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Anuban Weekly Outline

Sitapatr School
Teacher: Adam Class: EP2 Ladybird Week: 4 Dates: 09/06/14 13/06/14
This week we are learning:
Circle Time Review
We will focus on reiewin! "wo sub#ec"s "$is
Body parts:
'ead( mou"$( nose( eyes( ears( $air( nec%(
arms( elbow( $ands( fin!er( le!s( fee"( "oes(
"ummy( bac%( bum)
*unny( cloudy( windy( snowy( rainy
We will con"inue "o reiew days of "$e wee%
and wea"$er eery mornin! "$is wee%) We
will sin! "$e +,ays of "$e Wee%- son! and .
will as% "$e class) /W$a" day is "oday01( and
+'ow-s "$e wea"$er01 We will 2lay *imon
says and do a wor%s$ee" "o 2rac"ice "$e
body 2ar"s)
Activity Time
3$is wee% we will be moin! on "o a new "o2ic 4ccu2a"ions 56obs7) We will s"ar"
by in"roducin! "$e new ocabulary usin! flas$ cards and by drawin! 2ic"ures on
"$e w$i"eboard) 3$e s"uden"s will colour in 2ic"ures of "$e differen" occu2a"ions "o
2u" u2 on "$e board in "$e classroom and will 2rac"ice wri"in! ou" "$e names of "$e
occu2a"ions on a wor%s$ee") We will also be ma%in! bad!es for differen"
occu2a"ions 5nurse( fireman( 2oliceman( doc"or7 for "$e s"uden"s "o wear on "$eir
s$ir"s "o 2rac"ice "$e "ar!e" ocabulary) Li%e /. am a doc"or1( /*$e is a 2oliceman1
4ccu2a"ions& a doc"or( a 2oliceman( a fireman( a mailman( a nurse( a bus drier( a
2ilo"( a "eac$er( a wai"er( a barber( a $airdresser( a s"uden"( a coo%
. am a/an 8
*$e / 'e is a/an 8
8 is a/an 8
"ew #letters$sounds$vocabulary%
3$is wee% in 2$onics we will be moin! on "o "$e ne9" "$ree le""ers in our
wor%boo%) :!( '$ and .i) We will con"inue "o focus on "$e 2$one"ic sounds and
wri"in! forma"ion of all "$e le""ers we $ae coered so far)
3$is wee% we will s"ar" by reiewin!
"$e le""er sounds and "$en la"er in "$e
wee% we will be!in reiewin! basic
blendin! of le""er sounds s"ar"in! wi"$
"$e a" family of words)
&at 'amily: ba"( ca"( ma"( fa"( $a"( sa"(
Writing (ractice
.n our wor%boo%s "$is wee% we will be
2rac"icin! wri"in! "$e u22er and lower
case of "$e le""ers :( '( and .) We will
con"inue "o 2ay close a""en"ion "o all of
"$e s"uden"s- $andwri"in! and correc"
w$ere necessary)
)ight Words
3$is wee% we will con"inue loo%in! a" "$e si!$"
'e( s$e( you( li%e( is( i"( in( on( yes( no
(arent *ollow +p $ +se'ul Websites $ ,omework:
3al% "o your c$ild abou" all of "$e differen" occu2a"ions "$a" you can find in "$e ci"y) As% w$o you !o see w$en you are sic% or w$a" does a fireman do)
Also( c$ec% "$a" "$ey unders"and w$en "o use "$e 2ronouns +$e- and +s$e-)
'el2 your c$ild 2rac"ice "$e "ar!e" ocabulary by wa"c$in! "$eis ideo&
; 6obs 3al%in! flas$cards $""2&//www)you"ube)com/wa"c$0<"=03E>?!@f!

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