm dyqpd amk yh !wktwglpk yh !wkthba tybl wnyqtaw 35:4
`hyrb hmlvd abtkk yhw larvyd aklm dwd btk yd
35:4 "Prepare yourselves by your fathers' households in your divisions, according to the writing of David king of Israel
and according to the writing of his son Solomon.

ba'-tyBe( tQ:lux]w: ~['_h' ynEB. ~k,yxea]l; tAba'h'( tyBe vd<Qob; Wdm.[iw> 35:5
tyb tgwlpw am[ ynb !wkwxal athba tyb tgwlpl avdqm-tybb wmwqw 35:5
`yawyll aba
35:5 "Moreover, stand in the holy place according to the sections of the fathers' households of your brethren the lay
people, and according to the Levites, by division of a father's household.

p `hv,(mo-dy:B. hw"hy>-rb;d>Ki tAf[]l; ~k,yxea]l; Wnykih'w> WvD>q;t.hiw> xs;P'_h; Wjx]v;w> 35:6

yyy lylmd amk yh db[ml !wkwxal wnyqtaw wvdqtaw axsp wswkw 35:6
`hvmd adyb
35:6 "Now slaughter the Passover animals, sanctify yourselves and prepare for your brethren to do according to the word
of the LORD by Moses."

~yxis'P.l; lKoh; ~yZI[i-ynE)b.W ~yfib'K. !aco ~['h' WhY"viayO ~r,Y"w: 35:7
s `%l,M,(h; vWkr>me hL,ae ~ypi_l'a] tv,l{v. rq"b'W @l,a, ~yvil{v. rP; ac'm.NIh;-lk'l.
lkl ayaxspl alwk ayz[ ynbw ayrma !a[ am[ ynbl hyvay vrpaw 35:7
ayvdwq tsknl !ypla atlt yrwtw !ypla !ytlt anyynml xktvmd !m
`aklmd anyynqm !yla agxd
35:7 Josiah contributed to the lay people, to all who were present, flocks of lambs and young goats, all for the Passover
offerings, numbering 30,000 plus 3,000 bulls; these were from the king's possessions.

ydEygIn> laeyxiywI) Why"r>k;z>W hY"qil.xi WmyrI+he ~YIwIl.l;w> ~ynIh]Kol; ~['l' hb'd"n>li wyr"f'w> 35:8
`tAa)me vl{v. rq"b'W tAame vvew> ~yIPl; .a; ~yxis'P.l; Wnt.n" ~ynIh]Kol; ~yhil{a/h' tyBe
hyqlx wvyrpa yawyllw aynhkl am[l atbdn atbsnl ywnbrbrw 35:8
!ypla !yrt ayxspl wbhy aynhkl yyyd avdqm-tyb ykrs layxyw hyrkzw
`ham tlt yrwtw ham tyvw
35:8 His officers also contributed a freewill offering to the people, the priests and the Levites. Hilkiah and Zechariah and
Jehiel, the officials of the house of God, gave to the priests for the Passover offerings 2,600 from the flocks and 300 bulls.

yrEf' db'z"Ayw> laey[iywI Why"b.v;x]w: wyx'a, laen>t;n>W Why"[.m;(v.W Why"n>n:k")w> Why"n>n:wk'w> 35:9
`tAa)me vmex] rq"b'W ~ypil'a] tv,mex] ~yxis'P.l; ~YIwIl.l; WmyrIhe ~YI+wIl.h;
yawyl ybrbr dbzwyw lay[yw hybvxw yhwxa lantnw hy[mvw hynnwkw 35:9
`ham vmx !yrwtw !ypla avmx !a[ ayxspl yawyll wvyrpa
35:9 Conaniah also, and Shemaiah and Nethanel, his brothers, and Hashabiah and Jeiel and Jozabad, the officers of the
Levites, contributed to the Levites for the Passover offerings 5,000 from the flocks and 500 bulls.

tw:c.miK. ~t'Aql.x.m;-l[; ~YIwIl.h;w> ~d"m.['-l[; ~ynIh]Koh; Wdm.[;Y:)w: hd"_Ab[]h' !AKTiw: 35:10

yh !whtwwgwlp l[ yawylw !whnkwd l[ aynhk wmqw atdyb[ tnqtaw 35:10
`aklmd atdyqptk
35:10 So the service was prepared, and the priests stood at their stations and the Levites by their divisions according to
the king's command.

`~yji(yvip.m; ~YIwIl.h;w> ~d"Y"mi ~ynIh]Koh; Wqr>z>YIw: xs;P'_h; Wjx]v.YIw:)

`!yxlvm yawylw !whydym amda ty aynhk wqyrdw axsp wsyknw


35:11 They slaughtered the Passover animals, and while the priests sprinkled the blood received from their hand, the
Levites skinned them.

hw"hyl; byrIq.h;l. ~['h' tAba'-tybel. tAGl; ~T'til. hl'[oh' WrysiY"w: 35:12
`rq")B'l; !kEw> hv,_mo rp,seB. bWtK'K;
yyy ~dq abrql am[ ynbl !whthba tybl !whtwbhwmb atl[ wayd[aw 35:12
`arpcl !ydkhw hvmd arpsb bytkd amk yh
35:12 Then they removed the burnt offerings that they might give them to the sections of the fathers' households of the
lay people to present to the LORD, as it is written in the book of Moses. They did this also with the bulls.

tAxl'Ceb;W ~ydIw"D>b;W tArySiB; WlV.Bi ~yvid"Qh;w> jP'_v.MiK; vaeB' xs;Ph, ; WlV.b;y>w:) 35:13
`~['(h' ynEB.-lk'l. WcyrIY"w:
ayrdqb wlyvb ayvdwq tskn tyw yzxdk arwnb axsp ty wwjw 35:13
`am[ ynb lkl wjyvwaw ayswlymbw aymwlymbw aydwdbw
35:13 So they roasted the Passover animals on the fire according to the ordinance, and they boiled the holy things in pots,
in kettles, in pans, and carried them speedily to all the lay people.

hl'A[h' tAl[]h;(B. !roh]a; ynEB. ~ynIh]Koh; yKi ~ynIh]Kol;w> ~h,l' Wnykihe rx;a;w> 35:14
`!ro*h]a; ynEB. ~ynIh]Kol;w> ~h,l' Wnykihe ~YIwIl.h;w> hl'y>l"+-d[; ~ybil'x]h;w>
!yqs[tm !rha ynb aynhk ~wra aynhklw !whl wnyqta !ydk rtb-!mw 35:14
`!rha ynb aynhklw !whl wnyqta yawylw aylyl d[ aybyrtw atl[ twqsab
35:14 Afterwards they prepared for themselves and for the priests, because the priests, the sons of Aaron, were offering
the burnt offerings and the fat until night; therefore the Levites prepared for themselves and for the priests, the sons of

hzEAx !WtdUywI) !m"yhew> @s'a'w> dywID" tw:c.miK. ~d"m[' m] ;-l[; @s'a'-ynEB. ~yrIr]vo*m.h;w> 35:15
~YIwIl.h; ~h,yxea]-yKi( ~t'd"bo)[] l[;me rWsl' ~h,l' !yae r[;v'_w" r[;v;l. ~yrI[]Voh;w> %l,M,h;
`~h,(l' Wnykihe
@saw dwdd atdyqptk yh !whtmqwm rta l[ @sa ynb ayxbvmw 35:15
lkm yd[ml !whl tyl [rtw [rtl ay[rtw aklmd aybn !wtwdyw !myhw
`!whl wnyqta yawyl !whwxa ~wra !whnxlwp
35:15 The singers, the sons of Asaph, were also at their stations according to the command of David, Asaph, Heman, and
Jeduthun the king's seer; and the gatekeepers at each gate did not have to depart from their service, because the Levites
their brethren prepared for them.

l[; tAl[o tAl[]h;w> xs;P,h; tAf[]l; aWhh; ~AYB; hw"hy> td:Ab[]-lK' !AKTiw: 35:16
`WhY")viayO %l,M,h; tw:c.miK. hw"+hy> xB;z>mi
twqsaw axsp db[ml awhh amwyb yyyd anxlwp tdyb[ lk tnqtaw 35:16
`whyvay aklm atdyqptk yh yyyd axbdm l[ atl[
35:16 So all the service of the LORD was prepared on that day to celebrate the Passover, and to offer burnt offerings on
the altar of the LORD according to the command of King Josiah.

t[; tACM;h; gx;-ta,w> ayhi_h; t[eB' xs;P,h;-ta, ~yaic.m.NIh:) laer"f.yI-ynE)b. Wf[]Y:w:



ayhh and[b axsp ty yyy ~dq !ynmyhm wxktvad larvy ynb wdb[w 35:17
`!ymwy a[bv ayryjpd agx tyw avmrb
35:17 Thus the sons of Israel who were present celebrated the Passover at that time, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread
seven days.

laer"f.yI ykel.m;-lk'w> aybi_N"h; laeWmv. ymeymi laer"f.yIB. WhmoK' xs;p, hf'[]n:-al{)w> 35:18
laer"f.yIw> hd"Why>-lk'w> ~YIwIl.h;w> ~ynIh]Koh;w> WhY"viayO* hf'['-rv,a] xs;P,K; Wf['-al{)
s `~il'(v'Wry> ybev.Ayw> ac'm.NIh;
lkw aybn lawmv ymwy !m larvyb hytmkd axsp dyb[ta alw 35:18
yawylw aynhkw whyvay db[ yd axspk yh wdb[ al larvy tybd ayklm
`~lvwry ybtyw atwnmyhb wxktvad larvy tybw hdwhy vna lkw
35:18 There had not been celebrated a Passover like it in Israel since the days of Samuel the prophet; nor had any of the
kings of Israel celebrated such a Passover as Josiah did with the priests, the Levites, all Judah and Israel who were present,
and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

`hZ<)h; xs;P,h; hf'[]n: WhY"+viayO tWkl.m;l. hn"v' hrEf.[, hn<Amv.Bi

`!ydh axsp dyb[ta whyvayd atwklml !ynv yrsynmtb


35:19 In the eighteenth year of Josiah's reign this Passover was celebrated.

~yIr:c.mi-%l,m,( Akn> hl'[' tyIB;h;-ta, WhY"viayO* !ykihe rv,a] tazO-lk' yrEx]a; 35:20
`WhY")viayO Atar" aceYEw: tr"_P.-l[; vymiK.r>k;B. ~xeL'hil.
h[rp qyls yyyd avdqm-tyb ty whyvay !yqta yd and lk rtb 35:20
hytwmdql qpnw trp l[d vymkrkb abrq axgal ~yrcmd aklm arygx
35:20 After all this, when Josiah had set the temple in order, Neco king of Egypt came up to make war at Carchemish on
the Euphrates, and Josiah went out to engage him.

hT'a; ^yl,['-al{ hd"Why> %l,m, %l'w" yLi-hm; rmoale ~ykia'l.m; wyl'ae xl;v.YIw: 35:21
~yhil{a/me ^l.-ld:x] ynIlE+h]b;(l. rm:a' ~yhil{awE yTim.x;l.mi tyBe-la, yKi ~AYh;
`^t<)yxiv.y:-la;w> yMi[i-rv,a]
hdwhy tybd ajbv $ylm $m[ yl tya am rmyml !ydgz[ hytwl rdvw 35:21
ym[ !yd amwy hrgtm tna ~wra abrq axgal tyqyls twqyls $l[ al
!mw ynm $l qwsp !wdk ytwbhrsl rma ytww[jw ylyd abrq tybl !hla
`$ty lbxt alw ym[d ytww[j
35:21 But Neco sent messengers to him, saying, "What have we to do with each other, O King of Judah? I am not
coming against you today but against the house with which I am at war, and God has ordered me to hurry. Stop for your
own sake from interfering with God who is with me, so that He will not destroy you."

yrEb.DI-la, [m;v' al{w> fPex;t.hi AB-~xe(L'hil. yKi WNM,mi wyn"p' WhY"viayO bsehe-al{)w> 35:22
`AD*gIm. t[;q.biB. ~xeL'hil. aboY"w: ~yhi_l{a/ yPimi Akn>
rzxa alw arwxal rxtsa al hytw[j ty rkdad hm ty [mv dkw 35:22
abrq ynyzb sqjaw yntva hyb abrq axgal ~wra hynm yhwpa ty hyvay
abrq axgal ataw hytw[j qsy[-l[ lylmd arygx ymgtpl lybq alw
`wdgm rvymb
35:22 However, Josiah would not turn away from him, but disguised himself in order to make war with him; nor did he
listen to the words of Neco from the mouth of God, but came to make war on the plain of Megiddo.

ytiylexh' yKi ynIWrybi[]h; wyd"b'[]l; %l,M,h; rm,aYOw: WhY"+viayO %l,M,l; ~yrIYOh; WrYOw:



abrq axgal lzaw yyy ~dq-!m !plwa hyvay [bt ald llgb-!mw 35:23
aklml !yrryg aytwwvq wdvw wqrpw aml[ yrm hynm [rpta wdgm rvymb
`adxl yty[rm ~wra yty wrb[a ywdb[l aklm rmaw whyvay
35:23 The archers shot King Josiah, and the king said to his servants, "Take me away, for I am badly wounded."

Al-rv,a] hn<v.Mih; bk,r< l[; WhbuyKir>Y:w:) hb'K'r>M,h;-!mi wyd"b'[] WhrUybi[]Y:)w: 35:24

~yliB.a;t.mi( ~il;v'WrywI hd"Why>-lk'w> wyt'_boa] tArb.qiB. rbEQ'YIw: tm'Y"w: ~il;v'Wry> WhkuyliAYw:
p `WhY")viayO-l[;
hyl yd atyynt akytr l[ yhwbkraw akytr !m ywdb[ hyty wrb[aw 35:24
hdwhy vna lkw ywthba yrbqb rbqtaw !mt tymw ~lvwryl yhwlbaw
`whyvay l[ !ylbatm ~lvwryw
35:24 So his servants took him out of the chariot and carried him in the second chariot which he had, and brought him to
Jerusalem where he died and was buried in the tombs of his fathers. All Judah and Jerusalem mourned for Josiah.

~h,yteAnyqiB. tArV'h;w> ~yrIV'h;-lk'( Wrm.aYOw: WhY"viayO-l[; Why"m.r>yI !nEAqy>w: 35:25

`tAn*yQih;-l[; ~ybiWtK. ~N"hiw> lae_r"f.yI-l[; qxol. ~WnT.YIw: ~AYh;-d[; WhY"viayO-l[;
aybrbr lk hym[ !yrmaw atbr aylya whyvay l[ whymry alaw 35:25
!wnbhyw !ydh amwy d[ whyvay l[ !whyylyab !ybytm !wwhw atynwrjmw
!ybytk !wnahw !whyylyab whyvay l[ !ydps !whyd larvy l[ hwv aryzgl
`atyylya l[ whymry ~wp !m $wrb btkd arpsb
35:25 Then Jeremiah chanted a lament for Josiah. And all the male and female singers speak about Josiah in their
lamentations to this day. And they made them an ordinance in Israel; behold, they are also written in the Lamentations.

`hw")hy> tr:AtB. bWtK'K; wyd"_s'x]w: WhY"viayO yrEb.DI rt,y<w>

`yyyd atyrwab bytkd amk yh db[d yhwdsx lkw whyvay ymgtp ravw


35:26 Now the rest of the acts of Josiah and his deeds of devotion as written in the law of the LORD,

`hd"(WhywI laer"f.yI-yke(l.m; rp,se-l[; ~ybiWtK. ~N"hi ~ynI+rox]a;h'w> ~ynIvoarIh' wyr"b'd>W 35:27

hytwmylw[b db[d am yartbw hytwqnyb db[d am !yamdq yhwmgtpw 35:27
tnv d[ ylj hwhd !ynv aynmt rb $lmd amwy !m !add aynyd lkw
byta !whlwk yyyd avdqwm-tyb ty apqtl yrv dk ~ylw[ hwhd yrsynmt
atwbaws lk !m hdwhyw larvy tyb ty ykd $yhw hynwmm !m anyd yraml
`hdwhy tybdw larvy tybd ayklm rps l[ !ybytk !wnah
35:27 and his acts, first to last, behold, they are written in the Book of the Kings of Israel and Judah.

`~il'(v'WryBi wybia'-tx;t;( Whkuylim.Y:w: WhY"+viayO-!B, zx'a'Ahy>-ta, #r<a'h'-~[; Wxq.YIw: 36:1

yhwba twxt hyty wkylmaw hyvay rb zxawhy ty a[rad am[ wbysnw 36:1
36:1 Then the people of the land took Joahaz the son of Josiah, and made him king in place of his father in Jerusalem.

`~il'(v'WryBi %l:m' ~yvid"x hv'l{v.W Ak+l.m'B. zx'a'Ay hn"v' ~yrIf.[,w> vAlv'-!B,

`~lvwryb $lm !yxry atltw $lm dk zxawy !ynv tltw !yrv[ rb


36:2 Joahaz was twenty-three years old when he became king, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem.

rK:kiw> @s,K,-rK;ki ha'me #r<a'h'-ta, vnO[Y] :w:) ~il'_v'WryBi( ~yIr:c.mi-%l,m,( WhrEysiy>w:



a[ra ybty !m abgw ~lvwryb $lmmlm ~yrcmd aklm hyty yd[aw 36:3
`bhdd rnyjnqw amysd !yrnyjnq ham larvyd
36:3 Then the king of Egypt deposed him at Jerusalem, and imposed on the land a fine of one hundred talents of silver
and one talent of gold.

Amv.-ta, bSeY:w: ~il;v'WrywI hd"Why>-l[; wyxia' ~yqIy"l.a,-ta, ~yIrc: .mi-%l,m,( %lem.Y:w: 36:4
p `hm'y>r")c.mi Whaeybiy>w: Akn> xq:l' wyxia' zx'a'Ay-ta,w> ~yqI+y"Ahy>
ty rzxaw ~lvwryw hdwhy l[ yhwxa ~yqyla ty ~yrcmd aklm $ylmaw 36:4
`~yrcml hyty ytyyaw arygx rbd yhwxa zxawy tyw ~yqywhy hymv
36:4 The king of Egypt made Eliakim his brother king over Judah and Jerusalem, and changed his name to Jehoiakim.
But Neco took Joahaz his brother and brought him to Egypt.

~il'_v'WryBi %l:m' hn"v' hrEf.[, tx;a;w> Akl.m'B. ~yqIy"Ahy> hn"v' vmex'w> ~yrIf.[,-!B, 36:5
`wyh'(l{a/ hw"hy> ynEy[eB. [r:h' f[;Y:w:
~lvwryb $lm !ynv yrsydxw $lm dk ~yqywhy !ynv vmxw !yrv[ rb 36:5
`hyhla yyy ~dq vybd db[w
36:5 Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem; and he did
evil in the sight of the LORD his God.

`hl'b,(B' Akylihol. ~yIT;v.xun>B:) WhrEs.a;Y:)w: lb,_B' %l,m, rC:an<d>k;Wbn> hl'[' wyl'[' 36:6
!wwlvwvb ayqnmwrykb hyrsaw lbbd aklm rcn-dkwbn qyls yhwl[ 36:6
`lbbl hyty albwal avxnd
36:6 Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up against him and bound him with bronze chains to take him to Babylon.

`lb,(b'B. Alk'yheB. ~nET.YIw: lb,_b'l. rC:an<d>k;Wbn> aybihe hw"hy> tyBe yleK.miW 36:7
hyryjlpb !wnbhyw lbbl rcn-dkwbn ytyya yyyd avdqm-tyb ynam !mw 36:7
36:7 Nebuchadnezzar also brought some of the articles of the house of the LORD to Babylon and put them in his temple
at Babylon.

~ybiWtK. ~N"hi wyl'[' ac'm.NIh;w> hf'['-rv,a] wyt'bo[]to)w> ~yqiy"Ah*y> yrEb.DI rt,y<w> 36:8
p `wyT'(x.T; AnB. !ykiy"Ahy> %l{m.YIw: hd"_WhywI) laer"f.yI ykel.m; rp,se-l[;
yhwl[ xktvad anxrwsw db[d amw hyqwxyrw ~yqywhy ymgtp ravw 36:8
!ykywhy $ylmw hdwhy tybdw larvy tybd ayklm rps l[ !ybytk !wnah
`yhwtwxt hyrb
36:8 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoiakim and the abominations which he did, and what was found against him, behold,
they are written in the Book of the Kings of Israel and Judah. And Jehoiachin his son became king in his place.

%l:m' ~ymiy" tr<f,[]w: ~yvid"x hv'l{v.W Akl.m'B. !ykiy"Ahy> ~ynIv' hn<Amv.-!B, 36:9
`hw")hy> ynEy[eB. [r:h' f[;Y:w: ~il'_v'WryBi
$lm !ymwy ytrv[w !yxry atltw $lm dk !ykywhy !ynv ynmt rb 36:9
`yyy ~dq vybd db[w ~lvwryb
36:9 Jehoiachin was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem, and
he did evil in the sight of the LORD.

tD:m.x, yleK.-~[i hl'b,b' Whaebiy>w: rC;an<d>k;Wb)n> %l,M,h; xl;v' hn"V'h; tb;Wvt.liw> 36:10
p `~il'(v'WrywI) hd"Why>-l[; wyxia' WhY"qid>ci-ta, %lem.Y:w: hw"+hy>-tyBe
tggwr lk ~[ lbbl hytyyaw rcn-dkwbn aklm rdv atvd apwslw 36:10
`~lvwryw hdwhy tybd l[ yhwxa hyqdc ty $ylmaw yyyd avdqm-tyb
36:10 At the turn of the year King Nebuchadnezzar sent and brought him to Babylon with the valuable articles of the

house of the LORD, and he made his kinsman Zedekiah king over Judah and Jerusalem.

`~il'(v'WryBi %l:m' hn"v' hrEf.[, tx;a;w> Ak=l.m'b. WhY"qid>ci hn"v' tx;a;w> ~yrIf.[,-!B,
`~lvwryb $lm !ynv yrsydxw $lm dk hyqdc atv adxw !yrv[ rb


36:11 Zedekiah was twenty-one years old when he became king, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem.

`hw")hy> yPimi aybiN"h; Why"m.r>yI ynEp.Limi [n:k.nI al{ wyh'_l{a/ hw"hy> ynEy[eB. [r:h' f[;Y:w: 36:12
ybntad aybn whymry ~dq-!m [nkta alw hyhla yyy ~dq vybd db[w 36:12
`yyyd armym ~dq-!m hyl
36:12 He did evil in the sight of the LORD his God; he did not humble himself before Jeremiah the prophet who spoke
for the LORD.

APr>['-ta, vq,Y<w: ~yhi_l{aBe( A[yBiv.hi rv<a] dr"m' rC;an<d>k;Wb)n> %l,M,B; ~g:w> 36:13
`lae(r"f.yI yhel{a/ hw"hy>-la, bWVmi Abb'l.-ta, #Mea;y>w:
ty yvqaw yyyd armymb hyty ymwa yd drm rcn-dkwbn aklmb @waw 36:13
ahla yyyd atlxdl bwtml ald llgb-!m hybld arcy ty @yqtw hyldq
36:13 He also rebelled against King Nebuchadnezzar who had made him swear allegiance by God. But he stiffened his
neck and hardened his heart against turning to the LORD God of Israel.

tAb[]To lkoK. l[;m;-l[' -lA[ WBr>hi ~['h'w> ~ynIh]Koh; yrEf'-lK' ~G: 36:14
`~il'(v'WryBi vyDIq.hi rv<a] hw"hy> tyBe-ta, WaM.j;y>w:) ~yI+AGh;
tb[wt lkk yh rqv arqvl w[ygsa am[w aynhk ybrbr lk dwhlw 36:14
`~lvwryb vydqad yyyd avdqm-tyb ty wbyasw aymm[ qwxyr
36:14 Furthermore, all the officials of the priests and the people were very unfaithful following all the abominations of
the nations; and they defiled the house of the LORD which He had sanctified in Jerusalem.

lm;x'-yKi( x;Al+v'w> ~Kev.h; wyk'a'l.m; dy:B. ~h,yle[] ~h,yteAba] yhel{a/ hw"hy> xl;v.YIw: 36:15
`An*A[m.-l[;w> AM[;-l[;
~ydqa yhwdgz[ dyb !wbwty yd !whyl[ !whthbad ahla yyy rdvw 36:15
`hyvdwq tnykv-tyb rwdm l[w hym[ l[ syaxd lwjm axlvw
36:15 The LORD, the God of their fathers, sent word to them again and again by His messengers, because He had
compassion on His people and on His dwelling place;

d[; wya'_bin>Bi ~y[iT.[.T;mi(W wyr"b'D> ~yzIAbW ~yhil{a/h' ykea]l.m;B. ~ybi[il.m; Wyh.YI)w: 36:16
`aPe(r>m; !yael.-d[; AM[;B. hw"hy>-tm;x] tAl[]
d[ yhwybnb !yb[ltmw yhwmgtpb !yrsbmw yyyd aydgz[b !ykxgm wwhw 36:16
`wsa tyld d[ hym[b yyyd azgwr tqylsd
36:16 but they continually mocked the messengers of God, despised His words and scoffed at His prophets, until the
wrath of the LORD arose against His people, until there was no remedy.

tybeB. br<x,B; ~h,yrEWxB; groh]Y:w: ~yDIf.K; ~yYIDIf.K; %l,m,-ta, ~h,yle[] l[;Y:w: 36:17
`Ad*y"B. !t:n" lKoh; vve_y"w> !qEz" hl'Wtb.W rWxB'-l[; lm;x' al{w> ~v'D"q.mi
abrxb !whymylw[ ty ljqw yadvkd aklm ty !whyl[ qysaw 36:17
rsm alwk anwkraw absw atlwtbw ~ylw[ l[ sax alw !whyvdqwm-tybb
36:17 Therefore He brought up against them the king of the Chaldeans who slew their young men with the sword in the
house of their sanctuary, and had no compassion on young man or virgin, old man or infirm; He gave them all into his

tArc.aow> hw"hy> tyBe> ~yNIj;Q.h;w> ~ylidoG>h; ~yhil{a/h' tyBe yleK. lkow>


`lb,(b' aybihe lKoh; wyr"_f'w> %l,M,h;

yrbstw ayry[zw aybrbr hydyb rsm yyyd avdqm-tyb ynam lkw 36:18
`lbbl ytyya alwk yhwnbrbrw aklm tyb yrbstw yyyd avdqm-tyb
36:18 All the articles of the house of God, great and small, and the treasures of the house of the LORD, and the treasures
of the king and of his officers, he brought them all to Babylon.

h'yt,Anm.r>a;-lk'w> ~il'_v'Wry> tm;Ax tae WcT.n:y>w:) ~yhil{a/h' tyBe-ta, Wpr>f.YIw:) 36:19

s `tyxi(v.h;l. h'yD<m;x]m; yleK.-lk'w> vaeb' Wpr>f'
ahryjlp lkw ~lvwryd arwv ty w[rtw yyyd avdqm-tyb ty wdyqwaw 36:19
`albxl ahgwgr ynam lkw arwnb wdyqwa
36:19 Then they burned the house of God and broke down the wall of Jerusalem, and burned all its fortified buildings
with fire and destroyed all its valuable articles.

%l{m.-d[; ~ydIb'[]l; wyn"b'l.W Al-Wyh.YIw:) lb,_B'-la, br<x,h;-!mi tyrIaeV.h; lg<Yw< : 36:20

`sr"(P' tWkl.m;
yhwnblw hyl wwhw lbbl abrxb !yljq !m tryytvad arav ylgaw 36:20
`srpd atwklm $ylmd !mz-d[ !ydb[l
36:20 Those who had escaped from the sword he carried away to Babylon; and they were servants to him and to his sons
until the rule of the kingdom of Persia,

ymey>-lK' h'yt,_AtB.v;-ta, #r<a'h' ht'c.r"-d[; Why"m.r>yI ypiB. hw"hy>-rb;D> twaL{m;l. 36:21

p `hn")v' ~y[ twaL{m;l. ht'b'v' hM'V;h'
tay[rtad !mz-d[ whymry ~wpm yyy ~dq-!m hawbn ~gtp amlval 36:21
!y[bwv amlval tjmv larvyd a[ra taydcd !ymwy lk ahtjmv a[ra
36:21 to fulfill the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed its sabbaths. All the days of
its desolation it kept sabbath until seventy years were complete.

ry[ihe Why"+m.r>yI ypiB. hw"hy>-rb;D> sr:P' %l,m, vr<Akl. tx;a; tn:v.biW 36:22
s `rmo*ale bT'k.miB.-~g:w> AtWkl.m;-lk'B. lAq-rb,[]Y:)w: sr:P'-%l,m,( vr<AK x:Wr-ta, hw"hy>
amwpm yyyd hawbn ~gtp ~ylv dk srpd aklm vrkl adx atvbw 36:22
lkb azwrk rb[aw srpd aklm vrkb yyyd atrwbg xwr bhyta whymryd
`rmyml rdv atrgab @waw hytwklm
36:22 Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia-- in order to fulfill the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah-the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he sent a proclamation throughout his kingdom, and also
put it in writing, saying,

yhel{a/ hw"hy> yli !t;n" #r<a'h' tAkl.m.m;-lK' sr:P' %l,m, vr<AK rm;a'-hKo 36:23
~k,b'-ymi( hd"_WhyBi( rv<a] ~il;v'WryBi tyIb; Al-tAn* yl;[' dq:p'-aWh)w> ~yIm;V'h;
`l[;y")w> AM[i wyh'l{a/ hw"hy> AM[;-lK'mi
36:23 "Thus says Cyrus king of Persia, 'The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and
He has appointed me to build Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever there is among you of all His people,
may the LORD his God be with him, and let him go up!'"

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